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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Automatic Maximum Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Measurements Inside Cars / Automatisk mätning av maximal ljudtrycksnivå i bilar

Dong, Luyao January 2023 (has links)
With a growing interest in technical specifications among consumers, there is a need for accessible measurement tools that enable individuals to evaluate the performance of their equipment, including common speakers and car audio systems, beyond what the manufacturer provides. However, the existing measurement systems are often geared towards professionals. This thesis aims to address this gap by designing and developing a user-friendly measurement tool that empowers individuals to easily measure and evaluate the performance of their devices. The work started with identifying the key technical specifications that users are interested in, and three parameters were selected for estimation: the maximum sound pressure level the system can provide, the corresponding multi-tone distortion and total harmonic distortion. Each parameter's measurement method varies, particularly in the choice of test stimuli and data processing. The methods in this thesis were determined after comparing existing standards for acoustical output-based measurement. Furthermore, some problems in terms of measurement capabilities and accuracy when implementing measurements within the defined application scenarios were also discussed. Ideally, the tool can finally provide users with detailed insights into chosen technical specifications, allowing them to know their audio systems better and make informed decisions. The automatic control of playback and recording as well as the processing afterwards was implemented in Python with the help of some existing packages. A graphic user interface based on PyQt was also developed to improve the manipulation of the measurement. Thus, the functionality that the tool is supposed to have is initially fulfilled, although its accuracy needs further verifying and improvement and the scope of the tool can be extended. / Med ett växande intresse för tekniska specifikationer bland konsumenter finns det ett behov av tillgängliga mätverktyg som gör det möjligt för privatpersoner att utvärdera prestandan hos sin utrustning, inklusive vanliga högtalare och bilstereosystem, utöver vad tillverkaren tillhandahåller. De befintliga mätsystemen är dock ofta inriktade på professionella användare. Denna avhandling syftar till att åtgärda denna brist genom att utforma och utveckla ett användarvänligt mätverktyg som gör det möjligt för privatpersoner att enkelt mäta och utvärdera prestandan hos sina enheter. Arbetet inleddes med att identifiera de viktigaste tekniska specifikationerna som användarna är intresserade av, och tre parametrar valdes ut för uppskattning: den maximala ljudtrycksnivå som systemet kan ge, motsvarande multitondistorsion och total harmonisk distorsion. Mätmetoden för varje parameter varierar, särskilt när det gäller valet av teststimuli och databehandling. Metoderna i denna avhandling fastställdes efter jämförelse av befintliga standarder för akustisk effektbaserad mätning. Dessutom diskuterades vissa problem när det gäller mätkapacitet och noggrannhet vid implementering av mätningar inom de definierade tillämpningsscenarierna. I bästa fall kan verktyget slutligen ge användarna detaljerade insikter i valda tekniska specifikationer, så att de kan lära känna sina ljudsystem bättre och fatta välgrundade beslut. Den automatiska styrningen av uppspelning och inspelning samt bearbetningen i efterhand implementerades i Python med hjälp av några befintliga paket. Ett grafiskt användargränssnitt baserat på PyQt utvecklades också för att förbättra hanteringen av mätningen. Den funktionalitet som verktyget är tänkt att ha är således initialt uppfylld, även om dess noggrannhet behöver verifieras och förbättras ytterligare och verktygets omfattning kan utökas.

Studies of Spectral Distortion Under ATR Condition in Spectroelectrochemical Sensor Development of Laser Induced Fluorescence Detection System for Multilane Capillary Electrophoresis Microchips

Piruska, Aigars January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Selektivitet och snedvridningar av grafer i årsredovisningar : Med fokus på finansiella nyckelvariabler

