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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Degenerate Oligonucleotide Primed - Polymerase Chain Reaction Evaluation And Optimization To Improve Downstream Forensic STR Analysis Of Low Quality/Low Quantity DNA

Thompson, Lindsay Paige 01 January 2006 (has links)
When forensic biological samples yield low quality/low quantity DNA, thecurrent STR analysis methods do not generate acceptable profiles. Whole genomeamplification can be used to pre-amplify the entire genome for downstream analyses. A commercially available kit for DOP-PCR, a form of WGA, is currently being used in the clinical for downstream single locus targets. Forensic analyses utilize a multiplex amplification. This study determined that the "home brew" created by our lab performs the same as the commercially available kit. Future optimization studies of DOP-PCR can utilize this "home brew". Additionally, this research determined that a 10 second increase in electrokinetic injection time onto the Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) in combination with a post-STR amplification purification and elution into formamide produces a slightly higher percent STR allele success over the standard protocol. After future optimization studies, this may be a useful method to obtain more accurate and complete STR profiles from low quality/low quantity biological samples.

Kyrkorna kalla till Guds ebjudande om nåd. : Dopets roll i de ekumeniska samtalen mellan Svenska kyrkan och Equmeniakyrkan. / The Churches call for God´s offer of grace : The role of baptism in ecumenical conversations between the Church of Sweden and the Equmenia Church

Staaf, Annelie January 2019 (has links)
Equmeniakyrkan bildades 2011 genom ett samgående mellan Metodistkyrkan i Sverige, Svenska Baptistsamfundet och Svenska Missionskyrkan. Svenska kyrkan och Svenska Baptistsamfundet har historiskt sett haft oförenliga dopsyner. Troendedopet i Baptistsamfundet kontra barndopet i Svenska kyrkan har varit en skiljelinje mellan de två samfunden. Syftet i denna uppsats är att undersöka denna skiljelinjes betydelse i de ekumeniska samtal som lett fram till överenskommelsen Ekumenisk överenskommelse mellan Svenska kyrkan och Equmeniakyrkan (2016). Hur har man i dessa samtal förhållit sig till skillnader i syn på dopet? Har det skett ett närmande mellan en baptistisk dopsyn och en svenskkyrklig? Vad har varit de mest kritiska frågorna i diskussionerna? Hur påverkar överenskommelsen kyrkornas praxis? Undersökningen har ett deskriptivt anslag. Primärmaterial är dokument som överenskommelsen med kommentarer, samtalsrapporter, avtal och remisser. Materialet har undersökts med fokus på kyrkornas syn på dop, tro, medlemskap och församlingssyn. Jag har också använt mig av litteratur om dopsyn och ekumenik. Inom Equmeniakyrkan är en vanlig väg till dopet, först erkänd tro sedan dop. Inom Svenska kyrkan är erkänd tro inte en förutsättning för dop, utan dopet uppfattas som trons förutsättning. På grund av förekommande skillnader i dopsyn och doppraxis förrättar enligt överenskommelsen 2016 respektive kyrka sina egna dop. Däremot fastställs uppfattningen att Kristus verkar i alla dop och man erkänner dop förrättade i den andra kyrkan. Svenska kyrkan tar avstånd från omdop och ingår inte samarbeten lokalt om omdop praktiseras. Intentionen i överenskommelsen är att den, trots teologiska skillnader mellan kyrkorna, ska främja en utveckling mot enhet vad gäller tro, dop och undervisning. Utgångspunkten är ett ideal om den världsvida kyrkans enhet och ett gemensamt uppdrag att verka i världen för fred och rättvisa. En slutsats i min undersökning är att skillnader i dopsyn alltjämt på lokal nivå är en stötesten. Fortsatta forskningsfrågor är: Vilken roll har dopsynen på lokal nivå?  Hur förmedlar man inom samarbetskyrkor i dopsamtal och konfirmationsundervisning kunskap om dopets roll och ställning?

