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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse et amélioration des performances d’un système complexe par pilotage et par re-conception / Performance analysis and improvement of a complex system through control and re-design

Samet, Bacem 11 March 2019 (has links)
Les systèmes complexes à longue durée de service sont des systèmes de grande taille qui ont généralement un comportement stochastique. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions, particulièrement, un type de ces systèmes : le système de vélos en libre-service. Le principe de fonctionnement de ce service de transports est de disposer des vélos dans diverses stations de la ville. Les usagers viennent prendre des vélos pour effectuer un trajet et puis les déposent dans des stations quelconques.Comme la durée d’exploitation de ces systèmes est longue, de nouveaux besoins (par exemple l’attractivité de station) et une dégradation de performance peuvent survenir. Un outil d’aide à la décision est ainsi nécessaire pour analyser et améliorer la performance par des opérations de pilotage (p.ex. changement de la taille de flotte) ou de re-conception (p.ex. changement de la capacité d’une station). L’approche suivie, pour cette finalité, est la modélisation stochastique en utilisant un réseau de files d’attente possédant des files à capacités limitées et un mécanisme de blocage. La méthode de résolution du modèle proposé est définie dans les travaux de Kouvatsos (1994). Notre cas d’étude est un sous-réseau de 20 stations du système Vélib’ de Paris. L’analyse de la performance suite aux changements exogènes et aux opérations d’amélioration (pilotage et re-conception), nous a permis de déduire un ensemble de préconisations qui peuvent améliorer les performances du système. Comme la méthode de résolution de ce modèle possède une complexité importante, nous proposons une méthode d’agrégation des stations pour réduire la taille du problème en ayant des erreurs maîtrisables. Cette méthode est implémentée et évaluée pour un système particulier où tous les paramètres sont homogènes. Enfin, l’étude de cette méthode pour un système non-homogène et d’autres perspectives sont proposées pour étendre ces travaux de recherche. / Complex systems having a long period of service are large scale systems that typically have stochastic behavior. In this thesis, we study, in particular, one type of these systems: the Bike Sharing System. The operating principle of this transport service consists of a fleet of bikes disposed in various stations. The users come to take bicycles to use them for their trip and then bring them back in any stations.As these systems are supposed to operate for long periods, new requirements can overcome (eg. station attractiveness) and performance degradation may occur. A decision support tool is thus required to analyze and improve the performance by control operations (eg. fleet size change) or re-design (eg. changing the capacity of a station).The stochastic modeling approach is used through a network of queues with limited capacity queues and a blocking mechanism. The resolution method of the proposed model is defined in the research work of Kouvatsos (1994).The case study is a sub-network of 20 Vélib's stations in Paris. The performance analysis according to exogenous changes and improvement operations (control and re-design) allowed us to deduce recommendations that can improve the performance of the system.As the method of solving this model has a great complexity, we propose a method of aggregation of the stations to reduce the size of the problem by having controllable errors. This method is implemented and evaluated for a particular system where all the parameters are homogeneous. Finally, the study of this method for a non-homogeneous system and other perspectives are proposed to extend this research work.

Cyclists’ road safety - Do bicycle type, age and infrastructure characteristics matter?

