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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dagbok inom intensivvård : en verklighetsbeskrivning grundad på uppmuntran och hopp

Fröberg, Emmeli, Svensson, Helén January 2011 (has links)
På många intensivvårdsavdelningar skrivs det dagbok för patienten. Dagboksskrivande på intensivvårdsavdelning är dokumentation av vårdtiden skrivet till patienten av sjuksköterskor och annan vårdpersonal och i vissa fall närstående. Intensivvårdsavdelningen är en tekniktät miljö som kan upplevas skrämmande och stressig för patienten, vård på intensivvårdsavdelning kan orsaka posttraumatisk stress syndrom efter vårdtiden. Forskning visar att dagboken tillsammans med uppföljningsverksamhet efter vårdtiden på intensivvårdsavdelningen kan minska risken för utveckling av post traumatisk stress syndrom. Syftet med studien var att beskriva innehållet i patientens dagbok från vårdtiden på intensivvårdsavdelningen. Den vetenskapliga ansatsen är kvalitativ där datainsamling har skett genom insamling av totalt sju patientdagböcker från fyra olika sjukhus i Sverige. Analysmetoden kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes. Resultatet presenteras i 16 underkategorier och fem kategorier. Resultatet visar att innehållet i dagboken handlar om orsak till patientens sjukdomstillstånd och behandling, förändringar i andningen, patientens kommunikation, hälsofrämjande aktiviteter och beskrivningar av omvärlden. Kategorierna har sammanförts till ett tema där dagbokens innehåll ses som en verklighetsbeskrivning genom dialog grundad på uppmuntran och hopp. / Program: Specialistsjuksköterskeutbildning med inriktning mot intensivvård

"Formação continuada em educação física para professoras de educação infantil: a técnica do diário de aula " / CONTINUING PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE FOR PRESCHOOL TEACHERS: THE DIARY WRITING INTERPRETATIVE RESEARCH METHOD

Valentina Piragibe 28 March 2006 (has links)
Investigou-se com esta pesquisa, o processo de reflexão, sobre a prática pedagógica, de quatro professoras de uma Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil (EMEI) de São Paulo que participaram de um curso de educação continuada em educação física mediado pela técnica dos diários de aula. Realizou-se a análise de padrões, tarefas e dilemas dos diários e a análise de conteúdo das entrevistas. Nos primeiros diários, as professoras avaliavam aspectos não relacionados aos objetivos e conteúdos da aula, deixando-se envolver pelas emoções que compõem a reflexão na ação. Quando a escrita dos diários e as discussões coletivas passaram a fazer parte de sua rotina de trabalho, observaram as principais dificuldades de seus alunos em relação às habilidades fundamentais, ao trabalho com ritmo, circuitos, estafetas, tarefas. O jogo contribuiu para discussões sobre compreensão, construção e respeito a diversas regras. Houve dificuldades externas à aula que mostraram a importância do apoio pedagógico e material, tais como: a jornada completa do professor que supõe tempo suficiente para todas as atividades, sem sobrecarga de trabalho, e a valorização salarial. A participação das crianças nas decisões durante a aula possibilitou compreender seu modo de pensar, fez com que contribuíssem para atingir os objetivos da aula e facilitou os planejamentos e as reflexões. / With this work, it is investigated the reflexion process, upon the pedagogical practice, of four teachers from a public preschool (EMEI) at São Paulo during continuing physical education course based on diaries writing interpretative research method. We analyzed diaries patterns, tasks and dilemmas and interviews content analyze. At the first diaries the teachers didn’t consider the objectives and content during class evaluation, keeping involved by “tangled emotions” that make up the reflexion in action. When the writing diaries and the collective discussions became part of their working routine, they could notice the main students’ difficulties related to fundamental skills and to the work with rhythm, circuits, file squads and learning centers (stations). The play contributed in discussions about understanding, building and respect many rules. There were difficulties outside the class that showed the material and pedagogical support importance, as to increase the salaries and to guarantee the full-time journey to the teachers. It supposes enough time for all activities without overburden work. With the children involvement in decisions, during the class, it became possible to understand their thinking way, to make them help with the class goal and to make planning and reflexion easier.

