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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo experimental e modelagem do escoamento de emulsão inversa em tubulações / Experimental study and modeling of flow of inverse emulsion in pipes

Rodriguez, Iara Hernandez 18 November 2014 (has links)
O escoamento líquido-líquido, em especial o escoamento óleo-água, vem atraindo a atenção de pesquisadores devido à alta demanda pelo combustível fóssil no atual cenário petrolífero mundial e nacional. Os desafios tecnológicos colocados pelas descobertas de reservas de óleos pesados e altamente viscosos consideram, em especial, a preocupação por minimizar as perdas energéticas nas linhas. Emulsões inversas ou dispersões óleo-em-água, na qual o óleo se encontra disperso de maneira uniforme em água, caracteriza-se pela baixa viscosidade aparente, tornando-se um tipo de emulsão desejável em algumas etapas do transporte de petróleo. Esses fatos tornam essencial o estudo deste tipo de padrão para o dimensionamento e operação ótima de dutos de produção de petróleo. Contudo, não existe ainda um número abrangente de trabalhos sobre padrão disperso líquido-líquido, ao comparar com escoamento em fases separadas. Trabalhos sobre dispersões têm reportado redução de atrito sem a adição de substâncias químicas em regime turbulento. No entanto, não há ainda um entendimento satisfatório do fenômeno. Na maioria dos trabalhos, sendo quase todos realizados com óleos leves e pouco viscosos, a redução é reportada em dispersões água-em-óleo, com escassos trabalhos reportando o fenômeno em dispersões óleo-em-água. A pesquisa realizada tratou do estudo experimental e teórico de dispersões óleo-em-água em tubulações. O escoamento foi caracterizado a partir da obtenção de dados de holdup, gradiente de pressão por fricção, distribuição das fases e padrão de escoamento. Uma teoria foi proposta para explicar a redução de atrito detectada neste trabalho, baseada na existência de um filme fino de água que escoa em contato com a parede do tubo, a baixos números de Reynolds, evitando o contato direto do núcleo turbulento (mistura bifásica) com a parede do tubo. O referido filme líquido foi detectado e quantificado utilizando-se técnica visual. Além disso, um modelo dinâmico baseado na teoria de lubrificação hidrodinâmica foi desenvolvido como tentativa de explicar a formação do filme líquido parietal no escoamento turbulento de dispersões óleo-água. / Liquid-liquid flow, especially oil-water flow, has attracted the attention of researchers due to the high demand for petroleum in the current global scenario. The discovery of reserves of heavy and highly viscous oils creates new challenges which are mainly concerned with reducing the significant pressure drop in pipes. Inverse emulsion or oil-in-water dispersions in which the oil is dispersed in water is characterized by its low effective viscosity, making it a desirable type of emulsion in some steps of oil production. These facts make the study of dispersed liquid-liquid flow essential for the design and optimal operation of oil pipelines. However, the studies on such flow pattern are scanty in comparison to those on separate flows, as stratified and annular flow patterns. Drag reduction in oil-water turbulent flow without the addition of any chemical substance has been reported in some studies. This phenomenon has received increasing attention in recent years, because there is not a satisfactory understanding of its dynamics yet. Most studies, almost all using light oils, report drag reduction in dispersion of water-in-oil, with few studies reporting the phenomenon in oil-in-water dispersions. This research comprises an experimental and theoretical study on oil-in-water dispersions in pipes. Pressure gradient, holdup, phase distribution and flow patterns data were obtained to characterize the two-phase flow. A theory was proposed to explain the drag reduction detected in this work, based on the existence of a thin water film flowing in contact with the pipe wall at low Reynolds numbers, avoiding contact between the turbulent core (mixture) and the pipe wall. The liquid film was detected and quantified using visual technique. In addition, a dynamic model based on the hydrodynamic lubrication theory was developed as an attempt to explain the formation of the liquid film.

