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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


CAPRARA, LEONARDO 11 September 2018 (has links)
In un Paese come l’Inghilterra che, a differenza dell’Italia, non conosce, strumenti di gestione del pluralismo religioso come le intese e/o i concordati, l’istituto giuridico prescelto da legislatore per raggiungere questo risultato anche in campo giurisdizionale, è stato l’arbitrato: alle comunità religiose presenti nel Regno Unito, è stato concessa la facoltà di poter istituire propri organi giudiziari in conformità all’Arbitration Act del 1996 le cui decisioni potranno, ad alcune condizion, spiegare efficacia esecutiva nell’ordinamento statale. All’approfondimento dell’originalità di questa scelta è dedicato il presente elaborato che, partendo da un’analisi storica di alcune esperienze passate di gestione del pluralismo religioso (Capitolo I), che dimostrano che il tema non è affatto nuovo, passa a delineare i principi cardine degli arbitrati religiosi legati indissolubilmente al carattere multiculturale della società inglese in quanto finalizzati a garantire il principio di uguaglianza in una società di “diversi” (Capitolo II).Oltre che all’analisi dell’Arbitration Act del 1996, che rappresenta la cornice normativa di riferimento dei faith-based approaches to dispute resolution, il terzo capitolo è dedicato alla descrizione della struttura e del funzionamento dei tribunali religiosi islamici ed ebraici. Nella parte finale della ricerca saranno prese in considerazione le criticità dell’istituto dell’arbitrato religioso e alcune proposte in senso migliorativo. / In a country like England which, unlike Italy, does not know, instruments of management of religious pluralism such as agreements and Concordats, the legal institution chosen by the legislator to achieve this result also in the jurisdictional field, has been arbitration: the religious communities present in the United Kingdom have been granted the right to establish their own judicial bodies in accordance with the Arbitration Act of 1996, whose decisions may, to some conditions, explain their enforceability in state law. To the deepening of the originality of this choice the present paper is dedicated which, starting from a historical analysis of some past experiences of managing religious pluralism (Chapter I), which show that the subject is not new at all, goes on to outline the cardinal principles of religious arbitrations inextricably linked to the multicultural character of English society as they are aimed at guaranteeing the principle of equality in a society of "different" (Chapter II). In addition to the Arbitration Act of 1996, which represents the framework reference legislation of the faith-based approaches to dispute resolution, the third chapter is dedicated to the description of the structure and functioning of Islamic and Jewish religious courts. In the final part of the research the critical aspects of the institution of religious arbitration and some proposals in an improvement sense will be taken into consideration.

Nitrogen Cycling on Coral Reefs: A Stable Isotopic Investigation of Nutrient Dynamics within the Florida Keys Coral Reef Tract

Lamb-Wozniak, Kathryn Amanda 03 January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation serves as a comprehensive, natural-abundance analysis of the present-day spatial and temporal dynamics and trophic linkages of nitrogen from within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS). This work was accomplished by documenting the delta 15 N of particulate organic matter (POM), several genera of aquatic vegetation and herbivorous fish, as well as dissolved water column nitrogen. Seasonal and spatial variations in delta 15 N were assessed, trophic level variations among reef constituents were quantified, and relative contributions of both natural and anthropogenic nitrogen into the reef tract were determined. The measured mean delta 15 N of POM (3.64 per mil), aquatic vegetation (Dictyota = 2.39 per mil; Thalassia = 1.91 per mil; Rhizophora mangle = 1.46 per mil; Halimeda = 1.62 per mil; sponges = 4.13 per mil; turf algae = 2.67 per mil), herbivorous fish (4.92 to 8.47 per mil), as well as the delta 15 N and delta 18 O of nitrate (4.40 and 20.36 per mil, respectively) suggest that the primary nutrient sources directly impacting the reef are from natural sources, principally nitrogen fixation, and not anthropogenic wastes. Clear trophic linkages, without evidence of disturbances from anthropogenic wastes, are apparent in this study; herbivorous fishes show distinct 3 to 4 per mil enrichments over their food source. The presence of anthropogenic wastes was detected in the delta 15 N and delta 18 O of nitrate from Key Largo canal waters (10.09 per mil), however, sewage derived nutrients did not exist in any measurable or detectable amount outside the canals. Additionally, an assessment of the total yearly nitrogen contributions to the FKNMS was conducted, demonstrating that nitrogen fixation was the largest contributor of nitrogen to the ecosystem, delivering approximately 43 percent of all nitrogen. Anthropogenic wastes, however, contributed only about 8 percent to the total nitrogen budget, far less than biotic (non-human) wastes (13 percent), upwelling (10 percent), and gyre waters from the Gulf of Mexico (9 percent). For the first time, a long term, spatially diverse investigation has presented a more complete depiction of delta 15 N composition of various reef components found in the FKNMS, critical and imperative for accurately assessing nutrient pressures on coral reefs. As such, the data presented in this study do not support the theory that continuous anthropogenic nutrient loading from nearshore populations is the sole cause of reef decline in the FKNMS.