Schleinitz, Katja 19 May 2016 (has links)
In den letzten Jahren hat die Verbreitung von Elektrofahrrädern, sogenannten Pedelecs, stark zugenommen. Dies ist vor dem Hintergrund der Umweltfreundlichkeit und Gesundheitsförderlichkeit dieser Form der Fortbewegung zunächst grundsätzlich positiv zu bewerten. Gleichzeitig besteht jedoch die Sorge, dass Elektrofahrradfahrer häufiger und in schwerere Unfälle verwickelt werden könnten als Fahrradfahrer. So bieten motorgestützte Elektrofahrräder das Potential, höhere Geschwindigkeiten zu erreichen als konventionelle Fahrräder, und werden zudem vor allem von älteren Verkehrsteilnehmern genutzt. Nicht zuletzt deswegen könnten sich durch diese neue Mobilitätsform auch neue Herausforderungen für die Verkehrs-, insbesondere Radinfrastrukturen ergeben. Tatsächlich jedoch blieben die Auswirkungen auf die Verkehrssicherheit bisher weitestgehend ungeklärt. Um dieser Problematik zu begegnen, wurde im Rahmen einer Naturalistic Cycling Studie (NCS) und mehreren experimentellen Untersuchungen folgenden Fragen nachgegangen: Fahren Elektrofahrradfahrer tatsächlich schneller als nicht-motorisierte Radfahrer? Wie wirken sich diese potentiell höheren Geschwindigkeiten darauf aus, wie Elektrofahrradfahrer von Autofahrern wahrgenommen werden? Welchen Einfluss hat das Alter der Radfahrer auf die Geschwindigkeiten und auch auf deren Neigung zu Unfällen bzw. sicherheitskritischen Situationen im Verkehr? Und welchen Einfluss hat die Infrastruktur auf die gewählten Geschwindigkeiten und die Auftretenshäufigkeit von kritischen Situationen? Diese und weitere Fragen wurden in insgesamt vier Arbeiten, die in internationalen Fachzeitschriften publiziert sind (I - IV), beleuchtet. Im ersten Artikel werden die Geschwindigkeiten von Fahrradfahrern (n = 31) im Gegensatz zu Pedelecfahrern (n = 49; Motorunterstützung bis 25 km/h) sowie S-Pedelecfahrern (n = 10; Motorunterstützung bis 45 km/h) betrachtet. Als Einflussgrößen wurden das Alter und die Nutzung verschiedener Infrastrukturtypen der Probanden ausgewertet. Alle Räder wurden mit einem Datenaufzeichnungssystem inklusive Kameras und Geschwindigkeitssensoren ausgestattet, um für vier Wochen ein Bild des natürlichen Fahrverhaltens zu erhalten. Unabhängig von der Infrastruktur waren S-Pedelecfahrer schneller unterwegs waren als Fahrrad- und Pedelecfahrer. Pedelecfahrer fuhren ebenfalls signifikant schneller als konventionelle Fahrradfahrer. Die höchsten Geschwindigkeiten wurden für alle Radtypen auf der (mit dem motorisierten Verkehr geteilten) Fahrbahn sowie der Radinfrastruktur gemessen. Das Alter der Fahrer hatte ebenfalls einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Geschwindigkeit: Unabhängig vom Fahrradtyp waren ältere Fahrer (65 Jahre und älter) deutlich langsamer als Probanden jüngerer Altersgruppen (41-64 Jahre sowie 40 Jahre und jünger). Die beiden jüngeren Altersgruppen fuhren selbst ohne Motorunterstützung (konventionelles Fahrrad) schneller als die älteren Pedelecfahrer. Genauere Analysen (wie etwa das Verhalten beim Bergabfahren) legen nahe, dass dieser Befund nicht allein der physischen Leistungsfähigkeit zugeschrieben werden kann. Es scheint vielmehr so, als ob ältere Fahrrad- und Elektroradfahrer durch die geringere Geschwindigkeit versuchen, Defizite in der Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit auszugleichen bzw. generell vorsichtiger fahren. Der zweite Artikel beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, inwieweit sich die Art und Häufigkeit von Unfällen und kritischen Situationen bei den drei verschiedenen Altersgruppen unterscheiden. Auch hier wurde auf die Daten aus der NCS zurückgegriffen, auf deren Basis eine umfassende Videokodierung durchgeführt wurde. Es zeigten sich keine Unterschiede zwischen den Altersgruppen hinsichtlich des Auftretens kritischer Situationen; weder in Bezug auf die absolute Anzahl, noch gemessen an der relativen Häufigkeit (pro 100 km). Ebenfalls keine Zusammenhänge fanden sich zwischen dem Alter der Fahrer und der Art von Konfliktpartnern oder der Tageszeit der kritischen Situationen. Auch hier scheint es so, dass Ältere keinem erhöhten Risiko unterliegen, und etwaige altersbedingte Einschränkungen kompensieren können. Bei der Betrachtung des Einflusses des Infrastrukturtyps auf das Auftreten von kritischen Situationen zeigte sich, dass, bezogen auf die zurückgelegten Wegstrecken, die Nutzung der mit dem motorisierten Verkehr geteilten Fahrbahn