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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tecnologia de reabilitação no cuidado do diabetes mellitus: desenvolvimento e validação de um software que personaliza a evolução de exercícios para pés e tornozelos / Rehabilitation technology in the care of diabetes mellitus: development and validation of software that personalizes the evolution of exercises for feet and ankles

Jane Suelen Silva Pires Ferreira 05 June 2018 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver e validar o conteúdo de um software livre e de fácil utilização que personaliza uma rotina de exercícios para pés e tornozelos, segundo as capacidades físicas individuais, para pessoas com Diabetes Mellitus. Foi criado um software de orientação ao pé diabético (SOPED) em suas versões web software e aplicativo, nas linguagens HTML, Javascript e PHP, e baseado nos princípios da gamificação. Para a criação deste software foram considerados três pilares principais: a) recomendações de cuidados com os pés e informações sobre o diabetes; b) autoavaliação dos pés segundo as principais ocorrências do pé diabético (calos, rachaduras, deformidades, lesões teciduais); e c) exercícios para pés e tornozelos para fortalecimento muscular, ganho de amplitude de movimento e melhora da funcionalidade. Cada exercício foi definido com uma média de 8 níveis de dificuldade progressiva, que difere no número de séries e repetições, posições do corpo e materiais utilizados. A progressão individual determinada foi baseada em um algoritmo que ajusta o volume do treinamento a partir da avaliação de esforço percebida e executada pelo próprio paciente por meio de uma escala visual analógica no qual é possível manter, progredir ou retornar no nível dos exercícios. Após elaboração do protocolo de exercícios a compor a ferramenta, bem como todo o seu conteúdo, deu-se origem à versão protótipo do software, que foi submetido a um processo de validação para torna-lo válido e confiável. A Validação foi empregada por meio da técnica Delphi que consiste em obter sugestões e aprovação de experts, neste caso de profissionais especialistas no atendimento a pessoas com diabetes (equipe multiprofissional, n=9), e simultaneamente, de usuários com diabetes (n=20). A análise de dados ocorreu por estatística descritiva simples, através de frequências absoluta e relativa, média, desvio padrão, teste binomial e índice de validade de conteúdo. Na primeira etapa, especialistas e usuários avaliaram a adequação do conteúdo e a clareza das informações da versão protótipo do software, segundo uma escala Likert, obtendo uma média de 89,7% de aprovação pelos especialistas e 90,3% pelas pessoas com diabetes. A segunda etapa consistiu na aprovação ou não das modificações feitas na 2ª versão do software, de acordo com as sugestões advindas da primeira etapa. Uma aprovação mínima de 70% foi estabelecida para a validação da versão final do software. Obtivemos, na segunda etapa, uma média de 97% de aprovação pelo júri de pessoas com diabetes e uma média de 100% de aprovação pelo júri constituído por profissionais da saúde, desta forma não foram necessárias etapas posteriores. Destarte, as conclusões apontam que o SOPED foi desenvolvido a partir de uma alta concordância entre especialistas e usuários. Pode ser uma ferramenta eficaz para facilitar o automonitoramento e autocuidado, além de conter exercícios específicos assemelhando-se a uma terapia convencional. Ele auxilia na independência do cuidado de prevenção e tratamento, e tem o principal benefício de progredir de acordo com as possibilidades do próprio paciente, que é uma situação mais próxima de uma terapia supervisionada. O software é gratuito e tem potencial para ser inserido no sistema de saúde pública, especialmente para os serviços que estão voltados para a atenção primária e secundária como um tratamento complementar às complicações dos pés e tornozelos associadas ao Diabetes Mellitus / The aim of the study was to develop and validate the content of free and easy to use software that customizes an exercise routine for feet and ankles, according to individual physical abilities, for people with Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetic foot orientation software (SOPED) was created in its web and mobile versions in the HTML, Javascript and PHP languages, and based on gamification principles. For the creation of this software, three main pillars were considered: a) foot care recommendations and information about diabetes; b) self evaluation of the feet according to the main occurrences of the diabetic foot (calluses, cracks, deformities, tissue lesions); and c) exercises for feet and ankles for muscle strengthening, gain of range of motion and improvement of functionality. Each exercise was defined with an average of 8 levels of progressive difficulty, which differs in the number of sets and repetitions, body positions and materials used. The individual progression is based in an algorithm that adjusts the volume of the training according to an effort analogic scale. It allows to maintain, progress or return the level of the exercises. After elaborating the exercise protocol to compose the tool, as well as all its contents, a prototype version / first version of the software was created and was submitted to a validation process to make it valid and reliable. Validation was performed through the Delphi technique, which consists of obtaining suggestions and approval from experts, in this case, professionals specialized in the care of diabetics (multiprofessional team, n = 9), and simultaneously from users with diabetes (n = 20). Data analysis was performed by simple descriptive statistics, using absolute and relative frequencies, mean, binomial test and content validity index. In the first round, experts and users evaluated the adequacy of content and clarity of the information of the prototype version of the software, elaborated by the researchers, according to a Likert scale, obtaining an average of 89.7% approval by the specialists and 90.3% by the people with diabetes. The second round consisted of approving or not the changes made in the second version of the software, according to the suggestions from the first round. A minimum approval of 70% has been established for the validation of the final version of the software. We obtained, in the second round, an average of 97% approval by the jury of people with diabetes and an average of 100% approval by the jury constituted by health professionals, so no further rounds were necessary.Thus, the conclusions point out that SOPED was developed with a high agreement between health specialists and users. It can be an effective tool to facilitate self-monitoring and self-care, besides containing specific exercises resembling a conventional therapy. It assists in the independence of prevention and treatment, and has the main benefit of progressing according to the possibilities of each patient, which is a situation closer to a supervised therapy. The software is free and has potential to be inserted into the public health system, especially for primary and secondary health care services as a complementary treatment for the feet and ankles complications associated with Diabetes Mellitus

