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Vergils Georgica strukturanalytische Interpretationen.Pridik, Karl-Heinz, January 1971 (has links)
Diss.- Tübingen. / Vita. Bibliography: p. 299-314.
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Alfonso de la Torre's Visión deleytable philosophical rationalism and the religious imagination in 15th century Spain /Girón Negrón, Luis Manuel. January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Harvard University, 1997. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 272-300).
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O professor alfabetizador: sua formação, o programa Letra e vida e as lacunas conteudísticasSilvestre, Fernanda Gustavo [UNESP] 05 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
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silvestre_fg_me_arafcl.pdf: 3671579 bytes, checksum: 25479349c1ce7ef7d6908e0357bbd303 (MD5) / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo verificar possíveis lacunas conteudísticas que permeiam o trabalho do professor alfabetizador, como: sua formação acadêmica (grades curriculares e ementas), sua formação em serviço/continuada (pelo programa de formação de professores alfabetizadores do Governo do Estado de São Paulo “Letra e Vida”) e pelos livros didáticos adotados para uso em sala de aula (para essa análise foram escolhidos dois livros bastante adotados pelos professores da rede pública de ensino) para que em posse de tais dados, possa-se compreender melhor a alfabetização e seus problemas, a formação do professor e sua atuação e o material de formação criado pelo Governo Estadual de suas origens à sua aplicação prática. / The present work aims to verify possible lacks of contents on teacher’s job, such as: their academic formation (curricular gratings and summaries), their formation in service (by the programa de formação de professores alfabetizadores do Governo do Estado de São Paulo “Letra e Vida”) and the didactic books adopted by them for use in classroom (for this analysis two books had been chosen, the ones most adopted by the professors of the public net of education) so that in ownership of such data, it can be better understood the literacy and its problems, the formation of the professor and their performance and the material of formation created by the Governo do Estado of its origins to its practical application.
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Návrh využití letniček ve výuce na 2. stupni ZŠ / The suggestion of use of the annual flowers for the instruction of the primary school.PECHEK, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the issues of growing and the use of annual plants at the higher level of basic schools. It includes an elaborate list of annual plants suitable for growing at basic schools also with possibility of the didactic use. In addition this thesis contains an instructional film, a commentary on the film for teachers and a worksheet for students.
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De la grammaire du sens au sens de la grammaire : la grammaire négociée en lycée professionnel / The learner's grammar in EFL in a French technical schoolBouguerra, Fatih 04 March 2013 (has links)
Nous proposons, dans notre recherche, de travailler sur la grammaire complexe que les élèves construisenten cours d'anglais en lycée professionnel. Pour quelle(s) raison(s)? Selon nous, la réflexion métalinguistiqueà l'origine de toute étude explicite de la grammaire pose de manière récurrente des problèmes à nos élèves,tant du point de vue des processus enjeu dans l'analyse, que des métatermes utilisés. En effet, la pratique(ou observation) raisonnée de la langue, considérée comme une étape essentielle dans la construction desrègles sous-jacentes de la langue étrangère, demeure un exercice périlleux pour des élèves sans outilsréflexifs. Nous désirons développer avec eux une grammaire fondée sur des stratégies d'apprenantsefficaces, des procédures renouvelables au service d'actions qui aient du sens. La grammaire pédagogiquepeut être le résultat d'une grammaire négociée, et véritablement co-construite de manière inductive, pourlaisser place à une nomenclature opératoire et à des savoirs mobilisables. / This research study focuses on the grammar native speakers of French develop when leaming English in anacademie context. This work is based on an analysis of the difficulties leamers encounter when having toanswer questions of a metalinguistic nature. Initially, leamers do not seem to be equipped with the necessaryskills to either discuss the observed phenomena, nor to attempt at metalinguistic labelling. The study willfocus on the teacher-student negotiation thal takes place in the classroom, and which is inevitably linked tostatus and role. We will show thal when prompted to discuss linguistic issues in the right way, bringingstudents to uncover the implicit rules of the foreign language, students then become able to develop theirawareness of the language. This also allows them to build up a coherent and constantly evolvingmetalinguistic competence, which enables them to deal with linguistic challenges in a very empowering way.