Environmental Performance Measurement als Instrument für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften

Günther, Edeltraud, Sturm, Anke, Thomas, Paola, Uhr, Wolfgang 18 June 2001 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Die Task-Analysis-Tools (TAToo) - Entwicklung, empirische und praktische Prüfungen eines Instrumentes für Anforderungsanalysen / Task-Analysis-Tools (TAToo) - Development, empirical and practical assessment of a job analysis instrument

Koch, Anna 19 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Das Anliegen der Arbeit war, den aktuellen Stand der Forschung zu Anforderungsanalysen in ein Instrument zu integrieren und dabei den Ansprüchen von Anwendern nach Praxistauglichkeit gerecht zu werden. Dafür wurden die Task-Analysis-Tools (TAToo) entwickelt und im Rahmen dieser Arbeit umfangreich geprüft. Die TAToo sind multimodal aufgebaut: Das Instrument basiert in der Theorie auf der Critical Incident Technique, enthält zusätzlich aber auch den Ansatz der Aufgabenbeschreibung, der Beschreibung von Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, der zukunftsorientierten Anforderungsanalyse und verschiedene methodische Durchführungsvarianten für die Datenerhebung in "Tool 1 – Erheben". Die Anforderungsanalyse mittels TAToo besteht aus drei Arbeitsschritten: (1) Erheben von Informationen zur analysierten Stelle in "Tool 1 – Erheben", (2) Erstellen eines Anforderungsprofiles aus diesen Informationen in "Tool 2 – Gruppieren" und (3) Bewerten des Anforderungsprofiles in "Tool 3 – Bewerten". Studien 1 und 2: "Tool 1 – Erheben" als Fragebogen, Workshop und Interview: Die Informationen zu einer Stelle oder Tätigkeit können in "Tool 1 – Erheben" in einem Workshop, einem Interview oder mit einem Fragebogen erhoben werden. Diese Durchführungsvarianten wurden in zwei Studien miteinander verglichen, wofür Datenmenge, Datenqualität und Teilnehmerbeurteilungen herangezogen wurden. Für die Datenmenge zeigte sich, dass mit dem Interview pro Teilnehmer die meisten erfolgsentscheidenden Situationen (5,4 pro Teilnehmer) und Verhaltensweisen (13,1 pro Teilnehmer) geschildert wurden. Workshop und Fragebogen lieferten insgesamt weniger Informationen als das Interview. Pro Situation wurden im Interview durchschnittlich 2,4 Verhaltensweisen, im Workshop 3,4 und im Fragebogen 2,0 geschildert. Damit schilderten die Teilnehmer im Workshop zu jeder Situation mehr Verhaltensweisen als im Interview und Fragebogen. Zur Datenqualität zeigte sich, dass allein mit einem Workshop, kein vollständiges Anforderungsprofil erstellt werden konnte. Hingegen waren 8 Interviews oder 29 Fragebögen ausreichend, um ein vollständiges Anforderungsprofil zu erstellen. Die Teilnehmer beurteilen die Handhabbarkeit und Verständlichkeit von Interview und Workshop vergleichbar positiv, den Fragebogen hingegen weniger positiv. Insgesamt zeigte sich, dass mit dem Interview, Fragebogen und Workshop grundsätzlich die Daten für "Tool 1 – Erheben" gesammelt werden können. Von der Datenqualität und der Datenmenge sollte das Interview bevorzugt vor dem Fragebogen als alleinige Methode eingesetzt werden. Der Workshop sollte entsprechend der Ergebnisse aus den Studien dieser Arbeit nur ergänzend zum Interview oder Fragebogen genutzt werden. Studien 3 bis 6: Gütekriterien der TAToo: Die Objektivität wurde für "Tool 3 – Bewerten" als Übereinstimmung der Teilnehmer bei der Bewertung der Wichtigkeit der Anforderungen und der jeweils operationalisierenden Kriterien bestimmt. Insgesamt wurde die Beurteilerübereinstimmung für elf Mitarbeitergruppen aus elf verschiedenen Tätigkeitsbereichen ermittelt, die jeweils ihr Anforderungsprofil anhand einer 5-stufigen Skala von gar nicht wichtig bis sehr wichtig bewerteten. Die prozentuale Übereinstimmung für die einzelnen Anforderungsprofile lag in einem Bereich 70-80%. Die ermittelten weighted Kappa-Koeffizienten lagen in einem Bereich, der als slight bis fair zu klassifizieren ist. Obwohl die Beurteilerübereinstimmung insgesamt eher niedrig war, können die Ergebnisse im Vergleich zu vorliegenden Studien als zufriedenstellend bezeichnet werden. Besonders positiv war, dass auch für kleinere Stichproben (hier N=3) noch akzeptable Werte für die prozentuale Übereinstimmung und den Kappawert erreicht werden konnten. Das spricht für einen effektiven Einsatz der TAToo in der Praxis. Zusammenfassend konnte gezeigt werden, dass mit "Tool 3 – Bewerten" Anwender aus der Praxis die Wichtigkeit von Anforderungen und den dazu gehörenden operationalisierenden Kriterien übereinstimmend bewerten. Zur Prüfung der Validität wurden die