Postavení travesti show v mediální kultuře / The role of travesti show in media culture

Provázková, Jana January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis The Role of Travesty Show in Media Culture is concerned with a question if we can find some similarities between the way how media presents travesty show and the way how people think and talk about this kind of entertainment. As a research method I chose qualitative content analysis and questionnaire. Theoretical part focuses on explanation of technical terms, history of homosexuality, queer culture, queer theory, travesty show and history. In practical part I will create concrete codes from qualitative content analysis and from these codes I will make categories. Part of practical part is also a questionnaire. In the end of this thesis I will compare the codes from qualitative content analysis with the answers from the questionnaire. And based on this comparison I will find out if there exist any similarities between the way how media presents travesty show and the way how people think and talk about this kind of entertainment.

Modelling of windage and churning losses in high speed rolling element bearings / Modélisation de la dérive et des pertes de barattage dans les paliers d'éléments roulants à grande vitesse

Gao, Wenjun 27 June 2018 (has links)
Dans un système de machines rotatives comme un moteur à turbine, les paliers d'éléments roulants à grande vitesse jouent un rôle important dans le support de l'arbre ou du rotor rotatif, et ont besoin d'une lubrification pour assurer leur fonction. Sauf qu'une petite quantité d'huile est nécessaire pour former le film lubrifiant élastohydrodynamique dans la zone de contact, la plus grande partie du lubrifiant reste en suspension dans l'air, formant un mélange huile/air. Ce phénomène entraîne des pertes hydrauliques parasitaires excessives lorsque les éléments roulants se translatent et tournent dans l'environnement fluide, ce qui peut constituer une partie relativement importante de la perte de puissance totale du roulement, appelée traînée d'enroulement et pertes de barattage. Pour une vitesse de rotation jusqu'à 3× 106 Ndm, la contribution de la traînée/dérive au total peut atteindre 50%. Cependant, jusqu'à présent, il existe peu d'approches utilisées directement pour l'estimation des pertes par traînage, qui ne pouvait fournir qu'une approximation plutôt grossière. Dans cette thèse, la méthode CFD est utilisée pour analyser d'abord l'écoulement autour d'un cylindre circulaire de longueur finie avec deux extrémités libres dans un espace ouvert. Ensuite, le modèle est remplacé par plusieurs cylindres circulaires en ligne pris en sandwich par deux parois plates, ce qui représente une approche simplifiée. Le fluide est ici considéré comme incompressible, représentant un fluide monophasé équivalent pour l'écoulement diphasique huile/air à l'intérieur de la cavité de palier avec des propriétés de fluide spécifiées. Les résultats indiquent que l'écoulement autour de l'élément de rouleau de longueur finie est perturbé par ses deux extrémités libres, les anneaux environnants, la cage et d'autres éléments roulants. Il est proposé une relation entre le coefficient de traînée et le nombre de Reynolds approprié pour un cylindre circulaire dans les roulements à rouleaux (1<L/D<6), ainsi qu'une formulation pour la prévision des pertes de barattage. L'écoulement diphasique huile/air à l'intérieur de la cavité de palier avec lubrification sous la course est également étudié dans ce travail. Le volume couplé de niveau de fluide (CLS-VOF) est utilisé pour démontrer la distribution du lubrifiant le long de la circonférence du palier. L'effet de divers facteurs est étudié, par ex. la vitesse d'injection d'huile, le diamètre de la buse, les propriétés de l'huile et l'angle d'injection de l'huile. La vitesse de rotation de tous les composants du palier est étudiée en particulier pour quantifier leur influence sur la fraction du volume d'huile à l'intérieur de la cavité du palier. Les résultats démontrent que non seulement la vitesse de rotation relative de l'anneau interne, mais la vitesse de la cage elle-même pourrait changer la distribution d'huile. / In a rotating machinery system like turbine engine, high speed rolling element bearings play an important role in supporting the rotating shaft or rotor, and need lubrication to insure their function. Except a small quantity of oil is needed to form the elastohydrodynamic lubricant film in the contact zone, most of lubricant remains in suspension in air, forming an oil/air mixture. This phenomenon leads to excessive parasitic hydraulic losses when rolling elements translate and rotate into the fluid environment, which may constitute a relatively large portion of the bearing's total power loss, named windage drag and churning losses. For high speed applications, i.e. for rotational speed up to 3× 10^6 Ndm, the contribution of drag/windage loss to the total one may reach up to 50%. However, so far there are few approaches used directly for drag and churning losses estimation, which could only provide a rather gross approximation. In this thesis, the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method is employed to analyze first the flow around one finite-length circular cylinder with two free ends in an open space. Then the model is changed to several in-line circular cylinders sandwiched by two flat walls, which represents a simplified approach. The fluid here is regarded as incompressible, representing an equivalent one-phase fluid for the oil/air two-phase flow inside the bearing cavity with specified fluid properties. The results indicate that the flow around the finite length roller element is perturbed by its two free ends, the surrounding rings, the cage and other rolling elements. A relationship between the drag coefficient and the Reynolds number suitable for circular cylinder in roller bearings (1<L/D<6) is proposed, as well as a formulation for churning losses prediction. The oil/air two phase flow inside the bearing cavity with under-race lubrication is also studied in this work. The coupled level-set volume of fluid (CLS-VOF) method is employed to demonstrate the lubricant distribution along the bearing circumference. The effect of various factors is studied, e.g. the oil injection velocity, the nozzle diameter, the oil properties, and the oil injecting angle. Rotational speed of all the bearing components are studied particularly to quantify their influence to the oil volume fraction inside the bearing cavity. The results demonstrate that not only the inner-ring relative rotational speed, but the cage speed itself could change the oil distribution. The results can be used for the precise lubrication design to optimate the oil distribution inside the bearing.