als relativ sicher einzustufen ist. Demgegenüber ergab sich ein erhöhtes Risiko für Unfälle oder kritische Situationen auf designierter Radinfrastruktur. Dies widerspricht der Wahrnehmung vieler Radfahrer, die diese Infrastruktur als besonders sicher empfinden. Es ist allerdings anzunehmen, dass diese Wahrnehmung nicht nur auf der vermeintlichen Auftretenshäufigkeit, sondern auch auf dem angenommenen Schweregrad einer möglichen Kollision beruht. Zwei weitere Artikel beschäftigen sich damit, wie Autofahrer die Geschwindigkeit beziehungsweise die Annäherung von Elektrofahrrädern wahrnehmen. Dies ist insbesondere in Kreuzungssituationen relevant, in denen Autofahrer abschätzen müssen, ob sie noch rechtzeitig vor einem Fahrrad abbiegen können ohne mit diesem zu kollidieren. Es wurde vermutet, dass die fehlende Erfahrung mit Elektrofahrrädern und der von ihnen erreichbaren Geschwindigkeit vermehrt zu entsprechenden Unfällen führen könnte. Der Frage wurde mit einem Experiment zur Lückenakzeptanz auf der Teststrecke (Artikel III) und einer Videostudie zu Schätzungen von Zeitlückengrößen (Artikel IV) nachgegangen. Es zeigte sich, dass Autofahrer die verbleibende Zeit bis zur Kollision für Elektrofahrradfahrer geringer einschätzten als für konventionelle Radfahrer. Zudem wählten Autofahrer bei einem herannahenden Elektrofahrrad signifikant kleinere Zeitlücken zum Abbiegen, als bei einem konventionellen Fahrrad. Dieser Effekt verstärkte sich sogar noch, wenn die Geschwindigkeit des herannahenden Zweirades zunahm. Diese Befunde legen nahe, dass die Einschätzung der Geschwindigkeit beziehungsweise Annäherung von Elektrofahrrädern durchaus risikobehaftet ist. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit helfen dabei, die Auswirkungen der steigenden Verbreitung von Elektrofahrrädern auf die Verkehrssicherheit einzuschätzen. Auch erlauben es die Erkenntnisse, Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung der Verkehrssicherheit für Fahrrad- und Elektrofahrradfahrern aller Altersgruppen abzuleiten. Damit leistet diese Arbeit einen Beitrag zur Unterstützung einer sicheren, gesunden und umweltfreundlichen Mobilität.:TABLE OF CONTENTS SYNOPSIS 1 1 Overview of the dissertation 1 2 Introduction 2 3 Road safety 4 3.1 Task-Capability Interface (TCI) Model 4 3.2 Three traffic safety pillars 6 3.3 Vehicle: Road safety of bicycle and e-bike riders 7 3.3.1 Drivers’ gap acceptance and time to arrival estimations of approaching cyclists and e-bike riders 10 3.4 Road user: Road safety of older road user 14 3.5 Infrastructure: Influence of infrastructure and its characteristics on road safety 16 4 Research objectives of the dissertation 18 5 Overview of the methodology 19 5.1 Naturalistic Cycling Study 19 5.2 Experimental studies 21 6 Results and discussion 22 6.1 Vehicle: Traffic safety of bicycle and e-bike riders 22 6.1.1 Research Objective 1: Influence of bicycle type on speed under various conditions 22 6.1.2 Research Objective 2: Effect of speed and bicycles type on drivers’ gap acceptance and time to arrival estimates 23 6.2 Road user: Traffic safety of bicycle and e-bike older riders 25 6.2.1 Research Objective 3: Influence of age on speed of riders of bicycles and pedelecs.. 25 6.2.2 Research Objective 4: Influence of age on safety critical events and crashes of cyclists 26 6.3 Infrastructure: Influence of infrastructure circumstances on traffic safety 28 6.3.1 Research Objective 5: Infrastructure type and road gradient as influencing factors on speed and speed perception of cyclists and e-bike riders and their effect on safety critical events 28 7 Integration of the results to the TCI Model 30 8 Implications 31 9 Conclusion 34 PAPER I The German Naturalistic Cycling Study - Comparing cycling speed of different e-bikes and conventional bicycles 51 PAPER II Conflict partners and infrastructure use in safety critical events in cycling - Results from a naturalistic cycling study 73 PAPER III Drivers’ gap acceptance in front of approaching bicycles – Effects of bicycle speed and bicycle type 107 PAPER IV The influence of speed, cyclist age, pedalling frequency and observer age on observers\\\' time to arrival judgements of approaching bicycles and e-bikes 127 CURRICULUM VITAE 153 PUBLICATIONS 156 / Electric bicycles (e-bikes) are a relatively new form of transport. The aim of this dissertation is to investigate their effects on road safety. In 2012, at the beginning of this dissertation