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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci for Resistance to Tan Spot in Durum Wheat

Galagedara, Nelomie Nayanathara January 2018 (has links)
Tan spot, caused by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Ptr), is a major foliar disease on wheat. The pathosystem involves three pairs of necrotrophic effector (NE) and host sensitivity (S) gene interactions, namely Ptr ToxA-Tsn1, Ptr ToxB-Tsc2 and Ptr ToxC-Tsc1. Additionally, genetic factors conferring race-nonspecific resistance have been identified. The objectives of this study were to map tan spot resistance QTL and investigate the role of NE-S interactions in disease in durum using association and bi-parental mapping. Evaluation of a worldwide collection of durum accessions allowed identifying highly resistant nineteen lines to multiple Ptr races. Association mapping revealed genomic regions on chromosomes 1A, 2B and 3B significantly associated with resistance to tan spot, which likely correspond to Tsc1, Tsc2 and racenonspecific resistance. Using a bi-parental population derived from Ben and PI 41025, we found that ToxA-Tsn1 interaction plays no significant role in disease, instead a major race-nonspecific QTL on chromosome 5A was identified.

Dynamique d’assemblage des protéines de réserve et du remplissage du grain de blé dur / Dynamic of the assembly of storage proteins and grain filling of durum wheat.

Simoes Larraz Ferreira, Mariana 17 May 2011 (has links)
Le blé dur, du fait de sa vitrosité et de sa richesse en protéines est particulièrement adapté àla fabrication des pâtes alimentaires. Cette céréale, largement cultivée dans le bassinméditerranéen, est fréquemment soumise à des stress hydriques et thermiques. Les objectifsde cette thèse ont été d'approfondir les connaissances sur les modalités d'accumulation etd'assemblage des protéines de réserve au cours du développement du grain. Un suivi fin duremplissage du grain, de la morphologie des corps protéiques, des changements d'état redox etde la distribution en taille des polymères de gluténines a été réalisé. L'influence, sur cesdifférents paramètres, de températures élevées appliquées à différents stades dedéveloppement du grain a été étudiée.En privilégiant l'accumulation des protéines au détriment de l'amidon, le stress thermiquejoue un rôle non négligeable dans l'obtention de grains vitreux et à fortes teneurs en protéines.L'arrêt de la croissance du grain, observé à 45% de teneur en eau, est précédé de la mise enplace de la matrice protéique. L'accumulation de la matière sèche apparaît étroitement liée à ladynamique de l'eau, confirmant le lien entre teneur en eau et poids final du grain. Au cours duremplissage du grain, les températures élevées exercent un effet significatif sur la formationdes polymères de gluténines insolubles dans le SDS. Leur formation n'intervient qu'en fin dedessiccation et en deçà de 30% de teneur en eau. La durée de cette phase ultime d'oxydation etd'assemblage des polymères de gluténines a été reliée à la teneur en protéines.L'évolution du statut redox du grain montre qu'une accumulation massive de polymères degluténines intervient juste avant l'entrée en dessiccation du grain qui coïncide avecl'effondrement de l'ascorbate dans le grain. Coïncidant avec cette oxydation manifeste, unphénomène de glutathionylation des protéines a été détecté avec une rupture de l'activité de laCAT. Au cours de la dessiccation, les activités de la SOD et de la GR augmentent de façonsignificative. Cette synthèse tardive pourrait se produire au niveau de la couche à aleurone etdu germe en réponse à l'oxydation massive de l'albumen.Enfin, nous avons analysé le couplage entre oxydation des thiols protéiques et croissance entaille des polymères de gluténines. Très précocement, les sous-unités de gluténiness'assemblent sous forme d'oligomères partiellement réduits. Durant le remplissage du grain,une oxydation massive des thiols intervient avec la formation de polymères majoritairementcomposés de SG-HPM sur lesquels viendraient se fixer les SG-FPM. Au cours de la dessiccation,la taille des polymères augmente. Les structures polymériques formées au cours del'élaboration du grain possèdent un nombre de cystéines réduites élevé et incompatible avecun modèle d'assemblage linéaire. Les résultats obtenus nous permettent de proposer unrepliement tardif des SG-FPM, postérieur à leur insertion dans les assemblages oligomériques.Ils nous amènent à mettre en avant le rôle du glutathion comme co-facteur de la genèse despolymères, à l'opposé des thèses classiques qui en font plutôt un inhibiteur de la croissance entaille des polymères de gluténines. / Durum wheat is particularly recognized as the most suitable raw material for pasta makingdue to its vitreousness and its high protein content. This cereal is commonly grown inMediterranean environment and then frequently submitted to high temperature and waterstress. The aim of this thesis was to better understand the accumulation and assembly ofstorage proteins during the grain development. Evaluation of the grain filling, the morphologyof protein bodies, the redox status and the size distribution of glutenin polymers were carriedout. The effect of high temperatures applied at different stages of the grain development onthese parameters was studied.By favouring protein accumulation at the expense of starch, heat stress appeared essentialto obtain vitreous grains and high protein content. The arrest of grain growth observed at 45%grain water content is preceded by the formation of a continuous protein matrix. The dry massaccumulation is closely related to water dynamics, confirming the link between water contentand final grain weight. During grain filling, high temperatures have a significant effect on theformation of SDS-insoluble glutenin polymers. It occurred when grain water concentrationdropped below 30%. The duration of this final stage of oxidation and assembly of gluteninpolymers was related to protein content.Changes in the grain redox status showed an accumulation of glutenin polymers mainlyoccurring before the onset of grain desiccation phase and coinciding with the ascorbateoxidation. This clear oxidation coincided also with the glutathionylation of proteins and thedrop of the CAT activity. During desiccation, the activities of SOD and GR increased significantly.This late synthesis could occur in the aleurone layer and germ in response to massive oxidationof the endosperm cells.Finally, we evaluated the coupling between protein thiol oxidation and size increase ofglutenin polymers. In the early stages, glutenin subunits assembled as oligomers partiallyreduced. During grain filling, a strong thiol oxidation took place with the formation of polymersmainly composed of HMW-GS associated with LMW-GS branching. The polymer size increasedduring desiccation. The polymeric structures obtained during the grain development presenteda high number of reduced cysteines inconsistent with a linear concatenation model ofassembly. It allowed us to propose that the folding of LMW-GS is a late event, subsequent totheir insertion into oligomeric assemblies. These results highlighted the role of glutathione asco-factor in the polymers formation, contrasting with the common assumption that considers itas an inhibitor of the size increase of glutenin polymers.