Influência dos plastificantes alternativos ao dioctil ftalato nas propriedades de compostos de poli (cloreto de vinila)

Mattana, Mônica January 2017 (has links)
O poli(cloreto de vinila) - PVC é considerado um polímero muito versátil devido à possibilidade deste ser formulado mediante a incorporação de aditivos, alterando suas características originais. Plastificantes a base de ftalatos, como o di(2-etilhexil) ftalato (DOP) são os mais utilizados, porém, existem regulamentações que estão restringindo a sua utilização, intensificando-se os estudos com possíveis alternativos. Desta forma, este trabalho visa avaliar a influência de plastificantes de diferentes naturezas nas propriedades físicas, mecânicas, térmicas e reológicas do PVC plastificado. Para formulação dos compostos foi utilizado a resina Norvic SP1000 produzida via suspensão, com VK65 e portanto, propícia para aplicações de materiais flexíveis, além disso, para cada composto utilizou-se uma dosagem de 60 pcr de sete diferentes plastificantes: DOP, considerado como referência para comparação dos resultados, diisononil ciclohexano (DINCH), di(2-etilhexil) ciclohexanoato (DOCH), di(2-etilhexil) adipato (DOA), di(2-etilhexil) tereftalato (DOTP), óleo de soja epoxidado (OSE) e plastificante de óleos vegetais (DIMIT) Neste estudo foram efetuadas avaliações nos compostos como, gelificação e fusão, reologia via reômetro de placas paralelas, densidade, índice de fluidez entre outras para compreender a influência de cada plastificante no processamento do composto e várias caracterizações no produto final como estabilidade térmica dos compostos via TGA, Metrastat, propriedades óticas, propriedades mecânicas como dureza Shore A, tração, resistência a abrasão, resiliência, envelhecimento em câmara UV assim como ensaios de exsudação dos plastificantes. Os resultados indicam comportamentos distintos do PVC em função da natureza química do plastificante utilizado. O plastificante DIMIT possui boa estabilidade térmica, porém os resultados de cor e parâmetros de processamento foram insatisfatórios quando comparados ao DOP, já os plastificantes OSE e DOA apresentaram bons resultados para as propriedades avaliadas. Conclui-se que dentre os plastificantes analisados não foi possível determinar qual seria o melhor para substituição direta do DOP considerando toda a gama de produtos flexíveis de PVC, contudo esse trabalho colabora para a avaliação e seleção do melhor plastificante com base nos requisitos de cada aplicação do produto. / The poly (vinyl chloride) - PVC is a very versatile polymer due to the possibility of being formulated by incorporating additives, which can change the resin characteristics. Plasticizers composed of phthalates, such as di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DOP), are the most used, however, there are regulations restricting the use of this kind of plasticizers, intensifying studies with possible replacement alternatives. In this way, the objective of this work is to evaluate the influence of plasticizers from different sources in PVC, mainly physical, mechanical thermal stability, and rheological properties in the plasticized PVC. In the formulation of the compounds it was used the resin Norvic SP1000, product with VK65 and produced by suspension, suitable for flexible materials applications. In addition, it was used 60 phr of seven different plasticizers for each compound: DOP, considered as reference for all results, cyclohexane diisononyl (DINCH), di(2-ethylhexyl) cyclohexanoate (DOCH), di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DOA), di(2-ethylhexyl) terephthalate (DOTP), epoxidized soybean oil (OSE) and plasticizer produced from vegetable oils (DIMIT). In this study, the compounds were evaluated with many characterization analyzes, such as gelling and melting point in a torque rheometer, rheology by parallel plate rheometer, density, melt flow index in order to understand the influence of each plasticizer on the material processing Some characterizations in the final product as thermal stability through TGA, Metrastat, optical and mechanical properties such as hardness Shore A, tensile strength, abrasion resistance, resilience, aging in UV chamber as well as exudation tests. The results indicate different behaviors of PVC depending on the chemical nature of the plasticizer used. Results indicate that the DIMIT plasticizer had good thermal stability, but the color and processability results were unsatisfactory when compared to the DOP. In the other hand, the OSE and DOA presented good results for the evaluated properties. It can be concluded that among the plasticizers analyzed it wasn´t possible to determine the best for direct DOP replacement considering the entire range of flexible PVC products. However, this work contributes to the evaluation and selection of the best plasticizer based on the requirements of each application.

Religiös praxis i två församlingar : En jämförande studie mellan Svenska kyrkan och Pingstkyrkan. / Religious Practice in Two Congregations : A Comparative Study between the Swedish Church and the Pentecostal Church

Kock, Emma January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att göra en jämförande studie mellan en församling från Svenska kyrkan och en från Pingstkyrkan med hänsyn till hur de anpassar sin religiösa praktik utifrån dagens sekulariserande samhälle. Detta med utgångspunkt i gudstjänst, dop, konfirmation, vigsel och begravning. Vidare läggs det en extra betoning på gudstjänsten i form av deltagande observation, detta för att gudstjänsten har en central roll i kyrkan. Teorierna som används i studien är socialisering och sekularisering som kopplas till resultatet. Metoden som studien bygger på är kvalitativa intervjuer och deltagande observationer. I resultatet presenteras det i vilken grad de olika kyrkorna anpassar sin religiösa praktik utifrån syftets utgångspunkter, samt hur de skiljer sig från varandra. Resultatet visar på att den största skillnaden mellan de respektive kyrkorna är på dopet och konfirmationen. Resultatet visar också hur interaktionen är mellan församlingsledare och församling i de respektive kyrkorna.

