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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

PropTech : Ett modeord, men vad betyder det? / PropTech : A buzzword, but what does it mean?

Bertilsson, Per January 2023 (has links)
Begreppet PropTech, har sin uppkomst i samband med framväxten av digitalisering och teknologisk innovation inom fastighetssektorn. Under de senaste decennierna har det skett betydande framsteg inom informations- och kommunikationsteknologi, samt inom områden som dataanalys, molnteknologi och artificiell intelligens. Dessa teknologiska framsteg har öppnat upp nya möjligheter att förbättra effektiviteten och funktionaliteten inom fastighetsförvaltning. PropTech som begrepp används såväl i forskningslitteraturen som i fastighetsbranschen på olika mässor och av start-ups som identifierar sig som “PropTech-bolag”. Det används på en mängd olika sätt och i olika sammanhang och frågan som nu uppstår är om någon egentligen vet vad som menas när PropTech nämns? Syftet med detta arbete är att bringa klarhet i begreppet. För att lyckas med detta tar studien avstamp i både forskningslitteraturen och intervjuer med branschexperter. Att angripa frågan från olika håll gör att resultatet blir mer robust och trovärdigt. Det råder ingen konsensus i dagsläget kring hur begreppet bör användas och i vilka sammanhang som det är adekvat. En gemensam nämnare för alla definitioner är att PropTech innefattar verktyg för virtuell och förstärkt verklighet, smarta hemsystem, online fastighetsmarknadsplatser, dataanalytik och blockchain-baserade plattformar. En skillnad mellan definitionerna är att vissa fokuserar på PropTech som en bredare digital transformation av fastighetsbranschen, medan andra fokuserar mer på specifika teknologiska lösningar inom fastighetsbranschen, till exempel online fastighetsmarknadsplatser eller blockchain-baserade plattformar. / The concept of PropTech emerged in conjunction with the rise of digitization and technological innovation within the real estate sector. Over the past decades, significant progress has been made in information and communication technology, as well as in areas such as data analysis, cloud technology, and artificial intelligence. These technological advancements have opened up new possibilities for improving efficiency and functionality within property management. The term PropTech is used both in research literature and in the real estate industry at various trade shows and by start-ups identifying themselves as "PropTech companies." It is employed in a variety of ways and contexts, leading to the question of whether anyone truly understands what is meant when PropTech is mentioned. The purpose of this study is to clarify the concept. To achieve this, I draw upon both research literature and interviews with industry experts. Approaching the question from multiple angles enhances the robustness and credibility of the findings. Currently, there is no consensus on how the term should be used or in which contexts it is appropriate.

Digital Transformation in the Swedish Banking Sector / Digital transformation i den svenska banksektorn

Häggqvist, Jacob January 2019 (has links)
The face of banking has changed dramatically over the last few decades, and in no area does this statement hold more true than in the domain of digitalization. One term that has been relentlessly repeated when discussing the past, present and future of this development is ”Digital Transformation”. Digital Transformation can be tersely defined to mean change driven by digital technologies, with the potential to increase efficiency in existing processes, as well as to allow for new and novel technology-driven problem solutions and business models. Despite the fact that Swedish major banks have come a long way in their digital transformation efforts, there is a lot of evidence that points towards this process not proceeding fast enough. This study is an effort to get a general overview of the main barriers and mechanisms that are causing this development to proceed at a slower rate than might otherwise be desired, and to investigate how actors within the Swedish banking sector are seeking to overcome said barriers. This is done primarily through the interviewing of key personnel within major Swedish universal banks. The majority of the interviews are conducted with employees from a single major Swedish universal bank, taking the form of a case study, while a smaller number of interviews are conducted with individuals associated with other banks, in an effort to provide increased generalizability. The results of the study show that barriers standing in the way of continued digital transformation in the Swedish banking sector can generally be categorized into one of the following categories: Legacy Infrastructure, Organizational Structure, Organizational Culture, Incentive Structure, Resource Insufficiency, Regulation, and Failure in Management. The solutions and models discussed to address these issues included API First approaches, change driven through Cross-Functional Teams, and Collaborative Strategy Formulation. / Hur bankverksamhet bedrivs har förändrats dramatiskt över de senaste årtiondena, och i inget område är detta lika tydligt som när det kommer till digitalisering. Ett begrepp som ständigt upprepas när man beskriver den forna, nutida och framtida utvecklingen av den här typen är ”Digital Transformation”. Digital Transformation kan kortfattat summeras till att betyda förändring driven av digital teknologi, med potential att öka effektiviteten i befintliga processer, samt möjliggöra för nya problemlösningar och affärsmodeller. Trots det faktum att de svenska storbankerna har kommit en lång väg i sina digitala transformationsinitiativ, så finns det mycket som tyder på att denna process ändå inte går tillräckligt snabbt frammåt. Den här studien är ett försök att få en generell överblick på de primära barriärerna och mekanismerna som orsakar att denna utveckling går långsammare än önskat, samt att undersöka hur aktörer inom den svenska banksektorn har för avsikt att bemöta dessa problem. Detta görs huvudsakligen genom intervjuer med nyckelpersonal inom de svenska storbankerna. Majoriteten av de intervjuade kommer från en enda bank, där en form av casestudie utförs, medan ett mindre antal intervjuer genomförs med individer tillhörande andra banker, i en ansats att ge ökad generaliserbarhet. Resultatet av studien visar att barriärer som står i vägen för fortsatt digital transformation i den svenska banksektorn kan generellt kategoriseras in i följande kategorier: Föråldrad Infrastruktur, Organisationsstruktur, Organisationskultur, Incitamentstruktur, Resursbrist, Regulation, och Misslyckanden i Styrning. De lösningar och modeller som diskuterats for att adressera dessa problem inkluderade API First-baserade tillvägagångssätt, förändring driven av tvärfunktionella arbetslag, samt kollaborativ strategiformulering.

