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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'art de saisir l'État : la défense de la culture de coca au Pérou et en Bolivie

Busnel, Romain 09 1900 (has links)
Thèse réalisée dans le cadre d'une cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'Université de Lille / En Bolivie et au Pérou, les régions de production de coca, principales cibles des politiques de lutte contre les drogues depuis les années 1970, sont souvent considérées comme en proie à une certaine « faiblesse », « défaillance » ou « absence » de l’État, et « dominées » par le pouvoir de groupes s’adonnant à des activités criminelles. Menée à partir des cas du Tropique de Cochabamba (Bolivie) et de la Vallée des fleuves Apurímac, Ene et Mantaro (VRAEM, Pérou), premiers foyers de production nationaux d’une coca majoritairement destinée aux marchés illicites, cette recherche s’inscrit à rebours de ces analyses, en montrant que non seulement l’État est bien là, mais qu’il aussi est maintenu et saisi par les organisations rurales de défense de la coca. À partir d’une enquête ethnographique, cette thèse analyse par le bas et dans une perspective comparée les intrications entre économie illicite, mobilisations et États. Elle montre comment fédérations agricoles et syndicales s’appuient sur la coca pour construire des pratiques communales de gouvernement, des identités régionales et des cadrages suffisamment mobilisateurs pour obtenir des politiques de développement censées compenser le « narcotrafic » ou le « narcoterrorisme ». Les dirigeants des organisations sociales construisent leur leadership politique dans la lutte et se positionnent ensuite comme intermédiaires auprès de l’État. Occuper des fonctions administratives et électives leur permet alors de diriger davantage de ressources publiques vers leurs régions d’origine, de défendre la coca dans les institutions, voire de retracer les frontières entre activités légales et illégales. Culture de la coca et politiques de développement deviennent alors des ressources constitutives de l’économie morale des cultivateurs. Ces processus se donnent néanmoins à voir différemment. Au Tropique de Cochabamba, il s’agit d’une saisie corporatiste, propre aux liens forts qui unissent les syndicats de cultivateurs de coca, le MAS, parti au pouvoir jusqu’en 2019, et l’État bolivien. Cette modalité a permis aux syndicats d’obtenir des ressources publiques, des droits, de désigner ses intermédiaires en échange d’un soutien au parti et au gouvernement. Au VRAEM, le faible ancrage des partis politiques dans la société péruvienne laisse le champ libre aux dirigeants de la fédération agricole pour saisir l’État selon une logique entrepreneuriale, par laquelle ils font valoir des ressources propres et des relations pour la plupart extérieures à leur région d’origine. Le détour par ces régions éclaire les relations entre secteurs populaires et État et contribue à décloisonner l’étude des mouvements sociaux. La comparaison en miroir offre une palette d’outils pour appréhender « l’art de saisir l’État » à travers une sociologie des organisations, des syndicats et des partis politiques. / The coca growing regions of Bolivia and Peru have been a focal point of drug control policies in these two countries since the 1970s. These regions are often portrayed as being subject to a weak, failed or even absent state, and under the control of criminal groups. Focusing on the Tropic of Cochabamba (Bolivia) and VRAEM (Peru) regions, the main national hotbeds of coca mostly destined for illicit markets, this research challenges this idea by showing that not only is the State present, but that it is also maintained and seized by rural coca-producing organizations. Based on an ethnographic survey, I study from the ground and in a comparative perspective the interplay between the illicit economy, social movements and the State itself. I show how agricultural and trade union federations use coca to build communal government practices, regional identities and frameworks to mobilize and obtain development policies meant to compensate for "narcotrafficking" or "narcoterrorism". The leaders