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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studentský informační WWW systém / Student information WWW system

Šír, Michal January 2009 (has links)
My work contains a classification of a single editorial systems, possibly used during the Advertisement and the Auction system. There is a resolution of creation of the Advertisement and the Auction system, which should be used by the VUT in Brno city. The system is proposed to keep up design of the official internet pages of VUT Brno. A part of this document is generator of the administrative systems, able to generate the internet web pages to repair the small and middle MySQL databases.

Model e-aukce pro firmu / Model E-auction for the Company

Gazdíková, Pavla January 2009 (has links)
The Master’s thesis in it’s introductory parts deal with theoretic piece of knowledge from areas internal Internet purchase and E-auction. A second part of thesis is formed of a present condition of a company. In a third, the fundamental part, is submitted proposal solving of E-auction for the company Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery, Ltd.

Das Problem der Transaktionsbewertung bei Internetauktionen: eine Analyse des Bewertungssystems von eBay Deutschland unter Berücksichtigung der Freitextkommentare

Berger, Roger, Zimmermann, Julia January 2007 (has links)
Die Analyse von online vermitteltem Tausch, insbesondere derjenige bei Onlineauktionen, erfreut sich einiger Beliebtheit. Dafür gibt es neben der ökonomischen Bedeutung dieser Tauschform auch soziologische Gründe. Inzwischen zeigt eine beträchtliche Anzahl von Untersuchungen, dass online vermittelte Transaktionen durch ein Reputationssystem stabilisiert werden können. Dabei bewerten sich die beiden Transaktionspartner nach erfolgtem Tausch gegenseitig mittels eines von der Auktionsplattform bereitgestellten Bewertungssystems. Beide Tauschpartner haben die Möglichkeit, eine negative Bewertung mit einer ebensolchen zu vergelten, bzw. im Vorgriff darauf mit Vergeltung zu drohen, falls eine negative Bewertung erfolgen sollte. Es besteht hier also ein Kollektivgutproblem zweiter Ordnung, dessen Lösung Bedingung für eine stabile Gütertransaktion ist. In diesem Aufsatz wird analysiert, wie diese Stabilisierung theoretisch geschehen kann und welche empirischen Belege sich dafür anführen lassen. Dazu wird im nächsten Abschnitt vorerst der gesamte Tauschvorgang als ein zweifaches Vertrauensspiel modelliert und zwei einschlägige Lösungsansätze in Hypothesenform präsentiert. Dabei wird einmal von vollständig rationalen Akteuren und einmal von reziprok rationalen Akteuren ausgegangen. Die generierten Hypothesen werden anschließend anhand eines selbst erhobenen Datensatzes überprüft. Dieser enthält Angaben zu insgesamt 1800 Transaktionen und entsprechend 3600 potentiellen Bewertungen, die über eBay Deutschland getätigt wurden. Dabei wird neben der Analyse der Standardbewertungen insbesondere eine Analyse der dazugehörigen Freitextkommentare vorgenommen. Im vierten Abschnitt werden die Resultate theoretisch diskutiert und es wird auf der Basis der empirischen Ergebnisse zur Handlungsmotivation der Bewertenden ein Vorschlag gemacht, mit welchen institutionellen Maßnahmen der Bewertungsmechanismus verbessert werden könnte.

Exploring the limits of incentive compatibility and allocative efficiency in complex economic environments

