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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza využití funkce breaker/limiter u odběrných míst nízkého napětí / Analyses of the breaker/limiter functions for low voltage supply points

Bajánková, Denisa January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis provides an insight into the remote control and disconnection of DSO supply points phenomenon. The remote or local disconnection/connection of supply point is allowed by the breaker function. The automatic disconnection of supply point is enabled by the limiter function. Due to the anticipated implementation of smart meters in the Czech Republic in the future, this work contains the comprehensive description of breaker/limiter function with proposed possibilities of use in the Czech Republic. The thesis deals with the current breaker/limiter function use in the Czech Republic and in other countries. It introduces the smart meter installation in pilot projects to analyze the breaker/limiter function use in other countries. The thesis is focused on the technical solution of breaker/limiter. Moreover, it describes the ways of connecting the breaker, settting the limiter, connecting/disconnecting a supply point and breaker operation. Further, the thesis introduces the ways of activating the breaker by a customer and defines in which cases it is possible to limit and interrupt the electricity supply in the Czech Republic currently. The main aim of thesis is to describe the specific possibilities of breaker/limiter function use in the Czech Republic. With regard to the function use in other countries and the limiting or interrupting the electricity supply by DSO according to energy law, the possibilities of use are proposed. Each possibility of use is analyzed when implementing the breaker function or the breaker/limiter function. The benefits are defined for a DSO and for a customer. The proposed uses are evaluated in terms of applicability and valid legislation in the Czech Republic. The result of this work is the summary of information about breaker/limiter function which is one of the new features in the implementation of smart metering. The function installation and the implementation of possibilities described in the thesis depends on the DSO decision.

Reconstructing creative work due to COVID-19 : Exploring the impact of COVID-19 and the role of media for creatives newly working from home

Vanova, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to explore the impact of the situation imposed by the spread of COVID-19 on people working in creative industries and their creative processes, and analyse the role of media in reconstructing their work and leisure spaces at home. The research topics include handling of this change by the creatives, the role of media in reconstructing creatives' homes and the impact of this situation on their creativity. The methodology for gathering data is centred around interviews with the representatives of the group of people working in the creative industries. The empirical data is analysed with the help of the theoretical framework. Among the theories, the six most important topics are: Connectivity versus connectedness, Front region and back region, Boundary theory, Transformations between regions, Reasons to disconnect from media, and Influences on creativity. On one hand, the conclusion of this thesis is that creatives were handling the change of their work environment mostly well, possibly, perhaps creativity is usually influenced by internal factors, and as such the changed work environment as an external factor doesn't influence it as much as the social isolation situation due to COVID-19 as a whole. On the other hand, for many creatives the changed work environment provided calmer conditions for work and offered more time for leisure, although the majority of the participants were working more in this new situation than before. Due to the fact that all of the interviewees had to use their digital technologies and internet in order to work, the escape to the offline world often served as a place for relaxation. Moreover, the majority of the interviewees' devices was used for multi-functional purposes, for both work and for relax. Ultimately the impact on the creatives and their work was studied from different perspectives, offering a snapshot of creative work in extraordinary times.

A collective case study of pupil truancy and the effects upon student behavior within academic and social contexts

Shironaka, Timothy 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Students who are truant from school may result in their becoming academically and socially unprepared to enter the work force. In an age in which higher paying jobs require technical skills from workers, employees with minimal skills and academic preparation have a negative social and fiscal impact upon the school community and the larger social order of the country. The purpose of this study examines the problem through personal, in-depth interviews of students identified as truants in order to provide a deeper understanding of the phenomena and the critical effects upon their academic and social development. Eight individual students are interviewed, examining their lived experiences as it relates to their education through a collective case study methodology. The reconstruction of these students' reflections on life events provides a subjective analysis of their school attendance, with implications for educators to begin prevention and intervention strategies prior the onset of the middle school experience.