Springfeldt, Maria, Thunström, Carolina January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Företagsledningen har stor möjlighet att påverka innehållet i årsredovisningen eftersom delar av den saknar regleringar. Detta gör att det finns en problematik om årsredovisningen ger en trovärdig bild av företaget. Enligt tidigare forskning används grafer i årsredovisningar för att påverka läsarens uppfattning om företaget och det har visat sig att företagen snedvrider graferna för att grafen ska se bättre ut. Syftet med denna studie är därmed att undersöka användningen av grafer för finansiella nyckelvariabler i årsredovisningar och snedvridningar av dessa variabler för medelstora företag. Metod: Studien har ett positivistiskt och objektivt synsätt och en deduktiv ansats. Utifrån den teoretiska referensramen formulerades hypoteser som sedan testades mot det empiriska materialet. Det empiriska materialet bestod av grafer från årsredovisningar och detta samlades in genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Studien har en longitudinell design där vi studerade 39 medelstora företag listade på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm under två olika år, vilket resulterade i att 78 årsredovisningar studerades. Det empiriska materialet testades genom statistiska tester för att kunna undersöka hypotesernas acceptans. Resultat & slutsats: Studien har visat att medelstora företag har en hög grafanvändning i årsredovisningar och att de använder sig av grafer för finansiella nyckelvariabler konsekvent över tid. Företagen tenderar att visa positiva trender för finansiella nyckelvariabler men studien har även visat att mer än hälften av dessa variabler presenteras felaktigt genom snedvridningar. Denna studie har visat på en högre andel snedvridna finansiella nyckelvariabler jämfört med tidigare forskning som har undersökt stora företag. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Eftersom denna studie har visat att det finns snedvridningar i grafer för finansiella nyckelvariabler för medelstora företag listade på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm vore det intressant med ytterligare studier inom området för små och stora företag. Detta för att undersöka om små respektive stora företag skiljer sig från medelstora företag gällande snedvridningar för finansiella nyckelvariabler. Vidare vore det även intressant att undersöka snedvridningar för samtliga grafer i årsredovisningar.  Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien bidrar till att öka förståelsen för hur medelstora företag använder grafer för finansiella nyckelvariabler i sina årsredovisningar. Den bidrar även till nya kunskapsområden eftersom inga tidigare studier har undersökt varken svenska eller medelstora företag. Studien visar att grafer för finansiella nyckelvariabler tenderar att visas på ett felaktigt sätt för att ge en bättre bild av företaget. Denna studie ökar därför medvetenheten hos läsare av årsredovisningar att grafer inte alltid presenteras på ett tillförlitligt sätt. / Aim: The management has a great opportunity to influence the content of annual reports as there are elements that do not adhere to regulations. Hence there is a concern whether the annual report is a reliable representation of a company. According to previous research, graphs are used in annual reports with the purpose of influencing the reader’s perception about the company. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that some companies distort the graphs with the purpose of improving their appearance. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the use of graphical representations of key financial variables in annual reports, and the distortion of these variables in mid size companies. Method: The study has a positivist and objective approach with a deductive undertaking. Hypotheses has been formulated based on the theoretical framework, they have thereafter been tested against the empirical findings. The empirical material consisted of various graphs from annual reports which were collected through a quantitative content analysis. The study has a longitudinal design in which we have studied 39 mid size companies during two different years, in total 78 annual reports have been studied. The empirical material has been analyzed through statistical tests with the purpose of investigating the acceptance of the hypotheses. Result & conclusions: The study has shown that mid size companies has an elevated usage of graphs in annual reports, and that they use graphical representations of key financial variables consistently over time. The companies tend to show positive trends for key financial variables, however the study has shown that a majority of these variables are erroneously represented due to distortions. The study has demonstrated a higher share of distorted key financial variables compared to earlier research which has been focused on large companies. Suggestions for future research: As this study has demonstrated the existence of distortions in graphical representations of key financial variables in mid size companies, it would be interesting to conduct further studies in the area of Swedish small and large size companies. Hence investigating if small and large size companies are any different compared to mid size companies regarding distortions of key financial variables. Furthermore it would be interesting to investigate distortions of all graphical representations in annual reports. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes to an increased understanding of how mid size companies use key financial variables in their annual reports. It also contributes to new knowledge areas as no previous studies has investigated Swedish nor mid size companies. The study shows that graphical representations of key financial variables tend to be exposed erroneously in order to improve the image of the company. Thus, this study increases the awareness of the reader’s of annual reports and alerts them that graphs are not always presented in a reliable way.

