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Measuring cognitive load management in a traditional martial arts training modelMaier, Herbert N. 29 August 2005 (has links)
A training method utilized in a few martial arts was found to agree strongly with current cognitive psychology theory. Further study extracted a procedural model for learning a complex set of whole-body, dyadic motor skills involving high-speed, interactive, continuous situation assessment and decision making. A broader literature survey found relevance in several fields of research, supporting the definition of four performance dimensions in the activity. Data collected from one experienced student partnering with each of ten students of various experience levels was analyzed on these four dimensions. These dimensions were found sufficient to show both individual differences and changes across an instructional intervention. Strong correlations found under linear regression were supportive of anecdotal evidence from the model??s long empirical history in training. Data provided evidence of a self-organizing dynamic emerging from the interaction of a dyad participating in this activity, and of individual differences in cognitive resource management dynamically setting allocation priorities among specific aspects of a complex motor/cognitive activity. Highly individual responses demonstrate a mechanism for insight into students that are difficult to read. Numerous comparisons and contrasts show interactivity of performance dimensions. Impact is foreseen for research, training and testing in motor learning fields, as well as situation awareness, decision making and military tactical training. Further research is recommended to replicate these findings, test hypotheses derived from them, and to extend testing of the drill-network model into other fields of learning.
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Essays on learning-by-doing after information systems implementation in developing countries: the case of Costa RicaWu, Tianshi 12 January 2015 (has links)
Developing countries are increasing their adoption of information systems at the country level now. One important aspect distinguishing the implementation of information systems in developing countries from that in developed countries is that developing countries usually lack the resources and capability for training and support, and the workers need to learn to use the system from their own experience. Thus, a better understanding of the workers’ learning-by-doing after the implementation of an information system in developing countries may have important theoretical and practical implications, but empirical evidence on this issue remains limited. This dissertation seeks to fill in the gap by investigating workers’ learning-by-doing after the implementation of an information system at two levels. First, it studies how an individual customs agent’ experience preparing and submitting customs documents influences her performance in document preparation and submission tasks. Second, it also examines how an agent-inspector dyad’s experience working together affects the performance of customs inspection tasks completed through the cooperation of the dyad. The first chapter provides an overview of the dissertation. The second chapter examines how the relatedness of workers’ prior experience affects their learning-by-doing and operational performance in service work. Prior research has viewed relatedness along a single dimension. However, tasks and the underlying knowledge required for task performance can vary along multiple attributes. This chapter extends prior conceptualizations of relatedness by defining it as a multi-dimensional construct and also accounting for the level of task relatedness between different categories in each task dimension. It separates the level of workers’ experience from the relatedness of their experience, and then link the two constructs to workers’ task performance, including their efficiency and quality. Analyzing data on the processing of 998,258 import customs declarations in Costa Rica from 2006-2010, the second chapter finds that customs agents, the major workers processing the customs declarations, learn from their experience to improve their time to complete the task but not their quality of completion. Moreover, it finds that the relatedness of customs agents’ experience to their current task is positively related to the quality of task completion but has a U-shape relationship with completion time, such that the completion time first decreases with and then increases with an increase in customs agents' experience relatedness. The chapter also finds that the impact of customs agents’ experience relatedness is enhanced when the agents have more experience. Overall, the results highlight the role of experience relatedness in workers’ performance in learning-by-doing service work, and help to identify ways for managers to improve different operational performance measures. Many service tasks are completed by dyads rather than by an individual worker. In this setting, the individuals in the dyad not only need to acquire knowledge about the task, but also have to learn to work with each other. Thus, individuals’ experience working together may have significant performance implications for dyads. However, this effect remains largely unexamined, especially when there are conflicts within the dyad. In the third chapter, it theorizes how a dyad’s experience working together influences the dyad’s task performance, and label it as a learning-by-working-together effect. The chapter further proposes that the impact of dyad experience can vary across tasks with different levels of complexity, goal conflict, and combinations of the two. It examines learning-by-working-together in a setting where there is goal conflict, but the dyad must work together to complete the task: customs inspections. Based on a field study on data of 323,520 customs inspections in Costa Rica, the third chapter shows that the number of prior interactions between a customs agent and a customs inspector is positively associated with the agent-inspector dyad’s efficiency in customs inspection. In addition, it demonstrates that the impact of an agent-inspector dyad’s experience working together is greater for high-complexity tasks than for low-complexity tasks, and weaker for high-conflict tasks than for low-conflict tasks. It also shows that due to a joint effect of task complexity and task-level goal conflict, dyad experience exhibits the largest impact on the performance of high-complexity, high-conflict tasks. The chapter discusses the implications of our results for the study of learning curves and for the practice.
