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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Da invisibilidade à construção da própria cidadania: os obstáculos, as estratégias e as conquistas do movimento social das pessoas com deficiência no Brasil, através das histórias de vida de seus líderes / From invisibility to the construction of their own citizenship: obstacles, strategies and achievements of the social movement of disabled people in Brazil, through the life stories of their leaders

Ana Maria Morales Crespo 29 January 2010 (has links)
No período entre 1975-85, setores da sociedade, como trabalhadores, mulheres, negros e homossexuais se mobilizaram por direitos e contra a discriminação. (GOHN, 2003, p. 113-125). Na mesma época, as pessoas com deficiência, até então invisíveis, também se organizaram num movimento nacional para reivindicar não apenas direitos, mas, também, reconhecimento de existência. Sob a perspectiva teórica da História Oral, o objetivo deste projeto é desvelar as estratégias, os anseios, as dificuldades, as conquistas, e as perspectivas de futuro desse movimento. A História Oral se preocupa e tem compromisso social marcado pela voz dos excluídos e tem como fundamento reconhecer a cidadania de grupos oprimidos\" e \" instrumentar as lutas por direitos humanos na democracia\". (MEIHY, 2005, p. 238) Assim, o emprego dos preceitos da História Oral, neste projeto, visa dar voz a quem nunca antes falou por si mesmo e reconhecer as pessoas com deficiência como sujeitos de sua própria história e não como objetos de estudo. A comunidade de destino estudada é a condição da deficiência e o que ela significa numa sociedade que desconhece os direitos das pessoas deficientes. A colônia entrevistada, formada por líderes do movimento, divide-se em duas redes: participantes de organizações de pessoas deficientes e participantes de organizações prestadoras de serviço para essas pessoas. Ambos os grupos podem ter pessoas com ou sem deficiência. A história oral de vida reúne experiências subjetivas a contextos sociais e, desse modo, presta-se de modo singular à análise e à interpretação, pois, possibilita compreender a parte histórica dos fenômenos individuais e a porção individual dos fenômenos históricos. A análise será feita a partir do conjunto das entrevistas. É do diálogo entre elas que os significados emergirão. A importância acadêmica deste trabalho é contribuir para o empoderamento das pessoas deficientes e cooperar para que as próximas gerações de cidadãos brasileiros, com ou sem deficiência, estejam mais bem equipadas para perseverar na construção de uma sociedade inclusiva. / On the period between 1975-85, society sectors, such as workers, women, colored and homosexual persons have mobilized for rights and against discrimination. (GOHN, 2003, p. 113-125). On the same occasion, disabled persons, till then invisible, have also organized in a national movement in order to claim not only for rights, but, also, for acknowledgment of their existence. Under the theoretical perspective of Oral History, the purpose of this project is unveiling the strategies, the yearnings, the difficulties, the conquests, and the future perspectives of this movement. Oral History is concerned with and has a social commitment marked by the voice of the excluded; it also has as basis recognizing the citizenship of oppressed groups\" and \"instrumenting the struggles for human rights on democratic states\". (MEIHY, 2005, p. 238) Thus, on this project, the use of Oral History precepts, aims giving voice to those who have never talked by themselves, and recognizing disabled persons as subjects of their own history and not as objects of study. The destination community studied is the disability condition and what it means in a society that is unaware of the disabled persons rights. The interviewed colony, formed by the movement leaders, is divided into two networks: participants of disabled persons organizations and participants of organizations that render services to those persons. Both groups may have disabled or able-bodied persons. The oral life history gathers experiences that are subjective to social contexts and, in such a manner it is singularly suitable to the analysis and interpretation. You see, it makes it possible understanding the historical part of the individual phenomena and an individual portion of the historical one. The analysis shall be done from the set of the interviews. It is from the dialogue among them that the meanings shall emerge. The academic importance of this work is contributing for the disabled persons empowerment and cooperating in order that next generations of Brazilian citizens, whether disabled or able-bodied, are more equipped for persevering on the construction of an inclusive society.

