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An Analysis and Critique of DEM Creaion and 3-D Modeling Using Airborne LIDAR and Photogrammetric TechniquesGagné, Marissa Marlene 05 July 2001 (has links)
Three-dimensional (3D) visualization is rapidly becoming an important tool for many engineering projects. Accurate digital representations of terrain and ground features are extremely useful for efficient design, communication and data representation in projects involving land development, transportation planning, hydrologic analysis, environmental impact studies, and much more. Within the scope of terrain modeling lie a wide variety of techniques used to build digital elevation models (DEMs). Each approach has inherent problems and difficulties that can alter the accuracy and usability of the DEM produced.
The main objectives of this study are to examine the various methods used for the creation of digital elevation models and make recommendations as to the appropriate techniques to use depending on specific project circumstances. Data sets generated using two of the methods, photogrammetry and LIDAR, are used to build digital terrain models in various software packages for an analysis of data usability and function.
The key results of this research project are two DEMs of a real-world transportation study area and a set of conclusions and recommendations that give insight into the exact methods to be used on various projects. The paper ends with two short appendices, the first of which discusses several software packages and their effectiveness in DEM creation and 3-D modeling. The final appendix is a flow chart summarizing the recommendations for the seven DEM creation methods. / Master of Science
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Utvärdering av kvaliteten för två UAV/LiDAR-system i olika prisklasser : Jämförelse av osäkerheten vid skapandet av digitala terrängmodellerFredrik, Aksén January 2023 (has links)
UAV/LiDAR-system har utvecklats snabbt under de senaste åren. De har blivit kompaktare och kan generera en hög punkttäthet med låg mätosäkerhet. Samtidigt har prisnivåerna sjunkit, vilket medfört att ett UAV/LiDAR-system nu kan införskaffas för några hundra tusen kronor. Det finns även mer avancerade UAV/LiDAR-system för ett par miljoner kronor. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka skillnader som finns i kvalitet mellan två UAV/LiDAR-system i olika prisklasser. Framför allt kommer osäkerheter vid skapande av digitala terrängmodeller att studeras. De system som ingår i studien är drönaren DJI Matrice 300 RTK med LiDAR-sensorn DJI Zenmuse L1, och drönaren Microdrones md4-3000 kombinerad med LiDAR-modulen RIEGL miniVUX-1DL (mdLiDAR3000DL). Undersökningen utfördes på en grustäkt i Rörberg utanför Gävle. En fri stationsetablering gjordes för att kunna mäta in stöd- och kontrollpunkter samt fem kontrollprofiler i terrängen. En flygning per drönare genomfördes över området. De erhållna punktmolnen bearbetades och jämfördes sedan mot kontrollpunkterna i höjdled. Även mängden brus i punktmolnen studerades. Därefter skapades digitala terrängmodeller som jämfördes mot kontrollprofilerna enligt metoden i SIS-TS 21144:2016. Innan georeferering mot stödpunkter fanns det relativt stora skillnader mellan respektive punktmoln gällande avvikelsen i höjd. För DJI-punktmolnet blev till exempel medelavvikelsen 49 mm, medan mdLiDAR3000DL genererade en medelavvikelse på –21 mm. Efter brusreducering och inpassning av punktmolnen blev resultaten mer lika. Till exempel hade de två systemens punktmoln 13 mm i både standardavvikelse och RMS. Även de uppskattade brusmängderna var relativt lika. Den enda märkbara skillnaden var att mdLiDAR3000DL gav fler låga punkter procentuellt sett. Kontrollen av respektive DTM gav också ett jämnt resultat. DJI-systemets DTM hade en variationsvidd på 43 mm, medelavvikelsen 0 mm och standardavvikelsen 11 mm. MdLiDAR3000DL:s DTM hade 42 mm i variationsvidd, 0 mm i medelavvikelse och 8 mm i standardavvikelse. Slutsatsen som kan dras är att det främst finns skillnader i osäkerhet innan någon databearbetning har genomförts. När punktmolnen brusreduceras och georefereras jämnas resultaten ut. Hanteringen av punktmoln har följaktligen en avgörande betydelse för osäkerheten i slutändan. Båda UAV/LiDAR- systemen kan därmed generera högkvalitativa slutprodukter. / UAV/LiDAR systems have developed rapidly in recent years. They are now more compact and can generate high point density with low uncertainty. The price level has also decreased, which entails that UAV/LiDAR systems are nowadays available for a few hundred thousand SEK. At the same time, more advanced UAV/LiDAR systems exist that cost a couple of million SEK. The aim of this study is to investigate quality differences between two UAV/LiDAR systems in