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Možné dopady zavedení eura na ekonomiku ČR / Possible impact of euro introduction on the Czech economyKačírková, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Possible impact of euro introduction on the Czech economy". The first part of the thesis deal with common problems euro introduction in the Czech Republic. It attend to filling of the convergent criteria, nominal, real and others, then the choice of the scenario and schedule euro introduction. Main part of the thesis deal with the influence analysis of the single currency on the inflation, citizens, international trade and foreign direct investments. Second part focus on the way of the inflation measuring, factors which influence inflation or possible scenarios of the inflation development after euro introductoin, third part on the problems of the conversion coefficient and influences on the price relation and buing power a the fourth part on the expected effects of the euro introduction in international trade, concretely on the balance of goods and services, foreign direct investments and competitiveness. The last fifth part is focused on the future of the euro, how it sees significant world's economists.
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Analýza aktivit agentury Czech Invest v posledních letech / Analysis of the activities of CzechInvest in recent yearsVaculíková, Hana January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is dedicated to the activities of CzechInvest, the Investment and Business Development Agency. The analysis is aimed at the portfolio of provided services and development programmes. The system of investment incentives in the manufacturing industry is discussed in detail. The thesis also shows planned measures, which would change the current support in favor of research, development and innovations (technology centers) and business support services centers. Foreign direct investments inflow into the Czech Republic is analyzed as well. It examines investment projects mediated by CzechInvest mainly in the last six years. In the conclusion, the comparison of received foreign direct investments and mediated investment projects is implemented.
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Droit des investissements directs étrangers : le cas de la Chine / Foreign Direct Investment Law : the case of ChinaJuang, Hsiao-Jan 30 April 2018 (has links)
Cette étude tente de donner un aperçu général du développement historique, des particularismes et des principales problématiques du droit positif des investissements directs étrangers. En effet, une étude exégétique des textes législatifs et règlements portant sur des investissements étrangers est, certes, nécessaire pour la compréhension du régime juridique des investissements directs étrangers, mais sa connaissance ne suffit pas pour qu'un investisseur puisse réussir son investissement sur le territoire chinois. Le régime juridique des investissements directs étrangers est le fruit d'un travail d'imitation législative de systèmes de droits étrangers. Son développement est indéniablement lié aux éléments de la vie politique, culturelle, sociale et économique du pays. De la politique de l'économie planifiée à l'économie de marché, en quarante ans, le gouvernement a pu créer un droit quasiment exhaustif à partir du vide. Cependant, la rapidité du travail législatif n'est nullement une preuve de sa qualité. En effet, dans le but de rattraper son retard sur les systèmes juridiques des pays économiquement développés, le gouvernement a dû implanter les solutions étrangères, sans pour autant effectuer un travail approfondi d'adaptation ou d'harmonisation, diminuant ainsi la qualité et l'efficacité des lois.Initialement, le droit des investissements directs étrangers était uniquement constitué de trois lois distinctes et des règlements d'application desdites lois. Il s'agissait de la Loi sur les EJV sino-étrangères et son règlement d'application, la Loi sur les WFOE et son règlement d'application, et CJV sino-étrangères et son règlement d'application. Ce régime est ensuite complété par d'autres textes, chacun régissant qu'une seule forme spécifique d'entreprise à participation étrangère.Les litiges font partie de la vie courante non seulement des personnes morales, mais, également des personnes physiques, et permettent de mesurer l'efficacité de la justice au sein d'un État. Malgré le fait que les litiges constituent le moyen ultime de tester l'efficacité de la loi ou d'un système de droit, ils ne surviennent qu'en dernier ressort, surtout dans les États tels que la Chine, où l'histoire démontre une préférence constante envers les modes informelles de résolution des différends au détriment de la procédure étatique contentieuse.Après trois décennies de réforme, la Chine fait désormais partie intégrante de la scène internationale. Par