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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Use of an interactive iTextbook in a college nutrition course: effects on student comprehension, knowledge, application, and engagement

Blake, Joan Salge 05 November 2016 (has links)
Colleges and universities have started to recognize the benefits of shifting from a professor-centered instructional paradigm that focuses on the dissemination of information to the learner to a student-centered paradigm. This latter paradigm is designed to provide an environment that enables the student to personalize, analyze, synthesize, and apply the information learned both inside and outside the classroom. Few would argue that such a paradigm shift would be best supported with the provision of a cost-effective, digitally interactive textbook that supports this type of personalized student-centered learning anywhere, anytime. Additionally, an Internet-based textbook would give the student more control of when, what, and how much he/she learns allowing for a potentially deeper exploration of content. This quantitative study was conducted to ascertain if the use of an instructionally designed, interactive college nutrition textbook (iTextbook) with embedded links to digitally-rich supporting graphics, videos, figures, and self-assessments would significantly improve students’ knowledge acquisition and application of the information as compared to the use of an identical print textbook and a static electronic textbook (eTextbook) in a Portable Digital Format (PDF). This study also looked at the time-on-task for reading the textbook content in each of the three formats. Lastly, this study assessed if students would prefer this type of instructionally designed, digitally-rich iTextbook format rather than reading the same information in a print textbook or a PDF eTextbook. The results of the study alluded that while there was a trend for a higher mean exam score measuring knowledge acquisition and application of the information read in the iTextbook group and a lower mean exam score in the eTextbook group, the scores among the three formats were not significantly different. The time-on-task spent by each group reading the textbook content was also similar among the three formats. However, the students reading the eTextbook spent a significantly longer amount of time reading the eTextbook compared to the iTextbook yet obtained the lowest average exam score among the three groups. In response to a final questionnaire, students significantly preferred the iTextbook rather than the print or eTextbook formats. College students reading a textbook in an iTextbook format obtained similar exam scores as those reading the same content in a print or eTextbook format. Compared to the iTextbook, the time-on-task was not only longer for those reading the eTextbook format but this format also produced a lower exam score measuring knowledge acquisition and application. The iTextbook format was more favorably received by college students than the print or eTextbooks formats.

New Tools for Training News Reporters: An interactive Scoring e-Textbook Based on Online Assessment

Munro, Yevgenia January 2010 (has links)
This research develops a new approach to the development of training inexperienced journalists in news writing using a web-based platform of instruction delivery. E-training is growing in the world as an instructional setting, and offers not only financial benefits, but also a range of specific advantages over the traditional classroom type of setting. Such advantages include the ability to personalise the content of training to the trainees' current competencies, to facilitate regular multi-faceted monitoring of the changes in these competencies and to combine learning with the immediate practising of what was learned. Two e-training tools have been created and validated in this research: the news text assessment system (NTA) - a comprehensive and effective online scoring rubric, i.e. a matrix describing different levels of competency in several dimensions of the assessed performance - to assess the quality of news writing; and a scoring e-textbook (SET), an asynchronous news writing training tool. The SET is built around the NTA as its core element and contains hundreds of self-learning modules including exercises, examples, instructional texts, and quizzes to be used in a non-linear fashion according to the specific needs of trainees. Both the exercises and the NTA are elements of corrective feedback, which in psychological literature has been shown to be most effective in changing the subsequent performance of trainees. The two tools help both the trainee and the instructor. They assist the instructor to identify and address journalists' weak and absent competencies in news writing and consistently upgrade the learning modules when needed. They help trainees to monitor their progress and to learn from their own mistakes in the short periods of spare time they have during their work or in other time they can spare for the training. To create the NTA, 53 top journalism experts, both practitioners and academics, used the prototype of the assessment rubric with 30 criteria of news writing to assess the quality of several supplied news stories. The results were then subjected to statistical analysis and the NTA rubric was created as a compromise between its comprehensiveness and user-friendliness. To evaluate the NTA and the SET, an experiment was conducted with journalists in one post-Communist country in the form of an action research project, where this researcher was also the instructor. The experiment consisted of four months of training and reflection on its results by both the journalists and the researcher. The results show improvement in news writing competencies to an internationally 'acceptable' news writing standard for most of the trainees. The suggested tools have been well received and the trainees appreciated the interactivity that was provided during the training.