Güte der Gruppierung von Verhaltensweisen zu Anforderungen in "Tool 2 – Gruppieren" und die Vollständigkeit der Anforderungen anhand der Beurteilung von Mitarbeitern untersucht. Die Ergebnisse waren sehr positiv und zeigten, dass 94% der Verhaltensweisen inhaltlich und begrifflich passend zu Anforderungen gruppiert wurden. Die Mitarbeiter beurteilten auch die Passung der Anforderungsprofile zu den tatsächlichen Anforderungen im Arbeitsalltag. Der Großteil der Mitarbeiter fand die eigene Tätigkeit zu 76-100% passend in den Anforderungsprofilen abgebildet. Diese Passung bestätigte sich auch bei der wiederholten Bewertung der Anforderungsprofile nach mindestens 16 Monaten. In einer weiteren Studie wurden die TAToo mit dem Fragebogen für Arbeitsanalysen und einem beobachteten erfahrungsgeleitet-intuitiven Vorgehen verglichen. Das Anforderungsprofil des FAA enthielt sehr viele irrelevante Items und wenig brauchbare Beschreibungen zur analysierten Tätigkeit. Das Anforderungsprofil der EIM enthielt nur abstrakte, nicht näher operationalisierte Anforderungsbegriffe. Es unterschied sich damit im Detailliertheitsgrad deutlich vom Anforderungsprofil der TAToo, das zusätzlich zu den Anforderungen umfangreiche Operationalisierungen in Form von Verhaltensweisen enthielt. Das Anforderungsprofil der TAToo war deshalb am besten für die Personalarbeit nutzbar. Diese Ergebnisse bestätigten sich auch in den Beurteilungen durch Subject Matter Experts (SME). Sie beurteilten verschiedene Kriterien aus Qualitätsstandards für Anforderungsanalysen sehr positiv für die TAToo und deutlich negativ für den FAA. Das Anforderungsprofil der EIM wurde im Vergleich zu den TAToo ähnlich positiv beurteilt, war für die SME allerdings zu wenig konkret. Zusammenfassend konnte gezeigt werden, dass mit den TAToo Anforderungsprofile zutreffend und passgenau erstellt werden können. Es zeigen sich deutliche Vorteile gegenüber dem FAA und der EIM hinsichtlich der zutreffenden Beschreibung einer Position, hinsichtlich wichtiger Qualitätskriterien für Anforderungsprofile und in Bezug auf den Nutzen der Ergebnisse für die Personalarbeit eines Unternehmens. Die Nebengütekriterien Ökonomie und Nützlichkeit wurden anhand der Kriterien von Lienert und Raatz beurteilt. Es zeigten sich dabei zufriedenstellende Beurteilungen für die Durchführungszeit, die anhand des tatsächlichen Aufwandes und anhand von Mitarbeiterbeurteilungen erfasst wurde. Es zeigte sich, dass im Vergleich zur Erstversion der TAToo der zeitliche Aufwand für die Mitarbeiter verringert werden konnte. Ebenso positiv zu beurteilen sind der geringe Materialaufwand und die Möglichkeit der Gruppendurchführung der TAToo als Fragebogen oder Workshop. Mitarbeiter der Personalabteilung einer Organisation beurteilten die Nützlichkeit der TAToo ebenfalls positiv und konnten sich einen erneuten Einsatz des Instrumentes gut vorstellen. Studie 7: Entwicklung und Prüfung einer Instruktion für das Gruppieren von Verhaltensweisen zu Anforderungen: In der letzten Studie der Arbeit wurde für die Gruppierung der Verhaltensweisen zu Anforderungen in "Tool 2 – Gruppieren" eine Instruktion erstellt und bei der Anwendung geprüft. An der Prüfung der Instruktion nahmen Laien, ohne Vorerfahrung in der Gruppierung teil. Sie gruppierten je-weils zu dritt in insgesamt 10 Workshops allein anhand der Instruktion 79 Verhaltensweisen zu An-forderungen. Anhand von Beurteilerübereinstimmungen wurden die Anforderungsprofile dieser Gruppen miteinander verglichen. Für die prozentuale Übereinstimmung wurden hohe Werte von durchschnittlich 74% erzielt. Diese hohe Übereinstimmung zeigte sich auch in einem mittleren Wert für Cramers V von .47 sowie unerwartet hohen Kappa-Koeffizienten in einem Bereich von fair bis moderate. Diese hohen Beurteilerübereinstimmungen spiegelten sich auch in sehr positiven Beurteilungen zur Verständlichkeit und Handhabbarkeit der Instruktion aus dem Blickwinkel der Anwender wider. Schlussfolgerungen Aus der Arbeit lässt sich insgesamt ableiten, dass es gelungen ist, verschiedene Durchfüh-rungsvarianten für die Datenerhebung in "Tool 1 – Erheben" zu integrieren. Mit dem Instrument kön-nen Anforderungen für eine Stelle oder Tätigkeit objektiv und valide beschrieben werden. Für den Arbeitsschritt des Gruppierens von Verhaltensweisen zu Anforderungen in "Tool 2 – Gruppieren" konnte eine Instruktion entwickelt werden, die sich als geeignet erwiesen hat, ein objektives Vorgehen sicherzustellen. In weiteren Studien soll vorrangig die prädiktive Validität des Instrumentes und die Anwendbarkeit der Instruktion in Unternehmen geprüft werden.

