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Manejo da casca-preta-do-inhame com produtos vegetais e bionematicida / Management of dry-rot-yam with vegetal and bio-nematicida productsLima, Rosangela da Silva 29 April 2016 (has links)
Yam (Dioscorea spp.) is considered as a valuable socio-economic crop which has fed thousands of human beings around the world for many centuries with its tubers; thusawarding this crop as source for employment and incomes and a high potential for agroindustrialization, especially in the Brazilian Northeastern region. Facing the lack of research aiming the control of the dry rot disease, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the potential of cassava wastewater and a Bacillus subtilis based bio-nematicide to control the infection of yam seed tubers by Scutellonema bradys and Pratylenchus coffeae in greenhouse conditions, as well as to evaluate the nematicidal activity of aqueous extracts from Annona spp. and Croton heliotropiifolius against S. bradys, verifying the classes of secondary
compounds present in these extracts. The experiments were performed in the Laboratory of Phytopathology and the Laboratory of Research in Natural Resources, and in greenhouse at Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil. The first experiment was set-up in a completely random factorial design with five replicates and seven treatments: control without immersion and immersion of seed tubers in cassava wastewater at concentration of 25, 50 and 100% for two periods of 9 and 12 hours, before planting in pots containing sterilized soil. The cyanide content in cassava wastewater was of 3 mg L-1, determined by colorimetric method (Quantofix® Cyanid-Macherey-Nagel). After five months the fresh weight of tuber peel and radicular systems were evaluated, as well as the final population of nematodes in the tuber peels, in the soil and in the plant radicular system. All seed tubers germinated independently
of the treatment. Cassava wastewater concentrations of 25% and 25 and 50%, for immersion periods of 09 and 12 hours, respectively, showed significant results for final population of nematodes/g of tuber peels when compared to control. The second experiment was set-up in completely random design with five treatments and four replicates. Treatments were constituted by the commercial bio-nematicide Nemathel® (based on B. subtilis) at the dosages of 50, 200 and 250 mL/10L of water, in addition to the chemical nematicide Carbofuran (40 mL of Furadan® 350 SC/10L of water) as a positive control and without immersion as a negative control. Tubers were immersed 30 minutes for each treatment, then planted in pots containing sterilized soil. After three months the germination of seed tubers was evaluated. The fresh weight of tuber peels and the final population of nematodes in the tuber peel were
evaluated five months after planting. One-hundred percent of seed tubers germinated. Treatment of seed tubers with bio-nematicide showed no potential for the bio-control of S. bradys and P. coffeae at the concentrations tested. In the third experiment, three assays were performed to test leaf extracts from: Croton heliotropiifolius, soncoya (Annona purpurea), swamp apple (Annona glabra), sugar apple (Annona squamosa) and wild sugar-apple (Annona mucosa); in addition to stem extracts from C. heliotropiifolius; and tree bark extract from soncoya at concentrations of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 %. To test the extracts, 200 μL of each extract and 20 nematodes were placed in the cavities of Kline plates. Twenty-four hours later nematode specimens remaining motionless were quantified and transferred to distilled water, those which did not recover motility after 24 hours of incubation were considered as
dead. Chemical screening of the extracts was performed by the preliminary prospection method, performing tests to identify metabolites. The extracts from C. heliotropiifolius stem had no nematicidal effect on S. bradys, while all other extracts caused immobility and mortality of nematodes. Chemical screening showed the presence of flobafenic tannins, flavones, flavonoids, xanthones, flavononols, catechins, flavones, triterpenoids and saponins. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A cultura do inhame (Dioscorea spp.) é considerada de importante valor socioeconômico e, que por vários séculos tem seus rizóforos utilizados na alimentação de milhares de pessoas em todo mundo; o que torna a cultura uma atividade geradora de emprego e renda, com grande potencial para agroindustrialização, sobretudo para a Região Nordeste do Brasil. Diante da carência de pesquisas visando o controle da casca-preta-do-inhame, o presente trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar a potencialidade da manipueira e do bionematicida à base de Bacillus subtilis no tratamento de rizóforos-semente de inhame infectados por Scutellonema bradys e Pratylenchus coffeae em casa de vegetação e ainda, avaliar a atividade nematicida de extratos aquosos de Annona spp. e de Croton heliotropiifolius a S. bradys e verificar as classes de compostos secundários presentes nesses extratos. Para tanto, experimentos foram conduzidos no Laboratório de Fitopatologia e no Laboratório de Pesquisa em Recursos Naturais (LPqRN), e em casa de vegetação do CECA/UFAL. O primeiro foi instalado em
delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial com cinco repetições e sete tratamentos: testemunha sem imersão e imersão dos rizóforos-semente em manipueira nas concentrações de 25, 50 e 100% por dois períodos de 9 e 12 horas, seguido do plantio em vasos contendo solo esterilizado. O teor de cianeto na manipueira foi de 3 mg L-1, o qual foi estimado por meio do teste colorimétrico (Quantofix® Cyanid-Macherey-Nagel). Aos cinco meses avaliou-se a massa fresca das cascas dos rizóforos e do sistema radicular e a população final de nematoides na casca dos rizóforos, no solo e no sistema radicular das plantas. A brotação dos rizóforos-semente foi de 100% em todos os tratamentos. As concentrações de manipueira nos dois períodos de imersão (25% - 09 horas; 25% e 50% - 12 horas),apresentaram os melhores resultados em relação à testemunha, para as populações finais dos
nematoides/g de casca de rizóforos. O segundo experimento foi em delineamento inteiramente
casualizado com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelo bionematicida comercial Nemathel® (produto à base de B. subtilis) nas dosagens de 50, 200 e 250 mL/10L de água, além do nematicida químico Carbofurano (40 mL de Furadan® 350 SC/10L de água) como testemunha positiva e sem imersão como testemunha negativa. Os rizóforos foram imersos durante 30 minutos em cada tratamento, posteriormente plantados em vasos contendo solo esterilizado. Aos três meses foi avaliado o percentual de brotação dos rizóforos-semente, e aos cinco meses foi avaliada a massa fresca das cascas de rizóforos e a população final de nematoides nesse material vegetal. Observou-se um percentual de 100% de brotação dos rizóforos-semente. O tratamento dos rizóforos-semente com o bionematicida não apresentou potencial como agente de biocontrole de S. bradys e P. coffeae nas concentrações testadas. Na terceira etapa, foram testados em três ensaios, extratos de folhas de velame (C. heliotropiifolius), soncoya (A. purpurea), araticum-do-brejo (A. glabra), pinha (A. squamosa) e biribá (A. mucosa); extrato de caule de velame; extrato de casca do caule de soncoya, nas concentrações de 0, 25, 50, 75 e 100 %. Em cavidades de placas de Kline foram colocados 200 μL de extrato e 20 nematoides e após 24 horas os espécimes que permaneceram imóveis foram quantificados e transferidos para água destilada, sendo considerados mortos aqueles que não recuperaram o movimento após 24 horas de incubação. A triagem fitoquímica dos extratos foi realizada pela metodologia da prospecção preliminar, realizando testes para
identificação de metabólitos. O extrato de caule de velame não apresentou efeito nematicida sobre S. bradys, enquanto os demais causaram imobilidade e mortalidade. A prospecção química demonstrou a presença de taninos flobafênicos, flavonas, flavonois, xantonas, flavononois, catequinas, flavononas, triterpenoides e saponinas.
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Évaluation de la diversité du contenu phytochimique de trois espèces à racines et tubercules amylacées tropicales, le taro, la grande igname et le manioc / Evaluation of the diversity of the phytochemical content of three root and tuber staple crop species, taro, greater yam and cassavaMuñoz Cuervo, Ismael 15 July 2015 (has links)
Le taro (Colocasia esculenta L.), la grande igname (Dioscorea alata L.) et le manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz) représentent trois cultures amylacées d'importance dans les régions tropicales et subtropicales du monde. Afin d'évaluer la diversité chimique en molécules bioactives de ces espèces, nous avons développé des méthodologies analytiques CLHP/DBD et CPG/SM à moyen débit permettant de doser les teneurs de 129 caroténoïdes et composés phénoliques/indoliques et de 16 acides organiques/gras dans les tissus souterrains consommés. Ces substances ont ensuite été dosées pour la première fois sur un large échantillonnage représentatif de la diversité agro-morphologique de ces trois espèces (respectivement 173, 113 et 79 cultivars de taro, grande igname et manioc cultivés sur un même site). Les résultats montrent l'existence d'une énorme diversité qualitative et quantitative des marqueurs chimiques et une absence de chimiotype marqué. De nombreux métabolites secondaires n'ont été détectés que dans peu de variétés en accord avec les résultats d'études antérieures sur la diversité, et la distribution, d'allèles génétiques neutres. Bien qu'appréciées, les substances colorées ou perceptibles en bouche n'ont pas fait l'objet d'amélioration variétale poussée sur leurs teneurs et ne peuvent être perçues que dans un petit nombre de cultivars. Dans l'ensemble, les résultats soutiennent l'importance de la sélection participative de petits agriculteurs pour la création et le maintien d'une large biodiversité chimique chez ces plantes. Ils offrent également des perspectives et des outils nouveaux pour améliorer la qualité nutritionnelle de ces espèces / Taro (Colocasia esculenta L.), the greater yam (Dioscorea alata L.) and cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) are three important staple crop species from tropical and subtropical regions. In order to evaluate the diversity in bioactive molecules of these three species, we have developed medium throughput HPLC/DAD and GC/MSbased analytical methodologies to estimate the contents of 129 carotenoids and phenolic/indolic compounds and 16 organic/fatty acids in the consumed underground