project, knowledge of e-bikes in general and their impact on road safety in particular was relatively scarce. As a starting point of this work, the influence of e-bikes on road safety was investigated compared relative to the road safety of conventional bicycles. Additionally, the influence of the age of the rider on safety is considered as a supplementary factor. Special attention is paid to the impact of the infrastructure utilised by riders and its characteristics. This cumulative dissertation consists of four research articles, labelled Paper I to IV accordingly. Papers I to IV have been published in peer reviewed journals. The synopsis provides an overview of previous research as well as a theoretical framework of the safety of cyclists and e-bike riders. Speed, and its perception through other road users (measured with experiments to gap acceptance and time to arrival (TTA) estimates) are considered as relevant factors for road safety. In Chapter 4, the research objectives are presented in detail. The methodology is clarified in Chapter 5, and in Chapter 6 and 7 the results are summarised and discussed. The implications of the results are considered in Chapter 8. In Paper I, the differences in speed between bicycles, pedelecs (pedal electric cycle, motor assistance up to 25 km/h) and S-pedelecs (pedal electric cycle, motor assistance up to 45 km/h) were investigated. Additionally the influence of infrastructure type, road gradient and the age of the rider were taken into account. Paper II is concerned with the influence of different conflict partners in crashes, and the utilisation of infrastructure on the safety of cyclists. For this purpose, safety critical events (SCE) involving cyclists were examined, with a special focus on the differences between younger, middle aged, and older cyclists. Papers III and IV focus on the perception of speed of e-bike and bicycle riders through other road users and its implications for road safety. Paper III specifically deals with the gap acceptance of car drivers at intersections in the presence of cyclists and e-bike riders with different speeds and under varying conditions (e.g. at intersections with different road gradients). Paper IV looks at drivers TTA estimates of approaching bicycles and e-bikes in combination with other influencing factors (e.g. speed, cyclist age).:TABLE OF CONTENTS SYNOPSIS 1 1 Overview of the dissertation 1 2 Introduction 2 3 Road safety 4 3.1 Task-Capability Interface (TCI) Model 4 3.2 Three traffic safety pillars 6 3.3 Vehicle: Road safety of bicycle and e-bike riders 7 3.3.1 Drivers’ gap acceptance and time to arrival estimations of approaching cyclists and e-bike riders 10 3.4 Road user: Road safety of older road user 14 3.5 Infrastructure: Influence of infrastructure and its characteristics on road safety 16 4 Research objectives of the dissertation 18 5 Overview of the methodology 19 5.1 Naturalistic Cycling Study 19 5.2 Experimental studies 21 6 Results and discussion 22 6.1 Vehicle: Traffic safety of bicycle and e-bike riders 22 6.1.1 Research Objective 1: Influence of bicycle type on speed under various conditions 22 6.1.2 Research Objective 2: Effect of speed and bicycles type on drivers’ gap acceptance and time to arrival estimates 23 6.2 Road user: Traffic safety of bicycle and e-bike older riders 25 6.2.1 Research Objective 3: Influence of age on speed of riders of bicycles and pedelecs.. 25 6.2.2 Research Objective 4: Influence of age on safety critical events and crashes of cyclists 26 6.3 Infrastructure: Influence of infrastructure circumstances on traffic safety 28 6.3.1 Research Objective 5: Infrastructure type and road gradient as influencing factors on speed and speed perception of cyclists and e-bike riders and their effect on safety critical events 28 7 Integration of the results to the TCI Model 30 8 Implications 31 9 Conclusion 34 PAPER I The German Naturalistic Cycling Study - Comparing cycling speed of different e-bikes and conventional bicycles 51 PAPER II Conflict partners and infrastructure use in safety critical events in cycling - Results from a naturalistic cycling study 73 PAPER III Drivers’ gap acceptance in front of approaching bicycles – Effects of bicycle speed and bicycle type 107 PAPER IV The influence of speed, cyclist age, pedalling frequency and observer age on observers\\\' time to arrival judgements of approaching bicycles and e-bikes 127 CURRICULUM VITAE 153 PUBLICATIONS 156