different price ranges. The focus will be on studying uncertainties when creating digital terrain models. The systems in question are the drone DJI Matrice 300 RTK with LiDAR sensor DJI Zenmuse L1, and the drone Microdrones md4-3000 combined with LiDAR sensor RIEGL miniVUX-1DL (mdLiDAR3000DL). The study was made in a gravel pit in Rörberg outside of Gävle. A free station was set up to be able to measure ground control points (GCPs), check points, and five profiles in the terrain. One flight per drone was conducted over the area. The obtained point clouds were processed and later compared to the check points with respect to height deviations. Also, the noise level in the point clouds were studied. Digital terrain models were created and compared to the profiles according to the method in SIS-TS 21144:2016. Before georeferencing against GCPs, there were relatively large differences between each point cloud in the height component. The DJI point cloud had for instance a mean deviation of 49 mm, while mdLiDAR3000DL generated a mean deviation of –21 mm. After noise reduction and fitting of the point clouds, the results were more even. For example, the two points clouds resulted in 13 mm in both standard deviation and RMS. Also, the estimated noise levels were rather similar. The only noticeable difference was that mdLiDAR3000DL generated a larger percentage of low points. The check of each DTM also resulted in similar results. The DTM of the DJI system reached a range of 43 mm, a mean deviation of 0 mm, and a standard deviation of 11 mm. The DTM of mdLiDAR3000DL obtained a 42 mm range, 0 mm mean deviation, and 8 mm standard deviation. Mainly, there are differences in uncertainty before any data processing is carried out. When the point clouds are noise reduced and georeferenced, the results even out to a large extent. The handling of point clouds thus has decisive importance for the final uncertainty. Thus, both UAV/LiDAR systems can generate high-quality products.
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Efeitos do estresse sistêmico no músculo pterigóideo medial de ratos com e sem alteração oclusal / Effect of the systemic stress in medial pterygoid muscle of rats with or without occlusal alterationFernández, Rodrigo Alberto Restrepo 28 November 2013 (has links)
O estresse emocional é um fenômeno de alta incidência na sociedade globalizada que tem sido relacionado como possível fator etiológico de muitas doenças. O efeito da atividade adrenérgica no aumento do tono dos músculos esqueléticos durante os episódios de estresse crônico sugere a ocorrência de outras alterações estruturais e funcionais do sistema estomatognático, mas o mecanismo pelo qual os fatores emocionais podem causar disfunção muscular não está bem esclarecido. A maloclusão por perda dental também promove alterações musculares que associadas com os efeitos do estresse podem ter grande impacto na etiologia e desenvolvimento da dor e disfunção orofacial. Estresse e hipofunção mastigatória são fatores relacionados com a aparição das desordens temporomandibulares (DTM) e não têm sido avaliados no músculo pterigóideo medial. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar os efeitos do estresse agudo e crônico em músculo pterigóideo medial, de animais submetidos ou não à exodontia unilateral, por meio de análises morfológicas e fisiológicas. Quarenta ratos machos Wistar (♂-200g), adultos jovens, foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: Grupo Maloclusão (M=20): induzida pela exodontia unilateral dos molares superiores esquerdos e Grupo Sem Maloclusão (S=20): ratos sem exodontia. Cada grupo (n=20) foi subdividido em quatro subgrupos (n=5): controle (GC); estresse agudo (GA); estresse crônico repetido (GR) e estresse crônico variado (GV). Os protocolos de estresse foram realizados a partir do 14º dia após a exodontia. Estresse por restrição física foi usado no GA (2 horas, 23º dia) e no GR (14º a 23º dia); cinco metodologias diferentes foram submetidas ao GV (14º a 23º dia). Eutanásia e coleta de amostras foram realizadas no 23º dia. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: Corticosterona plasmática, peso, morfologia celular por meio de Hematoxilina eosina (HE), atividade metabólica e capacidade oxidativa do músculo por histoquímica para succinato deshidrogenase (SDH) e nicotinamida adenina dinucleotídeo (NADH), produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) e densidade capilar por imunoistoquímica para as proteínas alfa CD-31 e laminina. Observada a normalidade dos dados, foi realizado o teste ANOVA fatorial, com fatores de variação fixos seguida pelo teste de Tukey-Kramer (p<0,05). O estresse e a maloclusão isolados ou associados produziram alterações morfológicas e fisiológicas no músculo pterigóideo medial ipsilateral à exodontia; dismorfismo