Expressão coletiva e gênero textual nos cadernos de Juca Teles do Sertão das Cotias: por um estatuto do gênero diário / Collective expression and textual gender at Juca Teles notebooks: the standard of the diary genre

Nathalia Reis Fernandes 22 August 2017 (has links)
Esta tese explora o conteúdo dos chamados diários de Juca Teles, figura folclórica da cidade de São Luiz do Paraitinga (SP), possuidores de características que refogem ao que tradicionalmente se espera do gênero literário diário pessoal. Esses diários consistem num misto de agenda de trabalho, relatos de fatos da cidade e caderno de poesia, que, unidos, parecem conduzir a uma espécie de caleidoscópio de pessoas e circunstâncias, que se sucedem de forma aparentemente caótica e sem lógica. Dizemos aparentemente, porque os cadernos são bem cuidados, a letra é de bom traçado e praticamente não há borrões ou rasuras. Focado em apenas um dos diversos cadernos existentes, o estudo pretendeu, em primeiro lugar, avaliar se o caleidoscópio de que falamos consistiria em uma unidade, apesar da aparente fragmentação; em seguida, procurou-se avaliar se ele seria uma espécie de obra coletiva, evocativa da memória de toda a cidade, uma vez que há poucas referências pessoais ao autor e muita ênfase no cotidiano e na enumeração das pessoas; e, ao final, procurou-se confirmar se realmente se está diante de um \"diário\" ou se o material estaria enquadrado em gênero textual distinto. Concluído que se trata de um diário, traçou-se um estatuto mínimo do gênero diário, pouco estudado em termos constitutivos. Tal estudo foi desenvolvido com recursos da teoria do texto de linha bakhtiniana, da psicologia moderna, mais especialmente da abordagem integrativa transpessoal (o que, como se procurará demonstrar, não tem contradição com a adoção da linha de pensamento de Bakhtin), e da teoria existente sobre o gênero diário. Procedeu-se também à edição do caderno escolhido, de forma que se pudesse verificar o estilo do autor e ter contato mais próximo com as personagens e fatos que compõem o conteúdo do corpus. / This thesis explores the content of the so-called Juca Teles diaries. Juca Teles was a folkloric character from São Luiz do Paraitinga (São Paulo State, Brazil), and his notebooks have specific details that dont follow the expected lines in a personal diary. The diaries contain work notes, a description of some city events and poetry together, as a kaleidoscope of people and facts, apparently chaotic and without logic. We say apparently, because the notebooks are in good state, the handwriting is clear and there is almost not a single erasure in them. The study focuses in only one of the various notebooks, intending to analyse if this kaleidoscope could be a single unite, nonetheless its apparent fragmentation. It will also aim to prove this corpus consists in a collective writing, containing the citys memoir, as there are little personal references to Juca Teles and too much emphasis on day-to-day life and lists of people. Also, it will try to prove if this corpus is a real diary. If we can prove that this corpus is really a diary, we will define this gender, due to the lack of studies regarding the subject. We will develop this study with resources from Bakhtin\'s theory, modern psychology (which can be combined with Bakhtinian theory, as it will be proven later) and pre-existent theory on diaries. Also, we will edit the notebooks content, to verify the authors style and to have a closer contact with characters and facts that are inside the diary.

Faithful to the Fans: Audience Influence on The Lizzie Bennet Diaries and Transmedia Adaptation Fidelity

Robbins, Shaina Gwynn 01 March 2016 (has links)
New forms of digital storytelling directly challenge conventional notions about adaptation by allowing for increased audience participation. Fans today exercise unprecedented levels of influence over how beloved stories are adapted. According to Thomas Leitch, fans have historically influenced certain adaptations by calling for increased fidelity. He refers to these adaptations, which resist the inevitability of infidelity to an unusual degree, as “exceptionally faithful.” Though rare, these efforts at fidelity are typically the result of fan demands. Ultimately, these seemingly faithful adaptations are more faithful to fan expectations than to their original texts. Scholarship is needed on the extensive influence of what I call “fan faithfulness,” particularly in new transmedia adaptations that directly empower fans. This paper seeks to shed light on the problem by first placing itself within the current scholarly conversation on fidelity and then exploring the historical relationship between fan demands and faithfulness. Traditional Jane Austen adaptations, which have so often been exceptionally faithful, will form the cornerstone of this analysis, as will The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, a 2012-2013 serialized YouTube adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. In direct and immediate response to audience demands, this series altered its characters and storylines to accord with fans' belief that Jane Austen was a feminist and that her books echoed that feminism. As The Lizzie Bennet Diaries' dedication to Austen's feminist themes powerfully shows, new transmedia storytelling allows fans unprecedented power in demanding fidelity and deciding what that faithfulness means.

