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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Tugsal, Umut January 2009 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Electronic Fuel Control (EFC) valve regulates fuel flow to the injector fuel supply line in the Cummins Pressure Time (PT) fuel system. The EFC system controls the fuel flow by means of a variable orifice that is electrically actuated. The supplier of the EFC valves inspects all parts before they are sent out. Their inspection test results provide a characteristic curve which shows the relationship between pressure and current provided to the EFC valve. This curve documents the steady state characteristics of the valve but does not adequately capture its dynamic response. A dynamic test procedure is developed in order to evaluate the performance of the EFC valves. The test itself helps to understand the effects that proposed design changes will have on the stability of the overall engine system. A by product of this test is the ability to evaluate returned EFC valves that have experienced stability issues. The test determines whether an EFC valve is faulted or not before it goes out to prime time use. The characteristics of a good valve and bad valve can be observed after the dynamic test. In this thesis, a mathematical model has been combined with experimental research to investigate and understand the behavior of the characteristics of different types of EFC valves. The model takes into account the dynamics of the electrical and mechanical portions of the EFC valves. System Identification has been addressed to determine the transfer functions of the different types of EFC valves that were experimented. Methods have been used both in frequency domain as well as time domain. Also, based on the characteristic patterns exhibited by the EFC valves, fuzzy logic has been implemented for the use of pattern classification.

Virtual Crank Angle based Cylinder Pressure Sensor / Virtuell Vevvinkel baserad Cylindertryck Sensor

