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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rebalanceamento dinâmico de sistemas de bicicletas compartilhadas e aplicação de simulação com otimização a um sistema brasileiro. / Dynamic rebalancing for bike sharing systems and a simulation-optimization approach applied to a Brazilian system.

Rodolfo Celestino dos Santos Silva 26 February 2018 (has links)
Sistemas de Bicicletas Compartilhadas (SBCs) têm sido implantados e aprimorados nos últimos anos nas principais cidades do mundo. Neste tipo de sistema, usuários podem retirar e devolver bicicletas em qualquer estação da rede, desde que haja bicicleta e vaga disponível, respectivamente. Porém, devido às características de ocupação do solo em grandes centros urbanos, existe uma tendência natural de desbalanceamento nos fluxos dos usuários, fazendo com que em determinados horários certas estações fiquem lotadas de bicicletas enquanto outras estações estão vazias. Para mitigar este problema, gestores de SBCs utilizam veículos de carga para rebalancear o sistema (reposicionar as bicicletas entre as estações). Entretanto, usualmente, esse processo na prática não é realizado com auxílio de ferramentas quantitativas que tornem o processo racional ou maximizem sua eficácia. Nesse sentido, no presente trabalho é proposto um modelo híbrido de simulação com otimização, aplicado ao rebalanceamento de um SBC brasileiro e com potencial para utilização em sistemas reais com o objetivo de melhorar seus níveis de serviço. Além disso, apresenta-se uma análise de dados e a caracterização de uso deste SBC, um histórico de evolução de SBCs ao redor do mundo e sua bibliografia pertinente, a fim de registrá-los na literatura e de se obter maior compreensão deste tipo de sistema. / Bike Sharing Systems (BSSs) have been implemented and enhanced in several major cities around the world, during the past few years. In such systems, users can take off a bike and return it at any network\'s station, provided that there is a bike and a dock available, respectively. However, these systems face an operational problem, caused by the fact that users\' flows are not balanced, bringing on that, at some point in time, some stations will be completely full while others will be empty. To tackle this issue, cargo vehicles are used by BSS\'s operators to rebalance the system (relocate bicycles through the stations). However, in most cases this process is not supported by quantitative tools that make the process rational or maximize its effectiveness. In this sense, this work proposes a hybrid model of simulation with optimization, applied to the rebalance of a Brazilian BSS and with potential for use in real systems with the aim of improving their service levels. In addition, is presented a data analysis and a usage study of this specific BSS, a BSSs evolutionary study and its relevant literature with the purpose of registering them in the literature and achieving a superior understanding of the problem.

Ordered stacks of time series for exploratory analysis of large spatio-temporal datasets / Pilhas ordenadas de series temporais para a exploração de conjuntos de dados espaço-temporais