Transformation in the Era of Digitization : A study of organizations implementing digital transformation projects with integrated project management and change management

Macalintal, Ma. Concepcion, Chepkasova, Elena January 2017 (has links)
Digital Transformation (DT), being the latest trend for business transformation and organizational change, synchronizes business processes and integrates information technology leading to operational efficiency and innovation which contributes to overall business strategy. However, aligning technology and processes with people within the organization and the customers remains a challenge. Studies have concluded that the main focus of implementation towards the technical aspect rather than human aspect of the project brings to failure. Thus, it leads to the necessity of integration project management and change management practices to develop holistic approach and the aim for this research to answer the question: How can project management and change management be integrated and facilitate the implementation of digital transformation projects? In order to fill in the research gap on integrated PM and CM and also DT project implementation, the researchers embarked on a qualitative study, explored the literature and conducted semi-structured interviews with five organizations implementing DT project. It included project managers and business analysts from digital services consulting firms and multinational companies. Using thematic analysis, the researchers developed an integrated PM and CM framework that will help facilitate the implementation of DT projects. It can serve as a guideline for coordination and managing both technological and human side of the project during digital project delivery or implementation. In answering the research question, the study recommends four creative ways to integrate PM and CM as inspired by the developed framework. First, integrate the principles, processes, tools & techniques of PM and CM into a holistic approach at certain phases of the DT project lifecycle to achieve the DT deliverables, thus balancing the technical and human aspect of the project. Second, focus PM and CM methodologies and techniques that have emphasis towards promoting customer centric approach or creating value towards end users of the software such as the Agile Methodology. Third, create a smart tool or software that automatically captures both the PM and CM tools, such gantt chart and project communication updates that can be easily shared online to the rest of the stakeholders. And finally, include CM to PM’s knowledge area and PMO’s creation of CM owner or team to facilitate the implementation of DT project.

Digitalisering av analoga arbetsmoment : En intervjuestudie av applikationen "Storesprint" vid IKEA Karlstad / Digitalisation of analogue work processes : An interview study of the application "Storesprint" at IKEA Karlstad

Johansson, Rickard January 2019 (has links)
Digitalisering utav analoga arbetsmoment innebär att man omvandlar en arbetsprocess som tidigare varit utförd manuellt till att göra om den så att den kan utföras enbart via en dator eller en mobil. I denna uppsats har IKEA Karlstad undersökts för att ta reda på hur de implementerat digitaliseringen utav några av sina arbetsprocesser och hur implementeringen har påverkat arbetet för de anställda på IKEA Karlstad. För att ta reda på detta så har sex intervjuer genomförts, tre intervjuer med personal som varit med i implementeringsprocessen samt tre intervjuer med övrig personal på olika avdelningar. Detta för att få både personer som deltagit i implementeringsprocessen och annan personals uppfattning. Resultatet av intervjuerna visar att digitaliseringen av de tidigare analoga arbetsmomenten resulterat i två mycket effektivare arbetsprocess än tidigare. Då denna implementation var en mobil applikation ökade mobiliteten vid utförandet av arbetsuppgifterna, samt sparade kostnader vid inköp utav material som man tidigare använt vid utförandet utav arbetsprocessen. Slutsatsen för denna undersökning är att implementeringen gick väldigt smidigt till och att de anställda är mycket positivt inställda till den förändring som skett.

