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Analýza on-line komunikačního mixu společnosti Danone a návrh na jeho zefektivnění. / Analysis of on-line communication mix of Danone Czech Republic and a proposal to its effectivenessHodboď, Radek January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis studies the topic of on-line communication as a part of communication mix and marketing mix. It's closely connected with rapid technological development. It's therefore necessary to monitor trends, which are also part of the thesis. Based on the theoretical backgound, analysis of Czech internet and advertising environment and research of Czech firm's approach to on-line communication, author deals with the importance of on-line forms in comparison to other parts of communication mix. The outputs of the above are applied in the analysis of FMCG producer's on-line communication mix and competitive activities also. These findings are further formulated in recommendations for more effective on-line communication of analysed company and also serves to determine the new strategy.
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Digital media as communication tools for health promotion in managed health careBornman, Magda 13 July 2006 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Dissertation (MA (Publishing))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Information Science / unrestricted
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[pt] Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar as atuações e representações de um grupo de professores, que, em sua prática docente, leva para a sala de aula o uso das mídias digitais, principalmente a Internet, com seus novos recursos. Para tanto, o desenho de pesquisa considerado mais adequado para que a empiria e a teoria estivessem afinadas foi a pesquisa exploratória enriquecida com a netnografia. Num primeiro momento, foi realizado um debate em duas listas de discussão na Web voltadas para educadores, na maioria, blogueiros. Em seguida, aplicou-se a todos os membros dessas duas listas um questionário, que tomou como base o que foi utilizado na pesquisa Mestres na Web. De posse das respostas de ambos os questionários, foram feitas comparações entre os resultados. Simultaneamente à leitura e à análise dos dados do questionário e do debate, realizou-se a pesquisa no material disponível online produzido pelos professores blogueiros e seus alunos. No decorrer da análise, puderam-se distinguir professores pioneiros de praticantes, segundo categoria do projeto europeu ULearn. Constatou-se que há professores, principalmente da rede pública de ensino e, na maioria, acima dos 36 anos de idade, bastante entrosados com as mídias digitais e com projetos acessíveis e concretos para a renovação do processo ensino-aprendizagem. Porém, ainda há resistência de docentes e de instituições que, muitas vezes, investem em equipamentos tecnológicos, mas não estimulam os professores a fazerem um real uso deles. Percebeu-se também que embora os jovens sejam da era digital, ainda sentem dificuldade em lidar com projetos inovadores na escola. / [en] This study aims at investigating the performances/actions and representations of a group of teachers that make use of digital media in their classroom teaching practices, especially the Internet with its new features. The design most suitable for keeping the balance between the empirical and theoretical work was netnography, that enriched the exploratory research. At first, there had been a debate in two mailing lists of educators in the web, most of whom were bloggers. After that, a questionnaire was applied to all members of those two lists. This questionnaire was based on the one used in Teachers on Web Research. The analysis allowed the comparison of the results of the two researches. Simultaneously with the reading of the questionnaire answers and their discussions, both the teachers’ and their students’ online productions have also been analyzed. Throughout the analysis, the teachers have been classified either as Pioneers or Users, according to the categories by the European Project ULearn. The research has shown that there are teachers very well acquainted with the digital media, particularly the ones over 36 years old and working in the federal/state/municipal school system. Such teachers have been developing accessible practical projects and ideas for the renewal of the teaching-learning process. Regardless of that, there is still much resistance to innovations both by teachers and institutions, most of which frequently look for technical infrastructure without encouraging teachers to really use it. The research has also shown that even though the young learners were born in the digital age, they still have difficulty in coping with innovative projects in the school.
