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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hydro- und geochemische Prozesse in oberflächennahen Kippensedimenten des Braunkohlentagebaus Zwenkau

Wiegand, Ute 29 January 2003 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Projektes "Luft- und bodengestützte spektrometrische Untersuchungen zur Differenzierung reaktiv veränderter Braunkohlentagebaugebiete in Mitteldeutschland" (Vorhaben 02 WB 9667/5) als Kooperation zwischen dem GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ), dem Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Fernerkundung (GAF) und dem Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig/Halle GmbH (UFZ) angefertigt. Grundidee des Projektes war es, die durch spektrometrische Erfassungsmethoden der Fernerkundung erhaltenen Überfliegungsdaten mittels konventioneller petrographischer, mineralogischer und geochemischer Analytik zu kalibrieren. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit lag dabei in der Charakterisierung der hydro- und geochemischen Veränderungen in den Kippensedimenten des im mitteldeutschen Raum südlich von Leipzig aufgeschlossenen Braunkohlentagebaus Zwenkau. Zu diesem Zweck wurden die Kippensedimente in Abhängigkeit des Schüttungsalters und der Lagerung untersucht sowie die spezifischen Merkmale der Kippenwässer und Bodengase erfaßt, um die im Kippenkörper ablaufenden chemischen, petrographischen und gefügemäßigen Veränderungen sowie die Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Sedimenten, Wässern und Bodengasen zu beschreiben. Schließlich wird ein Modell zur zeitlichen Entwicklung der Abraumförderbrückenkippe, beginnend bei ihrer Verkippung bis hin zu einem Alter von etwa 20 Jahren, vorgestellt, welches die beobachteten Erscheinungen bezüglich der auftretenden endogenen und exogenen Wechselwirkungsfaktoren gut erklärt. / This thesis was prepared in cooperation with the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ), the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Fernerkundung (GAF), and the Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig/Halle (UFZ) in frame of the project "Airborne and laboratory spectroscopic studies for differentiation of reactively alterated lignite mining pits in Central Germany" (No. 02 WB 9667/5) which was gratefully supported by the Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie (BMBF). The major idea of the project was to achieve a calibration of the spectroscopic data acquired by the remote sensing though the results obtained from conventionally petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical analyses. The main goal of this thesis was the characterization of the hydro- and geochemical alterations in the conveyor bridge dump of the open lignite mining pit Zwenkau which is located in the Central Germany District southern of Leipzig. Therefore, dependent on their ages in terms of dumping and their surface-near locations the dump sediments were investigated and the specific properties of the different types of dump water and soil gases were acquired as well in order to describe the ongoing chemical, petrographical and structural alterations and interactions between the sediments, the water and the soil gases in the conveyor bridge. Finally, a model of the chronological development of the overburden sediments starting from their spilling up to an age of about 20 years is proposed which well explains the observed phenomena regarding the appearing endogenous and exogenous interaction factors.

Börsnotering och prissättning på Nasdaq och NYSE : En kvantitativ studie om hur aktiekurserna förändras i samband med en börsnotering

Lobos, Jonathan, Chahine, Alexander January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the stock price development of initial public offerings (IPOs) in the short and long term. If underpricing occurs, conclusions can be drawn about how this affects the price development. The thesis also aims to provide a better understanding of IPOs and their pricing by studying a selection of companies listed on Nasdaq and NYSE in New York. Theory: In order to analyze initial public offerings price discovery both short term and long term, this study will apply the theories The Effective Market Hypothesis, Information Assymmetri and The winner’s Curse.  Method: To answer the purpose of the study, the study applied a quantitative method with a deductive approach. The analyzed companies were identified with the help of two databases to later be used in a t:test. Results: The results show that a statistical significance did not exist for the first day’s closing price nor on the observation’s day closing price. This leads to the acceptance of the study’s null hypothesis.  Conclusion: Although a statistical significance did not exist, the study found similarities with the theories and previous research that was used in the study. The study implies that initial public offerings are a better short term investment than long term. / Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera kursutveckling för börsintroduktioner på kort och lång sikt. Om underprissättning förekommer, kan det dras slutsatser om hur denna påverkar kursutvecklingen. Uppsatsen syftar också till att ge en bättre förståelse för börsintroduktioner och dess prissättning genom att studera ett urval av bolag som noterats på Nasdaq och NYSE i New York.  Teori: För att analysera börsintroduktioners kursutveckling på kort och lång sikt använder denna studie teorier om den effektiva marknadshypotesen, informationsasymmetri och ”The winner’s curse”.   Metod: För att besvara studiens syfte tillämpades en kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats. De analyserade bolagen identifierades med hjälp av två databaser som sedan tillämpades i ett t-test.  Resultat: Resultatet visar att ett statistiskt signifikant samband inte fanns för varken första dagens eller observationsdagens stängningskurs. Detta har lett till att studiens nollhypoteser accepterats. Slutsats: Trots att studien inte kunde visa på statistisk signifikans, fanns likheter med teorier och tidigare forskning. Studien indikerar att det är mer gynnsamt när transaktionen genomförs under börsintroduktionsdagen.

