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Décrochage de l’école secondaire : rôle de la fratrie et effet modérateur des caractéristiques de la dyadePoissant-Dolbec, Jacinthe 08 1900 (has links)
Ce projet vise à déterminer si l’association présumée entre l’abandon des études chez les membres de la fratrie et le décrochage scolaire est plus ou moins forte en fonction de trois caractéristiques clés de la dyade, c’est-à-dire selon la correspondance des sexes (dyade de même sexe ou de sexe opposé), l’écart d’âge et le fait d’habiter ensemble ou non, à partir d’un échantillon d’adolescents canadiens (N= 545). Un tiers de l’échantillon est composé d’élèves ayant décroché de l’école secondaire, un second tiers d’élèves appariés ayant un profil semblable à celui des décrocheurs, mais ayant persévéré et d’un troisième tiers d’élèves normatifs. Les résultats montrent que les adolescents ayant un membre de la fratrie qui a décroché ont plus de chance de décrocher eux-mêmes que ceux dont la fratrie ne compte pas de décrocheurs. Cette association est plus forte lorsqu’il s’agit de dyades de mêmes sexes que de sexe opposé. De plus, les participants ayant un membre de leur fratrie décrocheur très proche en âge, c’est-à-dire avec un écart de deux ans et moins, ou assez proche en âge, c’est-à-dire avec un écart d’âge de trois à quatre ans, sont particulièrement à risque de décrocher, alors que les risques ne sont pas significativement plus élevés lorsque l’écart d’âge est plus grand, toujours comparativement à ceux sans décrocheurs au sein de la fratrie. Par contre, les résultats ne suggèrent aucun effet modérateur associé au partage ou non d’une résidence commune. Les implications des résultats pour la pratique et la recherche sont discutées. / The goal of this study is to determine whether the sibling dropout-adolescent dropout association depends on three key dyads’ characteristics, including: gender configuration (same-sex or opposite-sex dyad), age difference, and whether the adolescent and his or her dropout sibling live with in the same home or not. The data were collected from a sample of Canadian adolescents (N = 545). One-third of the sample consisted of students who had recently dropped out of high school, one-third were matched students who had a similar profile but persevered, and one-third were normative students not particularly at risk of dropping out. The results of the study show that adolescents with a sibling who has dropped out are more likely to drop out themselves than those with no siblings who have dropped out. This association is stronger when the dyads are of the same sex compared to opposite-sex dyads. In addition, participants who have a dropout sibling very close in age (with a gap of two years or less) or fairly close in age (with a gap of 3 to 4 years, are particularly at risk of dropping out, while the risks are not significantly higher when the age gap is larger, again compared to those without dropout siblings. However, the results do not suggest any moderating effects associated with whether or not a common residence is shared. The results’ implications for practice and research are discussed.
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Couples in distress : a dyadic analysis of attachment insecurities and romantic disengagement among couples seeking relationship therapyCallaci, Melissa 08 1900 (has links)
Le désengagement conjugal fait référence à une perte d’amour entre les partenaires amoureux. Il comprend une indifférence émotionnelle ainsi que des stratégies d’évitement cognitif et comportemental. Ceci constitue une des difficultés le plus souvent rapportées auprès des couples qui consultent en thérapie conjugale. Par ailleurs, la problématique serait parmi les plus difficiles à traiter en thérapie selon les thérapeutes conjugaux. Bien que quelques études et écrits cliniques ont examiné le processus de désengagement conjugal et l’ont mis en lien avec le bien-être conjugal, aucune étude n’a examiné le désengagement auprès des couples présentant de la détresse conjugale. Le peu d’études réalisés sur le sujet ont principalement utilisé des approches individuelles et recruté des échantillons provenant de la population générale. Compte tenu de la prévalence du désengagement auprès des couples requérant les services de thérapie conjugale, ainsi que la difficulté à traiter cette problématique en thérapie conjugale, des études supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour mieux comprendre les prédicteurs de désengagement auprès d’une population clinique et l’impact de la thérapie conjugale pour réduire le désengagement. La théorie de l'attachement propose un cadre théorique pertinent pour l’étude du désengagement conjugal. Ainsi, cette thèse examinera les insécurités d’attachement comme prédicteurs de désengagement dans un contexte clinique. De plus, la thèse évaluera dans quelle mesure la thérapie conjugale en milieu naturel réduit le désengagement, ainsi que le rôle des insécurités d’attachement des deux partenaires dans le cadre d’une telle thérapie. Le but principal de cette thèse est donc de mieux comprendre le désengagement conjugal dans un contexte clinique afin de proposer des pistes d’intervention aux thérapeutes conjugaux.