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Long-term dyadic adjustment of parents of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia : couples’ experiences from treatment completion to survivorshipBurns, Willow 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Enactment psicanalítico : como psicanalistas entendem, identificam e elaboram - estudo descritivo qualitativoSevero, Charlie Trelles January 2015 (has links)
Introdução - Pesquisas em relação à análise e à psicoterapia com orientação psicanalítica são fundamentais e tem demonstrado a eficácia destas práticas psicoterapêuticas. Estas são hoje entendidas, por algumas abordagens teóricas, como decorrentes da relação estabelecida entre o profissional e o paciente, estabelecendo assim um processo interrelacional. O funcionamento psicológico deste par é absolutamente presente e dominante no desenrolar deste processo, expresso através de inúmeros fenômenos, como transferência, contratransferência, identificação projetiva, campo analítico e, mais recentemente, enactment. Este último é definindo, no conteúdo psicanalítico, como um fenômeno inconsciente que ocorre entre a dupla terapêutica, analista e paciente, na qual ambos atuam conjuntamente (“encenam”) o conflito inconsciente que se manifesta. Evidencia-se como um ato que leva o outro a também agir reciprocamente, sem o predomínio da reflexão. Objetivo – Descrever como psicanalistas entendem, conceituam, identificam e elaboram o fenômeno encatment em sua prática profissional. Participantes - dois analistas em formação psicanalítica, quatro psicanalistas membros associados e dois analistas didatas vinculados a uma instituição de formação psicanalítica associada à IPA (International Psychoanalytical Association) no Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil. Constitui-se uma amostra não-probabilística, intencional e por conveniência, utilizando o método de saturação para a sua totalização. O anonimato dos participantes está garantido através do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido-TCLE. Método - Estudo descritivo qualitativo. A interpretação dos dados é realizada pela Análise de Conteúdo, conforme Bardin. Foram realizadas oito entrevistas semi-estruturadas, face-a-face, gravadas e transcritas pelo pesquisador, utilizando como guia um questionário misto (questões fechadas e abertas), elaborado pelos autores do presente trabalho, com o qual os psicanalistas expressaram suas ideias e experiências. Esta pesquisa está aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos (CEP/PROPESQ/UFRGS/Brasil) sob o número 443.358 em 01 de novembro de 2013 e está registrada na Plataforma Brasil. Resultados e Conclusões - São apresentados em três categorias finais de respostas: Fundamentação Teórica, Fundamentação Técnica e Nível de Experiência. Enactment é entendido conforme fundamentação psicanalítica teórico-técnica. Psicanalistas responderam que é um fenômeno inconsciente, expresso através da ‘encenação’ de conflitos psíquicos, do paciente e do analista, que se entrecruzam no campo analítico. Sua manifestação possibilita identificar padrão das relações objetais, atualizadas na relação transferencial/contratransferencial, através da identificação projetiva. Se não identificados e interpretados, impedem a evolução terapêutica, desenvolvendo conluios ou impasses entre o par analítico. Identificam o fenômeno como conceito psicanalítico atual, em amadurecimento, também considerado como útil do ponto de vista técnico/terapêutico, favorecendo a interpretação no aqui-agora da situação analítica. O tempo de exercício profissional, associado à formação e ao investimento pessoal para ampliação do conhecimento, favorece, ao analista, atitude na qual a técnica apreendida passa a ser utilizada com mais segurança. Sugere que as vivências têm valor na construção da noção do que constitui o psíquico humano. O conjunto destas respostas sugere a existência, nas sociedades psicanalíticas, de formação profissional sólida e congruente. O fenômeno enactment é caracterizado como um dos mais atuais que reflete a ênfase contemporânea da Psicanálise à relação da dupla terapêutica, justificando a continuidade de estudos que ampliem as noções de desenvolvimento teórico e técnico psicanalíticos. / Introduction - Research in relation to analysis and psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy are fundamental and have demonstrated the effectiveness of these psychotherapeutic practices. These are nowadays understood, by some theoretical approaches, as deriving from the relationship established between the professional and the patient, creating in this way an inter-relational process. The psychological functioning of this pair is absolutely present and dominant in the unwinding of this process, expressed through innumerable phenomena, such as transference, counter-transference, projective identification, analytic field and, more recently, enactment. This latter is defined, in the psychoanalytic realm, as an unconscious phenomenon that occurs in the therapeutic relationship between the analyst and the patient, in which both act out together ("stage") the unconscious conflict that is manifested. This phenomenon is expressed as an act that leads the other party to also act reciprocally, without any preponderance of reflection (fully developed thought). Objective - Describe how analysts understand, conceptualize, identify and elaborate the enactment phenomenon in their professional practice. Participants - Two analysts undergoing psychoanalytic training, four associate member psychoanalysts and two training analysts related to an institution of psychoanalytic