Undisplayed BPM for Engaging Exercise : Using Heart Rate Data in a Lower Body VR Exergame

Caca, Ajsha, Nord, Sejke January 2023 (has links)
This study has researched the use of undisplayed heart rate data as biofeedback in the contextof a lower body VR exergame using a fitness bike, in collaboration with Ericsson Research.Most of the global population need to exercise more, but describe it as dull and monotonous.By making a VR exergame using heart rate data where the user’s bpm is not displayed, butinstead having a character tell the user when they need to speed up or slow down to reach thedesired heart rate bpm range, the authors believed that the users would be less aware that theywere exercising and be more engaged in the experience. During the study testing was used, aswell as surveys and interviews. The results affirm the authors’ hypothesis. At least half of thetesters of the final iteration were unaware of heart rate data being used during the experience,despite being told of it before the testing started, saying that they were so engaged in theexperience they did not think about much else. All testers of the final iteration preferred usinga fitness bike with the VR exergame, all were willing to use it for longer periods, and all werewilling to use it regularly, describing that they did not view the experience as exercising butas entertainment. The authors conclude from the results that there is a great demand forengaging exergames using undisplayed heart rate data, which could be used in differentsituations, e.g. healthcare. / Den här studien har undersökt användandet av pulsdata som biofeedback, där bpm inte visasför användaren, i kontexten av ett träningsspel i VR för nedre kroppen som används med enträningscykel i samarbete med Ericsson Research. En större del av den globala befolkningenbehöver träna mer, men beskriver det som tråkigt och monotont. Genom att skapa ettträningsspel i VR där pulsdata som inte visas används, där en karaktär i spelet säger tillanvändaren att öka eller sänka hastigheten när användaren hamnar utanför detrekommenderade pulsintervallet, förmodas det att användarna inte kommer vara likamedvetna om att de tränar och därför bli mer engagerade i upplevelsen. Under studienanvändes testning, enkäter och intervjuer. Resultaten bekräftar författarnas förmodan.Åtminstone hälften av testarna av den sista iterationen var omedvetna om att pulsdataanvändes under upplevelsen, trots att de informerades om användningen av pulsdata innantestningens början, och förklarade att de var så pass engagerade i upplevelsen att de intetänkte på annat. Alla testare av den sista iterationen föredrog att använda en träningscykelmed träningsspelet i VR, alla var villiga att använda det under längre perioder, och alla varvilliga att använda det regelbundet, med beskrivningen att de inte upplevde det som träningutan som underhållning. Utifrån resultaten drar författarna slutsatsen att det finns en storefterfrågan för engagerande träningsspel som använder pulsdata som inte visas föranvändarna, vilket hade kunnat användas i olika situationer, ex. inom sjukvård.