Distribution des moisissures post-récolte et action antifongique des bactéries lactiques isolées du blé dur en Tunisie

Belkacem, Nesrine 16 December 2013 (has links)
Au cours du stockage et sous de mauvaises conditions de conservation, les grains de blé peuvent subir diverses altérations causées par le développement fongique. Les moisissures peuvent produire des toxines pouvant avoir un impact sur la santé du consommateur. L’évaluation de la diversité fongique sur blé de stockage produit localement dans les régions céréalières du Nord de la Tunisie durant deux années successives (2010-2011 et 2011-2012) a montré une dominance du genre Alternaria. L’étude de la cinétique d’évolution de cette mycoflore au cours du stockage s’est caractérisée par un profil particulier dépendant des paramètres géographiques et temporels et des conditions écophysiologiques. L’évaluation du pouvoir toxinogène a révélé un faible pourcentage d’isolats ochratoxinogènes. L’évaluation de la présence de l’OTA dans le blé ont montré des taux de contaminations largement inférieurs aux normes européennes. L’étude sur la physiologie de sporulation et la production d’OTA en Fermentation en Milieu Solide par A. carbonarius à montré une amplification de la production des conidiospores et de l’OTA par aération humide forcée. L’évaluation de l'activité antifongique de 15 bactéries lactiques isolées du blé de stockage à l’égard de 8 moisissures post-récolte a montré une bonne aptitude de Lb. plantarum à inhiber la croissance de ces moisissures. L’étude du pouvoir anti-ochratoxinogène de Lb. plantarum LabN10, Lb. graminis LabN11 and P. Pentosaceus LabN12 ont montré un effet significatif de la température, du pH et de la biomasse bactérienne sur l’inhibition de la biomasse fongique ainsi que sur la réduction d’OTA. / During storage and under bad storage conditions, wheat grains can undergo various alterations caused by fungal growth. Molds can produce toxins that can have an impact on consumer health. Assessment of fungal diversity on wheat storage locally produced cereal in northern Tunisia during two successive years (2010-2011 and 2011-2012) showed a dominance of the genus Alternaria. Study of kinetics evolution of mycoflora during storage is characterized by a particular pattern depending on geographic and temporal parameters and ecophysiological conditions. Evaluation of toxigenic fungal revealed a low percentage of ochratoxinogenic isolates. Occurence of OTA in wheat showed contamination levels under European standards. The study on sporulation physiology and production of OTA by Solid State Fermentation by A. carbonarius shown amplification and production of conidiospores OTA wet forced by aeration. The evaluation of the antifungal activity of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from the 15 wheat storage against 8 post-harvest molds showed good ability of Lb. plantarum to inhibit the growth of these fungi. The study of anti-ochratoxinogène activity Lb. LabN10 plantarum, Lb. and P. graminis LabN11 LabN12 pentosaceus showed a significant effect of temperature, pH and the bacterial biomass on the inhibition of the fungal biomass and on the reduction of OTA.

