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Primal and Dual Gap Functions for Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems and Quasi-Variational Inequalities / Primale und duale Gap-Funktionen für verallgemeinerte Nash-Gleichgewichtsprobleme und Quasi-VariationsungleichungenHarms, Nadja January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis we study smoothness properties of primal and dual gap functions for generalized Nash equilibrium problems (GNEPs) and finite-dimensional quasi-variational inequalities (QVIs). These gap functions are optimal value functions of primal and dual reformulations of a corresponding GNEP or QVI as a constrained or unconstrained optimization problem. Depending on the problem type, the primal reformulation uses regularized Nikaido-Isoda or regularized gap function approaches. For player convex GNEPs and QVIs of the so-called generalized `moving set' type the respective primal gap functions are continuously differentiable. In general, however, these primal gap functions are nonsmooth for both problems. Hence, we investigate their continuity and differentiability properties under suitable assumptions. Here, our main result states that, apart from special cases, all locally minimal points of the primal reformulations are points of differentiability of the corresponding primal gap function.
Furthermore, we develop dual gap functions for a class of GNEPs and QVIs and ensuing unconstrained optimization reformulations of these problems based on an idea by Dietrich (``A smooth dual gap function solution to a class of quasivariational inequalities'', Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 235, 1999, pp. 380--393). For this purpose we rewrite the primal gap functions as a difference of two strongly convex functions and employ the Toland-Singer duality theory. The resulting dual gap functions are continuously differentiable and, under suitable assumptions, have piecewise smooth gradients. Our theoretical analysis is complemented by numerical experiments. The solution methods employed make use of the first-order information established by the aforementioned theoretical investigations. / In dieser Dissertation wurden die Glattheitseigenschaften von primalen und dualen Gap-Funktionen für verallgemeinerte Nash-Gleichgewichtsprobleme (GNEPs) und Quasi-Variationsungleichungen (QVIs) untersucht. Diese Gap-Funktionen sind Optimalwertfunktionen von primalen und dualen Umformulierungen eines GNEPs oder QVIs als restringiertes oder unrestringiertes Optimierungsproblem. Für gewisse Teilklassen von GNEPs (Spezialfall von `player convex' GNEPs) und QVIs (`generalized moving set case') sind diese primalen Gap-Funktionen überall stetig differenzierbar, für allgemeine GNEPs und QVIs jedoch nicht. Weitere Untersuchungen der Stetigkeit und Differenzierbarkeit ergaben, dass die primalen Gap-Funktionen unter geeigneten Bedingungen, abgesehen von Sonderfällen, in allen lokalen Minima der entsprechenden primalen Umformulierung differenzierbar sind.
In dieser Dissertation wurden außerdem duale Gap-Funktionen für bestimmte Klassen von GNEPs und QVIs entwickelt, indem die primalen Gap-Funktionen basierend auf einer Idee von Dietrich (H. Dietrich: A smooth dual gap function solution to a class of quasivariational inequalities. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 235, 1999, pp. 380--393) als Differenz zweier gleichmäßig konvexer Funktionen dargestellt wurden und auf diese beiden Funktionen die Toland-Singer-Dualitätstheorie angewendet wurde. Es stellte sich heraus, dass diese dualen Gap-Funktionen stetig differenzierbar sind und unter geeigneten Bedingungen sogar stückweise stetig differenzierbare Gradienten besitzen. Die Ergebnisse in dieser Dissertation wurden durch numerische Berechnungen für diverse Testprobleme mittels bekannter Optimierungsverfahren erster Ordnung unterstützt.
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Overcoming the failure of the classical generalized interior-point regularity conditions in convex optimization. Applications of the duality theory to enlargements of maximal monotone operatorsCsetnek, Ernö Robert 14 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this work is to present several new results concerning
duality in scalar convex optimization, the formulation of sequential
optimality conditions and some applications of the duality to the theory
of maximal monotone operators.
After recalling some properties of the classical generalized
interiority notions which exist in the literature, we give some
properties of the quasi interior and quasi-relative interior,
respectively. By means of these notions we introduce several
generalized interior-point regularity conditions which guarantee
Fenchel duality. By using an approach due to Magnanti, we derive
corresponding regularity conditions expressed via the quasi
interior and quasi-relative interior which ensure Lagrange
duality. These conditions have the advantage to be applicable in
situations when other classical regularity conditions fail.