??tude des propri??t??s physiques du Sr[indice inf??rieur 0,9]Nd[indice inf??rieur 0,1]Cu0[indice inf??rieur 2] en couches minces d??pos??es par ablation laser puls??

Olivier, Laurent January 2014 (has links)
Les chercheurs savent depuis longtemps que la supraconductivit?? est engendr??e par le couplage de paires d?????lectrons, appel??es paires de Cooper. Par contre, l???origine de l???inter-action conduisant ?? l???attraction effective entre les ??lectrons formant les paires demeure mal comprise pour certains mat??riaux d??couverts durant les trente derni??res ann??es. Dans ce m??moire, la supraconductivit?? a ??t?? induite dans des cuprates dop??s aux ??lectrons faisant partie de la famille des infinite-layers (IL), ayant la forme Sr[indice inf??rieur 1???x]Nd[indice inf??rieur x]CuO[indice inf??rieur 2]. Les IL ne peuvent ??tre d??pos??s en couches minces par la technique d???ablation laser que depuis tr??s r??cemment. L?????tude syst??matique de ces compos??s reste donc enti??rement ?? accomplir. Les IL ont ??galement une structure cristalline extr??mement simplifi??e qui facilite l???interpr??tation des ph??nom??nes physiques mesur??s en laboratoire. L?????tude des IL est un v??ritable tour de force. Plusieurs groupes de recherche dans le monde tentent de les synth??tiser en couches minces avec beaucoup de difficult??. Ces mat??riaux sont m??tastables et d???une sensibilit?? d??concertante. Obtenir des couches minces exemptes de phases parasites est un travail de longue haleine. Ce d??fi a non-seulement ??t?? relev??, mais il a ??t?? possible de r??aliser de la microfabrication sur les couches minces crues, rendant toute caract??risation des propri??t??s de transport beaucoup plus pr??cise. L???ablation laser puls??e est la technique qui a ??t?? utilis??e pour faire la croissance des couches minces ??tudi??es. La diffraction des rayons-X a permis l???identification des phases de la structure cristalline, mais surtout l?????tude des propri??t??s structurales des couches minces d??pos??es. Une analyse des param??tres en plan (a) et hors plan (c) de la cellule unit?? de ces couches minces en fonction des conditions de croissance s???est av??r??e essentielle. Il a ??t?? remarqu?? que le param??tre hors plan joue un r??le limitant dans l?????mergence de la supraconductivit??. Des mesures de r??sistivit?? ?? tr??s basses temp??ratures et sous champs magn??tiques intenses ont permis d?????tablir un lien entre l???apparition de la supraconductivit?? et la grandeur du param??tre hors plan de la structure cristalline. Une transition compl??te ne semble ??tre possible que lorsque le param??tre hors plan se trouve sous une grandeur critique, c = 3,41[A rond majuscule]. Des mesures d???effet Hall en fonction de la temp??rature sur des ??chantillons ayant diff??rentes valeurs du param??tre hors plan ont permis de d??terminer l?????volution des porteurs de charges pr??sents en fonction de c. Les ??chantillons supraconducteurs sugg??rent que la pr??sence de trous comme porteurs de charge est essentielle ?? l?????mergence de la supraconductivit??. Leur pr??sence semble diminuer rapidement ?? partir d???un param??tre hors plan plus grand que 3,41[A rond majuscule]. Il est possible d?????tablir un lien fondamental entre le comportement de la densit?? observ?? et celui d???une autre famille de supraconducteurs, les dop??s aux ??lectrons ayant une structure T???.