das fibras musculares e núcleos de localização central foram induzidos por ambos os fatores; aumento do metabolismo oxidativo foi observado com o estresse e o efeito antagônico com a maloclusão; o estresse aumentou a densidade capilar do músculo e uma tendência ao maior estresse oxidativo foi observada. A associação de estresse crônico e maloclusão aumentaram o metabolismo glicolítico. Conclui-se que o estresse sistêmico crônico tem efeitos morfológicos e fisiológicos no músculo pterigóideo medial e quando associado à hipofunção mastigatória pode ser fator na etiopatogenia das DTM. / Emotional stress is a phenomenon of high incidence at globalized society that has been linked as a possible etiologic factor for many diseases. The effect of adrenergic activity in increased tone of skeletal muscles during episodes of chronic stress suggests the occurrence of others structurals and functionals alterations in the stomatognathic system, but the mechanism by which emotional factors can cause muscle dysfunction is not well understood. The malocclusion by tooth loss also promotes muscle changes that associated with the effects of stress can have a big impact on the etiology and development of orofacial pain and dysfunction. Stress and masticatory hypofunction are factors related to the appearance of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and have not been evaluated in the medial pterygoid muscle. The aim of this work was to investigate the effects of acute and chronic stress on the medial pterygoid muscle of animals subjected or not to unilateral extraction, through morphological and physiological analyse. Forty male Wistar rats (♂-200g), young adults were randomly divided into two groups: Malocclusion group (M = 20) induced by unilateral upper left molar extraction and Not Malocclusion Group No (S = 20): rats without extractions. Each group (n = 20) was subdivided into four subgroups (n = 5): control group (CG), acute stress (GA), repeated chronic stress (GR) and varied chronic stress (GV). Stress protocols were performed from 14th day after the extraction. Stress by physical restriction was used in GA (two hours, day 23th) and GR (day 14th to 23th); GV was subjected to five different methodologies (day 14th to 23th). Euthanasia and collection of samples were performed on day 23th. It was evaluated: cell morphology by hematoxylin eosin (HE), metabolic activity and muscle oxidative capacity by staining for succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and capillary density of muscle by immunohistochemistry for proteins alpha CD-31 and Laminin. Normal distribution of data was observed. A factorial ANOVA test with fixed factors of variation was performed and then Tukey-Kramer test (p <0,05). Stress and malocclusion, isolated or associated, induced morphological and physiological changes in the left medial pterygoid muscle; dimorphism of muscle fibers and nuclei of central localization were induced by both factors; increased oxidative metabolism was observed with stress and antagonistic effect with malocclusion; stress increased muscle capillary density and a tendency to oxidative stress increased was observed. The association of chronic stress and malocclusion had increased the glycolytic metabolism. It was concluded that systemic chronic stress has physiological and morphological effects in the medial pterygoid muscle and associated with masticatory hypofunction, could be a possible cause for the development of TMD.
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Μορφοτεκτονική ανάλυση στην λεκάνη Ξηριά, Ν. Αργολίδας. Εφαρμογή μορφοτεκτονικών δεικτών και σύγκριση τους με την βοήθεια ψηφιακών μοντέλων εδάφους διαφορετικής ανάλυσης / Morphotectonic analysis of Xerias basin, Argolis. Application of geomorphological indices and their comparison aided by digital terrain models (DTM) of different resolutionΝτόντος, Παναγιώτης 28 June 2007 (has links)
Η εργασία αυτή έγινε με σκοπό την εφαρμογή μορφοτεκτονικών κριτηρίων για τον ποσοτικό και ποιοτικό καθορισμό της τεκτονικής ενεργότητας των δύο μεγάλων προπόδων οροσειράς (mountain range front) που αναπτύσσονται στις δυτικές παρυφές του Αργολικού Πεδίου, ΒΔ της πόλης του Άργους, και η σύγκριση των τιμών των γεωμορφολογικών δεικτών που μετρήθηκαν με την βοήθεια ψηφιακών μοντέλων εδάφους διαφορετικής ανάλυσης (resolution) για την εξαγωγή συμπερασμάτων σχετικά με την ακρίβεια της κάθε μεθόδου. Αφορμή υπήρξε η διαρκώς αυξανόμενη ενασχόληση φοιτητών (προπτυχιακών και μεταπτυχιακών) με ψηφιοποίηση τοπογραφικών χαρτών για δημιουργία Ψηφιακών Μοντέλων Εδάφους (DTM) – μια διαδικασία επίπονη και εξαιρετικά χρονοβόρα – παρότι δεδομένα διατίθενται εύκολα μέσω διαδικτύου (NASA) για DTM για όλο τον κόσμο με σχετικά καλή ανάλυση. Οι δύο πρόποδες είναι συνεχόμενοι αλλά παρουσιάζουν διαφορετική διεύθυνση με