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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Métodos de redução do arrasto e seus impactos sobre a estabilidade veicular / Methods of drag reduction and the impacts on the vehicle aerodynamics stability

Danilo Vieira Castejon 02 June 2011 (has links)
A crescente preocupação ambiental e a necessidade de se criar produtos mais eficientes têm impulsionado os pesquisadores a realizarem estudos acerca da aerodinâmica veicular. Estes dois fatores constituem os principais motivos, pelos quais existe uma grande procura por conhecimento nesta área. Esta ciência pode ser considerada relativamente nova e ainda carece de uma base de dados. Entender como a aerodinâmica se relaciona com o consumo de combustível nos automóveis, à medida que o arrasto impõe resistência ao deslocamento dos mesmos, é algo que tem estimulado as indústrias automotivas a investirem grandes esforços na obtenção de ferramentas, que possam representar as condições de tráfego normais e, assim conseguir prever o desempenho do produto em desenvolvimento. Os túneis de vento e a simulação computacional surgem neste ambiente como as principais ferramentas de análise e predição do escoamento ao redor do veículo. Por isso seu entendimento faz-se de extrema necessidade. Ter conhecimento sobre a concepção do seu projeto, como funcionam, seus pontos fortes e suas fraquezas, são requisitos necessários para a pessoa que deseja estudar esta ciência. O presente trabalho traz uma contextualização histórica da aerodinâmica veicular nas indústrias automotiva e automobilística, além de apresentar aspectos técnicos relacionados aos túneis de vento e simulação computacional. Abordando as vantagens e desvantagens de cada ferramenta, expõe-se o fato de que estas ferramentas são complementares no estudo aerodinâmico. Para exemplificar a utilização dessas ferramentas, foi realizado um estudo aerodinâmico sobre uma geometria básica, que representa com similaridade os veículos tipo hatchback, denominada Modelo SAE em ambiente computacional. Os conceitos acerca do arrasto veicular e estabilidade veicular foram expostos para embasar este estudo. Este modelo foi submetido a diferentes geometrias traseiras e condições de escoamento simétricas e assimétricas. Este estudo demonstrou que o arrasto e a estabilidade veicular compreendem conceitos distintos e, dessa forma, é possível diminuir o arrasto de um veículo sem haver perda de estabilidade. / The growing environmental concern and the necessity to create more efficient products have motivated researchers to conduct studies about the aerodynamic vehicle. These two aspects are the main reasons which are promoting a great demand for knowledge in this theme. This science may be considered relatively new and still lacks more databases. Understand how aerodynamics is related to automobiles fuel consumption such as drag resistance imposed to their displacement, is something that has made the automotive industries invest considerable effort in obtaining tools which may represent the normal traffic conditions and thus, able to predict the performance of the product in development stage. The wind tunnels and computer simulations appear in this environment as the main tools for analysis and prediction of the flow around vehicle. The understanding about them is so of utmost necessity. Knowing how it was designed, how they work, their strengths and weaknesses are essential requirements for the person who wants to study this science. This material presents a historical development of vehicle aerodynamics in automotive and motor-racing industries, indeed technical aspects related to wind tunnels and computational fluid dynamics. Exposing the advantages and disadvantages of both tools, it is evidenced these tools complement each other during an aerodynamic study. To exemplify these tools utility an aerodynamic research was conducted using a basic form geometry known as SAE Model that represents with similarity the hatchback vehicles in the market. Drag and vehicle stability concepts were exposed to build a solid basis for this study. This model was submitted to different rear geometries, symmetric and asymmetric flow conditions. It could be demonstrated that drag and vehicle stability have distinct concepts and therefore it is possible diminish the first without damaging the later.