training associated to the IPA (International Psychoanalytical Association) in Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil. It constitutes a non-probabilistic sample, intentional and for convenience sake, using the saturation method for its totalization. The anonymity of the participants is guaranteed through the Free and Clarified Term of Informed Consent. Method - A descriptive, qualitative study. The interpretation of the data is performed through the Analysis of Content, according to Bardin. Eight semi-structured interviews were performed, face-to-face, recorded and transcribed by the researcher, using as a guide a mixed questionnaire (closed questions and open ones), elaborated by the authors of the present work, with which the psychoanalysts expressed their ideas and experience. This research is approved by the Ethics Committee in Research with Human Beings (CEP/PROPESQ/UFRGS/Brazil) registered under number 443.358. Results and Conclusions - They are presented in three final answer categories: Theoretical Foundation, Technical Rationale and Level of Experience. Enactment is understood according to theoretical - technical psychoanalytic foundation. Psychoanalysts answered that it is an unconscious phenomenon, expressed through the ‘staging’ of psychic conflicts, of the patient and of the analyst, that intersect in the analytic field. Their manifestation enables identifying patterns of objects, updated in the transference/counter-transference relationship, through projective identification. If not identified and interpreted, they hinder the therapeutic evolution, developing collusions or impasses between the analytic pair. They identify the phenomenon as a current psychoanalytical concept, maturing, also considered as a useful technical/therapeutic standpoint, favoring the here-and-now interpretation of the analytical situation. Professional practicing time, associated with training and personal investment for the expansion of knowledge, favors the analyst, attitude in which the learnt technique becomes used with more security. It suggests that the experiences have value in building the notion of what constitutes human psychic. All of these responses suggest the existence, in psychoanalytic societies, of a solid and consistent professional training. The enactment phenomenon is characterized as one of the most current that reflect the contemporary emphasis of Psychoanalysis to the relationship of the therapeutic pair, justifying the continuity of studies that expand the notions of theoretical and technical psychoanalytic development.
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An autoethnographic account of married life after traumatic brain injury : a couple's co-construction of their journeyGraham, Jennifer Ann 01 1900 (has links)
This autoethnography explores the phenomenon of marriage after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Capturing as its data, through a series of audio-recorded conversations and journal entries, the first-hand, co-constructed experiences of a married couple, it provides an ‘insider’ and as such, intimate perspective on life together following such an unexpected, disruptive and life-altering event. Situated within ‘a systemic constructionist’ epistemology, it spotlights, in particular, the relational aspects of the post-TBI marriage unfolding over time, rather than just the individual perspectives of each spouse at a single point in time - as most existing studies on the topic do. As a qualitative study, it made allowance for the collection and use of rich, nuanced data so as to do some justice to the complex nature of the topic being studied. David Reiss’ explanatory theory on ‘crisis and the development of the family paradigm’ was applied deductively during the carrying out of a thematic analysis of the data, with the intention of bringing new insights to the understanding of the phenomenon of the post-TBI marriage. Data were also analysed inductively, in that themes emerging from the data itself were also used. A discussion based on the findings of the data analysis was proffered. Based on these findings, recommendations on what issues therapists working from within a family-systems orientation might focus their attention on were made. A recommendation for TBI couples to receive support from early intervention and follow-up services was also made, along with identifying the consequent need for research first to be done on developing and implementing such a service / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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Les facteurs influençant l'efficacité du marketing relationnel : une approche dyadique / Factors that influence the effectiveness of relationship marketing : a dyadic approachLussier, Bruno 04 December 2014 (has links)