Afin de mieux comprendre le désengagement dans un contexte clinique, une première étude a été effectué au sein des couples en détresse entament une thérapie conjugale. L’étude à examiner l’association entre l’insécurité d’attachement de chaque partenaire et le niveau de désengagement dans une perspective dyadique. Les analyses réalisées auprès de 171 couples hétérosexuels révèlent que les insécurités d’attachement sont liées au désengagement conjugal au-delà de ce qui est expliqué par la dépression, la satisfaction conjugale et l’engagement conjugal. Nos résultats suggèrent que le désengagement pourrait se présenter différemment chez les hommes et les femmes. Alors que le désengagement des hommes serait principalement lié à leurs propres insécurités d'attachement (évitement), le désengagement des femmes serait lié à la fois à leurs propres insécurités d'attachement ainsi qu’à celles de leur partenaire. Plus précisément, un plus haut niveau de désengagement chez la femme serait lié à son propre évitement ainsi qu’à l’anxiété d’abandon de son partenaire. De plus, l'association entre l'anxiété d’abandon chez la femme et son propre désengagement serait modérée par l’évitement de son partenaire. En effet, les femmes présentant plus d'anxiété d’abandon rapportent moins de désengagement lorsqu'elle est en couple avec un partenaire présentant plus d’évitement de l’intimité. Ces résultats soulignent l’importance des enjeux d’attachement chez les couples qui entament un processus de thérapie conjugale et qui présentent un haut niveau de désengagement. Les interventions visant à comprendre la dynamique d'attachement ainsi qu’à réduire la dépression et augmenter la satisfaction conjugale et l’engagement des partenaires du couple pourraient fournir aux thérapeutes une piste pour aider les partenaires à s'engager de nouveau dans leur relation.
En s’appuyant sur les résultats de cette première étude dyadique, notre deuxième article visait à examiner si la thérapie de couple offerte en milieu naturel parvient à réduire le désengagement auprès des couples qui consultent en thérapie conjugale. L’étude a également examiné dans quelle mesure les insécurités d'attachement sont associées à l’amélioration du désengagement au fil de la thérapie conjugale. L’échantillon comprenait 163 couples hétérosexuels débutant une thérapie conjugale dans une clinique privée. Les partenaires ont complété des questionnaires pré-intervention après la première séance d’évaluation et ont rempli des questionnaires de suivi après 15 semaines en thérapie. Les résultats révèlent que le désengagement diminue lorsque les couples suivent une thérapie conjugale, et ce même après seulement quatre à 10 séances d’intervention. Cependant, les insécurités d'attachement nous informent pour qui la thérapie semble la moins efficace. L’évitement de l’intimité de l’homme et l’anxiété d’abandon de la femme étaient associés à un plus haut niveau de désengagement chez l’homme lors du suivi de 15 semaines, et ce même après avoir contrôlé pour la dépression et la satisfaction conjugale. Ces résultats suggèrent que les insécurités d’attachement peuvent être des facteurs qui rendent la thérapie plus difficile, surtout chez les hommes. Les résultats sont discutés à la lumière des interventions cliniques pour la thérapie de couple. / Romantic disengagement refers to a loss of love between romantic partners. It is characterized by emotional indifference as well as cognitive and behavioral distancing strategies. Lack of love appears among the most reported difficulties by couples seeking relationship therapy and the most difficult problems for therapists to treat. It is also considered an important factor in relationship functioning and maintenance, as it is associated with relationship dissatisfaction and divorce. Although a few studies and clinical writings have examined the process of romantic disengagement and linked it to relationship outcomes, no study has examined disengagement among distressed couples. The few studies conducted have mainly employed an individual approach within community samples. Given the prevalence of disengagement