Terapia tópica de úlceras crônicas de perna com plasma rico em plaquetas - PRP: revisão sistemática da literatura / The tropical treatment on leg chronic ulcer with platelet rich plasma: a systematic review

Diana Lima Villela 19 December 2007 (has links)
O tratamento tópico de feridas visa favorecer um processo de cicatrização eficaz, rápido e seguro. Como uma das opções, o Plasma Rico em Plaquetas – PRP - um concentrado de plaquetas obtido por meio de centrifugação sanguínea ou aférese, vem sendo também utilizado no tratamento de feridas por conter os fatores de crescimento plaquetários. Visto que se trata de uma terapia inovadora, este estudo objetivou buscar as evidências sobre o seu uso na terapia tópica de feridas crônicas de perna. Para tanto, realizou-se revisão sistemática de literatura, seguindo-se as etapas preconizadas pela Colaboração Cochrane. Os estudos foram levantados até 2006, por meio dos descritores platelet rich plasma, platelet derived growth factor, platelet gel, platelet releasate, platelet lysate, CT-102 activated supernatant, wound healing, chronic wound, foot ulcer, diabetic foot, e varicose ulcer, utilizando diferentes combinações, conforme a base de dados consultada (Cochrane, PubMed, Lilacs, Embase e Cinahal). Para a análise da validade interna dos estudos, empregaram-se: a Escala de Jadad, Escala de Avaliação do Grau de Recomendação e Evidência e Escala de Avaliação do Controle das Variáveis. De 56 estudos pré-selecionados, chegou-se à amostra de 18 ensaios clínicos, indexados, principalmente, no PubMed/ Medline (17 / 94,5%), originários dos EUA (12 / 66,6%) e publicados em língua inglesa. Desses, sete (39%) eram ensaios clínicos randomizados, que obtiveram forte recomendação (A) e nível de evidência alto. A partir das metanálises desses ensaios randomizados, em diferentes combinações, os resultados mostraram que o PRP favorece o processo de cicatrização (IC95% 1,84 - 7,41), principalmente em úlceras diabéticas (IC95% 2,94 - 20,31), e quando utilizado como CT-102 (IC95% 2,70-41,40). Concluindo, esta revisão sistemática e metanálise mostram que há evidências científicas sobre os resultados favoráveis do uso do PRP em feridas crônicas de perna, principalmente as de etiologia diabética / The wound topical treatment stimulates an effective, fast and safe wound healing. The platelet rich plasma (PRP) – a concentrated of platelets obtained from centrifugation or single apheresis, has been used as the treatment of wounds because it contains platelet derived growth factor. Being a new therapy, the aim of this study is to show some evidence about the effectiveness of PRP on the healing of chronic wound leg. To this test, a systematic review was conducted, as the recommendation of the Cochrane Library. The studies were screened until 2006 using some key words: platelet rich plasma, platelet derived growth factor, platelet gel, platelet releasate, platelet lysate, CT-102 activated supernatant, wound healing, chronic wound, foot ulcer, diabetic foot, and varicose ulcer; with different combinations, according to data base (Cochrane, PubMed, Lilacs, Embase e Cinahal). From 56 studies, 18 were clinical trials, specially found in PubMed (17 / 94,5%), originated in USA (12 / 66,6%) and published in English. Seven (39%) were clinical trials randomized , classified as a strong recommendation (A) with high evidence level. The meta-analysis of these randomized trials, shows the PRP promotion in wound healing (CI 95% 1,84-7,41), mainly in diabetic ulcer (CI 95% 2,70-41,40). To sum up, this study provides a scientific evidence on repair of chronic wound leg, mainly diabetic ulcer, using PRP

Mikrovaskulární a makrovaskulární komplikace diabetes mellitus 2. typu / Microvascular and macrovascular complication diabetes mellitus 2. type