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Elaboração de um material paradidático de física: textos e experimentos / Development of didactic material - eletricityAlessandra Riposati Arantes 15 March 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste na elaboração de três livros paradidáticos e, tem como público alvo pessoas interessadas em conhecer um pouco de ciência. Vale mencionar que os livros em questão servem como suporte aos livros didáticos. O conteúdo da obra é apresentado por meios de questionamentos acerca de fenômenos físicos que quatro adolescentes fazem entre si. Quando não conseguem esclarecer esses fenômenos por si só, as personagens procuram um site, o qual conduzirá toda a trama, sempre respondendo o necessário e propondo atividades com as quais serão esclarecidas todas as dúvidas. No decorrer da narrativa são inseridos dados históricos pelas próprias personagens. Uma outra preocupação foi a de apresentar atividades que foram rigorosamente testadas, de forma que qualquer pessoa que se disponha a realizar algum experimento não se frustre com resultados absurdos. Todas as atividades são propostas com materiais simples e de baixo custo, tomando-se mais acessíveis. Nessa dissertação serão apresentados livros cujos temas são: eletrostática; eletricidade dinâmica e eletromagnetismo. Para comprovar a viabilidade desses materiais, os livros foram apresentados a adolescentes e adultos com o intuito de reproduzirem sozinhos as experiências, atividade que nos proporcionou a reformulação de alguns dados e, assim, a obtenção de resultados positivos / This work is based on the confection of three paradidactic books dedicated to people interested in learning a little more about science. In this sense, it is worth noting that such books give support to didactic ones. The books\' contents are presented by the questioning of physical phenomena by four adolescents. The idea is that whenever the adolescents are not able to clarify the concepts by themselves, they consult an Internet site, which leads them to the right ideas and concepts by proposing activities or directly answering questions. As the narrative is done, characters present historical data pertinent to the topics. During the development of the work, a major concern of the authors was to present rigorously tested activities so that any person willing to realize the experiments doesn\'t get frustrated by absurd results. The activities are proposed with simple and inexpensive materials, which are easily accessible. The themes of the books are: electrostatic, dynamic electricity and electromagnetism and to prove the effectiveness of the collection, the books were presented to adolescents and adults which were encouraged to reproduce the experiments. By analyzing the results of such contact to the public, the quality of the work was enhanced
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Teaching in training courses degree in pedagogy of public universities CearÃ: concepts and possibilities / O ensino da didÃtica nos cursos de licenciatura em pedagogia das universidades pÃblicas do cearÃ: concepÃÃes e possibilidadesCharmÃnia Freitas de SÃtiro 03 October 2013 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Recent studies nationwide in the area of teacher training point to the fragility of the Curriculum as a field of knowledge of pedagogy, considered in designing technical and instrumental. In this context, our research aims to integrate such studies to understand the context of this discipline in CearÃ. We aim to understand the general characteristics Didactic discipline has assumed in the course of Pedagogy of public universities in the state, knowing the teachers and the design of which is registered in their teaching plans. We ask: What teachers teach didactics? What proposals and content of their teaching plans? What is the methodological approach applied by these professionals? Characteristics that this discipline has taken? What are the challenges you face? What is the Curriculum on pedagogical? To answer these questions we conducted a qualitative study in the UFC (Federal University of CearÃ), UECE (State University of CearÃ), URCA (University Cariri Regional) and UVA (University Vale do AcaraÃ). We use as instruments of data collection semistructured interviews with teachers Didactic Pedagogy course these institutions, programs and documentary analysis of the discipline, as well as a bibliographic research didactics. The research revealed that the discipline teaching in public universities of Cearà is crafted in a multidimensional way, in a dialectical relationship