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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'Bankrupt enchantments' and 'fraudulent magic': demythologising in Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber and Nights at the Circus

Buchel, Michelle Nelmarie 28 October 2004 (has links)
Angela Carter (1940-1992) positions herself as a writer in ‘the demythologising business’ (1983b:38). She defines myth in ‘a sort of conventional sense; also in the sense that Roland Barthes uses it in Mythologies’ (in Katsavos 1994:1). Barthes states that ‘the very principle of myth’ is that ‘it transforms history into nature’ (Barthes 1993:129). This process of naturalisation transforms culturally and historically determined fictions into received truths, which are accepted as natural, even sacred. This thesis explores Carter’s demythologising approach in her collection of fairy tales, The Bloody Chamber, and her novel, Nights at the Circus. The readings of these texts are informed by the ideas that Carter discusses in her feminist manifesto The Sadeian Woman: An Exercise in Cultural History, which she describes as ‘a late-twentieth-century interpretation of some of the problems [de Sade] raises about the culturally determined nature of women and of the relations between men and women that result from it’ (1979:1). In The Bloody Chamber and Nights at the Circus, Carter questions the culturally determined roles that patriarchal ideology has ‘palmed off’ on women as ‘the real thing’ (1983b:38), and she scrutinizes the relations between the sexes that have resulted from them. In The Sadeian Woman, the subject-object dichotomy of gendered identity is explored as a predatory hierarchy. The Bloody Chamber explores the same ideological ground, and ‘the distinctions drawn are not so much between males and females as between “tigers” and “lambs”, carnivores and herbivores, those who are preyed upon and those who do the preying’ (Atwood 1994:118). The most discomfiting point that Carter makes in The Bloody Chamber is that patriarchal ideology has traditionally viewed women as herbivores, or ‘meat’, that is, as passive objects of desire and inert objects of exchange. In Nights at the Circus, the subject-object dichotomy is presented in its spectator-spectacle guise. Fevvers, the female protagonist, is a winged aerialiste who articulates an autonomous identity for herself that exists outside of patriarchal prescription. She presents herself as feminine spectacle and, in so doing, becomes simultaneously a spectator, as she ‘turns her own gaze on herself, producing herself as its object’ (Robinson 1991:123). Mary Ann Doane refers to this strategy of self-representation as the masquerade. In ‘flaunting femininity’, Fevvers ‘holds it at a distance’, and in this way womanliness becomes ‘a mask which can be worn or removed’ (Doane 1991:25). Susanne Schmid points out that ‘every act of deconstruction entails a process of reconstructing something else’ (1996:155), and this suggests that Carter, in demythologising, also remythologises. Roland Barthes argues that ‘the best weapon against myth is perhaps to mythify it in its turn, and to produce an artificial myth’ (1993:135). In the characterisation of Fevvers, Carter creates an ‘artificial myth’ that does not present itself as either eternal or immutable. In masquerading as a feminine spectacle, Fevvers temporarily incarnates an archetypal femininity. But this is just a performance, for Fevvers is also an agent of self-representation, and so she is both a real woman and an artificial myth of femininity. / Dissertation (MA (English))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / English / unrestricted
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Etude critique de la théorie quantitative de la monnaie dans l'histoire des crises des prix / Critical study of the quantity theory of money in the history of prices crisis