Termisk stigning i höga byggnader : Vindens påverkan / Thermal flow in high-rise buildings : The influence of the wind

Walldén, Jimmy January 2019 (has links)
Att tillhandahålla termisk komfort är ett av de främsta kraven som ställs på byggnader i dagens samhälle. Stora delar av energianvändningen går därför åt till att styra inomhusklimatet för att upprätthålla en behaglig nivå. Det påstås att omkring 40 % av denna energi tillkommer på grund av energiförluster via öppningar och läckage genom byggnaders klimatskal. Med tanke på världens och Sveriges alltmer striktare energikrav där man bland annat vill bygga nära-nollenergibyggnader är detta någonting som bör förbättras. Det är därför viktigt att förstå hur men även varför denna luftinfiltration uppstår och vilka faktorer som har en påverkande effekt. Detta arbete innefattas av tre olika simuleringsstudier av en hög byggnad där inomhusluftens rörelsemönster samt yttre vindförhållanden har legat i fokus. En studie utfördes med hjälp av simuleringsverktyget IDA ICE där luftens infiltration undersöktes. De andra två utfördes med hjälp av CFD-programmet COMSOL Multiphysics v5.4. Den ena CFD-studien studerade termiska stigkrafter inuti byggnaden och den andra studerade vindens flödesmönster utanför byggnaden och varför infiltrationen beter sig som den gör. Resultatet av simuleringarna i IDA ICE visar att det är möjligt att minska infiltrationsmängden luft in i byggnaden från 1384 l/s till 804 l/s genom att ta hänsyn till ytterdörrens placering relativt den inkommande vinden riktning. De visar även att infiltrationens inflöde är som högst på bottenvåningen för att sedan minska och därefter övergå till ett utflöde på de högre våningsplanen.Resultatet från den första CFD-studien beskriver hur den varmare inomhusluftens rörelsemönster förändras då kallare luft tar sig in på byggnadens bottenvåning. Detta förändrade rörelsemönster resulterar i att den varmare luften stiger och därmed letar sig ut genom byggnadens högre våningsplan. Den andra CFD-studiens resultat beskriver hur den yttre vindens flödesmönster förändras då dess infallsvinkel mot byggnaden varierar. Flödesmönstrets förändring ger i sin tur upphov till en varierande tryckskillnader på utsidan samt inuti byggnaden. Detta är därför en av förklaringarna till varför infiltrationen är som högst då vinden blåser rakt mot byggnadens öppna dörr jämfört med när den kommer med en annan infallsvinkel. Slutsatsen är att ytterdörrens placering relativt den yttre vinden rörelsemönster bör tas i beaktning vid nybyggnation av höga byggnader eller renovering av redan befintliga byggnader. Detta för att minimera infiltrationen och därmed reducera den problematik som infiltrationen kan medföra. / One of the main requirements a building have is to provide thermal comfort inside it. Therefore, large parts of the energy consumptions is used to control the indoor climate in order to maintain a comfortable level in the building. It’s alleged that around 40 % of this energy is added due to energy losses through opening and leakages in the buildings enclosure. Considering the world’s increasing energy requirements, where among other things one future requirement is to build nearly-zero energy buildings, is this something that needs to be improved. It’s therefore important to understand how, and also why this air infiltration occurs and what’s affecting it. This master thesis contains of three different types of simulation studies where the air inside a high-rise building, and also the wind flow around it was analyzed. One of these three studies was performed with the simulation program IDA ICE, where the air infiltration was examined. The other two studies were performed with the CFD-software, COMSOL Multiphysics v5.4. One of these CFD-studies examined the thermal flow that occurs inside the building. The other one examined the wind’s flow pattern outside the building and why the air infiltration behavior is like it is. The results from the IDA ICE simulations shows that it’s possible to decrease the infiltration rate of air into the building from 1384 l/s to 804 l/s by taking the exterior door’s position relative the incoming wind’s direction into account. They also show that the infiltration inflow is highest on the ground floor before it starts to decrease and then change and becomes an outflow on the the higher floors. The results from the first CFD-study describes how the movements of the warmer air inside the building changes when colder air flows in on the ground floor. This changed air movement pattern makes the warmer air rise, and thus flow out through the enclosure on the higher parts of the building. The other CFD-study describes how the flow pattern of the outside wind changes around the building when the winds angle of incidence varies. The changed flow pattern causes varying pressure differences, both on the outside and the inside of the building. This is therefore the explanation to why the infiltration rate is greatest when the wind blows straight towards the opened door on the building instead of with other angles of incidence. The conclusion is that the placement of exterior doors on high-rise buildings relative to the outside wind should be taken into account when new buildings are built or when a renovation of an existing building should be made. This to minimize air infiltration through buildings and thereby reduce problems infiltration can cause.