Šnorová, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
In my thesis I dealt with the theme of very serious and widespread diseases of civilization posed by diabetes mellitus (diabetes), type 2. Incidence of the disease is considered a pandemic of the 21st century. I focused on macro- and microvascular complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The work is divided into two parts. The theoretical part deals with the description of type 2 diabetes in terms of its origin, course, diagnosis and treatment, including komplkací. In the practical part I am devoted to a survey of diabetic patients in the waiting rooms of several diabetics. Through the questionnaire, I investigated how respondents have access to their disease. Whether they know their blood glucose levels as they are treated, whether they realize the seriousness of their illness if they have already expressed complications of diabetes and how to approach the treatment, if observe regime measures. The respondents' answers, I analyzed and processed using graphs.

Factores de riesgo para la amputación en pacientes mayores de 18 años con pie diabético en el servicio de endocrinología en un hospital de tercer nivel de la Seguridad Social / Risk factors associated with amputation in patients over 18 years of age with diabetic foot in the endocrinology service of Edgardo Rebagliati Hospital during the period 2009 to 2017

Pachas Talla, Arly Winny, Peralta Cuadros, Almendra Jazminne 08 February 2021 (has links)
Introducción: El pie diabético se asocia a una alta morbimortalidad siendo la principal causa de amputación no traumática de miembros inferiores. Las amputaciones conllevan a discapacidad, mortalidad prematura y una reducción en calidad de vida en los pacientes diabéticos. Objetivo: Identificar los factores de riesgo para la amputación de pacientes adultos con pie diabético en la primera hospitalización con úlcera pedia en el servicio de endocrinología del Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati durante el periodo 2009 al 2017. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, observacional, analítico tipo cohorte. Nuestra variable dependiente fue amputación la cual estuvo definida como la amputación primaria registrada en la historia clínica posterior a la primera hospitalización debido a úlcera pedia. Mediante la revisión de historias clínicas, se recopilaron datos sobre factores sociodemográficos, relacionados a diabetes mellitus 2 y valores de laboratorio durante la primera hospitalización por úlcera pedia. Se llevó a cabo un modelo de regresión crudo y ajustado de la familia Poisson con varianza robusta. Se presentó como medida de asociación al riesgo relativo (RR) con su respectivo intervalo de confianza al 95%. Aquellas variables con un p<0,05 en análisis crudo ingresaron al análisis ajustado. Resultados: En total analizamos 163 pacientes con úlcera pedia en su primera hospitalización, el 55.21% fue mayor a 60 años y 70.55% fueron varones. Los amputados fueron 63 participantes. En el análisis ajustado, las variables asociadas a un mayor riesgo de amputación fueron enfermedad arterial periférica (RR=1.57; IC95%: 1.09 - 2.25, p=0.01), Wagner grado IV (RR=4.25; IC 95%: 1.41 - 12.77, p=0.01) y glucosa de admisión>130 mg/dl (RR=2.40; IC 95%: 1.10 - 5.24, p= 0.02). Conclusión: Se reconocen como factores de riesgo para la amputación la enfermedad arterial periférica, el estadio avanzado de la úlcera y los niveles elevados de glucosa. / Backgroud: Diabetic foot may cause significant morbidity and is the main cause of nontraumatic lower extremity amputation. Amputations involves a complex underlying including disability, premature mortality and a reduction in the quality of life.  Objective: To identify the risk factors associated with the amputation of adult patients with diabetic foot in their first hospitalization with diabetic foot ulcer in the endocrinology service of the National Hospital Edgardo Rebagliati during the period 2009 to 2017. Methods: We performed a retrospective, observational, analytical cohort study. Our outcome was amputation which was defined as the primary amputation recorded in the clinical history during hospitalization. Through the review of medical records, data were collected on sociodemographic factors, related to diabetes mellitus 2, related to diabetic foot ulcer and emergency laboratory values. We carried out a crude and adjusted regression model of the Poisson family with robust variance. It was presented as a measure of association to the relative risk (RR) with 95% confidence interval. Variables presenting p < 0.05 in the crude analysis were selected to enter the adjusted model. Results: In total, 163 patients were diagnosed with diabetic foot ulcer in their first hospitalization, 55.21% were older than 60 years and 70.55% were male. The amputees were 63 participants. The results of the adjusted model showed that peripheral arterial disease (RR=1.57; IC95%: 1.09 - 2.25, p=0.01), Wagner grade IV (RR=4.25; IC 95%: 1.41 - 12.77, p=0.01) and admission plasma glucose>130 mg/dl (RR=2.40; IC 95%: 1.10 - 5.24, p= 0.02) were associated with amputation. Conclusions: The peripheral arterial disease, the advanced stage of the ulcer and high levels of admission plasma glucose are recognized as risk factors for amputation. / Tesis