Diop, Momar 25 June 2014 (has links)
La théorie quantitative de la monnaie reliant systématiquement la croissance de la masse monétaire en circulation et la hausse généralisée des prix, est l’une des conceptions les plus anciennes en science économique. Après avoir fait l’objet de multiples controverses selon les époques, elle semble aujourd’hui peu préoccuper l’attention des économistes. Les désaccords portèrent souvent sur la dichotomie, la neutralité de la monnaie, la proportionnalité de la relation monnaie-Prix, les propriétés de la fonction de demande de monnaie, et sur l’éxogénéité de l’offre de monnaie. Cette théorie influence officieusement la conduite de la politique monétaire de la plupart des banques centrales qui se fixent des mesures conventionnelles de contrôler la quantité de monnaie pour limiter l’inflation. Dans de nombreux manuels d’économie, la théorie quantitative est encore mobilisée pour expliquer les hausses généralisées des prix.En recourant aux méthodes de l’économie politique qui consistent à opposer les faits et la théorie des économistes, notre thèse consiste à proposer une évaluation critique des doctrines monétaires quantitativistes dans l’interprétation des crises historiques de hausse des prix. Notre démarche s’appuie en particulier sur une réinterprétation factuelle de deux grandes crises des prix connues où nous cherchons à voir si la théorie quantitative y est exclusivement pertinente. Ainsi la « révolution des prix » du XVIe en Europe et l’hyperinflation allemande sont deux épisodes d’une crise des prix où la théorie quantitative s’avère insuffisante pour expliquer les problèmes étudiés. Pourtant la conception quantitativiste de la monnaie s’est beaucoup métamorphosée au fil du temps, s’appuyant à chaque fois sur les corpus théoriques de l’équilibre et de la valeur, solidaires d’une unité méthodologique assise sur la dichotomie. Notre thèse est revenue de manière critique et détaillée sur toutes les facettes de cette métamorphose, à partir de la contribution des auteurs classiques jusqu’aux néoclassiques, tout en mettant un accent sur l’apport de Keynes, pour rendre compte de la longue continuité de la pensée quantitative dans la science économique. / The Quantity Theory of money which always links the increase in the high-Powered money supply and the general rise in prices is one of the oldest concepts in economics. After to have been the subject of many controversies at different times, it seems nowadays to hold less attention from the economists because the dispute is dissipated in a kind of religious choice to believe or not to believe to quantity theory. This theory officially influences the monetary policy of most of central banks in the world that bind conventional measures to control the money supply to curb inflation process. In many orthodox economics’ textbooks, the quantity theory is still deployed in perpetuum to explain the price crisis in history.By using the methods of political economy, we will counterbalance the economic facts like they are recorded and the economic theory; our thesis aims to provide a critical assessment of orthodox monetary doctrines based on the quantity theory, in the interpretation of historical price crises. Our approach relies on a factual reinterpretation of two major historical price crises in Europe, and we will seek to see if the quantity theory is relevant. Thereby, the “price revolution” of the sixteenth in Europe and the German hyperinflation are two periods of price crisis where the quantity theory is insufficient to explain all sides of the problem studied. Yet the quantity conception of money is much transformed over time, based each time on the doctrines of equilibrium and value. Our thesis is back critically in details on all aspects of this transformation: the contribution from the classics until the neoclassical School, all with a focus on the contribution of Keynes, to account for the long survival of quantity thinking in monetary economics.
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Definovatelne grafy / Definable graphs

Grebík, Jan January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis we consider various questions and problems about graphs that appear in the framework of descriptive set theory. The main object of study are graphons, graphings and variations of the graph G0. We establish an approach to the compactness of the graphon space via the weak* topology and introduce the notion of a fractional isomorphism for graphons. We use a variant of the G0-dichotomy in the context of the classification problem. Finally, we show a measurable version of the Vizing's theorem for graphings. 1

ヒップホップの宗教的機能 : アフリカ系アメリカ人ヒップホップ世代の救済観 / ヒップホップ ノ シュウキョウテキ キノウ : アフリカケイ アメリカジン ヒップホップ セダイ ノ キュウサイカン

山下 壮起, Soki Yamashita 20 September 2017 (has links)
博士(神学) / Doctor of Theology / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University