Relacije između stres-procesa i ispitne anksioznosti – distorzije u sećanjima na emocije iz prošlih stresnih transakcija / Relationships between the stress-process and testanxiety – distortions in memory for emotionsfrom past stressful transactions

Genc Ana 25 December 2014 (has links)
<p>Disertacija je usmerena na dva glavna istraživačka pitanja: na ispitivanje<br />složenih međuodnosa varijabli relevantnih za fenomen stres-procesa u kontekstu<br />ispitne anksioznosti i na istraživanje gre&scaron;aka u sećanjima na emocije, misli i<br />pona&scaron;anja iz konkretne pro&scaron;le stresne transakcije. Teorijsku bazu rada predstavlja u<br />ovoj studiji revidirana verzija modela Tejlora i Aspinvala (The Taylor and Aspinwall<br />Model, 1996), koji podrazumeva sveobuhvatan i savremen konceptualni okvir za<br />razumevanje komponenti generičkog pojma stresa i njihovih međusobnih relacija.<br />Ovde validirani model obuhvata četiri grupe promenljivih: a) stresor (ispitna<br />anksioznost), b) suočavanje sa stresom (tri kategorije mehanizama prevladavanja:<br />suočavanje usmereno na zadatak, suočavanje usmereno na emocije i izbegavanje), c)<br />karakteristike ličnosti (optimizam i generalna samoefikasnost kao internalni resursi za<br />suočavanje sa stresom, i dve stabilne osobine ličnosti, relevantne za domen<br />akademskog života: perfekcionizam i neuroticizam), i d) izlazne varijable stresprocesa<br />(uspeh postignut na kolokvijumu i emocionalno stanje studenata neposredno<br />nakon ispitne situacije).<br />Istraživanje je sprovedeno na prigodnom uzorku od ukupno 263 studenata,<br />koji pohađaju studije psihologije i germanistike na Filozofskom fakultetu u Novom<br />Sadu. Nacrt istraživanja koncipiran je na način, koji je omogućio prikupljanje<br />podataka u dva distinktivna vremena merenja: neposredno pre i odmah nakon<br />polaganja kolokvijuma, te mesec dana posle ove ispitne situacije. Ispitivanje prostora<br />varijabli stres-procesa obavljeno je primenom sledećih mernih instrumenata: upitnik<br />za procenu ispitne anksioznosti (TAI), inventar za registrovanje načina suočavanja sa<br />kognitivnim zadacima (CITS), upitnik za merenje perfekcionizma (APS-R), skala<br />dispozicionog optimizma (LOT-R), skala generalne samoefikasnosti (GSE), subskala<br />neuroticizma iz &bdquo;Big Five&rdquo; inventara ličnosti i upitnik za procenu pozitivnog i<br />negativnog afektiviteta (SIAB-PANAS).<br />Dobijeni rezultati, koji su proizi&scaron;li iz razmatranja prve grupe istraživačkih<br />pitanja, sugeri&scaron;u da mehanizmi suočavanja usmereni na emocije predstavljaju<br />statistički značajne medijatore relacija, koje postoje između visine izraženosti ispitne<br />anksioznosti, s jedne strane, i uspeha na kolokvijumu i emocionalnog stanja ispitanika<br />neposredno nakon ispitne situacije, s druge strane. Nadalje, u radu su detaljno<br />prikazani i prodiskutovani specifični uslovi, pod kojima određeni nivo razvijenosti ispitivanih moderator varijabli (optimizam, generalna samoefikasnost, neuroticizam i</p><p>tri podvrste perfekcionizma) značajno menja sledeće relacije: a) ispitna anksioznost &ndash;<br />izbor strategija za suočavanje, b) primenjeni mehanizmi prevladavanja &ndash; ishodi<br />ispitivane stresne transakcije i c) direktna veza između stresora i izlaznih varijabli.<br />Prilikom ispitivanja memorijskih distorzija, ustanovljeno je da su studenti<br />generalno skloni naknadnom potcenjivanju jačine sopstvene ispitne anksioznosti, koja<br />je postojala u realnoj situaciji polaganja kolokvijuma, kao i precenjivanju pozitivnih<br />ishodnih emocija. Nalazi takođe sugeri&scaron;u da osobina neuroticizma i uspeh postignut<br />na testu znanja nisu u značajnoj meri delovali na gre&scaron;ke u sećanju na osećanja iz<br />pro&scaron;le stresne transakcije. Na posletku, utvrđeno je da su ispitanici relativno tačno<br />evocirali sećanja na primenjene strategije suočavanja, koje spadaju u kategorije<br />prevladavanja usmerenog na zadatak i izbegavanje, dok su potcenili jačinu i učestalost<br />kori&scaron;ćenja mehanizama suočavanja usmerenih na emocije.