Subsídios bibliográficos para utilização de lixão desativado para disposição final de resíduos sólidos gerados no setor calçadista do município de Jaú - SP / Bibliographical subsidies for usage of deactivated dumps for final disposal of solid waste from the shoe manufacturing sector in the municipality of Jaú-SP

Bernardi Filho, Nilo André 16 September 2005 (has links)
Com o advento da geração do consumo e conforto, depara-se hoje com o aumento exponencial da quantidade de resíduos sólidos, que são lançados em áreas nem sempre apropriadas. Cada vez mais, e em função do crescimento, os administradores das cidades estão encontrando dificuldades para escolher áreas próprias para a destinação final dos resíduos sólidos, causando inúmeros impactos ambientais, áreas estas, que muitas vezes se apresentam no caminho do crescimento municipal. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa estuda a possibilidade de utilização de áreas anteriormente degradadas pela disposição de resíduos sólidos, como alternativa locacional para disposição de resíduos sólidos, gerados pelo setor calçadista do municipio de Jaú-SP, após a recuperação da mesma. Este estudo vai ser realizado no lixão de Jaú, onde deverão ser coletadas amostras de água em poços de monitoramento localizados no entorno da área e amostras de chorume. Um dos alicerces que sustenta um município e proporciona desenvolvimento ao mesmo, é o crescimento do setor industrial, já que seus habitantes precisam de uma ocupação e serem remunerados dignamente por ela. O município de Jaú gera nas suas indústrias cerca de 30 toneladas diárias de resíduos sólidos, sendo 60% proveniente de indústrias calçadistas, o que torna a pesquisa interessante, já que serão analisados dados que envolverão o resultado do descarte de resíduos sólidos, durante vários anos e seu comportamento após esse período. / With the onset of consumption and comfort generation, exponential increase of solid waste quantities can be seen, which are dumped in not always adequate areas. More and more, and due to urban growth, municipal administrators are facing difficulties in choosing adequate areas for final disposal of solid waste, causing uncountable environmental impacts, such as areas which often show up as a result of urban growth. From this viewpoint, this research studies the feasibility of using areas which have formerly been degraded by disposal of solid waste, as alternative sites for a disposal of solid waste from the shoe manufacturing sector in the municipality of Jaú-SP, after their recovery. This study shall be carried out at the garbage dump of Jaú, where water samples shall be taken from monitoring wells placed around the area, as well samples of leachate. One of the pillars which supports any municipality and promotes its development is the growth of the industrial sector, since the inhabitants need jobs and decent wages. The industries in the municipality of Jaú produce about 30 tons of solid waste daily, whereof 60% come from the shoe manufacturers, which makes this study quite interesting due to analyses of data which involve the result of solid waste dumping for a period of several years and its behavior after this period of time.

Avaliação do risco potencial de poluição e contaminação por resíduos sólidos: estudo de caso do lixão de Morro Agudo - São Paulo / Analysis of the potential of contamination of the solid residues: a study of case of the rubbish dump of Morro Agudo, São Paulo