Les illustrations interactives dans le manuel scolaire numérique en France : usages et impacts sur l'appropriation / Interactive illustrations in the digital school texbook in France : Uses and impacts on ownership

Nikitopoulos, Claire 08 December 2017 (has links)
Le manuel scolaire évolue avec le développement du numérique et propose de nouvelles ressources. Les illustrations ne sont plus statiques comme dans les manuels imprimés, mais fondées sur l’interactivité. Ces animations, schémas et cartes interactives ont une influence positive sur la mémorisation et la compréhension des élèves. De nombreux chercheurs spécialistes de l’apprentissage sur document multimédia ont fait ressortir ces effets positifs. D’après J. Sweller, l’apprentissage est favorisé dès lors que les documents pédagogiques permettent d’alléger la charge cognitive. J. Sweller a étudié les relations entre les processus de traitement de l’information et la présentation de l’information dans le document pédagogique. Selon la théorie de R.E. Mayer, le multimédia a des effets positifs sur l’apprentissage des élèves lorsque le document combine du texte et des illustrations. Ces nouvelles illustrations font également changer le rôle de l’élève qui n’est plus spectateur de l’image mais utilisateur. L’élève contrôle sa ressource en lui donnant une action. Il a ainsi la possibilité de faire apparaître les éléments qu’il souhaite sur une carte, les faire disparaître ou encore de prendre le temps dont il a besoin pour comprendre le sujet. Le premier objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre comment les enseignants s’approprient les manuels numériques et les illustrations interactives. Pour cela, deux enquêtes permettront de découvrir leurs usages. Le deuxième objectif est de déterminer, à partir d’expérimentations, si les illustrations interactives favorisent la mémorisation et la compréhension des élèves par rapport à une illustration statique. / The textbook evolves with the development of digital technology and proposes new resources. The illustrations are no longer static as in printed manuals, but based on interactivity. These animations, diagrams and interactive maps have a positive influence on students' memorization and understanding. Many researchers specializing in multimedia learning have highlighted these positive effects. According to J. Sweller, learning is favored when learning materials reduce the cognitive burden. J. Sweller studied the relationship between information processing processes and the presentation of information in the curriculum document. According to the theory of R.E. Mayer, multimedia has positive effects on student learning when the document combines text and illustrations. These new illustrations also change the role of the student who is no longer spectator of the image but user. The student controls his or her resource by giving it an action. He has the possibility to show the elements he wishes on a map, to make them disappear or to take the time he needs to understand the subject. The first objective of this thesis is to understand how teachers take digital textbooks and interactive illustrations. For this purpose, two surveys will reveal their uses. The second objective is to determine, from experiments, whether the interactive illustrations favor the memorization and understanding of students in relation to a static illustration.

Digitala läroböcker i matematikundervisning - Användning av den digitala läroboken i undervisningen

Salmela, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Traditionellt sett har den tryckta läroboken varit en stor del i matematikundervisningen. I takt med samhällets digitalisering har även digitala läroböcker blivit en del av matematikundervisningen. Syftet med studien är därför att ta reda på huruvida digitala läroböcker främjar eller hindrar elevers lärande. Syftet är också att ta reda på hur olika varianter av digitala läroböcker kan användas i undervisningen. Studien baseras på en systematisk litteraturstudie där tidigare forskning om ämnet undersökts. Resultatet visar i huvudsak på att digitala läroböcker främjar elevernas lärande. Digitala läroböcker finns i tre varianter; minimal variant, exklusiv variant och hybridvariant. Resultatet visar också att en exklusiv variant av digitala läroböcker är mest främjande för elevers lärande i matematik. En slutsats är att det behöver forskas mer inom området, framförallt på digitala läroböcker på svenska, eftersom det finns ett begränsat antal studier i ämnet. / The printed textbook has traditionally been a big part of the education in mathematics. While the digitalization in society has increased, the digital textbooks has also become a part of the education. The purpose of the study was to find out how digital textbooks could be a support or a holdback in student learning. The purpose of the study was also to find out how different types of digital textbooks can be used in education. The study is a systematic literature review where previous research about the subject has been analyzed. The main results indicate that the digital textbooks could be a support in student learning. There are three different types of digital textbooks; minimal, exclusive and hybrid. The results also indicate that the exclusive type of digital textbooks is the most supportive in student learning in mathematics. One conclusion is that it needs more research about this subject, especially about digital textbooks in the Swedish language because there’s limited number of studies in the subject.

