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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Thermal Transport in Strongly Correlated Rare-Earth Intermetallic Compounds

Pfau, Heike 08 June 2015 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurden mit Hilfe von Transportmessungen – vor allem mit thermischem Transport bei sehr tiefen Temperaturen – intermetallische Seltenerdverbindungen untersucht. Diese Materialien sind oft durch starke elektronische Korrelationen gekennzeichnet, die zu neuartigen Eigenschaften führen. Um die Wechselwirkungen in den untersuchten Systemen zu beeinflussen, führten wir ein Magnetfeld als zusätzlichen Parameter ein. Damit untersuchten wir drei Fragestellungen. Im ersten Teil überprüften wir die Gültigkeit des Wiedemann-Franz-Gesetzes in YbRh2Si2. Dieses Material zeigt einen durch ein kleines Magnetfeld induzierten quantenkritischen Punkt, für dessen unkonventionelle Eigenschaften es noch keine allgemein etablierte mikroskopische Theorie gibt. Mit Hilfe des Wiedemann-Franz-Gesetzes haben wir untersucht, ob eine solche Theorie im Rahmen des Quasiteilchenbildes formuliert werden kann. Während wir eine Bestätigung für Magnetfelder abseits des quantenkritischen Punktes zeigen, ergibt unsere Analyse direkt am quantenkritischen Punkt eine Verletzung des Weidemann-Franz-Gesetzes. Dies hat weitreichende physikalische Folgen, da eine Verletzung den Zusammenbruch des Konzeptes von Quasiteilchen impliziert. In der zweiten Studie untersuchten wir die Kondogittersysteme YbRh2Si2 und CeRu2Si2 in Magnetfeldern mit Energien von der Größenordnung der Kondotemperatur. Beide Systeme zeigen bislang ungeklärte feldinduzierte Übergänge mit sehr unterschiedlichen Signaturen jedoch den selben Vorschlägen für deren Ursache: ein abrupter Zusammenbruch des Kondoeffekts oder ein Lifshitzübergang. Mit Thermokraft- und Widerstandsmessungen konnten wir für CeRu2Si2 zeigen, dass auch der thermische Transport kompatibel mit einem Lifshitzübergang ist. Ein globales Modell, das thermodynamische Größen mit einschließt, ist jedoch weiterhin nicht vorhanden. In YbRh2Si2 detektierten wir anstatt eines einzelnen, insgesamt drei Übergänge in höheren Magnetfeldern. Mithilfe einer sehr guten Übereinstimmung von renormalisierten Bandstrukturrechnungen mit unseren und früheren Experimenten, können wir die Entwicklung von YbRh2Si2 im Magnetfeld als Superposition von einer stetigen Unterdrückung des Kondoeffekts und drei Lifshitzübergängen beschreiben. Im dritten Projekt untersuchten wir den supraleitenden Ordnungsparameter von LaPt4Ge12. Während frühere Experimente auf konventionelle Supraleitung hindeuten, wird für das eng verwandte PrPt4Ge12 unkonventionelle und/oder Multiband-Supraleitung diskutiert. Resultate an der Substitutionsreihe LaxPr1-xPt4Ge12 suggerieren jedoch kompatible Ordnungsparameter für beide Verbindungen. Unsere Ergebnisse der spezifischen Wärme und der temperatur- und feldabhängigen Wärmeleitfähigkeit an LaPt4Ge12 sind kompatibel mit dem Modell konventioneller Supraleitung ohne Nullstellen im der supraleitenden Bandlücke. Die Abhängigkeit der Wärmeleitfähigkeit vom Feldwinkel zeigt unerwartet umfangreiche Oszillationsmuster. Während solche Oszillationen oft als Zeichen von Nullstellen in der Bandlücke interpretiert werden, konnten wir die meisten Frequenzen anderen Ursachen zuordnen. Eine sehr genaue Analyse von winkelabhängigen Messungen ist daher unabdingbar, um daraus Schlussfolgerungen für den Ordnungsparameter ziehen zu können.

