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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hodnocení vlivu interpolace při koregistraci radarových snímků / Evaluation of influence of interpolation methods on coregistration of radar images

Slačíková, Jana January 2010 (has links)
Evaluation of influence of interpolation methods on coregistration of radar images Abstract SAR interferogram processing requires subpixel coregistration of SAR image pair for accurate phase differencing. Errors in alignment introduce phase noise in SAR interferogram. Last step in coregistration is resampling one of SAR images. Also this step introduces errors in SAR interferogram. The resampling algorithms Nearest Neighbor, Bilinear interpolation, Cubic Convolution and advanced methods such as Raised Cosine kernel, Knab interpolation kernel and Truncated Sinc were tested on ERS tandem data and compared. The results were compared with the theory and simulations of earlier investigations (Hanssen, Bamler, 1999), (Migliaccio, Bruno, 2003) and (Cho ... [et al.], 2005). The main experiment in this work was to examine and compare resampling methods on real data to evaluate their effect on the interferometric phase quality and DEM generation. The coregistration performance was evaluated by the coherence (Touzi ... [et al.], 1999) and the sum of phase differences (Li ... [et al.], 2004). No evidence showed that computationally intensive algorithms produced better quality of interferogram than Cubic Convolution. The possibilities of evaluating by means of the accuracy of the final InSAR DEM (Li, Bethel, 2008) were...

Ayahuasca – Psykiatrins nästa vapen mot depressiva tillstånd? : En inblick i Ayahuascas potential som antidepressivt läkemedel. / Ayahuasca -  Psychiatry's next weapon against depressive disorders? : An insight in Ayahuasca's potential as an antidepressant

Miladinov, Alexia January 2022 (has links)
Ayahuasca är en psykedelisk dryck som har använts av stammar i Amazonas för att hela och komma närmare det gudomliga. Denna litteraturstudie syftar till att undersöka Ayahuascas effekt mot depression och om det kan användas inom sjukvården i enlighet med svensk lagstiftning.  Alla 6 studier som inkluderats i den aktuella analysen visar en trend mot lindring av depressiva symptom eller hela depressionssjukdomen. Palhano-Fontes et al’s randomiserade, placebokontrollerade kliniska studie på behandlingsresistent depression kunde beräkna NNT-tal (Numbers Needed to Treat) för behandlingssvar. Behandlingssvar definierades som halverade poäng för MADRS (Montgomery and Åsberg Depression Rating Scale) och HAM-D (Hamilton rating scale for depression). För MADRS blev NNT=2,66 och för HAM-D blev NNT=2,69 vid dag 7. Detta innebär att 1 på ca 3 personer svarar på behandling.  Några av studierna begränsades på grund av lågt deltagande och försök till att mäta depressionsförändringar på deltagare som inte var deprimerade. I de studier som inte inkluderar deprimerade patienter kunde det inte avgöras om Ayhuascas effekter påverkade själva depressionen eller endast symptomen av depression. För samtliga studier sågs dock en poängsänkning i de olika depressionsskalorna, vilket ger underlag för mer forskning inom ämnet.  Biverkningar av teet var främst kräkning och ansågs av deltagarna i studierna inte vara överväldigande. Svensk lag dikterar att biverkningar för ett läkemedel får inte stå i missförhållande till dess effekt, vilket Ayahuasca inte tycks göra och således verkar det kunna användas inom sjukvården. Fler studier krävs för att utvärdera Ayhauscas antidepressiva effekt och om kräkning går att undvikas. / Ayahuasca is a psychedelic infusion which has been used by Amazonian tribes for healing and connecting with the divine. The aim of this literature study was to examine Ayahuasca‘s effect on depression and whether it is usable within healthcare according to Swedish law. All of the 6 studies included showed a trend towards alleviated symptoms of depression or cured overall depression. Palhano-Fontes et al’s randomized, placebo-controlled study on treatment resistant depression determined the NNT (Numbers Needed to Treat) for treatment response. Treatment response was defined as 50 % reduction in HAM-D (Hamilton rating scale for depression) and MADRS (Montgomery and Åberg Depression Rating Scale) scores. NNT for MADRS was calculated to NNT=2,66 while it was NNT=2,69 for HAM-D, which means that 1 in about 3 responds to treatment Some of the studies were limited by few participants and trying to examine changes in depression on participants that were not depressed. Studies not including depressed patients could not determine if Ayahuasca was affecting the depression or only the symptom of the disorder. However, all studies showed an antidepressive trend, which prompts the need for more research within this subject. Side effects of the tea were mainly vomiting, which the participants did not feel were overwhelming. As Swedish law states that the positive effect of any drug should not be overshadowed by its side effects. Ayahuasca may therefore be suitable for healthcare use from this perspective. More studies are needed to evaluate Ayahuascas antidepressant effect and if vomiting can be avoided.