Moreover, we notice that several duality results given in the
literature on this topic have either superfluous or contradictory
assumptions, the investigations we make offering in this sense an
Necessary and sufficient sequential optimality conditions for a
general convex optimization problem are established via
perturbation theory. These results are applicable even in the
absence of regularity conditions. In particular, we show that
several results from the literature dealing with sequential
optimality conditions are rediscovered and even improved.
The second part of the thesis is devoted to applications of the
duality theory to enlargements of maximal monotone operators in
Banach spaces. After establishing a necessary and sufficient
condition for a bivariate infimal convolution formula, by
employing it we equivalently characterize the
$\varepsilon$-enlargement of the sum of two maximal monotone
operators. We generalize in this way a classical result
concerning the formula for the $\varepsilon$-subdifferential of
the sum of two proper, convex and lower semicontinuous functions.
A characterization of fully enlargeable monotone operators is also
provided, offering an answer to an open problem stated in the
literature. Further, we give a regularity condition for the
weak$^*$-closedness of the sum of the images of enlargements of
two maximal monotone operators.
The last part of this work deals with enlargements of positive sets in SSD spaces. It is shown that many results from the literature concerning enlargements of maximal monotone operators can be generalized to the setting of Banach SSD spaces.
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Sattelpunkte und Optimalitätsbedingungen bei restringierten OptimierungsproblemenGrunert, Sandro 10 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Sattelpunkte und Optimalitätsbedingungen bei restringierten Optimierungsproblemen
Ausarbeitung im Rahmen des Seminars "Optimierung", WS 2008/2009
Die Dualitätstheorie für restringierte Optimierungsaufgaben findet in der Spieltheorie und in der Ökonomik eine
interessante Anwendung. Mit Hilfe von Sattelpunkteigenschaften werden diverse Interpretationsmöglichkeiten der
Lagrange-Dualität vorgestellt. Anschließend gilt das Augenmerk den Optimalitätsbedingungen solcher Probleme.
Grundlage für die Ausarbeitung ist das Buch "Convex Optimization" von Stephen Boyd und Lieven Vandenberghe.
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Overcoming the failure of the classical generalized interior-point regularity conditions in convex optimization. Applications of the duality theory to enlargements of maximal monotone operatorsCsetnek, Ernö Robert 08 December 2009 (has links)
The aim of this work is to present several new results concerning
duality in scalar convex optimization, the formulation of sequential
optimality conditions and some applications of the duality to the theory
of maximal monotone operators.
After recalling some properties of the classical generalized
interiority notions which exist in the literature, we give some
properties of the quasi interior and quasi-relative interior,
respectively. By means of these notions we introduce several
generalized interior-point regularity conditions which guarantee
Fenchel duality. By using an approach due to Magnanti, we derive
corresponding regularity conditions expressed via the quasi
interior and quasi-relative interior which ensure Lagrange
duality. These conditions have the advantage to be applicable in
situations when other classical regularity conditions fail.
Moreover, we notice that several duality results given in the
literature on this topic have either superfluous or contradictory
assumptions, the investigations we make offering in this sense an
Necessary and sufficient sequential optimality conditions for a
general convex optimization problem are established via
perturbation theory. These results are applicable even in the
absence of regularity conditions. In particular, we show that
several results from the literature dealing with sequential
optimality conditions are rediscovered and even improved.
The second part of the thesis is devoted to applications of the
duality theory to enlargements of maximal monotone operators in
Banach spaces. After establishing a necessary and sufficient
condition for a bivariate infimal convolution formula, by
employing it we equivalently characterize the
$\varepsilon$-enlargement of the sum of two maximal monotone
operators. We generalize in this way a classical result
concerning the formula for the $\varepsilon$-subdifferential of
the sum of two proper, convex and lower semicontinuous functions.
A characterization of fully enlargeable monotone operators is also
provided, offering an answer to an open problem stated in the
literature. Further, we give a regularity condition for the
weak$^*$-closedness of the sum of the images of enlargements of
two maximal monotone operators.
