Spelling suggestions: "subject:"medempowerment"" "subject:"empowerment""
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Voices of hope : examining the empowerment planning process of indigenous women in Chiapas = Hablando la esperanza : una reflexión sobre el ejercicio de la palabra en el proceso de empoderamiento de las mujeres indígenas en ChiapasCassaigne, Paola 05 1900 (has links)
Since colonization, Indigenous women in Chiapas have occupied very disadvantaged social positions, characterized by ethnic, gender and class-based oppression. However, during the last thirty five years, important social dynamics have taken place which have driven women to perceive themselves as the main actors of social transformation, and to start participating in planning and development efforts at a household and community level.
Building on the ideas of Paulo Freire and Pierre Bourdieu, oppression is understood as a dynamic where the oppressed are also implicated by, among other things, the involuntary body adhesion to oppression, experienced as shame, fear and silence. Therefore, the main focus of this research is the processes by which women achieved to exercise the internal capability to speak out; as well as how this new ability has been critical in order to have transformative agency, by having a meaningful participation in planning, agency and decision-making in the different spheres of their private and public life.
The main findings of this thesis arise from six month of field research. With a phenomenological and hermeneutic approach, seventeen Indigenous and ten non-Indigenous women participated through in-depth interviews and focus groups. Participatory observation and a validation workshop were also undertaken. Findings are related, first, to women’s participation in group processes, by which, on the one hand, they achieved to generate critical-reflective awareness, denaturalizing oppression, and, on the other hand, they removed embodied oppressive dispositions by retraining their bodies through dialogue and corporal techniques. Second, praxis of liberation aroused from reflection, with no need of a mechanistic plan informed by efficient and effective predetermined justifications. Praxis of liberation took the form of practical wisdom and wise judgment for the achievement of good life. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Community and Regional Planning (SCARP), School of / Graduate
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ICT Interventions for Rural Empowerment : An Empirical StudyTallapragada, Sudhakar January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Significant interest is witnessed in the context of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) mediated interventions for development and empowerment of people living in Rural India since the turn of the century. An objective evaluation of impact of such initiatives is important for enrichment of these initiatives as well as potential scaling up and replication. Despite a large number of such initiatives and their subsequent scrutiny in the literature, there is a dearth of comprehensive studies to establish the potential and scope of ICT mediated interventions on empowerment and the role of participation. The present study focuses on bridging this gap. The study is undertaken in three phases- (1) Longitudinal observation, (2) Intensive analysis of ongoing ICT mediated interventions to study stages of empowerment and their measurement and (3) Analytical modelling of the processes and outcomes of empowerment.
In the first phase, a longitudinal observation using Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach was undertaken in Sirsa, Haryana over two years to explore the relevance of ICT mediation through various communication devices. In the second phase, mobile phone based interventions, involving dissemination of information, were intensively studied. Nine PRA studies were undertaken at eight locations from three states representing diverse agriculture and allied contexts. A Knowledge Gap Analysis (KGA) was undertaken in which a participant was assessed at three different stages – (a) awareness, (b) knowledge and (c) internalization. A specimen based approach based on PRA techniques was adopted, to assess their retention and internalization. A ‘Knowledge Gap Indicator (KGI)’ approach was used to assess and compare retention between people who were part of the intervention with those who did not have exposure to it. In the third phase, the process of empowerment was conceptually modeled as ‘The Participation based ICT Mediated Empowerment Cycle (PICTEC)’. The conceptual model – PICTEC was empirically tested using data obtained from seven locations from three states based on a survey using structured audio-enabled questionnaire. The structural model of PICTEC based on the factors that influence the empowerment cycle was studied using Generalized Partial Least Square (PLS) techniques.
The research points to the utility of understanding empowerment through the three distinct approaches adopted in the three phases. The other main contributions include design and development of a methodology to assess empowerment at various stages using Knowledge Gap Analysis (KGA), measurement of empowerment using Knowledge Gap Indicators (KGI) and data collection approaches in the spirit of PRA techniques based on specimen based approach and audio enabled questionnaires which are amenable to rigorous analysis. The results indicate evidence for positive impact of technology mediation in achieving the overall objectives of empowerment in the rural India context. The enabling role of participation is also observed. The results show that the stages of manifestation of empowerment and the internal processes can be studied simultaneously which has positive implications for designing effective interventions. The outcome of the present study are expected to contribute to existing literature on the subject and have relevance for policy makers, managers, designers and administrators of ICT based interventions targeting empowerment.
