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Avaliação da expressão de receptores e ligantes Notch nas populações de linfócitos T em desenvolvimento, linfócitos T reguladores naturais e células dendríticas no timo humano / Evaluation of the expression of Notch receptors and ligands in developing lymphocytes, natural regulatory T cells and dendritic cells in human thymusLuciana Bento de Souza 10 September 2012 (has links)
O timo é o órgão linfóide primário responsável pela maturação dos linfócitos T onde se observam estruturas e células especializadas. A sinalização intra-tímica durante a maturação de linfócitos T não é bem esclarecida. Entre outras, a via de sinalização Notch, composta por receptores (Notch 1 a 4) e ligantes (DLL1, 3 e 4, Jagged 1 e 2), pode regular este processo. Neste trabalho temos como objetivo avaliar a expressão gênica e proteica de receptores e ligantes Notch nas diferentes fases de maturação de linfócitos T, linfócitos T reguladores naturais (nTreg) e células dendriticas tímicas (tDC). Para tanto, timos de 10 crianças submetidas à cirurgia cardíaca corretiva foram manipulados e as populações CD4-CD8-, CD4+CD8+, CD4+CD8-, CD4-CD8+, nTreg e tDC foram purificadas por citometria de fluxo. O RNA total foi isolado e os genes NOTCH1, 2 e 3, DLL1 e 4, JAG1 e 2, FOXP3 foram amplificados por RT-PCR. Alguns fragmentos de tecido foram avaliados por imunohistoquímica, quanto a expressão dos receptres Notch 1, 2, 3 e 4 e dos ligantes, DLL1 e 4, Jagged 1 e 2 em timócitos totais, células FOXP3+ e células S100+ em cada região tímica. Todos os genes de receptores e ligantes Notch foram expressos nas populações estudadas. Na população CD4-CD8- o gene NOTCH1 é mais expresso em comparação as outras populações de timócitos imaturos. Na população CD4+CD8+ o gene NOTCH2 é menos expresso, e o gene JAG2 mais expresso quando comparados à população CD4+CD8-. Os demais genes de receptores ligantes Notch são expressos de maneira similar entre as populações de timócitos. A avaliação relativa dos genes Notch nas populações de timócitos mostrou uma maior expressão do gene DLL1 na população CD4+CD8- e JAG1 na população CD4-CD8+ em comparação à CD4-CD8-. A expressão dos receptores e ligantes Notch no tecido mostrou ser homogênea entre as regiões. As nTreg expressam o gene do ligante JAG1 em maior nível entre os avaliados. A expressão gênica relativa das nTreg mostrou uma maior expressão de NOTCH1, NOTCH2, DLL4 e JAG1 e menor expressão de NOTCH3, DLL1 e JAG2 em relação as CD4-CD8-. Quando a relação utilizou a população CD4+CD8- observamos que as nTreg expressam mais os genes NOCTH1, NOCTH2, NOTCH3, DLL4 e JAG1, e em níveis similares DLL1 e JAG2. A avaliação histológica mostrou uma maior expressão de DLL4 em nTreg em comparação às demais proteínas avaliadas, e uma distribuição homogênea entre as regiões com exceção de Notch3 e Jagged2. As tDC mostraram uma maior expressão do gene JAG1 em comparação aos demais, e uma maior expressão da proteína DLL4. A expressão do receptor Notch2 em tDC difere entre as regiões tímicas. Em conjunto, nossos resultados mostraram que os receptores e ligantes Notch são expressos de forma gênica e proteica em todos os estágios de maturação de linfócitos T, nTreg e tDC do timo humano, com algumas variações quanto ao nível de expressão e distribuição no timo. Dados que se assemelham às avaliações murinas, porém com pontos a serem discutidos. Nossa inédita avaliação em nTreg propõem uma nova abordagem ao envolvimento da via Notch em sua maturação e a avaliação das tDCs sugere sua participação direta via Notch na maturação dos timócitos humanos / The thymus is a primary lymphoid organ responsible of maturing T lymphocytes, where specialized structures and cells are observed. The intrathymic signaling during lymphocytes maturation is unclear. Among them, Notch signaling pathway, which comprises in receptors (Notch1-4) and ligands (DLL1, 2 and 3, Jaaged1 and 2), may regulate this process. In this work our aim is to evaluate the expression of Notch receptors and ligands in different phases of T lymphocytes maturation, natural T regulatory cells (nTreg), and thymic dendritic cells (tDC). For this purpose, thymuses from 10 children who underwent corrective cardiac surgery were manipulated and populations CD4-CD8-, CD4+CD8+, CD4+CD8-, CD4- CD8+, nTreg and tDC were sorted by flow cytometry. Total RNA was purified and genes NOTCH1, 2 and 3, DLL1 and 4, JAG1 and 2, FOXP3 were amplified by RT-PCR. Some thymic fragments were evaluated by immunohistochemistry and screened for expression of Notch 1, 2, 3 and 4 receptors, DLL1 and 4, Jagged and e 2 ligands in total thymocytes, FOXP3+ cells and S100+ cells in each thymic region. All Notch receptors and ligands genes were expressed in studied populations. In CD4-CD8- subset NOTCH1 gene is more expressed in comparison to others immature thymocytes. In CD4+CD8+ subset NOTCH2 gene is less expressed, and JAG2 gene is more expressed when compared to CD4+CD8- population. The other receptors and ligands genes were expressed in a similar level among developing lymphocytes subsets. The relative Notch genes evaluation in developing lymphocytes populations showed a higher expression of DLL1 gene in CD4+CD8- population and JAG1 gene in CD4-CD8+ subset in comparison to CD4-CD8- thymocytes. The Notch receptors and ligands expression in thymic tissue showed to be homogeneous between thymic regions. The nTreg cells express JAG1 ligand gene in highest level among evaluated genes. The relative gene expression in nTreg presented higher expression of NOCTH1, NOTCH2, DLL4 and JAG1 genes, and low levels of NOTCH3, DLL1 and JAG2 related to CD4-CD8- subset. When relative gene expression were performed using CD4+CD8- subset, we observed that nTreg cells expressed more NOCTH1, NOCTH2, NOTCH3, DLL4 and JAG1, and in a similar level of expression DLL1 and JAG2 genes. The histological analysis showed that DLL4 was more expressed in nTreg cells in comparison to others proteins evaluated in this work, and a homogeneous distribution in thymic regions, in exception Notch3 and Jagged2. tDC cells presented higher expression of JAG1 gene among the others, and a higher expression of DLL4 protein. Notch2 expression in tDC was different between thymic regions. All together, our results showed that both genes and proteins of Notch receptors and ligands are expressed in distinct developmental stages of the maturation of T lymphocytes and nTreg cells and in the tDC cells in human thymus, with some variations in levels of expression and distribution in the thymus. These data are similar to the murine evaluations, but with some issues to be discussed. Our unpublished assessment in nTreg propose a new approach about the involvement of Notch pathway in its maturation and the evaluation of tDC suggests its direct participation of Notch signaling in the process of human thymocytes maturation
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Identification of the peripheral niche controlling CD4 homeostatic proliferation.Zaid, Intesar 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Actions of alpha-chimaerins in mechanisms relevant to dendritic spine formation and neurodegenerationMartynyuk, Nataly January 2019 (has links)
Rho GTPases and their regulators such as guanosine exchange factors (GEFs) and GTPase activating proteins (GAPs) represent an important class of molecules controlling dendritic spine plasticity. Although they are typically described as cytoskeletal modulators, roles for the GTPases in endocytosis and cell polarity establishment have also been defined. The neuronal proteins a1- and a2-chimaerins belong to a group of Rac and Cdc42 GAPs that inactivate these GTPases; in addition to a GAP domain, the a-chimaerins share a phosphokinase C (PKC)-like C1 domain but have distinct N-terminal domains (NTDs). My project has explored the importance of specific domains of a1-chimaerin both in induction of a morphological cellular protrusion collapse phenotype ('circularisation') and in interactions with partner proteins that may help to explain the phenotype. The results described in my thesis show that a1-chimaerin possesses a previously undescribed C-terminal domain (CTD) that is indispensable for the ability of the protein to induce collapse of protrusions, and consequent circularisation, in various cell types; moreover, an intact CTD is also important for association of a1-chimaerin with its known effector EphA4, and potentially with other undefined membrane proteins, in a C1-domain- dependent manner. In addition, my results show that a1-chimaerin associates via its NTD with the Src kinase Fyn, and via its C1 domain with the NR2A subunit of the NMDA receptor. Further experiments explored a1-chimaerin effects on EphA4 and NMDA receptor cell surface expression, as well as binding to other putative partners - including the adaptor protein p35 and the polarity protein PAR6. Finally, I have shown that inhibition of a pathway involving the Rho-associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase (ROCK) reverts circularisation induced by a1- chimaerin, and that a blocking peptide based on the CTD may be employed to partially counteract the phenotype. These results uncover a novel domain in a1-chimaerin that may have a crucial importance for the induction of cellular process collapse by a1-chimaerin with a potential relevance to the EphA4-induced dendritic spine retraction, EphA4 receptor endocytosis, and cell surface expression of NR2A-containing NMDA receptors. This suggests a model of a multi-protein signalling complex involving a1-chimaerin that coordinates cellular process remodelling, and that is likely to be important both for adult neuronal circuit plasticity and for neurodegenerative diseases.