Maintaining Underwater Cassie State for Sustained Drag Reduction in Channel Flow

Dilip, D January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Water droplets tend to bead up on rough or textured hydrophobic surfaces by trapping air on the crevices underneath resulting in “Cassie” state of wetting. When a textured hydrophobic surface is immersed in water, the resulting underwater “Cassie” state can lead to significant drag reduction. The entrapped air pockets act as shear free regions and the composite interface consisting of alternate no slip and no shear regions thus formed can deliver substantial drag reduction during flow. The magnitude of drag reduction depends not only on the fractional coverage of air on the surface, but also on the size of the air pockets, with larger sized air pockets facilitating larger drag reduction. It is a common observance that Lotus leaf when kept immersed in water for a few minutes loses its water repellency due to the loss of entrapped air on the surface. Underwater Cassie state on textured hydrophobic surfaces is also not sustainable because of the depletion of air pockets caused by the diffusion of trapped air into water. This causes the drag reduction to diminish with time. Rate of diffusion of air across the water–air interface depends on the concentration gradient of air across the interface. Under flow conditions, removal of entrapped air is further enhanced by convection, leading to more rapid shrinkage of the air pockets. In order to sustain the Cassie state, it is thus necessary to continuously supply air to these air pockets. In this work, we explore the possibility of supplying air to the cavities on the textured surface inside a microchannel by controlling the solubility of air in water close to the surface. The solubility is varied by i) Controlling the absolute pressure inside the channel and ii) Localized heating of the surface To trap uniform air pockets, a textured surface containing a regular array of blind holes is used. The textured surface is generated by photo etching of brass and is rendered hydrophobic through a self-assembled monolayer. The sustainability of the underwater Cassie state of wetting on the surface is studied at various flow conditions. The air trapped on the textured surface is visualized using total internal reflection based technique, with the pressure drop (or drag) being simultaneously measured. Water which is initially saturated with air at atmospheric conditions, when subjected to sub-atmospheric pressures within the channel becomes supersaturated causing the air bubbles to grow in size. Further growth causes the bubbles to merge and eventually detach from the surface. The growth and subsequent merging of the air bubbles leads to a substantial increase in the pressure drop because as the air pockets grow in size, they project into the flow and start obstructing the flow. On the other hand, a pressure above the atmospheric pressure within the channel makes the water undersaturated with air, leading to gradual shrinkage and eventual disappearance of air bubbles. In this case, the air bubbles do cause reduction in the pressure drop with the minimum pressure drop (or maximum drag reduction) occurring when the bubbles are flush with the surface. The rate of growth or decay of air bubbles is found to be significantly dependent on the absolute pressure in the channel. Hence by carefully controlling the absolute pressure, the Cassie state of wetting can be sustained for extended periods of time. A drag reduction of up to 15% was achieved and sustained for a period of over 5 hours. Temperature of water also influences the solubility of air in water with higher temperatures resulting in reduced solubility. Thus locally heating the textured hydrophobic surface causes the air bubbles to grow, with the rate of growth being dependent on the heat input. The effect of trapped air bubbles on thermal transport is also determined by measuring the heat transfer rate through the surface in the presence and absence of trapped air bubbles. Even though the trapped air bubbles do cause a reduction in the heat transfer coefficient by about 10%, a large pressure drop reduction of up to 15% obtained during the experiments helps in circumventing this disadvantage. Hence for the same pressure drop across the channel, the textured hydrophobic surface helps to augment the heat transfer rate. The experiments show that, by varying the solubility of air in water either by controlling the pressure or by local heating, underwater Cassie state of wetting can be sustained on textured hydrophobic surfaces, thus delivering up to 15% drag reduction in both cases for extended periods of time. The results obtained hold important implications towards achieving sustained drag reduction in microfluidic applications.

Computational Fluid Dynamic analysis of Microbubble Drag Reduction Systems at High Reynolds Number

Goolcharan, John D 08 July 2016 (has links)
Microbubble drag reduction (MBDR) is an effective method to improve the efficiency of fluid systems. MBDR is a field that has been extensively studied in the past, and experimental values of up to 80% to 90% drag reduction have been obtained. The effectiveness and simplicity of MBDR makes it a viable method for real world applications, particularly in naval applications where it can reduce the drag between the surface of ships and the surrounding water. A two dimensional single phase model was created in ANSYS Fluent to effectively model the behavior of bubble laden flow over a flat plate. This model was used to analyze the effectiveness of MBDR based on the following factors: Reynolds number, types of gas injected, upstream flow velocity, upstream fluid type, density ratio, flow rate of injected gas, using air as the upstream injected fluid.