Experiences of Healing with Ayahuasca in the United States

Galinanes, Rebecca 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Ayahuasca is a psychedelic brew originating from the Amazon in South America. Commonly associated with religious use among indigenous and mestizo populations, ayahuasca has made its way to the United States, where it is currently criminalized as a Schedule I drug. Nevertheless, a church in the United States provides ayahuasca to its members as both a sacrament and tool for healing through spiritual retreat weekends. Based on participant observation and semi-structured interviews with church members, volunteers, and staff in 2023, this thesis examines how members perceived the healing they experienced during multiple ayahuasca ceremonies and interactions with church volunteers and staff. By examining their personal experiences and the extra-drug variables of set and setting, I argue that members received guidance about the next steps in life from the ayahuasca experience itself and from the post-ceremony integration process led by the church. Members often saw this guidance as a path toward mental healing. In addition, members’ ayahuasca experiences were influenced by their intentions for drinking the brew and the overall supportive setting provided by volunteers and staff members. This thesis contributes to the growing body of literature on the renewed interest in psychedelic use for therapeutic purposes in the global north by analyzing ayahuasca use in the unique setting of a spiritual retreat in the United States.

Interpretação de ensaios de CPTU e DMT em solos com permeabilidade intermediária

Sosnoski, Jonatas January 2016 (has links)
A indústria mineradora do país sofre constantemente com problemas ambientais devido à qualidade e volume de rejeitos gerados durante o processo de extração do minério. Os volumes gerados demandam grandes áreas para armazenagem e consequentemente obras complexas de contenção dos rejeitos. A engenharia geotécnica busca entender o comportamento mecânico de depósitos destes rejeitos através do uso de ensaios tanto de campo como de laboratório. Para isso utiliza ferramentas e procedimentos consagrados no meio técnico seguindo normas e procedimentos estabelecidos e consagrados mundialmente. No entendimento do comportamento mecânico dos solos argilosos, as análises são desenvolvidas em termos de tensões totais, já para os solos arenosos em termos de tensões efetivas. Todavia, para solos com granulometria intermediária, não se tem um consenso no que se refere à interpretação do comportamento mecânicos a partir de ensaios de campo Este trabalho apresenta resultados de ensaios de DMT e CPTU conduzidos em diferentes velocidades de penetração no intervalo de aproximadamente 1 e 57 mm/s, em depósito de rejeito de mineração, para avaliar tanto a influência da velocidade sobre as medidas do ensaio, quanto a transição das condições de fluxo ao redor do piezocone e durante a expansão da membrana do dilatômetro. Um equipamento simples e de baixo custo foi desenvolvido para monitorar a poropressão no centro da lâmina do DMT e dados são interpretados à luz das condições de drenagem impostas durante a execução do ensaio. Resultados indicam que as leituras e os valores de P0 e P1 são medidas de tensão total e por este motivo influenciadas pela magnitude da poropressão gerada durante a penetração da lâmina. Um novo Fator de Velocidade adimensional “Vt” é proposto para identificar possíveis efeitos de consolidação que ocorrem durante a penetração do piezocone e orientações são dadas para utilização de CPTU e DMT em solos de permeabilidade dentro do intervalo de 10-6 a 10-3 cm/s. / The mining industry of the country constantly suffers from environmental problems due to the quality and volume of waste generated during the mineral extraction process. Volumes generated require large areas for storage and consequently complex works of tailings. The geotechnical engineering seeks to understand the mechanical behavior of deposits of this waste by using assays well as laboratory and field. To this end tools and procedures laid down in the technical means following established rules and procedures consecrated worldwide. In the understanding of the mechanical behavior of clay soils, the analyzes are developed in terms of total stresses and for sandy soils in terms of effective stress. However, in soils with intermediate particle size, there is no consensus concerning the interpretation of the mechanical behavior from field trials. This paper presents the results of DMT and CPTU test conducted at different penetration rates in the range of about 1 to 57 mm / s in mining waste deposit to evaluate both the effect of speed on the measurements of the test, as the transition the flow conditions around the piezocone and during the expansion of the dilatometer membrane. A simple and inexpensive equipment has been developed to monitor the pore pressure in the center of the DMT blade and data are interpreted in the light of the imposed drainage conditions during the test. Results indicate that the readings that the P0 and P1 are total stress measurements and for this reason influenced by the magnitude of pore pressure generated during penetration of DMT blade. A new dimensionless Velocity Factor "Vt" is proposed to identify potential consolidation effects occurring during the penetration of piezocone and guidance is provided for use CPTU and DMT in soil permeability in the range 10-6 to 10-3 cm/s.

