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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Molecular mechanisms in energy metabolism during seasonal adaptation:aspects relating to AMP-activated protein kinase, key regulator of energy homeostasis

Kinnunen, S. (Sanni) 05 June 2018 (has links)
Abstract Non-pathological change in body weight and adiposity is one distinct adaptive feature that seasonal species undergo, and it can offer a novel way to study the mechanisms underlying body weight regulation and energy homeostasis. Changes in the expression and activity of metabolic enzymes are essential for the physiological adaptation seasonal species exhibit. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a key regulatory enzyme that controls the energy homeostasis both on cellular and whole-body level. In this thesis, the main focus was to clarify how seasonal adaptation affects AMPK and its downstream target in lipid metabolism, acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), in different metabolic tissues of two model species with diverse wintering strategies: the raccoon dog and the Djungarian hamster. In addition, the effect of periodic fasting on the raccoon dog skeletal muscle was studied. It was observed that seasonal differences in AMPK and ACC expression were evident mainly in adipose tissues of both species. AMPK was down-regulated in white adipose tissue (WAT) of the winter-adapted raccoon dog, whereas in the Djungarian hamster WAT, the abundance of AMPK increased in response to winter acclimatization. ACC expression was maintained or increased in winter in both species. The seasonal changes in AMPK and ACC expression observed, in particular, in adipose tissues reflects the wintering strategy of the species and presumably facilitates the lipid usage and/or preservation during wintertime scarcity. Raccoon dogs were quite resistant to the prolonged wintertime fast, as no changes were observed in AMPK and ACC expression levels in the WAT, liver or hypothalamus between the fasted and fed groups. Skeletal muscle function also appears to be well preserved, as there were no changes in the expression of proteins involved in insulin signaling, and the fiber type composition and muscle energy reserves were not affected. This thesis offers novel information on protein level changes in metabolic adaptation. / Tiivistelmä Useat luonnonvaraiset eläinlajit ovat fysiologisesti sopeutuneet ravinnonsaannin vuodenaikaisiin vaihteluihin. Vuodenaikaisrytmiin kytketty rasvakudoksen määrän vaihtelu ja siihen liittyvät aineenvaihdunnalliset muutokset tarjoavat mielenkiintoisen tutkimuskohteen ruumiinpainon säätelyn ja energiatasapainon ylläpidon molekulaaristen mekanismien selvittämiseen. Oleellinen osa fysiologista sopeutumista ovat muutokset energia-aineenvaihduntaa säätelevien proteiinien ekspressio- ja aktiivisuustasoissa. Yksi keskeinen elimistön energiatasapainoa kontrolloiva entsyymi on AMP-aktivoituva proteiinikinaasi (AMPK). AMPK toimii solunsisäisenä energiasensorina ja säätelee energiametaboliaa koko kehon tasolla. Tässä väitöskirjatutkimuksessa selvitettiin talviadaptaation vaikutusta AMPK:n ja sen kohdemolekyylin, rasvahappojen biosynteesiä säätelevän asetyyli-CoA karboksylaasin (ACC), ilmenemiseen ja aktiivisuuteen eri kudoksissa. Mallieläiminä käytettiin kahta eri talvehtimisstrategian omaavaa ja eri lailla ruumiinpainoaan säätelevää lajia, kääpiöhamsteria ja supikoiraa. Lisäksi tutkittiin pitkäaikaisen talvipaaston vaikutusta supikoiran luustolihakseen. Tulokset osoittivat, että molemmilla lajeilla AMPK- ja ACC-pitoisuuksissa on vuodenaikaisia eroja erityisesti rasvakudoksessa. Supikoiralla AMPK:n määrä väheni talviadaptaation seurauksena, kun taas kääpiöhamstereilla talviakklimatisaatio johti korkeampaan AMPK-pitoisuuteen rasvakudoksissa. ACC-pitoisuus puolestaan säilyi samana tai oli korkeampi talviadaptoituneilla yksilöillä. Havaitut muutokset AMPK:n ja ACC:n ilmenemisessä kuvastavat supikoiran ja kääpiöhamsterin eroja talvehtimisessa ja havainnollistavat entsyymien oleellista osaa rasvavarastojen vuodenaikaisessa säätelyssä ja käytössä, mikä on edellytys eläinten selviämiselle yli talven niukkuuden. Lisäksi havaittiin talviadaptoituneen supikoiran olevan melko resistentti 10 viikon paastolle tutkittujen parametrien suhteen. AMPK- ja ACC-pitoisuus tai aktiivisuus ei muuttunut aineenvaihdunnallisesti oleellisissa kudoksissa (rasvakudos, maksa, hypotalamus) paasto- ja kontrolliryhmän välillä. Supikoiran lihasten toimintakyky vaikuttaisi säilyvän, sillä insuliinisignalointiin liittyvien entsyymien pitoisuus, lihasten solutyyppikoostumus tai energiavarastot eivät muuttuneet paaston myötä. Tämä tutkimus tarjoaa uutta tietoa proteiinitason muutoksista osana fysiologista sopeutumista.