Adult ESL Writing Journals: A Case Study of Topic Assignment

Brunette, Kathryn Elaine 25 May 1994 (has links)
Over the past ten years, the use of student writing journals has become increasingly widespread in the TESOL field. Such journals serve a wide variety of purposes: a cultural diary, a free writing exercise, a forum for reaction or comment on readings or classroom discussions, in addition to a form of teacher/student dialogue. The main purpose of this study has been to determine the relationship of topic assignment to the quantity and quality of resulting entries. The data, 144 journal entries generated by ten adult ESL students over a period of ten weeks, were measured for length, in terms of total words and total number of T-units, and quality as assessed by the Jacobs profile (1981) which considers the following areas: content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics. In addition, student reactions to instructor comments and attitudes toward journal keeping were explored in an end of term questionnaire. It was found that, on a group level, the assignment of four specified topic types (A. Topics relating to class lectures and discussions, B. Topics relating class discussions to the students' respective cultures, C. Topics relating to class or personal experiences and D. No topic assignment) did not appear to have any relationship with either the quality or quantity of writing. However, on an individual level, topic assignment did seem to have a relationship with the quantity of writing and in some cases, the quality as well. In considering student reaction to instructor comments, all students reported reading instructor comments, but rarely responded to them. When considering topic assignment, 74% of the students stated preferring an assigned topic, yet 60% actually wrote more when given a free choice of topic. Also, on the individual level, students stated a variety of topic type preferences that roughly corresponded with an increase in entry length. Finally, students seemed to have a positive attitude toward journal keeping as 80% stated they would like to keep a journal next term.

An Exploration of the Value of Future TESOL Teachers Reflecting on their Pasts as Language Learners

Lawrence, Sarah Elizabeth 15 March 1995 (has links)
Virtually all future teachers _of ESL/EFL have been foreign- or second-language learners themselves. However, reflection on their own past language-learning experiences is usually not integrated into the coursework of professional TESOL preparation programs and there has been little published research in TESOL in which students in professional TESOL preparation programs reflect on their past language learning experiences. The purpose of this research was to explore the effects on TESOL Methods students of revisiting a past language-learning experience. The subjects were students in a TESOL Methods class. This study examined an assignment given to these students to write a short "language learning narrative" (LLN) describing a past language learning experience. The data base of this qualitative study included included thirty-one LLNs, thirty-one free-writes and eleven interviews with these TESOL students. The results indicate that the students' memories of affective factors such as nervousness about speaking in class and feeling successful or unsuccessful as language learners were prominent in their minds, as was a strong focus on the teacher. The benefits to the TESOL students of writing the LLNs included increased sensitivity to the perspective of the learner, willingness to engage in reflection, and an understanding of the connections between their past experiences and the kinds of experiences they wanted to create in future language classrooms. While the TESOL students seemed to have mastered the latter skill, they did not see their past language learning experiences as a resource that could give them insights into particular teaching dilemmas. Also, they tended to make direct generalizations based on their own past reactions as language learners to what they imagined their future students' reactions would be. They wanted to recreate for their future students experiences that had been positive for them and do the opposite of what the teachers of language classes they had experienced as negative had done. The study concludes that the LLN assignment is recommended for use in other professional TESOL training programs, with modifications that would encourage the students to become aware of variations in learner preferences and to view their past language learning experiences as a continuing resource.

"Self was Forgotten": Attention to Private Consciousness in the Diaries of Three Mormon Frontier Women

Long, Genevieve Jane 18 May 1994 (has links)
This study discusses diaries by three Mormon women on America's southwestern frontier. These diaries cover a period stretching from 1880-1920. The study explores how these diarists (in a culture that was and remains highly communitarian and which valued, for women, the primary roles of helpmeet and mother), leave the imprint of individual as well as cooperative consciousness in private writings. As authors, diarists display remarkable persistence in maintaining and elaborating on a daily text. Since diaries are a type of private writing engaged in even by women who--because of education, social class, or life circumstances--do little other writing, women's diaries offer significant clues to women's writing strategies and goals. Most study of women's diaries positions these texts as footnotes to history or the literary canon. This study discusses the interplay between persona, tone and style, a diarist's life experience (pioneering, for example) and Mormon expectations for women. Consistently positioning women as helpers in building a millenial kingdom, Mormonism deemphasizes the very act which keeping diaries encourages them to begin: placing the self in a position of (literal) authority. In these diaries, the writers have been able to include or omit what they choose from daily narrative, signaling meaning through shifts in style or tone. As writers, these women function as authorities in their individual and communal lives. Three diaries form the core of this study. The Udall diary is taken from a published version edited by her granddaughter, Maria S. Ellsworth. The Chase diary comes from the University of Utah's archives, from among papers of the diarist's husband, George Ogden Chase. The Willis diary was edited from manuscript and donated for this study by Kim Brown, who supplied photocopies of both her typescript and the original Willis manuscript.