African American Clergy: Fostering Supportive Relationships with Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Bolar, Eleanor A. 23 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Essays in employment, banking system and structural transformations / Essais sur l'emploi, le système bancaire et les transformations structurelles

Ranjbar Ravasan, Farshad 06 December 2017 (has links)
Le premier chapitre soutient que dans ces économies om la qualité institutionnelle des lois sur les garanties et les faillites est faible, la collatéralisation excessive rend la prise de risque sous-optimalement plus couteuse pour les emprunteurs. Cela décourage le potentiel entrepreneurial et entrave ainsi la croissance potentielle de jeunes entreprises ayant un impact important sur la création d’emplois dans l’économie.Le deuxième chapitre met l’accent sur le canal de «déconnexion». La région du MENA est caractérisée par une proportion inhabituellement élevée d’entreprises qui n’ont pas besoin de financement. Ces entreprises sont moins susceptible de considérer l’accès au crédit comme une préoccupation majeure, sont moins susceptibles d’avoir acquis des immobilisations, et sont moins susceptibles de prévoir une opération de développement.Ces résultats tiennent également en tenant compte de l’ensemble des caractéristiques standard des entreprises. Nous étudions ensuite comment la politique de collatéralisation impact les performances des entreprises à travers le canal de «déconnexion». Dans le troisième chapitre, je passe à un échantillon de pays de l’OCDE. Une littérature croissante souligne le rôle du commerce avec les économies émergentes, en particulier la Chine, dans la destruction des emplois dans le secteur manufacturier comme le processus de désindustrialisation des les économies avancées. Cependant, pour quantifier la pertinence de l’exposition aux importations en provenances des marchés émergents, nous devons démêler le canal commercial du canal de productivité traditionnel. Dans ce chapitre, nous développons un modèle simple du changement structurel dans une économie ouverte pour en déduire des implications empiriques que nous analysons pour un échantillon de pays de l’OCDE. Dans les économies ouvertes, lorsque la croissance de la productivité de l’industrie nationale est plus rapide que celle des services,mais plus lente que celle de l’industrie étrangère, alors la part industrielle peut diminuer dans les économies avancées, tant en valeur ajoutée qu’en emploi. Nous appelons ce phénomène «double désindustrialisation». Nous trouvons des effets significatifs et quantitativement pertinents du commerce sur le changement structurel dans les économies avancées. En outre, alors que de nombreuses études étudient l’accélération de l’ampleur des importations en provenance de Chine depuis 2000 pour expliquer le modèle de désindustrialisation dans les économies avancées, nous soulignons que le changement de la composition des exportations chinoises vers les secteurs des technologies d’information et de communication et la naturante changeante du progrès technologique dans les économies émergentes pourrait contribuer à la compréhension du phénomène de désindustrialisation de l’après 2000. / This thesis investigates the role of collateral environment and trade exposure on the allocation of employment across firms and sectors. The first chapter argues that, in these economies with poor institutional quality of collateral and bankruptcy laws, aggressive collateralization makes the risk-taking behavior of borrowers suboptimally more costly. This discourages entrepreneurship and thus impedes the growth potential among young firms with a potentially high impact on job creation in the economy.Second chapter stresses the "disconnection" channel on the performance of firms when stringent collateral environment impedes the access of firms to financial system. Studying the 6 economies in MENA we observe region is characterized by an unusually highshare of firms that do not need external finance. These firms are less likely to view access to finance as a major concern, are less likely to have purchased fixed assets, andare less likely to plan further expansion. These findings also hold after accounting fora standard set of firm characteristics. In the third chapter, I move to a sample of OECD countries. A growing body of literature emphasizes the role of trade with emerging economies, especially with China, in job destruction in the manufacturing sectors andin the deindustrialization process currently seen in advanced economies. However, to quantify the relevance of exposure to imports from emerging markets, the trade channel needs to be disentangled from the traditional productivity channel. Developing asimple model of structural change in an open economy, I derive empirical implicationsto analyze for a sample of OECD countries. The model illustrates when productivity growth of domestic manufacturing is faster than that of services but slower than that of foreign manufacturing, the share of manufacturing in advanced economies may fall,both in terms of value added and of employment. I call this phenomenon "twin deindustrialization".My empirical results indicate significant and quantitatively relevant effects of trade on structural change in advanced economies. Furthermore, while many studies investigate the accelerating volume of imports from China post 2000 to explain the pattern of deindustrialization in advance economies, I stress that the shift in the composition of Chinese exports towards the ICT sectors and the changing nature of technological progress occurring in emerging economies are important considerations in understanding the pattern of deindustrialization in the post 2000 period.

