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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lyderystės vystymas per ugdantį vadovavimą skirtingo tipo organizacijose / Leadership developpement by coaching in different type organisation

Griciūtė, Asta 02 December 2008 (has links)
Pagrindinis darbo tikslas yra vadovo, kaip lyderio, bruožų analizė ir remiantis atliktu tyrimu aprašyti galimus lyderystės vystymo metodus šiuolaikinėje organizacijoje. Darbas sudarytas iš trijų dalių : teorinės analizės, situacijos analizės ir projektinių sprendimų. Atliktas vadovų, kaip lyderių bruožų skirtingo tipo organizacijose tyrimas atskleidė, jog skirtinga situacija lemia skirtingą vadovo elgesį, ir norint būti efektyviu vadovu lyderiu būtina mokėti pritaikyti skirtingus valdymo metodus skirtingose situacijose. Savo ruožtu, kiekviena situacija organizacijoje reikalauja skirtingų vadovo kompetencijų ir savybių pritaikymo, kurias reikia nuolat ugdyti ir tobulinti, net ir sėkmingai vykdant veiklą. Trečiojoje darbo dalyje pateikėme metodus ir priemones ugdyti lyderio savybes naudojant ugdančiojo vadovavimo metodiką. / The main target of this diploma paper is analysis of skills of manager as a leader and basing on investigation results to provide possible measures and tools to improve leadership skills in contemporary organisation. There are three parts of diploma paper: theoretical analysis, research and solutions proposal part. The investigation of manager skills of different type of organisation displayed that different situation needs different management skills, and to be effective leader it is needed to adapt skills according to situation. Only when leaders come to see themselves as incomplete – as having boh strenghs and weakness, then they will be able to improve their skills. The points for improvement we had provided in tha last part of our diploma paper, which we found the most important after the analysis that we have made.

LYDERYSTĖS RAIŠKA VALSTYBĖS TARNYBOJE: ŠIAULIŲ MIESTO ATVEJIS / Expression of Leadership in Civil Service: The case of Siauliai. Master’s work

Ledžiūtė, Laura 28 September 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbu buvo siekta susisteminti teorinę medžiagą apie lyderystę valstybės tarnyboje įvairiais aspektais ir pagal atlikto tyrimo rezultatus atskleisti lyderystės raišką Šiaulių miesto viešojo valdymo ir administravimo institucijų vadovų ir darbuotojų tarpe. Buvo išsiaiškinta, koks vadovavimo stilius ir kokia lyderiavimo teorija yra būdingiausia valstybės tarnyboje, kokie lyderio asmeniniai bruožai, gebėjimai, kompetencijos yra svarbiausi valstybės valdyme. Atlikto tyrimo pagrindu buvo suformuotas hipotetinis valstybės tarnautojo- lyderio modelis. Patvirtinama autoriaus suformuluota mokslinio tyrimo hipotezė, jog nemaža dalis Šiaulių miesto viešojo valdymo ir administravimo institucijų darbuotojų bei vadovų pasižymi lyderiui būdingais gebėjimais, savybėmis, kompetencijomis, tačiau pastebimas nepakankamas lyderystės įgūdžių tobulinimas specifinėse lyderystės mokymo programose, seminaruose, kursuose. / Master's work was intended to codify the theoretical material on leadership in the civil service and in accordance with various aspects of the survey results, to reveal the expression of leadership of the Siauliai Public Management and Administration managers and staff people. It was found what style and theory of leadership is the most characteristic and what leader‘s personal traits, skills, competences are important in the civil service. It was found a hypothetical model of public servant as leader. It was confirm that the author‘s formulated the research hypothesis that a big part of the Siauliai Public Management and Administration managers and staff people have personal traits, skills, competences which are important to leaders, but they participate not enough in specific leadership training programs, seminars and courses.

Alytaus sporto ir rekreacijos centro darbuotojų lyderystės ir komunikacinės elgsenos ypatumai / Features of leadership and communication behavior of the employees of Alytus Sports and Recreation Centre