Ringström, Christopher January 2017 (has links)
Closed-loop combustion control is an on-going field of research for improving reducing engine emissions and increasing efficiency. Cylinder pressure is a key parameter to monitor for combustion feedback. Measuring pressure with a transducer is an option, although being able to estimate the pressure based on the crank angle measurement instead would be beneficial in terms of costs. A virtual crank angle based pressure sensor was therefore developed within this thesis. It was studied how the in-cylinder pressure trace for a full closed cycle could be modelled from a pressure trace from a rigid crankshaft model, the angular velocity measurement and heat release modelling. The pressure trace from the crankshaft model was subjected to a singularity at TDC and torsional oscillations, it was therefore of interest to study whether the singularity could be avoided by modelling the heat release. Further on, the indicated work and total heat released during combustion were estimated from the angular velocity measurements as they are important parameters for determining the heat release trace.   It was found that the indicated work could be approximated by comparing the kinetic power trace, obtained from the measured angular velocity, with the piston power trace, estimated using isentropic pressure curves for the compression and expansion within the cylinder. Accurate results were obtained for operating points at 800 rpm while large deviations were seen for higher speeds as a consequence of larger torsional effect on the angular velocity trace; on the form of perturbed oscillations. The results could be improved from local averaging of the kinetic power trace at the occasions of deceleration, although it could be concluded that only the low speed operating were still accurate enough.   The kinetic power trace was attempted to be corrected for torsional power using angular displacement estimations of the crankshaft nodes from a dynamic crankshaft model. Even though the model seemed to capture the torsional behaviour at parts of the cycle, the oscillations could not be completely removed and it was determined that the final work estimate could not be improved from the torsional power estimate. The torsion was further studied regarding frequency and amplitude of the oscillations within the angular velocity and acceleration trace. No clear relations between the torsional behaviour and operating speed and load could be concluded. Further, since inversion of the dynamic crankshaft model for pressure estimation resulted in an improper solution since before, the model was iterated instead. The pressure trace could thereby be derived accounting for torsion, however the trace still contained oscillations which highlights the challenge of estimating the torsion accurately. The torsion is a complex phenomenon to describe and further development of a model for estimating the torsion with high accuracy for all operating points would improve the virtual pressure sensor significantly.   The heat release was, as a first step, modelled as isochoric and isobaric. These models gave information of the limits of SOC by comparing the indicated work from the resulting pressure trace with the work estimate from the angular velocity measurement. Further, one Wiebe function was parametrised such that the resulting pressure derivative during late combustion was adapted to the trace from the crankshaft model in a least-square sense. This allowed for better adaption as the partial pressure trace was subjected to torsional oscillations. The fitted Wiebe function described the diffusive combustion well but missed out the shape of the premixed combustion. Lastly, a double Wiebe function parametrisation was done where the diffusive combustion function was fitted to the late combustion data and the premixed combustion function was adapted such that the resulting indicated work matched the estimated work. To receive more accurate results, the premixed SOC and duration had to be approximated beforehand from the kinetic power trace. The virtual pressure sensor and most of the sub models were most accurate for low speed operating points. It was concluded that the reason is most probably the torsional effect on the input data to all sub models. It was shown that the crankshaft model can be complemented with heat release estimations which improved the final pressure trace and removed the singularity present around TDC. / Förbränningsåterkoppling är ett aktuellt forskningsområde inom utvecklingsarbetet för att minska utsläpp och öka verkningsgraden hos förbränningsmotorer. Cylindertryck är en viktig parameter att mäta . Ett alternativ är att använda en tryckgivare men det skulle vara mer kostnadseffektivt att kunna uppskatta trycket baserat på vevvinkeln som redan idag mäts i motorer. Därav utvecklades en virtuell sensor för uppskattning av cylindertrycket genom detta examensarbete. Studien har berört hur tryck spår, bitvis noggranna för kompressionen och expansionen, från en stel vevaxelmodell kan kompletteras med modeller för värmeavgivningen från förbränningen för att erhålla ett fullt tryck spår. För att kunna bygga och utveckla modellerna utvecklades en metod för att bestämma det indikerade arbetet baserat på den uppmätta varvtalssignalen som beror mycket på hur förbränningen skett och är därmed en viktig parameter vid modellerande av värmeavgivningen.   Det indikerade arbetet kunde uppskattas genom att jämföra den kinetiska effekten med den effekt som kolvarna totalt bidrog med. Det upptäcktes att offseten mellan kurvorna motsvarade effekten av förlusterna och lasten som därmed kunde bestämmas vid de punkter där momentet från cylindrarna var i jämvikt. Den kinetiska effekten beräknades från varvtalssignalen medan effekten från kolvarna uppskattades genom att använda isentropiska tryckkurvor för kompressionen och expansionen, innan och efter förbränningen respektive. Relativt noggranna resultat erhölls för arbetspunkterna med ett varvtal på 800 rpm medan större avvikelser inträdde vid högre varvtal. Anledningen till detta var att torsionssvängningar influerade varvtalssignalen mer vid högre varvtal. Resultaten kunde förbättras genom lokal medelvärdesbildning av den kinetiska effekten vid de decelerationer som sker efter förbränningen i respektive cylinder. II   Torsionens inverkan på vevaxelns dynamik uppskattades genom att använda estimeringar av förvridningen av vevaxeln från en dynamisk vevaxelmodell. Uppskattningen tycktes vara tillräckligt noggrann inom vissa intervall men det var inte möjligt att avlägsna torsionssvängningarna i kinetiska effektspåret för hela cykeln. Uppskattningen av indikerat arbete kunde därför inte förbättras genom denna torsionsuppskattning. Torsionen var vidare studerad i form av frekvens och amplitud av svängningarna inom varvtalssignalen. Inga tydliga samband kunde säkerställas mellan svängningarna och arbetspunkternas varvtal och last. Detta tyder på att torsionen är för komplex att förutse. Vidare, då invertering av den dynamiska vevaxelmodellen tidigare visat sig ge en oriktig lösning kunde modellen istället itereras för att bestämma tryck spåret likt tidigare gjort för den stela vevaxelmodellen. Torsionssvängningarna influerade dock fortfarande det resulterande tryck spåret. Det finns stor potential att förbättra den virtuella sensorn om torsionen kan uppskattas noggrant för alla arbetspunkter.   Värmeavgivningen från förbränning var först modellerad som isochorisk och isobarisk i två respektive modeller. Dessa modeller gav information om gränsvärdena för tändningen genom att finna den tändning för modellerna som resulterade i samma arbete som det tidigare estimerade indikerade arbetet. Därefter anpassades en Wiebe funktion så att den resulterande tryckderivatan minsta-kvadrat anpassades till tryckderivatan från vevaxelmodellen under den sena förbränningen där vevaxelmodellen var mest noggrann. Wiebe funktion gav en bra anpassning till den senare diffusiva förbränningen men var inte tillräcklig för att beskriva den förblandade förbränningen. Slutligen anpassades två Wiebe funktioner där den diffusiva förbränningen anpassades likt för singel Wiebe-funktions anpassningen medan den förblandade förbränningen anpassades så att det resulterande arbetet stämde med det uppskattade indikerade arbetet. För att få bättre resultat bestämdes den förblandade förbränningens start och duration från uppskattningen av den kinetiska effekten innan anpassningen.   Den virtuella trycksensorn och de flesta av dess delmodeller var mest noggranna för arbetspunkterna vid låga varvtal. Slutsatsen var att det var främst på grund av torsionssvängningarnas påverkan på insignalerna till delmodellerna som noggrannheten föll för de högra varvtalen. Genom denna studie visades det att deltrycksspåret från vevaxelmodellen kunde kompletteras med en modell för värmeavgivningen för att slutligen få en bättre uppskattning av hela tryck spåret där singulariteten vid TDC kunde undvikas.

Virtual Crank Angle based Cylinder Pressure Sensor / Virtuell Vevvinkel baserad Cylindertryck Sensor