Challenges with strategy execution for digital transformation

Siwert, Pontus, Jonasson, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
Background: As the world is moving from an industrial to a digital one an increasingly important factor for companies has become their digital transformation. This, Industry 4.0, has brought forward a new set of challenges but conventional strategy-making has not been able to keep up with them, whilst considering that change, in practice, is difficult to implement. The strategy execution for digital transformation has therefore become increasingly important but the challenges faced has not been researched to a sufficient degree. Research question: What are the main challenges with strategy execution during a digital transformation process and how can they be managed? Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to find and describe the main challenges with strategy execution for digital transformation that has been experienced and or perceived by practitioners working in companies that are a part of a concern. These findings will be conceptualised out of which guiding principles will be created and presented.    Method: In this study a qualitative method has been used together with an abductive approach to reasoning. Semi-structured interviews have been performed with eight respondents chosen by a strategic selection for their knowledge about the studied field. Theoretical frame of reference: Theories about strategy execution, change-management, what a digital transformation is, and how it evolves as well as the activity-based process model have been put forward. Within digital transformation some earlier seen challenges that has been a basis for this research are discussed. Conclusions: An overall conclusion that can be drawn from the analysis is that the primary areas that have been looked at, i.e. strategy development; strategy execution and digital transformation, in themselves create challenges. Whether they are correlated with each other or would exist no matter the other factors cannot be discerned from the findings of this thesis, resulting in the fact that the results of the analysis while able to give a foundation and interpretive thoughts, are, in their nature, uncertain. This would mean that albeit an answer to the research question can be presented by the conceptualisation and guiding principles they should not be seen as general for any given population but rather as a description and analysis of the studied population.

Digital Transformation in the IT Solutions sector.

Mertiri, Savo January 2018 (has links)
Digital Transformation is the integration of digital technology into all business areas, fundamentally changing how you operate and deliver value to customers. The purpose of this research is to explore to what degree has IT solution sector companies have digitally transformed during the past few years. Qualitative analysis was used to analyze the literature and the empirical data and make the assumptions required. The results indicate that DT is a procedure that involves integrating technology in all business areas and companies in the IT Sector choose to start the procedure to become more efficient and able to make frequent changes in order to satisfy their market and keep up with competition. The main barriers found are, in company communication, Hierarchy Financial requirements and unclear digital transformation strategy. The impact of failing to digitally transform is losing market share due to inability to keep up with the competition.

HR i molnet : - En systematisk litteraturgenomgång om digitaliseringens inverkan på HR-rollen

Andersson, Madelene, Thorell, Madeleine January 2018 (has links)
Digitalization and digital technologies is gaining increased influence in today's society and contribute to many societal changes, globally as well as locally. This has a great impact on organizations, as well as the work methods within these. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to study how the HR function and the role of HR have been altered by the digital transformation and which effects this may lead to. In order to find trends and identify effects, a systematic literature review has been used as a way to gain a deeper understanding of how HR has been affected by digitalization. The study has shown that digitalization has contributed to a major change in HR's role in the organization. Digital technologies open up new ways of working and new focus areas for HR, and contribute to cost-effectiveness as it frees administrative work and creates opportunities for reaching out to broad networks.

Challenges with Organizing for Digital Transformation in International Manufacturing Networks

Panchyrz, Lina, Karumuri, Mohan January 2021 (has links)
Introduction: The topic of digital transformation plays an increasingly important role and is nowadays inevitable for firms to stay competitive. However, the effects of digital transformation are described as scattered and how to organize for digital transformation in the context of international manufacturing networks has not been investigated previously. This study sets out to explore the challenges that companies face when organizing for digital transformation. The following research questions were stated: RQ1: How do IMNs currently organize for digital transformation? RQ2: What challenges are IMNs facing when organizing for digital transformation? Method: A systematic literature review was combined with a multiple case study to reach the research objectives. Four case companies working with digital transformation in their International Manufacturing Networks and participating in the research project KODIT were part of the study. By this kind of study research study, the phenomenon of interest can be both examined and described. Thereby, a comprehensive context allows to solidify existing knowledge and create new knowledge in order to answer the research questions.  Frame of References: A literature review was performed to introduce  the concept of International Manufacturing Networks and to create an understanding of digital transformation and  its  related terms. Organizational change, maturity models and success factors, different approaches, roadmaps, and frameworks, were investigated to provide an insight into current ways of organizing for digital transformation. Furthermore, different challenges related to digital transformation were described. Empirical Findings: The empirical findings provide an overview of how the studied case companies work with digital transformation in their manufacturing networks. Each case company has a different understanding of digital transformation and its way of working. Whereby lead factories, cooperation, and collaboration play an important role. At the same time, the case companies face different challenges when working with digital transformation within an International Manufacturing Network. Analysis and Discussion: Organizing for digital transformation includes various aspects such as structural changes, approaches, success factors, maturity models, roadmaps, and frameworks. Whereby, digital transformation can only be successful when applying a holistic perspective. When undergoing the digital transformation journey numerous challenges have to be faced. By analyzing those challenges, it becomes clear that the introduction of a network perspective increases the complexity of digital transformation.   Conclusion and Recommendations: By combining existing literature with a case study, it can be shown how companies currently organize for digital transformation and which aspects are important to consider. Furthermore, a comprehensive overview of potential challenges International Manufacturing Networks can face when working with digital transformation is provided. Hence, this thesis provides a means to develop a holistic understanding of organizing for digital transformation in International Manufacturing Networks. A complete case study is required in the future to validate the findings of this thesis.