Novas tecnologias e a duração do trabalho / New technologies and work time

Landi, Flávio 08 May 2009 (has links)
O uso de novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, para o trabalho, cria um novo ambiente laboral. O impacto desta alteração, guardadas as proporções dos respectivos contextos sociais, pode ser comparado ao impacto causado com o advento dos relógios, colocados em locais públicos dos centros urbanos, na Baixa Idade Média. A Revolução Industrial trouxe consigo o ambiente das fábricas, onde o confinamento dos empregados permitiu o controle de suas atividades e da duração do trabalho, circunstância que fez surgir o Taylorismo, o Fordismo e o Toyotismo, assim como o próprio Direito do Trabalho. O teletrabalho pode trazer consigo diversas vantagens para a sociedade (inclusive para o meio ambiente), para o prestador e para o tomador dos serviços. Mas traz, também, a possibilidade de tornar o empregado permanentemente disponível aos chamados do empregador, por meio de modernos equipamentos, como telefones celulares de última geração, notebooks, palm tops, comunicadores que operam via satélite etc. O direito a limites à duração do trabalho, e o direito a períodos de descanso passam, então, a ser postos em cheque. A OIT não editou convenção ou recomendação específica sobre o tema do teletrabalho. O ordenamento jurídico brasileiro não tem legislação a respeito, apenas o Anexo II, da Norma Regulamentar n. 17, expedida pelo Ministério do Trabalho, dedica-se às condições de trabalho dos operadores de teleatendimento e telemarketing. Por outro lado, as normas coletivas poderiam suprir esta ausência legislativa, porém, não é isso que se vislumbra. O avanço fica por conta do Código do Trabalho de Portugal, que possui mais de dez artigos versando sobre teletrabalho. Deve-se afastar a idéia de que o teletrabalho descaracteriza o trabalho subordinado e de que a parassubordinação se apresenta como alternativa capaz de garantir direitos sociais aos teletrabalhadores. Os valores sociais do trabalho, preconizados pela CF, implicam no respeito ao meio ambiente, à saúde e ao lazer do trabalhador. Transgredir esses mandamentos constitucionais implica em gravames para toda a sociedade e para o sistema de Seguridade Social. / The use of new information and communication technologies creates a new labor environment. The impact of this alteration, kept the ratios of the respective social contexts, can be compared with the impact caused with the advent of the clocks placed in cities in the Middle Ages. The Industrial Revolution created the environment of the plants, where the confinement of the employees allowed the control of activities and work time, idea used by F. W. Taylor, Ford Motor Company and Toyota Motor Corporation. It also propitiated the sprouting of Labour Law. Teleworking can bring to many advantages for the society (also for the environment), for the worker and for the company. But it brings the possibility to become employee permanently available for the calls of the employer for the use of modern equipment, as mobile telephones, notebooks, palm tops, communicators by satellite etc. Limits to work time and periods of rest are rediscussed rights. The ILO did not edit convention or specific recommendation on the subject of teleworking. The Brazilian legal system does not have legislation about it only Annex II of NR 17, dedicates to the conditions of work of the operators in call centres. On the other hand, the collective bargaining could supply this legislative absence, however it is not a fact yet. The advance is on account of the Portugal Labour Code that brings ten articles about teleworking. The idea of teleworking as a necessary autonomy working must be moved away, as well as the parasubordinate work as an alternative capable to guarantee social rights to the teleworkers. The labour social values stipulated on the Brazilian Constitucion mean the respect to the environment, the health and the leisure of the worker. To transgress these constitutional standards implies in burdens for all the society and Social Security system.