conséquent, ses pratiques portant sur la résolution des différends sont de plus en plus en harmonie avec les standards internationaux. En d'autres termes, la recherche d'une résolution efficace des différends est similaire de celle des autres États occidentaux : idéalement un différend doit être résolu dans le délai court, à un coût bas et avec moins de stress que possible, mais, arrivant tout de même à un résultat acceptable.Le droit chinois des investissements directs étrangers a subi le plus de réformes législatives en Chine. Il est donc primordial de suivre constamment l'actualité juridique. En effet, les deux catalogues récent (2015 et de 2017) illustrent une tendance libéralisatrice du marché national en ouvrant de plus en plus les secteurs d'industrie aux investissements étrangers, et en introduisant un système proche de la " liste négative ". Puis la Réforme de 2016 est venue remplacer la procédure d'autorisation des projets d'investissements directs étrangers par un simple système d'enregistrement. Certes, ces éléments récents ont su apporter des solutions à des difficultés existantes, mais en raison du nombre de vices du droit positif, une réforme en profondeur est nécessaire. Le Projet de loi des investissements étrangers, publié par le Ministère du Commerce en 2015, a le potentiel d'effacer tous les défauts du régime actuel. Cependant, malgré les promesses du gouvernement, son futur demeure très incertain à l'heure actuelle. / This study aims to give a general overview of the historical development, particularisms and main issues of the positive law of foreign direct investment, by looking at different areas of law, ranging from the history of law to the very content of foreign investment law, and through dispute settlement mechanisms for foreign investment. An exegetical study of laws and regulations on foreign investments is a necessary step for the understanding of the legal regime of foreign direct investment, but its knowledge of the law is not sufficient for an investor to succeed in his investment.Its development is undeniably linked to the elements of the political, cultural, social and economic aspects of the country. From the promotion of Marxist values of the Soviet system under the Mao Zedong period, to the adoption of legal pragmatism under the direction of Deng Xiaoping; from the policy of the planned economy to the market economy. In forty years, the government was able to create an entire legal system from almost nothing. However, the speed of legislative work is by no means a proof of its quality. Indeed, in order to catch up with the legal systems of the economically developed countries, the government had to implement foreign solutions, without carrying out any in-depth adaptation or harmonization work, thus reducing the value and the effectiveness of the law.Initially, the foreign direct investment law consisted only of three separate laws and their implementing regulations : Sino-Foreign EJV Law and its Implementing Regulation, the WFOE Law and its Implementing Regulation, and Sino-Foreign CJV and its Implementing Regulation. This was then competed by other laws and regulations, each governing only one specific form of foreign-invested enterprise.Litigation is part of everyday life which allows the legislator to measure the efficiency of justice within a State. Despite the fact that litigation is the ultimate means of testing the effectiveness a legal system, it is only a last resort, especially in states such as China, in which its history demonstrates a constant preference for alternative modes of dispute resolution to the detriment of contentious proceedings.After three decades of reform, China has become an integral part of the international scene. As a result, its practice of resolving disputes is increasingly aligned with international standards. The quest for effective dispute resolution is now similar to that of other Western states: ideally a dispute must be resolved in the short time frame, at a low cost and with as little stress as possible, but with an acceptable result.It is therefore essential to constantly follow legal news. Indeed, the two recent catalogs (2015 and 2017) illustrate a liberalizing trend of the national market by opening more sectors to foreign investments, and by introducing a system close to the "negative list". And the 2016 Reform replaced the authorization procedure for foreign direct investment projects with a simple registration system. While these recent developments have provided solutions to existing difficulties, due to the number of flaws in substantive law, a thorough reform is needed. The Draft Law on Foreign Investment, published by the Ministry of Commerce in 2015 for public commentary, has the potential to erase all the flaws of the current regime. However, despite the promises made by the government, its future remains very uncertain at the moment.
