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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Joseph L Fraseur (15347272) 26 April 2023 (has links)
<p> Integrating solar energy into the electric vehicle (EV) market alleviates the demand for</p> <p>fossil fuels used to generate the electricity used to power these vehicles. Integrated solar panels</p> <p>provide a new method of power generation for an electric vehicle, but researchers must consider</p> <p>new dependent variables such as drag in the figure of vehicle efficiency. For the solar array to be</p> <p>deemed a viable option for power generation, the solar array must generate enough energy to</p> <p>overcome the added weight and aerodynamic drag forces the solar system introduces. The thesis</p> <p>explores the application of photovoltaic modules for power generation in an EV system.</p> <p>Researchers installed an off-the-shelf solar module on the roof of an EV and investigated the</p> <p>system to explore the efficiency tradeoffs. The research sought to identify an optimized solar</p> <p>panel configuration for minimized drag based on maximized panel surface irradiance, cooling,</p> <p>and array output voltage parameters. The study utilized computational fluid dynamics modeling,</p> <p>wind tunnel testing, and full-scale track testing to analyze the system. The results of this study</p> <p>provide an optimized configuration for a Renogy RNG-100D atop a Chevrolet Bolt. The system</p> <p>was considered optimal at a tilt angle of zero degrees when in motion. The performance benefits</p> <p>due to the increased angle of the solar panel tilt were deemed insufficient in overcoming the</p> <p>aerodynamic drag forces introduced into the system while in motion.</p>

CFD on Open Wet Cutch to Reduce Drag Losses / CFD av våta kopplingar för minskade förluster

Duraisamy, Rimmie January 2017 (has links)
As the need for highly efficient transmission systems increase, it is imperative to have lower fuel consumption levels. Hence, it becomes crucial to investigate and understand reasons behind various losses occurring within the system. Clutches and gears contribute to the major losses within a transmission system. In this thesis project, the drag losses in disengaged wet clutch is studied and efforts have been made to come up with solutions to reduce these losses. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is used as tool to understand the oil flow in the clutch system. The thesis tasks focused on: - Better understanding of flow physics and oil inlet to the clutch pack - Design and analysis of groove patterns to reduce drag loss - Understand the effect of rotation of clutch discs on groove functionality - Development of a multiphase CFD model with realistic boundary conditions for clutch analysis Initially, the entire clutch pack is modelled to study the oil flow and estimate the amount of oil that is being pumped into the individual gaps between the steel plates and friction discs. To analyze different groove patterns, the clutch model was simplified and only the gap having higher mass flow rate has been considered for simulation. A background study has been done to understand the effect of different clutch parameters on drag losses. Based on the understanding from the literature study, two groove patterns- inclined grooves and waffle grooves have been designed and analyzed in this thesis work. A simplified model with periodic boundary condition and a complete single disc model have been set up and simulated to compare the two groove patterns. To reduce the computational time, at first, a periodic model is set up for groove study. Due to numerical instability observed in the results obtained by using model with periodic boundary condition, the complete single disc model is used for further groove study and comparison. To understand the effect of rotation on grooves, two models have been set up, one with stationary grooves and the other with rotating grooves. While performing the simulations, the temperature and the oil properties have been considered constant. As there were no test results available, the CFD results could not be validated. Convective heat transfer coefficient is estimated to compare the cooling effect of different grooves. An optimal groove pattern would be the one that dissipates oil faster and efficiently out of the clutch pack, and at the same time has better cooling effect. From the results obtained, the inclined grooves were more efficient than waffle grooves in dissipating oil and reducing drag losses. On the other hand, waffle grooves have higher convective heat transfer coefficient when compared to inclined grooves and are better for cooling. / På grund av de ökande kraven på transmissionssystemen är det av stort intresse att även öka deras verkningsgrad för att uppnå lägre bränsleförbrukning. Det blir då viktigt att förstå orsakerna bakom de förluster som uppstår inom systemet. Kopplingar och växlar bidrar till de största förlusterna inom ett transmissionssystem. I denna avhandling studeras strömningsförlusterna i en frånkopplad våtkoppling och försök görs att hitta lösningar för att minska dessa förluster. Computational Fluid Dynamics (numeriska flödesberäkningar) används som ett verktyg för att förstå oljeflödet i kopplingssystemet. Avhandlingens fokus ligger på följande områden: - Förbättra förståelsen för flödesfysik och oljetillförsel till kopplingspaketet - Design och analys av spårmönster för att minska strömningsförluster - Förstå effekten av kopplingsskivornas rotation på spårens funktion - Utveckling av en flerfas CFD-modell med realistiska randvillkor för kopplingsanalys Först modelleras hela kopplingspaketet för att studera oljeflödet och beräkna mängden olja som pumpas in i mellanrummen mellan stålplattorna och friktionsskivorna. För att analysera olika spårmönster förenklades kopplingsmodellen och endast det mellanrum med högst massflödeshastighet har beaktats för simulering. En bakgrundsstudie har gjorts för att förstå effekten av olika parametrar på strömningsförlusterna. Baserat på förståelsen från litteraturstudien har två spårmönster – lutande spår och våffelspår, utformats och analyserats i detta arbete. En nedskalad periodisk modell och en komplett enkelskivsmodell har skapats och simulerats för att jämföra de två spårmönstren. För att minska beräkningstiderna för simuleringarna, användes en periodisk modell för spårgeometristudien. På grund av numerisk instabilitet som observerades i resultaten från den periodiska modellen används den kompletta enkla skivmodellen för ytterligare analys och jämförelse. För att förstå rotationseffekten på spåren har två modeller upprättats, en med stationära spår och en med roterande spår. Under simuleringen har temperaturen och oljeegenskaperna antagits vara konstanta. Eftersom det inte fanns några testresultat tillgängliga kunde CFD-resultaten inte verifieras. Den konvektiva värmeöverföringskoefficienten uppskattades för att kunna jämföra hur kylförmågan påverkas av olika spårgeometrier.  Ett optimalt spårmönster bör utformas sådant att det minskar förlusterna genom att skingra oljan snabbt och effektivt i hela kopplingspaketet, och samtidigt ger en bättre kylningseffekt. Enligt de erhållna resultaten var de lutande spåren effektivare än våffelspår i att skingra olja och reducera strömningsförluster. Å andra sidan ger spår med våffelmönster en högre konvektiv värmeöverföringskoefficient jämfört med lutande spår och därmed förbättrad kylförmåga.