Reinhardt, Markus 29 April 2014 (has links)
In this dissertation auction formats are developed and discussed that focus on three specific economic environments. Regarding the impossibility results from mechanism design, the main task for the implementation of auction designs is to balance allocative efficiency and incentive compatibility – the main characteristics a mechanism should provide. Therefore, the dissertation investigates the limits of conceivable relaxations of allocative efficiency and incentive compatibility for complex settings such as double auctions, interdependent-valuation environments and electricity market designs. The overall aim is to carefully weigh up the advantages and disadvantages for either relaxing allocative efficiency or respectively incentive compatibility.:Preface … 7 1. Introduction … 8 1.1. Applications of auction design … 8 1.2. Optimal use of information in allocation processes … 12 1.3. Modeling non-cooperative situations … 14 1.4. Motivation for the dissertation … 16 2. An Incentive Compatible Double Auction for Multi-Unit Markets with Heterogeneous Goods … 21 2.1. Introduction into double auctions … 21 2.2. Setting of a multi-unit market with heterogeneous goods … 25 2.3. Concept of the Incentive Compatible Double Auction (ICDA) … 29 2.4. Definition of the allocation rule … 31 2.5. Creation of the price vector and the trading bundles … 37 2.6. Characteristics of the Incentive Compatible Double Auction (ICDA) … 40 2.7. Discussion of the properties of the Incentive Compatible Double Auction (ICDA) … 43 3. An Alternating-Price Auction for Interdependent-Valuation Environments … 46 3.1. Introduction into ex-post efficient auction design … 46 3.2. Setting of an interdependent-valuation environment … 50 3.3. Concept of the Alternating-Price Auction (APA) … 54 3.4. Characteristics of the Alternating-Price Auction (APA) 62 3.5. Discussion of the properties of the Alternating-Price Auction (APA) … 64 4. Facilitating Short-Term and Long-Term Efficiency with an Integrated Electricity Market Design … 66 4.1. Introduction into electricity market designs … 66 4.2. Setting of an electricity market … 72 4.3. Concept of the Integrated Electricity Market Design (IEMD) … 78 4.4. Characteristics of the Integrated Electricity Market Design (IEMD) … 88 4.5. Discussion of the properties of the Integrated Electricity Market Design (IEMD) … 91 5. Conclusion ... 94 Reference List … 96

Fördern Internetauktionen Opportunismus? Eine Analyse zum Wandel von Geschäftsbeziehungen am Beispiel von Handelsmarkenstrategien

Welling, Michael, Rese, Mario, Gräfe, Gernot, Krebs, Alexander January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Plan de negocios de plataforma electrónica de información y elección de ofertantes de factoring para las MIPYME interesadas en financiar ventas mediante oferta de facturas negociables / Business plan of an electronic platform information and choice of factoring bidders for MSME interested in financing sales by offering their negotiable invoices

García Carrillo, José Carlos, Malpica Guzmán, Fernando Ricardo, Meléndez Mendoza, George 06 November 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad desarrollar el Plan de Negocio de una plataforma electrónica de información y elección de ofertantes de factoring para las MIPYME interesadas en financiamiento de ventas mediante oferta de facturas negociables. Esta propuesta se dirige a empresarios de diferentes rubros y cuyos niveles de facturación caracterizan a sus empresas como micro, pequeñas y medianas, especialmente para aquellos que valoran mucho contar con la liquidez de fondos necesarios para financiar sus operaciones al menor costo posible. Para ello se realizó un sondeo el cuál permitió validar nuestra propuesta explicada en este documento, destacando que el 67,3% manifiesta estar muy dispuesto a usar la plataforma “Elige – Factoring”. Para implementar este modelo de negocio se requerirá de una inversión de S/ 105 000 distribuidos en desarrollo de plataforma web, adquisición de bienes de cómputo, campañas de difusión y otros gastos pre-operativos, así como capital de trabajo requerido para financiar las actividades del primer año de operación. Se usará redes sociales y se generará contenido de calidad para desarrollar una estrecha y contínua relación con los clientes. La estrategia del presente plan se basará en la diferenciación y la focalización. Esta solución será la finetch referente de provisión de información de Factoring y de negociación de tasas de descuento de Facturas Negociables en el Perú. A partir del análisis financiero realizado, concluimos que el proyecto tendrá un VAN de de S/133 321,46 y una TIR de 36,7%, luego de 5 años de operaciones, haciéndolo atractivo para invertir. / The purpose of this research work is to develop the Business Plan of an electronic platform of information and choice of factoring bidders for MSME interested in financing sales by offering their negotiable invoices. This proposal is aimed at businessman of different sectors and whose billing levels characterize their companies as micro, small and medium-sized, especially for those who highly value having the liquidity of funds necessary to finance their operations at the lowest possible cost. For this, a poll was carried out which allowed us to validate our proposal explained in this document, highlighting that 67.3% state that they are very willing to use the platform "Elige - Factoring". To implement this business model, its will need an investment of S/ 105 000 distributed in web platform development, acquisition of computer assets, dissemination campaigns and other pre-operational expenses, as well as the working capital required to finance the activities of the first year of operation. Social networks will be used and quality content will be generated to develop a close and continuous relationship with customers. The strategy of this plan will be based on differentiation and targeting. This solution will be the benchmark finetch for the provision of Factoring information and the negotiation of discount rates of Negotiable Invoices in Peru. From the financial analysis carried out, we conclude that the project will have a NPV of S / 133 321,46 and an IRR of 36,7%, after 5 years of operations, making it attractive to invest. / Trabajo de investigación