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L'ouverture de la Chine et ses impacts sur l'économie chinoise / The opening of China and its impact on the chinese economyLiu, Hong Liang 07 December 2012 (has links)
Au début des années 80, le gouvernement chinois a lancé une politique d’ouverture dans le but d’attirer les capitaux, les compétences modernes et les techniques avancées nécessaires au développement économique de la Chine. Aujourd’hui, cette politique semble porter ses fruits. La Chine, qui était un pays quasiment autarcique avant les années 1980, est devenue actuellement le premier pays exportateur et le deuxième pays destinataire des investissements directs étrangers du monde. Jusqu’à présent, la plupart des travaux de recherche sur l’ouverture économique de la Chine se sont contentés de démontrer les effets positifs des exportations et des entrées des IDE sur l’économie interne de la Chine. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, en partant d'une analyse fondée sur l’économie de production et en étudiant la relation entre le taux de change du yuan, l’exportation, l’investissement direct étranger et le revenu, nous démontrons que la politique d’ouverture menée par le gouvernement chinois depuis les années 80 ne profite pas vraiment à la plupart des habitants de la Chine. En nous fondant sur la notion d’inflation-déséquilibre monétaire, nous expliquons que l’exportation nette et l’entrée d'investissements directs étrangers en Chine ont provoqué une tension inflationniste et une dégradation du pouvoir d’achat réel de la majorité de ses habitants ainsi qu'une aggravation des inégalités économiques. Ces effets ne peuvent pas être corrigés par la politique monétaire de la Banque centrale chinoise. De plus, cette politique monétaire est susceptible d’engendrer un dysfonctionnement de l’économie chinoise dans la mesure où elle accentue les difficultés financières de nombreuses entreprises, notamment celles de petite taille, ce que tente de démontrer cette thèse / In the early 1980s, Chinese government has adopted an opening up policy in order to attract capital, skills and modern advanced technology that are necessary for the economic development of China. Indeed, this policy has already borne fruit. China, that was almost self-sufficient until the 1980s, has now become the largest exporter and the second largest recipient of foreign direct investment in the world. Until now, most of the research on the economic opening up policy of China, however, has concentrated on the demonstration of the positive effects of exports and FDI inflows on the domestic economy of China. In this thesis, based on the analysis of economics of production, we study the relationship between the exchange rate of the yuan, export, foreign direct investment and income. We show that the opening up policy conducted by the Chinese government since the 1980s does not really benefit most of the residents in China. Based on the concept of inflation of monetary imbalances, we explain that the net export and entry of foreign direct investment in China have resulted in the inflationary pressures, degradation of real purchasing power of the majority of residents and increasing economic inequalities. These effects can’t be remedied by the monetary policy of the Central Bank of China. In addition, the monetary policy is likely to cause a malfunction of the Chinese economy to an extent that increases the financial difficulties of many firms, especially those small ones. That is what we are trying to prove in this thesis
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Die Exportplattform als Instrument der ausländischen Marktversorgung / The export platform as an instrument for foreign market supplyCirannek, Vanessa January 2013 (has links)
Zur Versorgung ausländischer Märkte bedienen sich Unternehmen unterschiedlicher Versorgungsformen. Die proximity-concentration trade-off-Literatur betrachtet die Wahl zwischen Export und Auslandsproduktion und erklärt die Entstehung von internationalem Handel und horizontalen ausländischen Direktinvestitionen. Das Standardmodell von Brainard (1993) integriert die Auslandsproduktion als alternative Versorgungsform zum Handel in ein allgemeines Gleichgewichtsmodell mit zwei Ländern, monopolistischer Konkurrenz, steigenden Skalenerträgen und Transportkosten. Im Gleichgewicht versorgen Unternehmen ausländische Märkte entweder durch Exporte oder eine Auslandsproduktion. Die real zu beobachtende Ko-Existenz von internationalem Handel und ausländischen Direktinvestitionen auf der Unternehmensebene kann mit diesem Modell nicht erklärt werden.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird die Exportplattform (EP) als mögliche Antwort auf dieses Phänomen herangezogen. Eine Exportplattform ist eine Auslandsproduktion, durch die nicht nur der lokale Auslandsmarkt, sondern auch Drittländer versorgt werden. Im modelltheoretischen Teil dieser Arbeit wird ein partialanalytisches EP-Modell formuliert, dass auf Brainard (1993) aufbaut. Dabei wird ihr Modell um eine Mehr-Länder-Welt mit heterogener Verteilungsstruktur erweitert und die Versorgungsalternative der EP-Exporte nach dem Beispiel von Neary (2002) integriert. Durch die analytische Lösung des partiellen Gleichgewichts lässt sich die substitutive Beziehung zwischen Heimatexporten, Auslandsproduktion und EP-Exporten aufzeigen. Ferner kann die Wirkung der Versorgungskosten auf die Versorgungswahl analysiert werden. Dabei wird neben der analytischen Modellbeschreibung besonders auf die Gleichgewichtsbestimmung und die Existenz der Gleichgewichte eingegangen.