τον πρώτο να έχει διεύθυνση ΒΒΔ-ΝΝΑ και μήκος περίπου 6,5 km και τον δεύτερο ΔΒΔ-ΑΝΑ ενώ έχει μήκος περίπου 12,5 km. Για την ανάλυση της ενεργότητας των πρόπoδων οροσειράς εφαρμόστηκαν οι κατάλληλοι γεωμορφολογικοί δείκτες, όπως ο δείκτης της κατά βάθος και κατά πλάτος διάβρωσης χειμάρρων ή λόγος πλάτους προς ύψους κοιλάδας (Ratio of valley-floor width to valley height index, Vf) και ο δείκτης ευθυγράμμισης του πρόποδα (Mountain front sinuosity index, Smf) ενώ παράλληλα εξετάστηκαν και άλλοι γεωμορφολογικοί δείκτες όπως ο δείκτης Μήκους – κλίσης ρέμματος (Stream-length gradient index, SL) και ο δείκτης Υψομετρικής καμπύλης-Υψομετρικού ολοκληρώματος (Hypsometric Curve / Hypsometric Integral). Για την μέτρηση των τιμών των δεικτών χρησιμοποιήθηκαν δύο ψηφιακά μοντέλα εδάφους διαφορετικής ανάλυσης (resolution) που αναπτύχθηκαν με διαφορετικές μεθοδολογίες, ένα λεπτομερές από ψηφιοποίηση τοπογραφικών χαρτών κλίμακας 1:5000 της ΓΥΣ και ένα πιο προσεγγιστικό χαμηλότερης ανάλυσης από δορυφορικά δεδομένα SRTM, με την βοήθεια λογισμικών GIS. Τα αποτελέσματά συγκρίθηκαν με την βοήθεια διαγραμμάτων. Όσον αφορά το ζήτημα της ενεργότητας της προπόδων οροσειράς από τα αποτελέσματα των μετρήσεων προκύπτει ότι αυτοί είναι ενεργοί καθώς παρουσιάζουν χαμηλές τιμές του δείκτη Vf και Smf. Οι τιμές τους (μετρημένες από το λεπτομερές Ψ.Μ.Ε.) κυμαίνονται από 0,0531 μέχρι 0,7668 (Vf) και 1,3645 (Smf) για τον πρώτο πρόποδα και από 0,02 μέχρι 9,3 (Vf) και 1,3526 (Smf) για τον δεύτερο πρόποδα. Επίσης με την βοήθεια του δείκτη SL εντοπίστηκαν δύο σημεία που σε συνδυασμό με την τοπογραφία υποδεικνύουν πιθανά ενεργά ρήγματα που δεν έχουν χαρτογραφηθεί. Η χρησιμοποίηση του δείκτη του υψομετρικού ολοκληρώματος κατατάσσει την λεκάνη του χειμάρρου Ξηριά, που βρίσκεται πίσω από τον πρώτο πρόποδα, στο ‘στάδιο ωριμότητας’, κάτι που φαινομενικά έρχεται σε αντίθεση με τους υπόλοιπους δείκτες αλλά μάλλον οφείλεται στην μορφολογική διαμόρφωση της λεκάνης πίσω από τον πρόποδα που σχετίζεται περισσότερο από τεκτονικές και όχι από διαβρωτικές διεργασίες. Όσον αφορά την σύγκριση των αποτελεσμάτων που προκύπτουν από τα δύο διαφορετικά ψηφιακά μοντέλα εδάφους οι μετρήσεις τιμών του δείκτη SL και του Υψομετρικού Ολοκληρώματος μπορούν να γίνουν εξίσου καλά και από τα δύο. Για τον δείκτη Vf οι μετρήσεις που γίνονται με την βοήθεια του πιο προσεγγιστικού μοντέλου είναι γενικά μεγαλύτερες ενώ δεν μπορεί να γίνουν μετρήσεις για ρέμματα 1ης ή 2ης τάξης κατά Strahler. Οι διαφορές στις τιμές του δείκτη Vf που παρατηρούνται μεταξύ των δύο μοντέλων εκμηδενίζονται όταν η μέτρηση του πλάτους της κοίτης μπορεί να προκύψει με αντικειμενικό τρόπο (π.χ. μέτρηση από ορθοφωτοχάρτες). Για τον δείκτη Smf προκύπτει ότι όσο μικρότερο είναι το μήκος του πρόποδα τόσο μικρότερη είναι η απόκλιση στις μετρήσεις του δείκτη Smf από το αδρομερέστερο μοντέλο καθώς είναι πιο περιορισμένη η απόκλιση της παραμέτρου Lmf λόγω ‘απλοποιήσεων’ των γραμμών. / The aim of this MSc thesis is the application of morphotectonic criteria for the qualitative and quantitative determination of the tectonic activity on two mountain range fronts segments, which are formed in the western part of Argolis plain, in the eastern Peloponnese. We also tried to measure and compare values of the geomorphological indices obtained from DTM’s of different resolution, in order to extract conclusions for the accuracy of the two different models. The two mountain front segments are almost continuous and they display different orientation in strike: the first has a NNW-SSE strike and a length of 6.5 km and the second one has a WNW-ESE strike and a length of 12.5 km. In order to examine the activity of the two range fronts we applied the suitable geomorphic indices, such as the ratio of valley-floor width to valley height index (Vf), the mountain front sinuosity index (Smf), as well as other indices such as the stream-length gradient index (SL) and the hypsometric curve-hypsometric integral index. For the calculation of these indices we used two DTM’s of different resolution, which were constructed from different approached methodologies: a more detailed DTM from digitization of topographic maps of the Hellenic Military Geographical Service, in 1:5000 scale, and a less detailed DTM from SRTM-data downloaded from NASA, all modeled with standard GIS software. The results of the two models were compared with various diagrams. Regarding the activity of the range front segments, our data show that they are both active since they display low values of Vf and Smf indexes. Their values (measured from the finer DTM) vary from 0,05 to 0,77 (Vf) and 1,3645 (Smf) for the first segment and from 0,02 to 9,3 (Vf) and 1,3526 (Smf) for the second segment. Additionally, using the SL-index we observed two zones, which when correlated with the modern topography seem to indicate two unmapped