Ringström, Christopher January 2017 (has links)
Closed-loop combustion control is an on-going field of research for improving reducing engine emissions and increasing efficiency. Cylinder pressure is a key parameter to monitor for combustion feedback. Measuring pressure with a transducer is an option, although being able to estimate the pressure based on the crank angle measurement instead would be beneficial in terms of costs. A virtual crank angle based pressure sensor was therefore developed within this thesis. It was studied how the in-cylinder pressure trace for a full closed cycle could be modelled from a pressure trace from a rigid crankshaft model, the angular velocity measurement and heat release modelling. The pressure trace from the crankshaft model was subjected to a singularity at TDC and torsional oscillations, it was therefore of interest to study whether the singularity could be avoided by modelling the heat release. Further on, the indicated work and total heat released during combustion were estimated from the angular velocity measurements as they are important parameters for determining the heat release trace. It was found that the indicated work could be approximated by comparing the kinetic power trace, obtained from the measured angular velocity, with the piston power trace, estimated using isentropic pressure curves for the compression and expansion within the cylinder. Accurate results were obtained for operating points at 800 rpm while large deviations were seen for higher speeds as a consequence of larger torsional effect on the angular velocity trace; on the form of perturbed oscillations. The results could be improved from local averaging of the kinetic power trace at the occasions of deceleration, although it could be concluded that only the low speed operating were still accurate enough. The kinetic power trace was attempted to be corrected for torsional power using angular displacement estimations of the crankshaft nodes from a dynamic crankshaft model. Even though the model seemed to capture the torsional behaviour at parts of the cycle, the oscillations could not be completely removed and it was determined that the final work estimate could not be improved from the torsional power estimate. The torsion was further studied regarding frequency and amplitude of the oscillations within the angular velocity and acceleration trace. No clear relations between the torsional behaviour and operating speed and load could be concluded. Further, since inversion of the dynamic crankshaft model for pressure estimation resulted in an improper solution since before, the model was iterated instead. The pressure trace could thereby be derived accounting for torsion, however the trace still contained oscillations which highlights the challenge of estimating the torsion accurately. The torsion is a complex phenomenon to describe and further development of a model for estimating the torsion with high accuracy for all operating points would improve the virtual pressure sensor significantly. The heat release was, as a first step, modelled as isochoric and isobaric. These models gave information of the limits of SOC by comparing the indicated work from the resulting pressure trace with the work estimate from the angular velocity measurement. Further, one Wiebe function was parametrised such that the resulting pressure derivative during late combustion was adapted to the trace from the crankshaft model in a least-square sense. This allowed for better adaption as the partial pressure trace was subjected to torsional oscillations. The fitted Wiebe function described the diffusive combustion well but missed out the shape of the premixed combustion. Lastly, a double Wiebe function parametrisation was done where the diffusive combustion function was fitted to the late combustion data and the premixed combustion function was adapted such that the resulting indicated work matched the estimated work. To receive more accurate results, the premixed SOC and duration had to be approximated beforehand from the kinetic power trace. The virtual pressure sensor and most of the sub models were most accurate for low speed operating points. It was concluded that the reason is most probably the torsional effect on the input data to all sub models. It was shown that the crankshaft model can be complemented with heat release estimations which improved the final pressure trace and removed the singularity present around TDC. / Förbränningsåterkoppling är ett aktuellt forskningsområde inom utvecklingsarbetet för att minska utsläpp och öka verkningsgraden hos förbränningsmotorer. Cylindertryck är en viktig parameter att mäta . Ett alternativ är att använda en tryckgivare men det skulle vara mer kostnadseffektivt att kunna uppskatta trycket baserat på vevvinkeln som redan idag mäts i motorer. Därav utvecklades en virtuell sensor för uppskattning av cylindertrycket genom detta examensarbete. Studien har berört hur tryck spår, bitvis noggranna för kompressionen och expansionen, från en stel vevaxelmodell kan kompletteras med modeller för värmeavgivningen från förbränningen för att erhålla ett fullt tryck spår. För att kunna bygga och utveckla modellerna utvecklades en metod för att bestämma det indikerade arbetet baserat på den uppmätta varvtalssignalen som beror mycket på hur förbränningen skett och är därmed en viktig parameter vid modellerande av värmeavgivningen. Det indikerade arbetet kunde uppskattas genom att jämföra den kinetiska effekten med den effekt som kolvarna totalt bidrog med. Det upptäcktes att offseten mellan kurvorna motsvarade effekten av förlusterna och lasten som därmed kunde bestämmas vid de punkter där momentet från cylindrarna var i jämvikt. Den kinetiska effekten beräknades från varvtalssignalen medan effekten från kolvarna uppskattades genom att använda isentropiska tryckkurvor för kompressionen och expansionen, innan och efter förbränningen respektive. Relativt noggranna resultat erhölls för arbetspunkterna med ett varvtal på 800 rpm medan större avvikelser inträdde vid högre varvtal. Anledningen till detta var att torsionssvängningar influerade varvtalssignalen mer vid högre varvtal. Resultaten kunde förbättras genom lokal medelvärdesbildning av den kinetiska effekten vid de decelerationer som sker efter förbränningen i respektive cylinder. Torsionens inverkan på vevaxelns dynamik uppskattades genom att använda estimeringar av förvridningen av vevaxeln från en dynamisk vevaxelmodell. Uppskattningen tycktes vara tillräckligt noggrann inom vissa intervall men det var inte möjligt att avlägsna torsionssvängningarna i kinetiska effektspåret för hela cykeln. Uppskattningen av indikerat arbete kunde därför inte förbättras genom denna torsionsuppskattning. Torsionen var vidare studerad i form av frekvens och amplitud av svängningarna inom varvtalssignalen. Inga tydliga samband kunde säkerställas mellan svängningarna och arbetspunkternas varvtal och last. Detta tyder på att torsionen är för komplex att förutse. Vidare, då invertering av den dynamiska vevaxelmodellen tidigare visat sig ge en oriktig lösning kunde modellen istället itereras för att bestämma tryck spåret likt tidigare gjort för den stela vevaxelmodellen. Torsionssvängningarna influerade dock fortfarande det resulterande tryck spåret. Det finns stor potential att förbättra den virtuella sensorn om torsionen kan uppskattas noggrant för alla arbetspunkter. Värmeavgivningen från förbränning var först modellerad som isochorisk och isobarisk i två respektive modeller. Dessa modeller gav information om gränsvärdena för tändningen genom att finna den tändning för modellerna som resulterade i samma arbete som det tidigare estimerade indikerade arbetet. Därefter anpassades en Wiebe funktion så att den resulterande tryckderivatan minsta-kvadrat anpassades till tryckderivatan från vevaxelmodellen under den sena förbränningen där vevaxelmodellen var mest noggrann. Wiebe funktion gav en bra anpassning till den senare diffusiva förbränningen men var inte tillräcklig för att beskriva den förblandade förbränningen. Slutligen anpassades två Wiebe funktioner där den diffusiva förbränningen anpassades likt för singel Wiebe-funktions anpassningen medan den förblandade förbränningen anpassades så att det resulterande arbetet stämde med det uppskattade indikerade arbetet. För att få bättre resultat bestämdes den förblandade förbränningens start och duration från uppskattningen av den kinetiska effekten innan anpassningen. Den virtuella trycksensorn och de flesta av dess delmodeller var mest noggranna för arbetspunkterna vid låga varvtal. Slutsatsen var att det var främst på grund av torsionssvängningarnas påverkan på insignalerna till delmodellerna som noggrannheten föll för de högra varvtalen. Genom denna studie visades det att deltrycksspåret från vevaxelmodellen kunde kompletteras med en modell för värmeavgivningen för att slutligen få en bättre uppskattning av hela tryck spåret där singulariteten vid TDC kunde undvikas.

