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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comando e controle no contexto da digitalização : um estudo com base em modelagem computacional / Command and control in the context of digitization: a study based on computational modeling

Bertol, Frederico Licks January 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe uma discussão em torno dos impactos da digitalização sobre sistemas militares de comando e controle. A hipótese central é que o emprego intensivo de tecnologias digitais está associado a um maior risco de sobrecarga informacional nesses sistemas. Isso se aplica em especial às forças militares que adotaram doutrinas de viés tecnocrático, como a guerra centrada em redes. No primeiro capítulo, discutimos o contexto no qual nosso tema de pesquisa se insere, fazendo uma breve retrospectiva do processo de digitalização e também definindo alguns conceitos-chave. No segundo capítulo, em formato de artigo, apresentamos o modelo computacional que foi desenvolvido para simular o funcionamento de um sistema de comando e controle sob a condição de sobrecarga informacional. O artigo também reúne uma revisão crítica das abordagens sobre comando e controle, com ênfase na literatura sobre guerra centrada em redes. O terceiro e último capítulo traz algumas conclusões sobre o emprego da modelagem computacional como metodologia de pesquisa e o estado atual do debate sobre guerra centrada e redes. / This work proposes a discussion on the impacts of digitization over military command and control systems. The central hypothesis is that the intensive deployment of digital technologies is associated to a greater risk of informational overload in those systems. This applies especially to military forces that have adopted doctrines with a technocratic bias, such as the network-centric warfare. In the first chapter, we discuss the context that encompass our research topic, making a brief retrospective of the process of digitization and defining some key concepts. In the second chapter, in form of article, we present the computational model developed for simulating the operation of a command and control system under the condition of informational overload. The article also contains a critical review on the command and control approaches, with emphasis on the literature about network-centric warfare. The third and last chapter brings out some conclusions regarding the use of computational modeling as a research method and the current state of the debate on network-centric warfare.

God's disposition toward humanity in the theology of John Calvin : one will or two? : an analysis of Calvin's teaching on the knowledge of God, predestination and the atonement

Buckner, Forrest H. January 2015 (has links)
In the course of this study, we find that for Calvin, God has one righteous will that is expressed as two, decidedly asymmetrical dispositions toward humanity. For Calvin, the only God that can be known, proclaimed, and trusted is God the Father, the God of creation, election and redemption who relates to his people according to his fatherly love; for reasons known only to him, God inexplicably creates some whom he does not rescue from their sinful state of rebellion against him. We first examine Calvin's teaching on the knowledge of God and discover that God has revealed his unchanging nature to those with faith. God's loving, righteous, wise, good, powerful, judging (of evil), and holy nature is exhibited in creation and providence, in Scripture, and most of all in Christ. We next explore Calvin's teaching on predestination and discover that God's one, secret, righteous will is expressed in two, decidedly asymmetrical wills toward humanity: (1) God's disclosed electing will that directly corresponds with God's nature and is extended to all but only effected in the elect; (2) God's veiled reprobating will toward the reprobate that, from the human perspective, only corresponds to God's nature in part. We continue by examining Calvin's teaching on the reconciling work of Christ, finding that, for Calvin, creation and redemption clearly exhibit God's disclosed disposition toward humanity while demonstrating God's veiled disposition only in very small part. We then provide constructive analysis in three related areas: (1) Calvin's teaching on the intra-trinitarian relations, (2) the locus of mystery in Calvin's, Arminius', and Barth's accounts of predestination, and (3) the reclaimed logic of Mosaic sacrifice in relation to Calvin's atonement teaching. In the context of a concluding summary, we consider three biblical accounts that depict God as possessing one rather than two dispositions toward humanity.

The doctrine of justification in the Caroline divines

Allison, Christopher FitzSimons January 1956 (has links)
No description available.

An examination of the doctrinal opinions of the Pneumatomachi, together with the answers offered by the orthodox Fathers of East and West in the fourth century, and an assessment of their respective value to the modern theologian in constructing a doctrine of the Holy Spirit

Smythe, Harry Reynolds January 1951 (has links)
No description available.

Between God and Society: Divine Speech and Norm-Construction in Islamic Theology and Jurisprudence