Aufbauend auf den analytisch abzuleitenden Hypothesen wird das EP-Modell ferner einem empirischen Signifikanztest unterzogen. Unter Anwendung von nicht-linearen Regressionsverfahren wird die Wahl zwischen EP-Exporten und Auslandsproduktion, zwischen EP- und Heimatexporten sowie zwischen EP-Exporten und der EP-Produktion separat geschätzt. Hierfür wird auf Daten der Automobilindustrie zurückgegriffen, welche die regionalen PKW-Produktions- und -Absatzdaten sämtlicher Automobilhersteller in Osteuropa, Asien und Ozeanien umfassen. / The proximity-concentration trade-off literature explains the choice between international trade and foreign direct investments. In this book, the co-existence of international trade and foreign direct investments is explained by analyzing the choice of export platforms. First, a partial equilibrium model with monopolistic competition, increasing economies of scale, trade costs and fixed costs is developed and enhanced with a heterogeneous, spatial distribution of regions. Second, hypothesis are tested with international trade and production data from the automotive industry.
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Stratégie et organisation des entreprises chinoises en Europe / Strategy and organization of Chinese companies in FranceGao, Ni 21 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’effectuer une étude approfondie des IDE chinois et d’analyser la stratégie et l’organisation des entreprises chinoises en France. Pour cela, nous étudions les principales motivations d’investissement des entreprises chinoises en France, leurs modes d’entrée sur le marché français ainsi que les différentes façons de contrôler leurs filiales en France. Nous utilisons la méthodologie qualitative pour cette recherche. Au total, nous avons interviewé dix-sept entreprises chinoises ayant réalisé des IDE en France. Nos résultats montrent que la recherche de marchés et d’actifs stratégiques sont les principales motivations des IDE chinois en France. Le gouvernement chinois joue un rôle de promoteur dans le processus d’internationalisation des entreprises chinoises en France. Les entreprises chinoises préfèrent entrer en France par une filiale en propriété exclusive. Les cadres locaux jouent un rôle clé dans la gestion des filiales des entreprises chinoises en France. / This thesis aims to carry out an in-depth study on Chinese FDI, to analyse the strategy and organization of Chinese companies in France. For this, we study the main investment motivations for Chinese companies in France, their entry modes into the French market, and the different ways of controlling their subsidiaries in France. We used a qualitative methodology for this research. In total, we interviewed seventeen Chinese companies that carried out FDI in France. Our empirical findings indicate that market-seeking and strategic assets seeking are the main motivations for Chinese FDI in France. The Chinese government plays a role of promoter in the process of internationalization of Chinese companies in France. Chinese companies prefer to enter into France through wholly owned subsidiaries. Local managers play a key role in the management of the subsidiaries of Chinese firms in France.