Interpretação de ensaios de CPTU e DMT em solos com permeabilidade intermediária

Sosnoski, Jonatas January 2016 (has links)
A indústria mineradora do país sofre constantemente com problemas ambientais devido à qualidade e volume de rejeitos gerados durante o processo de extração do minério. Os volumes gerados demandam grandes áreas para armazenagem e consequentemente obras complexas de contenção dos rejeitos. A engenharia geotécnica busca entender o comportamento mecânico de depósitos destes rejeitos através do uso de ensaios tanto de campo como de laboratório. Para isso utiliza ferramentas e procedimentos consagrados no meio técnico seguindo normas e procedimentos estabelecidos e consagrados mundialmente. No entendimento do comportamento mecânico dos solos argilosos, as análises são desenvolvidas em termos de tensões totais, já para os solos arenosos em termos de tensões efetivas. Todavia, para solos com granulometria intermediária, não se tem um consenso no que se refere à interpretação do comportamento mecânicos a partir de ensaios de campo Este trabalho apresenta resultados de ensaios de DMT e CPTU conduzidos em diferentes velocidades de penetração no intervalo de aproximadamente 1 e 57 mm/s, em depósito de rejeito de mineração, para avaliar tanto a influência da velocidade sobre as medidas do ensaio, quanto a transição das condições de fluxo ao redor do piezocone e durante a expansão da membrana do dilatômetro. Um equipamento simples e de baixo custo foi desenvolvido para monitorar a poropressão no centro da lâmina do DMT e dados são interpretados à luz das condições de drenagem impostas durante a execução do ensaio. Resultados indicam que as leituras e os valores de P0 e P1 são medidas de tensão total e por este motivo influenciadas pela magnitude da poropressão gerada durante a penetração da lâmina. Um novo Fator de Velocidade adimensional “Vt” é proposto para identificar possíveis efeitos de consolidação que ocorrem durante a penetração do piezocone e orientações são dadas para utilização de CPTU e DMT em solos de permeabilidade dentro do intervalo de 10-6 a 10-3 cm/s. / The mining industry of the country constantly suffers from environmental problems due to the quality and volume of waste generated during the mineral extraction process. Volumes generated require large areas for storage and consequently complex works of tailings. The geotechnical engineering seeks to understand the mechanical behavior of deposits of this waste by using assays well as laboratory and field. To this end tools and procedures laid down in the technical means following established rules and procedures consecrated worldwide. In the understanding of the mechanical behavior of clay soils, the analyzes are developed in terms of total stresses and for sandy soils in terms of effective stress. However, in soils with intermediate particle size, there is no consensus concerning the interpretation of the mechanical behavior from field trials. This paper presents the results of DMT and CPTU test conducted at different penetration rates in the range of about 1 to 57 mm / s in mining waste deposit to evaluate both the effect of speed on the measurements of the test, as the transition the flow conditions around the piezocone and during the expansion of the dilatometer membrane. A simple and inexpensive equipment has been developed to monitor the pore pressure in the center of the DMT blade and data are interpreted in the light of the imposed drainage conditions during the test. Results indicate that the readings that the P0 and P1 are total stress measurements and for this reason influenced by the magnitude of pore pressure generated during penetration of DMT blade. A new dimensionless Velocity Factor "Vt" is proposed to identify potential consolidation effects occurring during the penetration of piezocone and guidance is provided for use CPTU and DMT in soil permeability in the range 10-6 to 10-3 cm/s.