of social organizations build their political leadership from the struggle and then place themselves as intermediaries with the State. Occupying administrative and elective functions allows them to channel more public resources to their native regions, to defend coca in institutions, and even to redraw the boundaries between legal and illegal activities. As such, coca cultivation and development policies become resources that constitute the moral economy of the growers. However, the views behind these political processes differ from one region to the other. In the Tropic of Cochabamba, it is a corporatist seizing process, inherent to the strong ties between the coca growers' unions, the MAS party in power until 2019, and the Bolivian state. This has allowed the unions to obtain public resources, rights, and the appointment of its intermediaries in exchange for support to the party and the government. In the VRAEM, the weak anchoring of political parties in Peruvian society enables agricultural federation leaders to seize the state through an entrepreneurial logic. They assert their own resources and relations, mostly outside their home region. The detour through these regions sheds light on the relations between the informal popular sectors and the State and broadens the scope of the study of social movements. The comparison thus offers a range of tools to apprehend the "art of seizing the state" through a sociology of organizations, unions and political parties. / En Bolivia y en el Perú, las regiones productoras de coca, principales blancos de las políticas de lucha contra las drogas desde los años 70, suelen ser consideradas como zonas afectadas por la "debilidad", el "fracaso" o la "ausencia" del Estado y "dominadas" por el poder de los grupos criminales. Partiendo de los casos del Trópico de Cochabamba (Bolivia) y del VRAEM (Perú), principales focos nacionales de producción de una coca mayormente destinada a los mercados ilícitos, la presente investigación contrasta con esos análisis. Demuestro que no sólo está presente el Estado, sino que también está mantenido y tomado por las organizaciones rurales de defensa de la coca. Sobre la base de un estudio etnográfico, esta tesis analiza desde abajo y con una perspectiva comparativa las interrelaciones entre la economía ilícita, las movilizaciones y los Estados. Muestro como las federaciones agrícolas y sindicales usan la coca para construir prácticas comunales de gobierno, identidades regionales, marcos de acción colectiva para obtener políticas de desarrollo que supuestamente compensan al "narcotráfico" o al “narcoterrorismo". Los líderes de las organizaciones sociales construyen su liderazgo político en la lucha y se posicionan como intermediarios con el Estado. Al ocupar funciones administrativas y electivas, pueden dirigir más recursos públicos a sus regiones de origen, defender la coca en las instituciones e incluso trazar los límites entre las actividades legales e ilegales. De esta forma, el cultivo de la coca y las políticas de desarrollo se convierten en recursos que constituyen la economía moral de los agricultores. Sin embargo, estos procesos se ven de manera distinta. En el Trópico de Cochabamba, se trata de una apropiación del Estado corporativista, caracterizada por los fuertes lazos entre los sindicatos de cocaleros, el MAS, partido en el poder hasta 2019, y el Estado boliviano. Esta modalidad ha permitido a los sindicatos obtener recursos públicos, derechos y la designación de sus intermediarios a cambio de apoyo al partido y al gobierno. En el VRAEM, el escaso asentamiento de los partidos políticos en la sociedad peruana permite a los líderes de las federaciones agrícolas apropiarse del Estado a través de una lógica empresarial. Hacen valer sus propios recursos y relaciones, en su mayoría fuera de su región de origen. El camino por estas regiones aclara las relaciones entre los sectores populares y el Estado y contribuye a ampliar el estudio de los movimientos sociales. Así, la comparación ofrece una gama de herramientas para aprehender el "arte de apropiarse del Estado" a través de una sociología de organizaciones, sindicatos y partidos políticos.