tissues. The contents of these substances have then been quantified for the first time in a large sampling representative of the agro-morphological biodiversity of these three species (respectively 173, 113 and 79 landraces of taro, greater yam and cassava that were cultivated on a common site). Results demonstrate the existence of a large qualitative and quantitative diversity of chemical traits and the absence of clear-cut chemotype. Most secondary metabolites have only been detected in few landraces in agreement with results from previous studies on the diversity, and distribution, of neutral genetic alleles in these plants. Though well appreciated by consumers, colored and mouth-perceivable substances have not been subjected to major content improvement through targeted selection and are in fact only detectable in a limited number of landraces. As a whole, these results support the importance of participatory selection by small farmers in the creation, and maintaining, of a large chemical diversity in these species. They also offer novel tools and perspectives for the improvement of the nutritional value of these species by plant breeders
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Medicinal Herbs and the Kidney: Unresolved IssuesKenneth Wojcikowski Unknown Date (has links)
In the exploration into new therapeutic agents for human disease, medicinal herbs offer an enormous resource due to their wide range of biologically active components. However, because of these biologically active components, medicinal herbs can also have toxic side effects. The focus of this thesis is the effect of herbal therapies, both good and bad, on chronic kidney disease (CKD) and tubulointerstitial fibrosis. Tubulointerstitial fibrosis is considered one of the defining characteristics of CKD. In Chapter 1, the literature regarding the pathogenesis of tubulointerstitial fibrosis is reviewed, beginning with the mechanisms of its development, the main structural and functional features, and the molecular mediators. The structural features include activation of resident fibroblasts and transition of tubular epithelial cells into myofibroblasts, deposition of extracellular matrix proteins, increased apoptosis of normal cells of the renal nephron and development of tubular atrophy, increased renal oxidative stress, and hypoxia of renal tissues. Molecular mediators that are explored include angiotensin II, transforming growth factor-ß1 and numerous other cytokines and growth factors. Pharmacological manipulation of these features and their molecular mediators for regression of tubulointerstitial fibrosis is then discussed. Currently, the gold standard of therapy for people with CKD is blockade of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and/or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). Because of the complexity of the pathogenesis of renal fibrosis and the multiple mechanisms by which ACEIs and ARBs work, this portion of the thesis focuses on the qualities that additional agents should have to complement their actions. These additional agents could work by decreasing oxidative damage, by decreasing fibroblast numbers through apoptosis, through the interruption of inflammatory, fibrotic mediators, by increasing anti-inflammatory mediators or through other mechanisms. The literature review therefore continues with a discussion of the historical use of medicinal herbs in genitourinary pathologies and the known contributions that medicinal herbs can make to the treatment or development of tubulointerstitial fibrosis and CKD. From this review, a large number of herbs were identified as having traditional use in renal disorders or as being of interest, currently, to researchers of renal pathologies. However, much information is lacking regarding the mechanisms by which the hypothesised benefits occur, making it impossible to assess which herb(s) may offer valuable additive support or alternative treatments to the therapies currently given to people with CKD. Furthermore, there is a lack of information regarding toxicity of these herbs; many herbs have never been assessed in cell culture or in animal toxicity studies. It was apparent that preliminary in vitro work was necessary before in vivo pharmacological work could be undertaken. This thesis, therefore, aimed to test the following hypotheses: (1) That medicinal herbs used currently for treatment of renal dysfunction have high anti-oxidant properties that can be further enhanced by specific extraction processes; (2) That the in vitro testing of selected extracts from medicinal herbs, identified in (1), will reveal some anti-oxidant benefits or indications of toxicity that need careful analysis in animal studies; (3) That careful in vivo testing of specific toxic medicinal herbs identified in these leadup studies will define specific pathological processes that predict an outcome of CKD; and (4) That careful in vivo testing of selected medicinal herbs, used in conjunction with more conventional medicines for CKD, will show an additive benefit when used to ameliorate development of CKD induced using an established animal model. The subsequent laboratory work was designed to test the validity of these hypotheses and the results are then presented in Chapters that each comprise a publication. The aim of Chapter 2 was to present a systematic analysis of the oxidant properties of 55 