among distressed couples and the difficulty associated with its treatment in therapy, studies are needed to better understand disengagement in a clinical context. Attachment theory offers a theoretical framework for assessing romantic disengagement, as it provides an explanation of why individuals form and maintain relationships. Thus, this thesis examined attachment insecurities as predictors of disengagement among distressed couples seeking relationship therapy. In addition, it assessed the role of more contextual factors including depression, relationship satisfaction and commitment on romantic disengagement. Moreover, the thesis evaluated the effectiveness of couple therapy in a naturalistic setting for reducing disengagement and assessed whether attachment insecurities act as risk factors for disengagement change in therapy. The underlying aim of the thesis was to better understand romantic disengagement in a clinical context in order to propose clinical implications for therapists.
In an attempt to better understand romantic disengagement within a clinical context, a first study was carried out among 171 relationally distressed couples seeking relationship therapy in a naturalistic setting. The study examined the association between attachment insecurities (avoidance and anxiety) and romantic disengagement from a dyadic perspective while controlling for depression, commitment and relationship satisfaction. Analyses revealed that attachment insecurities are associated with greater romantic disengagement but suggest that disengagement may present differently for men and women. While for men disengagement appears to be mainly linked to their own attachment insecurities (avoidance), disengagement in women appears to be associated to both to their own and their partners’ attachment insecurities. More specifically, women reported higher romantic disengagement when she was high on attachment-related avoidance and when her partner was high on attachment-related anxiety. Male attachment-related avoidance was found to moderate the association between female attachment-related anxiety and female romantic disengagement in that women with higher attachment-related anxiety report lower disengagement when paired with a partner high on attachment-related avoidance. These results highlight the importance of attachment insecurities for couples who present in therapy with high levels of disengagement. Furthermore, it suggests that intrapersonal and contextual factors such as depression, relationship satisfaction and commitment play an important role in understanding romantic disengagement in couples seeking therapy. Interventions aimed at understanding the couple’s attachment dynamic, as well as reducing depression and improving commitment and relationship satisfaction may provide therapists with a lead for aiding partners high in romantic disengagement to re-engage in their relationship.
Building on the results of our first study, our second article aimed to examine whether couple therapy was effective at reducing disengagement among distressed couples and the extent to which attachment insecurities help or hinder changes in disengagement. Participants included 163 heterosexual couples seeking relationship therapy. Couples completed questionnaires after the first intake session and 15 weeks into therapy. The results revealed that disengagement decreases when couples undergo therapeutic treatment, even after only four to 10 intervention sessions. Moreover, attachment insecurities play a role is who is more likely to improve in therapy. Attachment insecurities were associated with romantic disengagement at follow-up even when controlling for depression and relationship satisfaction. Men higher on attachment- related avoidance reported greater romantic disengagement at follow-up. Moreover, men also reported higher disengagement at follow-up when paired with a woman high on attachment-related anxiety. Results suggest that attachment insecurities may be factors associated with progress in therapy, especially for men. Findings are discussed in light of clinical interventions for couple therapy.