Proxy Module for System on Mobile Devices (SyD) Middleware

Gunawan, Joseph 20 November 2008 (has links)
Nowadays, users of mobile devices are growing. The users expect that they could communicate constantly using their mobile devices while they are also constantly moving. Therefore, there is a need to provide disconnection tolerance of transactions in the mobile devices’ platforms and its synchronization management. System on Mobile Devices (SyD) is taken as one of the examples of mobile devices’ platforms. The thesis studies the existing SyD architecture, from its framework into its kernel, and introduces the proxy module enhancement in SyD to handle disconnection tolerance, including its synchronization. SyD kernel has been extended for the purpose of enabling proxy module. SyDSync has been constructed for synchronization with the proxy. The timeout has been studied for seamless proxy invocation. A Camera application that tries to catch a stolen vehicle has been simulated for the practical purpose of using the proxy module extension.

Novas tecnologias e a duração do trabalho / New technologies and work time

Flávio Landi 08 May 2009 (has links)
O uso de novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, para o trabalho, cria um novo ambiente laboral. O impacto desta alteração, guardadas as proporções dos respectivos contextos sociais, pode ser comparado ao impacto causado com o advento dos relógios, colocados em locais públicos dos centros urbanos, na Baixa Idade Média. A Revolução Industrial trouxe consigo o ambiente das fábricas, onde o confinamento dos empregados permitiu o controle de suas atividades e da duração do trabalho, circunstância que fez surgir o Taylorismo, o Fordismo e o Toyotismo, assim como o próprio Direito do Trabalho. O teletrabalho pode trazer consigo diversas vantagens para a sociedade (inclusive para o meio ambiente), para o prestador e para o tomador dos serviços. Mas traz, também, a possibilidade de tornar o empregado permanentemente disponível aos chamados do empregador, por meio de modernos equipamentos, como telefones celulares de última geração, notebooks, palm tops, comunicadores que operam via satélite etc. O direito a limites à duração do trabalho, e o direito a períodos de descanso passam, então, a ser postos em cheque. A OIT não editou convenção ou recomendação específica sobre o tema do teletrabalho. O ordenamento jurídico brasileiro não tem legislação a respeito, apenas o Anexo II, da Norma Regulamentar n. 17, expedida pelo Ministério do Trabalho, dedica-se às condições de trabalho dos operadores de teleatendimento e telemarketing. Por outro lado, as normas coletivas poderiam suprir esta ausência legislativa, porém, não é isso que se vislumbra. O avanço fica por conta do Código do Trabalho de Portugal, que possui mais de dez artigos versando sobre teletrabalho. Deve-se afastar a idéia de que o teletrabalho descaracteriza o trabalho subordinado e de que a parassubordinação se apresenta como alternativa capaz de garantir direitos sociais aos teletrabalhadores. Os valores sociais do trabalho, preconizados pela CF, implicam no respeito ao meio ambiente, à saúde e ao lazer do trabalhador. Transgredir esses mandamentos constitucionais implica em gravames para toda a sociedade e para o sistema de Seguridade Social. / The use of new information and communication technologies creates a new labor environment. The impact of this alteration, kept the ratios of the respective social contexts, can be compared with the impact caused with the advent of the clocks placed in cities in the Middle Ages. The Industrial Revolution created the environment of the plants, where the confinement of the employees allowed the control of activities and work time, idea used by F. W. Taylor, Ford Motor Company and Toyota Motor Corporation. It also propitiated the sprouting of Labour Law. Teleworking can bring to many advantages for the society (also for the environment), for the worker and for the company. But it brings the possibility to become employee permanently available for the calls of the employer for the use of modern equipment, as mobile telephones, notebooks, palm tops, communicators by satellite etc. Limits to work time and periods of rest are rediscussed rights. The ILO did not edit convention or specific recommendation on the subject of teleworking. The Brazilian legal system does not have legislation about it only Annex II of NR 17, dedicates to the conditions of work of the operators in call centres. On the other hand, the collective bargaining could supply this legislative absence, however it is not a fact yet. The advance is on account of the Portugal Labour Code that brings ten articles about teleworking. The idea of teleworking as a necessary autonomy working must be moved away, as well as the parasubordinate work as an alternative capable to guarantee social rights to the teleworkers. The labour social values stipulated on the Brazilian Constitucion mean the respect to the environment, the health and the leisure of the worker. To transgress these constitutional standards implies in burdens for all the society and Social Security system.