The Occupational Aspirations and Expectations of Students Majoring In Jazz Studies At The University Of North Texas

Ramnunan, Karendra Devroop 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify the occupational aspirations and expectations of students majoring in jazz studies, and to investigate relationships between students' aspirations, expectations and selected variables including significant others, choice of school, instrument type, academic achievement, academic level, socioeconomic status, age, gender, and early jazz experience. All jazz studies majors enrolled at the University of North Texas during the Spring 2001 academic semester responded to a pilot test questionnaire (return rate 85%, N = 211). Frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations described the students' occupational aspirations, occupational expectations, backgrounds and training in jazz prior to entering UNT, and determined the extent to which parents, relatives, teachers, friends, and role models helped steer them into jazz (Pearson r, Spearman Rho and Point Biserial correlation coefficients provided). The low to moderate positive correlation between aspirations and expectations (r = 0.43) indicated that the two variables were different and measured different types of occupations. Fifty percent of students aspired to be jazz performers whereas 29.7% expected to be jazz performers. While 42% aspired to be engaged in a combination of occupational activities, 48% expected a combination of occupational activities. Only 4.7% aspired to teach; however, almost 16% expected to be engaged in teaching. Low positive correlations were found between aspirations and significant others, expectations and significant others, expectations and gender, and expectations and role models. Respondents indicated that role models (jazz musicians, community musicians, and college instructors) had contributed the most to their decision to major in jazz. Recommendations for educators, researchers, and improvements to the questionnaire are provided.

Intralocus Tactical Conflict as a Constraint on the Evolution of Alternative ReproductiveTactics in Xiphophorus multilineatus (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae)

Liotta, Melissa Nena 23 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Approches nouvelles des modèles GARCH multivariés en grande dimension / New approaches for high-dimensional multivariate GARCH models

Poignard, Benjamin 15 June 2017 (has links)
Ce document traite du problème de la grande dimension dans des processus GARCH multivariés. L'auteur propose une nouvelle dynamique vine-GARCH pour des processus de corrélation paramétrisés par un graphe non dirigé appelé "vine". Cette approche génère directement des matrices définies-positives et encourage la parcimonie. Après avoir établi des résultats d'existence et d'unicité pour les solutions stationnaires du modèle vine-GARCH, l'auteur analyse les propriétés asymptotiques du modèle. Il propose ensuite un cadre général de M-estimateurs pénalisés pour des processus dépendants et se concentre sur les propriétés asymptotiques de l'estimateur "adaptive Sparse Group Lasso". La grande dimension est traitée en considérant le cas où le nombre de paramètres diverge avec la taille de l'échantillon. Les résultats asymptotiques sont illustrés par des expériences simulées. Enfin dans ce cadre l'auteur propose de générer la sparsité pour des dynamiques de matrices de variance covariance. Pour ce faire, la classe des modèles ARCH multivariés est utilisée et les processus correspondants à celle-ci sont estimés par moindres carrés ordinaires pénalisés. / This document contributes to high-dimensional statistics for multivariate GARCH processes. First, the author proposes a new dynamic called vine-GARCH for correlation processes parameterized by an undirected graph called vine. The proposed approach directly specifies positive definite matrices and fosters parsimony. The author provides results for the existence and uniqueness of stationary solution of the vine-GARCH model and studies its asymptotic properties. He then proposes a general framework for penalized M-estimators with dependent processes and focuses on the asymptotic properties of the adaptive Sparse Group Lasso regularizer. The high-dimensionality setting is studied when considering a diverging number of parameters with the sample size. The asymptotic properties are illustrated through simulation experiments. Finally, the author proposes to foster sparsity for multivariate variance covariance matrix processes within the latter framework. To do so, the multivariate ARCH family is considered and the corresponding parameterizations are estimated thanks to penalized ordinary least square procedures.

Étude des fluctuations temporelles de la lumière diffusée par des atomes froids / Study of temporal fluctuations of light scattered by cold atoms