The effect of pulse crops on arbuscula mycorrhizal fungi in a durum-based cropping system

Fraser, Tandra 07 April 2008
Pulses are an important component in crop rotations in the semiarid Brown soil zone of southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Besides their capability to fix nitrogen, pulse crops establish a strong symbiotic relationship with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), which have been shown to increase nutrient and water uptake through hyphal extensions in the soil. Incorporating strongly mycorrhizal crops in a rotation may increase inoculum levels in the soil and benefit the growth of a subsequent crop. The objective of this study was to determine if AMF potential and colonization of a durum crop is significantly affected by cropping history and to assess the impact of pulses in crop rotations on the abundance and diversity of AMF communities in the soil. In 2004 and 2005, soil, plant, and root samples were taken on Triticum turgidum L. (durum) with preceding crops of Pisum sativum L. (pea), Lens culinaris Medik (lentil), Cicer arietinum L. (chickpea), Brassica napus L. (canola) or Triticum turgidum L. (durum). Although there were few differences in soil N and P levels, previous crop had a significant effect (p<0.05) on durum yields in both years. A previous crop of pea was associated with the highest yields, while the durum monocultures were lowest. Arbuscular mycorrhizal potential and colonization were significantly affected (p<0.05) by cropping history, but not consistently as a result of inclusion of a pulse crop. Phospholipid and neutralipid fatty acids (PLFA/NLFA) were completed to analyse the relative abundance of AMF (C16:1ù5), saprophytic fungi (C18:2ù6), and bacteria in the soil. The effect of treatment on the abundance of AMF, saprotrophic fungi and bacteria were not significant (p<0.05), but the changes over time were. These results demonstrate that although previous crop may play a role in microbial community structure, it is not the only influencing factor.

The effect of pulse crops on arbuscula mycorrhizal fungi in a durum-based cropping system

Fraser, Tandra 07 April 2008 (has links)
Pulses are an important component in crop rotations in the semiarid Brown soil zone of southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Besides their capability to fix nitrogen, pulse crops establish a strong symbiotic relationship with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), which have been shown to increase nutrient and water uptake through hyphal extensions in the soil. Incorporating strongly mycorrhizal crops in a rotation may increase inoculum levels in the soil and benefit the growth of a subsequent crop. The objective of this study was to determine if AMF potential and colonization of a durum crop is significantly affected by cropping history and to assess the impact of pulses in crop rotations on the abundance and diversity of AMF communities in the soil. In 2004 and 2005, soil, plant, and root samples were taken on Triticum turgidum L. (durum) with preceding crops of Pisum sativum L. (pea), Lens culinaris Medik (lentil), Cicer arietinum L. (chickpea), Brassica napus L. (canola) or Triticum turgidum L. (durum). Although there were few differences in soil N and P levels, previous crop had a significant effect (p<0.05) on durum yields in both years. A previous crop of pea was associated with the highest yields, while the durum monocultures were lowest. Arbuscular mycorrhizal potential and colonization were significantly affected (p<0.05) by cropping history, but not consistently as a result of inclusion of a pulse crop. Phospholipid and neutralipid fatty acids (PLFA/NLFA) were completed to analyse the relative abundance of AMF (C16:1ù5), saprophytic fungi (C18:2ù6), and bacteria in the soil. The effect of treatment on the abundance of AMF, saprotrophic fungi and bacteria were not significant (p<0.05), but the changes over time were. These results demonstrate that although previous crop may play a role in microbial community structure, it is not the only influencing factor.