medicinal herbs that have been used traditionally to treat kidney and urinary disorders or have been of recent interest to researchers of renal disorders. Since different extraction processes yield different constituents, each of the herbs was sequentially extracted with three solvents of decreasing polarity. An assay was performed on each of the fractions to determine the oxygen radical absorbance capacity. The aim of Chapter 3 was to test the benefit or otherwise of each of the three extracts of the chosen herbs using an in vitro cell study. Each extract was tested for potential toxic, apoptotic, mutagenic and antioxidant activity on normal mammalian renal tubular epithelial cells (NRK-52E). The effect of the extracts on renal fibroblasts (NRK-49F) was also analysed. Several specific hypotheses arose from the combination of the systematic analyses and the literature review regarding benefits and toxicities of a number of the extracts. The subsequent in vivo work was designed to test the validity of two of these hypotheses. The aim of Chapter 4 was to test the hypotheses developed from the results of the previous Chapter. The herb Dioscorea villosa had demonstrated extreme cytotoxicity to mammalian renal epithelial cells and had caused transdifferentiation of epithelial cells into fibroblasts. An in vivo rodent model was used to test chronic dosage with this herb and its toxicity and predisposition for induction of CKD verified. The aim of Chapter 5 was to determine whether a herbal preparation (Angelica sinensis and Astragalus membranaceus) that had some support from the literature and the results from Chapters 2 and 3, could complement the actions of ACEIs in a rodent model of renal fibrosis (unilateral ureteral obstruction). The combination of herbal medicines and the ACEI was significantly more effective than the ACEI alone in ameliorating several characteristics of CKD development. To conclude the thesis, Chapter 6 provides an overview discussion of the results and a critical analysis of the methods used. Further, Chapter 6 looks towards future experiments that are planned to further resolve issues of concern about effects on renal health from use of medicinal herbs. .
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Estudo de materiais biodegradáveis para armazenamento de produtos agrícolas: biofilme e recipiente confeccionados de fécula de inhame. / A study on biodegradable material for storage of agricultural products: biofilm and package made from yam starch.SILVA, Débora Rafaelly Soares. 30 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-06-30T12:11:48Z
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DÉBORA RAFAELLY SOARES SILVA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2010..pdf: 19081050 bytes, checksum: 419ac011a4edb5e27a6bb4ae1a04727c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-30T12:11:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DÉBORA RAFAELLY SOARES SILVA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2010..pdf: 19081050 bytes, checksum: 419ac011a4edb5e27a6bb4ae1a04727c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-08 / CNPq / A vida pós-colheita do mamão é relativamente curta, devido à alta perecibilidade apresentada por este fruto. A utilização de biofilmes pode proporcionar um aumento na vida pós-colheita destes frutos, sendo assim, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a influência do biofilme obtido da fécula de inhame, no prolongamento da vida útil e manutenção da qualidade pós-colheita do mamão "Havaí", armazenado em diferentes temperaturas. Os frutos de mamão "Havaí" foram imersos em suspensões de fécula de inhame na concentração de 0, 2, 3 e 4%, e armazenados em câmara tipo BOD nas temperaturas 5, 10 e 15 °C, durante o período de 28 dias de armazenamento. Os frutos de mamão foram avaliados a cada 4 dias quanto a aparência externa, firmeza, coloração da casca e da polpa, acidez titulável (AT), sólidos solúveis (SS), razão SST/AT e pH. A perda de massa do mamão "Havaí" foi feita a cada 3 dias O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4 x 3x 8, (% de fécula x temperatura de armazenamento x período de armazenamento) com três repetições. Para análise de perda de massa o esquema fatorial adotado foi 4 x 3 x 10, sendo constituído por dez períodos de armazenamento. O mamão teve um melhor aspecto de conservação quando armazenado com biofilme de fécula de inhame na concentração de 2%,
tornando o produto mais atraente e aumentando a vida pós-colheita, os frutos de mamão
revestidos com os tratamentos de 3 e 4% de fécula de inhame apresentaram um aspecto de ressecamento devido ao encolhimento do biofilme com a temperatura. Os frutos submetidos a 5 °C desenvolveram sintomas de danos pelo frio a partir do 4 o dia de armazenamento, agravando-se com a extensão do armazenamento. A melhor estimativa para a manutenção da qualidade e aumento da vida útil pós-colheita do mamão foi observada nos frutos submetidos a 10 °C, envolto em um biofilme de fécula de inhame na concentração de 2%. No armazenamento a 15 °C, observou-se os primeiros sinais de murchamento dos frutos aos oito dias de armazenamento, independente do tratamento utilizado. / The postharvest life of papaya is relatively short due to the high perishability presented by