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Caregivers' perceptions of the Baby Mat Project.Aspoas, Belinda 23 July 2013 (has links)
This study set out to investigate the parent-infant interventions that are run by a community-based organisation on the outskirts of Johannesburg’s Alexandra township, South Africa. Community-based interventions that support the parent-infant dyad present an ideal opportunity to shape the development of youth as they aim to foster secure attachment relationships thereby providing the bedrock for future growth. This research specifically explores caregivers’ perceptions of the Baby Mat project in order to understand why some caregivers make optimal use of this intervention whereas others do not. It also gives insight into why some caregivers who are referred for parent-infant psychotherapy on the Baby Mat fail to take up this offer. In addition, it identifies needs caregivers have that are not being met by the Baby Mat. Data for this study was collected by holding a focus group with 11 caregivers in group discussion. The results of the data analysis indicate that caregivers are increasingly having to navigate the transition to motherhood alone, and are often overwhelmed with anxiety. Possibly this is because the support gleaned from extended families has diminished over the last few decades in South Africa. Consequently caregivers are often very receptive to the Baby Mat, which they see in the role of “grandmother”. By visiting the Baby Mat, caregivers realise that they are not alone in the challenges they face and often leave the mat feeling more hopeful about their problems. Yet several factors block them from making full use of this intervention. The primary one is their socially and economically weak position. They are also concerned that actions that they would rather avoid might be taken when facilitators on the mat learn of the abuse they are exposed to. Having limited resources, they are often looking for information and guidance and when this need cannot be met, frustration follows. Generally they want people running relevant interventions to come to them, as opposed to their going out to seek support. This may explain their failure to take up parent-infant psychotherapy. It is also was evident that the caregivers want to reach out to each other.
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Kära medresenär, vi har nu anlänt vid vår slutstation : En tematisk analys av interaktionen under avslutningssamtalet i relationell korttidsterapi / Termination Station : A thematic analysis of termination interactions in Brief Relational TherapyRydén, Emilia, Wong, Morganne January 2021 (has links)
I nuläget finns det mycket begränsad kunskap kring avslut i psykologisk behandling. Olika terapiinriktningar läggerolika fokus och tyngd vid slutskedet av terapin. Inom relationell terapi anses avslutet vara en för dyaden betydandedel av terapin. I denna kvalitativa uppsats har reflexiv tematisk analys använts för att studera interaktioner ochskeenden under det avslutande samtalet i en 16-sessions BRT ur forskningsprojektet LURIPP. Videofilmer från sexolika dyader har analyserats med en inledningsvis induktiv ansats. I formuleringen av de tre teman som framkom uranalysen användes relationella termer och modeller. De slutgiltiga temana benämns relation, ovilja och framåt. Varjeenskilt tema innehåller olika aspekter som presenteras och sedan diskuteras. Förslag på vidare forskning ges.
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Youth Emotion Regulation and Processing: Risk and Resilience Factors in the Context of Maternal DepressionPatton, Emily 13 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring Systemic Risks Preparedness: The SCRM Framework combined with a Cost-Benefit Approach for SMEs in a Europe-Asia Dyad : An exploratory study within five European SMEs in a Europe-Asia DyadDane, Nick, Ho, Tuyet Nhi, van der Plas, Julian January 2024 (has links)
Background: Nowadays, organizations face an increased occurrence and magnitude ofsystemic risks in their supply chain. For SMEs, these risks are even more prominent due toresources and capacity constraints, especially if they are positioned within global trade dyadssuch as the Europe-Asia dyad. As is it reasonable to assume that the near future will see otherexamples of disrupting events within this dyad, this study focuses on SMEs in the Europe-Asiadyad facing systemic risks. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to uncover how European SMEs within Europe-Asiadyads can strategically navigate and optimize their SCRM approach to counter systemic risks,harmonizing the adoption of the SCRM process and a cost-benefit approach to enhance theirrisk preparedness. Methods: This study has a qualitative and deduction approach with an exploratory purpose.Data is gathered though semi structured interviews within five case companies. Findings/Contribution: SMEs who are more dependent on the Europe-Asia dyad usually havemore SCRM practices in place. As a result, SMEs with solid SCRM processes have an increasedlevel of risk preparedness. However, SMEs also aim to stay agile to leverage for their smallsize and limited resources. The empirical findings also show that SMEs with less preparednessoften rely on a fast and agile reactive measure to tackle risks in their Europe-Asia supply chain.This level of preparedness directly influences the level of which SMEs use CBA within SCRM,which the leads to even more preparedness to systemic risks. Furthermore, SMEs with a highlevel of preparedness utilize CBA on a more advanced level than SMEs who showcase lowerpreparedness. It also offers valuable insights for both academics and practitioners on optimizingSMEs' risk management strategies. Keywords: Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) – Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM)– Europe-Asia Dyad – Systemic Risks – Risk Preparedness – Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)
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Les perceptions de personnes âgées et de leurs proches quant au partenariat de soins pour la prévention de l’état confusionnel postopératoire : une étude de casLalonde, Marie-Hélène 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Uma antropologia para além do homem: religião e hominização na obra esferas de Peter SloterdijkRibeiro, Rodrigo Petronio 16 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T19:20:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013-05-16 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study is an analysis of the work of Peter Sloterdijk Spheres from two main categories: religion and human
evolution. The first category concerns the vocabulary and the theological and religious narratives that Sloterdijk uses to
develop the theory of the spheres. The second consists an a theory of human evolution, that we can glean from
esferologia. In this case, it is not thinking humanism and anti-humanism, but the hominismo, wherever, long-term
approaches that scale the anthropos. For such an approach, I put the esferologia in dialogue with two central theories in
investigations of evolutionary philosophy: the paradox comprehensive and a theory of emergency. There is a region of
undecidability between linguistic and biological matrices that determine the anthropos. My hypothesis is that a theory
esferologia is able to overcome this structural dichotomy, because it is not a dualistic or monistic, but dyadic philosophy.
Resorted to other theoretical concepts and weaves them to the narrative of the spheres. Among them, theories
about immunization systems, the general systems theory, the definition of the mediologia and the world-system, all
described in the Introduction, where I list the theoretical tools of this work. I focused on the first volume of Spheres,
which deals with the bubbles and the discrete processes of human inner. For Sloterdijk, humans are creatures ecstatic
about which operates Abroad. The humanity of man consists precisely in infinite immunological effective mediums that
anthropos created to achieve preserving immune to extra-human devastation and indifference of nature in relation to
specie. In other words, the humanity of the human being lies precisely in its ability to create efficient systems
immunologically against the crossing of extra-human forces, increasingly growing in modernity.
The human being is an interior which operates on a pure Abroad. It is he who can, through domestication
technologies, incorporating non-self to self, the sense of non-sense. Therein lies the long odyssey antropoesferológica
species. This journey is an uninterrupted continuum that systematically describes the many concepts that man has of
himself, that is, apart from being an emergency sapiens in the mundane scene, in biological terms, it consists in an
unceasing caught itself and the ontological structure the anthropos. These images depicting the journey of several
emerging fascinations proximity, in his paradoxical way of understanding are the only ways that the precarious anthropos
willing to reveal their own humanity. I call these modes of figuration of the ontological structure of human being
antropogemas. The spheres are narratives hominizadoras the itinerary of the species. The esferologia search through
these antropogemas, reaches the region pre-ontologically understanding that underlies the human vision beyond the
bivalent and monovalent, and the dualisms reductionisms and there by overcome internal antinomies present in all such
systems / Este estudo consiste em uma análise da obra Esferas de Peter Sloterdijk a partir de duas categorias centrais: religião e
hominização. A primeira categoria diz respeito ao vocabulário e às narrativas teológicas e religiosas de que Sloterdijk se
vale para desenvolver a teoria das esferas. A segunda consiste em uma teoria sobre a hominização que podemos
depreender da esferologia. Nesse caso, não se trata de pensar o humanismo ou o anti-humanismo, mas sim o hominismo,
ou seja, as abordagens de longa duração que dimensionam o antropos. Para tal abordagem, coloquei a esferologia em
diálogo com duas teorias centrais nas investigações da filosofia evolucionária: o paradoxo compreensivo e a emergência.