Stimulateurs des défenses naturelles du blé dur en Tunisie et du blé tendre en France contre la septoriose causée par Zymoseptoria tritici / Bread and durum wheat resistance inducers used against septoria leaf blotch disease caused by Zymoseptoria tritici in France and Tunisia

Jemmali, Lamia 20 February 2015 (has links)
Le blé dur (Triticum durum Desf, BD), tout comme le blé tendre (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell, BT), est une céréale très touchée par la septoriose, une maladie foliaire causée par le champignon hémibiotrophe Zymoseptoria tritici. D'une part, ce présent travail a permis d'étudier l'interaction compatible du blé-Z. tritici. L'étude de l'interaction compatible chez les pathosystèmes BD/St-08-46 et BT/TO1193 a révélé l'induction des mêmes voies de défense chez les deux pathosystèmes étudiés mais avec différentes intensités. Ensuite, l'étude de l'interaction de Z. tritici avec un cultivar résistant de blé dur a mis en évidence l'association de résistance au champignon est liée à l'inhibition de la pénétration directe, la sporulation et l'activité des enzymes fongiques de dégradation des parois cellulaires de la plante (endo-β-1,4-xylanase, endo-β-1,3-glucanase et protéase). Ces derniers sembleraient être fortement liés à la sévérité de Z. tritici aussi bien chez le dur que le blé tendre. En plus, on a pu démontrer moyennant des analyses qRT-PCR l'intervention de plusieurs gènes dans la résistance du blé dur à la septoriose à savoir les gènes PR2 (β-1,3-glucanase), Chi 4 precursor (précurseur de chitinase de la classe IV), Pox (peroxydase), Msr (méthionine sulfoxide réductase) et Bsil1 (inhibiteur de protéases). D'autre part, le potentiel des stimulateurs de défenses naturelles de plantes (SDPs) à protéger aussi bien le blé dur que le blé tendre contre les maladies fongiques a été évalué. Trois extraits naturels dont les matières actives sont l'acide ascorbique (AA), des oligosaccharides de parois cellulaires de plantes (Oligos) et algue brune (Ascophyllum nodosum, A. nod) ont été testés pour la première fois sur le blé. Leur effet antifongique (direct) ainsi que l'effet inducteur des mécanismes de défense du blé (indirecte) ont été bien caractérisés moyennant des analyses moléculaires, biochimiques et cytologiques. En effet, seul l'AA a montré un effet direct sur la germination des spores et la croissance mycélienne du Z. tritici associé à l'induction des mécanismes de défense du blé. Par contre, les protections obtenues par l'Oligos et l'A. nod semblent être exclusivement liées à leurs propriétés inductrices de la défense qui ont permis de ralentir le développement du champignon ainsi que d'inhiber l'activité des CWDEs fongiques et la sporulation. D'ailleurs, il s'est avéré que les SDPs testés sembleraient agir sur les mêmes mécanismes de défense chez les deux espèces de blé. Ils pourraient induire l'activation (i) des protéines PR, (ii) les enzymes antioxidants (peroxydase et catalase), (iii) les protéines PAL et LOX (enzymes clés de la voie des phénylpropanoides et la voie des octadécanoides, respectivement) et (iv) l'accumulation des H₂O₂ et le dépôt des polyphénols au niveau des sites de pénétration du champignon, ont été mis en évidence. Egalement, ils pourraient emprunter les mêmes voies utilisées par le cultivar résistant Salim en réponse à l'infection par le champignon et pourraient même induire une réponse plus importante des gènes de défense du blé dur tels que les gènes PR2, Pox, Msr, ATPase et Bsil. De même, deux applications (préventif et curatif) des SDPs testés a révélé une protection intéressante contre la maladie associée, dans le cas de l'A. nod et des AA, à une augmentation de la teneur en chlorophylle et l'amélioration de la quantité et de la qualité du rendement du cultivar sensible Karim. Par contre, pour le cultivar résistant Salim l'application des SDPs semble être inutile. En conclusion, l'application