Eloy, Aurélien 18 September 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons aux propriétés des fluctuations de la lumière diffusée par un nuage d'atomes froids, que ce soit les variations temporelles de l'intensité ou les fluctuations spectrales du champ électrique dans le régime de diffusion simple ou multiple de la lumière. Bien que notre analyse soit réalisée sur un système passif, l'ajout de gain dans le système peut conduire à l'obtention d'un laser aléatoire dont l'étude des corrélations temporelles de l'intensité émise peut permettre une étude détaillée de ses propriétés de cohérence.La première étape de cette caractérisation est l'étude du bruit de fréquence de lasers conventionnels. La mesure est réalisée grâce à un discriminateur de fréquence, pouvant être une cavité Fabry-Pérot ou une transition atomique, utilisé pour convertir le bruit de fréquence en bruit d'intensité mesuré. Un modèle simple est présenté montrant que, alors que les résultats obtenus pour la cavité ou la transition atomique soient identiques à faibles fréquences de Fourier, de nouvelles structures apparaissent à hautes fréquences, permettant de réaliser de la spectroscopie de bruit en analysant les fluctuations de la lumière transmise.Les propriétés de cohérence peuvent aussi être étudiées grâce à la fonction de corrélation g(2) de l'intensité, offrant un accès à la statistique des photons de la lumière émise. Nous mesurons cette fonction dans un milieu passif en expansion balistique en contrôlant finement le régime de diffusion de la lumière. Nous analysons en détails l'évolution du contraste, la perte de cohérence ainsi que le changement de forme de g(2) dans le régime de diffusion multiple. Ces résultats sont combinés à des études numériques et analytiques pour mettre en évidence le rôle de la diffusion multiple dans les changements de la fonction g(2). Cette mesure est la première réalisation expérimentale de spectroscopie des ondes diffuses sur un nuage d'atomes froids en mouvement balistique.La caractérisation de la cohérence temporelle d'un laser aléatoire passe par l'étude de la fonction g(2) sur un milieu actif sous le seuil d'émission. Nous implémentons alors un schéma de gain Raman hyperfin, combinant efficacement gain et diffusion. Nous présentons les premiers tests de la quantification du gain dans le nuage par spectroscopie pompe-sonde, montrant l'apparition d'une fenêtre de transparence électromagnétiquement induite. Enfin, par une méthode hérérodyne, nous sommes en mesure d'accéder au spectre optique de la lumière diffusée en présence de gain. / In this thesis, we are interested in studying the properties of the fluctuations of the light scattered by a cloud of cold atoms, namely temporal fluctuations of the intensity or spectral fluctuations of the electric field in the single or multiple scattering of light. Although our analysis is focused on a passive medium, gain can be added in the system leading to a random laser whose the study of the temporal correlations of the emitted intensity allows to better characterize its coherence properties.The first step towards this characterization is the study of the frequency noise power spectral density of conventional lasers. This measurement is made using a frequency discriminator, being a Fabry-Pérot cavity or an atomic transition, used to convert frequency noise into measurable intensity noise. A simple model is developed showing that, while results obtained with the Fabry-Perot cavity and the atomic transition are the same at low Fourier-frequency, new features appear at high Fourier-frequency showing the influence of the atoms in the noise conversion, allowing to perform spectroscopic measurements by analyzing the intensity fluctuations of the transmitted light.Coherence properties can also be studied with the correlation function g(2) of the intensity, giving access to the photon statistics of the emitted light. We measure this function in a passive medium ballistically expanding while controlling the regime of scattering of light. We analyze in detail the evolution of contrast, the loss of coherence and the change of shape in the multiple scattering regime. Those results are combined with numerical and analytical studies showing the role of multiple scattering in the changes of the g(2)-function. This measurement is the first experimental demonstration of diffusing wave spectroscopy on cold atoms in ballistic motion.The characterization of the temporal coherence of a random laser requires the study of the g(2)-function in an active medium below threshold. We implement a scheme based on hyperfine Raman gain, combining effectively gain and scattering. We present our first results to quantify the amount of gain in the cloud with pump-probe spectroscopy, showing the appearance of an electromagnetically induced transparency window. Finally, based on a heterodyne method, we are able to access the optical spectrum of the scattered light in presence of gain.

Aspects of many-body systems on a kagome lattice: strong correlation effects and topological order

