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Designing for Re-engagement - a review of theory and practice in Personal InformaticsPantorp, Michelle January 2016 (has links)
Självloggning har blivit ett allt vanligare fenomen bland människor idag. I takt med utvecklingen av teknik som underlättar självloggning har samtidigt utbudet av självloggningssystem att välja mellan blivit allt större. Användare som frekvent byter mellan olika självloggningssystem indikerar att dessa ofta misslyckas med att stimulera ett långvarigt användarengagemang. Användarengagemang spelar således en viktig roll för självloggningssystem och den långsiktiga användningen av dessa. Detta arbete adresserar således problematiken med bristande användarengagemang inom självloggning i två steg. Det första steget är att ta fram en teoretisk modell över re-engagement genom en litteraturstudie över relevant teori inom användarengagemang fokuserat mot självloggningssystem. Arbetet med den teoretiska modellen visar varför det är givande att tänka på att designa för re- engagement för att fånga användning över tid jämfört med att endast designa för engagement. Det andra steget är att denna teoretiska modell sedan används för att analysera tre framgångsrika självloggningssystem och deras rapporterade användning. Denna rapporterade användning framkommer genom granskning av användarfeedback från forum och online-communities. Genom att applicera den teoretiska modellen på dessa tre självloggningssystem fås insikt i fem aktuella gap mellan designteori (fångat i den teoretiska modellen) och designpraktik (som representeras av självloggningssystemens implementioner) inom självloggning. / Personal Informatics and self-tracking has become an increasingly common phenomenonamong people today. With the advances in technology that facilitates self-tracking thenumber of self-tracking systems to choose from has also increased. Users who frequentlyswitch between self-tracking system indicate that these systems often fail to stimulate a long-term user engagement. User Engagement thus plays an important role in self-tracking and the long-term use of these systems. This work therefore addresses the problem with lack of user engagement within self-tracking in two steps. The first step is to develop a theoretical model of re-engagement through a literature review of relevant theory in user engagement. The theoretical model will show why it is important to think about designing for re-engagement to better capture long-term use. The second step is that the theoretical model is then used to analyze three successful self-tracking systems and the reported use of these. The reported use emerges by examining user feedback from forums and online communities. The result of this work will give insight into five current gaps between design theory (captured in the theoretical model) and design practice (represented by the implementations of self-tracking systems) within Personal Informatics.
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Stop motion som uttryckssätt : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på de påverkande faktorerna för varför unga vuxna amatörer väljer stop motion-animation som uttryckssätt / Stop motion as a form of expression : A study with focus on the aspects that influence amateur users to practice stop motion animationSazvar, Parasto, Svedberg, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
Playfulness and curiosity in the usage of new technology and digital filmmaking has always been of great importance within these fields. There are many different media technologies that can form what the user wants to communicate in a certain context. One of these forms of expression that has increased in popularity from the early 20th century until today is the animation technique, Stop motion. Amateur filmmakers have also found an interest in using the technique. Our purpose has been to study the different aspects as to why young-adult amateur filmmakers have chosen stop motion as the way to express themselves. We have used one essential method, which contains a series of interviews. The result of our studies has shown, apart from the technical advantages that the main reason for using stop motion, according to our respondents, has been that their creations can be measured with professionally produced stop motion-productions. In a very tangible sense stop motion has blurred the line between amateurs and professionals. We found that this result also generated a sense of self-fulfillment for the amateurs using the technique.
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Att vara eller inte vara, det är hållbarhetsfrågan : En kvalitativ studie om klädbranschens arbete med CSR inom produktutveckling för att skapa en ekologisk produkt / To be or not to be, that is the question of sustainabilityLjung, Frida, Löfgren, Alexandra January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilken hänsyn “fast fashion”- och “functional fashion”-företag tar till det ekologiska perspektivet inom CSR gällande val av material och design under produktutvecklingsprocessen. Studien syftar även till att undersöka hur målsättningarna i CSR-arbetet skiljer sig åt mellan de olika fallföretagen. Metod: Studiens upplägg grundas i en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en deduktiv ansats. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom intervjuer hos företag med personer som besitter kunskap inom CSR, design, material och produktutveckling. Den teoretiska referensramen består av vetenskaplig artiklar och böcker. Slutsats: Slutsatsen i denna studie visar på att CSR är ett komplext begrepp med många definitioner som behöver omdefinieras för att företag tydligt ska förstå dess innebörd. Viljan att arbeta med CSR behöver även komma uppifrån högsta ledningen för att få störst genomslag och en lyckad integrering i samtliga delar av företaget. Designers inverkan på om plagget blir ekologiskt eller inte är av stor grad då de medverkar i produktutvecklingens början. Ett flertal designstrategier kan utläsas för att en produkt ska bli mer ekologisk. Materialval är dessutom kritiskt för att utveckla ekologiska produkter där en framväxt av nya alternativa textilmaterial och mindre skadliga beläggningar har uppkommit. Slutligen anses återvinning vara en framtida lösning för att reducera det textila avfallet, men där teknik och kunskap eftersöks för att kunna genomföras. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine what consideration is taken by fast fashion and functional fashion companies into the ecological perspective within CSR regarding the choice of the design and material during the product development process. The study also aims at examining how the CSR activities differ between the various companies. Method: The design of this study is based on a qualitative research method with a deductive approach. The empirical data was collected by interviewing respondents who hold knowledge within CSR, design, materials and product development. The theoretical framework consists of peer reviewed articles and books. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study shows that CSR is a complex term with multiple definitions that needs to be redefined so that companies can get a clear understanding of its meaning. The desire to work with CSR needs to come from top management to ensure a great impact and a successful integration across all departments within the company. The designers have a great impact on whether the garment becomes organic or not because of their involvement in the beginning of the product development process. A number of design strategies are presented on how to make a product more organic. The choice of material is also critical in developing organic products where new alternative materials and less harmful coatings have emerged. Finally, recycling is considered to be a future solution in reducing textile waste, however extended knowledge and technology are sought to succeed. / Företagsekonomi III - Detaljhandel och service management: examensarbete (kandidat)
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Utformning av belöningssystem som styrningsverktyg i tillverkningsindustri- En kvalitativ fallstudie av Toyota Material Handling Manufacturing Sweden AB : Design of Incentive System as a Management Control Tool in a Manufacturing Environment- A Qualitative Case Study of Toyota Material Handling Manufacturing Sweden ABHedin, Albin, Bowall, Philip January 2008 (has links)
Many organisations use incentive systems as a management control tool to steer the organisation towards defined goals by generating common incentives for the employees. Previous studies have shown that the design of an incentive system affect what results it may generate. Therefore, this study aims to, within the context of manufacturing industry, investigate a configuration of design choices’ impact on the effect of an incentive system. A literature study has been conducted to map what effect the research shows different design choices and how these impacts the employees and the organisation. This case study of Toyota Material Handling Manufacturing Sweden AB investigates how their incentive system is designed and what effects this generates from their organisational specific context. Motivation, participation, cooperation, culture and performance were factors evaluated in the study. Data was mainly gathered through qualitative interviews conducted with employees to gain an understanding of the use and design of the incentive system together with how it fit within the organisational context. The empirical data was then analysed and related to previous studies on the subject. The conclusion and discussion base on the effects of an incentive system and how these effects are affected by the design of the incentive system itself, together with how these effects may be reduced when alternative management control tools hold a stronger presence with the employees. Even when the incentive system is designed by what previous studies has shown to generate the desired effect, the organisational specific context may affect the result. Further, it is discussed that the highest results are achieved when the incentive system is designed to work within a specific context, as it then strives towards the same vision as other management control tools.
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