such a product. The use o f biofilms can provide an increase in the postharvest life o f these fruits. The Hawaii papaya fruits were immersed in suspensions of yam starch at leveis of 0, 2, 3 and 4%", and stored in an environmental chamber at the temperatures o f 5, 10 and 15°C during the period o f 28 days o f storage. The papaya fruits were evaluated every four days regarding the externai appearance, firmness, peei and pulp color, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids (SS), TSS/TA ratio and pH. The mass loss of Hawaii papaya was done every 3 days. The experiment was conducted according to full randomly experimental design in a 4 x 3 x 8 factorial design (% starch x storage temperature x storage period), with three replications. In order to analyze the mass loss, a 4 x 3 x 10 factorial design was adopted, consisting of ten periods of storage. The papaya presented a better aspect of conservation when stored in the biofilm of yam starch at the concentration of 2%, making the product more attractive and increasing its postharvest life. The papaya fruits coated with yam starch treatments of 3 and 4% displayed a drying aspect due to the shrinkage of the biofilm caused by the temperature. The fruits subjected to 5°C developed symptoms of chilling injury from the 4* day o f storage, which were aggravated with the extension o f the storage. The best estimate for the maintenance o f quality and for the increase in postharvest shelf life o f papaya was observed in fruits at 10°C, wrapped in a biofilm o f yam starch at a concentration of 2%. In the storage at 15°C, the first signs of wilting could be observed at the 8* day of storage, regardless of the treatment used.
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Utilização de Materiais Orgânicos como Estratégia para o Manejo da Casca Preta do Inhame / Use of organic matter in the management of dry rot disease of yamMorais, Ana Caroline de Melo 28 February 2014 (has links)
Yam (Dioscorea spp.) is widely produced in Africa, parts of Asia, the Caribbean and tropical America. In Brazil, yam production areas are confined in the Northeast region with greatest production in the states of Pernambuco, Paraíba and Bahia. Among the constraints to yams, the dry rot disease caused by the nematodes Scutellonema bradys and Pratylenchus spp. is the most important on commercial and seed tubers. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of the soil-incorporated organic amendment on the population densities of the causal agents of dry rot disease of yam, under greenhouse and field conditions. In the first experiment the above ground parts of Crotalaria juncea, C. spectabilis, C. ochroleuca, Tagetes erecta and T. patula were incorporated to the soil. Healthy sprouting yam tubers were planted and 20 days later the plants were inoculated with a mixed population of S. bradys and P. coffeae. Pots were arranged on greenhouse benches in a completely randomized design with six treatments (including the control) and eight replications. Five months after yam planting, the nematode populations were assessed. The second experiment was carried out in naturally infested field with a mixed population of P. coffeae and S. bradys, in Quebrangulo county (Alagoas state, Brazil) in a randomized block design with five treatments and five replications. The organic matter sources used as soil amendments were: coconut husk powder, castor bean cake, cow dung and chicken manure. Non amended soil was used as a control. At nine months after planting date the tubers were harvested. No control was achieved through the soil amendment in both experiments. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O inhame (Dioscorea spp.) é produzido em larga escala em países da África Ocidental, do Extremo Oriente, do Caribe e da América Tropical. No Brasil, é produzido principalmente no Nordeste. Pernambuco, Paraíba e Bahia são os principais produtores, onde são cultivadas as espécies D. cayenensis e D. alata para alimentação humana. Entre os principais problemas fitossanitários da cultura, a casca preta ou podridão seca, causada pelos nematoides Scutellonema bradys e Pratylenchus spp., destaca-se como o mais importante, incidindo em túberas comerciais e túberas-semente. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram avaliar a influência da incorporação de materiais orgânicos ao solo sobre a densidade populacional dos nematoides causadores da casca preta. A primeira etapa do trabalho foi conduzida em casa de vegetação, no CECA/UFAL, sendo que foram incorporadas ao solo, as partes aéreas de Crotalaria juncea, C. spectabilis, C. ochroleuca, Tagetes erecta e T. patula. Após essa etapa, foi efetuado o plantio de inhame e, decorridos 20 dias, as plantas foram inoculadas com uma população mista de S. bradys e P. coffeae. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com seis tratamentos (incluindo a testemunha) e oito repetições. A avaliação das populações dos nematoides foi realizada cinco meses após o plantio do inhame. A segunda etapa foi realizada em campo, no município de Quebrangulo, Estado de Alagoas, onde foram aplicados ao solo naturalmente infestado com população mista de S. bradys e P. coffeae, os seguintes tratamentos: pó de coco, torta de mamona, esterco bovino, esterco de galinha, além da testemunha. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições. Nove meses após o plantio, foi efetuada a colheita das túberas. Os diferentes tratamentos não foram eficientes no controle da casca preta nos dois experimentos.