Tvådimensionella figurer i digitala läromedel : En innehållsanalys av digitala läromedel i grundskolans årskurs 1–3 med fokus på tvådimensionella figurer / : A content analysis of digital textbooks in compulsory school years 1-3 with focus on two-dimensional objects

Larsson, Emma, Hansemark, Lena January 2021 (has links)
Detta arbete berör ämnesområdet matematik med inriktning geometri. Syftet med detta arbete har varit att analysera olika digitala läromedel för grundskolans årskurs 1–3 för att synliggöra hur innehållet kan förstås utifrån olika lärteorier. De vetenskapliga lärteorierna som ligger till grund för detta arbete är Variationsteorin och van Hieles teori för geometriskt tänkande. I analysen har geometriuppgifter gällande tvådimensionella figurer analyserats utifrån variationsteorin, kring variationsmönster och kritiska aspekter. Samma uppgifter analyserades även utifrån van Hieles teori kring nivåer och faser för det geometriska tänkandet. En innehållsanalys gav oss möjlighet att undersöka både hur frekvent en viss aspekt av de olika teorierna förekom men även hur uppgifter i de valda digitala läromedlen kunde förstås enligt de två teorierna. Resultatet av denna innehållsanalys visade att innehållsmässig variation i uppgifter kan bidra till förståelse för tvådimensionella figurer och dess egenskaper. Resultatet visade även att det fanns möjlighet till progression av kunskaper om tvådimensionella figurer och dess egenskaper, detta genom uppgifter med varierande svårighetsgrader som avancerade inom och mellan årskurserna. / This study concerns the subject of mathematics with focus on geometry. The aim of this study has been to analyze different digital textbooks suited for compulsory school years 1-3 to visualize how the content can be understood based on different learning theories. This study is based on the Variation Theory and the van Hiele Model of Geometric Thinking. In this analysis, geometry assignments regarding two-dimensional figures have been analyzed based on patterns of variation and critical aspects of the Variation Theory. The same assignments were also analyzed based on van Hiele’s theory of levels and phases of geometric thinking. A content analysis gave us the opportunity to examine both how frequently a certain aspect of the various theories occurred but also how the assignments could be understood according to the two theories. The results of this study showed that content variation in assignments can contribute to an understanding of two-dimensional figures and their properties. The results also showed that there were opportunities for progression of knowledge about two-dimensional figures and their properties, this through assignments with varying degrees of difficulty that advanced within and between grades.

Differentierad undervisning i matematik med hjälp av digitala läroböcker : - En intervjustudie om hur lärare ser på digitala läroböckers bidrag till ett stöd i olika elevers lärande i matematik / Differentiated Teaching in Mathematics with Digital Textbooks