Reflexe konceptu Capacity Development v českém programu zahraniční rozvojové spolupráce - vysokoškolské vzdělávání a výzkum v Gruzii / A Reflection of Capacity Development Concept in the Czech Development Cooperation Programme in Higher Education and Research - A Georgia Case Study

Ditrych Lenc, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of Sociological Studies Department of Public and Social Policy Michaela Ditrych Lenc A Reflection of Capacity Development Concept in the Czech Development Cooperation Programme in Higher Education and Research - A Georgia Case Study Master's Thesis Prague 2017 Abstract The Master's thesis is concerned with a recently launched policy instrument called the programme placement of Czech students to developing countries whose aim is to enhance quality of higher education and research in Czech Republic's partner countries in the South. The programme, implemented in the framework of the Czech development policy, was introduced in 2012 as a complement modality to the government scholarship programme. The main aim of the thesis was to identify if the project implemented in Georgia within the programme placement had contributed to capacity development in higher education and research in that region. Based on the capacity development concept it was ascertained that the project had promoted development mainly of individual capacities and to a certain extent of organisational capacities as well. Even though the system level was taken into consideration during the implementation, significant system change has not been identified. Additionally, the project...

Programmorientierung der Gemeinden im Stadtumbau aus der Perspektive vertikaler Zielbeziehungen.: Zur Wirkung überörtlicher Vorgaben auf gemeindliche siedlungspolitische Ziele am Beispiel von Stadtumbaukonzepten im Direktionsbezirk Chemnitz.

Strauß, Christian 01 October 2013 (has links)
Der demografische Wandel und die damit verbundene Stadtschrumpfung führen in vielen sächsischen Städten zu städtebaulichen Missständen. Als Reaktion darauf formulieren die Städte mit dem Stadtumbau Ost Ziele zur Wiederherstellung nachhaltiger Siedlungsstrukturen. Das Handeln der Gemeinden wird dabei durch überörtliche Institutionen des Stadtumbau-Programms beeinflusst. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Ermittlung des Zusammenhangs zwischen den gemeindlichen siedlungspolitischen Zielen und den überörtlichen Vorgaben im sächsischen Stadtumbau. Als Erklärungszusammenhang für den oben beschriebenen situativen und institutionellen Kontext wird der akteurzentrierte Institutionalismus herangezogen. Ziele sind eines der vier Elemente der Stadtplanung. Es bestehen sowohl Gründe für eindeutige als auch für vage Ziele. Die vertikalen Zielbeziehungen vom Zweck bis zum Handlungsziel ergeben eine Zielhierarchie, die sich in den überörtlichen Vorgaben im Stadtumbau-Programm als hybride Zielhierarchie wiederfindet. Für den Anwendungsfall der siedlungspolitischen Ziele, die sich aus flächen- und gebäudepolitischen Aussagen zusammensetzen, wird ein Kategorienschema entwickelt, mit dem die Stadtumbaukonzepte untersucht werden können. Der empirische Teil der Arbeit basiert auf einer inhaltsanalytischen Themenanalyse von 24 Stadtumbaukonzepten im Direktionsbezirk Chemnitz. Dabei wird grundsätzlich die Programmorientierung der Gemeinden nachgewiesen. Allerdings formulieren sie eindeutige, vielfach aber auch vage Handlungsziele. Ein Vorrang der gebäude- gegenüber den flächenpolitischen Zielen ist nicht festzustellen. Im Ergebnis ist im sächsischen Stadtumbau weder ein Vorrang der Eindeutigkeit noch der Vagheit festzustellen. Die sächsischen Gemeinden im Stadtumbau Ost orientieren sich bei der Zielformulierung zwar an den überörtlichen Vorgaben. Zugleich orientieren sie sich aber an den Risiken des demografischen Wandels und der Stadtschrumpfung. Daher wird das Postulat der Ziel- und Risikoorientierung formuliert. Auf dieser Basis werden Handlungsempfehlungen für die überörtlichen raumpolitischen Ebenen gegeben, um das Programm Stadtumbau Ost hinsichtlich der siedlungspolitischen Ziele zu optimieren. Diese Empfehlungen beziehen sich auf die Stadtumbau-Paragrafen, das Förderprogramm sowie die Arbeitshilfe und sonstigen Formen der Betreuung der Gemeinden.