Diabetespatienters behov av kunskap och undervisninggällande primär prevention av fotsår. : En litteraturstudie / Diabetic patients’ knowledge needs regarding primaryprevention of foot ulcers. : A literature review

Taspunar, Ceren Sultan, Al-Sammak, Raniah January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes mellitus är en kronisk sjukdom som ökar över hela världen. De drabbade individerna får diabetesrelaterade komplikationer som uppkommer vid sjukdomen, bland annat fotkomplikationer såsom fotsår som är vanligt förekommande. Komplikationerna leder till stort lidande för personen. Förutom att det leder till lidande för personen så medför det stora kostnader för hälso- och sjukvården. Uppkomst av fotsår kan motverkas och förhindras genom kunskap och utbildning. Syfte: Författarna vill i denna litteraturstudie belysa diabetespatienters behov av kunskap och undervisning gällande primär prevention av fotsår. Metod: Studien har utförts som en kvalitativ litteraturstudie där tio vetenskapliga artiklar har inkluderats. Artiklarna söktes via de två databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. De inkluderande artiklarna var med kvalitativ ansats. Resultatet av artiklarna bearbetades, analyserades, kvalitetsgranskades och sammanställdes. Resultat: Resultatet framfördes genom två huvudkategorier som är egenvårdsåtgärder och patientutbildning. Genom egenvård är patienterna delaktiga i sin vårdplan. Informationen av egenvårdsåtgärder ska inkluderas i första informationsmötet med patienten. I patientutbildning ges den information och rådgivningen som behövs för att patienten ska kunna hantera sin sjukdom. Dessutom leder patientutbildning till motivation och bättre hälsofrämjande vanor. Konklusion: För att fotsår ska undvikas bör patienten ha kunskaper om vilka komplikationer diabetes kan orsaka. Genom att ha en tydlig bild om hur komplikationerna förhindras leder det till förbättrad omhändertagandet av fötterna. Kommunikationen mellan patienten och vårdpersonalen är en avgörande faktor för hur väl informationen nås fram. / Background: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that is on the rise worldwide. The affected individuals get diabetes-related complications that arise from the disease, including foot complications that are common. The complications lead to great suffering for the person. In addition to suffering for people, it also entails huge costs for health care. The onset of foot ulcers can be counteracted and prevented through knowledge and education. Purpose: In this literature study, the authors want to shed light on diabetic patients' need for knowledge and education regarding the primary prevention of foot ulcers. Method: The study was conducted as a qualitative literature study where ten scientific articles have been included. The articles were searched through the two databases PubMed and CINAHL. The included articles were with a qualitative approach. In the background, both qualitative and quantitative articles were included. Only qualitative articles were included in the results. The results of the articles were processed, reviewed and compiled. Results: The results were presented through two main categories, which are self-care measures and patient education. Through self-care, patients are involved in their care plan. The information of self-care measures must be included in the first information meeting with the patient. In patient education, the information and advice need to enable the patient to manage that their illness is provided. In addition, patient education leads to motivation and better health-promoting habits. Conclusion: To avoid foot ulcers, the patient should have knowledge of what complications diabetes can cause. By having a clear picture of how the complications are prevented, it leads to improved care of the feet. The communication between the patient and the care staff is a decisive factor in how well the information is obtained.