Oliveira, Guilherme do Nascimento January 2015 (has links)
O tamanho dos conjuntos de dados se tornou um grande problema atualmente. À medida que o sensoriamento urbano ganha popularidade, os conjuntos de dados de natureza espacial e temporal se tornam ubíquos, e levantam uma série de questões relacionadas ao armazenamento e gerenciamento destes. Isso também cria uma mudança no paradigma de análise, uma vez que os conjuntos de dados que antes representavam uma única série de medições ordenadas no tempo, agora são compostos por centenas dessas séries, com uma taxa de amostragem que está aumentando constantemente. Além disso, uma vez que os dados urbanos normalmente apresentam disposição geográfica inerente, a maioria das das tarefas requerem o suporte de representações espaciais apropriadas. Este se torna outro problema, visto que as tecnologias de exibição de imagens não avançam na mesma velocidade das tecnologias de sensoriamento, de modo que consequentemente acaba-se tendo mais dados do que espaço visual para representa-los. Após conduzir uma pesquisa exaustiva a respeito de análise de dados temporais e visualização, nós melhoramos uma visualização compacta de series temporais para auxiliar a exploração de grandes conjuntos de dados espaçotemporais. Nossa proposta aproveita a compacticidade de tal representação para permitir o uso de um mapa para representar os atributos espaciais dos dados, de modo coordenado, enquanto representação, de forma compreensível, centenas de series simultaneamente, com total contexto temporal. Nós apresentamos nossa proposta como sendo capaz de auxiliar várias tarefas de caráter exploratório de forma intuitiva. Para defender essa afirmação, nós mostramos como essa ideia foi desenvolvida e melhorada ao longo do desenvolvimento de dois estudos de design visual em diferentes domínios de aplicação, e validamos com a implementação de protótipos que foram usados na análise exploratória de vários conjuntos de dados com 3 representações diferentes. Palavras- / The size of datasets became the major problem in data analysis today. As urban sensing becomes popular, datasets of spatial and temporal nature become ubiquitous, leading to several concerns regarding storage and management. It also creates a shift of paradigm in data analysis, as datasets that once represented a single series of measurements ordered in time are now composed of hundreds of series with ever increasing sampling rates. Also, as urban data usually presents inherent geographic disposition, most analysis tasks requires the support of proper spatial views. It becomes another problem, once that displaying technologies do not advance at the same of pace that sensing technologies do, and consequently, there is usually more data than visual space to represent it. After conducting exhaustive research on temporal data analysis and visualization, we improved a compact visual representation of time series to support the exploration of large spatio-temporal datasets. Our proposal exploits the compactness of such representation to allow the use of a map to represent the spatial properties of the data in a coordinate scheme while presenting, in a comprehensible manner, hundreds of series simultaneously, with full temporal context. We argue that such solution can effectively support many exploratory tasks in an intuitive manner. To support this claim, we show how the idea was conceived, and improved along the development of two design studies from different application domains, and validated by the implementation of prototypes used in the exploratory analysis of several datasets with 3 different data structures.

As ciclovias na cidade de São Paulo e as políticas públicas para o uso da bicicleta como meio de transporte / Bike lanes in the city of São Paulo and the public policies for the use of bicycles as a means of transportation

Marco Antonio Augusto 16 March 2018 (has links)
As políticas públicas de transporte e infraestrutura voltadas para o modal cicloviário na cidade de São Paulo, especialmente entre os anos de 2013 e 2016, motivaram a implementação de inédita infraestrutura específica. A partir desse marco para a mobilidade por bicicleta, buscou-se identificar as motivações que levaram o poder público municipal a construir ciclovias e ciclofaixas, bem como demais equipamentos ligados ao uso da bicicleta. Através do levantamento do número de viagens realizado por ciclistas e demais dados estatísticos, considerou-se os possíveis benefícios do uso desse tipo de modal frente às particularidades da cidade. Os tipos de ciclistas e suas respectivas imagens frente à sociedade também são analisados e considerados como importantes personagens da cidade de São Paulo. Os dados levantados apontam um crescimento significativo no número de usuários a partir da criação de infraestrutura específica, além da reprodução de uma cidade desigual criada através de sua infraestrutura de mobilidade. As novas vias cicláveis construídas mantêm o padrão de privilegiar a região central em detrimento da periferia. / Public policies for transportation and infrastructure towards the cycling modal in the city of São Paulo, specially between the years 2013-2016, motivated the unprecedently implementation of certain infrastructure. Taking this mark for the cycling mobility as a starting point, it is the purpose of the present work to identify the motivations that led the Municipal Administration to building the bike paths and bike lanes, as well as the other implementations linked to the bike usage. Through the analysis of data related to the number of trips made by cyclists and other sources of statistic data, we considered the possible benefits of the usage of this modal type, taking into account the particularities of the city. The cyclist types and their specific images according to the society are also analysed and taken into account as important actors in the city of São Paulo. The relevant data demonstrate a significant increase in the number of users since the creation of the specific infrastructure, not to mention the reproduction of an unequal city, built from its commuting mobility. The new cycling lanes that were built keep the pattern of granting privilegie to the central area, opposed to the peripheral area of the city.