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Intrahousehold bargaining and welfare outcomes in UgandaKasirye, Ibrahim January 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigates the impacts and determinants of unequal gender relations within households in Uganda. The first topic addressed is the impacts of intrahousehold bargaining power on female agricultural labour supply in Uganda. There have been relatively few studies in Africa and Uganda in particular on this very important issue—mainly due to lack of appropriate data. I have accessed and used a unique merged cross-section dataset that combines individual women’s information and household level indicators of agricultural production. The 2005/06 Uganda National Household Survey (UNHS) and Uganda Demographic and Health Survey (UDHS) merged cross-sectional dataset for the first time captured indicators of women’s status within households and at the same time captured detailed agricultural data—especially relating to: labour allocation, types of agricultural activities, and nature of crop production—whether cash crops or food crops. Our results indicate that women with greater bargaining power contribute more to agricultural production and any continued gender discriminations is bound to affect agricultural production negatively. With regard to coffee production—Uganda’s leading cash crop, we find that increasing household coffee crop activities are also associated with reducing female labour allocation to agricultural production. The second topic adopts an ordinary least squares and marginal probit approaches in examining the impacts of female bargaining power on multi dimensional indicators of household health in the context of a country with very poor indicators of health status like Uganda. We use a sample of 6,600 children aged less than 5 years and 4,700 married women from two cross sectional surveys in 2000/1 and 2006 to examine how female bargaining power impacts on children’s anthropometric outcomes; children’s use of vaccination services; a woman’s nutritional status; and woman’s use of reproductive health services. We find that bargaining power as measured by an index for a couple’s relational indicators has minimal impacts on either children’s or women’s health status. Instead, it is mainly indicators of household welfare status that matter most—despite the presence of free public health care in Uganda. The third topic of the thesis examines female empowerment, as captured by participation in decision-making in the context of a country with strong patriarchal gender norms, such as Uganda. We use a sample of 9,800 married women from two cross-sectional surveys in 2000/1 and 2006, who were asked, “Who has the final say?” with respect to four major household decisions: the woman’s own health; large household purchases; and daily household purchases; and visiting family or relatives. These data allow us to shed light on whether the characteristics for empowerment are similar across different domains of decision-making and the extent to which cultural norms, as captured by ethnicity, constrain female empowerment in Uganda. We find that graduating from secondary school and ethnicity proxies are significantly related to empowerment in different domains. Furthermore, our results are a robust to choice of empowerment indicator used.
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Questioning mentalities of governance : a history of power relations among the Roma in RomaniaVoiculescu, Cerasela Stefania January 2013 (has links)
The thesis explains the socioeconomic differences among the Roma through a historical exploration of the relations established between Roma and significant Others at local, regional, and central levels in different, overlapping spheres of power (state, politics, religion, informal economy). Through a historical-ethnographic analysis of difference and power struggles, the thesis seeks to bring the political aspects of Roma lives back into the discourses of empowerment which are highly depoliticized by both the state and transnational neo-liberal governance (World Bank, UNDP, EU etc.). It is largely an explanation of transformations undergone by two Roma groups in Romania who experienced utterly different living conditions (while some got ’poorer’, the others became more affluent) in the period from socialism to post-socialism. The qualitative analysis, based on 7-months of ethnographic fieldwork, overcomes the flaws of policy-oriented research based primarily on statistics. The latter is produced by state and transnational development actors and ignores qualitative differences between Roma groups, the context of Romanian and Eastern European transformations (e.g. clientelism, informal economy, neopatrimonial state) and constitutes ’identities’ (’the poor’, ’the marginal’, ’the vulnerable’) through which the Roma are governed and maintained in a subordinate position. These symbolic categories are used as part of a larger neoliberal problematization of governance called ’social integration’, which constitutes itself as a ’regime of truth’ and follows an economic rationality which reproduces the status quo and does not necessarily empower the Roma. In addition, these ’regimes of enunciations’ are adopted un-reflexively as objects of study in social science and Romani studies. Distancing itself from these academic and policy practices, my comparative historical ethnography of power relations and discursive practices among the Roma challenges and brings a reconsideration of the current mentality of governance as social integration. Furthermore, my thesis constitutes an important contribution to Romani studies by 1) challenging a unilateral perspective directed by political agendas, and 2) producing reflexivity in relation to the object of study. It indicates that the historical study of power struggles as “an ascending analysis of power” (Foucault 1980: 99) is more beneficial in terms of empowerment than the study of predefined themes of governance (e.g. poverty and marginalization). The Roma continuously negotiate their relations with the Others in interaction with an uncertain socioeconomic environment, and these struggles constitute mechanisms of transformation in their lives. My thesis thus reveals different interactions Roma have had within and across spheres of power struggle (economy, state, politics, religion), which suggest an explanation for the two Roma groups’ different living conditions. A ‘mobile’ or a ‘sedentary’ interaction with the socialism-to-postsocialism socioeconomic transformations provided opportunities or restrictions for the improvement of the Roma’s material living conditions. While a ‘mobile’ and trans-local approach was adopted by Caldarars, a ‘sedentary’, localized socioeconomic practice was experienced as a restriction by the Romanianized Gypsies. Although these ‘patterns’ largely correspond to the groups studied, there was a variation in terms of mobility and wealth within both. Nevertheless, the mobile-sedentary distinction is relevant as it shows different ways of governance. While a trans-local mobile approach with low levels of subjection to state governance worked as a form of self-governance, a local ‘navigation’ of limited field of possibilities restricted access to better living conditions and increased the subjection to state governance. My thesis also draws attention to possible sources of empowerment (Roma politics) which are blocked by particular transformations of state and politics (patronage politics and political patronage), or translated by the state into the language of ‘social integration’ (e.g. Pentecostalism as self-governance). To sum up, I consider that my thesis undertakes a re-evaluation of the existent problematization of social integration and constitutes a reflexive knowledge base for the support of genuine forms of empowerment among the Roma.