Cardoso, Luís Fernando 26 August 2005 (has links)
O crescente processo de industrialização e urbanização mundial acelerou a geração de resíduos. Sua disposição e tratamento adequados é hoje um grande problema de contaminação ambiental. Alguns países adotam medidas para o controle e gerenciamento das áreas de disposição de resíduos, consideradas de antemão como contaminadas. No Brasil, não existe legislação específica nem levantamento de tais áreas, com exceção da região metropolitana de São Paulo que identificou e cadastrou essas áreas através de convênio entre a CETESB e o governo da Alemanha, por intermédio da Sociedade de Cooperação Técnica GTZ. Deste convênio surgiu o manual de gerenciamento de áreas contaminadas, publicação destinada a orientar as ações de gerenciamento de áreas suspeitas ou contaminadas; este manual balizou a caracterização ambiental do lixão de Morro Agudo, objeto deste estudo, comprovando a contaminação da área e alertando para a necessidade de medidas, visando a proteção dos principais bens a proteger. / The increasing process of worldwide industrialization and urbanization accelerated the generation of residues. Nowadays its adequate disposal and treatment are a great problem of environmental contamination. Some countries adopt measures for the control and management of the residue disposal areas, considered beforehand as contaminated. In Brazil, it does not exist specific legislation nor survey of such areas, with exception of Sao Paulo metropolitan area, which identified and registered these areas through an agreement between CETESB and the government of Germany, mediated by Sociedade de Cooperação Técnica GTZ. From this agreement appeared the management manual of contaminated areas, publication destined to guide the actions of management of suspicious or contaminated areas; this manual determined the environmental characterization of Morro Agudo rubbish dump, subject of this study, proving the area contamination and alerting to the necessity of measures, aiming the protection of the main goods to be protected.

Simulation of Leachate Generation from a Waste Rock Dump in Kiruna Using HYDRUS-1D / Simulering av lakvattenbildning från gråbergsdeponier i Kiruna med HYDRUS-1D

Atmosudirdjo, Aryani January 2019 (has links)
The percolation of water through waste rock dumps at mine sites can lead to the production of a leachate with high concentrations of dissolved metals, sulfate and nitrogen compounds. It is important to understand how water flows in waste rock dumps in order to predict the environmental impact of this leachate on recipients. The dynamics of percolation and leachate discharge are controlled by climatological conditions at the site, where relatively large flows in northern Sweden correspond to snowmelt during late Spring. Rock dumps are often tens of meters in height, resulting in an unsaturated water flow system through heterogeneous material. Hence, the simulation of leachate generation requires an accurate representation of the subsurface materials as well as the flow processes, where water flow in waste rock dumps is dominated by matrix flow with macropore flow being of secondary importance. Matrix flow is rather slow and may thus potentially yield relatively high concentrations of contaminants in the leachate, in response to precipitation and snow melt. This study uses Hydrus-1D to predict leachate generation from a small-scale waste rock dump in Kiruna in terms of discharge magnitude and timing. The 3-dimensional geometry of the waste rock dump is approximated by summing simulations from 1225 one-dimensional columns of different length, with a surface area of 1 m2 each. There are four output parameters that are compared between the model results and measured data: snow accumulation, water content, temperature, and discharge. There are some discrepancies between the model results and field measurements, most likely due to uncertainties in the input parameters (especially waste rock properties), limitations in the Hydrus-1D model (i.e. freeze-thaw dynamics), and assumptions that are used in constructing the conceptual model. For better agreement between model results and measured data, a new modelling approach is recommended, potentially using a different program than Hydrus-1D.

Avaliação da qualidade da água do Córrego Sombrio a jusante do depósito de resíduos sólidos urbanos de Ponte Nova MG / Evaluation of water quality of the Sombrio Creek downstream of urban solid waste disposal of Ponte Nova - MG

Deusdará, Mariana Coelho 31 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:28:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 3004855 bytes, checksum: 8c6dc42c3bf3298aebd37674c17413c4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-31 / The final disposal of municipal solid wastes in inadequate areas, like dumping sites, represents great risk for the environmental quality and for public health. Therefore, the present work intended to assess the superficial water quality in the surround area of Ponte Nova MG dump site: in three points on Sombrio Stream downstream the dump site, one water nascent upstream and the leachate of the stabilization pond. It was analyzed physical, chemical and microbiological parameters in the water and in the leachate and the results were compared with the limits concentrations recommended by CONAMA Resolution 357/2005. It was also analyzed the metal content on the sediments of the monitoring points on the stream and on the stabilization pond´s sludge and the results were compared with the CONAMA Resolution 344/2004. Moreover, it was also analyzed the metal content on the ichthyofauna on a pay fishing establishment, located at about 1,5 km of the dump site, and the results were compared with the Sanitary Agency law Portaria ANVISA 685/98. In general, it can be said that the water in Sombrio Stream is not with its quality severely impaired, although, there are evidences that it is being impacted by the dump site. / A disposição final de resíduos sólidos urbanos em áreas inadequadas, como lixões, representa um grande risco para a qualidade ambiental e para a saúde pública. Dessa maneira, o presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a qualidade da água superficial do entorno do lixão de Ponte Nova MG, em três pontos no Córrego Sombrio: a jusante do lixão, em uma nascente a montante e a lagoa de estabilização do lixão. Foram avaliados parâmetros físicos, químicos e microbiológicos na água e no lixiviado e os resultados foram comparados com os limites para corpos de água classe 2 estabelecidos na Resolução CONAMA 357/05. Foi avaliado, também, o teor de metais nos sedimentos dos pontos de amostragem e no lodo da lagoa de estabilização e os resultados foram comparados com os valores orientadores da Resolução CONAMA 344/04. Além disso, foi avaliada a concentração de metais na ictiofauna do Pesque-Pague Sombrio, localizado a, aproximadamente, 1,5 km do lixão e, os resultados foram comparados com os limites preconizados pela Portaria 685/98 da ANVISA. De uma maneira geral, pode-se concluir que a qualidade da água do Córrego Sombrio apresenta indícios de contaminação pelo lixão.