des SDPs au bon stade et avec les bonnes concentrations sur des cultivars sensibles pourraient aboutir à des résultats d'efficacité et rendement similaires à celles des cultivars résistants. Ainsi, elle pourrait remplacer l'utilisation des cultivars résistants, surtout avec l'absence de cultivars complètement résistants disponibles pour l'agriculteur en Tunisie. / The durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf, DW) as well as the bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell, BW) is strongly affected by septoria leaf blotch (STB) caused by the hemibiotrophic fungus Zymoseptoria tritici. First, the present work was used to study of the compatible interaction wheat-Z-tritici. The study of the compatible interaction among pathosystems BD/St-08-46 Z-tritici strain an BT/TO1193 Z-tritici strain revealed the induction of defense pathways in both studied pathosystems, but with slight differences. Then, the study of the interaction of Z. tritici with a resistant durum wheat cultivar showed the fungus resistance of association is related to the inhibition of the direct penetration, sporulation and the avtivity of the fungal enzymes degrading plant cell walls (endo-β-1,4-xylanase, endo-β-1,3-glucanase and protease). They seem to be strongly related to the severity of Z. tritici in both BW and DW. In addition, this study revealed the involvement of several genes in the resistance of DW against Z. tritici such as PR2 genes (β-1,3-glucanase), Chi 4 precursor (precursor of Class IV chitinase), Pox (peroxidase), Msr (methionine sulfoxide reductase) and Bsil (protease inhibitor). On the other hand, the potential of resistance inducers (RIs) to protect BW and DW against STB disease was evaluated. Three natural extracts based on ascorbic acid (AA), plant cell wall oligosaccharides (Oligos) and brown algae (Ascophyllum nodosum, A. nod.) were tested for the first time on wheat. Their antifungal effect (direct) and the effect of inducing wheat defense mechanisms (indirect) have been well characterized through molecular, biochemical and cytological. We recorded that only AA exhibited a direct effect on spore germination and hyphal growth of Z. tritici associated to the induction of wheat defense mechanisms. However, conferred protection by Oligos and A. nod appears to be exclusively related to their plant defense inducing properties witch promoted the decrease of fungal CWDE activities and sporulation. Moreover, tested SDPs seem to enhance same defense pathways in both wheat species. They could induce the activation of (i) PR proteins, (ii) the antioxidant enzymes (catalase and peroxidase), (iii) the protein PAL and LOX (key enzymes of the phenylpropanoid and octadecanoid pathways, respectively) and (iv) the cytological accumulation of H₂O₂ and polyphenols, were highlighted. Also, they seem to use same pathways involved in durum wheat resistance mecanisms and may even induce a higher response of defense-related genes as PR2, Pox, Msr, ATPase, and Bsil. In general, protection conferred by tested RIs seems to be dependent on their composition, but it remains constant whatever of the wheat species. Similarly, in filed tested RIs conferred as interesting protection against STB associated, in the case of the A. nod and AA, with increased chlorophyll content and improving yield quantity and quality of the susceptible cultivar Karim, while in the resistant cultivar Salim, the application of RIs seems to be useless. In conclusion, protection conferred by tested RIs seems to be dependent on their composition, but it remains constant whatever of the wheat species. The use of RIs may improve the resistance level and yield of susceptible cultivars in order to obtain similar results to the resistant cultivars. Thus, it could replace the use of resistant cultivars especially with the lack of completely resistant cultivars available to farmers in Tunisia.