and possibly active fault zones. The Xerias basin, which is formed behind the 1st range fault segment, appears to be in the “maturity stage” using the hypsometric integral index, a fact that contradicts with the other index results. This is may be due more to tectonic than erosional processes. Finally, from the comparison of the different DTM we suggest that calculation of SL and hypsometric integral index can be made with similar accuracy. For the Vf , the SRTM data display higher values, while calculation of 1st and 2nd order gullies (sensu Strahler) cannot be directly measured. Differences in the Vf values from the two DTM models can be eliminated significantly when we calculate the width of the valley from ortho-photomaps. Regarding the Smf index, it seems that we obtain less accurate results, as the length of the range front increases, due to the over-simplification of the shape of the elevation contours compared to the real topographic data.
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Teleatendimento e disfunção temporomandibular: uma abordagem ocupacional.Santos, Alcylene Carla de Jesus dos January 2008 (has links)
p. 1-100 / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-04-24T19:12:25Z
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Previous issue date: 2008 / Introdução: A disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) caracteriza-se por dor na musculatura mastigatória, na articulaçãotemporomandibular, estalidos e limitação funcional. Tem como fatores etiológicos o estresse e a sobrecarga articular, condições presentes no teleatendimento. Embora o potencial patogênico nesta atividade seja um problema de saúde pública, a investigação acerca da DTM nesta população ainda é incipiente. Objetivo: descrever a frequência de disfunção temporomandibular entre teleatendentes e identificar fatores associados a sua ocorrência, focalizando, em especial, aqueles relacionados à ocupação. Métodos: Conduziu-se um estudo de corte transversal, exploratório, envolvendo 200 teleatendentes de um call center, mediante realização de entrevista e exame físico. Foram considerados aspectos clínicos, sócio demográficos, ocupacionais, psicossociais da ocupação (JCQ) e estresse psíquico (SQG12). Estabeleceram-se os sinais e sintomas, e a gravidade da DTM através da escala RDC/TMD e TMI respectivamente. Procedeu-se a análise descritiva e odds ratio (OR) foram estimados por meio de regressão logística não-condicional, empregando-se o IC a 95% como critério para aceitar as associações. Resultados: A frequência de DTM entre os teleatendentes foi 40,50%, com baixa gravidade (TMI=0,08±0,02). Observou-se uma associação positiva entre tempo de atividade (ORajust= 2,0; 95%IC: 1,1- 4,0), número médio de ligações por dia (ORajust=2,1; 95%IC: 1,1- 3,9) e nível de estresse (ORajust= 2,1; 95%IC: 1,1- 4,4) e a DTM. Considerações finais: Sugere-se, na população estudada, uma associação entre tempo de atividade maior do que 7 meses, número médio acima de 82 ligações por dia, alto nível de estresse e DTM. O conhecimento dos fatores ocupacionais associados à DTM nesta população favorece o estabelecimento de ações preventivas ou interceptativas, com vistas a diminuir a prevalência. Indica ainda a necessidade de atenção a esta atividade que está relacionada a múltiplos efeitos. / Salvador
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Efeitos do estresse sistêmico no músculo pterigóideo medial de ratos com e sem alteração oclusal / Effect of the systemic stress in medial pterygoid muscle of rats with or without occlusal alterationRodrigo Alberto Restrepo Fernández 28 November 2013 (has links)
O estresse emocional é um fenômeno de alta incidência na sociedade globalizada que tem sido relacionado como possível fator etiológico de muitas doenças. O efeito da atividade adrenérgica no aumento do tono dos músculos esqueléticos durante os episódios de estresse crônico sugere a ocorrência de outras alterações estruturais e funcionais do sistema estomatognático, mas o mecanismo pelo qual os fatores emocionais podem causar disfunção muscular não está bem esclarecido. A maloclusão por perda dental também promove alterações musculares que associadas com os efeitos do estresse podem ter grande impacto na etiologia e desenvolvimento da dor e disfunção orofacial. Estresse e hipofunção mastigatória são fatores relacionados com a aparição das desordens temporomandibulares (DTM) e não têm sido avaliados no músculo pterigóideo medial. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar os efeitos do estresse agudo e crônico em músculo pterigóideo medial, de animais submetidos ou não à exodontia unilateral, por meio de análises morfológicas e fisiológicas. Quarenta ratos machos Wistar (♂-200g), adultos jovens, foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: Grupo Maloclusão (M=20): induzida pela exodontia unilateral dos molares superiores esquerdos e Grupo Sem Maloclusão (S=20): ratos sem exodontia. Cada grupo (n=20) foi subdividido em quatro subgrupos (n=5): controle (GC); estresse agudo (GA); estresse crônico repetido (GR) e estresse crônico variado (GV). Os protocolos de estresse foram realizados a partir do 14º dia após a exodontia. Estresse por restrição física foi usado no GA (2 horas, 23º dia) e no GR (14º a 23º dia); cinco metodologias diferentes foram submetidas ao GV (14º a 23º dia). Eutanásia e coleta de amostras foram realizadas no 23º dia. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: Corticosterona plasmática, peso, morfologia celular por meio de Hematoxilina eosina (HE), atividade metabólica e capacidade oxidativa do músculo por histoquímica para succinato deshidrogenase (SDH) e nicotinamida adenina dinucleotídeo (NADH), produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) e densidade capilar por imunoistoquímica para as proteínas alfa CD-31 e laminina. Observada a normalidade dos dados, foi realizado o teste ANOVA fatorial, com fatores de variação fixos seguida pelo teste de Tukey-Kramer (p<0,05). O estresse e a maloclusão isolados ou associados produziram alterações morfológicas e fisiológicas no músculo pterigóideo medial ipsilateral à exodontia; dismorfismo das fibras musculares e núcleos de localização central foram induzidos por ambos os fatores; aumento do metabolismo oxidativo foi observado com o estresse e o efeito antagônico com a maloclusão; o estresse aumentou a densidade capilar do músculo e uma tendência ao maior estresse oxidativo foi observada. A associação de estresse crônico e maloclusão aumentaram o metabolismo glicolítico. Conclui-se que o estresse sistêmico crônico tem efeitos morfológicos e fisiológicos no músculo pterigóideo medial e quando associado à hipofunção mastigatória pode ser fator na etiopatogenia das DTM. / Emotional stress is a phenomenon of high incidence at globalized society that has been linked as a possible etiologic factor for many diseases. The effect of adrenergic activity in increased tone of skeletal muscles during episodes of chronic stress suggests the occurrence of others structurals and functionals alterations in the stomatognathic system, but the mechanism by which emotional factors can cause muscle dysfunction is not well understood. The malocclusion by tooth loss also promotes muscle changes that associated with the effects of stress can have a big impact on the etiology and development of orofacial pain and dysfunction. Stress and masticatory hypofunction are factors related to the appearance of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and have not been evaluated in the medial pterygoid muscle. The aim of this work was to investigate the effects of acute and chronic stress on the medial pterygoid muscle of animals subjected or not to unilateral extraction, through morphological and physiological analyse. Forty male Wistar rats (♂-200g), young adults were randomly divided into two groups: Malocclusion group (M = 20) induced by unilateral upper left molar extraction and Not Malocclusion Group No (S = 20): rats without extractions. Each group (n = 20) was subdivided into four subgroups (n = 5): control group (CG), acute stress (GA), repeated chronic stress (GR) and varied chronic stress (GV). Stress protocols were performed from 14th day after the extraction. Stress by physical restriction was used in GA (two hours, day 23th) and GR (day 14th to 23th); GV was subjected to five different methodologies (day 14th to 23th). Euthanasia and collection of samples were performed on day 23th. It was evaluated: cell morphology by hematoxylin eosin (HE), metabolic activity and muscle oxidative capacity by staining for succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and capillary density of muscle by immunohistochemistry for proteins alpha CD-31 and Laminin. Normal distribution of data was observed. A factorial ANOVA test with fixed factors of variation was performed and then Tukey-Kramer test (p <0,05). Stress and malocclusion, isolated or associated, induced morphological and physiological changes in the left medial pterygoid muscle; dimorphism of muscle fibers and nuclei of central localization were induced by both factors; increased oxidative metabolism was observed with stress and antagonistic effect with malocclusion; stress increased muscle capillary density and a tendency to oxidative stress increased was observed. The association of chronic stress and malocclusion had increased the glycolytic metabolism. It was concluded that systemic chronic stress has physiological and morphological effects in the medial pterygoid muscle and associated with masticatory hypofunction, could be a possible cause for the development of TMD.