Ušackaitė, Edita 05 June 2010 (has links)
Nuolatinių pokyčių laikotarpiu konkurenciniu pranašumu tampa ne tik disponavimas informacija, bet ir sugebėjimas generuoti žinias. Spartus pasaulio technologinis organizacinis keitimasis, rinkų globalizacija, viena po kitos kylančios finansinės bei socialinės krizės rodo, kad pereinama į naują visuomeninės organizacijos etapą, kurio varomoji jėga bus ne kapitalas, bet žinios. Sistemai keičiantis ir sudetingėjant, greitėjant procesams vis sparčiau kinta sistemos formos, keičiasi turinys. Tokioje sparčiai kintančioje aplinkoje labai svarbūs žmonės, turinys naujausių žinių ir gebantys jomis naudotis. Toks vaidmuo organizacijoje atitenka lyderiui. Šiuolaikinė vadyba vis labiau remiasi visa apimančiomis lyderystės koncepcijomis, pabrėžiančiomis ne tik individualiąją, bet kolektyvinę svarbą. Lyderiavimo specifika ypatinga tuo, kad realizuojant bendrą tikslą, išsiskiria asmenybė ar asmenų grupė, lemianti kitų žmonių veiksmus ir pastangas. Tokiu būdu lyderiavimas ir komunikavimas tampa ypač svarbiais efektyvios organizacijos elementais (R. Korsakienė, 2006). / In the period of constant change possibility to possess information and ability to generate knowledge becomes a competitive advantage. Rapid technological organizational change in the world, market globalization, financial and social crisis coming one after another indicates a transition into a new level of social organization, the driving force for which will be knowledge, but not capital. While the system is developing and becoming more complex and the processes grow faster, the shape and content of the system changes rapidly. People possessing the latest knowledge and knowing how to use it are very important for the system of rapid change. In organization such role goes to the leader. Modern management is often based on all-embracing leadership concepts, highlighting not only individual but also corporate importance. The specificity of leadership is exceptional because of the fact that a person or a group of people determining actions and efforts of other people diverges while implementing common goal. Thus leadership and communication becomes very important elements of effective organization (R. Korsakienė, 2006).

Nurses' perceptions of leadership, teamwork, and safety climate in a community hospital in western Canada: A cross-sectional survey design

De Pau, Antonina 25 August 2014 (has links)
ABSTRACT Patient safety and safety outcomes in hospitals are a major concern. A hospital’s safety climate indicates the degree to which the organization prioritizes patient safety and achieves intended care outcomes. Relationships between nurse managers and frontline nurses and relationships between health care team members are pivotal in promoting a positive safety climate which in turn reduces adverse patient outcomes. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine frontline nurses’ perceived relationships with nurse managers and health team members to identify factors associated with safety climate (SC) in a community hospital located in a western Canadian city. The study was guided by Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory. Leader-Member Exchange theory postulates that dyadic relationships and work roles develop over time through a series of exchanges between nurse managers and frontline nurses. The study further incorporated Team-member exchange (TMX), a theoretical extension of LMX. Team-Member Exchange was used to guide the study of reciprocal exchanges among nurses and other members of the health care team. A non-experimental, cross-sectional survey design was used to explore the relationship between acute care nurses’ perceived LMX, TMX, and SC. A convenience sampling technique was employed. Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) and registered nurses (RNs) were invited to complete a survey package comprised of four scales. A response rate of 31.1% was achieved with N=105. The majority of respondents were female (89.5%), over 45 years of age, and employed part-time. About half of the respondents were diploma-prepared nurses, whereas the other half had a baccalaureate degree in nursing. Based upon data’s non-normal distribution and various levels of variables, Kruskall Wallis H statistics were used to assess and compare groups in terms of the nurses’ education, gender, length of experience in their current position, specialty experience, organization experience, age, and LMX, TMX, and SC scores. Age was the sole demographic factor that had a statistically significant positive association with LMX and SC. This finding supported the notion that mature nurses enhance the SC. The relationship between TMX, LMX, and SC was explored through Spearman’s rho correlation statistics. LMX and TMX were found to have statistically significant relationships with SC. Multivariable regression analysis was used to identify factors with an association with SC. Nurses’ relationships with team members had a slightly stronger association with SC in comparison with LMX. Over 66% of SC variance was accountable by LMX, TMX, and nurses’ age. This study’s results support the nurse manager who partners with nurses to promote team work to deliver safe patient care and accomplish organizational goals. The presence of strong leadership that incorporates LMX and TMX theories into practice with the reliance upon mature nurses may facilitate the attainment of a positive SC and positive patient outcomes. Further longitudinal studies are recommended to add to the knowledge of the relationships between LMX, TMX, SC and patient outcomes.