Le succès d'une entreprise est garanti par son approche relationnelle, c'est-à-dire, sa capacité à créer, développer et maintenir de nouvelles relations d'affaires mutuellement profitable sur le long terme. Le vendeur devient la pièce maitresse de l'entreprise, puisqu'il passe presque tout son temps en contact avec les clients. Cette approche relationnelle de la vente est donc réellement au cœur du succès d'une entreprise. Néanmoins, certaines entreprises ont tout de même été déçues du résultat de leurs investissements dans l'approche relationnelle de la vente. Ces résultats mitigés indiquent l'importance de l'étude de l'approche relationnelle de la vente et notamment l'identification des facteurs qui influencent la performance du vendeur. Notre recherche a pour objet de définir et de comprendre quelles sont les caractéristiques individuelles du vendeur influençant les attitudes et comportements du client. Ce mécanisme de l'approche relationnelle de la vente est éclairé par la formalisation d'un modèle et la formulation d'hypothèses qui sont testées sur un échantillon de 175 vendeurs et clients (la dyade). Notre étude porte sur l'influence positive de l'auto-efficacité, de l'attitude envers la vente et de l'expertise sur la qualité de la relation, l'intention d'achat et le bouche-à-oreille du client. La qualité de la relation médiatise l'effet de l'expertise sur l'intention d'achat et le bouche-à-oreille et l'intuition modère les liens entre l'auto-efficacité, l'attitude envers la vente et l'expertise sur l'intention d'achat et le bouche-à-oreille. Les résultats confirment l'effet direct des antécédents et le rôle médiateur de la qualité de la relation. Le rôle modérateur de l'intuition a également été confirmé sur la relation entre les antécédents et l'intention d'achat. Nos contributions enrichissent le corps théorique de l'approche relationnelle et la démarche méthodologique dyadique de la recherche sur la vente. Pour les gestionnaires, notre travail offre de multiples applications permettant d'accroître l'efficacité de l'embauche et de la formation des forces de vente. / A company's success is guaranteed by its relational approach, that is, its ability to establish, develop and maintain new business relationships that are mutually beneficial over time. The seller becomes the centrepiece of the firm, since almost all of his time is spent in contact with customers. This relational approach in a sales context is actually at the heart of successful business. Nevertheless, some businesses have been disappointed with the results of their investment in the relational approach. These mixed results indicate the importance of further study into the relational approach in a sales context, and in particular the need to identify the factors that influence the performance of the seller. The object of our study is to define and understand what are the individual characteristics of the seller that influence the attitudes and behaviours of the client. The mechanism of the relational approach in a sales context is reproduced using a model and the formulation of hypotheses tested on a sample of 175 sellers and customers (the dyad). Our study focuses on the positive influences of self-efficacy, attitude towards selling and expertise on the relationship quality, the purchase intentions and the word-of-mouth of the customer. The relationship quality mediates the effect of expertise on the purchase intention and the word-of-mouth and intuition moderates the relationship between self-efficacy, attitude towards selling and expertise on the purchase intentions and the word-of-mouth. The results confirm the direct effect of the antecedents and the mediating role of the relationship quality. The moderating role of intuition on the relationship between the antecedents and the purchase intentions was also confirmed. Our contributions add to the theoretical body of research on the relational approach and the methodological dyadic approach to sales research. For managers, our research has numerous applications for increasing the effectiveness of hiring and training sales forces.
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Enactment psicanalítico : como psicanalistas entendem, identificam e elaboram - estudo descritivo qualitativoSevero, Charlie Trelles January 2015 (has links)
Introdução - Pesquisas em relação à análise e à psicoterapia com orientação psicanalítica são fundamentais e tem demonstrado a eficácia destas práticas psicoterapêuticas. Estas são hoje entendidas, por algumas abordagens teóricas, como decorrentes da relação estabelecida entre o profissional e o paciente, estabelecendo assim um processo interrelacional. O funcionamento psicológico deste par é absolutamente presente e dominante no desenrolar deste processo, expresso através de inúmeros fenômenos, como transferência, contratransferência, identificação projetiva, campo analítico e, mais recentemente, enactment. Este último é definindo, no conteúdo psicanalítico, como um fenômeno inconsciente que ocorre entre a dupla terapêutica, analista e paciente, na qual ambos atuam conjuntamente (“encenam”) o conflito inconsciente que se manifesta. Evidencia-se como um ato que leva o outro a também agir reciprocamente, sem o predomínio da reflexão. Objetivo – Descrever como psicanalistas entendem, conceituam, identificam e elaboram o fenômeno encatment em sua prática profissional. Participantes - dois analistas em formação psicanalítica, quatro psicanalistas membros associados e dois analistas didatas vinculados a uma instituição de formação psicanalítica associada à IPA (International Psychoanalytical Association) no Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil. Constitui-se uma amostra não-probabilística, intencional e por conveniência, utilizando o método de saturação para a sua totalização. O anonimato dos participantes está garantido através do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido-TCLE. Método - Estudo descritivo qualitativo. A interpretação dos dados é realizada pela Análise de Conteúdo, conforme Bardin. Foram realizadas oito entrevistas semi-estruturadas, face-a-face, gravadas e transcritas pelo pesquisador, utilizando como guia um questionário misto (questões fechadas e abertas), elaborado pelos autores do presente trabalho, com o qual os psicanalistas expressaram suas ideias e experiências. Esta pesquisa está aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos (CEP/PROPESQ/UFRGS/Brasil) sob o