Étude aérodynamique et contrôle de la traînée sur un corps de Ahmed culot droit / Aerodynamic analysis and drag reduction around an Ahmed bluff body

Eulalie, Yoann 15 December 2014 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail de thèse consiste à analyser les solutions de contrôle permettant de réduire la traînée aérodynamique et donc de diminuer la consommation d’un véhicule. Les véhicules ciblés dans cette étude sont ceux se rapprochant d’une géométrie à culot droit telles que les versions break, monospace, SUV, utilitaires, ou même les remorques de camions. Pour s’affranchir des variantes de style, ces travaux sont concentrés sur la géométrie académique du corps de Ahmed à culot droit. La vitesse de l’écoulement est de 30m/s afin de retrouver des caractéristiques d’un écoulement de sillage fortement turbulent, proche des vitesses d’un véhicule sur autoroute. Ce travail à dominante numérique se décompose en deux parties : la première a pour objectif de valider les résultats de calculs avec et sans solution de contrôle avec des mesures expérimentales identiques, la seconde d’explorer numériquement des configurations de contrôle mixant des solutions de jets périodiques et de déflecteurs agissant sur le sillage du corps de Ahmed à culot droit. Les solutions les plus efficaces apportent des réductions de la traînée de l’ordre de 10%. / This present work is focused on the analysis of control solutions that reduce the aerodynamic drag and therefore the fuel consumption of vehicles. The selected vehicle geometries are closed to a bluff body such as Estate, van, SUV, commercial vehicles or even truck trailers. This work is then focused on the academic geometry of Ahmed body with square back in order to avoid style diversity. The reference velocity flow is equal to 30m/s, which is closed to a vehicle speed on a highway, and induces a highly turbulent wake flow. This work mainly numerical is divided in two parts. The first one is dedicated to the validation of the numerical model with experimental wind tunnel measurements. The second part looks for numerical configurations of flow control solution, mixing periodic jet and deflector both acting on the wake. Most effective solutions lead to drag reduction of about 10%.

