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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Didaktické hry ve fyzikálním vzdělávání / Didactic games in physics education

Otáhalová, Klára January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with didactic games in physics education. A didactic game is a type of an activating teaching method. Didactic games are closely related to didactic toys. In the thesis, a survey of the use of didactic games in physics education is described. Didactic games according to the survey are used by most physics teachers. Eight didactic games were created. I received feedback on four of these games from students as part of piloting at schools. The thesis includes all materials, that are needed for testing the created didactic games. Keywords: didactic game, didactic toy, physics education

Undervisning om det naturvetenskapliga arbetssättet i lågstadiet : En exemplifiering av hur organiserande syften kan ge stöd för didaktisk design och analys av undervisning med rättvisa test som innehåll / Teaching about the scientific way of working in primary school : An exemplification of how organizing purposes can provide support for didactic design and analysis of teaching with fair tests as content

Anjou Pedersen, Petra, Fyrkemo, Amina January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to exemplify how the didactic model organized purposes can be used as support for professional experimentation to develop teaching with the working methods of natural science as a content in the primary school. We have done a didactic modeling with the exemplification phase as a research approach. Inspiration has been taken from action research in the research design. With this approach, we have exemplified how the didactic model organized purposes can be used as support in the planning, implementation and evaluation of teaching. To exemplify how organizing purposes provided support in didactic analysis and design of teaching, we completed two complete and started third teaching cycle. In each full cycle, we did an instructional design and then analyzed the outcome using organized objectives. We started the third cycle by making a design proposal. The teaching design was carried out in two different classes in year three at two different schools. Twelve students participated in the first cycle and fourteen students in the second. The content of the scientific method we wanted to teach was the need for control of variables to make fair tests. Implementation was recorded using film recording which was then analyzed using the conceptual apparatus for organizing purposes; overall purpose, proximate purpose, goal-in-sight and continuity. The exemplification shows that organizing purposes provided support for students and for us to teach goal oriented. In the analysis, the conceptual apparatus was a support for seeing parts that can be improved and developed in the teaching design. Our conclusion is that the didactic model organizing purposes can be seen as a successful tool and as a support for teachers to develop their teaching with a science approach as a content in the primary school curriculum. / Syftet med denna studie är att exemplifiera hur den didaktiska modellen organiserande syften kan användas som stöd för lärarprofessionen för att utveckla undervisning med naturvetenskapens arbetssätt som ett innehåll i lågstadiet. Vi har gjort en didaktisk modellering med exemplifieringsfasen som forskningsansats. Inspiration har hämtats från aktionsforskning i forskningsdesignen. Med denna ansats har vi exemplifierat hur den didaktiska modellen organiserande syften kan användas som stöd i planering, genomförande och utvärdering av undervisning. För att exemplifiera hur organiserande syften gav stöd i en didaktisk analys och design av undervisning gjorde vi två hela och påbörjat tredje undervisningscykel. I varje hel cykel gjorde vi en undervisningsdesign och analyserade sedan utfallet med hjälp av organiserande syften. Den tredje cykeln påbörjade vi genom att göra ett förslag på design. Undervisningsdesignen genomfördes i två olika klasser i årskurs tre på två olika skolor. I första cykeln deltog tolv elever och i den andra fjorton elever. Innehållet om det naturvetenskapliga arbetssättet vi ville undervisa var behovet av kontroll av variabler för att göra rättvisa test. Genomförande spelades in med hjälp av filminspelning som sedan analyserades med hjälp av begreppsapparaten i organiserande syften; övergripande syfte, närliggande syfte, mål-i-sikte och kontinuitet. Exemplifieringen visar att organiserande syften gav stöd för att stötta elever och för oss att undervisa målinriktat. I analysen var begreppsapparaten ett stöd för att få syn på delar som kan förbättras och utvecklas i undervisningsdesignen. Vår slutsats är att den didaktiska modellen organiserande syften kan ses som ett framgångsrikt verktyg och som ett stöd för lärare för att utveckla sin undervisning med ett naturvetenskapligt arbetssätt som ett innehåll i lågstadiet.

Didaktika profesního vzdělávání / Didactic of vocationally education

Veselá, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is divided into two parts. The first deals with the theoretical view of the vocational education, its development and specifics. The next section describes the differences between education of adults and children. Then the work is focused on the personality of the lector and didactic process, its aims, methods, forms and tools. To conclude the theoretical part summarizes the principle of feedback. The second part is summarized of research where respondents are lectors themselves. From research we know how much are they competent to exercise the profession of lecturers from the point of view of teaching, respectively didactic. The research used the questionnaire with closed and open questions.