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Visualisering av strandlinjens läge kring Hammersta ruin i Nynäshamns kommun 500‒1500 e.Kr.Persson, Karin January 2012 (has links)
För ca 11 500 år sedan började Weichselisen smälta bort från Stockholmsregionen och trycket som ismassan utövade på jordskorpan började sakta lätta. Sedan dess har markytan inom de tidigare istäckta områdena arbetat för att återfå sitt jämviktsläge. Detta har påverkat strandlinjens läge genom en kombination av den pågående isostatiska återhämtningen och den varierande eustatiska förändringen. Denna uppsats fokuserar på ett område i anslutning till Hammersta ruin ca 13 km norr om Nynäshamn. Strandlinjerna för perioden 500–1500 e.Kr. har beräknats genom att strandlinjenivåer för varierande tidpunkter mellan 7000–3850 f.Kr. använts som utgångspunkt. Dessa individuella strandlinjenivåer har med hjälp av ett andragradspolynom sammanbundits med ett 0-värde motsvarande havsnivån för höjdsystemet RH70. Strandlinjenivåerna för denna studie har därefter kunnat läsas avfrån den resulterande regressionskurvan. Regressionskurvan är således inte en strandförskjutningskurva i bemärkelsen strandlinjens kontinuerliga utveckling över tid, utan snarare ett sätt att interpolera värden för aktuella undersökta tidpunkter utifrån befintliga höjdvärden före och därefter. För visualisering av strandlinjernas läge har därefter höjddatasetet bearbetats i ArcGIS för att få en markyta överensstämmande med perioden mellan 500 och 1500 e.Kr. i 100-års intervall. Moderna landformer som vägar, diken och åfåror har uteslutits för att undvika att dessa påverkar strandlinjernas lägen och form i terrängen. Resultaten blev 11 kartbilder för omgivningen kring ruinen samt fyra kartbilder för ruinens närområde. Dessa visar var och en på strandlinjens läge vid en viss tidpunkt med en högsta nivå 0,87 m högre för strandlinjen under året. Denna baserades på vattenståndsmätningar från SMHI för åren 1889–2010 vid Skeppsholmen i Stockholm. De framställda kartbilderna kan återfinnas i kapitel 7, på http://ww2.ink.su.se/living_maps/hammersta samt i bilaga 3. Ön som ruinen är belägenpå blev en del av Södertörn ca 1400 e.Kr.
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Effects of Stream Order and Data Resolution on Sinuosity Using GISLohani, Meena 03 July 2008 (has links)
This research focuses on estimation and analysis of stream sinuosity using GIS. Fifty-five streams including 13 streams of order 0, 17 streams of order 1, 15 streams of order 2 and 10 streams of order 3 in Virginia were considered. Several GIS datasets from various sources, including the Virginia Base Mapping Program (VBMP) and United States Geological Survey (USGS), were used to generate stream networks using GIS.