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Avaliação da expressão de receptores e ligantes Notch nas populações de linfócitos T em desenvolvimento, linfócitos T reguladores naturais e células dendríticas no timo humano / Evaluation of the expression of Notch receptors and ligands in developing lymphocytes, natural regulatory T cells and dendritic cells in human thymusSouza, Luciana Bento de 10 September 2012 (has links)
O timo é o órgão linfóide primário responsável pela maturação dos linfócitos T onde se observam estruturas e células especializadas. A sinalização intra-tímica durante a maturação de linfócitos T não é bem esclarecida. Entre outras, a via de sinalização Notch, composta por receptores (Notch 1 a 4) e ligantes (DLL1, 3 e 4, Jagged 1 e 2), pode regular este processo. Neste trabalho temos como objetivo avaliar a expressão gênica e proteica de receptores e ligantes Notch nas diferentes fases de maturação de linfócitos T, linfócitos T reguladores naturais (nTreg) e células dendriticas tímicas (tDC). Para tanto, timos de 10 crianças submetidas à cirurgia cardíaca corretiva foram manipulados e as populações CD4-CD8-, CD4+CD8+, CD4+CD8-, CD4-CD8+, nTreg e tDC foram purificadas por citometria de fluxo. O RNA total foi isolado e os genes NOTCH1, 2 e 3, DLL1 e 4, JAG1 e 2, FOXP3 foram amplificados por RT-PCR. Alguns fragmentos de tecido foram avaliados por imunohistoquímica, quanto a expressão dos receptres Notch 1, 2, 3 e 4 e dos ligantes, DLL1 e 4, Jagged 1 e 2 em timócitos totais, células FOXP3+ e células S100+ em cada região tímica. Todos os genes de receptores e ligantes Notch foram expressos nas populações estudadas. Na população CD4-CD8- o gene NOTCH1 é mais expresso em comparação as outras populações de timócitos imaturos. Na população CD4+CD8+ o gene NOTCH2 é menos expresso, e o gene JAG2 mais expresso quando comparados à população CD4+CD8-. Os demais genes de receptores ligantes Notch são expressos de maneira similar entre as populações de timócitos. A avaliação relativa dos genes Notch nas populações de timócitos mostrou uma maior expressão do gene DLL1 na população CD4+CD8- e JAG1 na população CD4-CD8+ em comparação à CD4-CD8-. A expressão dos receptores e ligantes Notch no tecido mostrou ser homogênea entre as regiões. As nTreg expressam o gene do ligante JAG1 em maior nível entre os avaliados. A expressão gênica relativa das nTreg mostrou uma maior expressão de NOTCH1, NOTCH2, DLL4 e JAG1 e menor expressão de NOTCH3, DLL1 e JAG2 em relação as CD4-CD8-. Quando a relação utilizou a população CD4+CD8- observamos que as nTreg expressam mais os genes NOCTH1, NOCTH2, NOTCH3, DLL4 e JAG1, e em níveis similares DLL1 e JAG2. A avaliação histológica mostrou uma maior expressão de DLL4 em nTreg em comparação às demais proteínas avaliadas, e uma distribuição homogênea entre as regiões com exceção de Notch3 e Jagged2. As tDC mostraram uma maior expressão do gene JAG1 em comparação aos demais, e uma maior expressão da proteína DLL4. A expressão do receptor Notch2 em tDC difere entre as regiões tímicas. Em conjunto, nossos resultados mostraram que os receptores e ligantes Notch são expressos de forma gênica e proteica em todos os estágios de maturação de linfócitos T, nTreg e tDC do timo humano, com algumas variações quanto ao nível de expressão e distribuição no timo. Dados que se assemelham às avaliações murinas, porém com pontos a serem discutidos. Nossa inédita avaliação em nTreg propõem uma nova abordagem ao envolvimento da via Notch em sua maturação e a avaliação das tDCs sugere sua participação direta via Notch na maturação dos timócitos humanos / The thymus is a primary lymphoid organ responsible of maturing T lymphocytes, where specialized structures and cells are observed. The intrathymic signaling during lymphocytes maturation is unclear. Among them, Notch signaling pathway, which comprises in receptors (Notch1-4) and ligands (DLL1, 2 and 3, Jaaged1 and 2), may regulate this process. In this work our aim is to evaluate the expression of Notch receptors and ligands in different phases of T lymphocytes maturation, natural T regulatory cells (nTreg), and thymic dendritic cells (tDC). For this purpose, thymuses from 10 children who underwent corrective cardiac surgery were manipulated and populations CD4-CD8-, CD4+CD8+, CD4+CD8-, CD4- CD8+, nTreg and tDC were sorted by flow cytometry. Total RNA was purified and genes NOTCH1, 2 and 3, DLL1 and 4, JAG1 and 2, FOXP3 were amplified by RT-PCR. Some thymic fragments were evaluated by immunohistochemistry and screened for expression of Notch 1, 2, 3 and 4 receptors, DLL1 and 4, Jagged and e 2 ligands in total thymocytes, FOXP3+ cells and S100+ cells in each thymic region. All Notch receptors and ligands genes were expressed in studied populations. In CD4-CD8- subset NOTCH1 gene is more expressed in comparison to others immature thymocytes. In CD4+CD8+ subset NOTCH2 gene is less expressed, and JAG2 gene is more expressed when compared to CD4+CD8- population. The other receptors and ligands genes were expressed in a similar level among developing lymphocytes subsets. The relative Notch genes evaluation in developing lymphocytes populations showed a higher expression of DLL1 gene in CD4+CD8- population and JAG1 gene in CD4-CD8+ subset in comparison to CD4-CD8- thymocytes. The Notch receptors and ligands expression in thymic tissue showed to be homogeneous between thymic regions. The nTreg cells express JAG1 ligand gene in highest level among evaluated genes. The relative gene expression in nTreg presented higher expression of NOCTH1, NOTCH2, DLL4 and JAG1 genes, and low levels of NOTCH3, DLL1 and JAG2 related to CD4-CD8- subset. When relative gene expression were performed using CD4+CD8- subset, we observed that nTreg cells expressed more NOCTH1, NOCTH2, NOTCH3, DLL4 and JAG1, and in a similar level of expression DLL1 and JAG2 genes. The histological analysis showed that DLL4 was more expressed in nTreg cells in comparison to others proteins evaluated in this work, and a homogeneous distribution in thymic regions, in exception Notch3 and Jagged2. tDC cells presented higher expression of JAG1 gene among the others, and a higher expression of DLL4 protein. Notch2 expression in tDC was different between thymic regions. All together, our results showed that both genes and proteins of Notch receptors and ligands are expressed in distinct developmental stages of the maturation of T lymphocytes and nTreg cells and in the tDC cells in human thymus, with some variations in levels of expression and distribution in the thymus. These data are similar to the murine evaluations, but with some issues to be discussed. Our unpublished assessment in nTreg propose a new approach about the involvement of Notch pathway in its maturation and the evaluation of tDC suggests its direct participation of Notch signaling in the process of human thymocytes maturation