Turismprojekt som möjlighet eller ond spiral : En studie av EU-projekt i Jämtland Härjedalen

Klemets, William, Wallberg, Mikael January 2023 (has links)
EU:s sammanhållningspolitik har sedan 1980-talet varit ett verktyg för att investera och utveckla regioner. Utvecklingen sker genom olika strukturfonder och har de senaste decennierna finansierat stora delar av turismens utveckling, särskilt i turismintensiva regioner. Jämtland Härjedalen är ett tydligt exempel på en turismintensiv region där EU-medel används till utvecklingsprojekt. EU:s finansieringssystem upplevs av stödsökande komplext och resurskrävande i både ansöknings- och genomförandeprocesserna. De regelverk som finns är vidare mycket invecklade, vilket gör processerna än mer omfattande. Den här studien syftar till att undersöka och skapa en förståelse för vilka utmaningarna är samt vilka förbättringsmöjligheter som finns. Detta har skett genom en flermetodsstudie, där datainsamlingen genomförts med både enkät och intervjuer. Enkäten och de första intervjuerna gjordes med projektägare som är verksamma i Jämtland Härjedalen, och kompletterande intervjuer gjordes med representanter från finansiärerna Tillväxtverket och Region Jämtland Härjedalen. De främsta utmaningarna och förbättringsområdena från studien kan sammanfattas enligt följande: Upplevda utmaningar: Komplex och tidspressad ansökningsprocess Finansiärernas bristande förståelse om besöksnäringen Att vara låst till målen som skrivits i ansökan Rädsla att inte få kostnader för genomförda aktiviteter godkända Komplicerad redovisning och rapportering Projekt som arbetsform Önskade förbättringar: Förenklat regelverk Förbättrad kommunikation Mindre byråkratisk ansökningsprocess Mer dialog och samverkan Tydligare ansvar och roller Vi avslutar denna studie med en sammanfattande diskussion där vi lyfter egna tankar och funderingar kring utmaningarna och förbättringsmöjligheterna som framkommit av vårt resultat. Vi ser flera stora förbättringsområden, inte minst kopplat till förenklad byråkrati, ökad samverkan och mer dialog. Projektfinansiering är ett relativt outforskat område och vi hoppas att framtida forskning kommer beröra ämnen kopplade till den EU-finansierade projektvärlden. / Since the 1980s, the EU's cohesion policy has been a tool for investing and developing regions. The development takes place through various structural funds and in recent decades has financed large parts of the development of tourism, especially in tourism-intensive regions. Jämtland Härjedalen is a clear example of a tourism-intensive region where EU funds are used for development projects. However, the EU's funding system has proven to be a complex system where applicants experience the application and implementation process as very complex and resource-intensive with complicated regulations to deal with. This study aims to investigate and create an understanding of what the challenges are and what opportunities for improvement exist. This has taken place through a mixed-method study, where the collection of data was carried out with both a questionnaire and interviews. The survey and the first interviews were done with project owners who are active in Jämtland Härjedalen, and supplementary interviews were done with representatives from the financiers Tillväxtverket and Region Jämtland Härjedalen. The main challenges and areas for improvement from the study can be summarized as following: Perceived challenges: Complex and time consuming application process The financiers lack of understanding about the hospitality industry To be locked to the goals written in the application Fear of not getting costs for completed activities approved Complicated accounting and reporting Projects as a form of working method Desired improvements: Simplified regulations Improved communication Less bureaucratic application process More dialogue and cooperation Clearer responsibilities and roles We conclude this study with a summary in which we raise our own thoughts and reflections regarding the challenges and opportunities for improvement that emerged from our results. We see several major areas of improvement, not least linked to simplified bureaucracy, increased cooperation and more dialogue. Project financing is a relatively unexplored area and we hope that future research will touch on topics connected to the EU-funded project world. / <p>2023-06-16</p>