Aerodynamic Analysis with Athena Vortex Lattice (AVL)

Budziak, Kinga January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This project evaluates the suitability and practicality of the program Athena Vortex Lattice (AVL) by Mark Drela. A short user guide was written to make it easier (especially for students) to get started with the program AVL. AVL was applied to calculate the induced drag and the Oswald factor. In a first task, AVL was used to calculate simple wings of different aspect ratio A and taper ratio lambda. The Oswald factor was calculated as a function f(lambda) in the same way as shown by HOERNER. Compared to HOERNER's function, the error never exceed 7.5%. Surprisingly, the function f(lambda) was not independent of aspect ratio, as could be assumed from HOERNER. Variations of f(lambda) with aspect ratio were studied and general results found. In a second task, the box wing was investigated. Box wings of different h/b ratio: 0.31, 0.62, and 0.93 were calculated in AVL. The induced drag and Oswald factor in all these cases was calculated. An equation, generally used in the literature, describes the box wing's Oswald factor with parameters k1, k2, k3 and k4. These parameters were found from results obtained with AVL by means of the Excel Solver. In this way the curve k = f(h/b) was plotted. The curve was compared with curves with various theories and experiments conducted prior by other students. The curve built based on AVL fits very well with the curve from HOERNER, PRANDTL and a second experiment made in the wind tunnel at HAW Hamburg.

Análisis contrastivo del doblaje y la subtitulación en inglés y en español de la serie animada Super Drags en relación con la representación del dragqueenismo en la versión en portugués / Contrastive analysis of the English and the Spanish dubbing and subtitling of the animated series Super Drags regarding the dragqueenism representation in the Portuguese version

Bustamante Almeida de Souza, Tainara Maria, Cotrina Santa Cruz, Diego David 01 July 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación abarca los campos del dragqueenismo y la traducción audiovisual. Ambos campos han experimentado un gran crecimiento en los últimos años gracias a la expansión de los contenidos audiovisuales por medio de internet y las plataformas de streaming. Actualmente, se observa que existen muchos más contenidos con temática drag queen que han sido doblados o subtitulados a distintas lenguas; sin embargo, la traducción y el dragqueenismo son dos campos poco explorados de manera conjunta y menos aún en series animadas. En este sentido, este artículo presente un caso de estudio sobre la representación del dragqueenismo en la serie animada Super Drags en su versión fuente y en sus versiones traducidas al español y al inglés con el objetivo de determinar cómo se representa el dragqueenismo de las protagonistas en las versiones dobladas y subtituladas al español y al inglés con respecto a la versión fuente. Por ello, el estudio busca ser un aporte para la traducción audiovisual en relación con la diversidad sexual y de género. / This research covers the fields of dragqueenism and audiovisual translation. Both fields have grown considerably in recent years as a result of the audiovisual content spread via Internet and streaming platforms. Nowadays, there are far more contents about drag queens that have been dubbed or subtitled into different languages. However, translation and dragqueenism are two fields rarely explored together, especially in animated series. Therefore, this research analyzes the representation of dragqueenism in the animated series Super Drags in its source version and translated versions into Spanish and English. The aim is to determine how the protagonists’ dragqueenism is represented in the dubbed and subtitled versions in Spanish and English compared to the source version. Hence, the study seeks to be a contribution to audiovisual translation regarding sexual and gender diversity. / Trabajo de investigación

Bestimmung des Bodenreibungsbeiwertes und der Oberflächenreibung eisbedeckter Wasserflächen im Meiningenstrom der Darß-Zingster Boddenkette und Anwendung auf vertikal integrierte hydronumerische Modelle