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Comunicação e sentido no audiovisual interativo para os meios digitais : estratégias enunciativas na construção de espaços, tempos e atores do discurso /Oliveira, Bruno Jareta de. January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Silvia Lopes Davi Médola / Resumo: A linguagem audiovisual sofre um constante amadurecimento fruto de inovações tecnológicas que oferecem aos sujeitos da enunciação novas formas de organizar, produzir e consumir os conteúdos. Em diferentes gêneros, formatos e finalidades de comunicação, produtos conhecidos como filmes interativos, jogos eletrônicos, realidade virtual e aumentada, e filmes estruturados em inteligência artificial, por exemplo, forjam novos contratos enunciativos e, na recorrência de experimentações, tensionam o audiovisual enquanto forma expressiva. A semiótica discursiva fundamenta o percurso metodológico adotado na tese, que examina as estruturas de linguagem e suas articulações visando a construção discursiva regida por essa práxis enunciativa. Entendida como efeito de sentido, a interatividade é resultado de um processo, designado como agência, no qual o destinatário pode inserir informações em um sistema programado a atualizar os componentes do enunciado a partir de tal intervenção. Alicerçado nos conceitos de paradigma e sintagma, correspondentes à noção hjelmsleviana de esquema e uso, que organizam as linguagens, constatou-se que o sintagma do audiovisual interativo corresponde a um esquema do qual o enunciador faz uso para dispor um conjunto de situações de agência, que, pela mediação expressiva de uma interface em um dispositivo digital, é atualizada em uma das virtualidades pelo enunciatário, que ocupa o discurso fazendo um novo uso deste inicial, que, para ele, adquire uma condição de... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Doutor
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Journalism culture in Kunming: market competition, political constraint, and new technology in a Chinese metropolisLiu, Zhaoxi 01 December 2012 (has links)
This study explores the occupational culture of journalism in a Southwestern China metropolis, Kunming, answering the questions of what and how journalists there give meaning to their work through analyzing the substance and form of the journalism culture. Over three months of fieldwork in four different local newspapers revealed a gap between the meanings these journalists aspire and the meanings they can materialize through practice, due to political and economic constraints. As a result, the journalists felt conflicted and deeply frustrated but at the same time tried to push the boundaries in different ways, including active use of digital technology and social media. The study also found that the journalism culture was intrinsically intertwined with the social, cultural and global environment within which it resided, as social conflict, widespread mistrust and global influences played important roles in shaping the meanings the journalists gave to their work. The journalism culture was also one of contradictions and uncertainties, still in the making and changing at a rapid pace. It is a journalism culture of a particular transitional era and place, with Chinese characteristics.
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DuIK Bassel in Usage in After Effects and an Animated Short FilmGalpin, Kennedy L 01 May 2019 (has links)
This thesis was made with the goal of creating a 2D short film in the end, with mainly using a program that is not normally used for character animation: Adobe After Effects. With the usage of an originally French plugin called DuIK Bassel (v16.0.9), I was able to create a model in Adobe Photoshop and then put it into After Effects. When the files were imported, the plugin would then assist in the rigging process, wherein I would be able to create the character’s rig and make the 2D model within the program. This document discusses the entire creation of the short film that I progressed through, from the storyboarding, character creation, rigging process, and putting the elements together.
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Les télévisions celtiques (TG4, S4C, BBC ALBA, FRANCE 3 Bretagne, Brezhoweb) : de l’espace des lieux à l’espace des flux : territorialisation et déterritorialisation / Celtic television broadcasters (TG4, S4C, BBC Alba, France 3 Bretagne, Brezhoweb) : from the space of places to the space of flows : territorialisation and deterritorualisationCostecalde, Pierre 27 June 2018 (has links)
Les chaînes de télévision en langue celtique TG4 (Irlande), S4C (Pays de Galles), BBC ALBA (Ecosse), FRANCE 3 Bretagne (pour ses émissions en breton) et BREZHOWEB (France, Bretagne) reposent sur des langues dont la démographie linguistique reste préoccupante. Ces langues s’appuient sur des lois, des stratégies et sur la Charte européenne des langues régionales et minoritaires. Dans un environnement bilingue, elles dépendent d’une opinion publique positive et de l’enseignement des langues. Les chaînes celtiques favorisent ainsi leur expression et leur promotion. Dans un contexte de très forte concurrence et dans un mediascape hyper-fragmenté, elles constituent des pôles de résistance implantés dans l’espace des lieux (Manuel Castells), émettant pour des communautés linguistiques « imaginées » (Benedict Anderson). Dans la mesure où elles dépendent des flux financiers (Arjun Appadurai), elles sont l'objet d'une tension permanente entre économie et médias. La récente crise financière et économique a provoqué la diminution ou la stagnation de leurs budgets, entraînant des répercussions sociales et économiques pour les producteurs indépendants. La majorité des chaînes déterritorialisent désormais certaines de leurs émissions grâce à internet et augmentent ainsi leur audience auprès de leurs diasporas et du grand public, grâce au sous-titrage optionnel et à l’adaptation de formats internationaux comme lesoap opera ou la sitcom. Vecteurs de convergence, les chaînes sont disponibles sur de nombreux supports numériques. Leur avenir va, par conséquent, dépendre des décisions de l’après-Brexit au Royaume Uni, de la mise en oeuvre du grand marché numérique européen et surtout, de l’attitude des jeunes générations envers les langues, leur apprentissage et l’utilisation qu’elles vont en faire sur les multiples