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Etude des voies de recrutement des cellules dendritiques dans une tumeur solide / Study of the recruitment pathways of dendritic cells in a solid tumorBoulet, Delphine 22 November 2017 (has links)
The concept of immunosurveillance suggests that the innate and adaptative immune system eliminate developing tumors. However, tumor development is associated with important modifications of the stroma which, by multiple mechanisms, restrain the immune response notably by affecting dendritic cells (DC) recruitment and functions. My thesis project aims at deciphering how the tumor environment alters the mechanisms and pathways of DC recruitment and impairs their functions. First, we determine if the site of tumor transplantation affects tumor immunogenicity. We show that tumors transplanted in the dermis (i.d.), an environment containing multiple DC subsets, induce a protective anti-tumoral immune response and tumor rejection. By contrast, the same tumor implanted in the subcutaneous tissue (s.c), mainly containing monocytes, is not rejected. Rejection of i.d. tumor is associated with a rapid (within 2 days) recruitment of DC within the tumor and rapid migration of DC towards tumor draining lymph nodes (dLN) where they present the tumor antigens (TAA) to CD4 and CD8 T lymphocyte. These events also occur for s.c. tumors but with a delayed kinetic. Thus the kinetic of DC mobilisation is decisive for tumor immunogenicity. Analysis of the DC subpopulations (TIDC) infiltrating the i.d. or s.c. tumors at 4 days (D4) and 8 days (D8) post-tumor transplantation, revealed that the different DC subpopulations are present at similar frequencies. Based on these findings, we proposed that i.d. tumor are rapidly infiltrated by dermal DC (DDC), whereas in s.c. tumor, the absence of inflammatory signals would limit DDC recruitment. In this latter case, DC would mainly come from local differentiation of blood-born precursors of DC (pre-cDC). Local differentiation of pre-cDC within the immunosuppressor tumor environment may affect their differentiation program and functions. We found that pre-cDC infiltrate i.d. and s.c. tumors starting at D4 and their frequency increases at D8. To determine the DC origin in tumors, we use CD11c-DTR-GFP mice in which CD11c+ cells express a fusion protein constituted by the diphtheria toxin receptor (DTR) and GFP. To track DDC trafficking within tumors, we injected anti-MHCII antibody before tumor implantation and analysed MHCII+ CD11c+ DDC infiltration in tumor by biphotonic microscopy. At D3 post-tumor transplantation, the DDC infiltration was higher in i.d. than s.c. tumors. To analyse the impact of this early DDC recruitment on anti-tumor immunity, we inhibit early recruitment of DC by injection of pertussis toxin (PTX), a chemokine receptor protein G inhibitor, during the three first days of tumor development. For i.d. tumors, PTX treatment induced 60% reduction of DC recruitment starting at D4. In s.c. tumor, while this effect was observable at D3 (60% reduction) and increased to 80% at D4. These results suggest that early recruitment of DDC to i.d. tumors may be be chemokine independent. PTX treatment, which inhibits DDC migration from tumors to dLN inhibits the early TAA presentation to CD4 and CD8 T cells but did not impaired i.d. tumor rejection. Collectively, these results suggest that a first wave of DDC may infiltrate i.d. tumor. The initial wave of DDC may rapidly activate the adaptive immune system and induce protective anti-tumoral immune response. For s.c. tumor, this first wave in delayed or limited. Tumor neoangioenesis would permit an input of pre-cDC which would differentiate locally into cDC1 and cDC2. To consolidate this model we are developing new protocols to efficiently inhibit early recruitment of DDC in i.d. tumor. Moreover, to determine the DC origin and pathways of DC recruitment in tumors, we exploit several experimental approaches to directly analyse DDC migration toward i.d. and s.c. tumor. / Le concept d’immunosurveillance postule que le système immunitaire inné et adaptatif élimine les tumeurs naissantes. Cependant, le développement de tumeurs est associé à des modifications importantes du stroma qui, par des mécanismes multiples, inhibent la réponse immunitaire en affectant notamment le recrutement et la fonction des cellules dendritiques (DC). Mon projet de thèse vise à préciser comment l’environnement tumoral affecte les mécanismes et les voies de recrutement des DC dans les tumeurs et leurs fonctions. Tout d’abord, nous avons déterminé si la composition en DC du tissu d’implantation affecte l’immunogénicité tumorale. Nous avons montré que les tumeurs implantées dans le derme (i.d.), un environnement riche en DC dermales (DDC), induisent une réponse anti-tumorale protectrice. En revanche, une même tumeur transplantée dans le tissu sous-cutané (s.c.), contenant principalement des monocytes, n’est pas rejetée. Le rejet des tumeurs i.d. est associé à un recrutement précoce et rapide des DC dans la tumeur (dès 2 jours post-injection) et une migration, dans les ganglions drainants (dLN), de DC qui présentent les antigènes tumoraux (TAA) aux lymphocytes T (LT) CD4+ et CD8+. Dans les tumeurs s.c. ces événements sont présents mais retardés. Ceci indique que la cinétique de mobilisation des DC est déterminante pour l’immunogénicité tumorale.