BREAKING BARRIERS: Unveiling Best Practices for Promoting Urban Cycling

Bruijs, Karlijn January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates the barriers faced by cities in their efforts to increase the number of urban cyclists and aims to identify best practices to fulfil cities' ambitions. The research explores the multi-dimensional nature of the obstacles and highlights the significance of understanding and addressing them effectively. By examining bike policies, sustainable mobility programs, existing literature, and conducting interviews with experts, this study provides insights into the common themes that prevent cities from achieving their goals. The findings contribute to the development of best practices that can support cities in their ambition to increase urban cycling.This study is a multi-case study, where the study compares the city Malmö and The Hague. The Hague is a leading example for bicycle use, while Malmö strives to become a bicycle-friendly city. The methodology employed in this research includes several components: a literature review to explore barriers and enablers of urban cycling, a theoretical analysis, a comprehensive review of bike policies and sustainable mobility documents in both cities and interviews to delve deeper into recurring themes identified in the document analysis. The discussion section integrates the literature review, theory, and results, highlighting the best practices for promoting urban cycling.In this study, the theory of path dependency is employed, which refers to a process where initial moves lead to further moves in the same direction, limiting future choices. It involves three phases: Preformation, Formation, and Lock-in. Additionally, the theoretical framework incorporates the three factors of path dependence identified by Low et al. (2005). These factors are relevant to the study because they relate to urban planning and active transport. The three factors are: technical, institutional, and discursive. Overall, understanding path dependency and its factors (technical, institutional, and discursive) enables more effective strategies in urban planning and active transportation to overcome barriers and promote sustainable cities.Through an analysis of previous research, theory, and results it becomes evident that the establishment of a support base and the implementation of a combination of hard and soft measures play a crucial role in fulfilling cities' bike ambitions. The support base requires diverse stakeholders to understand and support bike policies. Effective communication help engage stakeholders and expand support. Overplanning with various options enhances policy resilience. Striking a balance between hard and soft measures is crucial for increasing urban cyclists. Hard measures like infrastructure development are initially important, but a balanced approach ensures an effective strategy.By adopting these best practices, cities can successfully increase the number of urban cyclists. However, it is important to emphasize that achieving this ambition goes beyond formulating a policy; it requires the establishment of a support base and a balanced approach that incorporates both hard and soft measures. This study provides cities with insights into potential barriers and enablers, offering guidance for examining their specific urban contexts and working towards their cycling goals.

Study on Lithium Battery Thermal Analysis For E-bike

Vijayan, Sreekuttan, Jaimon, Jais January 2023 (has links)
E-bikes, often known as electric bicycles, are becoming more and more well-liked as green modes of mobility. High-capacity lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are utilised to power these e-bikes because of their extended cycle life, high energy density, and low self-discharge rate. The performance and longevity of these batteries may be impacted by temperature fluctuations, however. To guarantee the safe and dependable functioning of Li-ion batteries used in e-bikes, it is crucial to do temperature analysis on the batteries. In this dissertation, the thermal behaviour of a 48V 60AH Li-ion battery used in an e-bike will be studied under various cooling scenarios. The research specifically contrasts forced convection cooling using fans with broad and limited outlet ports to natural air convection cooling with large and reduced outlet ports. The study sheds light on the ideal cooling setups that might increase battery longevity and performance. The results of this study have important ramifications for e-bike producers and designers, battery producers, and energy storage system researchers. Simulations based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are used to simulate the thermal behaviour of the Li-ion battery under various cooling settings for the investigation. 25°C has been selected as the ambient temperature. For forced convection, the airflow rate is set at 3.5 m/s, whereas the airflow rate for natural convection is set at 0.1 m/s. The study's findings demonstrate that both natural and forced convection cooling methods may successfully lower the temperature of a Li-ion battery. However, forced air convection cooling using fans is more efficient than natural air convection at dispersing heat. These findings suggest that, owing to the higher air velocity, shrinking the outlet ports in both cooling approaches improves thermal performance.