plateformes numériques. / The television channels broadcasting in a Celtic language (TG4, Ireland), S4C (Wales), BBC ALBA (Scotland), FRANCE 3 Bretagne’s programmes in Breton and BREZHOWEB (France/Bretagne) rest on languages whose linguistic demographics is worrying. These languages are supported by laws and strategies and by the European Charter on Regional and Minority Languages. In a bilingual environment, they depend on favourable public opinions and on language education. Their expression and promotion is boosted by the Celtic television channels. Faced with a very strong competition in a hyper-fragmented mediascape, they are centers of resistance against globalization, located .in the “space of places” (Manuel Castells), broadcasting for “imagined” language communities (Benedict Anderson). Their dependence on financial flows (Arjun Appadurai) creates a permanent tension between economy and media. The financial and economic crisis has triggered a reduction or a stagnation of these channels’ budgets, resulting in social and economic difficulties for them and their independent producers. Most of the channels are now deterritorializing some of their programmes through internet. They increase their audience rates among their diasporas and the public at large by resorting to optional subtitles andadapting international formats such as soap operas or sitcoms. Part and parcel of convergence, these channels are available on numerous digital platforms. Therefore, their future will depend on a post-Brexit agreement, on the implementation of the European Digital Single Market, but above all on the younger generation’s approach towards learning Celtic languages and their use on the many audio-visual digital platforms
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Digital Media Analytics: Towards an Understanding of Content Design and Social Media PromotionJanuary 2020 (has links)
abstract: Digital media refers to any form of media which depends on electronic devices for its creation, distribution, view, and storage. Digital media analytics involves qualitative and quantitative analysis from the business to understand users’ behaviors. This technique brings disruptive changes to many industries and its path of economic disruption is getting wider and wider. Under the context of the increasingly popular digital media market, this dissertation investigates what are the best content delivery strategy and the new cultural phenomenon: Internet Water Army. The first essay proposes a theory-guided computational approach that consolidates distinct data sources spanning unstructured text, image, and video data, systematically measures modes of persuasion, and unveils the multimedia content design strategies for crowdfunding projects. The second essay studies whether using the Internet Water Army helps sales and under what conditions it helps. This study finds that the Internet water army helps product sales at both post-level and fans-level. The effect is largely reflected by changing the number of emotional fans. Furthermore, the earlier to purchase the water armies, more haters, likers, and neutral fans it can attract. The last essay builds a game model to study the trade- off between honestly promoting the product according to their evaluation and catering to the consumer’s prior belief on the product quality to stay on the market as long as possible. It provides insights on the optimum usage of promotion on social media and demonstrate how conventional wisdom about negative reviews will hurt business may be misleading in the presence of social media. These three studies jointly contribute to the crowdfunding and social media studies literature by elucidating the content delivery strategy, and the impact and purchasing strategy of the Internet Water Army. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2020
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[pt] A presente tese tem como objetivo compreender, com maior profundidade, os processos emergentes na vida do acadêmico com a apropriação dos suportes digitais e seu formato específico de armazenamento, tratamento e acesso à informação. Essa apropriação ocorre especialmente a partir do início dos anos 90
em que se processa a expansão da computação pessoal e da rede internet em larga escala, em ritmo diferente em diversos países, com o aprofundamento da sociedade em rede nos anos 2000. Analisa-se o modo de agir dos intelectuais acadêmicos contemporâneos e suas práticas, em uma fase na qual a mídia
tradicional analógica, representada pelos meios de comunicação impressos (livros e revistas científicas) é mesclada com a nova mídia digital, que redesenha os antigos formatos e propõe outros novos. Para isso foram selecionados dezesseis doutores ligados à área de Educação que se formaram entre os anos de 2005 e 2010, oito no Brasil (PUC-Rio) e oito na Itália (UCSC Milano), para compor um estudo de casos múltiplos (Yin, 2001) através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Pela exaustiva análise de conteúdo das transcrições (Bardin, 1977), emergiram sete grandes Eixos temáticos, a saber: (I) Trajetória de vida acadêmica e digital; (II) Usos da tecnologia; (III) Modo de leitura; (IV) Modo de escrita; (V) Uso de fontes; (VI) Modo de organização; (VII) Modo de comunicação. Entre os resultados encontrados, a atividade autoral do acadêmico usando tecnologias digitais possui inúmeros fatores de influência: o tema de pesquisa escolhido, os agentes de interesse inicial pelo uso das tecnologias, a predisposição em explorar novos recursos disponíveis, o tipo de empiria (presencial ou via internet) e o tipo de fontes necessárias para formar a base teórica. O modelo de análise aplicado a cada entrevista mostrou que esta multideterminação se traduz em inúmeras práticas individuais originais, como a busca circular contínua em diferentes suportes, a leitura de textos em tela, a escrita simultânea e em camadas, o uso das novas fontes empíricas e a re-análise de bases de dados disponíveis na internet. Embora o processo de digitalização de fontes e meios de buscá-las esteja em plena marcha através de buscadores generalistas e bases de dados universitárias, no que tange aos modos de leitura ainda persiste a conservação de hábitos ligados ao meio impresso e analógico e a subutilização dos potenciais oferecidos para a comunicação com outros pesquisadores, especialmente