Does Lifestyle Affect the Attachment between Dogs, Canis familiaris, and Their Owner?

Fischer, Ida January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate if the dog’s behaviour and the interactions between the dog and the owner   differ depending on lifestyle, breed or sex of the dog. For this we employed the Strange Situation Procedure, a test inspired from Mary Ainsworth´s study,   which investigated the attachment of human infants to their mothers. There were two breeds, Border collie and Shetland sheepdog and a total of 58 dogs that participated in this study. The two breeds were divided into two lifestyles, competition dogs and pet dogs. A PCA was used to find correlations between the behavioural variables and the factors were then analysed in a Mann Whitney U test to test the differences between breed, sex and lifestyle. In this study no differences in behaviour between the two lifestyles were shown. However, the results showed that there were some differences between the two breeds and between the two sexes in behavioural expressions. The differences between the breeds were quite expected because there are many different breeds today which are selected for various morphology and behavioural traits which could influence their behaviour. The difference in behaviour between the two sexes can be because of evolutionary heredity. Further studies on this subject should have bigger and more even sample size, longer separation time, a more balanced gender distribution of the owners and to also analyze the cortisol levels.

Determinação dos agentes etiológicos virais de diarreia em cães no Brasil

Granados, Oscar Fernando Ortiz January 2015 (has links)
Os vírus entéricos causam infecções que podem ocasionar uma alta morbidade e mortalidade em cães. A diarreia se destaca como o principal sinal clínico e a subsequente desidratação pode causar a morte do animal. O Carnivore protoparvovirus 1 (CPV-2), Canine mastadenovirus A tipo 1 (CAdV-1), o Canine coronavirus (CCoV), o Canine rotavirus (CRV) e o Canine distemper virus (CDV) são considerados os principais agentes que causam gastroenterite viral aguda em cães jovens. O objetivo deste trabalho foi detectar a presença destas cinco espécies virais na população de cães do Brasil. Para isto, foram coletados 325 suabes retais de cães com ou sem diarreia, jovens (> 6 meses) e adultos (< 6 meses), com ou sem histórico de vacinação e de diversas regiões do Brasil. As amostras foram analisadas através da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) ou transcrição reversa seguida de PCR (RT-PCR) utilizando iniciadores específicos para cada um dos agentes virais. Resultaram 81% (264/325) das amostras positivas para um destes vírus, das quais 30,7% (100/325) foram positivas para o CPV-2, 25,5% (83/325) para o CDV, 17,2% (56/325) para o CCoV, 4,6% (15/325) para o CRV e 2,7% (9/ 325) para o CAdV-1. Algumas amostras apresentaram co-infecções, sendo que as espécies mais predominantemente encontradas em co-infecções foram o CDV e CPV-2 em 15,4% (50/325) e 15,0% (49/325), respectivamente, seguidos do CCoV em 10,1% (33/325,), CRV em 3,0% (10/325) e CAdV-1 em 1,5% (5/325) das amostras. A associação viral mais observada foi CDV e CPV-2 em 31/325 (9,5%) amostras positivas para ambos os vírus. Em conclusão, os resultados demonstram que CPV-2, CDV e CCoV são os principais vírus entéricos patogênicos que circularam no Brasil entre os anos de 2008 e 2014, infectando mais frequentemente animais jovens. / Enteric viruses cause infections that lead to high morbidity and mortality. Diarrhea is the main clinical sign, whose subsequent dehydration can cause death of the animal. Carnivore protoparvovirus 1 (CPV-2), Canine mastadenovirus A (CAdV-1), Canine coronavirus (CCoV), Canine rotavirus (CRV) and Canine distemper virus (CDV) are considered the main agents that cause acute viral gastroenteritis in young dogs. The aim of this study was the detection of these five viral species in dogs from Brazil. Rectal swabs from 325 dogs, puppies (< six months old), adult dogs (> 6 months old), with or without a history of vaccination, were collected from various regions of the country. The samples were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or reverse transcription following followed by PCR (RT-PCR) using oligonucleotides specific for each one of this virus. As result, 81% (264/325) of the samples were observed to be positive for at least one virus, 30,7% (100/325) were positive for CPV-2, 25,5% (83/325) for CDV, 17,2% (56/325) for CCoV, 4,6% (14/325) for CRV and 2,7% (9/325) for CAdV-1. Some samples showed co-infection, where the species most predominantly found were CDV and CPV-2 with 15,4% (50/325) and 15,0% (49/325), respectively, followed by CCoV with 10,1% (33/325,), CRV with 3,0% (10/325) and CAdV-1 1,5% (5/325). The most observed viral association was CDV and CPV-2, with 31/325 (9,5%) positive samples for both viruses. In conclusion, the results showed that CPV-2, CDV and CCoV are the main pathogenic enteric viruses that circulated in Brazil between the years 2008 and 2014, infecting more frequently puppies.