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Rôle de l'ubiquitination dans le trafic cellulaire des molécules de présentation antigénique. / Role of the ubiquitination in the intracellular trafficking of antigen presenting moleculesDe Angelis Rigotti, Francesca 12 April 2011 (has links)
L’ubiquitinylation a été largement étudiée comme étant un mécanisme impliqué dans la régulation du trafic intracellulaire de nombreuses protéines membranaires. Mon travail a permis d’identifier MARCH-IX, une ubiquitine ligase exprimées dans les cellules de mammifères, comme un acteur important du trafic intracellulaire des molécules de présentation antigénique CD1a et CMH-I. En condition d'over-expression, MARCH-IX ubiquitinyle spécifiquement CD1a et CMH-I. Par ailleurs, en utilisant la technique d’ARN interférence, nous avons mis en évidence que l’ubiquitination des CMH I dépendante de MARCH IX facilite l’export des CMH I néosynthétisés du TGN vers la membrane plasmique et permet leur accès à des compartiments endosomaux. Notamment l’expression de MARCH-IX est régulée au niveau transcriptionnel pendant la maturation de DCs humaine; son expression est largement diminuée suite à l’activation des DCs plasmacytoïdes (pDCs), alors qu’elle augmente dans des DCs dérivées de monocytes (MoDCs) stimulées par du LPS. Ces résultats laissent envisager que MARCH IX puisse avoir un rôle important dans le contrôle de la présentation antigénique médiée par les CMH I dans les DCs humaines. Enfin, l’adressage intracellulaire des molécules de CD1a dans les MoDCs apparait également comme un processus régulé au cours de la maturation. Si CD1a est localisé à la membrane plasmique et dans des compartiments endosomaux précoce dans des cellules immatures, cette molécule n’apparaît plus qu’à la surface des cellules matures. Nous postulons donc que la régulation de MARCH-IX durant la maturation des MoDCs puisse être directement liée à la modification du trafic intracellulaire de CD1a. / Ubiquitination has been largely studied as regulator of the intracellular trafficking of several membrane proteins, inducing their internalization or their sorting from TGN to endosomes. Interestingly, pathogens adopted this mechanism to evade the immune response. For example, Kaposi’s sarcoma herpesvirus synthesizes two ubiquitin ligases, MIR1 and MIR2, which target the antigen presenting molecule, MHC class I, inducing its internalization. We identified the mammalian ubiquitin ligase MARCH-IX as important factor in the intracellular trafficking of antigen presenting molecules, CD1a and MHC-I. In conditions of MARCH-IX over-expression, CD1a and MHC-I are ubiquitinated and they accumulated in early endosomes. In MARCH-IX silenced cells, the arrival of MHC-I at the plasma membrane appear to be delayed and MHC-I accumulates in the TGN. During dendritic cell maturation, MARCH-IX expression and CD1a intracellular localization showed a correlation, which is compatible with a role of the ubiquitin ligase in the export pathway of CD1a. We concluded that MARCH-IX acts on neo-synthesized molecules, facilitating their sorting from the TGN. In addition to the function analysis of MARCH-IX, we also investigated its ability to conjugate ubiquitin on non-conventional residues. Our results demonstrated that, differently from viral ubiquitin ligases, MARCH-IX could target MHC class I and CD1a only in presence of lysine residues on their cytoplasmic tail, suggesting a stronger restriction in the control of the ubiquitination mechanism on mammals.
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Dendritic functionalization of core-shell magnetic nanoparticles for biotechnology / Fonctionnalisation dendritique de nanoparticules magnétiques coeur-écorce pour la biotechnologieArtiomenco Mitcova, Liubov 17 April 2014 (has links)
Le but de ce travail a été d’élaborer des nanoparticules magnétiques (MNPs) fonctionnalisées avec un groupement maléimide, stables, dispersibles dans l’eau et qui assureront une immobilisation covalente,sélective et efficace de biomolécules. Bien qu’un large choix de MNPs soit disponible dans le commerce, lamodification chimique de surface des MNPs reste une étape indispensable pour l’élaboration de matériauxspécifiques. Un contrôle précis de la fonctionnalisation de surface des MNPs est crucial, car en découlentleurs propriétés physico-chimiques, leur stabilité colloïdale, et la préservation de l’activité biologique de labiomolécule immobilisée. Dans ce travail, nous proposons d’augmenter le nombre de groupes fonctionnels(maléimide) accessibles à la surface de MNPs, en la modifiant par des agents de couplage dendritiques. Deuxtypes de MNPs coeur-écorce de 300 nm (avec un noyau de γ-Fe2O3 et une écorce de polymère ou de silice)ont été utilisés. Afin d’étudier l’effet «dendritique» sur la fonctionnalisation de surface, trois types d’agentsde couplage ont été conçus: des agents de couplage linéaires (contenant un groupe maléimide), des agents decouplage dendritiques à deux branches (contenant deux groupes maléimide) et des agents de couplagedendritiques à quatre branches (contenant quatre groupes maléimide). L’efficacité de ces MNPsfonctionnalisées pour immobiliser des biomolécules ou des modèles de biomolécules a été étudiée. Cetteétude a démontré l’intérêt de la fonctionnalisation de la surface des MNPs coeur-écorce par des structuresdendritiques pour une immobilisation efficace et spécifique de biomolécules. / The purpose of this work is to design stable, water-dispersible, maleimide functionalized magneticnanoparticles (MNPs) that will ensure selective covalent immobilization of biomolecules. While, a largechoice of MNPs is now commercially available, the surface modification of MNPs remains an indispensablestep in the elaboration of such MNPs. A precise control over the surface functionalization of MNPs iscrucial, because it governs their physicochemical properties, their colloidal stability, and their biologicalbehaviour. In this work with the aim to increase the number of functional groups on MNPs’ surfaces, it wasproposed to functionalize MNPs with dendritic coupling agents and to compare their efficiency with thosefunctionalized with a linear analogue. Moreover, it was decided to investigate the “dendritic effect” of thesurface functionalization on two types of core-shell MNPs (300 nm) that consist of a maghemite (γ-Fe2O3)ferrofluid core coated with: (I) polymer shell or (II) silica shell. Therefore, three types of coupling agents(that possess an amino or silane anchoring site) were synthesized: linear coupling agents (containing onemaleimide functional group); two-branched coupling agents (containing two maleimide functional groups)and four-branched dendritic coupling agents (containing four maleimide functional groups). Then, thecapacity of MNPs functionalized with dendritic or linear coupling agents to immobilize biomolecules ormodels of biomolecules was investigated. This study proved the efficiency of the surface functionalizationwith dendritic structures for the immobilization of biomolecules.
