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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The immediate effect of spinal manipulative therapy on drag flicking performance of field hockey players

Wiggett, Michael January 2015 (has links)
Submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Masters Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2016. / Background In sport, competitive athletes are required to perform to the best of their ability, with some athletes seeking the use of chiropractic treatment to improve performance. For example, hockey players are required to perform at peak physical function whilst executing a drag flick. The action of a drag flick involves a player hunched over low down in front of the ball and the hook of the hockey stick makes contact with the ball, which is then ball is pushed along the ground with the ball moving slightly up the shaft of the stick. The player then performs ‘slinging’ action, which means they ‘flick’ the ball towards the goal posts. The drag flick is an explosive sequential movement involving the player’s pelvis, trunk and upper limbs, requiring the use of the spine to generate the speed of the stick and ball. As a result any decreased spinal movement could reduce performance. Therefore this study attempted to assess the use of spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) in improving the drag flicking performance of hockey players. SMT has been shown to be a safe and effective way of increasing spinal joint mobility Objectives To determine and compare the effect of placebo and spinal manipulative therapy in terms of subjective and objective measurements on drag flicking performance of premier league field hockey players. Methods A comparative, experimental study of forty asymptomatic premier league hockey drag flickers were divided into two groups of twenty each. Group A received SMT of fixated joints of the spine (cervical, thoracic and lumbar) as determined by motion palpation by an experienced qualified chiropractor. Group B received sham manipulation. Pre and post intervention ROM of the spine and drag flicking speed where measured using CROM, Inclinometer, BROM II and Speed TracX Speed Sport Radar. The subject’s perception of a change in drag flicking speed post intervention was also recorded. SPSS version 21 was used to analyse the data. A p value of 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results Significant differences in ROM were noticed in the inter-group analysis in cervical: extension; LLF; RR PA, thoracic: extension; LLF, RLF, lumbar: extension, LLF, RLF. There was a significant increase in drag flicking speed post SMT, but between the SMT and sham manipulation groups were not significantly different. A significant correlation was seen between subjects’ perception of change in drag flicking speed post intervention and the objective results obtained. Conclusion The immediate effect of SMT on drag flicking performance of hockey players was inconclusive. The outcomes of this study suggests that SMT results in an increase in the average speed of drag flicking, however further larger studies are required to confirm this. / M

Samband mellan psykopatiska drag och otrygga anknytningsstilar hos vuxna / Relationship between psychopathic trait and insecure attachment styles in adults

Friström, Ulrika January 2020 (has links)
Psykopatiska drag kan ge negativa konsekvenser såsom ett antisocialt beteende och låg empati. För att kunna förebygga har forskningen tittat på olika orsaker till att sådana drag utvecklas. Man har bland annat tittat på om otrygga anknytningsstilar har ett samband med psykopatiska drag.   I den här studien deltog 102 personer i ett bekvämlighetsurval. Av de som svarade var 83,3% kvinnor och resten män, de flesta var i åldersgrupperna mellan 41–64 år.   Denna studie visade ett svagt samband mellan otrygg-undvikande anknytningsstil och psykopatiska drag. Andra studier har gjorts med andra urvalsgrupper med problematik såsom psykiatrisk diagnos och kriminalitet. Förmodligen hade resultatet blivit annorlunda med ett annat urval. Tendensen är dock att det finns ett samband mellan otrygg-undvikande anknytningsstil och psykopatiska drag. / Psychopathic traits can have negative consequences such as antisocial behaviour and low empathy. In order to be able to prevent it, research has looked at various reasons why such traits develop. Among other things, they have looked at whether insecure attachment styles have a connection with psychopathic traits.   In this study, 102 people participated in a convenience sample. Of those who responded, 83.3% were women and the rest were men, most were in the age groups between 41–64 years.   This study showed a weak association between insecure-avoidant attachment style and psychopathic traits. Other studies have been done with other sample groups with problems such as psychiatric diagnosis and crime. Probably the result would have been different with a different selection. The tendency, however, is that there is a connection between insecure-avoidant attachment style and psychopathic traits.

Studie příčného rychlostního pole v blízkosti rotujícího kola s uvažováním vlivu nucené konvekce kotoučové brzdy / Study of transverse velocity field in the vicinity of rotating wheel with assumption of forced convection of disc brake

Regner, Dominik January 2019 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the influence of a local change of temperature due to advection from disc brake to axial velocity field close to the rotating wheel of a car. The second goal is to set parameters applicable to various wheel discs and study of the influence of these parameters to aerodynamical properties of car and thermodynamical properties of the disc brake. The thesis is numerically executed in StarCCM+. The first part focuses on theoretical background about the numerical solution and current status of research. There are described disc parameters, geometry input and solver settings in the second part. The final part deals with a comparison of velocity fields for isothermal and thermodynamical model and evaluates the influence of parameters to velocity field, aerodynamical drag and thermodynamical performance of the brake.