Avaliação de diferentes concentrações de histamina e extratos alergênicos em cães sadios submetidos a teste intradérmico

Ferreira, Rafael Rodrigues January 2013 (has links)
Teste intradérmico avalia reação de hipersensibilidade a diversos agentes que possam apresentar poder reacional alérgico e são comumente utilizados para complementar o diagnóstico da dermatite atópica canina (DAC). Ainda não existe consenso sobre as concentrações de histamina e extratos alergênicos a serem utilizadas. Para determinar a concentração ideal de histamina, como controle positivo, e do limiar irritativo de extratos alergênicos em teste intradérmico é necessário que diversas concentrações sejam avaliadas em uma população bem numerosa de cães hígidos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar em 160 cães sadios submetidos a teste intradérmico, quais seriam as concentrações de histamina e de extratos alergênicos consideradas ideais. A solução contendo 0,1 mg/mL de histamina foi considerada como parâmetro ideal, provocando reações cutâneas com diâmetro médio, mediana e desvio padrão, de 15,18 mm, 14,97 mm e 2,07 mm, respectivamente. A partir do estabelecimento da concentração de histamina, foram determinadas as concentrações ótimas dos extratos alergênicos, expressas em PNU/mL: 1.000 para Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, 500 para D. farinae, 125 para Blomia tropicalis e 2.000 para Malassezia pachydermatis. Futuros estudos devem ser conduzidos em cães atópicos para verificação da acurácia dos testes intradérmicos realizados com essas concentrações. / Intradermal testing evaluates hipersensitivity reaction to different agents that can present allergic reactivity power. It is commonly used to complement canine atopic dermatitis diagnosis. There is still no consensus about histamine concentrations and allergen extracts to be used. The determination of the histamine ideal concentration as positive control and the irritant threshold of allergen extracts for intradermal testing, requires evaluation of different concentrations on a large population of healthy dogs. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the ideal histamine and allergen extracts concentrations on 160 healthy dogs submitted to intradermal testing. A histamine solution 0,1 mg/mL was considered the ideal parameter. It caused cutaneous reactions with average diameter, median measure and standard deviation of 15.18 mm, 14.97 mm and 2.07 mm, respectively. From the histamine concentration establishment, the optimum allergen extracts concentrations were determined, expressed by PNU/mL: 1.000 for Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, 500 for D. farinae, 125 for Blomia tropicalis and 2.000 for Malassezia pachydermatis. Future studies have to be conducted on atopic dogs to verify the accuracy of the intradermal testing with these concentrations.