O impacto da regula??o sobre a efici?ncia dos prestadores de servi?os de ?gua e esgoto no Brasil

Carvalho, Anne Emilia Costa 07 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-11-22T20:29:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AnneEmiliaCostaCarvalho_TESE.pdf: 3379749 bytes, checksum: 9cca5d6710d5607cf545e0d729f057e2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-23T20:53:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AnneEmiliaCostaCarvalho_TESE.pdf: 3379749 bytes, checksum: 9cca5d6710d5607cf545e0d729f057e2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-23T20:53:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnneEmiliaCostaCarvalho_TESE.pdf: 3379749 bytes, checksum: 9cca5d6710d5607cf545e0d729f057e2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-07 / No Brasil, alguns dos problemas cr?ticos do setor de saneamento b?sico s?o o relevante d?ficit de acesso aos servi?os de abastecimento de ?gua e esgotamento sanit?rio, a dificuldade dos prestadores de servi?os de ?gua e esgoto (PSAEs) de executarem investimentos e a presen?a de inefici?ncias de opera??o e manuten??o. Como alternativa para superar essas quest?es, o novo marco regulat?rio, institu?do em 2007, fortaleceu a regula??o e estabeleceu, entre seus objetivos regulat?rios, a universaliza??o do acesso e a efici?ncia dos sistemas. Nesse sentido, a presente tese busca analisar o impacto da regula??o sobre a efici?ncia dos PSAEs no Brasil. Para tanto, foi configurado um modelo de an?lise envolt?ria de dados (DEA), in?dito para o setor, que permite a avalia??o da efici?ncia din?mica global e das estruturas internas dos PSAEs, por meio de uma rede composta por 3 divis?es interligadas para refletir os objetivos regulat?rios: 1) Expans?o/Melhoria de Sistemas de Abastecimento de ?gua (SAA); 2) Expans?o/Melhoria de Sistemas de Esgotamento Sanit?rio (SES); e 3) Opera??o/Manuten??o de SAA e SES. Aplicou-se o modelo DEA Network Din?mico para 156 PSAEs, no per?odo de 2006 a 2015, e os resultados indicaram baixos n?veis de efici?ncia global. A divis?o de Expans?o/Melhoria de SAA obteve os melhores escores m?dios de efici?ncia, seguida pela divis?o de Opera??o/Manuten??o de SAA e SES e pela divis?o de Expans?o/Melhoria de SES. Os PSAEs regulados apresentaram melhores m?dias de efici?ncia no caso das divis?es de Expans?o/Melhoria de SAA e Opera??o/Manuten??o de SAA e SES. Na segunda etapa da pesquisa, uma an?lise de conte?do das normas de 52 reguladores identificou a presen?a de incentivos regulat?rios em seis categorias tem?ticas propostas: 1) Regime tarif?rio; 2) Atualiza??o de n?veis tarif?rios; 3) Expans?o e melhoria dos sistemas; 4) Condi??es gerais e qualidade da presta??o dos servi?os; 5) Gest?o empresarial; e 6) Transpar?ncia e responsabiliza??o. A an?lise destas categorias de incentivos revelou mudan?as na forma de atua??o dos reguladores ao longo do tempo e apontou fragilidades, como a baixa utiliza??o de metas regulat?rias e mecanismos tarif?rios de indu??o ? efici?ncia. A identifica??o de incentivos regulat?rios tamb?m permitiu a constru??o de um conjunto de vari?veis representativas da regula??o, que foram aplicadas nos modelos de dados em painel para aferi??o do impacto da regula??o sobre a efici?ncia dos PSAEs. Os resultados obtidos na ?ltima etapa de an?lise permitiram a confirma??o da hip?tese central da tese, de que reguladores atuantes, quanto ? defini??o de mecanismos de incentivos, impactam positivamente a efici?ncia dos PSAEs no Brasil. As novas