An Experimental Study of the High-Lift System and Wing-Body Junction Wake Flow Interference of the NASA Common Research Model / En experimentell studie av flödesinterferensen mellan flygplanskropp och vinge för NASA's Common Research Model

Brundin, Desirée January 2017 (has links)
This thesis investigates the turbulent flow in the wake of the wing-body junction of the NASA Common Research Model to further reveal its complex vortical structure and to contribute to the reference database used for Computational Fluid Dynamics validation activities. Compressible flows near two wall-boundary layers occurs not only at the wing-body junction but at every control surface of an airplane, therefore increased knowledge about this complex flow structure could potentially improve the estimates of drag performance and control surface efficiency, primarily for minimizing the environmental impact of commercial flight. The airplane model is modified by adding an inboard flap to investigate the influence from the deflection on the vorticity and velocity field. Future flap designs and settings are discussed from a performance improvement point of view, with the investigated flow influence in mind. The experimental measurements for this thesis were collected using a Cobra Probe, a dynamic multi-hole pressure probe, for Reynolds numbers close to one million based on the wing root chord. A pre-programmed three-dimensional grid was used to cover the most interesting parts of the junction flow. The facility used for the tests is a 120 cm by 80 cm indraft, subsonic wind tunnel at NASA Ames Research Center’s Fluid Mechanics Lab, which provides an on-set flow speed of around Mach 0.15, corresponding to approximately 48 m/s. / Den här avhandlingen undersöker det turbulenta flödet runt övergången mellan flygplanskropp och vinge på en NASA Common Research Model för att vidare utforska den komplexa, tredimensionella strukturen av flödet och bidra till NASA’s officiella databas för jämförelser med simulerade flöden. Kompressibla flöden nära tvåväggsgränsskikt uppkommer inte bara vid övergången mellan flygplanskropp och vinge utan även vid varje kontrollyta på ett flygplan. Ökad kunskap om flödets beteende vid sådana områden kan därför bidra till en bättre uppskattning av prestanda och effektivitet av kontrollytorna och flygplanet i sin helhet, vilket kan bidra till minskad miljöpåverkan från kommersiell flygtrafik. Flygplansmodellen är modifierad genom montering av en vingklaff på den inre delen av vingen, detta för att undersöka hur olika vinklar på klaffarnas nedböjning påverkar flödets struktur och hastighetsfält. Framtida klaffdesigner och inställningar för ökad prestanda diskuteras även utifrån denna påverkan. Mätningarna i vindtunneln gjordes med en Cobra Probe, ett dynamisk tryckmätningsinstrument, speciellt designad för turbulenta och instabila flöden. Reynoldsnumren som generades av den subsoniska, indrags-vindtunneln var ungefär en miljon baserad på vingrotens längd, vilket motsvarar knappt en tiondel av normala flygförhållanden för samma flygplansmodell.