Schönfeldt, Hans-Jürgen, Raabe, Armin, Baudler, Henning 03 November 2016 (has links)
In einem hydronumerischen Modell zur Prognose des Strömungs- und Wasserstandsfeldes flacher Gewässer wird eine auf der Turbulenztheorie basierende Tiefenkorrektur für den Bodenreibungsbeiwertwert eingeführt und auf der Basis von Berechnungen für die DarßZingster Boddenkette überprüft. Für einen ausgewählten Meßpunkt der Darß-Zingster Boddenkette wurde der Reibungsbeiwert sowohl am Boden als auch unter einer Eisschicht experimentell bestimmt. Die Auswirkungen einer Tiefenkorrektur des Reibungsbeiwertes wurden in einem vertikal integrierten hydronumerischen Modell untersucht. Dabei wurden die experimentell bestimmten Reibungsbeiwerte, sowohl für die Reibung am Boden, als auch für die Reibung unter einer Eisschicht im Modell benutzt. Das verwendete Modell zeigt mit den gemessenen Reibungsbeiwerten nach Einführung der Tiefenkorrektur eine bessere Übereinstimmung zwischen Modelldaten und amtlichen Pegelregistrierungen. / For simulation of the flow and water level field in shallow water is introduced a depth correction of the bottom drag coefficient based on the theory of turbulence in a hydronumerical model and tested on calculations for the 'Darß-Zingster Boddenkette'. The drag coefficient was determined experimentally on the bottom and under ice for a selected measurement point in the 'Darß-Zingster Boddenkette'. The result of the depth correction was tested with a depth integrated hydronumerical model. The experimentally deterrnined drag coefficient on the bottom and under ice was introduced in the model. The used model shows with the measured drag coefficient after using the depth correction better agreement between the numerically simulated and measured water level.

Nature-inspired passive flow control using various coatings and appendages / Passiv styrning av strömmning inspirerad av naturen

Lacis, Ugis January 2015 (has links)
There is a wide variety of tails, fins, scales, riblets and surface coatings, which are used by motile animals in nature. Since organisms currently living on earth have gone through millions of years of evolution, one can expect that their design is optimal for their tasks, including locomotion. However, the exterior of living animals has range of different functions, from camouflage to heat insulation; therefore it is a very challenging task to isolate mechanisms, which are beneficial to reduce the motion resistance of the body. There are two general categories of mechanisms existing in locomotion and flow control. The first is active flow control, when an organism is actively moving some parts or the whole body (exerts energy) in order to modify the surrounding flow field (for example, flapping bird wings). The second is passive flow control, in which an organism has an appendage or a coating, which is not actively controlled (no energy is spent), but is interacting with surrounding flow in a beneficial way. Our aim is to find novel mechanisms for passive flow control. We start by looking at a simple model of an appendage (splitter plate) behind a bluff body (circular cylinder). If a recirculation region forms behind the body, already in this simple system there is a symmetry breaking effect for sufficiently short plates, which passively generates turn and drift of the body. We have found that this effect is caused by the pressure forces in the recirculation region, which pushes the plate away from the vertical in a manner similar to how a straight inverted pendulum falls under the influence of gravity. In order to investigate this symmetry breaking, we developed an extension of the immersed boundary projection method, in which the rigid body dynamics and fluid dynamics are coupled implicitly. The method is capable of solving for particle motion in a fluid for very small density ratios. We also explain our findings by a simple yet quantitative reduced-order model and soap-film experiments. To extend our work, we investigate flow around bodies, which are coated by a porous and elastic material. We have analysed various theoretical approaches to modeling a coating in a continuous manner. We aim to solve the governing equations numerically. We have selected multi-scale expansion approach, of which we present some initial results. / Många djur använder sig av fjäll, päls, hår eller fjädrar för att öka sin förmåga att förflytta sig i luft eller vatten. Evolutionen har främjat ojämna, sträva eller gropiga ytor, vilka har en tendens att minska det totala motståndet som uppstår när en kropp rör sig i vatten eller luft, jämfört med en helt slät och jämn yta.Det finns två kategorier av metoder för manipulering av strömning (så kallad flödeskontroll). Den första är en aktiv metod, där organismer aktivt rör hela eller delar av kroppen (förbrukar energi) för att manipulera omgivande strömningsfält. Den andra metoden är passiv, där organismer har utväxter eller ytbeläggningar som de inte är aktivt har kontroll över (ingen energi förbrukas), men som samverkar med omgivande strömningsfält på ett fördelaktigt sätt. Vårt mål är att hitta nya mekanismer för passiv flödeskontroll.Vi börjar med att studera en enkel modell för hur en utväxt samverkar med en strömmande fluid genom att fästa en platta på en cirkulär cylinder. Om en vak (så-kallad återcirkulationsregion) bildas bakom kroppen, bryts symmetrin i strömningsfältet då plattan är tillräckligt kort. Som en konsekvens av detta roterar kroppen och driver i sidled. Vi visar att detta fenomen orsakas av tryckkrafter i återcirkulationsregionen, som förskjuter plattan från dess vertikala läge. Vi argumenterar att denna mekanism är samma mekanism som får en inverterad pendel att falla under inverkan av gravitation. För att analysera symmetribrytningen, utvecklade vi en numerisk metod (immersed boundary projection method), som implicit kopplar stelkropps- och strömningsdynamik. Med hjälp av denna metod kan vi simulera partiklar i fluider med väldigt låga densitetsskillnader. Våra resultat förklaras även med hjälp av en enkel modell av låg ordning och med hjälp av såphinneexperiment.Som nästa steg i vårt arbete, ämnar vi att studera strömningen kring kroppar som är belagda av tät, porös och elastisk beläggning. Vi har analyserat möjliga tillvägagångssätt för att modellera beläggningar med kontinuumteori. Vi har valt en metod baserad på en flerskalig expansionsmetod, från vilken vi presenterar våra preliminära resultat. / <p>QC 20150119</p>