Numerical simulation of the unsteady aerodynamics of flapping airfoils

Young, John, Aerospace, Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
There is currently a great deal of interest within the aviation community in the design of small, slow-flying but manoeuvrable uninhabited vehicles for reconnaissance, surveillance, and search and rescue operations in urban environments. Inspired by observation of birds, insects, fish and cetaceans, flapping wings are being actively studied in the hope that they may provide greater propulsive efficiencies than propellers and rotors at low Reynolds numbers for such Micro-Air Vehicles (MAVs). Researchers have posited the Strouhal number (combining flapping frequency, amplitude and forward speed) as the parameter controlling flapping wing aerodynamics in cruising flight, although there is conflicting evidence. This thesis explores the effect of flapping frequency and amplitude on forces and wake structures, as well as physical mechanisms leading to optimum propulsive efficiency. Two-dimensional rigid airfoils are considered at Reynolds number 2,000 ??? 40,000. A compressible Navier-Stokes simulation is combined with numerical and analytical potential flow techniques to isolate and evaluate the effect of viscosity, leading and trailing edge vortex separation, and wake vortex dynamics. The wake structures of a plunging airfoil are shown to be sensitive to the flapping frequency independent of the Strouhal number. For a given frequency, the wake of the airfoil exhibits ???vortex lock-in??? as the amplitude of motion is increased, in a manner analogous to an oscillating circular cylinder. This is caused by interaction between the flapping frequency and the ???bluff-body??? vortex shedding frequency apparent even for streamlined airfoils at low Reynolds number. The thrust and propulsive efficiency of a plunging airfoil are also shown to be sensitive to the flapping frequency independent of Strouhal number. This dependence is the result of vortex shedding from the leading edge, and an interaction between the flapping frequency and the time for vortex formation, separation and convection over the airfoil surface. The observed propulsive efficiency peak for a pitching and plunging airfoil is shown to be the result of leading edge vortex shedding at low flapping frequencies (low Strouhal numbers), and high power requirements at large flapping amplitudes (high Strouhal numbers). The efficiency peak is governed by flapping frequency and amplitude separately, rather than the Strouhal number directly.

A study of swept and unswept normal shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction and control by piezoelectric flap actuation

Couldrick, Jonathan Stuart, Aerospace, Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
The interaction of a shock wave with a boundary layer is a classic viscous/inviscid interaction problem that occurs over a wide range of high speed aerodynamic flows. For example, on transonic wings, in supersonic air intakes, in propelling nozzles at offdesign conditions and on deflected controls at supersonic/transonic speeds, to name a few. The transonic interaction takes place at Mach numbers typically between 1.1 and 1.5. On an aerofoil, its existence can cause problems that range from a mild increase in section drag to flow separation and buffeting. In the absence of separation the drag increase is predominantly due to wave drag, caused by a rise in entropy through the interaction. The control of the turbulent interaction as applied to a transonic aerofoil is addressed in this thesis. However, the work can equally be applied to the control of interaction for numerous other occurrences where a shock meets a turbulent boundary layer. It is assumed that, for both swept normal shock and unswept normal shock interactions, as long as the Mach number normal to the shock is the same, then the interaction, and therefore its control, should be the same. Numerous schemes have been suggested to control such interaction. However, they have generally been marred by the drag reduction obtained being negated by the additional drag due to the power requirements, for example the pumping power in the case of mass transfer and the drag of the devices in the case of vortex generators. A system of piezoelectrically controlled flaps is presented for the control of the interaction. The flaps would aeroelastically deflect due to the pressure difference created by the pressure rise across the shock and by piezoelectrically induced strains. The amount of deflection, and hence the mass flow through the plenum chamber, would control the interaction. It is proposed that the flaps will delay separation of the boundary layer whilst reducing wave drag and overcome the disadvantages of previous control methods. Active control can be utilised to optimise the effects of the boundary layer shock wave interaction as it would allow the ability to control the position of the control region around the original shock position, mass transfer rate and distribution. A number of design options were considered for the integration of the piezoelectric ceramic into the flap structure. These included the use of unimorphs, bimorphs and polymorphs, with the latter capable of being directly employed as the flap. Unimorphs, with an aluminium substrate, produce less deflection than bimorphs and multimorphs. However, they can withstand and overcome the pressure loads associated with SBLI control. For the current experiments, it was found that near optimal control of the swept and unswept shock wave boundary layer interactions was attained with flap deflections between 1mm and 3mm. However, to obtain the deflection required for optimal performance in a full scale situation, a more powerful piezoelectric actuator material is required than currently available. A theoretical model is developed to predict the effect of unimorph flap deflection on the displacement thickness growth angles, the leading shock angle and the triple point height. It is shown that optimal deflection for SBLI control is a trade-off between reducing the total pressure losses, which is implied with increasing the triple point height, and minimising the frictional losses.