Anatomische Voraussetzungen für pedale Bypass-Revaskularisationen

Wacker, Anne 08 December 2011 (has links)
Zusammenfassung Gefäßerkrankungen und Diabetes mellitus nehmen als Krankheiten der modernen Zivilisation zu. Sie gehen oft mit dem Risiko einer Amputation einher. Trotz verbesserter Therapie aufgrund des medizinischen Fortschritts steigen die Amputationsraten. Besonders gefährdet sind Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus. Aufgrund des besonderen Atherosklerosebefallsmusters mit Verschluss der kruralen Gefäße bei relativer Aussparung der Oberschenkel- und Fußarterien erzielen pedale Bypässe bei diabetischen Patienten besonders gute Ergebnisse im Hinblick auf die Wiederherstellung der Fußdurchblutung. Ein pedaler Bypass kann eine drohende Amputation oft verhindern. Voraussetzungen für eine pedale Bypass-Operation sind umfassende anatomische Kenntnisse über die Variabilität der Arterien im Operationsgebiet. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit den Gefäßvariationen an Unterschenkel und Fuß. Mit unterschiedlichen Methoden wurden Alkohol-fixierte (n=12) und Thiel-fixierte (n=10) Beinpräparate auf arterielle Variabilität untersucht. Die Alkohol-fixierten Präparate wurden makroskopisch präpariert und fotografisch dokumentiert, außerdem erfolgte eine Probenentnahme zur histologischen Untersuchung der Atherosklerosegrade in verschiedenen Gefäßregionen (n=32) und die Herstellung von zwei Dauerpräparaten. An Thiel-fixiertem Material wurde die Digitale Subtraktionsangiographie (DSA) getestet. Folgende Fragestellungen waren zu beantworten: 1. Welche Variationen der Blutgefäße finden sich für den Unterschenkel und Fuß? Wie kommunizieren die Gefäße zwischen Fußsohle und Fußrücken? 2. Wie können kleinste Gefäße am Fuß präpariert und fotografisch dokumentiert werden? 3. Lässt sich an fixiertem Leichenmaterial eine Digitale Subtraktionsangiographie durchzuführen? 4. Zeigen proximale und distale Blutgefäße des Beines einen unterschiedlichen Befall der Atherosklerose? 5. Welche Bedeutung hat die Herstellung von Dauerpräparaten für den studentischen Unterricht? 6. Welche Bedeutung hat die makroskopische Anatomie für die Klinik? Die Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen sind: 1. Während der makroskopischen Präparation fanden sich folgende Variationen: Trifurkation, Truncus tibiofibularis anterior mit hohem Abgang der A. tibialis posterior und Abgang der A. tibialis anterior aus der A. fibularis, eine sehr dominante A. fibularis bei schwach ausgeprägter A. tibialis posterior, ein Arcus plantaris durch den zweiten intermetatarsalen Spalt laufend, kräftig ausgebildete A. plantaris profunda, kräftiger tiefer Ast der A. plantaris medialis, stark ausgeprägte A. arcuata. Die den Arcus plantaris versorgenden Arterien, vor allem die A. plantaris lateralis und die A. plantaris profunda, variieren stark in ihrer Ausprägung. Sie sind Teil der „Ringanastomose”, die eine Durchblutung des Fußes über die Verbindungen verschiedener Gefäße zwischen Fußsohle und Fußrücken gewährleistet. Neben der A. plantaris profunda, die auch als Ramus perforans I bezeichnet wird, gibt es zwischen den Aa. metatarsales plantares und dorsales Verbindungen, die Rr. perforantes II-IV, die bei schwach ausgeprägter A. plantaris profunda die Gefäßversorgung sicherstellen und entsprechend stärker ausgebildet sein können. Die A. fibularis kann über ihre kommunizierenden Äste, dem Ramus perforans zur A. dorsalis pedis oder dem Ramus communicans zur A. tibialis posterior, an der arteriellen Versorgung der Fußsohle beteiligt sein. Bei schwacher Ausbildung der A. tibialis posterior und/oder A. tibialis anterior kann diese durch die A. fibularis als phylogenetisch ältestes und damit konstantestes Gefäß der drei Unterschenkelarterien sogar teilweise oder vollständig ersetzt werden. Die „Ringanastomose“ hat für die Gefäßchirurgie eine große Bedeutung. Beim popliteodistalen Bypass orientiert sich die Wahl des distalen Anschlussgefäßes daran, über welches Gefäß sich der Arcus plantaris angiographisch füllt. Eine Kollateralbildung beim Erwachsenen infolge atherosklerotischer Veränderungen über ursprünglich embryologische Gegebenheiten ist denkbar. 2. Die makroskopische Präparation kleinster Gefäße am Fuß wird durch die Injektion der roten Injektionslösung Microfil® erleichtert. Zur fotografischen Dokumentation ist eine Farbmarkierung der Arterien von außen notwendig, um den Gefäßverlauf sichtbar zu machen. 3. Digitale Subtraktionsangiographie an Leichenmaterial ist nur an Thiel-fixiertem Material möglich, da diese Methode die Gewebeverhältnisse in ihrer natürlichen Konsistenz erhält. Das Einbinden der Schleusen und die Injektion von Kontrastmittel in das Gefäßsystem sind durchführbar, weil die Gefäßlumina durchgängig bleiben. Alkohol- oder Formaldehyd-fixiertes Material ist für diese Zwecke ungeeignet, da das Gewebe aushärtet und in den Gefäßen befindliche Blutreste koagulieren. Dadurch wird eine Kontrastmittel-Injektion unmöglich. 4. Dass histologische Färbungen an langzeitfixiertem Material möglich sind, konnte bestätigt werden. Nach Modifikation der Färbevorschriften erlauben sie die Bewertung des Atherosklerosegrades. Der schwerste Befall mit Grad 4 befindet sich in den Arterien der Kniekehle. Die Fußarterien sind mit Grad 2 geringer befallen. 5. Dauerpräparate verbleiben in der anatomischen Lehrsammlung bzw. im Fundus von Anschauungsmaterial. Sie werden zukünftig zur Demonstration anatomischer Strukturen im Rahmen klinischer Kurse und im Studentenunterricht verwendet. 