Jonctions Josephson en rampe entre un cuprate dop?? aux ??lectrons et un supraconducteur conventionnel

Gaudet, Jonathan January 2014 (has links)
L?????laboration d???exp??rience permettant de sonder la sym??trie du gap supraconducteur ?? l???aide d???une mesure de la phase de ce gap supraconducteur est l???une des techniques les plus directes pour observer la sym??trie ???d??? des cuprates dop??s au trous. Malheureusement, il existe tr??s peu d???exp??riences de ce type qui ont ??t?? r??ussies pour sonder la sym??trie du gap supraconducteur dans les cuprates dop??s aux ??lectrons. Effectivement, les exp??riences sondant la phase du gap supraconducteur demandent d???utiliser g??n??ralement des jonctions Josephson entre un cuprate et un supraconducteur conventionnel (Exemple : SQUID et jonctions Josephson en coin). Cependant, il est extr??mement difficile d???obtenir de telles jonctions Josephson avec les cuprates dop??s aux ??lectrons, car la croissance de ce mat??riau est extr??mement difficile et les propri??t??s physiques de ceux-ci sont tr??s sensibles aux diff??rentes ??tapes de fabrication que l???on doit effectuer pour obtenir une jonction Josephson. Cependant, de r??cents travaux effectu??s par notre groupe sur la purification des phases dans les couches minces de Pr[indice inf??rieur 2???x]Ce[indice inf??rieur x]CuO[indice inf??rieur 4], un cuprate dop?? aux ??lectrons, ainsi que sur la production de jonctions Josephson de qualit?? entre deux ??lectrodes supraconductrices de Pr[indice inf??rieur 2???x]Ce[indice inf??rieur x]CuO[indice inf??rieur 4] ont revigor?? l???int??r??t de fabriquer une jonction Josephson de qualit?? entre Pr[indice inf??rieur 2???x]Ce[indice inf??rieur x]CuO[indice inf??rieur 4] et un supraconducteur conventionnel. Dans ce m??moire, on propose une m??thode de fabrication de jonctions Josephson en rampe entre un cuprate dop?? aux ??lectrons (Pr[indice inf??rieur 1.85]Ce[indice inf??rieur 0.15]CuO[indice inf??rieur 4]) et un supraconducteur conventionnel (PbIn). Cette m??thode de fabrication nous a permis de fabriquer des jonctions Josephson poss??dant une densit?? de courant critique de 44 A/cm[indice sup??rieur 2] et un produit I[indice inf??rieur c]R[indice inf??rieur n] valant 40 ??V . On retrouve aussi, tel qu???attendu par la th??orie, les oscillations du courant critique de ces jonctions en fonction du champ magn??tique appliqu?? perpendiculairement sur celles-ci. Ces caract??ristiques nous permettent de conclure que nous avons r??ussi ?? produire les meilleures jonctions Josephson de ce type (Re[indice inf??rieur 2???x]Ce[indice inf??rieur x]CuO[indice inf??rieur 4] / Au /supraconducteur m??tallique) r??pertori??es dans la litt??rature. Ainsi, d???apr??s ces r??sultats il est maintenant possible de tenter l???exp??rience sondant la sym??trie du gap supraconducteur dans le Pr[indice inf??rieur 1.85]Ce[indice inf??rieur 0.15]CuO[indice inf??rieur 4] ?? l???aide d???une jonction Josephson en coin.

Influência dos plastificantes alternativos ao dioctil ftalato nas propriedades de compostos de poli (cloreto de vinila)

