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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Poslanecké dotace v Česku v letech 2003-2009: prostorová dimenze a identifikace některých podmiňujících faktorů / Pork barrel in Czechia in 2003-2009: spatial dimension and the identification of some causal factors

Hána, David January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is an attempt to reveal a regularity and dependence in spatial distribution of the pork barrel (i.e. the parliamentary grants) in the case of Czechia in 2003-2009. Moreover, the thesis attempts to identify some undermining factors of the proven spatial pattern in allocation of pork barrel financial sources. The selection of supported projects highly depends on subjective preferences of particular deputies being influenced by many factors. Accordingly, the diploma thesis examines a role of the spatial distribution of deputies' places of living and their influences on the spatial allocation of the pork barrel through the state budget being approved in the Lower House.

Role metabolismu nukleotidů při vývoji kolonií Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Nucleotide metabolism in the development of Saccharomyces cerevisiae colony

Dvořáková, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
Yeasts are unicellular microorganisms which are able to form colonies. The morphology of colonies is characteristic for the strain and differs according to particular growth conditions. Saccharomyces cerevisiae colonies are able to produce volatile ammonia which functions as a signalling molecule alarming nutrient depletion (PALKOVÁ et al. 1997). Changes in gene expression, metabolism and ammonia production occur during the development of giant S. cerevisiae colonies. Genes with changes in expression have been identified to be involved in ammonia transport, amino acid metabolism and also in nucleotide metabolism. Genes, whose deletion may affect the induction of ammonia production have been described (ČÁP et al., 2010), (VÁCHOVÁ a PALKOVÁ 2005), (PALKOVÁ et al. 2002). This work is focused on studying of an impact of deletions of selected genes involved in nucleotide metabolism, as well as of changes in extracellular concentrations of different bases on growth, morphology, ammonia production, cell morphology and differentiation of giant S. cerevisiae colonies. S. cerevisiae strains producing Gfp-tagged proteins (Ade4p-Gfp, Adk1p-Gfp, Urk1p-Gfp, Fcy2p-Gfp, Fur4p-Gfp, Fcy22p-Gfp) have been constructed and analyzed. Development of S. cerevisiae giant colonies with deletions of selected genes (ADE5,7,...

Individualizovaná výuka českého jazyka podle metody MGML / Individualized Czech language teaching methods by MGML

Suchá, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis titled Individualized Czech language teaching methods by MGML represents MultiGradeMultiLevel didactic system, which was developed based on the training needs of poor rural people in Rishi Valley, in India. It is a highly structured system, which uses the heterogeneity of students in class. It is realized in perfectly prepared learning environment and with activities based on the principles of constructivism. The main principles correspond to the theory of Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky called Zone of proximal development. The aim of the study is to realize and reflect the teaching of Czech language using the MGML-Methodology and thus use action research to verify the possibility of applying the method in the Czech school environment. The teaching took place in the program Step by Step, because its principles are closest with the MGML-Methodology approach. We conclude that the method can be used as an enriching element in teaching at Czech primary school.

Příprava transgenní kultury testikulárních kmenových buněk Xenopus tropicalis. / Preparation of Xenopus tropicalis transgenic testicular stem cell culture.

Vegrichtová, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
Testicular stem cells (TSCs) are relatively accessible potential source of pluripotent cells, which are particularly important for their application in regenerative medicine. Xenopus tropicalis is a useful model organism to study the migration and differentiation potential of stem cells. This amphibian is characteristic by outer fecundation and embryonic development of a great amount of embryos after fertilization. Oocytes and embryos are large enough (about 1 mm) to be suitable for micromanipulation micromanipulations. Laboratory of Developmental Biology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague succeeded in the establishment of a mixed cell culture of TSCs growing on feeder layer of pre- Sertoli cells. This culture was derived from the testes of juvenile Xenopus tropicalis male. In the study of their differentiation potential it was found, that leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) is the decisive factor allowing rapid proliferation of stem cells and their forming into characteristic colonies. This protein is produced by both types of cells which are present in the culture. The mouse LIF has the same positive effect on the proliferative potential of stem cells, which points at the evolutionary conservation of metabolic pathways associated with the maintenance of the stemness. RT-PCR analysis...

Diferenciace životního stylu seniorů / Differentiation of Seniors Lifestyle

Chalupová, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
Cílem práce je přiblížit problematiku stárnutí a stáří jako určité specifické fáze životního cyklu, popsat jednotlivé oblasti životního stylu seniorů a poukázat na jejich diferenciaci, především na základě jednotlivých sociodemografických charakteristik. Zaměřuji se na současnou situaci seniorů v ČR. Teoretická část je rozdělena do tří kapitol. V první se zabývám problematikou stárnutí a stáří z obecného hlediska. Uvádím jak je možné stáří definovat a jaké jsou sociologické teorie stárnutí a stáří. Dále uvádím historický kontext vnímání stáří. Zmiňuji také jaké důsledky má stárnutí obyvatelstva pro jedince i společnost. Druhá kapitola je věnována sociálním a psychologickým aspektům života seniorů. Představuji zde jednotlivé oblasti života seniorů, jako jsou rodina a mezigenerační vztahy, volný čas a bydlení. Zmiňuji také problematiku ageismu. Třetí kapitola je věnována demografickým aspektům, tedy jakým způsobem docházelo k vývoji velikosti a struktury populace seniorů v její současnou podobu. Výzkumná část práce je věnována životnímu stylu seniorů.Cílem výzkumu je na základě rozhovorů popsat jednotlivé oblasti životního stylu seniorů a ukázat, zda a jakým způsobem se odlišují. V rozhovorech jsem sledovala oblasti každodennosti, zaměstnaní, zdraví, finanční aspekty a oblast životních hodnot....