History of the Forty-Second Parallel as a Political Boundary Between Utah and Idaho

Bergeson, Nancy 01 May 1983 (has links)
The original purpose of this paper was to discover why Cache County, Utah at one time taxed towns now located in the State of Idaho. Later, it became apparent that a history of the forty - second parallel was necessary to fully understand the reasoning used by both the Federal and local governments in setting up the political boundaries of Utah and Cache County. Therefore, it was necessary to research the records of the Federal Government, Cache County Government, the LDS Journal History, and diaries of residents of Cache and Bear Lake Valleys, as well as detailed accounts of Spanish and Mexican negotiations with the United States. I also felt it necessary to obtain copies of maps drawn in the 1800s to appreciate the geographical knowledge available at the time. Boundary decisions in the western United States appeared to be the result of compromise more often than not. The forty - second parallel boundary was originally made to appease two independent nations. Because this spirit of compromise continued in the formation of territories after the United States gained control over both sides of the line and precedent was followed more readily than logic, the boundary did not fully satisfy residents on either side of the border for many years .

O diário de Tavistock: Virginia Woolf e a busca pela literatura / The Tavistock diary: Virginia Woolf and the quest for literature

Mesquita, Ana Carolina de Carvalho 19 February 2019 (has links)
Esta tese de doutorado sobre o diário de Virginia Woolf divide-se em duas partes. A primeira, uma análise do diário como um todo, busca trazer à tona sua literariedade e aproximações modernistas, que, como procuro mostrar, viram-se obliteradas durante os processos de sua edição. O diário de Woolf tem sido tradicionalmente usado como suporte para interpretar suas obras principais os livros de ficção e não-ficção cuja publicação ela supervisionou pessoalmente em vida , porém, como observa seu biógrafo Quentin Bell, ele é, em si, uma grande obra. A primeira parte destaca ainda pontos de uma possível teoria literária woolfiana (as aspas se devem ao fato de Woolf ter sido avessas a consolidações e se propor a quebrar o molde a cada novo livro), tais como as possibilidades de representação do mundo e do indivíduo as subjetividades e os movimentos da história, da guerra e da violência, principalmente aqueles relacionados à mulher. Buscou-se realizar tal análise em confronto com o restante da obra de Woolf e seu contexto, dando atenção às particularidades do seu diário e, em especial, ao que chamo de sua forma-cruzamento. Sustento que o diário é uma obra especialmente marcada pelas intercessões entre gêneros; ficção e realidade; e interior e exterior (público e privado); bem como entre as demais obras woolfianas, num movimento de constante autotextualidade. A segunda parte da presente tese oferece a tradução integral e comentada do período em que Virginia Woolf morou no número 52 da Tavistock Square, em Londres (de março de 1924 a início de agosto de 1939), que denomino Diário de Tavistock. Tal tradução alinha-se com um entendimento que enxerga no próprio ato tradutório uma aproximação com o ato crítico, no sentido de que também proporciona um embate privilegiado com o texto e suas múltiplas relações interpretativas. / This doctoral thesis on Virginia Woolf\'s diary is divided into two sections. The aim of the first one, an analysis of Woolfs diary as a whole, is to highlight its literary and modernist traits, which as I try to demonstrate have been almost obliterated during its editing process. Woolfs diary has been conventionally used by scholars as a secondary source to interpret her major works the fiction and non-fiction books whose edition she personally oversaw , but as Quentin Bell, Woolfs biographer, declares, it is a major work of its own. The first part also highlights points of a Woolfian literary theory (I liberally use quotes here, for Woolf objected to being fixed on definitions and wished instead to break the mold with each new book). Among these are the possibilities of artistic representation of both the world and the individual e.g., the subjectivities and the movements of history, war and violence, especially those related to women. Such analysis takes into consideration the rest of Woolf\'s work, privileging the particularities of her diary and, especially, what I call its crossing form. Her diary is a work deeply marked by intercessions between genres; fiction and reality; interiority and exteriority (public and private), as well as between her other writings, in a movement of constant autotextuality. The second part of the thesis offers an annotated translation into Portuguese of the period in which Woolf lived at 52 Tavistock Square, London (March 1924 early August 1939), which I call the Tavistock Diary. Such a translation is aligned with an understanding that the translation act is also a critic one, in the sense that it provides a privileged confrontation with a text and its multiple interpretative relations.

Language assimilation and crosslinguistic influence : a study of German exile writers

Ferguson, Stuart Douglas, University of Western Sydney, Macarthur, Faculty of Education January 1996 (has links)
Social and textual aspects of the language assimilation of German exile writers are studied. Major differences concern the length of their exile, their foreign language learning ability and their attitude to assimilating, and the primary sources are letters and diaries. Descriptive analysis is performed on the prose, mainly in the area of crosslinguistic influences. Despite their differing assimilation, the prose contains similar crosslinguistic influences. There are consistent changes in crosslinguistic influences during the course of language assimilation, initially determined by the extent of second language acquisition. However, language learning factors give way to social factors with crosslinguistic infuences ultimately governed by the functional independence of the second language. Lexically triggered code-switching is usually a step towards functionally motivated code-switching. Finally a tentative, schematic model of how the process of language assimilation causes and modifies crosslinguistic influences is proposed. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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