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Qualidade e potencial funcional de mamão Golden minimamente processado e recoberto com fécula de inhame, mucilagem de chia e óleo essencial de laranja doceSilva, Mariany Cruz Alves da 31 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2017-09-05T12:52:59Z
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arquivototal.pdf: 1780757 bytes, checksum: 8c0a236e872e79def4bef9d8769e41c9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-05T12:52:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-31 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The consumption of fresh papaya can be expanded by minimal processing, and its post-cutting
life can be prolonged with proper use of edible coatings. In this sense, the objective of this work
was to extend the post-cut life of minimally processed (MP) ‘Golden’ papaya under edible
coatings based on yam starch (S), combined or not with chia mucilage (M), and sweet orange
essential oil (O), kept under cold storage. The coating formed were evaluated for the physical,
chemical and structural properties. Papaya slices were immersed in filmogenic solution of 4%
S (4S), 2% S + 2% M + O (2S2MO), 1% S + 3% M + O (1S3MO), 1% S + 3% M (1F3M), and
uncoated papaya (C). Afterward, slices were placed into polyethylene terephthalate trays,
wrapped with 13 μm thick polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film, and stored at 5 °C for 12 days. Weight
loss, pH, firmness, soluble solids - SS, titratable acidity - AT, SS/TA ratio, membrane
permeability, ascorbic acid, lycopene, β-carotene, yellow flavonoids, total extractable
polyphenols, and antioxidant activity by DPPH● and ABTS●+ methods were evaluated each two
days, and the sensory quality each four days. Coatings obtained from 4S and 2S2MO were
analyzed by scanning electron microscopy - SEM, Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy -
EDS, X-ray diffraction – XRD, and fourier transform infrared region – FTIR, variations in the
fruit firmness and titratable acidity were the most significant for the differentiation of the
coatings during storage. The 2S2MO coating stood out as one which maintained the sensory
quality of MP papaya equal to the initial period until the twelfth day of storage. 4S film showed
pattern of X-ray diffraction more crystalline than 2S2MO, which in turn decreased the
roughness and porosity of the film surface, although shown larger pores. In terms of molecular
conformation, there were no significant changes in the FTIR spectrum of the 2S2MO film in
relation to 4S. The most intense crystalline phase of the 4S film resulted in its low permeability.
Under such coating, MP papaya maintained SS better preserved among the coated MP papayas.
The most amorphous character conferred by the addition of mucilage was unfavorable when
this percentage was increased in the formulation, since MP papaya in 1S3M showed weight
loss close to slices from the C. 2S2MO coating delayed the increase of the contents of ascorbic
acid, lycopene, and β-carotene, maintaining antioxidant activity. Therefore, the combination of
2% yam starch, 2% chia mucilage, and 0.025% sweet orange essential oil resulted in the
maintenance of the bioactive compounds and the functional potential of MP ‘Golden’ papaya
during cold storage. It was showed that the proportion 2:2 between yam starch and mucilage
chia with addition of sweet orange essential oil promoted maintenance of the quality of MMP
more advantageously, being able to maintain MMP above the minimum acceptance threshold,
for more than 8 days as related to the control. / O consumo fresco de mamão pode ser ampliado com a tecnologia de processamento mínimo, e
sua vida pós-corte pode ser prolongada com uso adequado de recobrimentos comestíveis. Neste
sentido, o objetivo este trabalho foi prolongar a vida pós-corte de mamão ‘Golden’
minimamente processado sob recobrimentos comestíveis à base de fécula de inhame (F),
combinado ou não com mucilagem de chia (M) e óleo essencial de laranja doce (O), foram
aplicados em mamão ‘Golden’ minimamente processado seguido de armazenado por 12 dias à
5 ⁰C, bem como, foram avaliados em formato de filmes quanto à propriedades estruturais físicas
e químicas. Fatias de mamão foram imersas em soluções filmogênicas de 4% F, 2%F+2%M+O,
1%F+3%M+O e 1%F+3%M e comparados a MMP sem recobrimento (C) embaladas em
bandeja de politereftalato de etileno - PET cobertas com filme policloreto de polivinila – PVC
armazenadas a 5 ºC por 12 dias. A cada 2 dias, realizaram-se análises físico-químicas (perda de
massa, pH, firmeza, sólidos solúveis - SS, acidez titulável - AT, relação SS/AT e
permeabilidade de membrana, ácido ascórbico, licopeno, β-caroteno, flavonoides amarelos,
polifenóis extraíveis totais, e atividade antioxidante total pelos métodos DPPH● e ABTS●. e a