Artistic Interventions : Arts, Leadership and Self-development in Organisations

Bout, Jérôme, Mortier, Edouard January 2014 (has links)
Our society is changing, becoming a postmodern world with more attention paid to the emotional part of human beings. Organisations must develop new skills to enhance their members’ creativity and provide innovation in order to tackle new challenges. The transformation of our society provides also space for new thinking and new solutions; there is a need to be more open-minded. Organisational managers hence look into new directions to answer issues – one of them is the arts. One of arts’ manifestations in organisations is artistic interventions. Our study provides a presentation of this process, our understanding and reflection about this field and why we think it is relevant for the postmodern society in which we live. In this thesis we present our vision and theory of how a manager transforms themself into a leader through an artistic intervention and the impact on the organisational culture that the latter produces. We highlight the importance of the intervention’s follow-up and the way in which managers/leaders can lead this process to success. Our research is based on the existing literature in different fields that we have found relevant and that has enabled us to develop our own theory on the topic, with hope that it will interest other researchers to go further. In that sense, we give directions and reflections for future research.

Female leadership in the New Testament : a socio-historical study / Laura Maleya Mautsa

Maleya Mautsa, Laura Endegule January 2007 (has links)
This study explores the meaning of female leadership in the New Testament by examining a random selection of women in the New Testament. In Chapter 2 a sociohistorical approach is utilised to examine women leaders in the in the ancient Greco- Roman world of the New Testament. The study reveals that though these societies were predominantly patriarchal, there were women leaders leading in various ways in different spheres of life (religious, political, intellectual, and in the home). Chapter 3 looks in more detail at a definition of 'leadership". The Kouzes & Posner’s (1995) model of leadership practices, based on research of how successful leaders operate, is used. The example of Jesus as the Master leader is explored against the six leadership practices, adapted for this study. It is clear that Jesus does reflect the five leadership practices proposed by Kouzes & Posner (1995). A sixth practice is added to the list as the study shows that a leader needs a leader - good followers make good leaders! Chapters 4-10 focus on the leadership practices of Mary the mother of Jesus, the Samaritan woman, Tabitha. Lydia, Priscilla and the four daughters of Philip. An examination of the socio-historical context and an analysis of key concepts in each pericope in which these women are mentioned, have been done. From the analysis it is clear that the leadership p r a c t i i of women, called "female leadership" in this study, point out leadership as 'influence" that is achieved in different practices. These leadership practices define female leadership in the New Testament The women are leaders, in some cases within the recognised positions and in other cases without the positions. / Thesis (Ph.D. (New Testament))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Stories of Moses and visual narration in Jewish and early Christian art (3rd century AD)

Tatham, Gail Constance, n/a January 2008 (has links)
This thesis considers the evolution of narrative art in Judaism and early Christianity, and deals in particular with narrative figure scenes in which Moses is the principal figure. Current theories, espoused by the late Kurt Weitzmann, posit the existence of a Jewish illustrated manuscript tradition dating back to the Hellenistic period, which could have been the source for Old Testament scenes in art. In the light of these proposals and taking into account more recent narrative theory, this study of early Moses scenes in art takes up the suggestion that a large range of visual narrative scenes, closely following a given text and with a tendency for these scenes to be arranged in narrative sequence, might indicate the presence of a lost illustrated manuscript which artists are using as their model. Stories about Moses originate from within Judaism, and are mentioned also in Christian texts for the first three centuries AD, when Moses is regarded as the forerunner of Christ. While earlier Jewish art largely conformed to the proscription against figural art, narrative figure scenes illustrating Old Testament stories are known from the late second century AD. In the synagogue at Dura Europos (AD c.250), the range of biblical imagery includes five or six scenes illustrating stories from Exodus and Numbers, although Weitzmann�s criteria are only partially fulfilled. During the third century AD, when the earliest Christian art is found, Christians use Old Testament imagery as well, including a cycle of scenes illustrating the story of Jonah. The decoration in the baptistery in the Christian house at Dura, like that in the synagogue there, shows some interest in visual narrative, although in this case no Moses scenes are involved. At this time there is only one Moses story certainly illustrated in Christian art, The miracle of the spring (based on Exodus 17), which occurs in funerary art in Rome. The iconography for this scene is used "emblematically" to promote ideas rather than stories about Moses. If at this time Christian artists know of a narrative cycle involving Moses, they show very little interest in reflecting this.

Plötsligt händer det!En av dina kollegor avancerar och blir din chef. : -En studie om medarbetares upplevelser av att ha en chef som tidigare varit en kollega.