Análise da composição celular e imunodetecção de MIF em linfonodos de cães com Leishmaniose Visceral /

Bandarra, Márcio de Barros. January 2010 (has links)
Orientadora: Rosemeri de Oliveira Vasconcelos / Banca: Valéria Marçal Felix de Lima / Banca: Antonio Carlos Alessi / Resumo: A Leishmaniose Visceral (LV) é uma zoonose de interesse em saúde pública e o cão é o principal reservatório doméstico de Leishmania chagasi. Este protozoário modula a resposta imune do hospedeiro. A citocina MIF favorece a permanência do macrófago no sítio da injúria e protege-o da apoptose. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a presença de MIF nos linfonodos de cães com LV, comparando estes achados com a densidade de macrófagos parasitados nos linfonodos e com o estadiamento clínico dos cães. Neste estudo utilizou-se 33 cães oriundos de Araçatuba, município endêmico para a LV. Os cães foram distribuídos nos grupos assintomático (A), oligossintomático (O) e sintomático (S). As alterações morfológicas dos linfonodos poplíteo, subescapular, ilíaco e mesentérico foram avaliadas quanto ao perfil celular, determinado por escores. A carga parasitária e a imunodetecção de MIF foi feita pela técnica de imuno-histoquímica. Nos cães dos grupos com sinais clínicos (O e S), as reações inflamatória granulomatosa e plasmocitária foram predominantes. No grupo S, a atrofia linfóide predominou e associou-se ao maior número de granulomas e a maior carga parasitária. A densidade de parasitos nos linfonodos periféricos diferiu significativamente do grupo S para os demais grupos (P<0,05). A densidade de macrófagos imunomarcados com MIF foi maior no grupo S e apresentou uma correlação significativa com a carga parasitária no linfonodo poplíteo (P<0,05). Conclui-se que macrófagos são uma das células mais envolvidas na resposta ao parasito. O protozoário utiliza MIF para manter o macrófago no sítio de infecção, favorecendo a sua sobrevivência no hospedeiro / Abstract: Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a zoonotic disease critical for the public health and the dog is the main Leishmania chagasi„s domestic reservoir. This protozoan modulates the immune response of the host. The MIF cytokine facilitates the permanence of the macrophage in the site of injury and protects it from apoptosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the MIF presence in the lymph nodes of dogs with VL, comparing these findings with the parasite density in the lymph nodes and with the clinical outcome of the dogs. Third three dogs from Araçatuba, an endemic city for VL, were used in this study. Dogs were distributed in the asymptomatic (A), oligosymptomatic (O) and symptomatic (S) groups. The cellular profile of the morphologic changes of the popliteal, subscapular, iliac and mesenteric lymph nodes were evaluated and scored. Immunohistochemistry did the parasite load and the MIF immunodetection technique. Granulomatous and plasmocitary inflammatory reaction predominated in the groups with clinical signs (O and S). In the S group, lymphoid atrophy predominated and was associated with high number of granulomas and high parasite load. Comparing the groups, the density of the parasites in the peripheral lymph nodes was significantly different for the S group (P<0.05). The density of the immunolabeling MIF macrophages was higher in the S group and had a significant positive correlation with the parasite load in the popliteal lymph node (P<0.05). In conclusion, the macrophages are the most involved cells, and the protozoan uses the MIF to keep the macrophage in the infection site, helping its survival in the host / Mestre

Expressão da glicoproteína-p e da mrp1 em tecidos de cães portadores de leishmaniose visceral /