6. Die Anatomie als Grundlagenfach der Medizin hat in der Lehre einen hohen Stellenwert und in allen Studienabschnitten eine hohe klinische Relevanz. Gemeinsame Lehrveranstaltungen von Anatomie und Klinik wecken bei Studenten großes Interesse und fördern die Motivation. Im Rahmen der ärztlichen Aus- und Weiterbildung werden in klinischen Kursen am Institut für Anatomie beispielsweise Untersuchungsmethoden und Operationsbedingungen simuliert. Kliniker wiederholen, festigen oder vertiefen ihre anatomischen Kenntnisse. Vor allem die chirurgischen Fächer profitieren von diesen praktischen Trainingsmöglichkeiten. Wie die Arbeit am Beispiel der Gefäßchirurgie zeigt, bedingt eine gute Zusammenarbeit zwischen Anatomie und Klinik eine sichere klinische Praxis und eine lebendige Anatomie mit klinischen Bezügen. / Summary Vascular diseases and diabetes mellitus show rising frequency in the Western world and are often accompanied by amputation. The amputation rate is still increasing despite major developments in diagnostics and therapy. Especially patients with diabetes mellitus are at high risk. Because of the special pattern with more severe atherosclerosis in the crural vessels than in the femoral and pedal arteries, the pedal bypass surgery provides excellent vessel patency and limb salvage rates in diabetic patients and can often prevent amputation. A solid knowledge about anatomical variations in the operating area is a precondition for bypass operations. This dissertation deals with variations of arteries from the lower leg and foot. Lower legs from alcohol-fixed and Thiel-fixed cadavers were examined with different methods: The alcohol-fixed legs (n=12) were dissected macroscopically for variations of the arteries and documented by photographes. Samples along the vessel course (n=32) were taken for histological evaluation of the atherosclerotic degrees. Two legs were plastinated with polyethylene glycol. The Thiel-fixed legs (n=10) were tested for digital subtraction angiography (DSA). The following questions had to be answered: 1. Which arterial variations can be found for the lower leg and foot? How do the vessels communicate between the sole and the dorsum of the foot? 2. How are small foot vessels dissected for photographical documentation? 3. Can Thiel-fixed material be used for DSA? 4. Do proximal and distal vessels show different degrees of atherosclerosis? 5. Which relevance does plastination have for the medical education? 6. How important is Gross anatomy for the clinicians? Results and conclusions: 1. The following variations occurred: trifurcation, anterior tibiofibular truncus with high branching from the posterior tibial artery and the anterior tibial artery originating from the fibular artery, dominant fibular artery, plantar arch running through the second interosseus space, dominant deep plantar artery, dominant deep branch of the medial plantar artery, prominent arcuate artery. The arteries for the plantar arch, supplying most of the foot arteries, show a high diversification. They are part of the “ring anastomosis” which assures a good blood supply via different vessels connecting the dorsum and the sole of the foot. Beside the deep plantar artery, also named as “perforating branch I”, there are other connecting branches between the plantar and dorsal metatarsal arteries - the perforating braches II, III and IV. These branches are highly developed in case of an undeveloped deep plantar artery. The fibular artery can be involved in the blood supply of the foot via a communicating branch to the posterior tibial artery and the perforating branch to the dorsalis pedis artery. The fibular artery, which is phylogenetically the oldest crural vessel, can be highly developed in case of inferior anterior tibial artery and/or posterior tibial artery. The “ring anastomosis” is very important for vascular surgery. The inflow and outflow vessels of a popliteodistal bypass are chosen after angiography of the plantar arch showing the vessel for the supply of the plantar arch. 2. Macroscopical dissection of very small foot vessels can be facilitated by injection of a special plastic, Microfil®-solution. The arteries have to be additionally coloured by help of special markers for photographical documentation. 3. DSA can just be done with Thiel-fixed material. Thiel-fixation allows DSA because maintained in situ conditions. The blood is not coagulated and the vessels stay patent for contrast medium. Alcohol-fixed or formaldehyde-fixed material is not suitable for DSA because of clotted blood in the vessels impeding injection of contrast agent. 4. It is confirmed that histological examination is possible with long fixed material. After modification of the staining protocol the sections could be used for evaluation of the atherosclerotic degree. The popliteal arteries are more affected with degree 4 in comparison to the foot arteries with degree 2. 5. Plastinates are displayed in the anatomical collection of the Institute for Anatomy. They will be used for anatomical demonstrations in the lessons of students and in clinical courses. 6. Anatomy as basic knowledge is very important for teaching medical students and has a high clinical relevance in every phase of the medical course. Interdisciplinary lessons between anatomy and clinical disciplines awake interest and motivate students. Advanced medical training is obtained at the Institute for Anatomy by simulating endoscopic examination and developing new surgical techniques. Clinicians repeat, stabilize and deepen their anatomical knowledge. Especially surgeons benefit from these training possibilities. Using the example of vascular bypass surgery the present dissertation shows the value of a good cooperation between anatomy and clinic to provide a safe clinical practice and a lively anatomy with clinical references.