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Immunoregulation in melanomaWiguna, Arlina Permatasari 19 January 2015 (has links)
IL-10 und TGF-beta sind immunsupprimierende Zytokine, die in verschiedenen Tumoren, u.a. im Melanom, entdeckt wurden und als Hauptursache für das Versagen der Anti-Tumorimmunantwort angesehen werden. Allerdings wurden divergente Daten auch berichtet. Um diese Diskrepanz zu erklären, wurde die Expression dieser Zytokine mittels quantitativer RT-PCR im Melanom und in Haut gesunder Individuen verglichen. Weiterhin wurde die Induktion beider Zytokine in Kokulturexperimenten mit Dendritische Zellen und T-Zellen zusammen mit Tumorzellen sowie ihr Einfluß auf das Immunsystem untersucht. Beide Zytokine sowie deren Rezeptoren wurden im Melanom exprimiert, aber im Vergleich mit gesunder Haut auf signifikant geringerem Level. Dementsprechend waren die Expressionen von IL-10-induzierbare-SOCS-3 und auch TGF-beta-induzierbare-SMAD-7 im Tumor gering und in der gesunden Haut hoch. T-Zellen, die mit einer großen Zahl an Tumorzellen kokultiviert wurden, entwickelten einen anergischen Zustand, aber ohne mit dem IL-10 oder TGF-beta Level zu korrelieren. Dendritische Zellen, die zusammen mit Tumorzellen kokultiviert wurden, wiesen eine gemischte Population an vollständig und unvollständig differenzierten iDCs auf, produzierten hohe Level IL-10 und konnten die CD4 T Zellproliferation weniger effizient induzieren. Trotzdem konnten sie zur Reifung induziert werden, wobei die Blockierung von IL-10 nicht die Fähigkeit der resultierenden, reifen DCs veränderte, CD4 T-Zellproliferation zu induzieren. DCs, deren Reifung in der Gegenwart von Tumorzellen induziert wurde, produzierten erhöhte Level an IL-10, dagegen gleiche oder verminderte Level an TGF-beta und waren effizienter in der Induktion der CD4 T-Zellproliferation. Die fehlende Korrelation von IL-10 und TGF-beta mit den Immundefiziten in situ und in vitro legt den Schluß nahe, ihre Rolle bei Krebs neu zu überdenken. / IL-10 and TGF-beta are immunosuppressive cytokines expressed in tumors including melanoma and, therefore, deemed major cause for failing anti-tumor immune responses. To re-evaluate their role, their expression was compared by quantitative RT-PCR in melanoma and skin of healthy individuals, their induction in dendritic cells and T cells co-cultured with tumor cells, and their effects on the immune cells were tested. Both cytokines as well as their receptors were expressed in melanoma at significantly lower levels than in healthy skin. Consequently, the expressions of IL-10-responsive SOCS-3 and TGF-beta-responsive Smad-7 were low in tumors but high in healthy skin. T cells co-cultured with tumor cells developed an anergic state but without increased IL-10 or TGF-beta expression. In vitro tumor-associated iDCs produced high IL-10 levels and were less efficient in inducing T cell proliferation. Nonetheless, they could be induced to mature, and blocking IL-10 did not alter the capacity of the resulting mDCs to induce T cell proliferation. mDCs co-cultured with tumor cells produced increased IL-10 but similar or decreased TGF-beta level and were more efficient in inducing T cell proliferation. The lack of correlation of IL-10 and TGF-beta with immune deficits in situ and in vitro suggests a necessity of re-evaluating their roles in cancer.