Quelles alternatives pour l'enseignement du calcul algébrique au collège ? / What alternatives for the teaching of algebraic calculus in second grade ?

Constantin, Celine 12 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à l’élaboration d’alternatives pour l’enseignement du calcul algébrique au collège et en particulier de la propriété de distributivité qui joue un rôle central.En appui sur des recherches antérieures en didactique de l’algèbre, nous analysons les spécificités des savoirs à enseigner et enseignés sur le calcul algébrique, au regard de difficultés protomathématiques (Chevallard 1985) prégnantes du côté des élèves. Ceci conduit à appréhender de nouvelles formes de savoirs à enseigner accompagnant les savoirs mathématiques liés aux aspects sémantiques et syntaxiques des écritures symboliques algébriques. La notion de transformation de mouvement (Drouhard 1992) et l’exploration des caractères formalisateur, unificateur et généralisateur (ou FUG, Robert 1998) amène à envisager la distributivité au regard d’un domaine d’étude plus large, à la fois numérique et algébrique. L’étude d’une transposition possible des savoirs à enseigner permet de dégager des conditions et des contraintes pour élaborer une ingénierie didactique. Les résultats d’une expérimentation en classe de 5e (élèves de 12-13 ans) à partir d’analyses a priori et a posteriori, concernent les discours dont les élèves parviennent à s’emparer, justifiant et soutenant leurs techniques de calcul, ainsi que les organisations de connaissances qui émergent. Une nouvelle étude didactique et épistémologique relative à la notion de substitution vient clore la thèse afin de déterminer en quoi elle pourrait fonder un prolongement possible aux enjeux FUG pour l’enseignement de la distributivité et poursuivre l’ingénierie didactique amorcée visant à enseigner le calcul algébrique tout au long du collège. / This thesis seeks to explore alternatives for the teaching of algabraic calculus in second grade, and more specifically of the distributive law that plays a central role.Drawing on prior researches on didactic of algebra, characteristics of the knowledge to be taught and the knowledge taught about algebraic calculus are analyzed towards protomathematics difficulties (Chevallard 1985) constantly arising in students’work. This leads to consider new forms of knowledge, along with mathematical knowledge, that would be linked to semantic and syntactic aspects of symbolic algebraic expressions.Exploring the notion of movement transformation (Drouhard 1992) and the potential of formalizing, unifying, and generalizing (or FUG, Robert 1998), brings out the distributive law in a larger study field both numerical and algebraic.The study of a possible transposition of the knowledge to be taught yields a set of conditions and constraints to design a didactic situation. The results from a first experiment in a 5th grade class (12-13 year-olds) are based on a priori and a posteriori analysis. They focus on the discourses built and used by the students, justifying and supporting their manipulations, along with the knowledge organizations arising out.The last chapter addresses a new didactic and epistemological study of the notion of substitution aiming at discussing its potential to extend the FUG point of view on the teaching of the distributive property, and further on to provide a new perspective of research to carry on with our didactic design to teach algebraic calculus all along secondary school.

Využívání materiálních didaktických prostředků ve výuce přírodopisu na vybraných základních školách v Liberci / Using of Material Didactic Aids in Teaching of Biology on Selected Lower-secondary Schools in Liberec

Beňová, Pavla January 2022 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the use of material didactic resources in teaching science at selected schools in Liberec. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part is a literature survey, which characterizes didactic means in general on the basis of scientific literature. The aim of the thesis was to look more thoroughly at didactic aids, which are the main part of material didactic resources. Furthermore, to focus on the function of the resources in the classroom and to present the options and principles that should be followed when selecting them in order to make their use as effective as possible. The second, practical part, presents the results of observations from a total of 29 lessons which were taught as open lessons, in 3 primary schools in Liberec. The analysis of the collected data provided us with information on how much of the lesson the observed teachers devote to the use of material didactic resources. On the basis of the time load, we got an overview of the preferred resources and could evaluate whether they are traditional (workbook, classical blackboard, textbooks) or modern (Internet services, interactive whiteboards).