Improvement of the retention-fromation relationship using three-component retention aid systems

Svedberg, Anna January 2012 (has links)
QC 20120530

Evaluation of infiltration, run-off and sediment mobilisation using rainfall simulations in the Riebeek-Kasteel Area, Western Cape - South Africa

Joseph Twahirwa January 2010 (has links)
<p>The project was conducted on a small-scale catchment at Goedertrou in the Riebeek- Kasteel district. The focus of this study was to address some of the hydrological processes active in the research catchment, namely infiltration, run-off and sediment mobilisation on different soil types. It was done to investigate the origin of Berg River pollutants. To answer the overall question about what influence the natural salt load of the Berg River, a number of subprojects have been identified, one of which is to understand the hydrological processes in the soil mantle and vadose zone. Hence, the study aimed to answer the research questions mentioned and discussed in section 1.3 of Chapter 1. Considering the results, it could be suggested that decayed root systems from the rows of plants, soil cracks, small channels and openings created by small animals, as well as slope orientation and, therefore, soil composition, all played a major role in influencing the ability of the soil to absorb the simulated rainfall. In this study, the factors that influenced run-off are micro topography, soil moisture, root system, animal activities in soil profile, soil crack dimensions and the hydraulic conductivity. The main factors that played a major role to influence sediments mobilisation are strongly believed to be the micro topography within the ring, slope gradient and length, vegetation cover and rainfall-simulation intensity. After using different techniques, the results show that farmers must be aware that with storm rainfall, particles smaller than 65 &mu / m are subject to mobilisation. It is important to let land-users know that they need proper and appropriate methods for land-use.</p>

Implementation and Analysis of Air-Sea Exchange Processes in Atmosphere and Ocean Modelling

Carlsson, Björn January 2008 (has links)
To understand and to predict the weather and climate, numerical models are important tools and it is crucial that the controlling processes are described correctly. Since 70% of the global surface is covered with water the description how the ocean and atmosphere communicates has a considerable impact. The ocean–atmosphere exchange occurs through transport of momentum (friction) and heat, governed by turbulent eddies. The sea surface is also an important source of turbulence in both directions. The scales of the turbulent eddies cannot be resolved in ocean and climate models. Therefore, the turbulent exchanges have to be related to mean variables, such as wind speed and temperature differences. By using measurements, new methods to describe the air–sea exchange during two specific processes were developed. These processes are the so-called UVCN-regime (Unstable Very Close to Neutral stratification) and swell, i.e. waves which are not produced by the local wind. These processes were included in an ocean model and in a regional atmospheric climate model and the impact was investigated. The UVCN-regime enhances the heat transport significantly during the autumn and winter months in the ocean model. This results in a shallower well-mixed surface layer in the ocean. Wind-following swell reduces the surface friction, which is very important for the atmosphere. Some secondary effects in the climate model are reduced low-level cloud cover and reduced precipitation by more than 10% over sea areas. Locally and for short periods the impact is large. It is important to include the UVCN-regime and the swell impact in models, to make simulations more reliable.

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