ISABELLE SOARES PEPE 29 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] A dicotomia na relação sociedade-natureza se projeta consideravelmente sobre as florestas tropicais, que muitas vezes são consideradas uma natureza estática, sem história e com poucos habitantes, onde sua complexidade estrutural e funcional se deu apenas por processos naturais. O presente trabalho investigou: i. a transformação da paisagem de Grumari, bairro localizado no extremo sudoeste do Maciço da Pedra Branca (RJ), que possui, atualmente, a maior área de cobertura vegetal do município e ii. os legados socioecológicos encontrados na floresta, com o intuito de desvendar quais e como as interações humanas com meio físicobiológico contribuíram para a construção da atual paisagem florestal. Para isso foram usadas metodologias oriundas da Geografia, História e Ecologia que perpassaram a investigação de documentos históricos com fontes primárias e secundárias extraídos de Arquivos Históricos, complementados pela identificação e sistematização de vestígios materiais encontrados em trabalhos de campo, segundo a metodologia da leitura da paisagem. Por fim, utilizou-se a fitossociologia para análise do componente arbóreo ao redor dos vestígios encontrados, no sentido de compreender as resultantes ecológicas do encontro entre a dinâmica social e natural. Foram inventariadas oito unidades amostrais da vegetação arbórea perfazendo 0,32 ha. Foi encontrado um total de 90 espécies, sendo Guarea guidonia, Piptadenia gonoacantha, Sparattosperma leucanthum, Gallesia integrifolia e Joannesia princeps as mais conspícuas. A encosta florestal de Grumari foi habitada por populações humanas, possivelmente desde os povos sambaquieiros; passando por indígenas Tupinambás; colonizadores portugueses; instituições religiosas de poder; latifundiários e pequenos lavradores posseiros - que até hoje ocupam o território – e, mais atualmente, o Poder Público, que exerce a governança ambiental através das Unidades de Conservação. Alguns efeitos da modificação dos ecossistemas para a sobrevivência e atividades econômicas referentes a distintos momentos históricos estão impressos na paisagem através de vestígios como: depósitos malacológicos, resquícios de carvoarias, ruínas e antigos caminhos, geralmente associados à presença de espécies exóticas, e espécies nativas que apresentam padrão de dominância na comunidade vegetal. A associação desses elementos encontrados na paisagem conta histórias para além da história escrita. Depois de mais de 200 anos de intenso uso do solo para agricultura, fornecimento de energia e água e habitações humanas, a vegetação avançou sobre áreas de antigas roças, carvoarias e pastos abandonados. A floresta seguiu sucessões ecológicas únicas, que expressam a história e a cultura em sua composição e estrutura. A complementaridade de fontes – escritas, materiais, biológicas e fotográficas – contribuíram para a compreensão da complexidade da paisagem e dos fatores histórico-ambientais que a levaram à configuração atual. Além disso, permitiu dar luz a grupos sociais sistematicamente invisibilizados que foram importantes agentes de transformação do espaço com suas práticas culturais. A reunião dessas informações e a sistematização de vestígios materiais revelam as complexidades e dão concretude à discussão sobre florestas como paisagens culturais. / [en] The dichotomy in the society-nature relationship is projected considerably over tropical forests, which are often considered to be a static nature, with no history and with few inhabitants, and whose structural and functional complexity occurred only through natural processes. The present work investigated: i. the transformation of the landscape of Grumari, a neighborhood located in the southwestern corner of Maciço da Pedra Branca (RJ), which currently has the largest vegetation area in the municipality and ii. the socioecological legacies found in the forest, in order to discover which and how human interactions with physical-biological environment contributed to the construction of the current forest landscape. For this, methodologies from Geography, History and Ecology were used, which permeated the investigation of historical documents with primary and secondary sources extracted from Historical Archives, complemented by the identification and systematization of material traces found in fieldwork, according to the landscape reading methodology. Finally, phytosociology was used to analyze the tree component around the traces found, in order to understand the ecological results of the encounter between social and natural dynamics. Eight sampling units of tree vegetation totaling 0.32 ha were inventoried. A total of 90 species were found, with Guarea guidonia, Piptadenia gonoacantha, Sparattosperma leucanthum, Gallesia integrifolia and Joannesia princeps being the most conspicuous. The forested slope of Grumari was inhabited by human populations, possibly from the sambaquieiros peoples; passing by indigenous Tupinambás; Portuguese colonizers; religious institutions of power; landowners and small-scale tenant farmers - who still occupy the territory today - and, more recently, the Public Power, which exercises environmental governance through Conservation Units. Some effects of the modification of ecosystems for survival and economic activities referring to different historical moments are imprinted on the landscape through traces such as: malacological deposits, remnants of charcoal production, ruins and ancient paths, usually associated with the presence of exotic species, and native species that present a dominance pattern in the plant community. The association of these elements found in the landscape tells stories beyond written history. After more than 200 years of intense use of the soil for agriculture, energy and water supply and human habitation, the vegetation has advanced over areas of old fields, charcoal fields and abandoned pastures. The forest followed unique ecological successions, which express history and culture in their composition and structure. The complementarity of sources - written, material, biological and photographic - contributed to the understanding of the landscape complexity and the historical-environmental factors that led to its current configuration. In addition, it allowed to give light to systematically invisible social groups that were important agents of transformation of the space with their cultural practices. The gathering of this information and the systematization of material traces reveal the complexities and give substance to the discussion about forests as cultural landscapes.
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To Reframe a Constitution: Public Service in a Consumptive State