Interpretação de ensaios de CPTU e DMT em solos com permeabilidade intermediária

Sosnoski, Jonatas January 2016 (has links)
A indústria mineradora do país sofre constantemente com problemas ambientais devido à qualidade e volume de rejeitos gerados durante o processo de extração do minério. Os volumes gerados demandam grandes áreas para armazenagem e consequentemente obras complexas de contenção dos rejeitos. A engenharia geotécnica busca entender o comportamento mecânico de depósitos destes rejeitos através do uso de ensaios tanto de campo como de laboratório. Para isso utiliza ferramentas e procedimentos consagrados no meio técnico seguindo normas e procedimentos estabelecidos e consagrados mundialmente. No entendimento do comportamento mecânico dos solos argilosos, as análises são desenvolvidas em termos de tensões totais, já para os solos arenosos em termos de tensões efetivas. Todavia, para solos com granulometria intermediária, não se tem um consenso no que se refere à interpretação do comportamento mecânicos a partir de ensaios de campo Este trabalho apresenta resultados de ensaios de DMT e CPTU conduzidos em diferentes velocidades de penetração no intervalo de aproximadamente 1 e 57 mm/s, em depósito de rejeito de mineração, para avaliar tanto a influência da velocidade sobre as medidas do ensaio, quanto a transição das condições de fluxo ao redor do piezocone e durante a expansão da membrana do dilatômetro. Um equipamento simples e de baixo custo foi desenvolvido para monitorar a poropressão no centro da lâmina do DMT e dados são interpretados à luz das condições de drenagem impostas durante a execução do ensaio. Resultados indicam que as leituras e os valores de P0 e P1 são medidas de tensão total e por este motivo influenciadas pela magnitude da poropressão gerada durante a penetração da lâmina. Um novo Fator de Velocidade adimensional “Vt” é proposto para identificar possíveis efeitos de consolidação que ocorrem durante a penetração do piezocone e orientações são dadas para utilização de CPTU e DMT em solos de permeabilidade dentro do intervalo de 10-6 a 10-3 cm/s. / The mining industry of the country constantly suffers from environmental problems due to the quality and volume of waste generated during the mineral extraction process. Volumes generated require large areas for storage and consequently complex works of tailings. The geotechnical engineering seeks to understand the mechanical behavior of deposits of this waste by using assays well as laboratory and field. To this end tools and procedures laid down in the technical means following established rules and procedures consecrated worldwide. In the understanding of the mechanical behavior of clay soils, the analyzes are developed in terms of total stresses and for sandy soils in terms of effective stress. However, in soils with intermediate particle size, there is no consensus concerning the interpretation of the mechanical behavior from field trials. This paper presents the results of DMT and CPTU test conducted at different penetration rates in the range of about 1 to 57 mm / s in mining waste deposit to evaluate both the effect of speed on the measurements of the test, as the transition the flow conditions around the piezocone and during the expansion of the dilatometer membrane. A simple and inexpensive equipment has been developed to monitor the pore pressure in the center of the DMT blade and data are interpreted in the light of the imposed drainage conditions during the test. Results indicate that the readings that the P0 and P1 are total stress measurements and for this reason influenced by the magnitude of pore pressure generated during penetration of DMT blade. A new dimensionless Velocity Factor "Vt" is proposed to identify potential consolidation effects occurring during the penetration of piezocone and guidance is provided for use CPTU and DMT in soil permeability in the range 10-6 to 10-3 cm/s.

Tvorba digitálního modelu terénu pro povodí Jenínského toku a analýza drah soustředěného odtoku vod. / Cration of digital terrain model for the Jeninsky stream catchment and analysis of valley lines.