Demotivate the theft of bicycles : The development of a bicycle stand to promote cycling

Ahlström Sundgren, Oliver January 2023 (has links)
Cycling is a highly beneficial activity that can positively impact individuals, the planet, countries, and cities. It is, therefore, imperative to encourage more people to cycle while reducing obstacles that lead to the use of alternative modes of transportation, such as cars. One of the major challenges that cyclists face is the theft of their bicycles, which can cause significant discouragement and inconvenience. To address this issue, a Master's Thesis was undertaken to investigate ways of reducing bike theft in urban environments. The research question posed in the study was how to minimise bike theft in urban settings. The paper outlines the project's planning and context, identifying the bike stand as the most promising product category to address the issue. Behavioural and persuasive design strategies were implemented to enhance the stand's effectiveness. The research involved comprehensive interviews, ideation, modelling, and prototyping to find a solution that meets the requirements of the scenario. Potential users tested the designs to optimise the product to meet their needs and collective concern. The final concept incorporates most requirements and is discussed for its potential impact on society, sustainable development, and cyclists. By reducing bike theft, the solution can encourage more people to cycle, thus promoting sustainable transportation and reducing carbon emissions and diseases associated with inactivity. The study provides valuable insights into designing effective solutions to address social challenges and promote sustainable development in urban environments. / Cykling är en mycket fördelaktig aktivitet som kan påverka inte bara individer positivt utan även planeten, länderna och städerna. Det är därför absolut nödvändigt att uppmuntra fler människor att cykla samtidigt som man minskar hinder som leder till användning av alternativa transportsätt som bilar. En av de stora utmaningarna som cyklister står inför är stölden av sina cyklar, vilket kan orsaka betydande avskräckning och olägenheter. För att ta itu med denna fråga gjordes ett examensarbete för att undersöka sätt att minska cykelstölder i stadsmiljöer. Forskningsfrågan som ställdes i projektet var; hur man kan minimera cykelstölder i stadsmiljöer? Rapporten beskriver projektets planering och sammanhang, vilket identifierade cykelstället som den mest lovande produktkategorin för att ta itu med problemet. För att öka inverkan av cykelstället implementerade beteendemässiga och influerade designstrategier. Projektet innebar omfattande intervjuer, idéer, modellering och prototyper för att hitta en lösning som uppfyller kraven i scenariot. Potentiella användare testade koncepten för att optimera produkten för att möta deras behov och kollektiva angelägenheter. Det slutliga konceptet innehåller de flesta av kraven och diskuteras för dess potentiella påverkan på samhället, hållbar utveckling och cyklister. Genom att minska cykelstölder kan lösningen uppmuntra fler människor att cykla och på så sätt främja hållbara transporter och minska koldioxidutsläpp och sjukdomar associerade med inaktivitet. Sammantaget ger studien värdefulla insikter i att utforma effektiva lösningar för att möta sociala utmaningar och främja hållbar utveckling i stadsmiljöer.