Evaluation of Alumina Nanofluids and Surfactant Drag Reducing Solutions to Improve Heat Transfer for Aircraft Cooling Systems

Narvaez, Javier Artemio January 2018 (has links)
No description available.


Simmons, Kathryn Elizabeth 17 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Aerodynamic Design Optimization of a Locomotive Nose Fairing for Reducing Drag

Stucki, Chad Lamar 01 April 2019 (has links)
Rising fuel cost has motivated increased fuel efficiency for freight trains. At cruising speed,the largest contributing factor to the fuel consumption is aerodynamic drag. As a result of stagnationand flow separation on and around lead and trailing cars, the first and last railcars experiencegreater drag than intermediate cars. Accordingly, this work focused on reducing drag on lead locomotivesby designing and optimizing an add-on nose fairing that is feasible for industrial operation.The fairing shape design was performed via computational fluid dynamic (CFD) software.The simulations consisted of two in-line freight locomotives, a stretch of rails on a raised subgrade,a computational domain, and a unique fairing geometry that was attached to the lead locomotive ineach non-baseline case. Relative motion was simulated by fixing the train and translating the rails,subgrade, and ground at a constant velocity. An equivalent uniform inlet velocity was applied atzero degree yaw to simulate relative motion between the air and the train.Five fairing families-Fairing Families A-E (FFA-FFE)-are presented in this thesis.Multidimensional regressions are created for each family to approximate drag as a function ofthe design variables. Thus, railroad companies may choose an alternative fairing if the recommendedfairing does not meet their needs and still have a performance estimate. The regression forFFE is used as a surrogate model in a surrogate based optimization. Results from a wind tunneltest and from CFD are reported on an FFE geometry to validate the CFD model. The wind tunneltest predicts a nominal drag reduction of 16%, and the CFD model predicts a reduction of 17%.A qualitative analysis is performed on the simulations containing the baseline locomotive, the optimalfairings from FFA-FFC, and the hybrid child and parent geometries from FFA & FFC. Theanalysis reveals that optimal performance is achieved for a narrow geometry from FFC becausesuction behind the fairing is greatly reduced. Similarly, the analysis reveals that concave geometriesboost the flow over the top leading edge of the locomotive, thus eliminating a vortex upstreamof the windshields. As a result, concave geometries yield greater reductions in drag.The design variable definitions for each family were strategically selected to improve manufacturability,operational safety, and aerodynamic performance relative to the previous families.As a result, the optimal geometry from FFE is believed to most completely satisfy the constraintsof the design problem and should be given the most consideration for application in the railroadindustry. The CFD solution for this particular geometry suggests a nominal drag reduction of 17%on the lead locomotive in an industrial freight train.

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