Environmental Study Of Solid Waste Collection

Maimoun, Mousa Awad 01 January 2011 (has links)
The growing municipal solid waste generation rates have necessitated more efficient, optimized waste collection facilities. The majority of the US collection fleet is composed of diesel-fueled vehicles which contribute significant atmospheric emissions including greenhouse gases. In order to reduce emissions to the atmosphere, more collection agencies are investigating alternative fuel technologies such as natural gas, biofuels (bio-gas and bio-diesel), and hybrid electric technology. This research is an in-depth environmental analysis of potential alternative fuel technologies for waste collection vehicles. This study will evaluate the use of alternative fuels by waste collection vehicles. Lifecycle emissions, cost, fuel and energy consumption were evaluated for a wide range of fossil and bio-fuel technologies. Moreover, the energy consumption and the tail-pipe emissions of dieselfueled waste collection vehicles were estimated using MOVES 2010a software. Emission factors were calculated for a typical waste collection driving cycle as well as constant speed. Finally, the selection of fuel type by the waste collection industry requires consideration of environmental, security, financial, operational, and safety issues. In this study, a qualitative comparison between alternative fuels was performed; a multifactorial assessment of these factors was conducted taking into account the opinion of the waste collection industry of the importance of each factor. Liquid-petroleum fuels have higher life-cycle emissions compared to natural gas; however landfill natural gas has the lowest life-cycle emissions compared to all other fuel categories. Compressed natural gas waste collection vehicles have the lowest fuel cost per collection vehicle mile travel compared to other fuel categories. Moreover, the actual driving cycle of waste collection vehicles consists of repetitive stops and starts during waste collection; iv this generates more emissions than constant speed driving. Finally, the multifactorial assessment indicates that natural gas and landfill gas have better environmental, economical, and energy security performance than current liquid-petroleum fuels.

Development of a novel sensor for soot deposition measurement in a diesel particulate filter using electrical capacitance tomography

Huq, Ragibul January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This paper presents a novel approach of particulate material (soot) measurement in a Diesel particulate filter using Electrical Capacitance Tomography. Modern Diesel Engines are equipped with Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF), as well as on-board technologies to evaluate the status of DPF because complete knowledge of DPF soot loading is very critical for robust efficient operation of the engine exhaust after treatment system. Emission regulations imposed upon all internal combustion engines including Diesel engines on gaseous as well as particulates (soot) emissions by Environment Regulatory Agencies. In course of time, soot will be deposited inside the DPFs which tend to clog the filter and hence generate a back pressure in the exhaust system, negatively impacting the fuel efficiency. To remove the soot build-up, regeneration of the DPF must be done as an engine exhaust after treatment process at pre-determined time intervals. Passive regeneration use exhaust heat and catalyst to burn the deposited soot but active regeneration use external energy in such as injection of diesel into an upstream DOC to burn the soot. Since the regeneration process consume fuel, a robust and efficient operation based on accurate knowledge of the particulate matter deposit (or soot load)becomes essential in order to keep the fuel consumption at a minimum. In this paper, we propose a sensing method for a DPF that can accurately measure in-situ soot load using Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT). Simulation results show that the proposed method offers an effective way to accurately estimate the soot load in DPF. The proposed method is expected to have a profound impact in improving overall PM filtering efficiency (and thereby fuel efficiency), and durability of a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) through appropriate closed loop regeneration operation.

Injector Waveform Monitoring of a Diesel Engine in Real-Time on a Hardware in the Loop Bench