Effects of Various Shaped Roughness Elements in Two-Dimensional High Reynolds Number Turbulent Boundary Layers

Bennington, Jeremy Lawrence 14 September 2004 (has links)
Modeling the effects of surface roughness is an area of concern in many practical engineering applications. Many current roughness models to this point have involved the use of empirical 'constants' and equivalent sand grain roughness. These underdeveloped concepts have little direct relationship to realistic roughness and cannot predict accurately and consistently the flow characteristics for different roughness shapes. In order to aid in the development of turbulence models, the present research is centered around the experimental investigation of seven various shaped single roughness elements and their effects on turbulence quantities in a two-dimensional turbulent boundary layer. The elements under scrutiny are as follows: cone, cone with spatial variations equal to the smallest sublayer structure length scale, cone with spatial variations equal to 2.5 times the smallest sublayer structure length scale, Gaussian-shaped element, hemisphere, cube aligned perpendicular to the flow (cube at 90&#176;), and a cube rotated 45&#176; relative to the flow. The roughness element heights, k+, non-dimensionalized by the friction velocity (U_tau) of the approaching turbulent boundary layer, are 145, 145, 145, 145, 80, 98, and 98 respectively. Analysis of a three-dimensional fetch of the same Gaussian-shaped elements described previously was also undertaken. In order to analyze the complex flow fields, detailed measurements were obtained using a fine-measurement-volume (50 micron diameter) three-velocity component laser-Doppler velocimetry (LDV) system. The data reveals the formation of a horseshoe vortex in front of the element, which induces the downwash of higher momentum fluid toward the wall. This 'sweep' motion not only creates high Reynolds stresses (v^2, w^2, -uv) downstream of the element, but also leads to higher skin-friction drag. Triple products were also found to be very significant near the height of the element. These parameters are important in regards to the contribution of the production and diffusion of the turbulent kinetic energy in the flow. The 'peakiness' of the roughness element was found to have a direct correlation to the production of circulation, whereas the spatial smoothing does not have an immense effect on this parameter. The peaked elements were found to have a similar trend in the decay of circulation in the streamwise direction. These elements tend to show a decay proportional to (x/d)^-1.12, whereas the cube elements and the hemisphere do not have a common trend. A model equation is proposed for a drag correlation common to all roughness elements. This equation takes into account the viscous drag and pressure drag terms in the calculation of the actual drag due to the roughness elements presence in the boundary layer. The size, shape, frontal and wetted surface areas of the roughness elements are related to one another via this model equation. Flow drawings related to each element are presented which gives rise to a deeper understanding of the physics of the flow associated with each roughness element. / Master of Science

Short-Range Magnetic Correlations, Spontaneous Magnetovolume Effect, and Local Distortion in Magnetic Semiconductor MnTe