Salmi, Steven T. 12 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

The Role Accent Plays in the Evaluations of 'Native Speakerness' by "Native Speakers" of American English

Kalugampitiya, Nandaka M. 25 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Sportfånar och Kultursnobbar - om sport- och kulturjournalistikens betydelser ur ett samhälleligt perspektiv

Rosqvist, Ida January 2011 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att studera skillnader mellan kultur- och sportjournalistik för att kunna undersöka vad dessa skillnader har för grunder och betydelser för vår uppfattning om kultur och sport i samhället. Varför låter sport- och kulturjournalistik så olika? Vad har det för betydelse? Genom att detaljstudera två av Sveriges Radios nyhetsprogram, Kulturnytt och Radiosportens nyheter, görs skillnader mellan de två genrerna tydliga och konkreta. Skillnaderna analyseras utifrån begrepp som genre, hegemoni, dikotomi och uppdelningen mellan hög och låg samhällelig status. Uppsatsens slutsatser är att uppdelningen mellan sport och kultur hålls stabil genom journalistiska genrer, vilka i sin tur är skapade efter uttryckens olika samhälleliga status. Kulturens och sportens historiska bakgrunder och nutida plats i den samhälleliga diskursen speglas så i de journalistiska skillnaderna. Resultatet av undersökningen gestaltas i ett ljudverk som syftar till att tydliggöra hur skillnaderna ser ut genom att vända på genrerna. Hur låter det om man rapporterar om kultur som om det vore sport och hur skulle ett reportage om en sporthändelse låta med kulturjournalistikens verktyg? / The purpose of this dissertation is to study and examine the differences between culture and sports journalism to examine what the grounds of the differences are, and what the consequences are for our understanding of culture and sport in society. Why do sports and culture journalism sound so different? And, what does it mean? Through detailed study of two Swedish Radio news programmes, Kulturnytt and Radiosportens nyheter, the differences between the two genres is made evident and concrete. The differences are analysed through concepts as genre, hegemony, dichotomy and the division between high and low social status. The conclusions of this dissertation are that the division between sport and culture is kept stable by journalistic genres, which in turn is created by the expressions differences in social status. Culture and sport's historical background and contemporary place in the discourse is thus reflected in the journalistic differences. The results of the genre examination are interpreted in a radio piece, aiming to clarify how the differences are constructed by reversing the genres. How would it sound to report on culture as if it were sports, and how could a story about a sport event sound using the instruments of culture journalism?
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Integral manifolds for nonautonomous slow-fast systems without dichotomy