Sutrikusio intelekto asmenų integracijos į laisvąją darbo rinką galimybės / Possibilities of integration into tree labour market for people with intellectual disabilities

Vilutienė, Violeta 03 July 2006 (has links)
The social politics of Lithuania tends to be directed at the needs of the people. One of the main purposes of European Union is equality of members of society. Across all Europe intellectually disabled people still encounter prejudices and serious obstacles trying to take advantage of human rights, which are guaranteed by the law. It is very important to give real possibilities for intellectually disabled people to learn and to work in order to make sure that they will be able to live and work in the community as equal members of society. If they are not able to make use of their rights, they become dependant on others, live in poverty, experience social isolation, their disability could deepen. The employment of intellectually disabled people – it’s a problem about which society avoids to talk. While economy is not stable ant even for the healthy person it is difficult to find a job, the society holds an attitude that it is too early to talk about the employment of intellectually disabled people and it is unbelievable that such a person could find a job. Adequate law basis that regulate rights of disabled people is already created on Lithuania. It corresponds to economic possibilities of the country and strives for realization of the needs of disabled people. In the Lithuanian law basis there are no special law acts that regulate the employment system of intellectually disabled people, guarantees for activity. Right to work and to get involved into activity are regulated... [to full text]

Datorer som förändringsredskap i dagens undervisning : en studie kring hur IKT inflytande i utbildningssektor påverkade undervisning och lärande

Ågren, Emy Svetlana January 2013 (has links)
Användning av datorer och Informations- och kommunikationsteknologier (IKT) har förändrat människors sätt att kommunicera och utbyta information i många områden. Utbildningssektor är en av sektorer där IKT spelar en stor roll. Under de senaste åren införde utbildningssektorn många nya teknologier för att stödja undervisnings- och inlärningsmetoder. Synen på undervisning och lärande förändrades radikalt med hjälp av IKT. Tidigare forskning påpekar att IKT utvecklar studerandes olika förmågor, bland annat inlärning ökas. Det har noterats ökning av behandling och hantering av stor mängd information, intellektuell tillväxt. Den också hjälper studerande att uppnå bättre studieresultat och prestera bättre i en del av ämnen. Detta arbete undersöker bland annat vilka möjligheter finns med IKT i undervisningen, varför man ska satsa på IKT i skolor, samt som IKT- påverkan på utbildningen och lärande. IKT suddar ut tidigare gränser och idag finns möjligheter att göra saker som förut var inte möjlighet att göra. Exempel på detta är flexibla arbets- och studietider, distansstudier och et cetera. Både lärare och studerande blir involverade i sitt arbete/ studier även på fritiden. Min studie fann också att IKT förbättrar och underlättar sätt att undervisa. Inlärningen förbättras hos många studerande. IKT med dessa portabla tekniker gör vardagen mycket flexibelt. Mina intervjuer påvisar att flexibilitet är bra, fast det finns en del risker med IKT i undervisningen, bland annat plagiering ökas, samt som ytinlärning kan ökas. Informationssökning har blivit enklare med hjälp av IKT, fast mindre än hälften av alla tillfrågade i min studie tvivlar på detta. Tidslöseri är också vanligt förekommande problem i skolan och ibland beror detta på att studerande inte kan använda teknik. Min studie visar att det är viktigt att myndigheter satsar på utbildning och vägledning vid användning av teknik, samt som vägledning vid informationssökning. För att bibehålla konkurrenskraft på internationell nivå satsning på IKT i skolorna fortsätter. I min studie lärare och studerande anser att satsning på IKT är mycket viktig, eftersom den hjälper att skaffa IT- kunnig arbetskraft, samt som den gör skolan mera flexibel och höjer kvaliteten på lärande. / The usage of computers and Information and Communication technologies (ICT) has changed the way people communicate and share information in many areas, and education is the one of the sectors where ICT plays a major role. Over the past few years educational sector introduced many new technologies to support teaching and learning methods. To maintain competitiveness at international level, the investment in ICT in schools has grown constantly. Due to the growing influence of ICT on educational sector the view of people has changed drastically on teaching and learning. Previous research points out that ICT develop students’ different abilities, such as increased learning, abilities to process and handle huge amount of data, as well as intellectual growth. It is also helps students to achieve better academic results by performing better in some of the academic courses. ICT also erases previous limits and allows doing things that were not possible to do before. Some of the examples are flexibility in work and studies, distance learning. According to my study many teachers and students, believe that the investment in ICT is very important because it helps to increase the number of IT- skilled citizens as well as makes school more flexible thus, improves the quality of learning. This work investigates also the possibilities that can be explored with ICT in education, such as importance of investment in ICT in schools, importance of ICT in education and learning in general. My study has shown that, both teachers and students sometimes will be involved in their work and studies even at leisure time. My study has found that ICT improves and facilitates the ways of teaching and learning, as well as learning improves. ICT with these portable technologies make students life more flexible. My interviews indicate that flexibility is good, though there are some risks or disadvantages with ICT in education, including increased plagiarism, as well as superficial learning may be increased. Information search with help of ICT has become easier, according to earlier research, though less than half of all respondents in my study doubt this. The study demonstrates that it is important to invest in education and guidance of information search. Wastage of time is also common problem in school and sometimes this happens because students are not able to use the technology efficiently.