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Uma perspectiva para a industria de semicondutores no Brasil : o desenvolvimento das "design houses" / A perspective for the industry of semiconductors in Brazil : development of "design houses"Carvalho, Pollyana de 29 August 2006 (has links)
Orientadores: Sergio Robles Reis de Queiroz / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T03:42:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: No Brasil, o setor de componentes semicondutores, os chips, permanece restrito a um pequeno grupo de empresas, fato que tem ocasionado déficits crescentes na balança comercial. Diante desse fato, existem várias discussões e estudos sobre formas de aumentar a internalização das atividades desse setor no país, além do debate recente sobre a necessidade da instalação de uma planta produtiva (foundry) realizado pelo governo. Outro elemento de destaque é que o segmento foi adotado como um dos setores prioritários na Política Industrial, Tecnológica e de Comércio Exterior (PITCE), lançada em 2004. Com essa preocupação, o objetivo dessa dissertação foi examinar as perspectivas, com suas possibilidades e limitações, do desenvolvimento da indústria brasileira de semicondutores por meio de um segmento específico - as companhias de projeto dos circuitos, chamadas de design houses. Para tanto, por meio da revisão bibliográfica, o trabalho foi estruturado em três capítulos: o primeiro que trata de uma discussão sobre o panorama existente e as tendências recentes na indústria mundial de semicondutores; o segundo que traz a análise de um país com desenvolvimento tardio nessa indústria - a experiência de Taiwan, e, finalmente, uma avaliação da indústria brasileira de chips, além do exame de suas possibilidades de desenvolvimento do setor por meio das design houses. Constatou-se que, com a tendência de especialização vertical na indústria mundial, houve uma separação entre as atividades de projeto e as de manufatura, criando um amplo mercado de design de circuitos, particularmente em segmentos menos padronizados e oligopolizados, como os circuitos integrados de aplicação específica, propiciando oportunidades para novos entrantes, tal como o Brasil. Já a experiência de Taiwan mostrou que a intervenção estatal é necessária para uma trajetória de desenvolvimento nesse setor, principalmente para articular mecanismos que garantam a assimilação e aprendizado a partir da transferência de tecnologias. Além disso, que a interação entre as design houses e as empresas de manufatura (foundries) permitiu a geração de capacidades tecnológicas diferenciadas que garantiram a inserção competitiva do país na indústria mundial. No caso da indústria brasileira de semicondutores, verificou-se que existem capacidades tecnológicas na área de projetos, as quais possibilitam o desenvolvimento de design houses no Brasil: atividades de design de circuitos integrados em grupos e centros de pesquisa, atividades de capacitação de recursos humanos e disponibilidade de equipamentos e ferramentas para desenvolvimento de projetos e softwares. No entanto, a experiência internacional de sucesso, juntamente com os obstáculos identificados na indústria nacional, mostraram que o desenvolvimento somente do segmento de design é uma trajetória limitada, uma vez que são necessários outros elementos, como uma empresa de manufatura, para que exista um ?círculo virtuoso?, capaz de oferecer sustentabilidade no desenvolvimento da indústria de semicondutores no longo prazo / Abstract: In Brazil, the sector of semiconductors components, the chips, remains restricted to a small group of companies, fact that has caused deficit increasing in the trade balance. Ahead of this fact, there are several discussions and studies in forms to increase the internal production of these activities in the sector of the country, beyond the recent debate on the necessity of the installation of a productive plant (foundry) realized by the government. Another element of prominence is that the segment was adopted as one of the priority sectors in the Industrial, Technological and Foreign Trade Policy (PITCE), launched in 2004. With this concern, the objective of this dissertation was examine the perspectives, with its possibilities and limitations, of the development of the semiconductor brazilian industry by means a specific segment - the companies of project of the circuits, called design houses. For in such a way, by means the bibliographical revision, the work was structuralized in three chapters: the first one deals with a discussion on the existing panorama and the recent trends in the worldwide industry of semiconductors; the second brings the analysis of a country with late development in this industry ? the Taiwan experience, and finally, an evaluation of the Brazilian industry of chips, beyond the examination of its possibilities of development of the sector by means the design houses. It was evidenced that with the trend of vertical specialization in worldwide industry, it had a separation between the project and manufacture activities, creating an ample market of circuit designs, particularly in less standardized and oligopolyzed, as the integrated circuits of specific application, propitiating new chances for incoming, as Brazil. Already the Taiwan experience showed that the state intervention is necessary for a trajectory of development in this sector, mainly to articulate mechanisms that guarantee the assimilation and learning from the technology transfer. Moreover, that the interaction between design houses and the companies of manufacture (foundries) allowed the generation of differentiaded technological capacities that had guaranteed the competitive insertion of the country in the worldwide industry. In the case of the Brazilian industry of semiconductors, which was verified that exist technological capacities in the area of projects, makes possible the development of design houses in Brazil: activities of circuit designs integrated in groups and centers of research, activities of human resources qualification and availability of equipment and tools for development of projects and softwares. However, the international experience of success, together with the obstacles identified in the national industry, had shown that only the development of the design segment is an limited trajectory, given that other elements are necessary, as a company of manufacture, so that a ?virtuous circle? can exist, capable to offer sustaintability in the development of the industry of semiconductors in a long period. / Mestrado / Politica Cientifica e Tecnologica / Mestre em Política Científica e Tecnológica