Farahat, Omar Mohamed Nour January 2016 (has links)
The role of divine Revelation in the process of construction of normative judgments has long occupied scholars of religion in general, and Islam in particular. In the area of Islamic studies, numerous works were dedicated to the elucidation of various trends of thought on the question of the methods of formulation of norms and values. Many of those studies suppose a distinction between textualist and rationalist theories, and use this framework to explain the most influential Muslim views on this issue. In contemporary philosophical theology and the philosophy of religion, theorists of religious meta-ethics draw upon the medieval and early modern Christian debates almost exclusively. Reconstructing the philosophical foundations of classical Islamic models of norm-construction, which arise within both theological and jurisprudential works, has not received sufficient attention in either discipline. In this study, I explore eleventh century debates on the place of divine Revelation in the formulation of normative judgments in Islamic theology and jurisprudence, and bring this analysis in dialogue with current questions in philosophical theology. By reconstructing the epistemological, metaphysical and semantic foundations of those debates, I show that two general trends emerge on the question of the depth with which Revelation interferes in human moral reasoning, which generally correspond to recent debates between natural reason and divine command theorists in contemporary philosophical theology. I argue that those tensions were the result of a number of philosophical disagreements, not mere reflections of a commitment to “rationalism” or “textualism.” This study is based on an analysis of texts attributed to prominent eleventh century jurist-theologians, including Abū Bakr al-Bāqillānī (d.1013), Imām al-Ḥaramayn al-Juwaynī (d. 1085), al-Qāḍī ʿAbd al-Jabbār (d. 1024) and Abū l-Ḥusayn al-Bāṣrī (d. 1044). I maintain that abstract normative considerations animating those theories are of trans-historical philosophical value, and can be “appropriated” to provide new insights when introduced into current debates in religious ethics. Whereas, following post-colonial studies that held the inadequacy of treating non-Western thought through the lens of modern Western theories, many recent works emphasized the historicity of Islamic thought, I consider the abstract claims in both Islamic and modern thought in order to generate a philosophical dialogue across traditions. In conclusion, I argue that disagreements between prominent eleventh century Muslim jurist-theologians on the place of Revelation in the formulation of normative judgments is best understood as part of broader debates on theology, metaphysics and epistemology. To do that, we must treat theology and jurisprudence as an integrated meta-ethical project that inserts itself between the text of Revelation and the process of norm-production. Reconstructing those theories of divine speech and command shows us that the Muʿtazilīs combined a naturalist view of ethics with a dualistic metaphysic to hold that Revelation is a sufficient but not necessary condition for moral knowledge. Ashʿarīs, by contrast, insisted on the indispensability of Revelation on the basis of a combination of epistemological skepticism with a metaphysic that prioritized skeptical theism.

Early Ismāīlī thought on prophecy according to the Kitāb al-Iṣlāḥ by Ab ̄ưḤātim al-Rāzī (d. ca.322934-5)

Nomoto, Shin. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

�The danger of vertigo� : an evaluation and critique of Theosis in the theology of Thomas Forsyth Torrance

Habets, Michael, n/a January 2006 (has links)
The Christian tradition, both East and West, has developed various models and theories of the atonement as explanations of what it means to speak of the reconciling activity of God in Christ. Central to these has been the claim that God has reconciled the world to himself in Christ. One way of testifying to the reconciling love of God has been the adoption of the metaphor theosis (�divinization�, �deification�) as an explanation of salvation. While central to Eastern Orthodoxy, a doctrine of theosis also has a rich tradition within Western, especially Reformed theology. The Reformed theologian, Thomas Forsyth Torrance, represents an attempt to construct a soteriology that incorporates both Eastern and Western models of the atonement around the controlling metaphor of theosis. A close reading of his theology presents a robust and clearly articulated doctrine of theosis as a key way of expressing God�s reconciling activity in Christ. As the true Man and the last Adam, Christ represents the arche and telos of human existence, the one in whose image all humanity has been created and into whose likeness all humanity is destined to be transformed from glory to glory. Through the Incarnation the Son becomes human without ceasing to be divine, to unite humanity and divinity together and effect a �deification� of human nature, mediated to men and women who are said to be �in Christ� by the work of the Holy Spirit. By means of a �wonderful exchange� Christ takes what is ours and gives us what is his. For Torrance, this is the heart of atonement. The goal of humanity is worship, something Torrance defines as the gift of participating through the Spirit in the incarnate Son�s communion with the Father. The locus of worship, and thus of theosis, is the church, the communion of saints created by the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Throughout Torrance�s doctrines of creation, anthropology, incarnation, reconciliation, and pneumato-ecclesiology, the concept of theosis plays a central and constitutive role in explaining a Christian theology of salvation. Theosis is thus foundational to Torrance�s theology and is one way in which he holds together in systematic fashion his diverse theological oeuvre.

Svenskt manövertänkande - ett realistiskt koncept? : En fallstudie på Caglavica 17 mars 2004