vari?veis, em conjunto com a an?lise espec?fica para cada uma das divis?es do modelo DEA Network Din?mico, ampliou a discuss?o acerca do impacto da regula??o sob a perspectiva da aplica??o de diferentes estrat?gias regulat?rias, demonstrando que a escolha de incentivos regulat?rios, a intensidade da aplica??o desses incentivos e, at? mesmo, o n?mero de entidades reguladoras atuantes, s?o aspectos decisivos para a efici?ncia dos PSAEs. / In Brazil, some of the critical problems of the sanitation sector are the relevant deficit of water and sewage services, the difficulty of water and sewerage companies (WaSCs) to carry out investments and the existence of operating and maintenance inefficiencies. As an alternative to overcome these issues, the new regulatory framework, enacted in 2007, strengthened regulation and established among its regulatory objectives the universal access and water and sewerage systems efficiency. In this sense, this thesis aims to analyze the impact of regulation on the WaSCs efficiency in Brazil. To this end, we configured a data envelopment analysis (DEA) model unprecedented for the sector, which allows the evaluation of the overall dynamic efficiency and it also allows the evaluation of internal structures efficiency of WaSCs, through a network consisting of 3 interconnected divisions to reflect the regulatory objectives: 1) Expansion/Improvement of Water System; 2) Expansion/Improvement of Sewerage System; and 3) Operation/Maintenance of Water and Sewerage Systems. We ran a Dynamic and Network DEA model for 156 WaSCs in the period 2006-2015 and the results indicated low levels of overall efficiency. The Expansion/Improvement of Water System division achieved the best average efficiency scores, followed by the Operation/Maintenance of Water and Sewerage Systems division and the Expansion/Improvement of Sewerage System division. Regulated WaSCs presented better efficiency measures in the case of Expansion/Improvement of Water System and Operation/Maintenance of Water and Sewerage Systems divisions. In the second stage of the research, a content analysis of the standards issued by 52 regulators identified the presence of regulatory incentives in six proposed thematic categories: 1) Tariff regime; 2) Updating tariffs levels; 3) Systems expansion and improvement; 4) General standards and quality of services provision; 5) Management; and 6) Transparency and accountability. The content analysis of these incentives categories revealed changes in regulators strategies over time and indicated weaknesses, such as a low use of regulatory goals and tariff mechanisms that induce efficiency and productivity gains. The identification of regulatory incentives also allowed the construction of a set of variables capable to represent the regulation, that we applied on panel data models to assess the impact of regulation on WaSCs efficiency. The results obtained in the last stage of analysis allowed confirmation of the central hypothesis of this thesis, that active regulators, regarding the definition of incentive mechanisms, positively impact the WaSCs efficiency in Brazil. The new variables, along with a specific analysis for each Dynamic and Network DEA model division, broaden a discussion about the impact of regulation from a perspective of applying different regulatory strategies, demonstrating that choice of regulatory incentives, the intensity of these incentives and even the number of active regulators are decisive for the WaSCs efficiency.