Measuring Similarity of Network-Time Prisms and Field-Time Prisms

Jaegal, Young January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Travelling Stockholm from underneath : A journey of light

Ahrenstedt, Irina January 2015 (has links)
The report Stockholm city’s regional biking plan presents information of a continuously rising numbers ofcyclists in central Stockholm. However, the central parts of Stockholm have not now, or in the near future,the capacity or structure to provide a functional as well as safe traffic situation, especially for cyclists. Theincreasing demand from traffic of the commuter street network in central Stockholm make the 6 km longunderground maintenance tunnel along the newly build Citybanan commuter train tracks a possible andinteresting alternative for safe, fast and easy bicycle travelling underneath Stockholm. The tunnel stretchesfrom Fatbursparken to Tomteboda, with exits/entrances along the route in central parts of Stockholm[Fig 1.]There are several examples in the world where former car, train and maintenance tunnels are used as bikingtunnels. The longest existing example is the Croix Rousse tunnel in Lyon, France (2013). A 1,3 km longtunnel with separate lanes for cyclists, pedestrians and commuter busses, which also functions as anevacuation tunnel to the parallel car tunnel. Another example is the Lugaritz-Morland bicycle tunnel in thecity of San Sebastian, Spain (2009), which is a former railway tunnel (850 metres) that connects twoneighbourhoods in the city.The specific conditions a tunnel have with no daylight and limited access, give the lighting designer theimportant task to shape the space using light.Light is the factor that makes us see the world, our visual ability is depending on the light. Light has theability to reveal and transform the character of a space and influence how the observer experiences thesituation, both physically (by vision) and psychologically (emotional experiences as comfort and feeling ofsafety). Therefore a good visual condition in public space, traffic as well as enclosed spaces like tunnels, arevery important and a basic need for humans in the city.The aim with this thesis was to develop a lighting strategy and proposal for the maintenance tunnel ofCitybanan in Stockholm, based on literature and case studies research, a full-scale light observation by areference group in a tunnel context as well as research by questionnaires. The primary purpose of the fullscalelight study was to confirm literature research hypotheses about the importance of light distributionand experienced spatial atmosphere in relation to psychological effects, as well as the importance of lightgiving information. Findings confirm and shows that light distribution have a great impact on how theobservers experience the space visually, as well as emotionally. Findings also show that light can influencepeople’s behaviour to intuitively slow down or be alert. Further this thesis results show that giving a spaceit’s own identity by collaboration between light, colour and architectural elements have a great impact onthe psychological experiences of a space regarding safety, comfort and social interaction, crucial factors in atunnel environment for cyclists.The thesis results in a concept presented in the Proposal chapter, based on design principles and a lightingstrategy where a combination of light typologies is used to create a human centred and comfortableenvironment. Light is used as guiding element and for spatial understanding to create comfort and supportsocial interaction. In addition the concept includes a theme used as inspiration in the lighting strategy tocreate a connection on a human scale between the cyclist and the space. The theme is based on a commonpreference of the reference group, as well as my personal, for the ideal dream biking environment;In the nature. Experiencing for example the variation of light filtered through the leaves, the sunset and theabsence of traffic.The aim with the proposal is to transform the tunnel to an attractive bicycle route for daily cyclists inStockholm, as well as being an interesting tourist attraction.- A large underground landmark and art piece stretching under the city of Stockholm.

Conceptual design and development of an off-road cargo trailer for bicycles / Konceptuell design och utveckling av en terränglastvagn för cyklar

Abdul-Rahman, William, Andersson, Viktor January 2023 (has links)
This report presents the conceptual development of an off-road cargo trailer designed for usage in conjunction with bicycles when camping. The objective of the study is to address the limitations of existing cargo trailers and thereafter create a trailer that efficiently can navigate off-road terrains while carrying various types of cargo. The research includes collecting data regarding user behaviours and desired functions an optimal trailer should obtain and was translated into user requirements. The result demonstrates the successful development of an off-road cargo trailer on a conceptual level that offers innovative solutions and improved load-carrying capacity in comparison to the available market, while considering factors such as weight, manoeuvrability, and ease of use. This research contributes to the field by presenting data, which can be used in development and a comprehensive solution that expands the possibilities for bicycle-based cargo transportation in off-road environments. Future work can include further refinements to optimise the trailer’s performance and address additional user requirements based on the data presented.

Aging on Wheels: The Role of Age in a Queer Female Biker Community

Sheehan, Brieanne M. 15 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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