The last part of this work deals with enlargements of positive sets in SSD spaces. It is shown that many results from the literature concerning enlargements of maximal monotone operators can be generalized to the setting of Banach SSD spaces.
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Duality for convex composed programming problemsVargyas, Emese Tünde 20 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The goal of this work is to present a conjugate duality treatment of composed programming as well as to give an overview of some recent developments in both scalar and multiobjective optimization.
In order to do this, first we study a single-objective optimization problem, in which the objective function as well as the constraints are given by composed functions. By means of the conjugacy approach based on the perturbation theory, we provide different kinds of dual problems to it and examine the relations between the optimal objective values of the duals. Given some additional assumptions, we verify the equality between the optimal objective values of the duals and strong duality between the primal and the dual problems, respectively. Having proved the strong duality, we derive the optimality conditions for each of these duals. As special cases of the original problem, we study the duality for the classical optimization problem with inequality constraints and the optimization problem without constraints.
The second part of this work is devoted to location analysis. Considering first the location model with monotonic gauges, it turns out that the same conjugate duality principle can be used also for solving this kind of problems. Taking in the objective function instead of the monotonic gauges several norms, investigations concerning duality for different location problems are made.
We finish our investigations with the study of composed multiobjective optimization problems. In doing like this, first we scalarize this problem and study the scalarized one by using the conjugacy approach developed before. The optimality conditions which we obtain in this case allow us to construct a multiobjective dual problem to the primal one. Additionally the weak and strong duality are proved. In conclusion, some special cases of the composed multiobjective optimization problem are considered. Once the general problem has been treated, particularizing the results, we construct a multiobjective dual for each of them and verify the weak and strong dualities. / In dieser Arbeit wird, anhand der sogenannten konjugierten Dualitätstheorie, ein allgemeines Dualitätsverfahren für die Untersuchung verschiedener Optimierungsaufgaben dargestellt. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen wird zuerst eine allgemeine Optimierungsaufgabe betrachtet, wobei sowohl die Zielfunktion als auch die Nebenbedingungen zusammengesetzte Funktionen sind. Mit Hilfe der konjugierten Dualitätstheorie, die auf der sogenannten Störungstheorie basiert, werden für die primale Aufgabe drei verschiedene duale Aufgaben konstruiert und weiterhin die Beziehungen zwischen deren optimalen Zielfunktionswerten untersucht. Unter geeigneten Konvexitäts- und Monotonievoraussetzungen wird die Gleichheit dieser optimalen Zielfunktionswerte und zusätzlich die Existenz der starken Dualität zwischen der primalen und den entsprechenden dualen Aufgaben bewiesen. In Zusammenhang mit der starken Dualität werden Optimalitätsbedingungen hergeleitet. Die Ergebnisse werden abgerundet durch die Betrachtung zweier Spezialfälle, nämlich die klassische restringierte bzw. unrestringierte Optimierungsaufgabe, für welche sich die aus der Literatur bekannten Dualitätsergebnisse ergeben.
Der zweite Teil der Arbeit ist der Dualität bei Standortproblemen gewidmet. Dazu wird ein sehr allgemeines Standortproblem mit konvexer zusammengesetzter Zielfunktion in Form eines Gauges formuliert, für das die entsprechenden Dualitätsaussagen abgeleitet werden. Als Spezialfälle werden Optimierungsaufgaben mit monotonen Normen betrachtet. Insbesondere lassen sich Dualitätsaussagen und Optimalitätsbedingungen für das klassische Weber und Minmax Standortproblem mit Gauges als Zielfunktion herleiten.
Das letzte Kapitel verallgemeinert die Dualitätsaussagen, die im zweiten Kapitel erhalten wurden, auf multikriterielle Optimierungsprobleme. Mit Hilfe geeigneter Skalarisierungen betrachten wir zuerst ein zu der multikriteriellen Optimierungsaufgabe zugeordnetes skalares Problem. Anhand der in diesem Fall erhaltenen Optimalitätsbedingungen formulieren wir das multikriterielle Dualproblem. Weiterhin beweisen wir die schwache und, unter bestimmten Annahmen, die starke Dualität. Durch Spezialisierung der Zielfunktionen bzw. Nebenbedingungen resultieren die klassischen konvexen Mehrzielprobleme mit Ungleichungs- und Mengenrestriktionen. Als weitere Anwendungen werden vektorielle Standortprobleme betrachtet, zu denen wir entsprechende duale Aufgaben formulieren.