Asociación entre la anemia y los desenlaces clínicos adversos de la úlcera de pie diabético en pacientes adultos peruanos en un Hospital de Lima

Espinoza Anchaygua, Ricardo Daniel, Flores Gavino, Aldo Paul 14 March 2022 (has links)
Introducción La úlcera de pie diabético (UPD) es una complicación clínica de la diabetes mellitus (DM). Se ha sugerido que la anemia podría asociarse a su progresión. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue evaluar la asociación entre anemia y los desenlaces clínicos adversos de la UPD en pacientes hospitalizados. Métodos Llevamos a cabo un análisis secundario de base de datos de dos estudios de cohorte retrospectivo de pacientes con UPD hospitalizados en un hospital público de referencia nacional en Lima durante el año 2015 y 2019. La anemia definida según el valor de hemoglobina de ingreso fue nuestra variable de exposición. Para nuestra variable resultado, agrupamos la falla en la cicatrización y la amputación, en la variable “desenlace clínico adverso”. Estimamos riesgos relativos crudos (RR) y ajustados (RRa) con intervalos de confianza al 95% (IC95%) mediante modelos lineales generalizados de familia Poisson con Bootstrap no paramétrico con sesgo corregido y acelerado. Resultados Incluimos 160 pacientes cuya media de edad fue 58 ± 12,7 años. Detectamos anemia en 102 (63,8%) pacientes, 111 (69,4%) presentaron el desenlace clínico adverso, 49 (44,1%) fueron amputados, y 62 (55,9%) pacientes presentaron una úlcera que no cicatrizó. La anemia se asoció significativamente con el desenlace compuesto (RRa = 1,37: IC95% = 1,05 - 1,80; p=0,019) y la amputación (RRa = 1,78: IC95% = 1,12 - 3,28; p=0,017). No encontramos evidencia estadística de asociación significativa entre la anemia y la falla en la cicatrización de la UPD (RRa = 1,43: IC95% = 0,96 - 2,12; p=0,072). Conclusión La anemia incrementó el riesgo de presentar un desenlace clínico adverso y de la amputación en pacientes hospitalizados con UPD. / Background Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is a clinical complication of diabetes mellitus (DM). Anemia has been associated with the progression of this disease. The objective of our study was to evaluate the association between anemia and adverse clinical outcomes of DFU in hospitalized patients. Methods We carried out a secondary database analysis from two retrospective cohort studies of DFU patients hospitalized in a national reference public hospital in Lima during 2015 and 2019. The exposure variable was anemia defined according to the hemoglobin value at admission. For our outcome variable, we grouped non-healing ulcers and amputation into the “adverse clinical outcome”. We estimated crude (RR) and adjusted relative risks (aRR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI95%) using generalized linear Poisson family models with accelerated and bias-corrected non-parametric bootstrap. Results We included 160 patients, which average age was 58 ± 12.7 years. Anemia was detected in 102 (63.8%) patients, 111 patients (69.4%) had an adverse clinical outcome, 49 patients (44.1%) were amputated, and 62 patients (55.9%) had non-healing ulcers. Anemia was significantly associated with the composite outcome (aRR = 1,37: CI95% = 1,05 - 1,80; p=0,019) and amputation (aRR = 1,78: CI95% = 1,12 - 3,28; p=0,017). We found no statistical evidence of a significant association between anemia and non-healing ulcers (aRR = 1,43: CI95% = 0,96 - 2,12; p=0,072). Conclusions Anemia increases the risk of amputation and adverse clinical outcome in hospitalized patients with DFU. / Tesis

Autocuidado de los pies en personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 atendidas en un hospital público de Chiclayo, 2023