Farooqi, Quazi Mohammed Rushaed 12 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This thesis presents the development, experimentation and validation of a reliable and robust system to monitor the injector pulse generated by an Engine Control Module (ECM) and send the corresponding fueling quantity to the real-time computer in a closed loop Hardware In the Loop (HIL) bench. The system can be easily calibrated for different engine platforms as well. The fueling quantity that is being injected by the injectors is a crucial variable to run closed loop HIL simulation to carry out the performance testing of engine, aftertreatment and other components of the vehicle. This research utilized Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) and Direct Memory Access (DMA) transfer capability offered by National Instruments (NI) Compact Reconfigurable Input-Output (cRIO) to achieve high speed data acquisition and delivery. The research was conducted in three stages. The first stage was to develop the HIL bench for the research. The second stage was to determine the performance of the system with different threshold methods and different sampling speeds necessary to satisfy the required accuracy of the fueling quantity being monitored. The third stage was to study the error and its variability involved in the injected fueling quantity from pulse to pulse, from injector to injector, between real injector stators and cheaper inductor load cells emulating the injectors, over different operating conditions with full factorial design of experimentation and mixed model Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA). Different thresholds were experimented to find out the best thresholds, the Start of Injection (SOI) threshold and the End of Injection (EOI) threshold that captured the injector “ontime” with best reliability and accuracy. Experimentation has been carried out at various data acquisition rates to find out the optimum speed of data sampling rate, trading off the accuracy of fueling quantity. The experimentation found out the expected error with a system with cheaper solution as well, so that, if a test application is not sensitive to error in fueling quantity, a cheaper solution with lower sampling rate and inductors as load cells can be used. The statistical analysis was carried out at highest available sampling rate on both injectors and inductors with the best threshold method found in previous studies. The result clearly shows the factors that affect the error and the variability in the standard deviations in error; it also shows the relation with the fixed and random factors. The real-time application developed for the HIL bench is capable of monitoring the injector waveform, using any fueling ontime table corresponding to the platform being tested, and delivering the fueling quantity in real-time. The test bench made for this research is also capable of studying injectors of different types with the automated test sequence, without occupying the resource of fully capable closed loop test benches for testing the ECM unctionality.