número 443.358 em 01 de novembro de 2013 e está registrada na Plataforma Brasil. Resultados e Conclusões - São apresentados em três categorias finais de respostas: Fundamentação Teórica, Fundamentação Técnica e Nível de Experiência. Enactment é entendido conforme fundamentação psicanalítica teórico-técnica. Psicanalistas responderam que é um fenômeno inconsciente, expresso através da ‘encenação’ de conflitos psíquicos, do paciente e do analista, que se entrecruzam no campo analítico. Sua manifestação possibilita identificar padrão das relações objetais, atualizadas na relação transferencial/contratransferencial, através da identificação projetiva. Se não identificados e interpretados, impedem a evolução terapêutica, desenvolvendo conluios ou impasses entre o par analítico. Identificam o fenômeno como conceito psicanalítico atual, em amadurecimento, também considerado como útil do ponto de vista técnico/terapêutico, favorecendo a interpretação no aqui-agora da situação analítica. O tempo de exercício profissional, associado à formação e ao investimento pessoal para ampliação do conhecimento, favorece, ao analista, atitude na qual a técnica apreendida passa a ser utilizada com mais segurança. Sugere que as vivências têm valor na construção da noção do que constitui o psíquico humano. O conjunto destas respostas sugere a existência, nas sociedades psicanalíticas, de formação profissional sólida e congruente. O fenômeno enactment é caracterizado como um dos mais atuais que reflete a ênfase contemporânea da Psicanálise à relação da dupla terapêutica, justificando a continuidade de estudos que ampliem as noções de desenvolvimento teórico e técnico psicanalíticos. / Introduction - Research in relation to analysis and psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy are fundamental and have demonstrated the effectiveness of these psychotherapeutic practices. These are nowadays understood, by some theoretical approaches, as deriving from the relationship established between the professional and the patient, creating in this way an inter-relational process. The psychological functioning of this pair is absolutely present and dominant in the unwinding of this process, expressed through innumerable phenomena, such as transference, counter-transference, projective identification, analytic field and, more recently, enactment. This latter is defined, in the psychoanalytic realm, as an unconscious phenomenon that occurs in the therapeutic relationship between the analyst and the patient, in which both act out together ("stage") the unconscious conflict that is manifested. This phenomenon is expressed as an act that leads the other party to also act reciprocally, without any preponderance of reflection (fully developed thought). Objective - Describe how analysts understand, conceptualize, identify and elaborate the enactment phenomenon in their professional practice. Participants - Two analysts undergoing psychoanalytic training, four associate member psychoanalysts and two training analysts related to an institution of psychoanalytic training associated to the IPA (International Psychoanalytical Association) in Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil. It constitutes a non-probabilistic sample, intentional and for convenience sake, using the saturation method for its totalization. The anonymity of the participants is guaranteed through the Free and Clarified Term of Informed Consent. Method - A descriptive, qualitative study. The interpretation of the data is performed through the Analysis of Content, according to Bardin. Eight semi-structured interviews were performed, face-to-face, recorded and transcribed by the researcher, using as a guide a mixed questionnaire (closed questions and open ones), elaborated by the authors of the present work, with which the psychoanalysts expressed their ideas and experience. This research is approved by the Ethics Committee in Research with Human Beings (CEP/PROPESQ/UFRGS/Brazil) registered under number 443.358. Results and Conclusions - They are presented in three final answer categories: Theoretical Foundation, Technical Rationale and Level of Experience. Enactment is understood according to theoretical - technical psychoanalytic foundation. Psychoanalysts answered that it is an unconscious phenomenon, expressed through the ‘staging’ of psychic conflicts, of the patient and of the analyst, that intersect in the analytic field. Their manifestation enables identifying patterns of objects, updated in the transference/counter-transference relationship, through projective identification. If not identified and interpreted, they hinder the therapeutic evolution, developing collusions or impasses between the analytic pair. They identify the phenomenon as a current psychoanalytical concept, maturing, also considered as a useful technical/therapeutic standpoint, favoring the here-and-now interpretation of the analytical situation. Professional practicing time, associated with training and personal investment for the expansion of knowledge, favors the analyst, attitude in which the learnt technique becomes used with more security. It suggests that the experiences have value in building the notion of what constitutes human psychic. All of these responses suggest the existence, in psychoanalytic societies, of a solid and consistent professional training. The enactment phenomenon is characterized as one of the most current that reflect the contemporary emphasis of Psychoanalysis to the relationship of the therapeutic pair, justifying the continuity of studies that expand the notions of theoretical and technical psychoanalytic development.