Calado, Andréa Maria Campos. January 2010 (has links)
Resumo: A leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC) é uma doença sistêmica e imunomediada. É provocada pelo protozoário da espécie Leishmania (L.) chagasi, que é transmitido ao homem e aos animais através da picada do vetor infectado, o flebotomíneo Lutzomyia longipalpis. Até o momento não há tratamento que leve a cura parasitológica dos cães e o arsenal de fármacos leishmanicidas é limitado. A resistência aos medicamentos constitui um impedimento importante para o controle de enfermidades e a manifestação de resistência a vários medicamentos é conhecida como MDR ("multidrug resistance"). Um desses mecanismos de resistência a múltiplas drogas é o aumento da expressão da glicoproteína-P (gp-P), um sistema de efluxo de xenobióticos codificadas pelo gene MDR1. Na presente pesquisa, buscou-se avaliar a possibilidade do fenômeno de resistência a múltiplas drogas em cães naturalmente parasitados por Leishmania (L.) chagasi . Foram objetivos do estudo avaliar a expressão da glicoproteína-P (gp-P) e da proteína de resistência a múltiplas drogas (MRP) por meio da imuno-histoquímica, em amostras fígado, adrenais, rins, baço e pele de cães portadores da LV. Os resultados mostraram que o fígado, rins e adrenais expressam significativamente (p<0,001) mais gp-P do que a pele e o baço; também que as adrenais expressam significativamente (p<0,001) mais MRP do que a pele e o baço e que este ultimo expressa significativamente (p<0,001) mais MRP do que a pele. Quando se comparou os dois anticorpos verificou-se que o fígado, rins e adrenais expressam porcentagens semelhantes de células imunomarcadas e que o MRP é significativamente (p<0,01) mais reativo na pele que a gp-P. Esses resultados poderiam justificar a redução da carga parasitária na pele que se acompanha durante o tratamento. Todavia, a não obtenção da cura parasitológica poderia ser devido a alta expressão... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Canine visceral leishmaniasis (LVC) is a systemic immunomediated disease. It is caused by the protozoary from the Leishmania (L.) chagasi species, wich is transmitted to man and animals through the infected vector bite, the phlebotomine sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis. Until present, there is no treatment leading to a parasitologic cure for dogs and the leishmanicide medicine arsenal is limited. Drug resistance is one of the important impediments for infirmity control and the resistance manifestation to multiple drugs is known as MDR. One of those multiple drugs resistance mechanisms is the increase of the glycoprotein-P (gp-P) expression, a xenobiotic efflux system encoded by the MDR1 gene. At the present research, it aimed to evaluate the possibility of resistance phenomenon the multiple drugs in dogs naturally parasited by Leishmania (L.) chagasi. The objectives of this study was to evaluate glycoprotein-P (gp-P) and multiple drugs resistance protein (MRP) immunohistochemical expressions in LVC infected dogs' liver, adrenals, kidneys, spleen and skin samples. Results showed that liver, kidneys and adrenals express significantly (p<0,001) more gp-P than skin and spleen; also, adrenals express significantly (p<0,001) more MRP than skin and spleen and that spleen express significantly (p<0,001) more MRP than skin. When the two antibodies were compared, it was verified that liver, kidneys and adrenals express similar percentages of immunomarked cells and that MRP is significantly more reactive in skin than gp-P. These results could justify the parasitary load reduction in skin during treatment. Nevertheless, the lack of parasitologic cure could be due to the high pg-P and MRP1 expressions in liver, adrenals and kidneys, which could increase the pharmac efflux at these organs / Orientadora: Mirela Tinucci Costa / Coorientador: Leucio Câmara Alves / Banca: Julieta Rodini Engracia de Moraes / Banca: Maria Cecilia Rui Luvizotto / Mestre

Avaliação da expressão da cicloxigenase-2 de macrófagos em diferentes graus histológicos de mastocitoma canino /

Cesar, Jane Regina França. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Roberto Daleck / Banca: Mirela Tinucci Costa / Banca: Renée Laufer Amorim / Resumo: Tendo em vista a relação da cicloxigenase-2 com a progressão do câncer, objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a expressão da atividade desta enzima com a imunorreatividade de macrófagos no diagnóstico e prognóstico de mastocitoma canino. Para a realização deste estudo foram selecionadas 24 amostras de mastocitomas e 5 amostras de tecido cutâneo sem alterações patológicas (grupo controle). Os espécimes foram divididos em grupos: GO ¬ grupo controle (n=5), G1 -mastocitomas grau I (n=8) , G2 - mastocitomas grau 11 (n=8), G3 - mastocitomas grau 11I (n=8). A avaliação da expressão da COX-2 e macrófagos foi conduzida por imunoistoquímica, utilizando-se o complexo avidina-biotina (ABC). Os resultados mostraram que os dois anticorpos imunorreagiram com tecidos caninos normais ou neoplásicos. A expressão da COX-2 mostrou marcação crescente, conforme a agressividade do tumor e houve significância (P<O,05) entre os grupos GO e G1; GO e G2; GO e G3; G1 e G3. A imunomarcação de macrófagos foi decrescente em relação à gradação histológica e-houve significância (P<O,05) entre os grupos GO e G1; GO e G2; GO e G3; G1 e G3; G2 e G3. Assim como a expressão de macrófagos, a sobrevida dos animais foi decrescente em relação ao grau de malignidade do tumor e inversamente proporcional a marcação de COX-2. / Abstract: Considering the relationship between cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) with the cancer evolution, this study aimed to assessment the expression of this enzyme with the immunoreactive of macrophage in the diagnosis and prognostic of canine mast cell tumor. Twenty four mast cell tumors samples were selected for the accomplishment of this study and tive samples of normal skin tissue (control group - GO). The samples were divided in groups: GO ¬ control group (n=5), G1 - mastocytoma grade I (n=8), G2 - mastocytoma grade 11 (n=8), G3 - mastocytoma grade 11I (n=8). The evaluation of the COX-2 and macrophage expression was achieved by immunohistochemistry, by means of complex avidine-biotine (ABC). The COX-2 expression increased, as the tumor grade progression; moreover. it had relevancy (P<O,05) among the groups: GO and G1, GO and G2, GO and G3, G1 and G3. The macrophage immunoreactive was decreased in relation of histological grade and it had a relevancy (P<O,05) among the groups: GO and G1, GO and G2. GO and G3. G1 and G3, G2 and G3. As macrophage expression, animal survival was decreased in relation of the histological grade of tumor and proportional reversed COX-2 expression. / Mestre