Miranda Torres, Lesly Patricia January 2024 (has links)
Las complicaciones del pie diabético son costosas y en gran parte prevenibles a través del autocuidado. Por ello, esta investigación tuvo por objetivo: comprender el autocuidado de los pies en personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 atendidas en un hospital público de Chiclayo¿'2023. Esta investigación fue de tipo cualitativa, con un diseño descriptivo. Los sujetos que participaron fueron personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que se atendían en el hospital Las Mercedes y se excluyeron a los que tenían pie diabético o amputación. La muestra fue no probabilística, por conveniencia. El tamaño de la muestra fue delimitado por saturación y redundancia. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó una guía de entrevista semiestructurada, validada por juicios de expertos y prueba piloto. Luego fue aprobada por el Comité de Ética en Investigación de la Facultad de Medicina para la ejecución del proyecto. Se procesaron los datos mediante análisis de contenido temático; así mismo, se aplicaron los criterios de rigor científico y principios éticos de bioética de Sgreccia. Los resultados fueron representados por 5 categorías: a) Hábitos en la revisión, higiene, secado y humectación de los pies, b) Apoyo familiar en el recorte de uñas y las medidas para mejorar la circulación de los pies, c) Uso del calzado adecuado dentro y fuera del hogar según temporada climática y comodidad, d) Costumbres y uso de la medicina tradicional en el autocuidado de los pies, e) Autoaprendizaje y necesidad de educación sanitaria para el autocuidado de los pies. En este estudio, los pacientes diabéticos muestran deficiencias en su autocuidado, como falta de hidratación en los pies. A pesar de algunas prácticas positivas, como la higiene adecuada de pies; la falta de apoyo familiar y la limitada enseñanza del personal de salud contribuyen a prácticas riesgosas. Se destaca la necesidad de proporcionar educación y supervisión para prevenir complicaciones. / Diabetic foot complications are costly and largely preventable through self-care. Therefore, this research aimed to: understand foot self-care in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus treated at a public hospital in Chiclayo, 2023. This research was qualitative, with a descriptive design. The subjects who participated were people with type 2 diabetes mellitus who were treated at the Las Mercedes hospital and those who had diabetic foot or amputation were excluded. The sample was non-probabilistic, for convenience. The sample size was limited by saturation and redundancy. A semi-structured interview guide was used to collect data, validated by expert judgments and pilot testing. It was then approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine for the execution of the project. The data were processed through thematic content analysis; Likewise, the criteria of scientific rigor and ethical principles of Sgreccia bioethics were applied. The results were represented by 5 categories: a) Habits in checking, hygiene, drying and moisturizing the feet, b) Family supportin trimming nails and measures to improve foot circulation, c) Use of appropriate footwear inside and outside the home depending on the weather season and comfort, d) Customs and use of traditional medicine in foot self-care, e) Self-learning and the need for health education for foot self-care. In this study, diabetic patients show deficiencies in their self-care, such as lack of hydration in their feet. Despite some positive practices, such as proper foot hygiene; The lack of family support and the limited teaching of health personnel contribute to risky practices. The need to provide education and supervision to prevent complications is highlighted.

Evaluation of simple, noninvasive methods for sampling and quantification of skin bacteria

Dziedzic, Kamila January 2024 (has links)
The increased incidence of diabetes mellitus has underscored the importance of effective management strategies, particularly in preventing complications such as diabetic foot ulcers (DFU). Chronic infections associated with DFU pose significant health risks, including lower limb amputations, highlighting the urgent need for non-invasive methods to assess skin microbiota changes. This study aimed to evaluate simple methods of sampling and quantifying skin bacteria, comparing techniques such as Gram staining, DAPI staining, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Furthermore, the study investigated bacterial abundance variations across different sampling sites on the foot. Skin bacteria were sampled from healthy human volunteers using tape stripping (TPS) and swabbing. Gram-staining of the samples showed that most bacteria were found on the heel of the foot, and only Gram-positive bacteria were found on the skin of healthy study participants. However, Gram-staining showed artifacts in the form of bubbles under the microscope, which interfered with bacteria counting. PCR provided results indicating the presence of Staphylococcal species on the skin of healthy feet. DAPI staining showed images of bacteria like the ones stained with Gram staining. After using FISH-probe it was found that only a few bacteria hybridized with the probe and further optimization of the protocol is required. The study evaluated various techniques for sampling and quantifying skin bacteria and compared the number of bacteria present on the foot of healthy individuals, which may be used to identify infections before they develop into more serious conditions.

La infermeria d'atenció primària en l'atenció als problemes del peu en la diabetis tipus 2 a Catalunya

Jurado Campos, Jerónimo 12 June 2009 (has links)
Aquesta tesi pretén respondre a la pregunta: Què pot fer la infermeria d'atenció primària i què és el què fa, en els problemes del peu en persones amb diabetis tipus 2 a Catalunya?. L'estat del tema exposa la importància de les complicacions en el peu i la possibilitat de reduir-les amb un paper rellevant de la infermeria d'atenció primària. La investigació s'ha centrat en conèixer de què disposa, les activitats que desenvolupa, i què li manca a la infermeria per desenvolupar el seu potencial. Els resultats observats són representatius i mostren clares desigualtats assistencials entre centres, regions sanitàries i tipus de gestió. Suggerint que en l'atenció primària convé organitzar i coordinar l'atenció als problemes del peu en la diabetis, millorar la formació i la capacitació infermera en el tema, fomentar i optimitzar la presència de professionals especialitzats, i potenciar l'educació en diabetis i la promoció de la salut. / This doctoral thesis intends to reply to the question: what can make primary care nursing and what it makes in the problems of the foot in type two diabetic patients in Catalonia? The state the subjects sets forth the importance of the foot complications and the possibility to reduce them with a relevant role of the primary care nursing.The research has focused on knowing of what the orders, the activities that it develops and what needs the nursing to develop its potential. The observed results are representative and they show clear welfare inequalities among centers, sanitary regions and type of management. Suggesting that in primary care, it agrees on organizing and coordinating the attention in diabetic foot problems, improving the nursing training in this topic, fostering and optimizing the presence of specialized professionals and promoting the diabetes education and the health promotion.

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