Olson, Emil January 2009 (has links)
<p>Sveriges Försvarsmakt har innan 2000-talet inte haft något formellt fastställt dokument som beskriver hur verksamheten skall utövas såväl i krig som i fred.  I och med 2002-års utgåva av militärstrategisk doktrin fastställdes att grunden för Försvarsmaktens agerande skall vara <em>manövertänkande</em>. 2004 drabbades Kosovo av upplopp runt om i provinsen, varav den svenska bataljonen SWEBAT, var inblandade i strider kring byn Caglavica. Vid tillfället var flera svenska chefer upp till brigadnivå, involverade i beslutsprocesserna som skedde under incidenten.</p><p>Huvudsyftet med denna uppsats är att söka svar på huruvida den svenska officerskåren faktiskt tillämpar våra doktriner under insats. Frågeställningen är framtagen att utröna i hur stor utsträckning manövertänkande existerade och nyttjades på de olika ledningsnivåerna vid kravallerna i Caglavica 2004, likväl i hur stor grad det inte nyttjades.</p><p>Med utgångspunkt i <em>militärstrategisk doktrin</em> har ett antal indikatorer på manövertänkande valts ut för att appliceras på framtagen fallstudie, vilken grundas på FHS rapport <em>Caglavica 17 mars 2004</em>.</p><p>Resultatet av uppsatsen visar på ett assimilerat manövertänkande inom den svenska officerskåren under insats i Kosovo.</p> / <p>Before the 21<sup>th</sup> century the Swedish Armed Forces has been without any formally established document that describes how its activities should be practiced in peace as well as in war. In 2002 the Military Strategic Doctrine was published and it stated that all activity by the Armed Forces was to be based by the concept of maneuver thinking. In 2004 Kosovo was hit by riots all over the province, in which the Swedish battalion SWEBAT, was mixed up in combat around the village of Caglvica. At the moment several Swedish commanders, up to brigade level, were involved in the decision-making process that took place during the incident.</p><p>The main object with this essay is to find out whether the Swedish officers actually put the doctrine into practice during their mission. The question at issue is to answer in how great extent maneuver thinking existed and was practiced by the different levels of command, during the riots of Caglavica 2004, but also in how great extent it was not applied.</p><p>With starting-point in the <em>Military Strategic Doctrine</em>, several indicators representing the concept of maneuver thinking, has been chosen to be applied to a case study, which is based on a rapport by FHS; <em>Caglavica 17 mars 2004</em>.</p><p>The results of the essay shows upon a assimilated maneuver thinking within the Swedish officer corps during mission in Kosovo.</p>

Vilar doktriner för civil-militärt samarbete på aktuell forskning?

Östman, Hans January 2009 (has links)
<p>Doktriner utgör väpnade styrkors viktigaste beskrivning avseende hur man avser använda militära medel för att uppnå politiska mål. För att tjäna sitt syfte bör doktriner utvecklas med rationella utgångspunkter som omvärldens utveckling och senaste forskning. Dock menar många att andra faktorer sprungna ur kulturella traditioner och organisationers särintressen påverkar tillkomsten av doktriner.</p><p>Civil-militärt samarbete har i moderna konflikter blivit allt mer betydelsefullt. Strategier för fredsfrämjande insatser i dagens komplexa konflikter bygger i allt högre grad på integrerade insatser mellan flera olika funktioner och aktörer. Civil-militärt samarbete har dock traditionellt haft en underordnad, stödjande roll i militära organisationer.</p><p>I denna uppsats undersöks forskningens roll i doktrinutveckling. Mer specifikt undersöks om doktriner inom det högaktuella området, civil-militärt samarbete, tagit till sig och omfattar den aktuella forskningen inom ämnesområdet. Storbritanniens och USA:s doktriner för civil-militärt samarbete har jämförts med aktuell forskning. Resultatet visar att dessa doktriner på ett bra sätt tillvaratagit forskningens uppfattningar. </p> / <p>Doctrines constitute armed forces most important guidelines on how to achieve political objectives with military means. To serve its purpose doctrines should be developed on rational grounds based on current world situation and most recent research. However many thinks that other factors such as organisations cultures and special interests influence doctrinal development.</p><p>Civil-military cooperation has in contemporary conflicts gained in importance. Strategies in complex peace support operations are increasingly based on integrated approaches between various functions and actors. Civil-military operations have traditionally played a secondary and supportive role in military organisations.</p><p>This paper will study the role of scientific research in doctrinal development. More to the point, doctrines within the highly topical field of civil-military cooperation are tested regarding coherence with recent research. Doctrines concerning civil-military cooperation in Great Britain and United States have been compared to recent research. The result shows that these doctrines have taken care of relevant opinions within recent scientific research.</p>

Catholic reflections on abortion and euthanasia - towards a theology of sacredness of human life

Dimokpala, Chrisopher Chukwudi January 2009 (has links)
<p>It is not possible in this paper to deal with all the moral problems revolving at the &ldquo / beginning&rdquo / and &ldquo / end&rdquo / of human life in the modern world. However, something must be said about the question regarding respect for human life vis-&agrave / -vis abortion and euthanasia, since they are widely discussed today and since they strike at the very heart of traditional morality. The dignity and worth of individual life cannot be derived from analysis of individual life itself. Humanity is not the measure of all things. Whatever value human beings have is strictly transitory unless it is in our relationship to some ultimate source of value outside us. Christian faith understands human value as being established by our relationship with God - a relationship created and given by God himself. It is because we have our being from God and are sustained by God that we can meaningfully affirm the value of individual human life.</p>

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