</p> / <p>The thesis is focused on two main research issues, as follows: examination of<br />complex interrelationships among variables relevant to the phenomenon of the stressprocess<br />in the context of test anxiety and study of distortions in the memory for<br />emotions, thoughts and behavior in a particular previous stressful transaction. The<br />theoretical basis of the thesis presented in this study is a revised version of the Taylor<br />and Aspinwall model (The Taylor and Aspinwall Model, 1996), which includes a<br />comprehensive and contemporary conceptual framework for understanding the<br />components of a generic phenomenon of the stress concept and their mutual relations.<br />The validated model includes four sets of variables: a) stressor (test anxiety), b)<br />coping (three categories of coping mechanisms: task-focused coping, emotion-focused<br />coping, and avoidance), c) personality traits (optimism and general self-efficacy as<br />internal resources for coping, and two stable personality traits relevant to the domain<br />of academic life: perfectionism and neuroticism), and d) the output variables of the<br />stress-process (success achieved at the colloquium and the emotional state of students<br />immediately after the test situation).<br />The research was carried out on a sample of 263 students of Psychology<br />studies and German Language and Literature studies at the University of Novi Sad.<br />The research design enabled data collection within two distinct times of measurement:<br />immediately before and immediately after passing the colloquium (test), and a month<br />after the test situation. Examination of the stress-process variable space was carried<br />out by application of the following measuring instruments: Test Anxiety Inventory<br />(TAI), Coping Inventory for Task Stress (CITS), The Almost Perfect Scale-Revised<br />(APS-R), Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R), General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE),<br />the neuroticism subscale from the &quot;Big Five&quot; personality inventory, and the Serbian<br />adaptation of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (SIAB-PANAS).<br />The obtained results, which have emerged after reviewing the first set of the<br />research questions, suggest that emotion-focused coping mechanisms are significant<br />mediators of relations, which exist between the intensity of the test anxiety on one<br />hand, and success achieved at the colloquium and the emotional state of subjects<br />immediately after the test situation, on the other hand. Furthermore, the thesis presents<br />in details and discusses specific conditions under which a certain level of the<br />examined moderator variables (optimism, general self-efficacy, neuroticism, and three subtypes of perfectionism) significantly change the following relations: a) test anxiety</p><p>&ndash; a choice of coping strategies, b) applied coping mechanisms - outcomes of the<br />examined stressful transaction and c) a direct relationship between stressors and<br />output variables.<br />When examining memory distortions, it was found that students generally<br />tended to subsequently underestimate the strength of their own test anxiety, which<br />existed in the real situation of taking the test, as well as to overestimate positive<br />outcome emotions. The findings also suggested that the neuroticism trait and the<br />success achieved on the test were statistically not significant for distortions in<br />memory, and feelings from the previous stressful transaction. Finally, it was found<br />that the subjects relatively accurately evoked memories of the applied coping<br />strategies, which fell into the category of the task-focused coping and avoidance, and<br />underestimated the strength and frequency of application of emotion-focused coping<br />mechanisms.</p>