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Enactment psicanalítico : como psicanalistas entendem, identificam e elaboram - estudo descritivo qualitativoSevero, Charlie Trelles January 2015 (has links)
Introdução - Pesquisas em relação à análise e à psicoterapia com orientação psicanalítica são fundamentais e tem demonstrado a eficácia destas práticas psicoterapêuticas. Estas são hoje entendidas, por algumas abordagens teóricas, como decorrentes da relação estabelecida entre o profissional e o paciente, estabelecendo assim um processo interrelacional. O funcionamento psicológico deste par é absolutamente presente e dominante no desenrolar deste processo, expresso através de inúmeros fenômenos, como transferência, contratransferência, identificação projetiva, campo analítico e, mais recentemente, enactment. Este último é definindo, no conteúdo psicanalítico, como um fenômeno inconsciente que ocorre entre a dupla terapêutica, analista e paciente, na qual ambos atuam conjuntamente (“encenam”) o conflito inconsciente que se manifesta. Evidencia-se como um ato que leva o outro a também agir reciprocamente, sem o predomínio da reflexão. Objetivo – Descrever como psicanalistas entendem, conceituam, identificam e elaboram o fenômeno encatment em sua prática profissional. Participantes - dois analistas em formação psicanalítica, quatro psicanalistas membros associados e dois analistas didatas vinculados a uma instituição de formação psicanalítica associada à IPA (International Psychoanalytical Association) no Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil. Constitui-se uma amostra não-probabilística, intencional e por conveniência, utilizando o método de saturação para a sua totalização. O anonimato dos participantes está garantido através do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido-TCLE. Método - Estudo descritivo qualitativo. A interpretação dos dados é realizada pela Análise de Conteúdo, conforme Bardin. Foram realizadas oito entrevistas semi-estruturadas, face-a-face, gravadas e transcritas pelo pesquisador, utilizando como guia um questionário misto (questões fechadas e abertas), elaborado pelos autores do presente trabalho, com o qual os psicanalistas expressaram suas ideias e experiências. Esta pesquisa está aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos (CEP/PROPESQ/UFRGS/Brasil) sob o número 443.358 em 01 de novembro de 2013 e está registrada na Plataforma Brasil. Resultados e Conclusões - São apresentados em três categorias finais de respostas: Fundamentação Teórica, Fundamentação Técnica e Nível de Experiência. Enactment é entendido conforme fundamentação psicanalítica teórico-técnica. Psicanalistas responderam que é um fenômeno inconsciente, expresso através da ‘encenação’ de conflitos psíquicos, do paciente e do analista, que se entrecruzam no campo analítico. Sua manifestação possibilita identificar padrão das relações objetais, atualizadas na relação transferencial/contratransferencial, através da identificação projetiva. Se não identificados e interpretados, impedem a evolução terapêutica, desenvolvendo conluios ou impasses entre o par analítico. Identificam o fenômeno como conceito psicanalítico atual, em amadurecimento, também considerado como útil do ponto de vista técnico/terapêutico, favorecendo a interpretação no aqui-agora da situação analítica. O tempo de exercício profissional, associado à formação e ao investimento pessoal para ampliação do conhecimento, favorece, ao analista, atitude na qual a técnica apreendida passa a ser utilizada com mais segurança. Sugere que as vivências têm valor na construção da noção do que constitui o psíquico humano. O conjunto destas respostas sugere a existência, nas sociedades psicanalíticas, de formação profissional sólida e congruente. O fenômeno enactment é caracterizado como um dos mais atuais que reflete a ênfase contemporânea da Psicanálise à relação da dupla terapêutica, justificando a continuidade de estudos que ampliem as noções de desenvolvimento teórico e técnico psicanalíticos. / Introduction - Research in relation to analysis and psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy are fundamental and have demonstrated the effectiveness of these psychotherapeutic practices. These are nowadays understood, by some theoretical approaches, as deriving from the relationship established between the professional and the patient, creating in this way an inter-relational process. The psychological functioning of this pair is absolutely present and dominant in the unwinding of this process, expressed through innumerable phenomena, such as transference, counter-transference, projective identification, analytic field and, more recently, enactment. This latter is defined, in the psychoanalytic realm, as an unconscious phenomenon that occurs in the therapeutic relationship between the analyst and the patient, in which both act out together ("stage") the unconscious conflict that is manifested. This phenomenon is expressed as an act that leads the other party to also act reciprocally, without any preponderance of reflection (fully developed thought). Objective - Describe how analysts understand, conceptualize, identify and elaborate the enactment phenomenon in their professional practice. Participants - Two analysts undergoing psychoanalytic training, four associate member psychoanalysts and two training analysts related to an institution of psychoanalytic training associated to the IPA (International Psychoanalytical Association) in Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil. It constitutes a non-probabilistic sample, intentional and for convenience sake, using the saturation method for its totalization. The anonymity of the participants is guaranteed through the Free and Clarified Term of Informed Consent. Method - A descriptive, qualitative study. The interpretation of the data is performed through the Analysis of Content, according to Bardin. Eight semi-structured interviews were performed, face-to-face, recorded and transcribed by the researcher, using as a guide a mixed questionnaire (closed questions and open ones), elaborated by the authors of the present work, with which the psychoanalysts expressed their ideas and experience. This research is approved by the Ethics Committee in Research with Human Beings (CEP/PROPESQ/UFRGS/Brazil) registered under number 443.358. Results and Conclusions - They are presented in three final answer categories: Theoretical Foundation, Technical Rationale and Level of Experience. Enactment is understood according to theoretical - technical psychoanalytic foundation. Psychoanalysts answered that it is an unconscious phenomenon, expressed through the ‘staging’ of psychic conflicts, of the patient and of the analyst, that intersect in the analytic field. Their manifestation enables identifying patterns of objects, updated in the transference/counter-transference relationship, through projective identification. If not identified and interpreted, they hinder the therapeutic evolution, developing collusions or impasses between the analytic pair. They identify the phenomenon as a current psychoanalytical concept, maturing, also considered as a useful technical/therapeutic standpoint, favoring the here-and-now interpretation of the analytical situation. Professional practicing time, associated with training and personal investment for the expansion of knowledge, favors the analyst, attitude in which the learnt technique becomes used with more security. It suggests that the experiences have value in building the notion of what constitutes human psychic. All of these responses suggest the existence, in psychoanalytic societies, of a solid and consistent professional training. The enactment phenomenon is characterized as one of the most current that reflect the contemporary emphasis of Psychoanalysis to the relationship of the therapeutic pair, justifying the continuity of studies that expand the notions of theoretical and technical psychoanalytic development.