Land Privatization, Tenure Security, and Food Security in Rural Burkina Faso

Gardiner, Elizabeth N. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

An evaluation of school readiness in an informal settlement

Naidoo, Balendran 06 1900 (has links)
School readiness is a stage in a child's development when he learns easily and effectively. A child who is not yet ready for school on school entry is already at a disadvantage in the formal learning situation. This in itself can affect his school performance in the later years. The researcher, being a primary school teacher noticed that the children from the informal settlements that had no pre-school intervention arrived at school unready to learn. This investigation set out to evaluate the school readiness of children from an informal settlement without a pre-school programme. The school readiness of these children were compared against children from an informal settlement with a pre-school programme. Test and questionnaires were used to determine the five year olds' school readiness. The researcher used the idiographic method of research. The findings of the research were based on the interpretations of the tests and questionnaires. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (with specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)

How and why universal primary education was selected as a Millennium Development Goal : a case study

Maher, Edmond January 2016 (has links)
Between 2000 and 2015 the Millennium Development Goals were the focus of much global attention and activity. They were selected in light of astounding poverty, with over 1 billion people at the time living on less than $1 per day. In a sense the MDGs were morally undeniable. The focus of this study is MDG2, universal primary education. It sets out to establish how and why MDG2 came to be selected. Whilst its selection seems obvious, for years developing countries complained about the short-sightedness of prioritising primary over secondary and tertiary education (Klees 2008). A task force commissioned by the World Bank and UNESCO at the time showed that the Bank’s rate of return analysis on primary education was flawed. It argued that developing countries need highly educated people to be economic and social entrepreneurs, develop good governance, strong institutions and infrastructure. In this way MDG2’s selection is problematic. Using case study method, first the literature is examined. Three hypotheses are generated: one based on a rational synoptic theory, one on critical theory and one on world society theory. A range of data are used to establish findings and test hypotheses. The study then considers implications of the findings for theory and the policy process. The findings show that priorities promoting more equal opportunities, such as MDG2, were gradually preferred. Whereas priorities promoting more equal outcomes, such as elimination of trade barriers, were gradually excluded. The study finds no evidence that the General Assembly ever voted on the list of 8 MDGs. Rather, the MDGs were selected by elite policy actors, addressing multiple interests. The study considers the assertion that marginalization of the poor does not happen because people harbor ill will toward them, rather because “The poor have no friends among the global elite” (Pogge 2011, p. 62).

Le Système d’Innovation Technologique des agroénergies de la canne à sucre, un outil de développement durable au Brésil, quels enseignements pour la formation des politiques de développement liées au capital naturel en Afrique de l’Ouest ? / The sugar cane bioenergies Technological Innovation System, a tool for sustainable development in Brazil, what lessons for the formation of development policies linked to the natural capital in West Africa? / O Sistema de Inovação Tecnológica da agroenergia de cana de açúcar, ferramenta de desenvolvimento sustentável no Brasil, que lições para a formação de políticas de desenvolvimento relacionadas com o capital natural na África Ocidental?