Sociální bydlení v Praze / Social housing in Prague

Kopecká, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the social housing as a housing policy instrument in the territory of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. The thesis evaluates the concept from the two comparative advantages of the social housing policy - the first is increase in availability of housing for households that are disadvantaged on the housing market; the second is the possible prevention of development of social- excluded sites. Here in the thesis, those aspects of social housing are investigated on the base of the policy of the Municipality of the capital Prague and on the policy of the particular city-districts. More in detail the impacts of social housing policy are presented for the case of Prague 14 and especially in the case of housing estate Černý Most. There is a high ratio of the municipal housing. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Itálie: ekonomika a regionální diferenciace / Italy: economy and regional differentiation

Lajnerová, Kristýna January 2010 (has links)
The thesis Italy: economy and regional differentiation deals in the first place with the current problem of the state of Italian economy influenced by the global economic crisis and secondly it looks at the underdevelopment of South Italian regions. In connection with the economic crisis the thesis describes measures adopted by the Italian government in order to reduce negative effects of the crisis on the economy and employment. These measures, especially the fiscal stimulus, belonged to the lowest in Europe also by reason of the huge general government gross debt. The second part of the thesis looks at the problem of the regional differentiation among the regions of the North and the South of Italy. South Italian regions suffer from underdevelopment, high rate of unemployment and low rate of employment and these problems haven't been successfully solved even after many years of their existence. The unfavourable situation in South Italian regions has moreover been worsened by the unstable political situation, corruption and activities of the organised crime. These obstacles are widely spread in Italy also according to the research of the World Economic Forum. It was supposed that the underdevelopment of South Italian regions would reduce as a result of the implementation of European Structural funds. The main part of the financial resources assigned to Italy goes to the South and so it was expected that the influence in southern regions would prove to be remarkable. Unfortunately, even after expiration of three programming periods just a little positive impact on the alleviation of regional disparities in Italy was proved. The quality of implementation especially in the South is affected by irregularities and frauds and the executed projects are often ineffective. This thesis comes to the conclusion that just a minimal convergence takes place among italian regions and the EU Structural funds failed to meet their main objective in Italy.

Výkon trestu odnětí svobody / Unconditional imprisonment

Tomíčková, Kristína January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the execution of unconditional imprisonment in the Czech republic and to analyze the actual problems of the Czech penitentiary system. It also tries to propose convenient solutions of the main problems. The extend of this thesis is reduced to the execution of penalty, therefor other forms of detention are excluded. The unconditional imprisonment is the strictest penalty in Czech legal system and it has a major impact on the convicted human beings. That is why I tried do describe how the actual penitentiary system works and what are its weak points. This thesis also tries to compare the ideas of global modern reforms, like humanization and therapeutical concept of punishment, to the real situation of Czech imprisonment. This thesis consists of eight chapters, each of them deals with various aspects of this form of punishment. The first chapter is devoted to theoretical issues of the concept and purpose of the punishment. This part is necessary and desirable for later interpretation of imprisonment problematic. The second chapter describes the legal fundaments of unconditional imprisonment according to international law and its impact on practice. The third chapter describes the legal fundaments of unconditional imprisonment according to Czech national law. It...

Diferenciace dospělých kmenových buněk na inzulín produkující beta buňky / Differentiation of adult stem cells into insulin-producing beta cells

Koblas, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
Ph.D. Thesis abstract: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by a metabolic disorder in which there is a low level or complete lack of the insulin. Diabetes mellitus type 1 (DM1) is caused by an autoimmune reaction leading to the destruction of the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas. In consequence, low or non-existent insulin production leads to a complete dependence on exogenous insulin supplementation. DM1 causes serious long-term complications. Although strict control of blood sugar could prevent the onset and development of diabetic complications only 5% of diabetic patients are able to achieve such control. Hence it is evident that the current methods of treatment are neither sufficient to treat this disease, nor prevent late complications in most patients. The most promising therapeutic approach in the treatment of diabetes is the restoring of insulin production. One such method is the transplantation of insulin-producing tissue. However, a lack of available insulin- producing tissue limits such therapeutic approach. Therefore an alternative source of insulin producing cells have to be found to obtain a sufficient amount of safe and efficient insulin producing tissue. Pancreatic stem/progenitor cells could represent such an available alternative source. Despite the evidence...

Koaxiální nanovlákna s inkorporovanými suplementy pro řízenou chondrogenní diferenciaci / Coaxial nanofibers with incorporated suplements for regulated chondrogenic differentiation

Korbelová, Gabriela January 2019 (has links)
In the field of regenerative medicine, regeneration of cartilage defects (caused either by injury or age-related degeneration) has become a widely discussed topic. Nanofibrous scaffolds provide a suitable environment for cell adhesion, proliferation, differentiation, and also for the local involvement of bioactive substances. Nanofibrous scaffolds mimic the extracellular matrix (ECM) of hyaline cartilage. These scaffolds are seeded with autologous chondrocytes. After having been isolated from the patient, the cells must be cultivated in vitro in order to obtain a sufficient amount of chondrocytes. Scaffolds with cultivated chondrocytes are later implanted back into the pacient. Chondrocytes, however, when grown on a 2D tissue culture plastic rapidly de-differentiate and thus lose the ability to synthesize ECM molecules. The aim of the work was modulation of chondrogenic differentiation medium through finding the ideal concentration of chondrogenic supplements, composed of L-ascorbate-2-phosphate (A2P) and dexamethasone (DEX), in the culture of primary chondrocytes seeded on a nanofibrous polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffold. The effect of different concentrations of the chondrogenic supplements on chondrocyte adhesion to the scaffold and their proliferation and differentiation was studied. The influence...

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