Un programme de traitement cognitif-béhavioral offert en communauté à des agresseurs sexuels : l'efficacité évaluée selon le type de victimes

Bédard, Geneviève January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Le déni et la minimisation en tant que distorsions cognitives chez les agresseurs sexuels

Girard, Julie 04 1900 (has links)
Objectif : Les auteurs s’intéressant à la relation entre le déni, la minimisation et les distorsions cognitives ont tous utilisé des méthodes et des définitions différentes pour décrire ces concepts, entrainant une importante variabilité des résultats. La recherche actuelle a donc pour objectif de clarifier la mesure du déni, de la minimisation et des distorsions cognitives. Méthode : Les participants étaient 313 détenus masculins ayant complété le programme national de traitement pour délinquants sexuels du Service correctionnel du Canada entre 2000 et 2004. Ces individus ont complété une série de tests psychométriques avant et après leur participation au programme, dont le SOARS et les échelles de Bumby. L’analyse des données a suivi le processus de validation de construit établi par Nunnally et Bernstein (1994). Résultats : Les résultats des analyses statistiques indiquent que le Sex Offender Acceptance of Responsibility Scales (SOARS; Peacock, 2000) ne mesure pas efficacement le construit du déni et de la minimisation. Ses propriétés psychométriques sont discutables. La réduction de l’instrument à dix variables permet cependant d’améliorer la mesure. L’échelle résultante est composée de deux facteurs, soit l’« acceptation du tort sexuel » et l’« acceptation de l’intention sexuelle ». Ces deux facteurs ont été mis en relation avec les facteurs des échelles de Bumby afin d’explorer les similitudes entre les concepts de déni, minimisation et distorsion cognitive. Or, malgré des corrélations faibles à moyennes, les différentes variables ne convergent en aucun facteur lors d’une analyse factorielle et les variables du SOARS corrèlent très peu au total de l’échelle, suggérant qu’il s’agit de concepts distincts. / Objective: Until now, a handful of authors have examined the relationship between denial, minimization and cognitive distortions, all using different methods and definitions to describe these concepts, resulting in a significant variability in the results. The primary aim of the current research is therefore to clarify the assessment of denial, minimization, and cognitive distortions. Method: Participants were 313 male inmates who completed the national sex offenders treatment program of the Correctional Service of Canada between 2000 and 2004. These individuals completed a series of psychometric tests before and after their participation in the program, including the SOARS and the Bumby scales. Data analysis followed the principles of construct validation established by Nunnally and Bernstein (1994). Results: The results of statistical analyses indicate that the Sex Offender Acceptance of Responsibility Scales (SOARS, Peacock, 2000) does not effectively measure the construct of denial and minimization. Its psychometric properties are questionable. However, the reduction of the scale to ten items improve the instrument. The resulting scale is composed of two factors, "Acceptance of sexual harm" and "Acceptance of sexual intent." These two factors were then examined in relation with the Bumby scales to explore the similarities between the concepts of denial, minimization and cognitive distortion. Despite low to moderate correlations, the various items failed to converge in a factor analysis and the SOARS variables correlate very little to the total score of the scale, suggesting that they are distinct concepts. These results indicate that denial and minimization and cognitive distortions of sexual offenders are two distinct constructs.

Modélisation de la trempe gazeuse haute pression : application aux aciers de cémentation et de trempe / High pressure gas quenching modelling : application to carburizing and quenching steels