Avaliação do risco potencial de poluição e contaminação por resíduos sólidos: estudo de caso do lixão de Morro Agudo - São Paulo / Analysis of the potential of contamination of the solid residues: a study of case of the rubbish dump of Morro Agudo, São Paulo

Luís Fernando Cardoso 26 August 2005 (has links)
O crescente processo de industrialização e urbanização mundial acelerou a geração de resíduos. Sua disposição e tratamento adequados é hoje um grande problema de contaminação ambiental. Alguns países adotam medidas para o controle e gerenciamento das áreas de disposição de resíduos, consideradas de antemão como contaminadas. No Brasil, não existe legislação específica nem levantamento de tais áreas, com exceção da região metropolitana de São Paulo que identificou e cadastrou essas áreas através de convênio entre a CETESB e o governo da Alemanha, por intermédio da Sociedade de Cooperação Técnica GTZ. Deste convênio surgiu o manual de gerenciamento de áreas contaminadas, publicação destinada a orientar as ações de gerenciamento de áreas suspeitas ou contaminadas; este manual balizou a caracterização ambiental do lixão de Morro Agudo, objeto deste estudo, comprovando a contaminação da área e alertando para a necessidade de medidas, visando a proteção dos principais bens a proteger. / The increasing process of worldwide industrialization and urbanization accelerated the generation of residues. Nowadays its adequate disposal and treatment are a great problem of environmental contamination. Some countries adopt measures for the control and management of the residue disposal areas, considered beforehand as contaminated. In Brazil, it does not exist specific legislation nor survey of such areas, with exception of Sao Paulo metropolitan area, which identified and registered these areas through an agreement between CETESB and the government of Germany, mediated by Sociedade de Cooperação Técnica GTZ. From this agreement appeared the management manual of contaminated areas, publication destined to guide the actions of management of suspicious or contaminated areas; this manual determined the environmental characterization of Morro Agudo rubbish dump, subject of this study, proving the area contamination and alerting to the necessity of measures, aiming the protection of the main goods to be protected.

Subsídios bibliográficos para utilização de lixão desativado para disposição final de resíduos sólidos gerados no setor calçadista do município de Jaú - SP / Bibliographical subsidies for usage of deactivated dumps for final disposal of solid waste from the shoe manufacturing sector in the municipality of Jaú-SP