Problemas de la Traducción Escénica de un texto no Dramático En base al poema sufi “Mantik Ütair” de Farid Ud Din Attar

Pizarro, Edson January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

The reign of Zangī (521-541/1127-1146)

Alptekin, Coskun January 1972 (has links)
This study is concerned with the biography of Atabeg Zangi and the conditions prevailing during his reign; it contains a survey of relevant sources and notes on modern works which render information reflecting the subject. It is in six chapters together with an appendix concerning his titles. The first of the chapters endeavours to portray the background to his life by a biographical survey of his childhood, training and youthful development, the changing circumstances of which finally produced the great and even ruthless Atabeg who ruled Mosul. In the second chapter his service to the Seliuqs in the East and West are discussed. The struggles for power between the Maliks and Zangi's involvement with them is its theme, together with the role played by the 'Abbasid Caliphate. Chapter three deals with Zangi's conflicts with the Latin States in the East. His wars against the Crusaders are discussed here as also are their dealings with the Atabegs of Damascus, followed by Zangi's endeavours to rule that city. An expedition led by the Byzantine Emperor, John II Comnenus, is described in chapter four. In this, his project for the capture of the Muslim towns In Syria is the chief topic as is also Zangi's reaction against the Byzantines. In chapter five, the Turcomans and Zangi's operations against them in Shahrazur, the Artuqids in Hisn Kayfa and Mardin and the Kurds in the north of Mosul are the main theme. The final and sixth chapter which deals with the revolt of Malik Farrukh-Shah, for whom Zangi acted as Atabeg, and the siege of Qal'at Ja'bar, ends with the murder of Zangi during this, his last operation.