Svennersjö, Solveig, Karlsson, Jeanette January 2010 (has links)
<p>In this study we examined co-workers experiences of having a previous colleague as their leader, which is relatively common. We made qualitative interviews with six social welfare administrators who had been through this situation at work. The questions had been concentrated at how they were affected by the previous relationship, what expectations they had, and their view of how the business had been handled by their leader. The result of these interviews has then been connected to two leadership theories. The conclusion of the study was that the experience of the situation differs. One negative experience that emerged was that the leader had a hard time letting go of the roll as a colleague, which in turn made a few co-workers feel bad about how some co-workers were favoured and others not. Some of the commented expectations were to receive a more specific job-competent leader from outside, a leader who could raise and advance the activity at work, along with expectations of treating all co-workers equally. An opinion that the leader was always looking for consensus has emerged which wasn't always perceived positive, another wish was that the leader also has to be able to make own decisions. Everyone experienced a great involvement in the activities and the leadership was also experienced to have been democratic.</p>

Πειραματική επαλήθευση συνεργατικού ελέγχου δικτυωμένων ρομπότ

Τζουμανίκας, Δημοσθένης 08 January 2013 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία ασχολείται με τον συνεργατικό έλεγχο μιας ομάδας αυτόνομων ρομπότ. Θεωρώντας ότι μόνο ένα ρομπότ έχει πλήρη γνώση για το μονοπάτι που επιθυμούμε να ακολουθήσουν τα ρομπότ, θα πρέπει τα υπόλοιπα παίρνοντας μετρήσεις από διάφορους αισθητήρες και ανταλλάσοντας πληροφορίες μεταξύ τους, να σχεδιάζουν και να ακολουθούν τέτοιες τροχιές ώστε να πετύχουν τον στόχο τους. Από τη στιγμή που ένα μοναδικό ρομπότ γνωρίζει το επιθυμητό μονοπάτι, πρόκειται για ένα leader-follower σχηματισμό όπου κάθε ρομπότ καλείται να ακολουθήσει αυτό που προηγείται. Προκειμένου τα ρομπότ να μπορούν να ακολουθήσουν μία τροχιά αναπτύχθηκε σε περιβάλλον LabVIEW ένας ελεγκτής παρακολούθησης τροχιάς. Για την ανταλλαγή πληροφοριών και μηνυμάτων συντονισμού μεταξύ των ρομπότ, αναπτύχθηκε ασύρματο δίκτυο ZigBee. Το πρόβλημα γνώσης σχετικά με το που βρίσκεται ο leader κάθε ρομπότ λύθηκε με τη χρήση αλγορίθμων που επεξεργάζονται τις μετρήσεις των ενσωματωμένων Sonar. Επίσης το πρόβλημα γνώσης του πραγματικού προσανατολισμού κάθε ρομπότ, αντιμετωπίστηκε με την κατασκευή ενός ψηφιακού μαγνητομέτρου. Για κάθε ρομπότ ξεχωριστά, αναπτύχθηκε ο συνεργατικός αλγόριθμος ο οποίος εξασφαλίζει ότι η ομάδα θα πετυχαίνει τον στόχο που έχει αρχικά τεθεί. Τέλος παρουσιάζονται πειραματικά αποτελέσματα για ομάδες δύο και τριών ρομπότ. / The present thesis elaborates on the cooperative control of mobile robots. Assuming that one robot has complete knowledge of the desired path the robotic platoon must follow, a coordination control scheme must be created, based on sensor measurements and platoon communication, that generates desired trajectories for each of the members of the platoon. From the moment a single robot has complete knowledge of the path, the coordination scheme is based on leader-follower formation control. A trajectory tracking controller was developed in LabVIEW, while a ZigBee based wireless network was implemented for the platoon communication. To find the relative position of the leader for each robot, a sonar based localization algorithm was created, with position measurements through the robot’s encoders and orientation given from a magnetometer. For each robot seperately, the coordination algorithm was developed, that ensures that the platoon will achieve the original goal.

Vliv aktivit MAS Moravská cesta (Litovelsko-Pomoraví) na rozvoj regionu

Műllerová, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with analysis of redistribution and utilization of financial support in member municipalities LAG Moravská cesta between years 2008 - 2013 within the Rural Development Programme, specifically axis IV LEADER. The aim of this work is the realization of analysis of approved and implemented projects in the territory of each member municipalities and the subsequent identification of previously inactive area. Work is methodically built on the evaluation method they developed and based on the number of completed projects. For inactive area, the appropriate measures will be proposed for future effective and efficient redistribution of funds in response to identified needs carried out via public hearings. The results of the performed analysis of the territory LAG Moravská cesta have brought six municipalities which are inactive due to their low involvement in cooperation with MAS. In conclusion, the outputs of work were compared with the findings of similarly oriented works.

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