CFD Simulation of Urea Evaporation in STAR-CCM+

Ottosson, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
Diesel engines produce large amounts of nitrogen oxides (NOX) while running. Nitrogen oxides are highly toxic and also contribute towards the formation of tropospheric ozone. Increasingly stringent legislation regarding the amount of nitrogen oxides that are allowed to be emitted from diesel-powered vehicles has forced manufacturers of diesel-engines to develop after-treatment systems that reduce the amount of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust. One of the main components in such a system is selective catalytic reduction (SCR), where nitrogen oxides are reduced to diatomic nitrogen and water with the help of ammonia. A vital part of this process is the spraying of a urea-water-solution (UWS), which is needed in order to produce the reducing agent ammonia. UWS spraying introduces the risk of solid deposits (such as biuret, ammelide and ammeline) forming in the after-treatment system, should the flow conditions be unfavourable. Risk factors include high temperatures, but also low dynamics and high thickness of the resulting liquid film that forms as the UWS spray hits the surfaces of the after-treatment system. It is thus essential that manufacturers of SCR after-treatment systems have correct data on how much UWS that should be sprayed into the exhaust for any given flow condition. Experimental tests are thoroughly used to assess this but are very expensive and are thus limited to prototype testing during product development. When assessing a wider range of concepts and geometries early on in the product development stage, simulation tools such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are used instead. One of the most computationally heavy processes to simulate within a SCR after-treatment system is the UWS spray and its interaction with surfaces inside the after-treatment system, where correct prediction of the formation of solid deposits are of great importance. Most CFD models used for this purpose hold a relatively good level of accuracy and are utilized throughout the whole industry where SCR aftertreatment is applied. Despite this, these models are limited in the fact that they are only able to cover timescales in the scope of seconds to minutes while using a tolerable amount of computational power. However, the time spectrum for solid deposit formation is minutes to hours. Scania is one of Sweden’s biggest developers of SCR after-treatment, with the technology being incorporated directly into its silencers. AVL Fire is the main UWS spray simulation tool for engineers at Scania at the moment. One major drawback of using AVL Fire for UWS spray simulations is that it is deemed too time-consuming to set up new cases and too unstable during simulation, which makes it too costly in terms of expensive engineering hours. This project has investigated the potential of using STAR-CCM+ for UWS spray simulations at Scania instead. A standard method has been evaluated, as well as parameters that will prove useful in further investigations of a potential speedup method. The studied method in STAR-CCM+ is easy to setup and the simulation process is robust and stable. Various other perks come from using STAR-CCM+ as well, such as: a user-friendly interface, easy and powerful mesh-generation and great post-process capabilities. Several different parameters have been investigated for their impact on the studied method, such as mesh refinement of the spray injector area and the number of parcels injected every time-step through the spray injector (simply put the resolution of the spray). A possible speedup by freezing the momentum equations when allowed and lowering the amount of inner iterations has also been investigated. A handful of operating conditions have been studied for two different geometries. The attained simulation results display correlations with physical measurements, but further assessment for identifying the risk of solid deposit needs to be performed on the studied cases to assess the full accuracy of solid deposit prediction of the studied method. Recommendations for future work includes fully implementing and evaluating the speedup method available for spray simulations in STAR-CCM+ as well as directly comparing how the accuracy and performance of the method relates to that of the method used in AVL Fire for spray simulations. / Dieselmotorer producerar under körning stora mängder kväveoxider (NOx). Kväve-oxider är starkt giftiga föreningar som även bidrar till att öka mängden marknära ozon. Allt strängare lagstiftning gällande mängden kväveoxider som får släppas ut från fordon med dieselmotorer har lett till att tillverkare av dieselmotorer blivit tvingade att utveckla efterbehandlingssystem som renar avgasen från motorn. En av huvudkomponenterna i ett sådant system idag är selective catalytic reduction (SCR; på svenska selektiv katalytisk reduktion), där kväveoxider omvandlas till kvävgas och vatten med hjälp av ammoniak. För att producera ammoniak används en lösning av urea och vatten (t.ex. AdBlue®), som introduceras till efterbehandlingssystemet via spray. Denna process har dock en stor nackdel, då det under omvandlingsprocessen kan finnas risk för klumpbildning av ämnen som biuret, ammelid och ammelin ifall flödesförhållandena är ogynnsamma. Riskfaktorer för klumpbildning inkluderar höga temperaturer samt låg dynamik och hög tjocklek för den vätskefilm som bildas när sprayen med urea-lösning kommer i kontakt med ytor i efterbehandlingssystemet. Det är därför av stor vikt för tillverkare av efterbehandlingssystem som använder SCR att känna till hur mycket urealösning som kan sprayas in för varje givet flöde. Experimentella tester används till stor del för att utvärdera detta, men är väldigt dyra och kan endast göras för ett fåtal prototyper under en produkts utveckling. För att kunna utvärdera ett större antal koncept och geometrier tidigare i utvecklingsstadiet av en ny produkt används därför ofta datorkraft med simuleringsverktyg som CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). En av de mest beräkningstunga processerna att simulera i ett efterbehandlingssystem med SCR är sprayandet av urea-lösning och dess interaktion med ytor, där korrekta förutbestämmelser av huruvida det finns risk för klumpbildning eller inte är av stor betydelse. De flesta CFD modeller som används i detta syfte har förhållandevis god noggrannhet och används i stor utsträckning i den bransch där efterbehandling med SCR tillämpas. Däremot är dessa modeller begränsade i att de endast kan åstadkomma simuleringar (med en acceptabel mängd datorkraft) som sträcker sig i tidsintervallet sekunder till minuter. Bildningen av klump är dock en process som kan ta upp till flera timmar. Scania är en av Sveriges största tillämpare av SCR, då tekniken används i de efterbehandlingssystem som finns inbyggda i tillverkarens ljuddämpare. Scania använder främst AVL Fire för simulering av spray med urea. AVL Fire anses dock vara för tidskrävande vid skapelsen av nya simuleringsfall och för instabilt under simulering. Detta projekt har därför undersökt möjligheten att använda STAR-CCM+ för simulering av spray med urea hos Scania. Den metod i STAR-CCM+ som utvärderats är enkel att använda då nya simuleringsfall ska skapas, samtidigt som den är robust och stabil under simulering. Relevanta parametrar för en potentiell uppsnabbningsmetod har också undersökts. STAR-CCM+ i sin helhet är användarvänligt, där verktyget för att skapa och generera mesh är enkelt att använda såväl som kraftfullt när mer avancerade operationer krävs. Möjligheterna för postprocessing är väldigt smidiga för transienta förlopp, vilket är ett stort plus för simuleringar med urea-spray, vars injektion och resulterande processer är väldigt transienta skeenden i sig. Flera olika parametrar har undersökts, för att granska hur stor påverkan de har på prestandan och noggrannheten hos den studerade metoden. Två av dessa är tätheten av beräkningsnoder i den region där spray-munstycket är placerat samt antalet paket med urea-vatten lösning som injiceras varje tidssteg via spray-munstycket. En möjlig uppsnabbning av metoden, som går ut på att frysa ekvationerna för bevarelse av rörelsemängd (eng - momentum equations) när det är tillåtet och samtidigt minska antalet inre iterationer för varje tidssteg, har också undersökts. Ett flertal olika flödesförhållanden har också undersökts för två olika geometrier. De erhållna resultaten tyder på korrelation med data från fysiska experiment. Dock bör ytterligare hydrodynamiska utvärderingar tillämpas för att ordentligt kunna redogöra för hur väl STAR-CCM+ kan användas för att förutse risken för klump- bildning i en spray-process med urea-vatten lösning. Framtida arbete borde fokusera på att utvärdera den uppsnabbningsmetod som finns för spray-simuleringar i STAR-CCM+, samt direkt jämföra hur väl metodens noggrannhet och prestanda står sig gentemot den metod som används i AVL Fire för spray-simuleringar.

Análise do processo de retificação interna aplicado à fabricação de bicos injetores diesel / Internal surface grinding process analysis in diesel nozzles

Bilha, Vitor Meira 14 December 2015 (has links)
A utilização mais eficiente dos recursos naturais tem levado a indústria a aumentar a eficiência dos produtos manufaturados. Veículos de transporte Diesel estão incluídos neste cenário. Nos motores Diesel, um componente importante do sistema de injeção é o bico injetor. Uma legislação recente no Brasil introduziu limites de emissões EURO5. Estes novos parâmetros tiveram impacto no projeto do bico injetor com tolerâncias sendo reduzidas, em especial na área da sede do corpo do bico injetor, alterando o parâmetro funcional de pressão de abertura do produto. Neste cenário, o impacto desta superfície cônica retificada sobre a pressão de abertura é grande, bem como, sobre o desempenho do motor Diesel. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o defeito de topografia superficial típico e recorrente no processo de retificação interna cônica da sede do corpo dos bicos injetores. Um experimento planejado foi realizado de acordo com método Taguchi e determinou-se a relação sinal-ruído para dois parâmetros de topografia 2D. A superfície da sede também foi analisada utilizando análise topográfica 3D. Os resultados deste estudo incluem a indicação de possíveis causas do defeito recorrente, caracterização dos principais elementos do processo de retificação, caracterização da superfície retificada e otimização dos parâmetros do processo de retificação. / Industries of manufactured products have increased their efficiency optimizing the natural resources usage and Diesel commercial vehicles are included in this scenario. For Diesel engines, one of the most important components of the injection system is the nozzle injector. In Brazil, EURO5 legislation was recently introduced, bringing new emission limits for Diesel engines. Because of this, the nozzle injector design has changed and some manufacturing tolerances were reduced, in special the body seat geometry. This also changed the nozzle opening pressure. In this new process, the body seat grinded conical surface impacts on this functional parameter and consequently the Diesel engine performance. This study has as target to analyze a recurrent defect in the internal conic grinding process of the nozzle body seat. A trial was performed in this process according to Taguchi method and signal / noise ratio for 2D topographic parameters were defined. The body seat surface was also analyzed using 3D topographic analysis. The results of this study include the possible cause of the recurrent failure, characterization of the ground surface, process main elements integrity assessment and optimization of the grinding process parameters.