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Mechanismen der Immunmodulation durch die Genprodukte US11 und US28 des humanen ZytomegalievirusDroese, Jana 08 November 2005 (has links)
Humane Zytomegalieviren (HCMV) etablieren nach einer Primärinfektion eine lebenslange latente oder persistierende Infektion. Es wird allgemein angenommen, daß hieran die Manipulation der humanen Immunantwort durch das Virus beteiligt ist. Hierzu zählen die Hemmung von zytotoxischen CD8+ T-Zellen durch das Genprodukt US11 und die Beeinträchtigung der Leukozytenwanderung durch die Hemmung des Chemokinsystems durch den Chemokinrezeptor US28. Die Effizienz der US11-vermittelten Hemmung der T-Zell-Aktivierung wurde in einem rekombinanten Modell zur MHC-Klasse-I-vermittelten T-Zell-Aktivierung untersucht. Obwohl die Expression der MHC-Klasse-I-Moleküle durch US11 in dendritische Zellen (DCs) um bis zu 60% vermindert war, konnte keine Hemmung der T-Zell-Proliferation beobachtet werden. US28 ist der einzige funktionelle Rezeptor für die inflammatorischen Chemokine MCP-1, MCP-3, RANTES, MIP-1(, MIP-1( sowie Fraktalkine. Er kann sowohl Liganden-abhängig die Aktivierung von MAPK als auch die konstitutive Aktivierung von NF-(B vermitteln. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte mit Hilfe einer Rezeptormutante der Argininrest an Position 129 des DRY-Motivs als Voraussetzung für die Aktivierung der Signalwegen identifiziert werden. Ferner bewirkt die Expression des US28-Rezeptors die Entfernung inflammatorischer Chemokine aus der Umgebung infizierter Zellen. Molekulare Grundlage der Liganden-Depletion stellt die Endozytose des US28-Liganden-Komplexes dar. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß der US28-Rezeptor eine Umlagerung von (-Arrestin-Molekülen in Vesikel vermittelt, jedoch unabhängig von Arrestin-Molekülen endozytiert wird. Die Endozytose des US28-Rezeptors war abhängig von der GTP-ase Dynamin. Ebenso konnte die Beteiligung des Lipid-Raft-Weges an der US28-Endozytose gezeigt werden. Die Hemmung des Clathrinweges bewirkte jedoch eine zweifach stärkere Verminderung der US28-Endozytose, kann der Clathrin-abhängige Weg als der Hauptweg der US28-Endozytose angesehen werden. / Primary infections of the human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) are followed by a lifelong infection in the state of latency or persistence. It is believed that the virus employs a number of immunomodulatory mechanisms to establish latent infections. Among these are the inhibition of cytotoxic CD8+ T-cells by US11 and the impairment of leukocyte migration by US28. The potency of US11 to mediate the inhibition of T-cell activation was analysed in a model of MHC class I mediated T-cell activation. Surface expression of MHC class I molecules was reduced by 60 % after expression of US11 in murine dendritic cells. In contrast, there was no reduction in the capacity of the dendritic cells to induce T-cell proliferation. The US28 gene product has been characterized as a functional receptor for the inflammatory chemokines RANTES, MCP-1, MCP-3, MIP-1?? MIP-1? and fractalkine.Upon ligand stimulation US28 mediates the activation of MAPK and additionally a constitutive activation of NF-?B. By generating site directed receptor mutant it was shown that the arginine at position 129 represents a structural requirement for both the ligand-induced and the constitutive signaling by US28. Moreover, it was suggested that the US28 dependent sequestration of chemokines from the environment of infected cells hinders leukocytes from the recruitment to sites of viral infection. A molecular mechanism for the ligand depletion is provided by the endocytosis of US28-ligand complexes. Studies revealed that US28 expression induced a redistribution of ?-arrestin molecules into vesicular structures but was dispensable for the endocytosis of the US28 receptor. However, US28 internalization was dependent on the small GTPase dynamin and by impaired receptor endocytosis after inhibition of the lipid raft pathway. Since inhibition of the clathrin dependent pathway resulted in a two-fold stronger reduction of US28 endocytosis, the clathrin-dependent pathway can be considered as the major route of US28 endocytosis.
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Tumorantigen-gepulste dendritische Zellen zur Steigerung der Zytotoxizität immunologischer Effektorzellen bei Tumoren des gastroenteropankreatischen SystemsMärten, Angela 31 May 2000 (has links)
Die Rationale für immuntherapeutische Ansätze zur Behandlung maligner Neoplasien geht davon aus, daß Tumore über spezifische Tumorantigene verfügen. Dendritische Zellen als die wichtigsten antigenpräsentierenden Zellen sind in der Lage, Tumorantigene naiven T-Zellen zu präsentieren und spezifische zytotoxische T-Zellen zu stimulieren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden dendritische Zellen durch Stimulation mit Interleukin-4 (IL-4) und Granulozyten/ Makrophagen Koloniestimulierender Faktor (GM-CSF) aus peripheren mononukleären Blutzellen gesunder Spender und an Tumoren des gastroenteropankreatischen Systems erkrankter Patienten generiert. Mit den dendritischen Zellen cokultivierte immunologische Effektorzellen (Zytokin-induzierte Killerzellen, CIK-Zellen) wurden im Zytotoxizitätstest gegen kolorektale und pankreatische Karzinomzellen eingesetzt. CIK-Zellen sind zytototoxische Zellen, die durch Stimulation mit Zytokinen aus peripheren Blutlymphozyten erzeugt werden. Durch die Cokultivierung der Effektorzellen mit dendritischen Zellen konnte eine signifikante Steigerung der unspezifischen zytotoxischen Wirkung der CIK-Zellen bewirkt werden. Zur Steigerung der spezifischen Zytotoxizität wurden dendritische Zellen mit dem Gesamtprotein der tumor-assoziierten Antigene cancer associated antigen (CA 19-9) und carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) gepulst. Effektorzellen zeigten nach der Cokultur mit gepulsten dendritischen Zellen zytotoxische Wirkung gegen Targetzellen, die das zum Pulsen verwendete Tumorantigen auf der Zelloberfläche exprimieren. Die Antigenspezifität der zytotoxischen Wirkung konnte durch eine signifikant verminderte Zellyse nach Blockade des Tumorantigens auf den Targetzellen belegt werden. Erstmals beschrieben ist hier das Pulsen dendritischer Zellen