between society, education, Education and the School of Basic Education. Also revealed the possibilities of pedagogical innovation present in research practices and action-reflection Teachers Teaching. / Estudos realizados recentemente em Ãmbito nacional na Ãrea de formaÃÃo de professores apontam para a fragilidade da DidÃtica como campo de conhecimento da Pedagogia, concebida numa concepÃÃo tÃcnica e instrumental. Nesse contexto, nossa pesquisa pretende se integrar a tais estudos para compreender o contexto dessa disciplina no CearÃ. Temos como objetivo geral compreender que caracterÃsticas a disciplina DidÃtica vem assumindo no curso de Pedagogia das universidades pÃblicas do estado, conhecendo sobre a concepÃÃo dos professores e o que à registrado em seus planos de ensino. Indagamos: O quà os professores de DidÃtica ensinam? Quais as propostas e conteÃdos dos seus planos de ensino? Qual a abordagem metodolÃgica aplicada por estes profissionais? Que caracterÃsticas essa disciplina vem assumindo? Quais os desafios que enfrentam? O que à a DidÃtica na Ãrea pedagÃgica? Para responder tais questionamentos realizamos uma pesquisa qualitativa na UFC (Universidade Federal do CearÃ), UECE (Universidade Estadual do CearÃ), URCA (Universidade Regional do Cariri) e UVA (Universidade Estadual Vale do AcaraÃ). Utilizamos como instrumentos de coleta de dados, entrevistas semiestruturadas com os professores de DidÃtica do curso de Pedagogia dessas instituiÃÃes, e anÃlise documental dos programas da referida disciplina, alÃm de um estudo bibliogrÃfico de pesquisadores da Ãrea de DidÃtica. A pesquisa revelou que a disciplina DidÃtica nas universidades pÃblicas do Cearà à trabalhada de forma multidimensional, numa relaÃÃo dialÃtica entre a sociedade, a educaÃÃo, a Pedagogia e a Escola da EducaÃÃo BÃsica. Revelou tambÃm as possibilidades de inovaÃÃo pedagÃgica presentes nas prÃticas de pesquisa e aÃÃo-reflexÃo dos professores de DidÃtica.
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La voix en langue étrangère : une approche anthropologique et didactique. / The voice in the foreign language : anthropological and didactic approche.Lazarevic, Isidora 30 November 2017 (has links)
La question de la voix, dans le domaine de la didactique des langues étrangères, est très souvent mal abordée surtout quand il s’agit d’étudier les réactions des apprenants devant cette matérialité de la langue et les affects qui y sont liés. Le domaine affectif par rapport aux langues étrangères a toujours été notre centre d’intérêt, car il exprime, entre autres, la singularité du rapport aux langues et la complexité des positions subjectives. Pourquoi le désir de langues étrangères est-il mis à l’abri, tandis qu’il peut susciter la fascination des langues autres, l’amour ou peut-être la haine, s’il s’agit, par exemple, de l’inhibition du désir ?Toutes ces questions nous ont amenée à prendre comme sujet principal de notre recherche le phénomène de la voix et de l’aborder à travers une anthropologie des voix. Nous avons voulu aussi aborder, dans notre recherche, la problématique des émotions dans l’apprentissage des langues étrangères ainsi que leur rôle dans la formation des attitudes et des représentations par rapport aux langues. / The voice in the field of the didactics of foreign languages is an issue which has been poorly examined, especially when it comes to studying students’ reactions in relation to this very important component of the language, as well as its affects. The complexity of affective relationships a subject can establish with foreign languages has always been at the center of our interest. Why is the concept of “desire” that is related to the acquisition of foreign languages neglected, when it actually depends on the desire whether the subject will love the language, be fascinated by it, or hate it, if the desire is inhibited?All these questions led us to choose the phenomenon of voice as the main topic of our research and to examine it, among other things, using an anthropological approach.In our research, we also dealt with the problem of emotions and their role in the formation of attitudes and ideas in relation to foreign languages."
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“ Session 1: The What, Why, Where, and When of Clinical and Didactic Evaluation”Webb, Melessia D. 03 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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“Session 2: The How of Clinical and Didactic Evaluation”Webb, Melessia D. 03 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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