Lanckriet, Edouard 07 February 2017 (has links)
Au Brésil, la canne à sucre sert de matière première à la fabrication de sucre, de carburant, et d’électricité. Ce modèle industriel a permis au pays d’ériger en avantage compétitif sa productivité en biomasse. Il a été promu en Afrique mais la majorité des projets d’agroénergies y a été un échec. Ce constat pose la question de l’intérêt du modèle au Brésil et du rôle des agroénergies dans une stratégie de développement. Notre analyse pose le « modèle brésilien » comme Système d’Innovation Technologique - le SIT de la canne - dont nous analysons la trajectoire de long terme afin d’en saisir les déterminants de succès et d’échec ainsi que le rôle socio-économique historique. Il se structure depuis la fin du XIXème et sert une stratégie de diversification des marchés de la canne à sucre par l’importation, l’adaptation et la diffusion des technologies nécessaires à l’essor de ces nouveaux marchés. La filière biocarburant a en particulier nécessité de créer un système technologique alternatif. Le soutien public a été déterminant dans l’évolution du SIT de la canne, façonnée par les crises sociales et économiques du pays. Par le SIT de la canne, le Brésil a pu former son capital humain à la valorisation du capital naturel, cela lui permet aujourd’hui d’expérimenter une conversion agroécologique du mode de culture, afin de régénérer le capital naturel sol.Notre analyse du modèle brésilien nous permet de préciser la fonction des agroénergies dans une stratégie de développement : elles sont avant tout un outil de soutien à l’économie agricole. Au regard de cela nous analysons les facteurs d’échecs des projets africains de jatropha-énergie et formulons une proposition pour la structuration d’un SIT des agroénergies adapté aux enjeux de développement de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, que nous proposons d’adosser à la filière oléagineuse. / In Brazil, sugar cane is used as a raw material for the production of sugar, fuel, and electricity. This industrial model has enabled the country to build a competitive advantage on the biomass productivity of its soils. It has been promoted in Africa but the majority of African bioenergy projects have been a failure. This raises the question of the interest of the model in Brazil, of the role of bioenergy in a development strategy.The Brazilian model is a Technological Innovation System, the sugar cane TIS, which we analyze in the long term. Since the end of the 19th century, it has been structured to import, adapt and spread technologies in order to diversify sugar cane markets. The biofuel sector required the creation of an alternative technological system, financed by the State through the Proalcool Program (1975 to 1985); Created to absorb the surpluses of the sugar sector and for the energy security of the country. Public support was key in the evolution of the TIS, forged in the wake of the country's social and economic crises. The sugar cane TIS has enabled Brazil to train its human capital in the valorization of natural capital, which enables it today to experiment a new change : the agroecological conversion of the cane cultivation model, that would allow regenerating the Natural Capital soil. Based on our analysis of the Brazilian model we formulate an analysis of the factors of failure of the African jatropha biofuel projects and make a proposal for the structuring of a biofuel TIS adapted to West Africa stakes of development, which we suggest to back up to the oilseed chain. / No Brasil, a cana-de-açúcar é utilizado como matéria-prima na fabricação de açúcar, combustível e eletricidade. Este modelo de negócio tem permitido ao país para transformar a produtividade de biomassa de seu solo em uma vantagem competitiva. Ele foi promovido na África, mas a maioria dos projetos de agroenergia africanos houve uma falha. Isso levanta a questão do interesse do modelo no Brasil, bem como o papel da bioenergia em uma estratégia de desenvolvimento. O modelo brasileiro é um Sistema de Inovação Tecnológica, o SIT da cana, que analisamos a longo prazo. Ele é estruturado desde o final do século XIX para importação, adaptação e difusão de tecnologias afim de diversificar os mercados de cana. O setor do etanol combustível tem necessidade de um sistema tecnologia alternativa, financiado pelo governo através do Programa Proálcool (1975-1985); ele foi criado para absorver os excedentes do sector do açúcar e para a segurança energética do país. O apoio público tem sido fundamental para a evolução do SIT, foi forjada pelas crises sociais e económicas do país. Hoje o SIT da cana-de-açúcar experimenta um modelo de produção agroecológica para o cultivo da cana, ele deveria ser capaz de regenerar o capital natural. Nossa análise do modelo brasileiro nos permite fazer uma análise dos fatores de não-sucesso dos projetos africanos de produção de biocombustível de jatropha. Nós formular uma proposta de estruturação de um SIT da agroenergia Oeste Africano adaptado às questões de desenvolvimento locais, propomos a ser associado ao setor oleaginosa.