A critical evaluation of diversity and equality in the UK construction sector

Pepper, Christine January 2005 (has links)
Historically, recruitment by the UK construction industry has been homogeneous, with a marked propensity for organisations to attract, recruit and select white nondisabled men. This makes construction the most white and male-dominated of all major industrial sectors. Previous research on women's and ethnic minorities' experiences within construction have shown that the industry reproduces a white male culture in which women and ethnic minorities experience marginalisation, discrimination, disempowerment, prejudice and 'glass ceilings' to their career progression. This, in turn, leads to vertical segregation within construction firms. Despite the under representation and underachievement of women, ethnic minorities and disabled people within the industry, little is known of the views and experiences of key construction industry stakeholders on workforce diversity and the potential impact that this has on promoting the diversity and equality agenda. Accordingly, this research makes a unique contribution by investigating diversity and equality from the perspective of employers, professional bodies, training organisations and industry policy forums to provide a more holistic understanding of why the industry has failed to diversify its workforce. The findings of the research develop existing theoretical perspectives on the underrepresentation and underachievement of women and ethnic minorities in the industry through an analysis of the cultural and institutional processes which shape the position of women and ethnic minorities. To achieve this, a primarily qualitative methodology was employed for the research in which stakeholder attitudes to workforce diversity were explored using in-depth semi structured interviews. The research also critically evaluated the industry's previous attempts to diversify its workforce using desk-top and case study research methods. Collectively, these investigations revealed the necessary challenges for policy makers to overcome in order to promote positive change within the industry. These included the existence of mutually reinforcing industry structures, customs and practices which systematically reflect and produce inequalities for underrepresented groups. Together, they undermine the delivery of diversity and equality policies and practices. On the basis of the research findings a framework of integrated diversity policy initiatives were developed. These address the need for both structural and cultural change within the sector and behavioural compliance in addition to attitudinal and cultural change. The efficacy of these measures was validated through a high level workshop in which leading industrialists and policy specialists debated and refined the key outcomes of the work. The resulting policy framework has been adopted by the Institution of Civil Engineers as their diversity and equality guidance document.

Education coach to support students with intellectual disabilities in a community college course /

Zeppegno, Marci Anne. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Humboldt State University, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 43-47). Also available via Humboldt Digital Scholar.

Factors that influence adolescents' attitudes toward peers who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)

Kullaya Kosuwan. Thompson, James Richard, Beck, Ann R. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ed. D.)--Illinois State University, 2004. / Title from title page screen, viewed Jan. 11, 2005. Dissertation Committee: James R. Thompson, Ann R. Beck (co-chairs), Maureen E. Angell, Stacey J. Bock, W. Paul Vogt. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 109-126) and abstract. Also available in print.

O híbrido paraolímpico: ressignificando o corpo do atleta com deficiência a partir de práticas tecnologicamente potencializadas