Análise numérica do forjamento em matriz aberta para a produção de eixos vazados

Colombo, Tiago Cristofer Aguzzoli January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido como parte das atividades relacionadas ao projeto de cooperação internacional Brasil-Alemanha intitulado "Bulk metal formed parts for power plants" pertencente ao BRAGECRIM (Iniciativa Brasil-Alemanha para Pesquisa Colaborativa em Tecnologia de Manufatura), realizado em parceria entre o Laboratório de Transformação Mecânica (LdTM) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul e o Instituto de Conformação Mecânica (IBF) da Universidade Técnica de Aachen (RWTH), Alemanha. Este projeto visa o desenvolvimento do processo de forjamento a quente em matriz aberta para a produção de um eixo vazado para aplicação em aerogeradores de energia, em substituição à eixos maciços usualmente obtidos por fundição, visando aumento de desempenho mecânico e redução de peso da estrutura. Neste trabalho buscou-se analisar, por meio de simulação numérica computacional empregando o método de elementos finitos, diferentes parâmetros de forjamento, de modo a indicar a configuração operacional que se mostra mais adequada para a produção de um eixo vazado para a aplicação pretendida. Para isto, foram realizados cinco experimentos numéricos, avaliando a influência de parâmetros de forjamento na qualidade do produto forjado. Alguns parâmetros analisados foram: a sequência operacional de forjamento, geometrias e combinações de matrizes utilizadas industrialmente, razão de mordida, etc. Para as simulações termomecânicas foi utilizado o software de Elementos Finitos PEP/Larstran acoplado ao módulo de simulação de microestrutura Strucsim. O material utilizado nas simulações foi o aço DIN 42CrMo4 (AISI 4140). Os resultados mostraram que, dentre as diferentes combinações e geometrias de matrizes analisadas, o emprego de um par de matrizes côncavas, aplicando a sequência operacional-A analisada, tende a propiciar um produto de mais alta qualidade, promovendo maior uniformidade de deformação e microestrutura mais homogênea. Também, a razão de mordida influencia diretamente na qualidade do produto, sendo que uma razão de mordida na ordem de 0,6 induz graus de deformação maiores e mais profundos na peça forjada, ao mesmo tempo em que exige maiores cargas de conformação. Comparativos entre resultados da simulação e resultados experimentais de ensaios de compressão a quente de corpos de prova cilíndricos foram realizados para validação do software de simulação numérica. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que o software de simulação numérica pode prever com boa aproximação o fluxo de material e a evolução microestrutural durante o forjamento a quente do aço DIN 42CrMo4. / This work was developed as a part of the activities related to the international cooperation project between Brazil and Germany titled "Bulk formed metal parts for power plants" belonging to BRAGECRIM (Brazil-Germany Initiative for Collaborative Research in Manufacturing Technology). This project is in partnership between the Metal Forming Laboratory (LdTM) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and the Institute of Metal Forming (IBF), from Technical University of Aachen (RWTH), Germany. The project aims the development of an open die forging process to produce a hollow shaft for application in wind turbines, replacing the solid shafts usually obtained by casting, in order to increase the mechanical performance and providing weight reduction to wind turbines. The present work aimed to analyze different forging parameters, using Finite Element Method, in order to indicate most suitable forging configuration to the production of a hollow shaft. Five numerical experiments were performed, evaluating the influence of various forging parameters on the quality of the forged product, such as the forging sequence, tool geometries and tool combinations and bite ratio. For thermomechanical simulations the Finite Element software PEP/Larstran was used, coupled to the microstructure simulation module Strucsim. The material used for the numerical simulations was the DIN 42CrMo4 steel (AISI 4140). The results showed that, among the different parameters analyzed, the use of concave dies, applying the operational sequence-A, tends to provide a forged with higher quality, promoting uniform strain distribution and homogeneous microstructure. Also, results showed that a bite ratio around 0,6 provides higher and deeper strain degrees, but requires higher forming loads. Hot compression tests using cylindrical specimens were performed to validate the numerical simulation software, including microstructure evolution. Comparison between simulation and experimental results showed that the numerical simulation software can predict with good approximation the material flow and microstructure evolution during hot forging for DIN 42CrMo4 steel.

A din?mica territorial da cultura e do turismo em Mossor?/RN : uma an?lise geogr?fica