Estudo da degradação do óleo lubrificante em motores alimentados com biodiesel B100

Pereira, Flávio Marcos de Melo 27 May 2015 (has links)
A crescente preocupação com a poluição ambiental nos centros urbanos tem motivado a adoção de medidas que visam a reduzir o impacto que os agentes poluidores causam. Na cidade de Curitiba, PR, esta preocupação levou os órgãos reguladores do transporte urbano a fomentar o uso do biodiesel B100 como combustível para um conjunto de 34 ônibus da frota da cidade. Entretanto, a adoção desta medida trouxe a necessidade de garantir a vida útil dos motores, o que foi feito definindo-se um plano de manutenção muito mais conservador que o usual, e que previa a troca do óleo lubrificante com o dobro da frequência normalmente praticada. A proposta deste trabalho de mestrado foi a de fazer um estudo que possa subsidiar cientificamente a definição da frequência de troca do lubrificante nos veículos abastecidos com biodiesel B100 no transporte urbano de Curitiba. Para isto, ao longo de um período de 18 meses, o lubrificante desses veículos foi periodicamente analisado, a fim de caracterizar a evolução de seu estado, bem como a degradação de seu desempenho pelo o uso em conjunto com o biodiesel B100. Para obter uma representatividade estatística, tais análises foram feitas em uma população de sete veículos, quatro dos quais eram alimentados com biodiesel B100 e três com óleo diesel convencional, sendo que estes últimos serviam como referência para comparação. As características do lubrificante que foram levadas em conta durante o estudo incluem a viscosidade, a basicidade, a acidez, a oxidação, a contaminação por fuligem, a contaminação por compostos nitrogenados, a contaminação por água, bem como os teores de ferro, chumbo, alumínio, cobre, cromo, silício e molibdênio, elementos estes que tipicamente provêm do desgaste de componentes do motor. O estudo permitiu identificar a viscosidade como a característica que mais se degrada com o envelhecimento do lubrificante pelo seu uso concomitante com o combustível B100. Assim, este parâmetro foi o fator determinante para caracterizar, com base nos resultados obtidos no estudo, que a vida útil do lubrificante deve ser de 9.900 km para o caso de veículos biarticulados, e de 13.100 km para os veículos articulados. Cumpre ressaltar que a realização deste estudo só foi possível pelo interesse e pela colaboração das empresas que juntamente com a UTFPR fizeram parte do projeto LUB-B100: Chevron Brasil Lubrificantes (fabricante de óleos lubrificantes), Volvo do Brasil (montadora de ônibus), Auto Viação Redentor (permissionária do transporte urbano de Curitiba), Nórdica Veículos S. A. (concessionária de veículos) e URBS – Urbanização de Curitiba S. A. (fiscalizadora e reguladora do transporte urbano coletivo de Curitiba). / The increasing levels of pollution in urban centers have induced the adoption of mitigating measures in order to reduce negative consequences. In Curitiba, Southern Brazil, the office that regulates urban passenger transport in the city has promoted the use of pure biodiesel (B100) as fuel for a fleet of 34 buses. However, as this measure was put into practice, concerns related to a possible reduction of engine service life were raised, thus forcing the vehicles-owner companies to adopt a conservative maintenance plan, which doubled the frequency of lubricant oil replacement. This was the opportunity for the present study, which aimed to define on a scientific basis the frequency of lubricant oil replacement in engines fueled with biodiesel B100. In order to characterize both the evolution of lubricant oil degradation, as well as the deterioration of lubricant performance due to the use of biodiesel B100, samples of engine lubricant were collected and analyzed along 18 months. Additionally, aiming to confer statistical representativeness to collected data, a population of 7 buses was considered, four of these being fueled with biodiesel B100, while the other 3 with conventional diesel fuel, thus the latter group served as a reference for comparisons. The following parameters of the lubricant oil were measured and analyzed: viscosity, basicity, acidity, oxidation, contamination by soot, contamination by nitrogenous substances, contamination by water, as well as contents of iron, lead, aluminum, copper, chrome, silicon and molybdenum, which are elements typically originated from the wear of metallic components. The conducted study allowed to point out the viscosity as the lubricant parameter that is most sensitive to concomitant use with biodiesel B100. Thus, this parameter was decisive to conclude that based on measured data the service life of the lubricant should be 9900 km for bi-articulated buses, and 13100 km for the articulated ones. It is worth mentioning that the completion of this study became possible by virtue of the collaboration with those companies that took part of the project named LUB-B100, together with the Federal University of Technology - Parana. These companies are Chevron Brasil Lubrificantes (a lubricant maker company), Volvo do Brasil (a bus manufacturer company), Auto Viação Redentor (a company that operates the passenger urban transport in Curitiba), Nórdica Veículos S. A. (a Volvo dealership company) and URBS – Urbanização de Curitiba S. A. (the office that regulates the urban passenger transport in Curitiba).