Baral, Raju 19 December 2022 (has links)
The antiferromagnetic semiconductor MnTe has recently attracted significant interest as a potential high-performance thermoelectric material. Its promising thermoelectric properties are due in large part to short-range magnetic correlations in the paramagnetic state, which enhance the thermopower through the paramagnon drag effect. Using magnetic pair distribution function (mPDF) analysis of neutron total scattering data, we present a detailed, real-space picture of the short-range magnetic correlation in MnTe, offering a deeper view into the paramagnon drag effect and the nature of the correlated paramagnetic state. We confirm the presence of nanometer-scale antiferromagnetic correlations far into the paramagnetic state, show the evolution of the local magnetic order parameter across the N\'eel temperature T_N=307 K, and discover a spatially anisotropic magnetic correlation length. By combing our mPDF analysis with traditional atomic PDF analysis, we also gain detailed knowledge of the magnetostructural response in MnTe. We observed a spontaneous volume contraction of nearly 1\%, the largest spontaneous magnetovolume effect reported so far for any antiferromagnetic system. The lattice strain scales linearly with the local magnetic order parameter, in contrast to the quadratic scaling observed for the conventional magnetostriction properties of this technologically relevant material. Using neutron and X-ray PDF analysis, we also investigated the local distortion on MnTe and Mn-based systems, MnS and MnO as a function of temperature. Such local distortion on MnTe increases with the rise in temperature and becomes more pronounced at 500 K.

Masculinidad(es) en tacones: La vivencia de las masculinidades en Drag Queens peruanas

Yépez Malpartida, Brúmel Yared 23 September 2022 (has links)
La presente investigación propone analizar la vivencia y construcción de las masculinidades de un grupo de Drag Queens peruanas, quienes son personas que nacieron como hombres, se identifican como hombres gais y realizan una caracterización para un show nocturno. Este es un estudio cualitativo con un enfoque fenomenológico descriptivo. Para ello, se realizaron siete entrevistas semi-estructuradas para explorar la construcción de sus masculinidades a lo largo de las distintas etapas de la vida y tomando en cuenta la influencia que ejerce el Dragqueenismo en este proceso. El análisis de los resultados fue estructurado en tres áreas principales: a) Significado del género y de las masculinidades, b) Vivencia de ser distintos desde pequeños y c) ¿El Dragqueenismo como factor liberador del modelo hegemónico? De manera general, se encontró que estas personas se encuentran en un proceso constante de reconstrucción de su masculinidad y presentan ciertas características que se oponen al modelo hegemónico. Estas abarcan el entendimiento del género como un fenómeno fluido y diverso, la exploración de la feminidad que se encuentra dentro de ellos como una posibilidad placentera y la presencia de gustos y preferencias distintas a los estereotipos hegemónicos de la masculinidad como jugar con muñecas o practicar vóley. No obstante, si bien su trabajo como Drag Queens les brinda la posibilidad de profundizar en su identidad y autoestima, aún existen ciertos rasgos que mantienen las estructuras hegemónicas como las demandas estéticas femeninas, las cuales se exigen a sus personajes Drags. Este trabajo busca brindar aportes acerca de lo favorable que resultan las masculinidades disidentes para cambiar las estructuras tradicionales que limitan el desarrollo integral de los varones y genera violencia y desigualdad en nuestra sociedad. Del mismo modo, espera ser una guía para futuras investigaciones donde se aborde a la misma población con el objetivo de acabar con los prejuicios que sufren en nuestro contexto. / The present research seeks to analyze the experience and construction of the masculinities of a group of Peruvian Drag Queens, people who were born as men, identify themselves as gay men and perform a characterization for a night show. This is a qualitative study with a descriptive phenomenological approach. To reach this, seven semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore the construction of their masculinities throughout the different stages of life and considering the influence that Drag has on this process. The analysis of the results was structured in three main areas: a) Meaning of gender and masculinities, b) Experience of being different since childhood and c) Dragqueenism as a liberating factor of the hegemonic model? In general, it was found that the participants of this study are in a constant process of reconstructing their masculinity and present certain characteristics that are opposed to the hegemonic model. These include the understanding of gender as a fluid and diverse phenomenon; the exploration of femininity found within them as a pleasurable possibility; and the presence of preferences that does not match with the hegemonic stereotypes of masculinity, such as playing with dolls or playing volleyball. However, although their work as Drag Queens gives them the possibility to go deeper in their identity and self-esteem, there are still certain traits that maintain hegemonic structures such as feminine aesthetic demands. This work seeks to provide contributions about how favorable dissident masculinities are to change the traditional structures that limit the integral development of men and generate violence and inequality in our society. In the same way, it hopes to be a guide for future research where the same population is approached with the objective of ending the prejudices they suffer in our context.