Rekreační cyklistika a její rozvoj pro posílení cestovního ruchu v regionu severovýchodní Čechy / Recreational cycling and its development for strengthening tourism in the region of North-East Bohemia

Marešová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on recreational cycling because it is regarded as one of possibilities how to strengthen tourism in the region of North-East Bohemia. In the theoretical part there are presented basic terms and definitions connected with the recreational cycling, also there are mentioned legislative foundations. Then, the diploma thesis presents selected institutional documents, which prove the importance of the recreational cycling. Also there are included basic facts about important organizations concerning recreational cycling and about the region of North-East Bohemia itself. The practical part focuses on existing cycling and complementary infrastructure of the region. The last chapter analyses the infrastructure and especially it provides suggestions and possible projects that would support further development of recreational cycling in the region of North-East Bohemia.

Hållbar cykelplanering i Linköping : En fallstudie av Cykellänken

Forsblad, August, Alagic, Adnan January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur kommuner kan arbeta med en hållbar cykelplanering i relation till begreppen tillgänglighet, trygghet och trafiksäkerhet. En fallstudie på projektet Cykellänken i Linköping har gjorts utifrån tre frågeställningar som behandlar tillgänglighet, trygghet och trafiksäkerhet. Metoderna för uppsatsen är en innehållsanalys av kommunens relevanta plandokument samt en observation av tre olika platser längs med Cykellänken. Ett verktyg som presenterar riktlinjer kring hur en hållbar och attraktiv trafikplanering bör se ut är TRAST (Trafik för en attraktiv stad) och dessa riktlinjer har använts vid den analytiska processen för att utvärdera Cykellänken. Resultatet av denna uppsats konstaterar att tillgänglighet, trygghet och trafiksäkerhet är viktiga aspekter att ta hänsyn till vid planering av ny och befintlig cykelinfrastruktur. Med hjälp av fysiska åtgärder som uppdelning av trafikslag med filer, breda vägar, tillfredställande belysning, vegetation och skyltning har kommunen lyckats arbeta för en hållbar cykelplanering. / This thesis aims to research how municipalities can work with sustainable bike planning in correlation with accessibility, security and traffic safety. A case study of the project ”Cykellänken” in Linköping was constructed to answer three research questions regarding accessibility, security, and traffic safety. A content analysis of relevant municipal planning documents and an observation of three different places along ”Cykellänken” are the methods used for this thesis. TRAST (Traffic for an attractive city) is a tool which presents guidelines for how sustainable and attractive traffic planning should look, and these guidelines have been used to evaluate ”Cykellänken” in the analytical process. The results of this thesis establish that accessibility, security, and traffic safety are important aspects to take into account when planning for new and existing bike infrastructure. With the help of physical implementations like traffic separation, wide paths, satisfying lighting, vegetation and sign displaying has the municipality succeeded in working for a sustainable bike planning.

The Impact of Cargo Bikes on the Travel Patterns of Women

Schwartz, Jana E 01 June 2016 (has links)
There are a number of issues preventing the rollout of cargo bikes as a transportation mode in the United States. One concern that has been raised is whether cargo bikes can function as a gender equitable transportation solution in the United States, given documented gender gaps in national bike riding statistics and ongoing inequities in childcare in 2-parent heterosexual households. The research is aimed at reviewing the practicality, enjoyment, and outcome of cargo bike use as a gender equitable transportation solution. This research contributes to new knowledge in gender equitable transportation in 2 ways — a) gender-focused analysis of survey data regarding cargo bikes use; b) extended open-ended interviews with mothers with cargo bikes. Qualitative and quantitative data from surveys and interviews explore the influence of cargo bikes on transportation patterns and follow how behavior, attitude, spatial context, and perception varies between riders. Specific attention is given to the use of cargo bikes by women with children, as this demographic represents a minority group in the bicycle community and a group who could benefit most from the capabilities of a cargo bike design. Research shows, mothers spend more hours a day around their children and take part in more child-related activities. Therefore, the comfort and feasibility of the cargo bike for women with children becomes the topic of exploration to determine whether this mode type is a functional substitution for trips usually made by an automobile. Through the collection of a nation-wide survey of cargo bike riders and in-person interviews with mothers in San Luis Obispo, CA who currently use a cargo bike to transport their children and goods, the research assesses the travel patterns of women and the emotional and physical benefits cargo bikes can provide to this specific demographic. Results show that benefits of cargo bike use include boding opportunities with children and a more enjoyable commute, while barriers to use include ill-performing bicycle infrastructure and time allocation for trips made by the cargo bike, in comparison to the automobile. Mode substitution behavior from the automobile to the cargo bike is geographically and culturally specific, but as results from both parts of the study show, women are receptive to cargo bike use and demonstrate a powerful demographic that has the potential to influence the travel patterns of current and future commuters to shift away from automobile dependency.