Development of a transitioning approach to reduce surface water volumes in combined sewer systems

Smith, Kerry W. S. January 2016 (has links)
The overarching goal of this research is to establish a successful forum for a transition from the existing paradigm of managing wastewater infrastructure to a more sustainable paradigm that achieves a more efficient utilisation of wastewater assets. A transitioning approach to support a more efficient utilisation of surface water and wastewater assets and infrastructure is proposed and developed. The determined transitioning approach possesses key stages namely developing the arena, developing the agenda, case study, and monitoring. The case study stage investigates a drainage utility identifying their improvement drivers, the removal of surface water through detailed drainage modelling and the financial examination of the costs incurred under the various scenarios conducted. Understanding the implications of removing/attenuating surface water from the network is improved through obtaining data by detailed drainage modelling. Infoworks software is used to investigate and assess the current and future operational scenarios of a wastewater system operating over one calendar year. Modelling scenarios were conducted removing surface water from selected areas focusing on the volumes requiring pumping and durations of pumping station(s) operation prior to treatment during storm conditions. The financial implication of removing surface water in combined sewer systems is examined in three main components. Firstly the costs of electricity incurred at the single sewage pumping station (SPS) investigated during the various scenarios modelled require to be addressed. Secondly the costs to retrofit sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) solutions needs to be identified. Thirdly the implications of removing surface water for the drainage utility at the national level and the potential saving for householder’s committing to a surface water disconnection rebate scheme. When addressed at the macro level i.e., with over 2,100 pumping stations, some operating in sequence and contained within one drainage utility annually treating 315,360 megalitres the significance of the same multiple quantifiable and intangible benefits becomes amplified. The research aims, objectives and findings are presented to the identified and convened stakeholders. The transitioning approach developed encourages positive discourse between stakeholders. The level of success of the transitioning approach determined is then tested using a quantitative methodology through the completion of questionnaires. From the questionnaires completed the respondents unanimously agreed that surface water flows should be removed as well as reduced from the combined sewer system. The respondents agreed that the removal of surface water from a typical combined sewer system is justified by applying a transitioning approach focusing on the energy consumption required to pump increased volumes during storm events. This response is significant based upon the economic evidence and is contrary to the respondents previous position that finance was their most influencing factor. When provided with other potentially available benefits the respondents were even more supportive of the justification to remove surface water from the combined sewer system. The combined findings of the work presented in this thesis provide further justification that the transitioning approach applied to the removal of surface water from a typical combined sewer system, as determined in this research has been successful.

Tableau-based reasoning for decidable fragments of first-order logic

Reker, Hilverd Geert January 2012 (has links)
Automated deduction procedures for modal logics, and related decidable fragments of first-order logic, are used in many real-world applications. A popular way of obtaining decision procedures for these logics is to base them on semantic tableau calculi. We focus on calculi that use unification, instead of the more widely employed approach of generating ground instantiations over the course of a derivation. The most common type of tableaux with unification are so-called free-variable tableaux, where variables are treated as global to the entire tableau. A long-standing open problem for procedures based on free-variable tableaux is how to ensure fairness, in the sense that "equivalent" applications of the closure rule are prevented from being done over and over again. Some solutions such as using depth-first iterative deepening are known, but those are unnecessary in theory, and not very efficient in practice. This is a main reason why there are hardly any decision procedures for modal logics based on free-variable tableaux. In this thesis, we review existing work on incorporating unification into first-order and modal tableau procedures, show how the closure fairness problem arises, and discuss existing solutions to it. For the first-order case, we outline a calculus which addresses the closure fairness problem. As opposed to free-variable tableaux, closure fairness is much easier to achieve in disconnection tableaux and similar clausal calculi. We therefore focus on using clausal first-order tableau calculi for decidable classes, in particular the two-variable fragment. Using the so-called unrestricted blocking mechanism for enforcing termination, we present the first ground tableau decision procedure for this fragment. Even for such a ground calculus, guaranteeing that depth-first terminations terminate is highly non-trivial. We parametrise our procedure by a so-called lookahead amount, and prove that this parameter is crucial for determining whether depth-first derivations terminate or not. Extending these ideas to tableaux with unification, we specify a preliminary disconnection tableau procedure which uses a non-grounding version of the unrestricted blocking rule.

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