El dragqueenismo como laboratorio identitario: identidades y devenires de género en un grupo de jóvenes de sectores medio-altos que hace drag en Lima Metropolitana

Brizio Bello, Alejandra 05 November 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación estudia las identidades de género de jóvenes de entre 20 y 26 años de estratos medio-altos limeños que hacen drag. Lo orienta una pregunta por las formas en que la práctica del drag se vincula con dichas identidades. Adicionalmente, analiza el rol que cumplen ciertos recursos, entendidos como capitales, en las mismas. Se encuentra que el drag es un recurso cultural cercano para los jóvenes, especialmente considerando su condición socioeconómica y su contacto con la cultura global gay (Martel, 2014). Así, el pertenecer a estratos medio-altos de la sociedad limeña, y los capitales social, cultural, económico y simbólico que se asocian a estos, han marcado sus rutas en lo drag y su manera de entender nociones como la identidad. De la mano de eso, encontramos que la relación entre la práctica del drag y las identidades de género es heterogenea y está vinculada con las formas de entender y conceptualizar ambos conceptos. Ahora bien, mediante el drag, los jóvenes experimentan devenires identitarios en relación con el género (Perlongher, 2016), a través de una performance que combina elementos asociados a lo femenino y lo masculino, que les permite experimentar con identidades que distan de las que se ha buscando presentar como clasicas (hombre-masculino y mujer-femenina) y que revierten fuera de su práctica drag. Así, la identidad de género y el drag se vinculan mediante este proceso al que llamamos devenir drag, el cual solo puede ocurrir en la medida en que exista un tiempo y espacio seguro (físico y simbólico) para ello; ambiente al que denominamos laboratorio identitario.

Where is the Body? : En komparativ visuell analys av kostym och smink i drag i To Wong Foo,Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar och The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert / Where is the Body? : A comparative visual analysis of costume and makeup in drag in To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar and The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert

Gustavsson, Kristina January 2023 (has links)
This essay focuses on a comparative analysis of costume and makeup presented in the two drag queen road-movies To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar! (1995) and The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994). These movies have similar settings with a group of three drag queens traveling across the country to participate in their big show. The primary main focus of this essay has been to analyze the costumes and makeup that are worn by the three main characters in their drag in each film and what it can say about gender and performativity presented in each film. A semiotic analysis was used as a method to analyze selected sequences and Bordwell and Thompsons (2017) segment about costume and makeup as a part of mise-en-scene was used. The results from each movie were later compared. Other theories that were applied were Judith Butler’s theory (2006) about gender performativity, Richard Dyer (1999) on stereotypes and Laura Mulvey's theory (1999) about the male gaze. The results show that Too Wong Foo focuses more on conforming existing women's gender roles with costumes that could be connected to luxury brands in the connotation, while Priscilla has a more exaggerated approach that was likened to shows on Broadway in the connotation.  The individual project was based on a folder from Samiskt informationscentrum (SIC) and resulted in two short animated movies about Sámi in Sweden and Sápmi.

Analytical and Numerical Models for Velocity Profile in Vegetated Open-Channel Flows

Hussain, Awesar A. January 2020 (has links)
The presence of vegetation in open channel flow has a significant influence on flow resistance, turbulence structures and sediment transport. This study will evaluate flow resistance and scale velocity profile in depth limited flow conditions, specifically investigating the impact of vegetation on the flow resistance under submerged flow conditions. The resistance induced by vegetation in open channel flows has been interpreted differently in literature, largely due to different definitions of friction factors or drag coefficients and the different Reynolds numbers. The methods utilized in this study are based on analytical and numerical models to investigate the effects of vegetation presence on flow resistance in open channel flows. The performing strategy approach was applied by three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, using artificial cylinders for the velocity profile. This is to estimate the average flow velocity and resistance coefficients for flexible vegetation, which results in more accurate flow rate predictions, particularly for the case of low Reynolds number. This thesis shows different formulas from previous studies under certain conditions for a length scale metric, which normalises velocity profiles of depth limited open channel flows with submerged vegetation, using both calculated and simulated model work. It considers the submerged vegetation case in shallow flows, when the flow depth remains no greater than twice the vegetation height. The proposed scaling has been compared and developed upon work that have been influenced by logarithmic and power laws to present velocity profiles, in order to illustrate the variety of flow and vegetation configurations.

Gender Transgression and Hegemony: the Politics of Gender Expression and Sexuality in Contemporary Managua

Petrus, John Stephen 19 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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