JURÁNEK, Stanislav January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is localization and interpretation of paths of concentration runoff in digital terrain model. Digital terrain model(DTM) is processed for the catchment of the Jenín stream, where The Faculty of Agriculture has held the research since the year 2004. For creation of DTM following software programs were used for comparison: Erdas and ArcGIS. Digitalized maps of contour lines for this catchment were the backgrounds for creation of the DTM. Localization of paths of concentration runoff and natural thalwegs was made on created DTM. Then was the comparison of models and the real topography of the catchment realized. Possible reasons of differences were discussed in discussion. Different (in colours and resolution) variations of DTM with localized paths of concentration runoff are the result, with the view of better legibility and more truly representation of real topography of the landscape.

Altered States

McGeehan, Shane 13 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Dance Movement Therapy For Pediatric Oncology Patients And Its Effect On Cancer Therapy-Related Symptoms

Trautwein, Victoria M 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Pediatric cancer patients are susceptible to emotional distress, depression, anxiety, and physical symptoms impacting their quality of life. Dance movement therapy is a non-pharmacological method that has been shown to improve feelings of depression, anxiety, emotional, somatic symptoms, and overall quality of life. While much of cancer research is dedicated to finding cures, it is also important to focus on identifying methods for improving the symptoms and quality of life for pediatric cancer patients. Aim: The purpose of the literature review is to examine studies that show the effects of dance movement therapy on pediatric oncology patients’ cancer-treatment related symptoms and identify any gaps in the literature. Methods: An electronic multi-database literature review CINAHL, MEDLINE, and APA PsycInfo databases using terms such as “dance movement therapy (DMT)”, “pediatrics (paediatric)”, “child (children)”, “cancer”, “oncology”, “anxiety”, “depression”, “symptoms”, “mood”, “family”, and “quality of life”. Results: The search resulted in 122 articles, and 3 were eligible to be included in the literature review. The studies used methods such as randomized controlled trials, non-randomized descriptive studies, and retrospective studies. The studies found that based on patient, family, and clinician reports, DMT sessions were associated with decreased pain, improved emotions, and improved coping studies. Younger patients were more likely to be referred to DMT and when compared to other forms of integrative medicine, such as music, mind-body, massage, and acupuncture, DMT had the most referrals. Conclusion: The studies identified in this review demonstrate overall positive benefits of dance movement therapy for pediatric patients with cancer. Measurements taken from both patient and parent reports of symptoms found improvements in pain, emotions, and psychological stress. Future research would benefit from utilizing a randomized controlled trial, replication of past study methods to confirm validity, larger sample sizes, and utilizing both subjective and objective measurement tools.

Att möta Gud genom psykedeliska substanser : En innehållsanalytisk rapport av psykedeliska substansers effekt på människors livsåskådning och upplevelser av gudsmöten ur ett religionsvetenskapligt perspektiv / Meeting God through Psychedelica : A Content Analysis on the Effect of Psychedelia on People’s View of life and God-encountering experieces from the Perspective of Religious Studies

Johansson, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Ändamålet med föreliggande rapport har varit att undersöka åtta personliga skildringar för att ta reda på hur deras livsåskådning ser ut efter att ha brukat psykedeliska substanser, samt undersöka huruvida något möte med Gud eller någon annan ”högre makt”, förekom under rusningstiden. För att besvara ändamålet har rapporten brutits ner till två frågeställningar, där den första hanterar vad som händer med livsåskådningen och det andra gudsmötet. För att besvara frågeställningarna har en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med förbestämda kodscheman och analysenheter använts som metod. Undersökningen teoretiseras och stärks dessutom med hjälp av den tidigare forskning som har gjorts på området från John Hopkins universitet, men även med hjälp av teoretiska begrepp som b.la. mysticism, livsåskådning och shamanism. Denna undersökningens resultat stämmer väl överens med tidigare forskning och visar att psykedeliska substanser tenderar att påverka eller förändra en människas livsåskådning till att börja uppskatta andlighet mer än det materiella och att de flesta upplevde någon form av ”högre makt”.

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