Novaes, Varlei de Souza January 2006 (has links)
A pesquisa analisou os significados culturais que vem sendo atribuídos aos atletas com deficiência física que utilizam como prótese a cadeira de rodas, tentando perceber de que forma potencializam seus usos. O material empírico foi coletado, no período de dezembro de 2004 a janeiro de 2006, em eventos esportivos, nas rotinas de treinamento desses atletas e, também, em alguns encontros sociais com os dirigentes de três instituições que desenvolvem ações de apoio e incentivo ao esporte adaptado na cidade de Porto Alegre, locais onde garimpei informações através da observação participante. O estudo, que se caracteriza metodologicamente como uma análise qualitativa que utiliza estratégias de captação etnográfica, consiste em descrever e analisar alguns acontecimentos carregados de enunciados que atravessam o corpo desses atletas. Para desenvolvê-lo, utilizo-me da perspectiva teórica dos Estudos Culturais e Sócio-históricos do corpo e de autores e autoras que têm problematizado a noção de corpo no pósmodernismo a partir de pressupostos teóricos pós-estruturalistas. Com base nesse procedimento aponto, a partir da relação corpo-tecnologia, possibilidades de perceber esses corpos como híbridos, ciborgues, potencializados tecnologicamente, destacando, ao final, possíveis rupturas nos significados hegemônicos que os interpelam culturalmente. / This search analyzed the cultural meaning that has been attributed to the athletes with physical deficiency that use wheel chair as prosthesis, trying to notice that forms potentiate their use. The empiric material was collected in the routines of those athletes’ training and, also, in some social encounters with the leaders of three institutions that develop support actions and incentive to the sport adapted in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil, places where I prospected informations through the participant observation. The study that methodologically is characterized as a qualitative analysis that it uses strategies of reception ethnographic, it consists of describe and to analyze some events loaded of statements that cross the athletes’ body. To develop it I use of the theoretical perspective of the Cultural and Partner-historical studies of the body and of authors that have been problematizing the body notion in the powder-modernism from presupposed theoretical powder-structualist. With base in that procedure, I appear starting from the relationship body-technologically, highlighting, at the end, possible ruptures in the hegemonic meanings that they question them culturally.

O híbrido paraolímpico: ressignificando o corpo do atleta com deficiência a partir de práticas tecnologicamente potencializadas

Novaes, Varlei de Souza January 2006 (has links)
A pesquisa analisou os significados culturais que vem sendo atribuídos aos atletas com deficiência física que utilizam como prótese a cadeira de rodas, tentando perceber de que forma potencializam seus usos. O material empírico foi coletado, no período de dezembro de 2004 a janeiro de 2006, em eventos esportivos, nas rotinas de treinamento desses atletas e, também, em alguns encontros sociais com os dirigentes de três instituições que desenvolvem ações de apoio e incentivo ao esporte adaptado na cidade de Porto Alegre, locais onde garimpei informações através da observação participante. O estudo, que se caracteriza metodologicamente como uma análise qualitativa que utiliza estratégias de captação etnográfica, consiste em descrever e analisar alguns acontecimentos carregados de enunciados que atravessam o corpo desses atletas. Para desenvolvê-lo, utilizo-me da perspectiva teórica dos Estudos Culturais e Sócio-históricos do corpo e de autores e autoras que têm problematizado a noção de corpo no pósmodernismo a partir de pressupostos teóricos pós-estruturalistas. Com base nesse procedimento aponto, a partir da relação corpo-tecnologia, possibilidades de perceber esses corpos como híbridos, ciborgues, potencializados tecnologicamente, destacando, ao final, possíveis rupturas nos significados hegemônicos que os interpelam culturalmente. / This search analyzed the cultural meaning that has been attributed to the athletes with physical deficiency that use wheel chair as prosthesis, trying to notice that forms potentiate their use. The empiric material was collected in the routines of those athletes’ training and, also, in some social encounters with the leaders of three institutions that develop support actions and incentive to the sport adapted in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil, places where I prospected informations through the participant observation. The study that methodologically is characterized as a qualitative analysis that it uses strategies of reception ethnographic, it consists of describe and to analyze some events loaded of statements that cross the athletes’ body. To develop it I use of the theoretical perspective of the Cultural and Partner-historical studies of the body and of authors that have been problematizing the body notion in the powder-modernism from presupposed theoretical powder-structualist. With base in that procedure, I appear starting from the relationship body-technologically, highlighting, at the end, possible ruptures in the hegemonic meanings that they question them culturally.

AvaliaÃÃo da aprendizagem de pessoas com deficiÃncia no ensino superior: concepÃÃes de alunos, professores e coordenadores da FEAAC-UFC / People with disabilities learning assessment in higher education: students conceptions, teachers and engineers FEAAC-UFC