Mattana, Mônica January 2017 (has links)
O poli(cloreto de vinila) - PVC é considerado um polímero muito versátil devido à possibilidade deste ser formulado mediante a incorporação de aditivos, alterando suas características originais. Plastificantes a base de ftalatos, como o di(2-etilhexil) ftalato (DOP) são os mais utilizados, porém, existem regulamentações que estão restringindo a sua utilização, intensificando-se os estudos com possíveis alternativos. Desta forma, este trabalho visa avaliar a influência de plastificantes de diferentes naturezas nas propriedades físicas, mecânicas, térmicas e reológicas do PVC plastificado. Para formulação dos compostos foi utilizado a resina Norvic SP1000 produzida via suspensão, com VK65 e portanto, propícia para aplicações de materiais flexíveis, além disso, para cada composto utilizou-se uma dosagem de 60 pcr de sete diferentes plastificantes: DOP, considerado como referência para comparação dos resultados, diisononil ciclohexano (DINCH), di(2-etilhexil) ciclohexanoato (DOCH), di(2-etilhexil) adipato (DOA), di(2-etilhexil) tereftalato (DOTP), óleo de soja epoxidado (OSE) e plastificante de óleos vegetais (DIMIT) Neste estudo foram efetuadas avaliações nos compostos como, gelificação e fusão, reologia via reômetro de placas paralelas, densidade, índice de fluidez entre outras para compreender a influência de cada plastificante no processamento do composto e várias caracterizações no produto final como estabilidade térmica dos compostos via TGA, Metrastat, propriedades óticas, propriedades mecânicas como dureza Shore A, tração, resistência a abrasão, resiliência, envelhecimento em câmara UV assim como ensaios de exsudação dos plastificantes. Os resultados indicam comportamentos distintos do PVC em função da natureza química do plastificante utilizado. O plastificante DIMIT possui boa estabilidade térmica, porém os resultados de cor e parâmetros de processamento foram insatisfatórios quando comparados ao DOP, já os plastificantes OSE e DOA apresentaram bons resultados para as propriedades avaliadas. Conclui-se que dentre os plastificantes analisados não foi possível determinar qual seria o melhor para substituição direta do DOP considerando toda a gama de produtos flexíveis de PVC, contudo esse trabalho colabora para a avaliação e seleção do melhor plastificante com base nos requisitos de cada aplicação do produto. / The poly (vinyl chloride) - PVC is a very versatile polymer due to the possibility of being formulated by incorporating additives, which can change the resin characteristics. Plasticizers composed of phthalates, such as di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DOP), are the most used, however, there are regulations restricting the use of this kind of plasticizers, intensifying studies with possible replacement alternatives. In this way, the objective of this work is to evaluate the influence of plasticizers from different sources in PVC, mainly physical, mechanical thermal stability, and rheological properties in the plasticized PVC. In the formulation of the compounds it was used the resin Norvic SP1000, product with VK65 and produced by suspension, suitable for flexible materials applications. In addition, it was used 60 phr of seven different plasticizers for each compound: DOP, considered as reference for all results, cyclohexane diisononyl (DINCH), di(2-ethylhexyl) cyclohexanoate (DOCH), di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DOA), di(2-ethylhexyl) terephthalate (DOTP), epoxidized soybean oil (OSE) and plasticizer produced from vegetable oils (DIMIT). In this study, the compounds were evaluated with many characterization analyzes, such as gelling and melting point in a torque rheometer, rheology by parallel plate rheometer, density, melt flow index in order to understand the influence of each plasticizer on the material processing Some characterizations in the final product as thermal stability through TGA, Metrastat, optical and mechanical properties such as hardness Shore A, tensile strength, abrasion resistance, resilience, aging in UV chamber as well as exudation tests. The results indicate different behaviors of PVC depending on the chemical nature of the plasticizer used. Results indicate that the DIMIT plasticizer had good thermal stability, but the color and processability results were unsatisfactory when compared to the DOP. In the other hand, the OSE and DOA presented good results for the evaluated properties. It can be concluded that among the plasticizers analyzed it wasn´t possible to determine the best for direct DOP replacement considering the entire range of flexible PVC products. However, this work contributes to the evaluation and selection of the best plasticizer based on the requirements of each application.

Influência dos plastificantes alternativos ao dioctil ftalato nas propriedades de compostos de poli (cloreto de vinila)