Epidemiologia da obesidade canina: fatores de risco e complicações / Epidemiology of canine obesity: risk factors and complications

Debastiani, Camila 10 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by CAMILA DEBASTIANI (came.db@hotmail.com) on 2018-06-29T04:57:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Camila Debastiani.pdf: 2369114 bytes, checksum: 6a444ec6d5c74327764a5ed2c35581ef (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Pizzani null (luciana@btu.unesp.br) on 2018-07-04T14:46:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 debastiani_c_me_bot.pdf: 2369114 bytes, checksum: 6a444ec6d5c74327764a5ed2c35581ef (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-04T14:46:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 debastiani_c_me_bot.pdf: 2369114 bytes, checksum: 6a444ec6d5c74327764a5ed2c35581ef (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-10 / A obesidade é a doença nutricional mais frequente em animais de companhia que pode ser causada ou influenciada por fatores de risco, ambientais ou genéticos. O tecido adiposo é um órgão endócrino que secreta substâncias que podem apresentar-se em desequilíbrio no organismo obeso. Isso gera um prejuízo a saúde animal e pode desencadear várias comorbidades. Com a finalidade de identificar fatores de risco e principais complicações associadas a obesidade canina foram aplicados questionários on-line e físicos a tutores de cães, totalizando 1303 participações. Dos tutores entrevistados 25% consideraram que seus cães apresentavam sobrepeso ou obesidade. Os fatores de risco identificados para a obesidade relacionados ao animal foram: idade do animal (7-8 anos), raça (Labrador, Poodle, etc), sexo (fêmeas), esterilização, pouca disposição, pouca prática de atividade física, baixa duração da atividade, apetite voraz, dor e dificuldade de locomoção e uso de medicações (corticoide, fenobarbital e anticoncepcionais). Quanto aos tutores: idade (>60 anos), estado civil (divorciado), morar sozinho. As complicações que apresentaram correlação com obesidade foram: dermatopatias em geral, pele oleosa, descamação da pele, alergopatia, otopatia, claudicação, doença articular, tumor, tártaro, tosse, ronco, cansaço fácil e poliúria. / Obesity is the most frequent nutritional disease in companion animals that can be caused or influenced by environmental or genetic risk factors. The adipose tissue is an endocrine organ that secretes substances that may be in imbalance in the obese animal. This causes animal health impairment and can trigger several comorbidities. In order to identify risk factors and major complications associated with canine obesity, online and presential questionnaires were applied to dog owners, totaling 1303 participations. Of the owners interviewed, 25% considered that their dogs were overweight or obese. The risk factors identified for obesity related to the animal were: age of the animal (7-8 years), breed (Labrador, Poodle, etc), sex (females), sterilization status, little disposition and little practice of physical activity, low duration of activity, voracious appetite, pain and difficulty to locomote and use of medications (corticoid, phenobarbital and contraceptives). The risks related to owners were: age (> 60 years), marital status (divorced), live alone. The complications that presented correlation with obesity were: dermatopathies in general, oily skin, skin peeling, allergy, otopathy, lameness, joint disease, tumor, tartar, cough, snoring, easy fatigue and polyuria.