Assessing Cereal Aphid Diversity and Barley Yellow Dwarf Risk In Hard Red Spring Wheat and Durum

Haugen, Samuel Arthur McGrath January 2018 (has links)
Barley yellow dwarf (BYD), caused by Barley yellow dwarf virus and Cereal yellow dwarf virus, and is a yield limiting disease of small grains. A research study was initiated in 2015 to identify the implications of BYD on small grain crops of North Dakota. A survey of 187 small grain fields was conducted in 2015 and 2016 to assess cereal aphid diversity; cereal aphids identified included, Rhopalosiphum padi, Schizaphis graminum, and Sitobion avenae. A second survey observed and documented field absence or occurrence of cereal aphids and their incidence. Results indicated prevalence and incidence differed among respective growth stages and a higher presence of cereal aphids throughout the Northwest part of North Dakota than previously thought. Field and greenhouse screenings were conducted to identify hard red spring wheat and durum responses to BYD. Infested treatments in the greenhouse had significantly lower number of spikes, dry shoot mass and yield.


2013 June 1900 (has links)
Differences in pea (Pisum sativum L.) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) microbial compatibility and/ or their associated farming practices may influence root fungi of the following crop and affect the yield. The main objective of this research was to explain the difference in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) yield the year after pea and chickpea crops through changes in the functional diversity of wheat root fungi. The effect of fungicides used on chickpea on the root fungi of a following durum wheat crop was studied using plate culture and pyrosequencing. Pyrosequencing detected more Fusarium spp. in the roots of durum wheat after fungicide-treated chickpea than in non-fungicide treated chickpea. Plate culture revealed that the functional groups of fungi responded differently to fungicide use in the field but the effect on total community was non-significant. Highly virulent pathogens were not affected, but antagonists were suppressed. More fungal antagonists were detected after the chickpea CDC Luna than CDC Vanguard. Fungal species responded differently to the use of fungicides in vitro, but the aggregate inhibition effect on antagonists and highly virulent pathogens was similar. The effect of chickpea vs. pea previous crop and different chickpea termination times on root fungi of a following durum wheat crop was studied. The abundance of Fusarium spp. increased after cultivation of both cultivars of chickpea as compared to pea according to pyrosequencing and was negatively correlated with durum yield. Plate culture analysis revealed that fungal antagonists were more prevalent after pea than both cultivars of chickpea and chickpea CDC Vanguard increased the abundance of highly virulent pathogens. The abundance of highly virulent pathogens in durum wheat roots was negatively correlated to durum yield. Early termination of chickpea did not change the community of culturable fungi in the roots of a following durum crop. It is noteworthy that Fusarium redolens was identified for the first time in Saskatchewan and its pathogenicity was confirmed on durum wheat, pea and chickpea. The classical method of root disease diagnostics in cereals is based on the examination of the subcrown internode. I evaluated the method by comparing the fungal communities associated with different subterranean organs of durum wheat. The fungal community of the subcrown internode was different from that of roots and crown, suggesting cautious use of this method.

Salinidad y trigo duro: Firmas isotópicas, actividad enzimática y expresión génica