Michele GonÃalves Romcy Torres 27 April 2015 (has links)
nÃo hà / A avaliaÃÃo da aprendizagem direcionada a alunos com deficiÃncia à uma ferramenta de fundamental importÃncia no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, norteadora de um processo de transformaÃÃo educacional. Outrossim, por compreender as especificidades dos educandos, possibilita que as aÃÃes avaliativas sejam realizadas assertivamente. Todavia, as prÃticas avaliativas ainda se encontram fixadas na pedagogia do exame, abrangendo avaliaÃÃes de natureza pontual e estÃtica que enfatizam as notas. Dessa forma, à imprescindÃvel investir em uma avaliaÃÃo inclusiva, visto que o enfoque passa a ser na potencialidade e na capacidade do indivÃduo, ao invÃs da Ãnfase nas peculiaridades da sua deficiÃncia. Assim, a presente pesquisa teve, como objetivo geral, realizar uma investigaÃÃo sobre a prÃtica de avaliaÃÃo da aprendizagem realizada junto aos alunos com deficiÃncia matriculados em cursos de graduaÃÃo e pÃs-graduaÃÃo da Faculdade de Economia, AdministraÃÃo, AtuÃria, Contabilidade, Secretariado Executivo e FinanÃas (FEAAC) da Universidade Federal do Cearà (UFC). Especificamente, objetivou-se: i) conhecer os processos e as possibilidades vivenciadas por alunos, professores e coordenadores de curso na avaliaÃÃo da aprendizagem dos alunos com deficiÃncia; ii) identificar as condiÃÃes de acessibilidade referentes Ãs prÃticas avaliativas; iii) reunir contribuiÃÃes de alunos, professores e coordenadores de curso para uma prÃtica inclusiva de avaliaÃÃo de aprendizagem. Para esse propÃsito, foi realizada uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, na forma de estudo de caso. Os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta de dados foram a entrevista semiestrutura e o questionÃrio. Foi realizada uma anÃlise de conteÃdo dos dados coletados. As amostras foram compostas por 14 sujeitos, ao total, sendo 3 coordenadores, 4 professores e 8 discentes, ressaltando-se que um dos professores pesquisados à tambÃm coordenador de um dos cursos. Os resultados revelaram que nÃo existem adaptaÃÃes para avaliar o aluno com deficiÃncia. Constata-se que as mudanÃas realizadas ainda sÃo primÃrias em relaÃÃo ao que seria necessÃrio. Nesse sentido, sugere-se que os professores sejam informados com antecedÃncia sobre a presenÃa de alunos com deficiÃncia em sala de aula, para que possam ser efetivadas estratÃgias de inclusÃo desse alunado na universidade.

O híbrido paraolímpico: ressignificando o corpo do atleta com deficiência a partir de práticas tecnologicamente potencializadas

Novaes, Varlei de Souza January 2006 (has links)
A pesquisa analisou os significados culturais que vem sendo atribuídos aos atletas com deficiência física que utilizam como prótese a cadeira de rodas, tentando perceber de que forma potencializam seus usos. O material empírico foi coletado, no período de dezembro de 2004 a janeiro de 2006, em eventos esportivos, nas rotinas de treinamento desses atletas e, também, em alguns encontros sociais com os dirigentes de três instituições que desenvolvem ações de apoio e incentivo ao esporte adaptado na cidade de Porto Alegre, locais onde garimpei informações através da observação participante. O estudo, que se caracteriza metodologicamente como uma análise qualitativa que utiliza estratégias de captação etnográfica, consiste em descrever e analisar alguns acontecimentos carregados de enunciados que atravessam o corpo desses atletas. Para desenvolvê-lo, utilizo-me da perspectiva teórica dos Estudos Culturais e Sócio-históricos do corpo e de autores e autoras que têm problematizado a noção de corpo no pósmodernismo a partir de pressupostos teóricos pós-estruturalistas. Com base nesse procedimento aponto, a partir da relação corpo-tecnologia, possibilidades de perceber esses corpos como híbridos, ciborgues, potencializados tecnologicamente, destacando, ao final, possíveis rupturas nos significados hegemônicos que os interpelam culturalmente. / This search analyzed the cultural meaning that has been attributed to the athletes with physical deficiency that use wheel chair as prosthesis, trying to notice that forms potentiate their use. The empiric material was collected in the routines of those athletes’ training and, also, in some social encounters with the leaders of three institutions that develop support actions and incentive to the sport adapted in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil, places where I prospected informations through the participant observation. The study that methodologically is characterized as a qualitative analysis that it uses strategies of reception ethnographic, it consists of describe and to analyze some events loaded of statements that cross the athletes’ body. To develop it I use of the theoretical perspective of the Cultural and Partner-historical studies of the body and of authors that have been problematizing the body notion in the powder-modernism from presupposed theoretical powder-structualist. With base in that procedure, I appear starting from the relationship body-technologically, highlighting, at the end, possible ruptures in the hegemonic meanings that they question them culturally.

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