Výpočetní studie možností využití aktivního řízení proudu k snížení intenzity koncových vírů na křídle / A computational study on the effects of active flow control to the evolution of the wingtip vortices of a three dimensional wing

Skarolek, Vilém January 2012 (has links)
V této diplomové práci byla provedena série numerických výpočtů proudění kolem křídla s aktivním řízením proudu. Výpočty jsou provedeny pro různé úhly náběhu křídla s profilem NACA 0015. Křídlo s zařízením pro aktivní řízení proudu bylo testováno v podmínkách s Machovým číslem M=0,21 a Re= 2500000. Bylo zkoušeno více možných konfigurací s cílem nalézt nejúčinější variantu, která bude zároveň stále energeticky efektivní. Vybraný přístup k aplikaci aktivního řízení na křídle se od ostatních liší. Použito je velkých ploch pro vyfukování vzduchu o nízké rychlosti a zároveň v souvislosti s tím je studována energetická účinnost. Snížení odporu a zvýšení vztlaku je dosaženo změnou řídících veličin. Při určitých specifických podmínkách je zařízení schopno při velmi vysoké energetické účinnosti dosáhnout pro všechny úhly náběhu výrazného snížení odporu, zvýšení vztlaku křídla, nebo obojího zároveň. Maximální pokles odporu křídla na malých úhlech náběhu přesahuje 40% z celkového odporu křídla a stále s dodržením energetické účinnosti.

Návrh dvoumístného kovového letounu s ohledem na nízkou cenu a jednoduchost stavby / Design of the two seater ultralight aircraft with consideration the price and simplicity of the construction

Machala, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The object of the diploma thesis is a conceptual layout of two-seater metal ultralight aircraft which has simple construction and with respect to low price. The preamble of the work deals with concept, layout and technology of aircraft. As next part are solved an aerodynamic characteristics, a determinative of centre of gravity position and a performance. Last of all is strength of wing.

Rotace kola ve výpočtech externí aerodynamiky / Wheel rotation in external aerodynamics computations

Páleš, Patrik January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the master’s thesis is an investigation of volume mesh quality, turbulent models and models of rotation and their influence on aerodynamic coefficients of rotating wheels. Mesh independence study and near-wall prism layer modelling are also of high importance. Subsequently, the appropriate turbulent model is used for research of wheel rotation on drag and lift on a front and rear axle of the vehicle compared to the stationary case.

Aerodynamický návrh transsonického bezpilotního kluzáku / Aerodynamic design of transonic UAV glider

Kóňa, Marián January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on aerodynamic design of transonic glider, which is assigned for following an airliner at cruising regime of flight. Main goal of the thesis is to determine basic geometrical design of airplane with respect to Whitcomb aera rule, mass analysis and drag polar. Weight analysis includes determining center of gravity according to longitudinal static stability margin. The drag polar of the airplane is determine for cruising regime of flight, that means the regime of following an airliner.

Koncepční studie lehkého dvoumotorového proudového letounu / Conceptual study of very light twin jet aircraft

Smýkal, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Tématem diplomové práce je koncepční studie lehkého dvoumotorového letounu. Je provedeno srovnání současných letounů, jejich motorů, technický popis navrhovaného řešení, hmotový rozbor, výpočet aerostatických podkladů, výpočet obálky zatížení, nákladů na vývoj a základní konstrukce hlavních součástí.

Analýza vlivu rotace kola na aerodynamické vlastnosti vozidla / Analysis of the effect of rotation of the wheels on the aerodynamic characteristics of the vehicle

Škrášek, Roman January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with modeling and CFD calculation of aerodynamic characteristics of vehicle, influenced by loaded or unloaded tires and boundary conditions applied on this tires. These calculations are combined with three types of variable rear body shape of DrivAer vehicle. There is a complete analysis and evaluation of the effects of these factors.

Världens skuldbörda, den betydelselösa kvinnan : Ett känslohistoriskt perspektiv på LKPR:s retoriska drag / She´s to blame, the insignificance of the female sex : Emotional perspective within the Swedish suffrage movement´s rhetoric

Strand, Jessie January 2021 (has links)
This essay aims to study the Swedish suffrage movement, LKPR from an emotional historical perspective. How did the activists in the early 1900s relate to emotions, in a time in which women were described as “too emotional” to participate on the public stage? What do the emotions that got expressed actually mean and how could this affect the practical actions of the organisation? Do the activists share an emotional language, simply because they share the same restrictions and goals in life? The study will be formed as a discourse analysis, which will show us the importance of understanding that language and practical actions are interrelated. In time, we will see how the Swedish organisation actually used quite an aggressive rhetorical language, which differs from their practical actions. They used words such as unworthy, threatening, guiltand shame, belligerent, etc. And I came to realize just how willing and well the organisation and the actors within this compound actually adapted their language and the emotions that they described depending on the social, religious and political context that they found themselves to be in. The LKPR:s own journal very rarely held back emotions in any way, while actors within the organization that also wrote in other journals adapted to the preconceptions that could be found within those surroundings and readers. And based on this fact, the language of the LKPR:s actors and journal differs quite a lot from other common newspapers that were published at the same time and that discussed the same kind of issues. I would not hesitate tosay that the language of the LKPR actually does remind quite a lot about the english suffragettś rethorics, and therefore, I will argue, that further studies would gain from studying the relationship between the swedish activists and the english suffragettes, how this relationship affected the language and emotions and the practical actions.

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