Shchetinina, Ekaterina 07 September 2004 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit betrachten wir ein System nichtautonomer gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen, das aus zwei gekoppelten Teilsystemen besteht. Die Teilsysteme bestehen aus langsamen bzw. schnellen Variablen, wobei die Zeitskalierung durch Multiplikation der rechten Seite eines Teilsystems mit einem kleinen Faktor erzeugt wird. Das Ziel unserer Untersuchungen besteht im Nachweis der Existenz einer Integralmannigfaltigkeit, mit deren Hilfe die schnellen Variablen eliminiert werden können. Dabei verzichten wir auf die übliche Annahme einer Dichotomiebedingung und ersetzen diese durch die Hinzunahme eines zusätzlichen Steuervektors. Wir beweisen, dass unter gewissen Voraussetzungen über die rechten Seiten der Teilsysteme ein eindeutiger Steuervektor existiert, der die Existenz der gewünschten Integralmannigfaltigkeit impliziert. Das Prinzip des Nachweises einer solchen beschränkten Integralmannigfaltigkeit basiert auf dem Zusammenkleben von anziehenden und abstossenden invarianten Mannigfaltigkeiten. In der Arbeit wird die Glattheit dieser Mannigfaltigkeit sowie deren asymptotische Entwicklung nach dem kleinen Parameter untersucht. / This work is devoted to nonautonomous slow-fast systems of ordinary differential equation without dichotomy. We are interested in the existence of a slow integral manifold in order to eliminate the fast variables. The peculiarity of the problem under consideration is that the right hand side of the system depends on some parameter vector which can be considered as a control to be determined in order to guarantee the existence of an integral manifold consisting of canard trajectories. We call the vector function as gluing function. We prove that under some conditions on the right hand side of the system there exists a unique gluing function such that the system has a slow integral manifold. We investigate the problems of asymptotic expansions of the integral manifold and the gluing function, and study their smoothness.
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[pt] A teoria do direito civil-constitucional tem como um dos seus postulados fundamentais a superação da dicotomia público/privado, como forma de submeter o Código Civil à hierarquia de princípios e valores presente na Constituição Federal. A transposição dessas fronteiras, todavia, acarreta uma verdadeira revolução no direito civil, pois a teoria clássica, em larga medida, considera - ainda que não declaradamente - o direito civil em situação de superioridade hierárquica, atribuindo a prevalência axiológica à vontade individual. Esta mudança de perspectiva traz ainda uma série de problemas, especialmente quanto à sua fundamentação. Para que o direito civil- constitucional não caia na armadilha de fundamentar a socialidade do direito civil tão somente no aspecto formal da hierarquia das leis, ou no aspecto ideológico de fazer pender a balança para o caráter social frente à vontade individual, cumpre reconhecer que a própria relação entre individualização e socialização se explica pela tensão entre os dois campos (público/privado) e não pela disputa entre eles. Para tanto, pretende-se elaborar esta tensão a partir da Teoria do Discurso, de Jürgen Habermas, aplicada ao direito, o que demanda uma fundamentação do direito civilconstitucional distinta das que contemporaneamente se apresentam. / [en] One of the main elements of the civil-constitutional approach to private law is the overcoming of the Public/Private dichotomy, as a way of subduing the Civil Code to the hierarchy of values contained in the Constitution. The crossing of these borders causes a true revolution in the private law because the classic theory usually considered the private law in a superior position in regard of the Constitution; the individual values prevailing over the social ones. This change of perspective brings out problems in regard to its foundation. The civilconstitutional theory must avoid the trap of justifying the sociality of the nonpatrimonial private law in the necessity of making social prevailing over individual. It is necessary to acknowledge that there is a tension - but not a conflict - between individualization and socialization. In this order, this dissertation intends to establish this tension through the application of the Discourse Theory of Jürgen Habermas in Law - a distinguished foundation of the civil-constitutional approach to private law.
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