mit sowohl autologen als auch allogenen Seren von Patienten mit erhöhten Tumormarkerspiegeln. Eine Kultivierung dendritischer Zellen in tumormarkerhaltigem Serum bewirkte dosisabhängig eine verstärkte zytotoxische Wirkung cokultivierter Effektorzellen gegen Tumorzellen. Die verstärkte Zellyse zeigte sich unabhängig vom allogenem oder autologem Charakter des Serums. Der immunstimulierende Effekt des Patientenserums konnte durch eine vorhergehende Hitzeinaktivierung des Serums neutralisiert werden. Die höchsten Zellysen wurden durch eine Kultivierung dendritischer Zellen in tumormarkerhaltigem Serum und zusätzlichem Pulsen mit exogenem Tumorantigen erreicht. Unte rsuchungen an komplett autologen Systemen reproduzierten die an Zellkulturen erhobenen Befunde. Hierfür wurden erfolgreich Primärkulturen kolorektaler Tumore etabliert. Aus dem Blut von Tumorpatienten wurden dendritische Zellen generiert, die mit autologem Serum kultiviert wurden. Die cokultivierten autologen Effektorzellen erwiesen sich im Zytotoxizitätstest gegen autologe Tumorzellen als zytotoxisch. Die Cokultivierung der Effektorzellen mit den dendritischen Zellen bewirkte bei beiden Zellpopulationen Veränderungen. Dendritische Zellen zeigten nach der Cokultur eine verstärkte Expression antigenpräsentierender und costimulatorischer Moleküle. Bei den CIK-Zellen kam es zu einem Anstieg der Proliferationsrate. Bei Untersuchungen zur Antigenspezifität von T-Zellrezeptoren konnte vermehrt antigenspezifischer T-Zellrezeptor nachgewiesen werden. Des weiteren stieg das Verhältnis zwischen zytotoxischen T-Zellen und T-Helferzellen zugunsten der zytotoxischen T-Zellen. In ELISpot-Untersuchungen wurde eine Zunahme Interferon-gamma sezernierender CIK-Zellen nachgewiesen. Dendritische Zellen ließen sich erfolgreich mit inaktiviertem Adenovirus, an das kovalent Poly-L-Lysin gekoppelt ist, transfizieren. Die für den adenoviralen Gentransfer benötigten Oberflächenstrukturen konnten auf dendritischen Zellen nachgewiesen werden. Zur Verbesserung der Zytotoxizität wurden dendritische Zellen erfolgreich mit dem Gen für den Transaktivator CIITA transfiziert. CIITA- transfizierte dendritische Zellen exprimierten vermehrt MHC Klasse II-Moleküle. Die transduzierten dendritischen Zellen induzierten bei cokultivierten Effektorzellen eine erhöhte unspezifische Zytotoxizität. Mit Tumorantigen gepulste dendritische Zellen können bei der Entwicklung immuntherapeutischer Protokolle bei malignen Neoplasien von Bedeutung sein. / The immunotherapeutic approach against malignant neoplasias appreciates that tumours encode tumour rejection antigens, that enable them to induce protective immunity. Dendritic cells are major antigen-presenting cells and are able to present tumour antigens to naive T-cells and stimulate cytotoxic T-cells in a specific manner. In the present graduation-manuscript dendritic cells were generated in the presence of Interleukin-4 and granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) from peripheral mononuclear blood cells of healthy donors and tumour- patients. Immunological effector cells termed cytokine- induced killer cells (CIK cells) were co-cultured with dendritic cells and tested for their cytotoxic capacity against colorectal and pancreatic cancer cell-lines in a LDH-release assay. CIK cells are cytotoxic lymphocytes generated by incubation of peripheral blood lymphocytes with different cytokines. Co-culture of effector cells with dendritic cells led to a significant increase of the cytotoxic effect of CIK cells. For a further increase of specific cytotoxicity dendritic cells were pulsed with total protein of the tumour-associated antigens cancer associated antigen CA 19-9 and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Co-cultured effector cells showed an increase in cytotoxicity against tumour-antigen expressing target cells, after co-culture with pulsed dendritic cells. The specificity of the cytotoxic effect could be shown by blocking the tumour-antigens with a monoclonal antibody. Autologous and allogenec untreated serums from patients with elevated tumour-marker levels were also used for pulsing of dendritic cells. Similar to the results when using total protein for pulsing, a cultivation in serum of patients with elevated tumour marker levels caused an intensified cytotoxic effect of effector cells against tumour cells in a dose-dependent manner. The intensified cytotoxicity was seen independent of the allogenec or autologous character of the serum. The immuno-stimulating effect of the patient serum could be neutralized by preceding heat inactivating. The highest cytotoxicity was achieved by a cultivation of dendritic cells in serum from patients with elevated tumour marker levels and additional pulsing with exogenous tumour antigen. Experiments with completely autologous systems reproduced the results made with cell-lines. Primary cultures of colorectal tumours were established. Dendritic cells were generated from the blood of tumour patients and were cultivated in autologous serum. Co-cultured autologous effector cells showed cytotoxicity when used against autologous tumour cells. Co-culturing of effector cells with dendritic cells caused modifications at both cell populations. Dendritic cells showed an increase expression of antigen-presenting and co-stimulatory molecules. CIK cells showed a higher proliferation-rate when co-cultured. They express more antigen-specific T-cell receptor, and the cytotoxic T-cells to T-helper cells ratio increased. ELISpot-assays showed an increase of interferon gamma producing cells. Dendritic cells were successfully transduced by using an inactivated adenovirus, which covalently binds poly-L- lysine. Dendritic cells express the molecules that enables adenoviral gene delivery on their surface. For the improvement of cytotoxicity dendritic cells were transduced with the gene encoding for the transactivator CIITA. CIITA transduced dendritic cells increases expression of MHC class II molecules. Cytotoxicity experiments with transduced dendritic cells resulted in an increased induction of non-specific cytolysis from co-cultured effector cells. DC pulsed with tumour-antigens may have a major impact on immunotherapeutic protocols for cancer patients.
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