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Hur mikrofinanser genererar empowerment hos kvinnor i utvecklingsländer : Pengar med ett syfteElvér, Sara January 2014 (has links)
Social work as an traditional aid is an area that provides welfare services financed from public funds, which is one of the methods of microloans. Microloans have since the mid-1970s has become an increasingly common tool in the fight against poverty. Instead of purely assistance is now offered microloans from more banks and other institutions, as well as NGOs (non governmental organization). This paper aims to study whether and how microcredit can contribute to the empowerment of women in Bangladesh and India. This study is based on a qualitative text analysis, and has hence been based on a number of reports and articles. The paper examines, from a radical feminist perspective how microcredit can fight and eliminate poverty, and how empowerment can help women in developing countries to become independent and liberated. The introduction of micro-loan is considered to have positive effects on women's empowerment in the short term. But it is, however, the longer term effects that are considered to have the greatest positive impact on society's unequal structures. The study shows, however, that in order to achieve the desired result, education is of utmost importance. Future research should focus on how to break down the patriarchal structures of society where this is considered a prerequisite for obtaining a long-lasting and stable change in the status of women in the countries concerned.
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Sjuksköterskans stöd : att hjälpa patienter med psykossjukdom att uppnå empowerment och välbefinnandeMagnusson, Alice, Sandelius, Patricia January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund Psykossjukdom förknippas ofta till starka känslor såsom rädsla, oro och ångest. Psykiatrisk omvårdnad innebär att stärka patientens känsla av egenkontroll och hjälpa patienten att utforma hanteringsstrategier. Patienten ska ha möjlighet att uppnå bästa möjliga välbefinnande. Personer med psykossjukdom upplever lägre välbefinnande än personer som inte har psykossjukdom. Därför behövs det kunskap om hur sjuksköterskan kan anpassa omvårdnaden för att patienter med psykossjukdom ska kunna uppnå empowerment och uppleva välbefinnande. Syfte Syftet var att beskriva hur sjuksköterskan kan anpassa omvårdnaden för att patienter med psykossjukdom ska kunna uppnå empowerment och uppleva välbefinnande. Metod En litteraturöversikt genomfördes. Artikelsökningar genomfördes i CINAHL och PubMed. 18 artiklar inkluderades i resultatet. Tematisk analys tillämpades och resulterade i fyra teman som presenteras i resultatet. Resultat De teman som presenteras är Kommunikation och information, stöd och trygghet, delaktighet och copingstrategier. Resultatet beskriver att god skriftlig, muntlig och icke-verbal kommunikation är grundläggande för att patienter med psykossjukdom ska kunna uppnå empowerment och uppleva välbefinnandet. Stöd och trygghet kunde ges genom att visa närhet och förståelse. Att involvera patienterna i vården stärkte patienternas självkänsla. Olika hanteringsstrategier och aktiviteter ansågs viktigt för patienternas upplevda mående. Slutsats Att ha en god kommunikation med patienten visade sig vara en viktig del i att bygga upp en stödjande relation. Informationen som ges behöver vara personcentrerad. Patienter som blir involverade i sin egen vård upplever mindre negativa känslor än de som inte tillåts vara delaktiga. Att utveckla egna copingstrategier möjliggjorde att patienterna kunde uppnå empowerment. Patienterna behövde stöd utifrån sina individuella förutsättningar, ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt kan därför ses som essentiellt vid stödjande av symtom- och sjukdomshantering.