Sinuosity was computed using GIS based on a technique comparable to the approach used in an Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program's (EMAP's) field survey report. Field sinuosity data from EMAP report were used as reference data for analyzing the accuracy of sinuosity values from different GIS data sources and resolutions. The GIS technique was implemented for computing sinuosity for 55 streams in Virginia using vector data including the VBMP Hydro44 and National Hydrography Data (NHD). Insufficient statistical evidence was found to support the hypothesis that the computed sinuosity values using Hydro44 and NHD data are different from EMAP field data for all 55 streams. Sinuosity values computed using Hydro44 and NHD were found to increase with the increase in EMAP sinuosity (positive correlation) for all 55 streams. EMAP data on sinuosity, however, did not predict sinuosity values computed using Hydro44 (R² = 27%) and NHD (R² = 10%) sources well. It was found that the GIS technique of computing sinuosity using digital data such as Hydro44 (VBMP source) and NHD (USGS source 1:24,000) is better suited for stream orders 2 and 3. Insufficient statistical evidence was found that computed sinuosity values for streams derived using various resolutions (i.e., DTM 3m, DTM 10m, DTM 30m, DEM 10m and DEM 30m) are different from EMAP field data. Positive correlation was observed between sinuosity values for streams derived in all resolutions with EMAP field data. DTM 10m resolution data yielded best correlation value (75%) with EMAP field data. / Master of Science
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Building model reconstruction from lidar data and aerial photographsMa, Ruijin 06 January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Avaliação da relevância das imagens simultâneas de fusão: SPECT com 99m Tc-MDP e Tomografia Computadorizada aplicada no diagnóstico das Disfunções Temporomandibulares. / Assessment of the importance of simultaneous fusion images: SPECT with 99m Tc-MDP and Computed Tomography applied to the diagnosis of Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunctions.Alessandra Coutinho 09 December 2004 (has links)
Os distúrbios da articulação temporomandibulares (DTM) apresentam um impacto negativo na qualidade de vida de seus portadores. A diversidade de sinais e sintomas apresentados pelos pacientes, como dores musculares, cefaléias (difusa ou localizada), dores na região da articulação temporomandibular (ATM), limitações ou excessos de abertura da boca e ruídos articulares dificultam o diagnóstico clínico. Para isso, há necessidade de uma investigação clínica minuciosa e de exames complementares. Os exames radiográficos convencionais e tomografias mostram a anatomia da região sem demonstrar alterações funcionais locais. A técnica de imagens tomográficas em Medicina Nuclear, SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) com 99m Tc-MDP (radiofármaco composto de Tecnécio 99 metaestável e Metileno Difosfonato), demonstra o metabolismo da região, e associada à fusão de imagens co-registradas com a tomografia computadorizada (CT), permite a localização anatômica das alterações ósseas funcionais existentes nas estruturas envolvidas. É um exame com baixa dose de radiação que possibilita a observação conjunta estrutural anatômica e metabólica. Neste trabalho avaliamos, retrospectivamente, exames SPECT/CT de 33 pacientes realizados no Setor de Medicina Nuclear do Departamento de Imagem do Centro de Tratamento e Pesquisa - Hospital do Câncer A. C. Camargo, que apresentavam sinais e sintomas de provável DTM. Os resultados dos exames foram relacionados aos dados existentes nos prontuários dos pacientes, como sexo, idade, anamnese e exame clínico. Por meio de análise descritiva, utilizando as freqüências e porcentagens das variáveis de interesse, pudemos avaliar a confiabilidade do exame. Concluímos que o SPECT/CT, quando aplicado em pacientes portadores de sinais e sintomas de DTM, apresentou alta sensibilidade (100%), especificidade (90,9%) e acurácia (96,9%), demonstrando que é um método de diagnóstico por imagem de relevância, útil e de grande valia, podendo ser um dos métodos de escolha indicados para diagnóstico de DTM. / Temporomandibular joint dysfunction play a negative role on patient life quality standard. A diversity of signs and symptoms such us muscular pain, headaches (focal or diffuse), temporomandibular joint localized pain, limitation or excessive mandibular opening and joint noise may lead to difficulties of correct diagnosis. Clinical investigation and complementary exams are necessary in these cases. Conventional radiographic and tomographic exams exactilly indicates local anatomy but do not demonstrate functional metabolic changes. Tomographic images on Nuclear Medicine, SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) with 99m Tc-MDP (methylene diphosphonate) a radiopharmaceutical labeled with Technetium 99m demonstrate regional metabolism changes. The association to co-registered computed tomography (CT) and image fusion allows the anatomic placement of bone functional alteration into the involved structures. SPECT/CT is a low dose radiation procedure that makes simultaneous anatomic and metabolic observation possible. This assignment was retrospectively analyzed, SPECT/CT of 33 patients from the Nuclear Medicine Sector of the Image Department of the Research and Treatment Center of the Cancer Hospital A. C. Camargo, that presented sings and symptoms of probable temporomandibular joint dysfunction. The results of the exams were related with the patient data that were on their file like sex, age, anamnesis and clinical exam. The assessment of the reliability of the exam was evaluated by descriptive analysis using frequencies and percentages of the interest variables. We conclude that SPEC/CT showed high sensitivity (100%), specificity (90,9%) and accuracy (96,9%); demonstrating that it is an important and useful diagnostic method, that may be an exam of choice to the diagnostic features of temporomandibular joint disfunction.
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