Kulturarv till salu : Auktionshus och onlineplattformars ansvar när det gäller illegal handel med kulturföremål i Sverige / Cultural heritage for sale : The responsibility of auction houses and online platforms regarding the illicit trade with cultural properties in Sweden

Upphoff, Emmy, Olofsson, Isabelle January 2021 (has links)
The illicit trade with cultural property is a worldwide problem. Many of the cultural properties that are traded have been plundered and exported from countries and end up on western markets, often at auction houses and auction platforms online.  This study aims to understand the responsibility Swedish auction houses and online platforms have regarding the illicit trade with cultural properties. This is achieved by answering the following questions: what responsibility does the auction houses and online platforms have? Do they take this responsibility? Do auction houses and online platforms have policy documents regarding cultural objects? What do these policy documents in that case look like and can they be improved? Is there a difference between the policy documents of physical auction houses and auction platforms online?  To answer these questions this study focuses on three main areas of sources: document analysis of legal and policy documents, previous research and articles published in the field, as well as five qualitative and semi-struc- tured interviews. These sources are discussed throughout the analysis which have been divided thematically. An overview of the trade in Sweden culminates in a discussion about due diligence and provenance. Further, a discus- sion of the auction houses responsibilities and policy documents is followed by chapters discussing the same ques- tions in regard to the online platforms.  Conclusions which have been drawn from the empirical analysis are that the auction businesses take respon- sibility to a certain degree but that policy documents and the transparency in public discourses can be improved. Furthermore, they should be clear that they use due diligence and actually make sure that they do it in their daily activities.  This is a two-year master’s thesis in Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies.