Douce, Jean-François 14 November 2008 (has links)
L’utilisation de fluides non vaporisables tels que les gaz pour tremper différentes pièces d’acier rend possible, avec les outils numériques actuels, la simulation de l’ensemble des phénomènes physiques mis en jeu dans ce traitement thermique et ainsi de prédire les comportements thermique, métallurgique et mécanique des pièces. Plusieurs auteurs s’intéressent à la construction de ce type de modèles dont les enjeux sont de promouvoir l’utilisation de la trempe gazeuse haute pression, en cherchant à remplacer les trempes à l’huile plus polluantes et/ou à maîtriser les déformations pendant ou après la trempe. Lors de notre travail, un modèle décrivant ces phénomènes physiques, de l’écoulement gazeux aux déformations, et leurs couplages a été construit par étapes en couplant les deux codes de calcul commerciaux Fluent et Sysweld. Les résultats de simulations ont ensuite été confrontés à des mesures de vitesses d’écoulements de gaz (par PIV), de températures et de déformations in situ (détection de contours). Malgré quelques écarts dont les origines ont été analysées, la comparaison a révélé une très bonne concordance des résultats de calculs et expérimentaux, validant ainsi la démarche de calcul. Le modèle pourrait maintenant être testé pour des refroidissements plus rapides que ceux considérés mais son utilisation pour des applications industrielles (pièces de géométrie plus complexe, refroidissement de charges entières, …) peut d’ores et déjà être envisagée avec confiance / The use of non vaporizable fluids such as gas to quench steel bodies makes the simulation of all the coupled physical phenomena involved in this heat treatment possible thanks to current numerical simulation tools. It gives access to the prediction of thermal, metallurgical and mechanical behaviour of steel pieces during quenching operation. Several authors have tried and build such kind of models in order to promote gas quenching use either by trying to replace less environmental friendly oil treatments or by trying to control distortions during or after quenching. In our work a model describing the physical coupled phenomena, from gas flow to distortion has been built step by step by coupling both commercial numerical codes Fluent and Sysweld. Simulation results have then been compared to gas flow velocities measurements (by PIV), temperature measurements and in situ distortions measurements (contour’s detection method). This confrontation revealed a very good agreement between calculated and experimental data despite some slight differences, which have been analysed in detail. This validated the calculation method used in the model. One of the perspectives of this work could be the validation of the model for higher quenching rate. However, some industrial applications (tridimensional more complex bodies quenching simulation, quenching of full loads, …) can be run from now on with confidence

De l'empathie en "psychologie normale" aux empathies chez les auteurs d'agression(s) sexuelle(s) / From empathy in "normal psychology" to the empathies in sex offenders