Amaral, Patr?cia Daliany Ara?jo do 11 July 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-13T17:10:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PatriciaDAA.pdf: 938421 bytes, checksum: e64673c4bb2744b890a76324d9496224 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-07-11 / The city of Mossor? has been, currently, divulged and known in all Rio Grande do Norte as the cultural capital of the State, in function of the excellent carried through investments, each year, in the cultural sector. The present work is considered to construct an understanding to of the dynamics of the culture and tourism in the city of Mossor?. This work searches also , to verify how this territorial dynamics of the city is processed, by the recent years, in function of the local activities as Mossor? Cidade Junina , Auto da liberdade e Festa de Santa Luzia. An analysis of the occured territorial transformations in Mossor? has been done, decurrent of the activities in study, and the impacts proceeding from the public and private investments, that provoke a new dynamics in the city. Moreover, the perception of the community, the private initiative and the public power in relation to these practical is verified as processes of Mossor?. For this, documentary and bibliographical research has been used. It was accomplished, field research, through the comment not-participant and from the accomplishment of interviews with the municipal public power, main idealizer of the parties and with the private initiative, as sponsor. The local community also participated through the application of questionnaires. It has been concluded that the parties as Mossor? Cidade Junina, Auto da Liberdade and Santa Luzia, have demonstrated a capacity to create and to keep a tourism flow, being Mossor? projection as a tourist destination. The city has through it parties, great part of itself moving in direction to guarantee its accomplishment, what it makes with that its territorial dynamics comes being modified for and for the tourism / A cidade de Mossor? tem sido, atualmente, divulgada e conhecida em todo o Rio Grande do Norte como a capital cultural do Estado, em fun??o dos relevantes investimentos realizados, a cada ano, no setor cultural. O presente trabalho prop?e-se a construir uma compreens?o de como ocorre a din?mica da cultura e do turismo na cidade de Mossor?. Busca, ainda, verificar de que maneira processa-se essa din?mica territorial da cidade, nos ?ltimos anos, em fun??o das atividades do Mossor? Cidade Junina, do Auto da Liberdade e da Festa de Santa Luzia. Faz-se uma an?lise das transforma??es territoriais ocorridas em Mossor?, decorrentes das atividades em estudo, e dos impactos provenientes dos investimentos p?blicos e privados, que provocam uma nova din?mica na cidade. Al?m disso, ? verificada a percep??o da comunidade, da iniciativa privada e do poder p?blico em rela??o a essas pr?ticas como processos dinamizadores de Mossor?. Para isso, realizou-se pesquisa documental e bibliogr?fica. Efetivou-se, ainda, pesquisa de campo, atrav?s da observa??o n?o-participante e da realiza??o de entrevistas com o poder p?blico municipal, principal idealizador das festas e com a iniciativa privada, enquanto patrocinador. A comunidade local tamb?m participou atrav?s da aplica??o de question?rios. Conclui-se que as festas do Mossor? Cidade Junina, do Auto da Liberdade e de Santa Luzia, t?m demonstrado uma capacidade de criar e manter um fluxo de turismo, fazendo com que Mossor? ganhe proje??o como um destino tur?stico. A cidade tem, na efetiva??o de suas festas, grande parte da cidade movimentando-se no sentido de garantir a sua realiza??o, o que faz com que sua din?mica territorial venha sendo modificada pelo e para o turismo

Modelo em din?mica de sistemas para gest?o de aeroportos brasileiros / System dynamics model for capacity management of Brazilian Airports

Marcos, Antonio Rodolfo Ara?jo 19 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:53:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AntonioRAM_DISSERT.pdf: 4031377 bytes, checksum: f586d0a4b0cb27f132711521104ada96 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The importance of the airport sector in the development of a country refers to the need for studies on management of airports, to aid the process of decision making. In Brazil, growth in passenger demand is why investments in order to balance the capacity of an airport with air demand. Thus, the study aims to develop a model for Dynamic Systems able to assist airport management in Brazilian sizing subsystems an airport (Passenger Terminal, Runway and Patio). The methodology of this work consists in the steps of defining the problem, formulating the hypothesis dynamic building simulation model, and validation experiments. Finally, we examined the status of each subsystem in thirteen Brazilian airports in scenarios current, most likely and optimistic for air passenger demand / A import?ncia do setor a?reo no desenvolvimento de um pa?s nos remete a necessidade da realiza??o de estudos sobre gerenciamento de aeroportos, visando auxiliar o processo de tomada de decis?es. No Brasil, o crescimento da demanda de passageiros ? motivo de investimentos com intuito de equilibrar a capacidade de um aeroporto com a demanda a?rea. Diante disso, o trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver um modelo em Din?mica dos Sistemas capaz de auxiliar a gest?o aeroportu?ria brasileira no dimensionamento dos subsistemas de um aeroporto (Terminal de Passageiros, Pista e P?tio). A metodologia do trabalho consistiu nas etapas de defini??o do problema, formula??o da hip?tese din?mica, constru??o do modelo de simula??o, valida??o e experimentos. Por fim, analisou a situa??o de cada subsistema em treze aeroportos brasileiros nos cen?rios atual, mais prov?vel e otimista para a demanda a?rea de passageiros

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