Roychowdhury, Krishanu 01 December 2015 (has links)
Strongly correlated systems on geometrically frustrated lattices can stabilize a large number of interesting phases that includes a wide array of novel Mott insulators in both bosonic and electronic systems. Charge fluctuations in a Mott insulator are suppressed due to strong mutual interaction among the particles. The presence of frustration is of particular importance as the physics it offers is often rich, unexpectedly complicated, and continues to raise many open questions. The thesis elucidates some of these issues on a kagome lattice where strong interactions among the particles in the Mott phase impose non-trivial local constraints depending on the filling fraction on the lattice. These Mott insulators, in addition to featuring unusual magnetic and/or charge ordering, can also harbor topologically ordered states of quantum matter, e.g., resonating valence bond liquids realized in certain quantum dimer models on non-bipartite lattices. The dimer models can be regarded as low-energy effective theories for different types of bosonic models in the strong-coupling limit. Exploring this connection is a central theme of this thesis with the aim of realizing novel strongly correlated ground states. Past studies of these models have revealed the existence of various ordered and disordered phases with distinct signatures. Among these low-energy phases, the presence of a stable topological liquid at a particular point, known as Rokhsar-Kivelson point, in the phase diagram is notable. The classical versions of the dimer model are also known to have garnered a vast interest in various fields ranging from problems of pure mathematical origin to ones in physical chemistry as well as statistical physics. Pioneered by Kasteleyn, several analytical works came forward to exactly calculate the partition function of the problem from which other physical observables can be derived. Classical numerical methods are extensively applied to these models to verify the analytical predictions. We introduce a new classical algorithm here to compute the correlation functions of a classical dimer model on a square (bipartite) and a triangular (non-bipartite) lattice based on a tensor network construction. The method, called tensor network renormalization group, turns out to be a powerful tool for simulating short-ranged gapped systems as inferred from our results benchmarked against the classical Monte-Carlo technique and compared with past analytical studies. One should note that the quantum dimer model at the Rokhsar-Kivelson point can also be described as an infinite temperature canonical ensemble of classical dimers because of the particular structure of the ground state which is an equal weight superposition in the configuration manifold. The geometry of the lattice plays a pivotal role in deciding the nature of the phases that arise in the dimer models. Many physical properties of the dimer liquid phase can be extracted in the simple classical setting which certainly allows for a deep understanding of the classical models to be developed. The liquid phase is gapped on non-bipartite lattices and gapless on bipartite lattices, which is reflected in the decay of correlation functions with spatial distances. In general on non-bipartite lattices, the topological nature of the dimer liquid is characterized by a Z2 topological order which survives even when the model is perturbed away from the Rokhsar-Kivelson point. Stability of this liquid phase not only depends on the lattice geometries but notably on dimer concentrations also. In this context, we focus on a particular variant of the dimer model on a triangular lattice which is known as the quantum fully packed loop model. The model is composed of nonintersecting closed loops made of dimers and governed by the same Hamiltonian as the quantum dimer model. The loop model provides an effective low-energy description of a strongly correlated bosonic system at 1/3 filling on the kagome lattice. The corresponding Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian consists of nearest-neighbor hopping and all possible repulsive interactions within a hexagonal plaquette. Conspicuous features of the zero-temperature phase diagram for this model include (i) presence of a stable Z2 liquid even without any Rokhsar-Kivelson potential term (in distinction to the standard quantum dimer model), and (ii) an unconventional phase transition from the liquid phase to a novel crystalline phase that has nematic order (dubbed lattice nematic). For a deeper understanding of the physics, a mapping to an Ising gauge theory is presented. The gauge theoretic description provides a useful way to predict the nature of the quantum phase transition to lie in the O(3) universality class. Finally a fermionic model at the same 1/3 filling is considered in which the ground state exhibits a number of exotic local orderings resulting from the spin-charge interplay of electrons. The Hamiltonian comprises nearest-neighbor hopping, strong on-site Coulomb interaction, and repulsive interaction terms only between nearest-neighbors. In the strong correlation limit, this fermionic problem maps to a two-color fully packed loop model – a model in which the loop segments carry an additional quantum number as color on a honeycomb lattice. The effective theory is governed by coherent three-particle ring exchanges and nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic spin exchanges. The competition between these two leads to a phase diagram composed of a novel plaquette ordered state (known as the plaquette phase) that undergoes phase transition to a new kind of charge ordered state which we call a short loop phase. From our numerical analysis, we conclude that the plaquette phase features an unusual antiferromagnetic order with gapless spin excitations while the charge-ordered state is subjugated by spin fluctuations of localized electrons arranged in small hexagonal loops on the kagome lattice.

The role of system-environment correlations in the dynamics of open quantum systems

Pernice, Ansgar 25 March 2013 (has links)
In the present thesis the dynamics of the correlations between an open quantum system and its environment is investigated. This becomes feasible by means of a very useful representation of the total system-environment state. General conditions for separability and entanglement of the latter are derived, and investigated in the framework of an open quantum two-level system, which is coupled to a dissipative and a dephasing environment.

Implementation And Validation Of Loss Prediction Methods To An Existing One Dimensional Axial Turbine Design Program

Guedez, Rafael January 2011 (has links)
One of the early steps in axial turbine design is the use of one-dimensional (1D) mean line calculations to predict the turbine performance and estimate the principal geometric parameters, such as radius and blade heights, that will be needed in further computational fluid dynamic (CFD) studies. This 1D analysis is based on the estimation of the aerodynamic losses expressed as a function of simple blade parameters and the velocity triangles. In this regard, there exist different loss correlations widely used in literature to estimate these losses but at the same time there is a lack of information regarding differentiation between them. Thereafter, the objective in this work was to judge and compare the behaviors of the Kacker- Okapuu, Craig-Cox and Denton loss correlations, all of them widely-used in turbine performance prediction. Present work shows the implementation of these different loss correlations on an existing 1D mean line numerical tool, LUAX-T. Subsequently, once implemented, the correlations were compared and analyzed by the use of a validation process and performing a parametric study. The results show that similar key parameters such as the flow turning, solidity and aspect ratio rule the different loss mechanisms in each correlation. On the other hand, the parametric study shows that the correlations are in agreement with the theory and give similar trends for performance prediction even though they all predict different values of efficiency for the same turbine stage. Moreover, the validation process show the correlations were found to be accurate enough when comparing against two different sets of experimental data. However, it was also proved that the models are only accurate if used within the range of applicability they were developed for, hence a complete knowledge of the limitations of each correlation should be known prior to using them. Finally, the extension of the one-dimensional mean line numerical tool LUAX-T will serve to perform further studies related to turbine design, as there are very few non-confidential turbomachinery design tools available for teaching or researching. Furthermore, a parametric study tool was also developed as part of the program. This last extension and the loss implementation codes are described in this work.