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A díade gestor-subordinado: as relações entre a compatibilidade dos valores humanos e o estado pessoal de qualidade de vida no trabalho / The manager-subordinate dyad: the relationship between the fit of human values and the personal state of quality of life at work.Fábio Alessandro Affonso Antonio 14 December 2011 (has links)
A relação entre a compatibilidade de valores e o bem-estar subjetivo tem sido identificada em alguns estudos. No entanto, menor atenção tem sido dada à compreensão da relação direta entre conflito de valores e qualidade de vida no trabalho, principalmente na relação diática entre gestores e subordinados. A teoria da troca entre líder e liderado prevê que o líder diferencia seus subordinados e, consequentemente, estabelece relações de natureza distinta com cada um deles. Para diferenciar os indivíduos da equipe o líder utiliza, dentre diversos critérios possíveis, a compatibilidade de características. Líderes e liderados que compartilham valores estabelecem interações de alta qualidade e essas interações geram resultados positivos para cada um dos membros da díade. Nesse sentido, este estudo questionou como seu problema fundamental: quais são as relações entre a compatibilidade diática dos valores dos gestores e de seus subordinados e o estado pessoal de qualidade de vida no trabalho desses gestores e subordinados? Pesquisar a relação da compatibilidade de valores e o estado pessoal de qualidade de vida no trabalho das pessoas, principalmente no caso da díade entre gestor e subordinado, pode promover uma melhor compreensão da dinâmica do comportamento organizacional. Isso posto, este estudo teve como objetivos (a) investigar a associação entre a compatibilidade dos valores pessoais dos subordinados e os valores sociais dos subordinados com relação aos seus gestores (compatibilidade subjetiva) e o estado pessoal de qualidade de vida no trabalho desses subordinados e (b) pesquisar a associação entre a compatibilidade dos valores pessoais de gestores e dos subordinados (compatibilidade objetiva) e o estado pessoal de qualidade de vida no trabalho desses gestores e subordinados. Para tanto, utilizou-se um questionário eletrônico autoaplicado administrado aos egressos da Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo. O questionário foi composto pelos instrumentos PVQ-21 para delimitação dos valores humanos e o BPSO-96 para o estado pessoal de qualidade de vida no trabalho de gestores e subordinados. A amostragem realizada foi não-probabilística obtida por conveniência, limitando a capacidade de generalização do estudo. Ademais, os dados foram analisados pela técnica de regressão polinomial para determinação das associações entre a compatibilidade dos valores na díade gestorsubordinado e as percepções sobre estado pessoal de qualidade de vida no trabalho. A partir dos resultados, é possível considerar que a compatibilidade de valores entre os membros da díade gestor-subordinado, seja pela ótica subjetiva ou objetiva, está associada à qualidade de vida no trabalho de gestores e subordinados, principalmente no conflito das dimensões autotranscendência e autopromoção da teoria de valores de Schwartz (1992). Finalmente, este estudo propõe a utilização conjunta dos índices de compatibilidade algébricos, modulares e quadráticos para a interpretação dos resultados de regressões sobre a compatibilidade de valores e outras variáveis, diferentemente do que a literatura sobre o tema sugere. Pelos resultados do estudo, os coeficientes dos três modelos não se contradisseram, de tal maneira que suas magnitudes e sinais se conservaram nos três casos. Além disso, as variáveis que entraram nos modelos foram semelhantes. Esse fato sinaliza para uma leitura conjunta dos três modelos que deverão produzir interpretações mais informativas que a análise de um modelo isolado. / The relationship between the fit of values and subjective well-being has been identified in past research. However, minor attention has been focused on understanding the direct relationship between conflicting values and quality of work life, especially in the managersubordinate dyad. The theory of leader-member exchange predicts that the leader differentiates his subordinates and thus establishes a distinctive relationship with each of them. To discern between individuals from his team the leader uses, among several possible criteria, the compatibility of features. Leaders and followers who share values establish high quality interactions, generating positive results for each member of the dyad. In this sense, this study questioned as its fundamental problem: what are the relationships between the dyadic compatibility of values of managers and their subordinates and the personal state of quality of work life of managers and subordinates? Studying this relationship, especially in the case of the dyad between manager and subordinate, can promote a better understanding of the dynamics of organizational behavior. That said, this study aimed to (a) investigate the association between the compatibility of subordinates\' personal values and social values (subjective fit) and their personal state of quality of work life, and to (b) investigate the association between the compatibility of the personal values of managers and subordinates (objective fit) and their personal state of quality of work life. For this purpose, a selfadministered electronic survey was sent to the alumni database of the Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accounting from the University of São Paulo. The questionnaire was composed of the instruments PVQ-21 for the definition of human values and BPSO-96 to the measurement of the perception of personal state of quality of work life of managers and subordinates. Sampling was carried out non-probabilistically, obtained by convenience, composing one of the limitations to the generalizability of the results of this study. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using polynomial regression to determine the associations between the compatibility of values in the manager-subordinate dyad and the perceptions of personal state of quality of life at work. From the results, it is possible to consider that the subjective and objective fit of values among members of the managersubordinate dyad is associated with their quality of work life, especially in the conflict dimensions of self-transcendence and self-enhancement from the value theory of Schwartz (1992). Finally, this study proposes the joint use of the algebraic, modular and quadratic indexes of compatibility for the interpretation of the results of regressions on studies of the compatibility of values and other variables, unlike the literature on the subject suggests. In this study, the coefficients of the three models do not contradict. Their magnitudes and signs were conserved in all three cases. In addition, the variables that entered the models were similar. This fact points to a joint reading of the three models so that interpretations of results should produce more informative scenarios than the analysis of an isolated model.
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Approche psychosociale du risque de malnutrition dans la démence : intrication des facteurs de vulnérabilité des personnes âgées vivant à domicile et de leur proche aidant / Psychosocial approach of risk of malnutrition in dementia : association of vulnerability factors between community-dwelling elderly and family caregiversRullier, Laetitia 12 December 2011 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectif d’étudier, selon une approche psychosociale, les facteurs de vulnérabilité associés au risque de malnutrition au sein du binôme personne âgée démente/aidant familial. Cette étude transversale a été réalisée dans le cadre d’une intervention psychosociale effectuée à domicile et proposée par un Centre Local d’Information et de Coordination (CLIC) en milieu rural. Les caractéristiques socio-démographiques et des mesures sur la santé psychologique et physique ont été recueillies auprès d’un échantillon composé de 56 binômes. Nos résultats montrent que le risque de malnutrition des personnes âgées démentes serait plus particulièrement expliqué par leur dépendance dans les activités de base de la vie quotidienne et par le propre risque de malnutrition des aidants familiaux. Ce dernier serait lui-même expliqué par la dépression, leur niveau de dépendance, et la sévérité de l’apathie de leur proche dément. Après avoir défini des profils nutritionnels de binômes et les facteurs de vulnérabilité qui y sont associés, la description de leur vécu et de leurs interactions autour de l’alimentation permet de mieux comprendre les problématiques psychologiques en jeu. Ces résultats sont discutés en fonction de la dimension psychosociale de l’alimentation, entre dépendance comme facteur de vulnérabilité et interdépendance comme fonction d’affirmation et de maintien du lien au sein du binôme. Finalement, ces éléments de réponses ainsi que les limites identifiées nous amènent à proposer des perspectives de recherche et de prise en charge / This work aims to study psychosocial factors associated with risk of malnutrition in the dyad demented elderly/ family caregiver. This cross-sectional study comprising 56 community-dwelling demented elderly and 56 family caregivers was performed in a French gerontological institution providing psychosocial interventions. The data collected included their socio-demographic characteristics and measures of their psychological and physical health. Our results show that the risk of malnutrition of demented elderly would be particularly explained by their dependence in activities of daily life and the own risk of malnutrition of family caregivers. This one would be explained by their dependence, depression, and the severity of apathy of demented elderly. Nutritional profiles of caregiving dyads and vulnerability factors associated are presented. According to these profiles, description of their emotional experiences and their interactions concerning feeding-related activities is interesting to better understand the psychological issues. These results are discussed according to psychosocial dimension of feeding, between dependence as a vulnerability factor and interdependence as a function to affirm and preserve the link within caregiving dyad. Finally, the limits of this work and its implications for both clinical and research are argued.
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