CORGI: Compute Oriented Recumbent Generation Infrastructure

Hunt, Christopher Allen 01 March 2017 (has links)
Creating a bicycle with a rideable geometry is more complicated than it may appear, with today’s mainstay designs having evolved through years of iteration. This slow evolution coupled with the bicycle’s intricate mechanical system has lead most builders to base their new geometries off of previous work rather than expand into new design spaces. This crutch can lead to slow bicycle iteration rates, often causing bicycles to all look about the same. To combat this, several bicycle design models have been created over the years, with each attempting to define a bicycle’s handling characteristics given its physical geometry. However, these models often analyze a single bicycle at a time, and as such, using them in an iterative design process can be cumbersome. This work seeks to improve an existing model used by the Cal Poly Mechanical Engineering department such that it can be used in a proactive, iterative fashion (as opposed to the reactive, single-design paradigm that it currently supports). This is accomplished by expanding the model’s inputs to include more bicycle components as well as differently sized riders. This augmented model is then incorporated into several search platforms ranging from a brute-force implementation to several variants using genetic algorithm concepts. These models allow the designer to specify a bicycle design search space as well as a set of riders upfront, from which the algorithms search out and find strong candidate designs to return to the user. This in turn reduces the overhead on the designer while also potentially discovering new bicycle designs which had not been considered previously viable. Finally, a front-end was created to make it easier for the user to access these algorithms and their results.

City of Davis Greenbelt Master Plan

Haydu, Brandon 01 March 2010 (has links)
The City of Davis is currently updating its Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan. During the update, greenbelts were identified as a highly used and desired facility. This Greenbelt Master Plan serves as a plan focused on the opportunities greenbelts can provide as recreational and transportation facilities. This report has analyzed community feedback, greenbelt coverage, greenbelt capacity, and existing local, state, and federal design guidelines. The final plan is a set of goals, objectives, policies, and programs, along with a greenbelt map, which is aimed at improving the greenbelt infrastructure in Davis through the year 2020.

Trakční měnič pro motorové kolo se stejnosměrným motorem / Traction inverter for an electric bike

Prudík, Martin January 2011 (has links)
A drive design for an electric bike with brushed DC disk motor is proposed in this thesis. Especially the design of a DC/DC converter with DSC control is described. The converter can operate as step-down and step-up too. Minimum dimensions and sufficient power for riding without human assistance were the main demands on the design.

Návrh rámu HPV / HPV

Šmak, Petr January 2008 (has links)
Design of frame of a human powered vehicle (HPV) is the aim of this diploma thesis. Wide analysis precedes design process. The thesis describes historical developement of land transportation, especially history of cycling, bicycles and other human povered vehicles, which are not so extended. Preferences and deficiencies of transportation by these ecological vehicles are shown. The thesis includes summary of most widespread and best-known conceptions, including their advantages and disadvanteges. Conception of three-wheeled vehicle was selected. It has two steered front wheels and one powered rear wheel. The accent is putted on wide efficiency, ergonomics, simplicity of vehicle`s frame and possibility of using common cycling components. 3D model of frame and assembly of vehicle was created. This model was checked by FEM computation.

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