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A preliminary assessment of a life skills empowerment program in the Limpopo ProvinceNetshifhefhe, Avhatakali 20 October 2008 (has links)
M.A. / A study on the preliminary assessment of insight and knowledge of learners on a life skills empowerment program conducted at four high schools of Region 3 in Limpopo Province. It was conducted from December 2001 to January 2002. The study was an evaluation research that pursued the qualitative-quantitative approach. A snowball sampling that is non-probability type of sampling was used. The respondents of the study were learners in four high schools in Region 3 in Limpopo Province. A semi-structured interview was used to gather data. 50 (N=50) respondents were reached by the snowball sampling. The research question was “have learners gained the insights and knowledge on a healthy lifestyle program?” Tables were used in the presentation of data. The finding of the study indicated that learners have to a greater extent gained the insight and knowledge on a healthy lifestyle program. / Prof. J.B.S. Nel
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Subjective wellbeing, engagement and support in the workplaceMathabela, Mirriam 09 December 2013 (has links)
M.Phil. (Industrial Psychology) / Orientation: Positive experiences in the workplace, such as support and work engagement, are essential for enhancing subjective wellbeing (happiness and satisfaction with life). Purpose: The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between social support, supervisor support, work engagement, happiness, and satisfaction with life, as well as investigate whether work engagement mediates support on subjective wellbeing (happiness and satisfaction with life). Motivation: The presence of support (social and supervisor) and work engagement can spill over and affect non-work; specifically, subjective wellbeing (happiness and satisfaction with life). Individuals with high subjective wellbeing are successful across multiple life domains. Method: A cross-sectional survey was used with participants spanning across diverse organisations, ages, racial groups and occupational levels (N=789). The Work Engagement Scale (May, Harter, & Gilson, 2004), Job Demands-Resources Scale (Jackson & Rothmann, 2005), Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985 ) and Subjective Happiness Scale (Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999) were used to determine the objectives of this study. Results: The results show significant relationships between happiness, satisfaction with life, social support, organisational support, and work engagement. Additionally, work engagement predicted happiness and satisfaction with life; social support predicted work engagement and satisfaction with life. Supervisor supports predicted subjective wellbeing (happiness and satisfaction with life) but not work engagement. There is therefore partial mediation, as supervisor support did not predict work engagement. Contribution: This study seeks to highlight the concept of support (social and supervisor) and work engagement as constructs that are significant in enhancing subjective wellbeing (happiness and satisfaction with life). Through organisations promoting these positive outcomes at work, enhances productivity.
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“Livet är inte bara myndigheter, utan det är personer också” : Arbetsförmedlingens arbete med långtidssjukskrivna i samband med återgång i arbetslivet.Stengård, Jackie, Bizzozero, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur Arbetsförmedlingen har utformat sitt arbete med långtidssjukskrivna individer i samband med återgång i arbete. Undersökningen är utformad enligt en kvalitativ forskningsmetodologi i form av intervjuer med 10 arbetsförmedlare och en arbetspsykolog. Det teoretiska perspektivet består av Askheim och Starrins metod Empowerment, Ryan och Decis Self-determination theory, samt Barth och Näsholms motiverande samtalsmetodik, MI. Resultatet visar på att Arbetsförmedlingens arbete med långtidssjukskrivna individer skiljer sig beroende på Försäkringskassans beslut angående individens arbetsförmåga. Långtidssjukskrivna individer kan bedömas av Försäkringskassan ha rätt till att delta i det förstärkta samarbetet, där aktiviteter utformas efter deras arbetsförmåga i syfte att förstärka deras uppfattning av anställningsbarhet. Alternativt få avslag på sin ansökning om fortsatt sjukpenning och därefter bli hänvisade till Arbetsförmedlingens ordinarie inskrivningsprocess. Av detta har slutsatsen dragits att samtliga arbetsförmedlare visar på svårigheterna de upplever i sitt arbete då deras handlingsutrymme påverkas av Försäkringskassans beslut. Ytterligare en slutsats visar på att samtliga arbetsförmedlare medvetet arbetar med stärkande metoder för att motivera individen de möter.
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A critical perspective on community empowerment: the cases of selected NGOs in EthiopiaSebilu Bodja January 2006 (has links)
Masters in Public Administration - MPA / Empowerment is a catchword that has recently entered current development debate. Development is largely perceived as a process of building capacities hence empowering people to be able to handle their affairs. As such it is a concept highly espoused by prominent development actors and mainly Non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The study attempted to examine the theoretical and empirical aspects of community empowerment from a critical perspective by surveying activities of three NGOs in Ethiopia. A recent framework developed by a working group of the World Bank for measuring and structuring analysis was used for analyzing findings. Conceptualization and practices of empowerment seem to be at a nascent stage and tools for measuring it as well; that is what the findings of the study indicate. Despite the rhetoric surrounding the concept, the experience of surveyed NGOs also shows disparities between theory and practice. / South Africa
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