Nilo André Bernardi Filho 16 September 2005 (has links)
Com o advento da geração do consumo e conforto, depara-se hoje com o aumento exponencial da quantidade de resíduos sólidos, que são lançados em áreas nem sempre apropriadas. Cada vez mais, e em função do crescimento, os administradores das cidades estão encontrando dificuldades para escolher áreas próprias para a destinação final dos resíduos sólidos, causando inúmeros impactos ambientais, áreas estas, que muitas vezes se apresentam no caminho do crescimento municipal. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa estuda a possibilidade de utilização de áreas anteriormente degradadas pela disposição de resíduos sólidos, como alternativa locacional para disposição de resíduos sólidos, gerados pelo setor calçadista do municipio de Jaú-SP, após a recuperação da mesma. Este estudo vai ser realizado no lixão de Jaú, onde deverão ser coletadas amostras de água em poços de monitoramento localizados no entorno da área e amostras de chorume. Um dos alicerces que sustenta um município e proporciona desenvolvimento ao mesmo, é o crescimento do setor industrial, já que seus habitantes precisam de uma ocupação e serem remunerados dignamente por ela. O município de Jaú gera nas suas indústrias cerca de 30 toneladas diárias de resíduos sólidos, sendo 60% proveniente de indústrias calçadistas, o que torna a pesquisa interessante, já que serão analisados dados que envolverão o resultado do descarte de resíduos sólidos, durante vários anos e seu comportamento após esse período. / With the onset of consumption and comfort generation, exponential increase of solid waste quantities can be seen, which are dumped in not always adequate areas. More and more, and due to urban growth, municipal administrators are facing difficulties in choosing adequate areas for final disposal of solid waste, causing uncountable environmental impacts, such as areas which often show up as a result of urban growth. From this viewpoint, this research studies the feasibility of using areas which have formerly been degraded by disposal of solid waste, as alternative sites for a disposal of solid waste from the shoe manufacturing sector in the municipality of Jaú-SP, after their recovery. This study shall be carried out at the garbage dump of Jaú, where water samples shall be taken from monitoring wells placed around the area, as well samples of leachate. One of the pillars which supports any municipality and promotes its development is the growth of the industrial sector, since the inhabitants need jobs and decent wages. The industries in the municipality of Jaú produce about 30 tons of solid waste daily, whereof 60% come from the shoe manufacturers, which makes this study quite interesting due to analyses of data which involve the result of solid waste dumping for a period of several years and its behavior after this period of time.

Conflictos socioambientales asociados a los microbasurales : relaciones territoriales de un fenómeno común, caso comuna de El Quisco, Región de Valparaíso, Chile

Campos Esparza, Hugo January 2018 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de Geógrafo / En la comuna de El Quisco en la Región de Valparaíso, como en la mayoría de las comunas del país, no son ajenas las complicaciones que conlleva la gestión de los residuos, dichas complicaciones radican en el problema del florecimiento de microbasurales en diversos sectores del territorio comunal, que poseen ciertas características geográficas, sociales o sectoriales que pueden explicar su localización mediante el uso de los SIG. Sin embargo, la situación de los microbasurales no solo tienen explicaciones de su generación, sino que también suelen generar conflictos en la comunidad, el sector público y sectorialmente, como sucede con el turismo, principalmente en épocas estivales. Estos conflictos suelen expresarse de diversas formas y en distintas plataformas, pero tienden a invisibilizarse producto de la normalidad y de la cotidianeidad que estos han adquirido a través de los años y de la poca cultura ambiental que posee gran parte de la población nacional. De acuerdo a la ubicación, al tamaño, y a la población que habita los lugares donde se producen, algunos casos pueden generar tal cantidad de problemas graves, que se puede hablar de los microbasurales como generadores de un conflicto socioambiental. / In the commune of El Quisco in the Región de Valparaíso, as in most of the country's municipalities, are no stranger, the complications that involves the management of waste, this complications lies in the problem of the flowering of illegal dumping of waste in various sectors of the communal territory. Geography, social or sectoral networks can explain their location through the use of GIS. However, the situation of the illegal dumping of waste not only have explanations of their generation, but also often generate conflicts in the community, the public sector and sectorally, as it happens with tourism, mainly in the summer. These conflicts are usually a way of expressing the different forms and different platforms, but also a product of normality and everyday life that has been acquired over the years and the little environmental culture that has a large part of the national population. According to the location, the size, and the population that inhabits the places where they are produced, some cases can generate such amount of serious problems, that can talk about the fly-dumping as a socio-environmental conflict.

Sukcese mravenců na výsypkách / Ant succession in post mining sites

Hovorková, Marie January 2021 (has links)
Succession is often studied by using a chronosequence. When using a chronosequence we study a set of sites with different ages at the same time and by comparing them we conclude what kind of changes occurred during time (space for time substitution). Only a few studies however compare how results obtained by using a chronosequence differ from those obtained by long-term studies. In my theses I repeated a study that investigated succession of ant communities on brown coal mining spoil dumps in Sokolov district after 19 years. There are chronosequences of two types of sites (spontaneous succession and recultivation) in Sokolov coal mining district. By repeating the original study I could compare changes that occurred du- ring time with changes along a chronosequnce. Relationship between occurrence of ant groups with different ecological requirements and age of site was also investigated. RDA model and variation partitioning were used to find out statistical significance between sites and their age. An increase in number of species was recorded on the spoil dumps. 22 ant species were found in the year 2020, from which 5 species were new on the dumps. All the new species are specialists, two of them are dendrophilous. A statistically significant increase in abundance of forest species with site age was...

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