Existe uma região de indecidibilidade entre as matrizes biológicas e linguísticas que determinam o antropos. Minha
hipótese é a de que a esferologia é uma teoria capaz de superar essa dicotomia estrutural, pois ela não é uma filosofia
monista nem dualista, mas diádica.
Recorri a outros teóricos e conceitos para entretecê-los à narrativa das esferas. Entre eles, as teorias sobre sistemas
de imunização, a teoria geral dos sistemas, a mediologia e a definição de sistema-mundo, todas descritas na Introdução,
onde enumero o instrumental teórico deste trabalho. Concentrei-me no primeiro volume de Esferas, que trata das
Bolhas, ou seja, dos processos discretos de intimização. Para Sloterdijk, os seres humanos são criaturas extáticas sobre as
quais opera o Exterior. A humanidade do ser humano consiste justamente nos infinitos mediuns imunológicos eficazes
que o antropos criou para conseguir se preservar imune à devastação extra-humana e à indiferença da natureza em
relação à espécie. Em outras palavras, a humanidade do ser humano reside justamente na sua capacidade de criar
sistemas imunologicamente eficientes contra o atravessamento das forças extra-humanas, cada vez mais crescentes na
O ser humano é um interior sobre o qual opera um puro Exterior. É aquele que consegue, por meio de tecnologias de
domesticação, incorporar o não-próprio ao próprio, o não-sentido ao sentido. Nisso consiste a longa odisseia
antropoesferológica da espécie. Essa jornada é um continuum ininterrupto que descreve sistematicamente as diversas
concepções que o ser humano tem de si mesmo, ou seja, além de ser uma emergência do sapiens na cena mundana, em
termos biológicos, ela consiste em uma incessante autocompreensão e autoapreensão da estrutura ontológica do
antropos. Essas imagens que descrevem o itinerário emergente das diversas fascinações de proximidade, em seu
paradoxal modo de compreensão, são os meios precários com os quais o antropos conseguiu desvelar a sua própria
humanidade. Chamo esses modos de figuração da estrutura ontológica do humano de antropogemas. As esferas são
narrativas hominizadoras do itinerário da espécie. A esferologia procura, por meio desses antropogemas, chegar à região
pré-compreensiva que fundamenta ontologicamente o humano, para além das visões bivalentes e monovalentes, dos
dualismos e dos reducionismos e, desse modo, superar antinomias internas destes sistemas
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Decoding Metacommunication Patterns From African American Single Mothers to SonsHenderson, Michael-Kamau 01 January 2016 (has links)
With a significant number of African American single-parent families responsible for raising a generation of male children, the focus of this qualitative case study was on exploring the African American single mother-son dyad to identify metacommunicative signals delivered from mothers to sons. This study was grounded in a theoretical framework combining attachment theory and social learning theory. The research questions focused on identifying metacommunication messages passed from mothers to sons and how metacommunication patterns influence the youth's social identity. Four single mothers with adolescent sons and 4 unrelated adult sons of single mothers participated in semistructured interviews. Data were collected and analyzed using content analysis and coding supported with NVivo software. Key findings revealed that the metacommunication was a dominant form of communication in the African-American family construct, and affected the parenting styles. From the mother's retrospective reports, African-American mother's adapted an authoritarian or helicopter parenting styles to control and protect their sons from racism, becoming victims of crime and violence, being arrested, or incarcerated. The key finding from the sons' retrospective reports was that negative metacommunication from single mothers to sons was associated with insecure attachment, avoidance, and risky behaviors. The implications for social change are that positive metacommunication can strengthen the African American single mother-son dyad. This information may lead to intervention strategies for targeting negative metacommunication patterns from African American single mothers to sons and teaching new communication rules that foster a secure relationship.
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