cada 4 dias mediu-se a qualidade sensorial. Filmes obtidos de 4F e 2F2MO foram analisados
por microscopia eletrônica de varredura - MEV, espectroscopia dispersiva de raios X - EDS,
difração de raios X – DRX e espectroscopia da região de infravermelho com transformada de
Fourier – FTIR. As variações de firmeza e acidez titulável foram as mais expressivas para a
diferenciação dos recobrimentos nos períodos. O recobrimento 2F2MO destacou-se como único
que manteve a qualidade sensorial dos MMP igual à do período inicial até o décimo segundo
dia de armazenamento. O filme 4F apresentou padrão de difração de raios X mais cristalino que
2F2MO, que por sua vez, diminuiu a rugosidade e porosidade da superfície do filme, embora
tenha demonstrado poros maiores. Em termos de conformação molecular, não se observou
alterações expressivas no espectro FTIR do filme 2F2MO em relação ao 4F. A fase cristalina
mais intensa do filme 4F o tornou menos permeável, como consequência, os MMP sob tal
recobrimento mantiveram os SS mais preservados entre os mamões MP recobertos. O caráter
mais amorfo conferido pela adição de mucilagem foi desfavorável quando o percentual desta
foi maior na formulação, visto que, os MMP sob 1F3M apresentaram perda de massa
equivalente à de C. Após oito dias de armazenamento todos os recobrimentos demonstraram
influencia na redução da síntese de polifenóis e a degradação de ácido ascórbico. Os
recobrimentos 2F2MO e 1F3MO diferenciaram-se de 4F e 1F3M, a partir do décimo dia de
armazenamento, pela maior retenção dos teores de ácido ascórbico e maiores atividades
antioxidantes (DPPH● E ABTS●+). Evidenciou-se que a proporção 2:2 entre amido de inhame
e mucilagem de chia com adição de óleo essencial de laranja doce promoveu manutenção da
qualidade de MMP de forma mais vantajosa, sendo capaz de manter os MMP, acima do limite
mínimo de aceitação, 8 dias a mais que o controle.
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Desidratação osmótica e fritura de palitos de inhame em óleos de coco e de sojaPESSOA, Taciano. 08 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Emanuel Varela Cardoso (emanuel.varela@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-06-08T19:05:31Z
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TACIANO PESSOA – TESE (PPGEP) 2015.pdf: 1372058 bytes, checksum: e953b936619e36c851136deb1ffc76af (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-08T19:05:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
TACIANO PESSOA – TESE (PPGEP) 2015.pdf: 1372058 bytes, checksum: e953b936619e36c851136deb1ffc76af (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-08 / Realizou-se esta pesquisa com o objetivo de produzir palitos de inhame fritos em óleos de coco e de soja, estabelecendo parâmetros comparativos de qualidade nutricional e sensorial. Para obtenção do óleo de coco, foi realizada uma prensagem a frio, após estudo de secagem das tiras de coco em estufa a 60 e 70°C, que foram ajustadas as equações matemáticas de Cavalcanti Mata, Handerson & Pabis, Page, Verma e modelo difusional de Fick 4 termos. A caracterização dos óleos utilizados, avaliados antes e após as frituras quanto ao teor de água, índices de acidez, peróxido, refração, iodo, saponificação e calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC). Os palitos de inhame foram pré tratados em soluçõ es osmóticas salinas, contendo 5, 10 e 15% de sal (NaCl), onde realizou-se a cinética de desidratação osmotica, que pode-se calcular as perdas
de massa e ganho de sólidos das amostras, em seguida foram fritos em óleo de coco e de soja, nas temperaturas de 150, 170 e 190°C, em que foram avaliados as características químicas e físico-químicas dos palitos de inhame In natura, após DO e frituras, quanto aos parâmetros: acidez, pH, atividade de água, teor de água, lipídeos, teor de sódio, teor de amido, absorção de gordura, remoção de água, razão de absorção de gordura. Para a cor (L, a e b) e textura instrumental os parâmetros: firmeza, coesividade, elasticidade e mastigabilidade . Para verificar a aceitação do produto, as amostras foram fritas a 190°C em seguida submetidas a análise sensorial. Concluiu-se que: A equação matemática de secagem proposta Cavalcanti Mata é,
dentre aqueles testados, o que apresenta melhor ajuste sendo o selecionado para a representação da cinética dos palitos de coco; As características de identidades do óleo de soja analisado, apresentaram-se dentro dos padrões exigidos para os índices de acidez, peróxido, iodo, refração e saponificação; As caraterísticas de identidade do óleo de coco, apresentou-se dentro dos padrões estabelecidos para os índices de acidez, peróxido e refração; O DSC permitiu verificar o seu desempenho térmico de oxidação com evento exotérmico em pico a 238,3 e 237,8°C, para o óleo de coco e de soja respectivamente; O índice de peróxido dos óleos utilizados nas frituras de 150°C ocorre um aumento do índice avaliado, com o aumento do número de frituras, o óleo