Didactic Aspects of Transferred Social Values in Children´s Literature : A Character Analysis Focusing on Adult-Child Power Structures Found in Lois Lowry´s Novel Number the Stars

Persson, Annelie January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this essay was to examine adult-child power structures connected to the main character in Lois Lowry´s novel Number the Stars, to see if they could be found in different levels, and layers of the text. With the focus to see if the novel´s content might correlate to any educational purposes if used when teaching English as a second language in the Swedish upper secondary school. The analysis showed that the novel displayed a didactic intent from the author to introduce ideological social values belonging to the Danish society and the resistance movement in Denmark during the German occupation, between the years of 1940-1945. Furthermore, presumed transference of American values from the author were found in the narrative. The portrayals of these social values in the narrative are done with a display of adult power over children in the narrative, both in the story and towards the novel´s intended readers. The content of the novel could then be used for educational purposes to uncover and discuss aspects of social power through ideology, human values, and human rights, correlating to the English syllabus in Lgr11 regarding "relations and ethical questions", as well as the curricula’s aim to develop the students ability´s to "reflect over living conditions, social and cultural phenomena in different contexts and parts of the world where English is used" (Skolverket 32, 34).

Didaktické přístupy k výuce ochrany přírody v České republice / Didactic approaches in teaching the preservation of nature in the Czech Republic

Sulková, Květa January 2011 (has links)
Thesis "Didactic approaches in teaching the preservation of nature in the Czech Republic" consist of five major chapters. The fourth chapter introduces important legal standards relating to conservation and landscape protection with emphasis on Law 114/92 Coll.,on Nature and Landscape. The fifth chapter deals with curricula documents, their structure and implementation of nature protection in these documents. The sixth chapter provides insight into the issue of school textbooks. The subject of iscussion are textbooks properties, their genesis and current research. In the seventh chapter the analysis of natural history and biology textbooks is introduced with regard to processing the topic of conservation in the Czech Republic. These textbooks were examined through content analysis with regards to the topic of conservation in the Czech Republic. Eight selected parameters were used for evaluating those textbooks that contain the above topic. In the last chapter a survey carried out on students of Prague high schools is processed. The presented results indicate the students' acquuaintance with conservation in the Czech Republic, their knowledge of the topic, and also the differences between the first- and fourth-graders. From the results of the survey some didactic approaches are derived for teaching...

Znalosti žáků ZŠ z oblasti evoluční biologie - tvorba didaktického testu. / Knowledge of elementary school pupils from the field of evolutionary biology - creation of a standardized test

ZAHRADNÍKOVÁ, Milena January 2018 (has links)
The main aim of my diploma thesis is to create a didactic test, which deals with the knowledge of pupils of the 9th year at elementary schools in the field of evolution. The literary overview is focused on the concept of evolution and its main principles, evolution within the scope of the educational program framework, publications dealing with this topic, especially with the emphasis on the current qualification work in this field, didactic tests, their types and aspects. In order to determine the level of knowledge in the field of evolution, a didactic test was then created. A total of 252 respondents participated in the test. All data was subsequently evaluated and discussed.

A aula de laboratório no ensino superior de química / The laboratory classes at higher education in Chemistry