App de intercambio de artículos - telocambio

Ampuero Flores, Maurizio Guillermo, Flores Nuñez, Ernesto, Pinelo Merino, Cristhian David, Serna Feliciano, Jair Gerson, Tapia Navarro, Fiorella Silvana 28 October 2021 (has links)
Te lo cambio es una idea de negocio innovador dentro del mercado nacional (peruano), el cual consiste un aplicativo que brinde el servicio de juntar la oferta y la demanda de productos o servicios que se desean intercambiar, artículos que los usuarios consideren innecesarios o hayan tenido acumulado a lo largo de su vida y logren obtener otros que sí necesitan por medio del intercambio. Realizada la evaluación del mercado y sus preferencias, esta app busca ofrecer un servicio de calidad y seguridad además de ser el nexo de conexión entre las personas que lo usan, de esa manera el usuario tendrá la certeza con quién esté realizando la transacción y pueda estar más tranquilo, debido a que el aplicativo mostrará la información necesaria de dicho usuario. Se busca brindar contenido de valor para esta industria con información pertinente para el usuario. Cabe recalcar que mientras avance el tiempo y el desarrollo del proyecto, se irá entregando y ofreciendo distintas opciones de acuerdo a las necesidades que puedan ir surgiendo a lo largo del proyecto. Es así como esta propuesta de intercambio tendrá la posibilidad de variar o aumentar necesidades por nuestros clientes. Por otro lado, el modelo de negocio ha sido validado a través de diversos experimentos como entrevistas, encuestas, Concierge, entre otros más. Además, se ha desarrollado la planificación y presupuestación de aspectos de venta, operaciones, finanzas y recursos humanos necesarios para empezar la propuesta de negocio. Asimismo, con ello se puede corroborar que es un modelo de negocio rentable y con potencial en el mercado. / Telocambio is an innovative business idea within the national market (Peruvian), which consists of an application that provides the service of bringing together the supply and demand of products or services that they want to exchange, items that users consider unnecessary or have accumulated over their life and manage to obtain others that they do need through exchange. After evaluating the market and their preferences, this app seeks to offer quality and security services in addition to being the connection between the people who use it, in this way the user will have the certainty with whom they are making the transaction and can be more comfortable, because the app will show the necessary information of said user. It seeks to provide valuable content for this industry with relevant information for the user. It should be emphasized that as the time and development of the project progresses, different options will be delivered and offered according to the needs that may arise throughout the project. This is how this proposal of exchange tetra the possibility of varying or increasing needs for our customers. On the other hand, the business model has been validated through various experiments such as interviews, surveys, concierge, among others. In addition, we have developed the planning and budgeting of sales, operations, finance, and human resources needed to start the business proposal. This also confirms that it is a profitable business model with market potential. / Trabajo de investigación

Three Essays on Environmental- and Spatial-Based Valuation of Urban Land and Housing

Liu, Lu 01 May 2010 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to provide a comprehensive examination on the non-market valuation of the effect of open space amenities and local public infrastructure on the value of urban land and housing with both spatial heterogeneity and project heterogeneity. The demand for raw land is a derived demand for housing built on it. Therefore, we need to examine the land market and the housing market together. On the one hand, we estimate the value of urban land in a market that does not satisfy the usual assumptions of a competitive market structure as well as incentive incompatibility issues for transaction participants, with an application to a Chinese regional wholesale land market. These two violations to the traditional hedonic theory also generate two separate valuations on land with differentiated characteristics. On the other hand, we utilize the relative plane coordinates system, the three-dimensional distances, as well as the aggregate weight matrix, to implement the spatial hedonic estimation on the high-rise residential buildings in the same regional housing retail market in China. After these two steps, this dissertation, therefore, focuses on the profit maximization behavior of the property developer, which is the key role to link the factor market (i.e., the land market) and the commodity market (i.e., the housing market) together. Two methods are then employed to implement the hypothesis test on the hedonic price estimation including both inputs and outputs. First, a set of partial derivatives of the profit function with respect to various characteristics gives us the relationship between the marginal valuations in the land market and in the housing market. Second, we introduce a joint estimation approach that we call the spatial full information maximum likelihood (SFIML), which considers the land market, the housing market, and the property developer's profit maximization behavior all together in the estimation. Finally, we conduct a hypothesis test in both of these two scenarios to examine the validity of our linked markets assumption on the hedonic price estimation.

Real-Time Automatic Price Prediction for eBay Online Trading

Raykhel, Ilya Igorevitch 30 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
While Machine Learning is one of the most popular research areas in Computer Science, there are still only a few deployed applications intended for use by the general public. We have developed an exemplary application that can be directly applied to eBay trading. Our system predicts how much an item would sell for on eBay based on that item's attributes. We ran our experiments on the eBay laptop category, with prior trades used as training data. The system implements a feature-weighted k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm, using genetic algorithms to determine feature weights. Our results demonstrate an average prediction error of 16%; we have also shown that this application greatly reduces the time a reseller would need to spend on trading activities, since the bulk of market research is now done automatically with the help of the learned model.

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