The implications of wicked problems for the legitimacy of European environmental policy development : the case of environmental risks from the pharmaceutical endocrine disrupter, 17α-ethinyl oestradiol, under the European Water Framework Directive

Gardner Le Gars, Joanne Claire January 2018 (has links)
The issue of environmental risks from the pharmaceutical endocrine disrupter 17 alpha-ethinyl oestradiol (EE2), which is an active ingredient in the contraceptive pill, confronts government responsibilities for citizens' health with potential environmental risks from its presence in aquatic ecosystems. Further to a risk appraisal process conducted under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) between 2006 and 2012, the European Commission recommended the imposition of an environmental quality standard for EE2. In 2013, this recommendation was rejected by politicians. The outcome was both contested and commended. The UK Government was particularly vehement in its opposition and claimed that the risk assessment process for EE2 was not robust. The UK Government also insisted that it had swayed opinion of other EU Member States to convince them that action for EE2 was not proportionate given the extremely elevated costs of risk control options. At the present time, environmental policy for EE2 and other endocrine disrupters remains resolutely ineffective. Despite three distinct policy interventions recommending precautionary action for EE2 during the past twenty years, emissions of this potent, oestrogenic endocrine disrupter continue unabated. This thesis explains why European politicians rejected the European Commission’s risk governance recommendations for EE2 in 2013 under the Water Framework Directive. This comprises its principal empirical contribution. A novel analytical framework which draws on insights from the policy sciences, risk governance and wicked problems literature is developed. This framework is employed to determine whether the policy outcome for EE2, and the decision-making processes that preceded it, were legitimate. The research findings in this respect advance understanding of the implications of specific properties of wicked problems, of which it is argued, EE2 is an example, for the legitimacy of decision-making processes during the risk appraisal and political phases of policy development in Europe. This comprises the principle theoretical contribution of the thesis. Recommendations to promote more effective and legitimate policy development for wicked problems in similar multi-level governance contexts are also made.

Desenvolvimento cooperativo de coleções de revistas científicas na Rede Brasileira de Informação em Ciências da Saúde. / Cooperative Development of Journals Collections in the Brazilian Network on Health Sciences Information.