Salmela, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Den digitala läroboken har blivit en allt större del av matematikundervisningen. I takt med samhällets digitalisering, har även digitaliseringen ökat i skolor och fler lärare använder den digitala läroboken i matematikundervisningen. Syftet med studien är därför att ta reda på hur digitala läroböcker kan användas för att stödja olika elevers lärande i matematik. Syftet är också att ta reda på vilka möjligheter och begränsningar som finns i arbetet med digitala läroböcker i den ordinarie matematikundervisningen. Studien är en intervjustudie med verksamma lärare som arbetar med digitala läroböcker i matematikundervisningen. Resultatet visar i huvudsak att de digitala läroböckerna har funktioner och egenskaper som kan stödja elevers lärande i matematik. Resultatet visar även att de intervjuade lärarna föredrar att använda digitala läroböcker för att individanpassa undervisningen, för mängdträning av specifika områden samt för att öka motivationen hos eleverna. En slutsats är att de intervjuade lärarna föredrar att använda den digitala läroboken som ett komplement i den ordinarie undervisningen. / The digital textbook has become a bigger part of education in mathematics since the digitalization in society. While the digitalization in society has increased, the digitalization in Swedish schools has also increased and several teachers use digital textbooks in education. The purpose of the study was to find out which features digital textbooks can offer to support students learning in mathematics. The purpose of the study was also to find out what opportunities and limitations that exists in the work with digital textbooks. The study is an interview study with teachers who use digital textbooks in their education in mathematics. The main results indicate that digital textbooks could be a support in student learning in mathematics. The results also indicate that the interviewed teachers preferred to use digital textbooks for customize the education, to repeat specific subjects and to increase student motivation. One conclusion is that the interviewed teachers preferred to use digital textbooks as a complement to the regular education.

Examining Usability and Cognitive Load in Health Policy Curriculum: A Convergent Mixed Methods Study of Pre-Licensure Nursing Students' Perceptions of Open Educational Textbooks and Affordable Digital Textbooks

Cleveland, Kimberly Ann 12 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Digitala läroböcker - kvalitetssäkrat urval? : En studie av elevers och pedagogers erfarenheter av digitala läroböcker i åk 7-9 / Digital Textbooks - Quality Assured Selection? : A Study of Students and Educators´Experiences of Digital Textbooks in Year 7-9

Bergöö Ripell, Karin January 2021 (has links)
In this study, I dedicate my attention to a comparative study regarding digital textbooks in comparison to printed textbooks. My purpose is to find out how teachers and students in years 7-9 compulsory school, view the use of digital textbooks compared to printed textbooks in teachingand learning. The theoretical starting point of the study is Illeris (2015) three dimensions of learning; the content dimension, the driving force dimension and the interaction dimension. This means that learning always takes place on both an individual and a social level. I have chosen to conduct a qualitative study that will be the empirical basis in my research work. In spring 2021, I interviewed a small number of students, two students in grade 8, a boy and a girl, two students in grade 9, a boy and a girl, and two teachers, a man and a woman who teach Social Sciences in grades 8 and 9. Both students and teachers described that the advantage of the digital textbook was its availability and that it can be read in different formats and that it is updated continuously. Both teachers and students felt that it was easier to get deeper into a printed text than a digital text. The study showed that scrolling in the digital text disturbed the students’ reading, they got an inferior overview of the digital text compared to when they read a printed text. The study also shows that students need support in reading digital textbooks as they differ from printed texts. Educators need to provide students with strategies to increase deep reading in digital textbooks. Not only in the Swedish language but in all school subjects.

När möjlighet blir svårighet : Historielärares erfarenheter av digitala läroböcker / When possibility becomes difficulty : History teachers´experiences of digital textbooks

Kempe, Einar January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to examine the role of digital textbooks in education of history and how teachers’ reason regarding their usability compared to printed textbooks. Prior studies have shown that teachers’ technical know-how and the amount of support they are given in the initial stages of using digital textbooks affect how well the implementation work. Furthermore, the digital format seems to offer a richer learning material as the digital books contain pedagogical functions beside the text. However, they are also more difficult to use than printed textbooks. Six history teachers were interviewed in this study, using a semi-structured interview method. The theoretical framework TPCK was used to manage the empirical data. This framework identifies three different aspects of the digital textbook that need to work properly and cooperate for the digital textbook to be considered an adequate tool for teaching. According to the informants, the way digital books are designed and the way they are navigated makes them difficult to use compared to the printed textbooks. One nameworthy advantage is that the content of digital textbooks can be updated almost instantly, therefore, the publishers can add information concerning contemporary events that are relevant for history education. Both low quality and a need for educational variation explained the low usage of digital textbooks. Only two of the six informants stated that they use the digital textbook as a point of departure in their teaching. Furthermore, many functions of the digital textbook are redundant. They seem designed to constitute the only teaching material a teacher would need; however few teachers are willing to limit themselves to this. The study shows the need for publishers to improve the navigation and overall design of digital textbooks to make them more user friendly. Furthermore, it is important that the publishers provide educational and customer support for the teachers using the digital textbooks to help them get started as it is crucial that the schools’ routines for implementing digital textbooks work properly.