Examining correlations between using video streaming services and English language proficiency : A study of upper secondary school learners in Sweden

Huldt, Love January 2021 (has links)
Streaming video services have been ingrained into everyday life among Swedish teens, and the media content is often considered to benefit English language learners. The present study aims to verify that elevated English language proficiency and avid consumption of online streaming media appear synchronously in upper secondary school students. This is done by gauging online streaming media habits in students enrolled in a Swedish upper secondary school using a questionnaire, and then employing Pearson correlations to investigate the strength of the relationship between this data and student scores on a provided test of receptive vocabulary. Some attention is given to the effect of subtitle language choice on the viewer, as well as giving a brief summary of extramural English. The results are that there were found to be mostly weak correlations of low significance between test scores and online streaming media-use. The discussion links the predominantly weak correlations and significance values to previous studies about frequent multitasking occurring while participants are watching audiovisual media at home. Some space is given to a suggestion on how to adapt the present methodology to upper secondary schools to enable active teachers to explore how their English learners consume audiovisual streaming media and how this may relate to language proficiency. The study concludes that more research is needed to form a more accurate view of the relationship between watching online streaming audiovisual media and improved English language proficiency, and that further investigations should be of greater magnitude and breadth in both sampling as well as what demographic data is gathered.

Measuring the momentum distribution of a lattice gas at the single-atom level / Mesure sensible à l'atome unique de la distribution d'impulsion d'un gaz sur réseau

Cayla, Hugo 09 November 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse démontre une technique de détection capable de mesurer, avec une sensibilité à l'atome unique, l'espace des impulsions d'un gaz ultrafroid chargé dans un réseau optique 3D. Nous avons développé un détecteur basé sur des galettes de micro-canaux, capable de sonder électroniquement des nuages d'Hélium-4 métastable. Le gaz est détecté après un temps de vol de 325ms, suffisamment long pour atteindre l'expansion de champ lointain, où la distribution spatiale du gaz coïncide avec la distribution d'impulsion asymptotique. En se plac{c}ant dans un régime proche du remplissage unitaire du réseau, les effets de collisions entre atomes aux premiers instants de l'expansion deviennent négligeables, et donc la distribution d'impulsion asymptotique est égale à la distribution d'impulsion in situ. Nous démontrons expérimentalement cette égalité en comparant nos mesures en champ lointain avec la distribution d'impulsion calculée à partir de l'Hamiltonien de Bose-Hubbard, gr^ace à des simulations Monte Carlo Quantique. Nous observons un bon accord avec la théorie sur plus de 3 ordres de grandeur en densité. Ces simulations sont calculées à partir de nos paramètres expérimentaux, la température étant la seule variable ajustable. Nous utilisons ensuite cette comparaison pour réaliser une thermométrie précise du gaz sur réseau, permettant une exploration de la transition superfluide-gaz normal à travers la mesure directe de différentes quantités, comme la fraction condensée ou la fonction de corrélation à deux particules. / In this thesis, we report the demonstration of a detection technique able to probe, with a single-atom sensitivity, the momentum distribution of an ultracold gas loaded inside a 3D optical lattice. We have developed a micro-channel plate detector, able to electronically probe clouds of metastable Helium-4. The gas is detected after a time-of-flight of 325ms, long enough to reach the far-field expansion, where the spatial distribution of the cloud can be mapped to the asymptotic momentum distribution. By putting ourselves in a regime where the lattice filling is close to unity, the atomic collisions in the first instant of the expansion become negligible, so that the asymptotic momentum distribution is equal to the in situ momentum distribution. We experimentally demonstrate this equality, by comparing our far-field measurements with the momentum distribution calculated from the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, thanks to ab initio quantum Monte Carlo simulations. We show a good agreement with the theory over more than 3 orders of magnitude in density. Those simulations are calculated with our experimental parameters, the temperature being the only adjustable variable. We then use this comparison to perform a precise thermometry of the lattice gas, allowing us to explore the superfluid-normal gas transition through a direct measurement of different quantities, like the condensed fraction or the two-particles correlation function.

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