o receio de compartilhar projetos e resultados de pesquisa em meios informais e comunidades virtuais abertas. Visando traçar um conjunto de informações úteis que auxiliem nos futuros programas de formação do professor-pesquisador, esta tese pode servir para a construção de atividades e cursos que ajudem a desenvolver uma aprendizagem mais sólida no uso das mídias digitais nos cursos de doutoramento em Educação e nas ciências humanas em geral. / [en] This thesis aims to understand, in depth, the processes emerging in the academic life with the appropriation of digital media and its specific format storage, treatment and access to information. This appropriation is especially true since the early 90s in which proceeds the expansion of personal computing and internet network on a large scale in different countries, with the deepening of the network society in the 2000s. It analyzes the mood of the contemporary intellectual and academic practices in a phase in which the traditional analog media, represented by print media (books and journals) is merged with the new digital media, which redraws the old formats and proposes new ones. For this we selected sixteen doctors related to the field of Education who graduated between the years 2005 and 2010, eight in Brazil (PUC-Rio) and eight in Italy (UCSC Milano), to compose a multiple case study (Yin, 2001) through semi-structured interviews. Through exhaustive content analysis of the transcripts (Bardin, 1977),
emerged seven major thematic axes, namely: (I) Trajectory of digital and academic life; (II) Uses of technology; (III) Reading mode, (IV) Writing mode; (V) Use of sources; (VI) Mode of organization; (VII) Communication mode. Among the findings, the author of scholarly activity using digital technologies has
numerous influencing factors: the research topic chosen, the agents of initial interest in the use of technology, the willingness to explore new resources available, the type of empiricism (in person or via internet) and type of resources needed to form the theoretical basis. The analysis model applied to each interview showed that this multiplicity is reflected in numerous unique individual practices, such as continuous circular search in different media, reading texts on screen, writing and simultaneous layers, the use of new empirical sources and re-analysis of available databases on the Internet. Although the process of scanning sources ways to pick them up is well underway through general search engines and
academic databases, with respect to ways of reading persists conservation habits
linked to print and analog and underutilization of potential available for communication with other researchers, especially the fear of sharing projects and research results in informal ways and open virtual communities. Seeking to draw a set of useful information to assist in future training programs of teacherresearcher, this thesis can serve to build activities and courses that will help develop a stronger learning in the use of digital media in Education PhD courses and in the humanities in general.
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Direitos Autorais & EaD : investigação de práticas de elaboração de materiais didáticos para portais de ensino online /Rosa, Luciane de Fatima Giroto January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Francisco Magnoni / Resumo: No cenário contemporâneo de ampla acessibilidade às mídias digitais e inúmeras ferramentas para o compartilhamento de informações, inclusive de reprodução, cópia ou mixagem de conteúdo, verificam-se riscos às relações sociais. Nota-se que, no cenário da literatura científica brasileira, as discussões acerca dos direitos autorais são raras e, em relação à elaboração de materiais didáticos, insuficientes. Nesse sentido, a presente dissertação procurou investigar respostas para boas práticas de preservação dos direitos autorais em instituições que comumente publicam materiais didáticos para portais de educação online na presente pesquisa aplicada. Com fundamento em obras bibliográficas e legislação das últimas duas décadas sobre o tema e alicerçada no modelo de estudo de caso múltiplo, realizou-se a seleção de três instituições e adotou-se a triangulação dos dados com uma análise qualitativa interdisciplinar dos resultados obtidos. As análises indicam que, desde a publicação da Lei de Direitos Autorais Brasileira (1998b), houve uma apropriação de seus princípios teóricos pelas instituições pesquisadas, mas que, em relação à utilização de obra de artes visuais e audiovisuais, sobretudo, na prática, o processo de elaboração de materiais didáticos ainda pode evoluir em sistematização para minimizarem-se os riscos de violação dos direitos autorais. Como contributo do avanço da percorrida do tema, a pesquisa traz uma Política de Boas Práticas que elucida essas questões ainda em abert... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: There are risks to social relations in the contemporary scenario of wide accessibility to digital media and numerous tools for sharing information, including the reproduction, copying or mixing of content. The discussions about copyright are so rare in the context of Brazilian scientific literature and, in relation to the preparation of teaching materials, the discussions are insufficient. This study searched answers to good practices for the preservation of copyright in institutions that commonly publish teaching materials for online education portals through applied research about this. Three institutions were selected, literature and legislation of the last two decades about the theme was used as base. The study was based on the multiple case model. Data triangulation was adopted with an interdisciplinary qualitative analysis of the results. The analyzes indicate that, since the publication of the Brazilian Copyright Law in 1998, there was an appropriation of its theoretical principles by the researched institutions, but that, in relation to the use of visual and audiovisual art works, above all, in practice, the process of preparing teaching materials can still evolve into systematization to minimize the risk of copyright infringement. This research presents a Policy of Good Practices that elucidates some questions for professionals who work with distance education in digital media. / Mestre
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