D'ambrosio, Fanny 13 September 2012 (has links)
L'empathie est au cœur de nos relations sociales : elle permet leur régulation par les émotions. Des études, aux résultats contradictoires, ont ainsi suggéré qu'un déficit d'empathie chez les auteurs d'agression sexuelle était un élément central dans leur évaluation et leur traitement.Nous avions 2 objectifs pour cette thèse :1) valider en français, dans une population adulte, une échelle d'empathie générale, la Basic Empathy Scale (Jolliffe & Farrington, 2006) ainsi qu'un inventaire des compétences socio-émotionnelles, le Social Skills Inventory (Riggio, 1989, 2002) ;2) approfondir la connaissance des liens existant entre empathie générale, empathie spécifique, distorsions cognitives, compétences sociales et risque de récidive chez des auteurs d'agression sexuelle.136 adultes issus de la population générale (78 femmes et 58 hommes) ont rempli les auto-questionnaires répartis en 2 passations séparées de 7 semaines. 37 détenus (20 auteurs d'agression sexuelle sur enfant, 6 auteurs d'agression sexuelle sur adulte, 6 auteurs d'agression non-sexuelle, 5 non-agresseur) ont participé à des entretiens et questionnaires sur plusieurs semaines.La Basic Empathy Scale et le Social Skills Inventory présentent des qualités psychométriques assez satisfaisantes. Chez les détenus, les liens empathie générale/empathie spécifique/distorsions cognitives différent selon le type de victime, avec des distorsions cognitives plus ou moins généralisées en conséquence. La régulation des émotions apparaît essentielle dans le processus empathique. Enfin, les mesures statiques du risque de récidive ne sont pas liées à l'empathie générale, à l'empathie spécifique et aux distorsions cognitives. Des profils socio-cognitivo-émotionnels ont été proposés à titre exploratoire et nécessiteraient d'être à nouveau investigués dans de futures recherches.Ainsi, notre thèse ouvre la voie à des travaux de recherche novateurs dans le domaine, à l'aide d'outils encore peu utilisés et qui pourraient être améliorés afin d'affiner les profils socio-cognitivo émotionnels des AAS déjà établis et de pouvoir proposer des prises en charge adaptées à chacun des profils rencontrés. / Empathy is fundamental in our social relations: it allows their regulation by emotions. Studies, with conflicting results, have suggested that a lack of empathy among sex offenders was a central element in their evaluation and treatment.We had two objectives for this thesis:1) to validate in French, in an adult population, a general empathy scale, the Basic Empathy Scale (Jolliffe & Farrington, 2006) and an inventory of socio-emotional skills, the Social Skills Inventory (Riggio, 1989, 2002);2) to increase knowledge on the relationship between general empathy, specific empathy, cognitive distortions, social skills and recidivism among sex offenders.136 adults from a general population (78 women and 58 men) completed the self-report questionnaires divided into two sessions, separated by seven weeks. 37 inmates prison (20 child molesters, six rapists, six authors of non-sexual assault, and five non-aggressors) were interviewed and completed questionnaires over several weeks.The Basic Empathy Scale and the Social Skills Inventory have quite good psychometric qualities. Among inmates prison, links between general empathy, specific empathy, and cognitive distortions depend on the type of victim, with cognitive distortions more or less generalized accordingly. Emotion regulation is essential in the empathic process. Finally, static measures of recidivism are not correlated to general empathy, specific empathy or cognitive distortions. We also proposed exploratory profiles socio-cognitive-emotional but they require to be re-examined in future research.Thus, our thesis opens the way for innovative research in this field, using scales not yet widely used and that could be improved in order to refine the socio-cognitive-emotional profiles of the sex offenders already established and to offer of support adapted to each of the profiles encountered.

Mesures en trois dimensions des distorsions cristallines par imagerie en diffraction de Bragg : application aux cristaux de glace / 3D resolved distortion measurements by Bragg diffraction imaging : application to ice crystals

Kluender, Rafael 29 September 2011 (has links)
La déformation visco-plastique de la glace est fortement anisotrope, le plan de glissement préferé étant la plan de base. Le fait que dans un polycristal chaque grain possède sa propre direction de déformation produit des incompatibilités et un champ de contrainte complexe. La déformation à été étudiée expérimentellement en mésurant la dis- tortion des plans cristallins de mono- et polycristaux de glace artificielle. Les expériences ont été réalisées à l'aide d'un faisceau synchrotron. Une nouvelle procédure éxperimental, basée sur les méthodes de l'imagerie en diffraction de Bragg, comme lumière blanche, im- agerie sur la courbe de diffraction et topographie laminaire et ponctuelle, a été dévéloppée. Les désorientations angulaires, les largeurs à mi-hauteur et les intensités intégrées ont été mésurées dans les trois dimensions spatiales de l'échantillon et avec une résolution de 50× 50 × 50µm3. Les algorithmes d'analyse de données ont été écrits pour extraire des données des résultats quantitatifs, et pour calculer les neuf composantes du tenseur de courbure ainsi que la distortion entière des plans cristallins. Les résultats ont permis d'observer les premières étappes de la déformation de la glace. Par example la polygonisation d'un grain à été observée. / The viscoplastic deformation of ice is strongly anisotropic. The preferred glide system is on the basal plane. In a polycrystal each grain exhibits its own deformation direction. As a result the deformation of polycrystalline ice is associated with strain in- compatibilities, especially at the grain boundaries and the triple junction. The deforma- tion process was experimentally investigated by measuring crystal lattice distortions of single- and polycrystalline, artificially grown ice crystals. The experiments were benefic- ing from a synchrotron X-ray beam. A new experimental method, based on Bragg diffrac- tion imaging (X-ray topography) methods, as white beam X-ray diffraction topography, rocking curve imaging, section- and pinhole X-ray topography was used. Angular mis- orientations, full-width-half-maxima and integrated Bragg diffracted intensities have been measured along the three spatial dimensions of the sample and with a spatial resolution of around 50µm × 50µm × 50µm. Data analysis algorithms were written in order to extract quantitative results from the data and to calculate all nine components of the curvature ten- sor, as well as the entire lattice distortion in the sample. The results give an insight into the early stages of plastic deformation of ice, i.e. the polygonisation of a grain was observed.