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New insights into conjugate dualityGrad, Sorin - Mihai 19 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
With this thesis we bring some new results and improve some
existing ones in conjugate duality and some of the areas it is
applied in.
First we recall the way Lagrange, Fenchel and Fenchel - Lagrange
dual problems to a given primal optimization problem can be
obtained via perturbations and we present some connections between
them. For the Fenchel - Lagrange dual problem we prove strong
duality under more general conditions than known so far, while for
the Fenchel duality we show that the convexity assumptions on the
functions involved can be weakened without altering the
conclusion. In order to prove the latter we prove also that some
formulae concerning conjugate functions given so far only for
convex functions hold also for almost convex, respectively nearly
convex functions.
After proving that the generalized geometric dual problem can be
obtained via perturbations, we show that the geometric duality is
a special case of the Fenchel - Lagrange duality and the strong
duality can be obtained under weaker conditions than stated in the
existing literature. For various problems treated in the
literature via geometric duality we show that Fenchel - Lagrange
duality is easier to apply, bringing moreover strong duality and
optimality conditions under weaker assumptions.
The results presented so far are applied also in convex composite
optimization and entropy optimization. For the composed convex
cone - constrained optimization problem we give strong duality and
the related optimality conditions, then we apply these when
showing that the formula of the conjugate of the precomposition
with a proper convex K - increasing function of a K - convex
function on some n - dimensional non - empty convex set X, where
K is a k - dimensional non - empty closed convex cone, holds under
weaker conditions than known so far. Another field were we apply
these results is vector optimization, where we provide a general
duality framework based on a more general scalarization that
includes as special cases and improves some previous results in
the literature. Concerning entropy optimization, we treat first
via duality a problem having an entropy - like objective function,
from which arise as special cases some problems found in the
literature on entropy optimization. Finally, an application of
entropy optimization into text classification is presented.
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A duality approach to gap functions for variational inequalities and equilibrium problemsLkhamsuren, Altangerel 03 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This work aims to investigate some applications of the
conjugate duality for scalar and vector optimization problems to
the construction of gap functions for variational inequalities and
equilibrium problems. The basic idea of the approach is to
reformulate variational inequalities and equilibrium problems into
optimization problems depending on a fixed variable, which allows
us to apply duality results from optimization problems.
Based on some perturbations, first we consider the conjugate
duality for scalar optimization. As applications, duality
investigations for the convex partially separable optimization
problem are discussed.
Afterwards, we concentrate our attention on some applications of
conjugate duality for convex optimization problems in finite and
infinite-dimensional spaces to the construction of a gap function
for variational inequalities and equilibrium problems. To verify
the properties in the definition of a gap function weak and strong
duality are used.
The remainder of this thesis deals with the extension of this
approach to vector variational inequalities and vector equilibrium
problems. By using the perturbation functions in analogy to the
scalar case, different dual problems for vector optimization and
duality assertions for these problems are derived. This study
allows us to propose some set-valued gap functions for the vector
variational inequality. Finally, by applying the Fenchel duality
on the basis of weak orderings, some variational principles for
vector equilibrium problems are investigated.
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A Connection Between Clone Theory and FCA Provided by Duality TheoryKerkhoff, Sebastian 02 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this paper is to show how Formal Concept Analysis can be used for the bene t of clone theory. More precisely, we show how a recently developed duality theory for clones can be used to dualize clones over bounded lattices into the framework of Formal Concept Analysis, where they can be investigated with techniques very di erent from those that universal algebraists are usually armed with. We also illustrate this approach with some small examples.
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A General Duality Theory for ClonesKerkhoff, Sebastian 12 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we generalize clones (as well as their relational counterparts and the relationship between them) to categories. Based on this framework, we introduce a general duality theory for clones and apply it to obtain new results for clones on finite sets.
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A General Duality Theory for ClonesKerkhoff, Sebastian 28 June 2011 (has links)
In this thesis, we generalize clones (as well as their relational counterparts and the relationship between them) to categories. Based on this framework, we introduce a general duality theory for clones and apply it to obtain new results for clones on finite sets.
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