Yousfi, Salima 03 July 2012 (has links)
La salinidad y el estrés hídrico son los factores más importantes que limitan la producción de trigo duro, sobre todo en regiones áridas y semiáridas, como la región Mediterránea. El trigo duro es uno de los principales cultivos en el sur y este de la Cuenca Mediterránea, donde se cultiva frecuentemente en condiciones de secano y si es posible con riego deficitario, a menudo con agua de poca calidad, que junto a una elevada evapotranspiración, puede provocar una progresiva salinización del terreno. En este sentido, la mejora genética de trigo duro para una mejor adaptación a estas condiciones de estrés es una de las pocas alternativas viables. El objetivo general de esta Tesis es estudiar las bases fisiológicas y moleculares de las diferencias genotípicas en crecimiento potencial y tolerancia a la salinidad y el estrés hídrico. En un primer estudio (Experimento 1) publicado en “Functional Plant Biology” se investigó qué criterio fenotípico de selección era el más adecuado para seleccionar genotipos de trigo duro que crecieran mejor en condiciones de salinidad continuada. De esta forma se determinó la importancia de los isótopos estables como criterios eficientes para seleccionar genotipos tolerantes y susceptibles a la salinidad. Posteriormente, se realizó un segundo estudio (Experimento 2) donde se evaluó el efecto de la salinidad en la composición isotópica del carbono (δ13C) y el nitrógeno (δ15N) de genotipos de trigo duro y de dos amfiploides (un tritordeo y un triticale). Este trabajo está publicado en la revista “Journal of Experimental Botany”. En este segundo ensayo, la salinidad se aplicó durante la floración y el llenado del grano durante unas pocas semanas. Los resultados de este trabajo representaron la puesta a punto del estudio del comportamiento fisiológico del trigo duro durante la fase reproductiva y bajo diferentes combinaciones de salinidad y riego. Como continuación de los dos Experimentos (1 y 2) y en vista de los resultados obtenidos en el uso de las firmas isotópicas como criterio de evaluación bajo condiciones salinas, se planteó evaluar el uso combinado de la composición isotópica del carbono (δ13C), oxígeno (δ18O) y el nitrógeno (δ15N) en materia seca para observar las respuestas genotípicas de plantas de trigo duro sometidas a diferentes combinaciones de salinidad. Como contribución original, se elaboró un modelo conceptual de las tres firmas isotópicas juntas (δ13C, δ18O, δ15N) junto con características del metabolismo nitrogenado para explicar las diferencias genotípicas en tolerancia a distintas condiciones de salinidad y estrés hídrico. También se evaluaron las características fotosintéticas en relación con las firmas isotópicas y las actividades de enzimas clave del metabolismo nitrogenado. (Trabajo Publicado en la revista “New Phytologist”). Además de los resultados anteriores obtenidos, en esta Tesis se comparó la eficiencia de las firmas isotópicas del carbono, oxígeno y nitrógeno mediante dos vías: muestras de materia seca y muestras de fracción soluble en genotipos de trigo duro para la evaluación de diferencias genotípicas en tolerancia a diferentes condiciones de salinidad y regimenes hídricos. Posteriormente se analizó la respuesta genética de plantas de trigo duro a la salinidad evaluando el nivel de transcripción de genes específicos asociados a tolerancia a salinidad y estrés hídrico, junto a otros que codifican para enzimas claves del metabolismo nitrogenado. También se han estudiado las relaciones entre estas tasas de transcripción, las diferencias genotípicas en crecimiento, firmas isotópicas y actividades de enzimas del metabolismo nitrogenado. El trabajo ha mostrado la eficacia de los isótopos estables de carbono y del nitrógeno como herramientas de evaluación de la respuesta del trigo duro frente a la salinidad. / Inadequate irrigation for long term and under conditions of high evapotranspiration demand, combined with the use of poor water quality and the lack of adequate drainage frequently induces the salinization of arable land causing a significant increase in the area affected by salinity. Salinity is an environmental factor that limits in a remarkable manner the production of crops in many parts of the world, but especially in arid and semiarid regions like the Mediterranean. Under these conditions, which is often grown durum wheat improvement for tolerance to salinity under irrigation deficit may be one of the strategies to alleviate this problem. This Thesis shows that isotope compositions of carbon (δ13C), oxygen (δ18O), and nitrogen (δ15N) and the concentration of nitrogen in dry matter are potentially and effective criteria for discriminating between different growing conditions and between genotypes tolerant or susceptible to salt. Furthermore, the results of this study reflect the importance of nitrogen metabolism in tolerance to salinity. Additionally, this thesis develops a model relating genotypic tolerance to different conditions of salinity and drought with the signatures of the three isotopes (C, O, N), together with photosynthetic and transpiration exchanges and parameters key of nitrogen metabolism such as nitrogen concentration and activities of the glutamine synthetase and nitrate reductase. Finally, we study the relationship between the expression of genes potentially key in the tolerance to salinity and drought and genotypic variability in response to different combinations of these stresses.

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