Estudo da degradação do óleo lubrificante em motores alimentados com biodiesel B100

Pereira, Flávio Marcos de Melo 27 May 2015 (has links)
A crescente preocupação com a poluição ambiental nos centros urbanos tem motivado a adoção de medidas que visam a reduzir o impacto que os agentes poluidores causam. Na cidade de Curitiba, PR, esta preocupação levou os órgãos reguladores do transporte urbano a fomentar o uso do biodiesel B100 como combustível para um conjunto de 34 ônibus da frota da cidade. Entretanto, a adoção desta medida trouxe a necessidade de garantir a vida útil dos motores, o que foi feito definindo-se um plano de manutenção muito mais conservador que o usual, e que previa a troca do óleo lubrificante com o dobro da frequência normalmente praticada. A proposta deste trabalho de mestrado foi a de fazer um estudo que possa subsidiar cientificamente a definição da frequência de troca do lubrificante nos veículos abastecidos com biodiesel B100 no transporte urbano de Curitiba. Para isto, ao longo de um período de 18 meses, o lubrificante desses veículos foi periodicamente analisado, a fim de caracterizar a evolução de seu estado, bem como a degradação de seu desempenho pelo o uso em conjunto com o biodiesel B100. Para obter uma representatividade estatística, tais análises foram feitas em uma população de sete veículos, quatro dos quais eram alimentados com biodiesel B100 e três com óleo diesel convencional, sendo que estes últimos serviam como referência para comparação. As características do lubrificante que foram levadas em conta durante o estudo incluem a viscosidade, a basicidade, a acidez, a oxidação, a contaminação por fuligem, a contaminação por compostos nitrogenados, a contaminação por água, bem como os teores de ferro, chumbo, alumínio, cobre, cromo, silício e molibdênio, elementos estes que tipicamente provêm do desgaste de componentes do motor. O estudo permitiu identificar a viscosidade como a característica que mais se degrada com o envelhecimento do lubrificante pelo seu uso concomitante com o combustível B100. Assim, este parâmetro foi o fator determinante para caracterizar, com base nos resultados obtidos no estudo, que a vida útil do lubrificante deve ser de 9.900 km para o caso de veículos biarticulados, e de 13.100 km para os veículos articulados. Cumpre ressaltar que a realização deste estudo só foi possível pelo interesse e pela colaboração das empresas que juntamente com a UTFPR fizeram parte do projeto LUB-B100: Chevron Brasil Lubrificantes (fabricante de óleos lubrificantes), Volvo do Brasil (montadora de ônibus), Auto Viação Redentor (permissionária do transporte urbano de Curitiba), Nórdica Veículos S. A. (concessionária de veículos) e URBS – Urbanização de Curitiba S. A. (fiscalizadora e reguladora do transporte urbano coletivo de Curitiba). / The increasing levels of pollution in urban centers have induced the adoption of mitigating measures in order to reduce negative consequences. In Curitiba, Southern Brazil, the office that regulates urban passenger transport in the city has promoted the use of pure biodiesel (B100) as fuel for a fleet of 34 buses. However, as this measure was put into practice, concerns related to a possible reduction of engine service life were raised, thus forcing the vehicles-owner companies to adopt a conservative maintenance plan, which doubled the frequency of lubricant oil replacement. This was the opportunity for the present study, which aimed to define on a scientific basis the frequency of lubricant oil replacement in engines fueled with biodiesel B100. In order to characterize both the evolution of lubricant oil degradation, as well as the deterioration of lubricant performance due to the use of biodiesel B100, samples of engine lubricant were collected and analyzed along 18 months. Additionally, aiming to confer statistical representativeness to collected data, a population of 7 buses was considered, four of these being fueled with biodiesel B100, while the other 3 with conventional diesel fuel, thus the latter group served as a reference for comparisons. The following parameters of the lubricant oil were measured and analyzed: viscosity, basicity, acidity, oxidation, contamination by soot, contamination by nitrogenous substances, contamination by water, as well as contents of iron, lead, aluminum, copper, chrome, silicon and molybdenum, which are elements typically originated from the wear of metallic components. The conducted study allowed to point out the viscosity as the lubricant parameter that is most sensitive to concomitant use with biodiesel B100. Thus, this parameter was decisive to conclude that based on measured data the service life of the lubricant should be 9900 km for bi-articulated buses, and 13100 km for the articulated ones. It is worth mentioning that the completion of this study became possible by virtue of the collaboration with those companies that took part of the project named LUB-B100, together with the Federal University of Technology - Parana. These companies are Chevron Brasil Lubrificantes (a lubricant maker company), Volvo do Brasil (a bus manufacturer company), Auto Viação Redentor (a company that operates the passenger urban transport in Curitiba), Nórdica Veículos S. A. (a Volvo dealership company) and URBS – Urbanização de Curitiba S. A. (the office that regulates the urban passenger transport in Curitiba).

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