Mattana, Mônica January 2017 (has links)
O poli(cloreto de vinila) - PVC é considerado um polímero muito versátil devido à possibilidade deste ser formulado mediante a incorporação de aditivos, alterando suas características originais. Plastificantes a base de ftalatos, como o di(2-etilhexil) ftalato (DOP) são os mais utilizados, porém, existem regulamentações que estão restringindo a sua utilização, intensificando-se os estudos com possíveis alternativos. Desta forma, este trabalho visa avaliar a influência de plastificantes de diferentes naturezas nas propriedades físicas, mecânicas, térmicas e reológicas do PVC plastificado. Para formulação dos compostos foi utilizado a resina Norvic SP1000 produzida via suspensão, com VK65 e portanto, propícia para aplicações de materiais flexíveis, além disso, para cada composto utilizou-se uma dosagem de 60 pcr de sete diferentes plastificantes: DOP, considerado como referência para comparação dos resultados, diisononil ciclohexano (DINCH), di(2-etilhexil) ciclohexanoato (DOCH), di(2-etilhexil) adipato (DOA), di(2-etilhexil) tereftalato (DOTP), óleo de soja epoxidado (OSE) e plastificante de óleos vegetais (DIMIT) Neste estudo foram efetuadas avaliações nos compostos como, gelificação e fusão, reologia via reômetro de placas paralelas, densidade, índice de fluidez entre outras para compreender a influência de cada plastificante no processamento do composto e várias caracterizações no produto final como estabilidade térmica dos compostos via TGA, Metrastat, propriedades óticas, propriedades mecânicas como dureza Shore A, tração, resistência a abrasão, resiliência, envelhecimento em câmara UV assim como ensaios de exsudação dos plastificantes. Os resultados indicam comportamentos distintos do PVC em função da natureza química do plastificante utilizado. O plastificante DIMIT possui boa estabilidade térmica, porém os resultados de cor e parâmetros de processamento foram insatisfatórios quando comparados ao DOP, já os plastificantes OSE e DOA apresentaram bons resultados para as propriedades avaliadas. Conclui-se que dentre os plastificantes analisados não foi possível determinar qual seria o melhor para substituição direta do DOP considerando toda a gama de produtos flexíveis de PVC, contudo esse trabalho colabora para a avaliação e seleção do melhor plastificante com base nos requisitos de cada aplicação do produto. / The poly (vinyl chloride) - PVC is a very versatile polymer due to the possibility of being formulated by incorporating additives, which can change the resin characteristics. Plasticizers composed of phthalates, such as di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DOP), are the most used, however, there are regulations restricting the use of this kind of plasticizers, intensifying studies with possible replacement alternatives. In this way, the objective of this work is to evaluate the influence of plasticizers from different sources in PVC, mainly physical, mechanical thermal stability, and rheological properties in the plasticized PVC. In the formulation of the compounds it was used the resin Norvic SP1000, product with VK65 and produced by suspension, suitable for flexible materials applications. In addition, it was used 60 phr of seven different plasticizers for each compound: DOP, considered as reference for all results, cyclohexane diisononyl (DINCH), di(2-ethylhexyl) cyclohexanoate (DOCH), di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DOA), di(2-ethylhexyl) terephthalate (DOTP), epoxidized soybean oil (OSE) and plasticizer produced from vegetable oils (DIMIT). In this study, the compounds were evaluated with many characterization analyzes, such as gelling and melting point in a torque rheometer, rheology by parallel plate rheometer, density, melt flow index in order to understand the influence of each plasticizer on the material processing Some characterizations in the final product as thermal stability through TGA, Metrastat, optical and mechanical properties such as hardness Shore A, tensile strength, abrasion resistance, resilience, aging in UV chamber as well as exudation tests. The results indicate different behaviors of PVC depending on the chemical nature of the plasticizer used. Results indicate that the DIMIT plasticizer had good thermal stability, but the color and processability results were unsatisfactory when compared to the DOP. In the other hand, the OSE and DOA presented good results for the evaluated properties. It can be concluded that among the plasticizers analyzed it wasn´t possible to determine the best for direct DOP replacement considering the entire range of flexible PVC products. However, this work contributes to the evaluation and selection of the best plasticizer based on the requirements of each application.

Měření parametrů GNSS přijímačů / Measurement of GNSS receiver parameters

Beneš, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
Goal of this thesis is to propose and realize a viable method to determine static a dynamic parameters of GNSS receivers. Thesis begins with research of GNSS, foremostly determining position and associated uncertainties of measurement. Following chapter contains research of GNSS receivers, data flow and methods of evaluating parameters of such measurements. Summary of obtained information is then used to schedule measurements, assemble experiment and create evaluating metrics. Main selected evaluating metric is weighted histogram of deviations with extended information. Aplication of proposed metrics onto measurements of GNSS receivers augments available information of GNSS receiver accuracy for whole range of values. This metrics also supplies additional statistical information about course of measurement.

Algoritmy výpočtu polohy, rychlosti a času z GNSS signálů / Algorithms for calculating the position, velocity and time from GNSS signals

Kučera, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis describes the principles of the Global Navigation Satellite System GNSS, specifically the GPS, GLONASS and Galileo systems. The thesis analyzes the structure of individual GNSS subsystems and introduces their properties. The algorithm for calculating the position is designed in the interactive programming environment MATLAB for the processing of GPS and GLONASS sampled signals. The position is calculated by a distance measurement method which searches for the intersection of spherical surfaces. The calculation is designed for four satellites and when more satellites are detected, the calculation is repeated for all possible combinations. From this position the combination with the lowest DOP (Dilution of Precision) factor is determined, and the calculation of the position is repeated for the best constellation of satellites. In this thesis the user graphical interface for entering the input of data, input parameters and the display of calculated values are created. Finally the calculation of the measured data is displayed on the selected location online map portal

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