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Estudo empírico sobre investimento direto estrangeiro e estratégia de propriedade das multinacionais no BrasilBraga, Silvia Molinar de Almeida 28 August 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Silvia Molinar de Almeida Braga (silviamolinar@hotmail.com) on 2012-09-27T22:15:22Z
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Previous issue date: 2012-08-28 / The foreign investment flows have suffered significant changes in the recent years and Brazil has become one of the main destinations for foreign direct investments. This paper aims to analyze multinational companies’ choice of property structure when merging, acquiring or investing directly in their Brazilian subsidiaries, also considering the possibility of financing through the Brazilian development bank (BNDES). The effect of contingencies on the companies’ investment decision was empirically tested for the period between 2005 and 2011. The result suggests that the real options theory would not be confirmed without the BNDES’ financing, especially when considering other contingencies in sectors of big volatility and growth. In other words, companies tend to chose more committed structures in high growth scenarios and less committed strategies when higher demand volatility is observed. / O fluxo de capitais estrangeiros sofreu grandes mudanças nos últimos anos, e o Brasil tornou-se um dos principais destinos dos recursos internacionais para investimento direto. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar como as multinacionais escolhem a estrutura de propriedade ao fazerem fusões, aquisições e investimentos diretos em subsidiárias no Brasil diante da existência de financiamento pelo banco de desenvolvimento local (o Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social — BNDES). Testou-se empiricamente o efeito das contingências sobre decisões tomadas pelas empresas no período compreendido entre 2005 e 2011. Os resultados sugerem que a teoria de opções reais não teria sido confirmada se o financiamento pelo BNDES na empresa-alvo não tivesse sido incluído nas interações em cenários de grande volatilidade e crescimento. Em outras palavras, as empresas optam por estruturas que exigem nível mais alto de comprometimento quando estão diante de cenários de alto crescimento e por estratégias que envolvem nível mais baixo de comprometimento quando se observa grande volatilidade de demanda nos mercados estudados.
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Přímé zahraniční investice z Korejské republiky do zemí EU (zejména do ČE, Polska, Slovenska a Maďarska) / Foreign direct investments from Republic of Korea into the EU (especially into The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia)Tomíšek, Jakub January 2008 (has links)
Presented thesis is focused on the nature of Korean direct investments in European Union, especially in the new central European member states (The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia). The major task of thesis is to clarify, which Korean companies invest in central Europe and why do these companies locate their investments in new member states. Additionally, character of existing investments is analyzed. Thesis is divided into three main parts. Firstly, the explanation of development of Korean multinationals is provided. The main question of second part is why Korean multinationals invest in Europe and what the impact of European economic integration is. In the third part, distribution of Korean investments in central Europe is demonstrated. Both the nature of foreign direct investments and the effect of economic integration are analyzed from theoretical perspective first. Subsequently, theoretical concepts are applied on real data. Answer to all three main questions (which, why and how) will provide insight into future development of Korean direct investments in central Europe (middle- and long-term perspective).
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Investice českých podniků v zahraničí - historie, současnost a tendence jejich možného dalšího vývoje / Outward Direct Investments by Czech CompaniesŠafandová, Eva January 2009 (has links)
The thesis provides information on rarely discussed issues -Czech outward foreign direct investments. The theoretical parts contains a brief overview of major theories and methodology of outward internationalization processes. The main hypothesis that deals with this issue is so called "investment development path" paradigm (IDP). This model explains why countries at a lower development stage first host foreign direct investments and why and when they start investing abroad. The practical part concentrates mainly on history, trends and role determining outward foreing direct investments of Czech enterprises. The major source for the analyses in this part is based on Czech National Bank data, Czech Statistical Office data and relevant scientific researches. This part also describes investment strategy of Czech companies - ČEZ a.s, Zentiva N.V. and Škoda-Auto a.s.The last chapter is engaged in applying IDP theory on case of Czech Republic.
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