Sato, Matheus de Sousa 09 December 2011 (has links)
A reforma curricular, no ensino superior de Química é um tema que vêm sendo muito debatido no meio acadêmico, não só por pesquisadores da área, mas também por alunos que sentem a necessidade de modificações nas grades curriculares. O currículo conteudista, que apenas disponibiliza um grande volume de informações formando profissionais despreparados deve ser substituído por um currículo que promova uma formação mais abrangente, formando profissionais que além de atender as necessidades do mercado, sejam conscientes das relações existentes entre sua área de atuação e a comunidade no âmbito cultural, social e político (formação mais humanística). Esta nova formação deve procurar formar cidadãos críticos, que questionem as interações da Química com a sociedade, que busquem respostas para problemas individuais e coletivos, e proponham soluções criativas para problemas atuais. Um espírito investigativo deve, necessariamente, ser desenvolvido no formando. Dentre vários aspectos importantes as abordagens do laboratório didático podem auxiliar esta formação designada pelo currículo, sendo algumas dessas muito divulgadas e defendidas na literatura. A didática laboratorial se bem aplicada pode contribuir para a melhor formação do aluno, tornando-o um profissional de Química ciente das suas funções, capacidades e habilidades. Sabendo das necessidades de reestruturação do currículo e da contribuição que as aulas laboratoriais podem ter na formação do profissional da Química; um dos pontos cruciais a ser considerado neste estudo é as aulas prático-experimentais que podem contribuir ou dificultar as adaptações das instituições de ensino superior às novas necessidades. Assim, busca-se neste trabalho analisar a didática aplicada nas aulas prático-experimentais, por meio de um questionário formulado com base em ferramentas de classificação da abordagem do laboratório didático. Tal questionário foi aplicado aos alunos do curso de bacharelado em Química de uma universidade pública para avaliar a contribuição das disciplinas experimentais para a aprendizagem significativa dos mesmos. Foram analisados seis diferentes laboratórios do primeiro ao terceiro ano do curso. Através do questionário observou-se que todos os laboratórios didáticos não apresentam experimentos de alto caráter investigativo. Alguns alunos têm uma concepção errada da relação entre teoria e prática, principalmente os de primeiro ano, o que pode estar diretamente envolvido com o tipo de abordagem utilizada. / The curriculum reform of the higher education in Chemistry is a matter that has been discussed at the academic by researchers and also by students. In particular, the students understand the need for changes in the curricular structure. The curriculum that emphasizes the specific aspects of Chemistry (\"content approach\") only provides a great amount of information should be replaced by a curriculum that promotes a more comprehensive learning and thus graduating professionals that besides attending the market needs are conscious of the relationship between their practice and the society at the cultural, social and politic scope (a humanistic graduation). This new graduation must search for graduated critical citizens, which question the interactions between Chemistry and society, looking for answers to individual and public problems and proposing creative solutions for current problems. An investigative approach must be developed during the instruction period. Among many important characteristics the approaches adopted in the laboratory classes should help the investigative activities in support to the curriculum according, as reported in several papers already published. If well applied, the teaching laboratorial activities can contribute for a better learning at the graduation making the chemical professionals aware of their functions, capabilities and abilities. Accepting the need for curriculum changes and the contribution that laboratory classes can promote at the graduation of Chemistry\'s professional one of the crucial points to be consider are the role of the teaching laboratory. The approaches adopted in these experimental activities are decisive in the promotion of the expected changes by the higher education institutes. Thus, this work aims to analyze the approach applied at experimental classes of the bachelor\'s program in Chemistry of a public university. To access these characteristics it was applied a questionnaire based on classification tools of laboratory didactics\' approaches. This questionnaire was applied to six different laboratory classes from 1st to 3rd year of the course to evaluate the contribution of experimental activities to their significative learning. By the questionnaire, it was observed that all the didactic laboratories do not present experiments with a high investigative level. Some students, in particular from the 1st year, have a misconception of the relationship between theory and practice and this assumption can be associated with the approach adopted in the laboratory work.

Desafios da didática nas licenciaturas: um estudo com professores formados entre cinco e dez anos / Didactics challenge at teaching majors: a study with teachers trained between five and ten years ago

Moraes, Elaine Emiliano de 20 July 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho é desenvolvido um estudo de natureza qualitativa que busca compreender em que a disciplina de didática se configurou no período de formação, assim como nos primeiros anos de exercício da profissão, de professores com até 10 anos de formação, vindos de diferentes cursos de licenciatura. Foram feitas entrevistas individuais com 11 professores que lecionavam entre os anos 2010 e 2011, nas cidades de Jundiaí e São Paulo, ambas localizadas no estado de São Paulo. Os dados das entrevistas foram organizados de tal forma que permitiram o estabelecimento de cinco categorias que se referem às formas como os professores percebem a sua formação pedagógica, dando ênfase à disciplina de didática. Eles revelam não haver clareza em relação à função da disciplina de didática na formação pedagógica. Verificamos, também, que as diversas facetas conceituais da didática extraídas dos depoimentos estão fortemente vinculadas à necessidade de um amparo mais palpável, ao qual seja possível recorrer para driblar a insegurança sentida nos momentos em que os professores se deparam com situações desafiadoras em sala de aula. Com base nisso é desenvolvida uma discussão buscando fundamentar a ideia de uma disciplina de didática mais voltada à abordagem das questões complexas que permeiam o cotidiano de trabalho docente na instituição escolar, tendo como pano de fundo a prática reflexiva. / In this study is developed a research of qualitative nature that aims to understand in which didactics discipline set up at formation period, as well as first years of profession, of teachers who count until 10 year of training and who have came from different teaching major courses. It has been done individual interviews with 11 teachers who used to teach between the years 2010 and 2011, at Jundiai and São Paulo cities, both located at São Paulo state. The interviews data was organized such as allows the establishment of five categories that refer itself to manners how teachers realize his teacher training, emphasizing didactic discipline. They reveal doesnt have clarity related to didactic discipline function at teacher training. We have verified too that several conceptual facets of didactic extracted of statements are strongly linked to need for more support, which is possible appeal to dribble insecurity felt at moments when the teachers face challenge situations inside classroom. Based on that its developed a discussion aiming substantiate the idea of a didactic discipline more directed to an approach of complex questions that permeate daily of teaching at school, having as background reflective practice.

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