de soja apresenta valores superiores a 8,494 (meq/1000 de óleo) quanto aos observados no óleo de coco valores menores que 4,244 (meq/1000 de óleo), que o torna indesejado para o consumo, quando se compara a legislação brasileira; O aumento da concentração de sal nas soluções favoreceu para uma maior perda de peso e ganho de sólidos dos palitos de inhame; Para a razão de absorção de gordura (RAG) amostras fritas com óleo de coco apresentaram menores valores de RAG. O aumento das temperaturas de fritura das amostras, tenderam apresentar menores valores de RAG; A textura instrumental dos palitos de inhame fritos, obtiveram influencias direta do tratamentos osmóticos, óleo e temperatura utilizados na fritura; Com base no perfil de atitude dos consumidores, pode-se concluir que as amostras que apresentaram maior aceitação foram: os palitos de inhame fritos em óleo de coco pré tratados com desidrat ação osmótica a 15% de solução salina, para os palitos de inhame fritos em óleo de soja, foram as amostras tratadas com desidratação osmótica a 10 e 15% de solução salina. Considerando os resultados obtidos na pesquisa para a produção de palitos de inhame frito, conclui-se que a união de
matérias primas permitiu originar um produto com quam lidade sensorial e acessibilidade para o mercado consumidor. / Carried out this search in order to produce fried yams sticks coconut and soy oils, establishing comparative parameters of nutritional and sensory quality. To obtain coconut oil a cold pressing was performed after drying study of coconut strips in a greenhouse at 60 to 70 ° C, which were adjusted mathematical equations Cavalcanti Woods, Handerson & Pabis, Page Verma and model diffusive Fick 4 terms. The characterization of the oils used, evaluated before and after frying as the water content, acidity index, peroxide, refraction, iodine, saponification and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Yam sticks were pretreated with saline osmotic solutions containing 5, 10 and 15% salt (NaCl), which was he ld osmotic dehydration kinetics, which can calculate the mass loss and solid gain of sample then they were fried in coconut oil and soybean oil at temperatures of 150, 170 and 190°C, which evaluated the chemical and physicochemical characteristics of yam sticks in natura after DO and fried foods, as the parameters : acidity, pH, water activity, water content, lipids, sodium content, starch content, fat absorption, water removal rate of fat absorption. For color (L, a and b) and instrumental
texture parameters: firmness, cohesiveness, springiness and chewiness. To verify acceptance of the product, samples were fried at 190°C and then subjected to sensory analysis. It was concluded that: The mathematical equation drying proposal Cavalcanti Mata is among thos e tested, which fits better being selected to represent the kinetics of coconut sticks; The characteristics of soybean oil identities analyzed were within the standards required for the acid values, peroxide, iodine, refraction and saponification The ident ity characteristics of coconut oil, was within the standards established for the acidity index, peroxide and refraction; The DSC has shown this thermal oxidation performance with peak exothermic event at 238.3 and 237.8 ° C for coconut oil and soybean oil, respectively; The peroxide value of the oils used in the frying of 150 ° C an increase of the estimated index, with increase of fried foods, soybean oil exhibited superior values 8.494 (meq / 1000 oil) as those observed in the oil coconut values less than 4,244 (mEq / 1000 oil) which makes it undesirable for consumption, when comparing
the Brazilian legislation; Increasing the salt concentration in the solution favored for greater weight loss and gain the yams solid sticks; For the reason of fat absorption (RAG) chips with coconut oil samples showed lower values RAG. The increase in frying temperatures of the samples tended RAG have lower values; The instrumental texture of fried yam sticks, obtained direct influence of osmotic treatments, oil and temperature used for frying; Based on consumer attitude profile, it can be concluded that the samples had higher acceptance were fried yams sticks pre coconut oil treated with osmotic dehydration at 15% saline to fried yams sticks in soybean oil samples were treated with osmotic dehydration at 10 and 15% saline. Considering the results obtained in the research for the production of fried yam sticks, concluded that the union of raw materials allowed yield a product with sensory quality and affordability for the consumer market.
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