Undrained Seismic Response of Underground Structures

Eimar A Sandoval Vallejo (6635912) 10 June 2019 (has links)
<div>Underground structures must be able to support static overburden loads, as well as to accommodate additional deformations imposed by seismic motions. Progress has been made in the last few years in understanding the soil-structure interaction mechanisms and the stress and displacement transfer from the ground to the structure during a seismic event. It seems well established that, for most tunnels, the most critical demand to the structure is caused by shear waves traveling perpendicular to the tunnel axis. Those waves cause distortions of the cross section (ovaling for a circular tunnel, and racking for a rectangular tunnel) that result in axial forces (thrusts) and bending moments. While all this has been well-studied for structures placed in linear-elastic ground, there is little information regarding the behavior of buried structures placed in nonlinear ground, especially under undrained conditions, i.e., when excess pore pressures generate and accumulate during the earthquake.</div><div><br></div><div><div>Two-dimensional dynamic numerical analyses are conducted to assess the seismic response of deep circular tunnels located far from the seismic source, under drained or undrained loading conditions. It is assumed that the liner remains elastic and that plane strain conditions apply. </div><div> A new cyclic nonlinear elastoplastic constitutive model is developed and verified, to simulate the nonlinear behavior and excess pore pressures accumulation with cycles of loading in the ground. The results of the numerical analyses show negligible effect of input frequencies on the normalized distortions of a tunnel for input frequencies smaller than 5 Hz (the distortions of the tunnel are normalized with respect to those of the free field); that is, for ratios between the wavelength of the seismic input and the tunnel opening larger than about eight to ten. The results also show that undrained conditions, compared with drained conditions, tend to reduce deformations for flexible liners and increase them for stiffer tunnels, when no accumulation of pore pressures with cycles of loading is assumed. However, when pore pressures increase with the number of cycles, the differences in distortions between drained and undrained loading are reduced, i.e., the normalized distortions increase for flexible and decrease for stiff tunnels, compared to those with drained conditions. </div></div><div><br></div><div><div>Undrained loading produces larger thrust in the liner than drained loading for stiff tunnels with flexibility ratio F ≤ 2.0.</div><div>For more flexible tunnels with F > 2.0, the behavior is the opposite, i.e., smaller axial forces are obtained for undrained loading than for drained loading. Including excess pore pressure accumulation does not introduce significant changes in the axial forces of the liner, irrespective of the flexibility of the tunnel, compared to those obtained from undrained loading without pore pressure accumulation.</div><div>The drainage loading condition (drained or undrained) or the magnitude of the free-field excess pore pressures during undrained loading do not affect the normalized bending moments for flexible tunnels, with F ≥ 2. For stiffer tunnels, with F < 2, the normalized bending moments increase from drained to undrained loading, and with the free field excess pore pressures.</div></div><div><br></div><div><div>It is found that the tunnel’s response is determined by the load on the liner, or by the distortions of the cross section, depending on the flexibility ratio. For stiff structures, with F ≤ 2.0, important axial forces and bending moments are produced in the structure, with larger magnitudes for the undrained case; while the distortions of the cross section are very small. When the tunnel becomes more flexible, the loading on the liner decreases, but the distortions of the cross section start to be important. For flexible structures with initial F ≥ 10 (for the cases investigated), the performance is largely determined by the distortions of the cross section, while the axial forces and bending moments are almost negligible. Such distortions are drastically affected by the drainage loading condition and by the magnitude of pore pressures in the free field. </div></div><div><br></div>

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