Taruhn, Rosane 23 March 2007 (has links)
TARUHN, Rosane. Desenvolvimento cooperativo de coleções de revistas científicas na Rede Brasileira de Informação em Ciências da Saúde. São Paulo, 2007. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Escola de Comunicações e Artes. Universidade de São Paulo. A partir da observação das mudanças sociais no final de século XX, em grande parte decorrentes dos avanços da tecnologia, esta pesquisa apresenta um breve histórico do surgimento de livros e revistas científicas até os dias atuais. Descreve os processos do trabalho de desenvolvimento de coleções em bibliotecas, destacando a importância desses, assim como da formalização de política com a finalidade de tornar claros os valores considerados, de acordo com o perfil dos usuários. Inclui aspectos de ações em cooperação no desenvolvimento de coleções de revistas científicas e de programas de assinaturas e acesso a estas no Brasil. Objetivo: Analisar os processos de desenvolvimento de coleções de revistas científicas, nas bibliotecas cooperantes da Rede Brasileira de Informação em Ciências da Saúde, coordenada pela BIREME, e identificar rumos do desenvolvimento cooperativo dessas coleções diante das novas tecnologias. Método: Questionário estruturado e publicado na Web para ser respondido por 45 bibliotecas cooperantes do Catálogo Coletivo SeCS (Seriados em Ciências da Saúde) no Portal de Revistas da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS). Resultados: Dos questionários enviados 60% foram respondidos. A tabulação das respostas permitiu verificar, principalmente, que 51,9% das bibliotecas respondentes possuem documento formalizado de Política de Desenvolvimento de Coleções, embora apenas 26% tenham pesquisado o perfil do usuário ou da comunidade. Afirmaram fazer parte de um programa cooperativo de aquisição de revistas 48,1%, onde se incluem os programas planificados de aquisição de universidades e outros. Dos respondentes, 88,8% afirmaram fazer parte do Programa Periódico CAPES e 70,8% dessas realizam aquisição adicional de revistas. A possibilidade futura de somar recursos de orçamento para aquisição cooperativa de revistas não se mostra possível para 66,6% Dos 27 respondentes, 96,3% afirmaram utilizar sempre o Portal de Revistas da BVS e o catálogo Coletivo SeCS. Em razão da recomendação existente em acordo da BIREME com representantes da Rede, para que se mantenha pelo menos uma coleção de cada um dos títulos constantes no Portal, a existência do título para decisão de nova assinatura é verificada por 55,6% dos respondentes. Para cancelamento de assinatura, 33,3% consultam o título e coleções e 66,7% não os consultam, o que permite avaliar que, sob o aspecto de desenvolvimento cooperativo de coleções, esses itens não estão sendo suficientemente observados. Sobre o formato das revistas, 44,4% declararam que os usuários preferem revistas eletrônicas; 33,3% não têm preferência; 14,8% preferem revistas impressas e 7,4% não sabem. A grande maioria (96,2%) considera que o Catálogo Coletivo SeCS continuará a existir, independentemente dos formatos das revistas. Conclusão: Para a Rede Brasileira Informação em Ciências da Saúde, coordenada pela BIREME e, mais especificamente para as bibliotecas cooperantes do Portal de Revistas da BVS, permanece o desafio de estreitar a colaboração de forma a divulgar amplamente os trabalhos realizados, modernizar o Catálogo Coletivo SeCS e promover ações que facilitem a sua comunicação e atuação, estimulando a formalização de diretrizes e treinamentos que possibilitem a adoção incondicional dos conceitos e propósitos dessa cooperação. / Starting with the observation of the social changes by the end of the 20th century - mostly due to the advances of technology - this research shows a brief track record of scientific books and journals to this day. It describes the processes of library collection development, highlighting their importance as well as the formalization of politics to make the values contemplated clear and according to the users\' profile. In addition it includes aspects of cooperation actions for the development of collections and subscription programs and access to these in Brazil. Objective: To analyze the collection development of scientific journals in the cooperating libraries of the Brazilian Network on Health Sciences Information coordinated by BIREME, and identify paths in these collections\' cooperative development vis-à-vis the new technologies. Method: A questionnaire structured and published on the Web to be responded by 45 cooperating libraries of the Serials Collective Catalog in Health Sciences in the Portal of Journals of the Virtual Health Library (VHL). Results: The responses corresponded to 60% of the questionnaires. The tabulation of the answers allowed mainly to verify that 51.9% of the responding libraries have a formalized Collection Development Policy document, although only 26% had studied the profile of the user or the community. Of these responding libraries 48.1%, declared being part of a cooperative program for the acquisition of journals. Here are included the planned University acquisition programs. Of the respondents, 88.8% declared taking part in the CAPES Periodicals Portal and 70.8% of these acquire additional journals. 66.6% don\'t see the possibility of adding budget resources for the cooperative acquisition of ournals in the future. Of the 27 respondents, 96.3% declared they always use the Portal of Journals and the Serials Collective Catalog. Because of the existing recommendation - in BIREME\'s agreement with the Network\'s representatives - to maintain at least one collection of each one of the titles in the Portal, 55.6% of the respondents check the existence of the title for the decision making of a new subscription. 33.3% consult the title and collections for the canceling of the subscription and 66.7% do not consult them. This allows assessing that from the collection cooperative development aspect these items are not being sufficiently observed. On the format of the journals, 44.4% declared that users prefer electronic journals; 33.3% have no preference; 14.8% prefer printed journals and 7.4% do not know. The great majority (96.2%) considers that the Serials Collective Catalog will continue existing irrespective of the journals\' formats. Conclusion: For the Brazilian Network for Health Sciences Information coordinated by BIREME, and more specifically for the cooperating libraries of the Portal of Journals in the VHL, remains the challenge of strengthening the collaboration so as to broadly publicize papers accomplished, update the Serials Collective Catalog and promote actions to facilitate its communication and operation, stimulating the formalization of guidelines and training that may enable the unconditional adoption of this cooperation\'s concepts and purposes

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