Desenvolvimento de um método para avaliação do rendimento de leitura com crianças brasileiras envolvendo legibilidade, leiturabilidade e fundamentos da lectoescrita- Método Lêcom

LOURENÇO, Daniel Alvares 04 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-08-22T12:48:46Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) DESENVOLVIMENTO DE UM MÉTODO PARA AVALIAÇÃO DO RENDIMENTO DE LEITURA _MÉTODO LÊCOM_p.pdf: 8267959 bytes, checksum: a4c27a5f4caaa8dd88526e5f0fdc0b43 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-22T12:48:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) DESENVOLVIMENTO DE UM MÉTODO PARA AVALIAÇÃO DO RENDIMENTO DE LEITURA _MÉTODO LÊCOM_p.pdf: 8267959 bytes, checksum: a4c27a5f4caaa8dd88526e5f0fdc0b43 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-04 / CAPEs / Esta tese apresenta como objetivo principal criar um método avaliativo envolvendo legibilidade e leiturabilidade dos textos, mais especificamente com crianças do segundo ano do primeiro ciclo do ensino fundamental do estado da Paraíba (Brasil) relacionando com os fundamentos da lectoescrita. Para isso, no estado da arte foram abordados e discutidos assuntos essenciais para se entender as relações entre os aspectos citados, tais como: a leitura e suas relações com o ensino; a tipografia voltada para as crianças e como seu uso pode auxiliar no rendimento da leitura e; por fim, os métodos e técnicas existentes voltados para mensurar legibilidade e leiturabilidade. Em relação aos critérios metodológicos, investigou-se nas escolas públicas de ensino fundamental das cidades de João Pessoa e Cabedelo, a partir de visitas exploratórias e questionários respondidos pelos professores, como ocorre a relação entre o ensino e a aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita para se definir as etapas referentes à metodologia criada nessa pesquisa. Para finalizar, foi realizado um delineamento experimental com abordagem qualitativa com dezenove crianças entre seis e oito anos na Escola Lions Tambaú, em que foi aplicado o novo método. Os resultados foram considerados consistentes e satisfatórios. Além disso, foram realizadas algumas inferências e possíveis adequações do Método Lêcom para crianças de outra faixa etária. Por fim, foi percebido que o método criado abrange um âmbito maior na ciência, e que seria mais pertinente denominá-lo de Modelo Lêcom. / This main objective of this thesis has been to create an evaluation method involving the legibility and readability of texts, specifically with children in the second year of the first cycle of primary education in the state of Paraíba (Brazil), relating the fundaments of reading and writing. For this, from within the state of the arts, we addressed and discussed the key issues in order to understand the relationships between the abovementioned aspects, such as: reading and its relationship to education; typography for children and how its use may help the reading performance and; finally, the existing methods and techniques that aim to measure legibility and readability. The methodological criteria were investigated within state primary schools in the cities of João Pessoa and Cabedelo, through exploratory visits and questionnaires answered by teachers, regarding the manner in which the relationship occurs between teaching and learning to read and write so as to define the stages related to the methodology created in this research. Finally, an experimental design was conducted using a qualitative approach with nineteen children aged between six and eight years old at the Escola Lions Tambaú, where the new method was applied. Results were considered consistent and satisfactory. In addition, a number of inferences were conducted as well as possible adjustments to the Lêcom Method for children from other age groups. Finally, it was realized that the method created covers a broader scope in science, and it would be more appropriate to call it Model Lêcom.

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