Digitalisering av restaurangtjänster till följd av Covid-19-pandemin : Hur restaurangverksamheter påverkas av att införa system för digital beställning och betalning

Carlsson, Mats, Kvarnbäck, Molly January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to investigate the impact that digitization of service processes can have on restaurants. The restaurant industry has been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic due to restrictions that prohibits large physical gatherings that only allows table service. As a result of this, several restaurants have turned to digital solutions where sitting guests, through their mobile devices, order to the table through a digital menu and pay through their phone. This has led to a digital transformation in the restaurants affecting the whole organization. The impact that these digital-, ordering and payment tools have on restaurant organizations have been examined by studying different types of restaurants that have all integrated the same type of tool for digital ordering and payment. Through a qualitative method with a deductive approach, data has been collected through literature research, semi-structured interviews and observational studies to contribute to the topic being investigated. The study is primarily aimed towards those who may be interested in undergoing a digital transformation in restaurant operations. The purpose of the study is to investigate what impact a digitalisation of service processes has had on restaurants as a result of Covid-19 and what specific factors are important in the restaurant when a digital transformation is to be implemented and why. The study first presents the result from the data collection that is analyzed in a later section incombination with previous theories. The result and the analysis are then discussed followed by a conclusion.The study shows that the implementation of digital service processes has a major impact on workroles, work processes and experience in restaurant services. Attitudes towards the implementation ofdigital service processes are largely influenced by the context in which it is implemented. The studyalso shows that the restaurant business's operations change in such a way that the digital ordering and payment tool has automated certain activities and thereby facilitated for the staff but at the same time, unpredictable events have led to the activities have become more for the staff. The digital ordering has affected the staff's work role and competencies because more time is being spent on explaining the technical use of the digital ordering tool instead of the menu and assortment. The survey also shows that a digital transformation is primarily applicable to restaurants that offer simpler food and drink and where there is large value in getting one's order fast.

Digital Avenues for Sustainable Clothing : A qualitative study exploring digitalization’s facilitating effects to improve clothing companies’ sustainability.

Andersson, Nils, Lozano, David January 2021 (has links)
Background: Digitalization and sustainability are two of the most impactful topics concerning businesses today which pose a nascent research field. Sustainability presents businesses with massive challenges in order to find new business models, improve processes, utilize resources more efficiently, and change their interactions with suppliers and other stakeholders. Simultaneously, digitalization is often characterized by its disruptive nature and the ways in which it creates new avenues for creating and capturing value and changes relationships. Furthermore, there are few industries in need of new ways to become more sustainable than the clothing industry.   Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the facilitating opportunities that digitalization presents for the clothing industry to achieve sustainability goals. The findings of this study are expected to contribute beneficial knowledge and concrete examples that managers, decision-makers, and IT personnel can use to better understand the existing prospects that digital transformation poses for their various sustainability goals.    Method: A qualitative design has been employed to perform this study. Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with various individuals representing Swedish clothing brands. An inductive approach was utilized alongside a grounded theory design.   Conclusion: The results show that there are many opportunities for digitalization to facilitate clothing companies’ sustainability goals. This comes in the form of enabling effects with their downstream suppliers through: improved environmental traceability, shifting supplier relationships, and improving working condition transparency. Moreover, upstream effects are observed in adaptions to new business models and relationship improvements with consumers. Finally, within the firm, improving processes and shifting capability requirements are changing the way that firms operate, and the knowledge sets needed to function. These findings were developed into a framework presented on page 40.

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