Detekce skrytých přenašečů dědičné katarakty u psů pomocí PCR / PCR-based detection of hidden carriers of cataracts in dogs

FARKOVÁ, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
The hereditary cataract is one of the most common eye disease in dogs. The expansion of this disease in the Staffordshire bullterrier breed has been so massive that in the Czech Republic was introduced the rule of mandatory testing of at least one of a breeding pair. This is a degenerative disease of the lens causing total blindness of the affected animal within three years. Since some time ago there are no more dogs affected by the disease in the Czech Republic, there are however still hidden carriers which need to be discovered to the complete extinction of the disease in the genome. The goal of this study was to test simple ways of collecting biological samples, try them in practice and to verify whether they are suitable for the DNA isolation and also to test an alternative method of molecular detection of this disease. In total there have been 23 buccal swabs collected from male and female Staffordshire Bullterrier examples. The detection of the hidden carriers of the hereditary cataract was carried out by PCR analysis with specific primers. The obtained amplicons were detected by both gel and chip electrophoresis and by using fragment analysis. This detection of the carriers was based on the presence of two amplicons (heterozygotes). I came to conclusion that to detect hidden carriers it is neccessary to use the fragment analysis because of the difference of only one base in the reference section of DNA. Neither gel nor chip electrophoresis does provide sufficiently high resolution and it is not possible to detect two fragments that differ only by one bp. As the most appropriate sampling method I have chosen the buccal smear by cytological brush followed by isolating the DNA by Chelex with purification of the sample subsequently.

Análise filogenética do vírus da cinomose canina no Brasil

Budaszewski, Renata da Fontoura January 2013 (has links)
O vírus da cinomose canina (CDV) é classificado no gênero Morbillivirus da família Paramyxoviridae e é o agente etiológico de uma das mais importantes doenças virais de canídeos domésticos. A cinomose ocorre em todo o mundo e produz alta mortalidade em populações imunologicamente naïve. Apesar de encontrar-se bem controlada pela vacinação, casos de cinomose ocorrem esporadicamente tanto em cães vacinados quanto em não vacinados. Uma das causas suspeitas desta falha vacinal é a grande variabilidade genética entre cepas de CDV. O objetivo deste trabalho foi detectar e analisar a variabilidade genética do CDV circulante no País. Foram coletados 386 suabes retais de cães em diversas regiões do Brasil, dos quais se detectaram 155 positivos através de uma RT-nested-PCR de um fragmento do gene do nucleocapsídeo. Destes, 23 foram selecionados para amplificação parcial do gene da hemaglutinina, sequenciamento e análise filogenética. A grande maioria das sequências obtidas agrupou no genótipo América do Sul-I, que inclui isolados da Argentina e do Uruguai, com exceção de uma amostra similar à cepa vacinal Rockborn. A análise filogenética sugere a presença de pelo menos sete subgenótipos do genótipo América do Sul-I circulando neste continente. O grupo América do Sul-II é formado somente por isolados da Argentina. Além disso, propõe-se que este grupo e os clados Rockborn-like e Europa Selvagem sejam denominados subgenótipos dentro de um genótipo único. / Canine distemper virus (CDV) is classified in the genus Morbillivirus within the family Paramyxoviridae and is the etiologic agent of one of the most important viral diseases of domestic Canidea. It occurs worldwide and produces high mortality in immunologically naïve populations. Despite being well controlled by vaccination, cases of canine distemper occur sporadically in vaccinated and unvaccinated dogs. One of the suspected causes of this vaccine failure is the great genetic variability between strains of CDV. The objective of this study was to detect and analyze the genetic variability of CDV circulating in our country. Rectal swabs were collected from 386 dogs in various regions of Brazil, of which 155 were found positive by a nested RT-PCR of a fragment of the nucleocapsid gene. Of these, 23 were selected for partial amplification of the hemagglutinin gene, sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. The vast majority of sequences obtained grouped in genotype South America-I, which includes isolates from Argentina and Uruguay, with the exception of a sample similar to the vaccine strain Rockborn. Phylogenetic analysis suggests the presence of at least seven subgenotypes belonging to South America-I genotype, circulating in this continent. The group South America-II consists only of isolates from Argentina. Furthermore, it is proposed that this group and clades Rockborn-like and Europe Wildlife are denominated subgenotypes within a single genotype.

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