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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Vad jag än gör så kostar det..." : Upplevelsen och erfarenheten av ansträngningsutlöst försämring hos personer med Myalgisk Encefalomyelit/Kroniskt Trötthetssyndrom: En empirisk studie baserad på bloggar / “Whatever I do has a price...” : The experiences and perceptions of post-exertional malaise in people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A qualitative empirical study.

Dardani, Vedije, Lindgren, Sara, Svensson, Evelina January 2021 (has links)
Inledning: Myalgisk encefalomyelit/kroniskt trötthetssyndrom (ME/CFS) kännetecknas som en inflammation i hjärna och ryggmärg och karakteriseras framför allt av ihållande utmattning. Sjukdomen är ingen kultursjukdom eller lokal företeelse utan den förekommer i diverse åldrar, länder och sociala grupper. Ansträngningsutlöst försämring (PEM) är ett kardinalsymtom för sjukdomen. PEM kännetecknas av en förvärring av symtom efter rörelse, ortostatisk eller neuromuskulär stress och/eller kognitiv aktivitet. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva upplevelsen och erfarenheten av ansträngningsutlöst försämring (PEM) hos personer med ME/CFS. Metod: En kvalitativ empirisk studie baserad på bloggar med deduktiv ansats. Livsvärldsteorin användes som en teoretisk referensram. Resultat: Resultatet visade att personer med ME/CFS beskrev PEM som en påfrestande och dramatisk upplevelse och att det krävdes ständiga anpassningar för att undvika försämringen. Situationen förvärrades ytterligare av ett bristfälligt och empatilöst bemötande inom sjukvården. Slutsats: På grund av känslighet för stimuli behöver varje handling gentemot personer med diagnosen ME/CFS reflekteras över huruvida den är till nytta eller till skada. För att förhindra PEM måste vården anpassas utifrån individuella ansträngningströsklar hos varje enskild person. Vidare forskning behövs om vilka förändringar som krävs för att säkerställa högkvalitativ omvårdnad. / Introduction: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is characterized as inflammation of the brain and spinal cord and is characterized above all by persistent fatigue. The disease ME/CFS is not a cultural disease or a local phenomenon and It occurs in various ages, countries and social groups. PEM is characterized by an exacerbation of symptoms after movement, orthostatic or neuromuscular stress and / or cognitive activity. Purpose: The aim of this study was to describe the experiences and the perceptions of post-exertional malaise (PEM) in people with ME/CFS. Method: The study was a qualitative empirical study with a deductive approach based on blogs. Lifeworld was used as a theoretical framework. Result: The results showed that people with ME / CFS described PEM as a stressful and dramatic experience and that constant adjustments were required to avoid this deterioration. The situation was further aggravated by a deficient and unempathetic response in healthcare. Conclusion: Due to abnormal sensitivity to stimuli, each intervention for persons diagnosed with ME / CFS needs to be reflected on whether it is beneficial or harmful. To prevent PEM, healthcare must be adjusted based on the individual effort thresholds of each person. Further research is needed on what improvements are required to ensure high-quality nursing.


Calleja, Colin 15 July 2013 (has links)
This research set out to explore how a group of nine educators from a Catholic Church school in Malta, who have attended the Let Me Learn professional Learning process (LMLpLp), experienced personal and professional transformation. This study investigates those factors influencing participants in their transformative learning journey. It also explores the dynamics of transformative learning and whether individual transformation affects the school’s transformative learning experience. More specifically this study set out to explore how teachers who participated in the Let Me Learn professional Learning process have experienced transformative learning. This study takes a qualitative phenomenological approach. It seeks to identify phenomena of personal and professional transformative learning through the perceptions of the educators participating in this study. Through the use of the semi-structured interview it seeks to gather ‘deep’ data. This data represents the voices of these educators in narrative, thus emphasising the importance of the personal perspective and interpretation. This allowed this research to understand the subjective experience, motivation and actions of the participants. The Literature review informs the questions asked during the interview. The interview was used as a tool for gathering information regarding values, attitudes and beliefs of participants. Each interview was transcribed, translated (when response was given in Maltese) and categorised according to Mezirow’s ten stages. Excerpts from each stage were further processed to generate themes. The themes were later streamlined and an acceptable interpretive framework was created. Each interview excerpt was then analysed through the framework. Once all interviews were coded, detailed narratives were written. These narratives are meant to help the reader reflect on the process of transformative learning. It underscores those factors highlighted by the participants, which helped bring about both personal and professional transformative learning. This research has identified that individual constructs are strongly determined by an individual’s personal learning characteristics. Awareness of these personal learning characteristics (self-knowledge) helped educators assess their practice and understand how their personal characteristics were determining their approach to teaching and affecting their interpersonal relationships with students and colleagues. This research showed that transformative learning is a mutually interdependent experience. Individual transformation amounts to, and is influenced by, the collective transformation. This study highlighted the role of the school community in the pursuit of personal transformation. Yet another important finding of this research is the importance of a shared language of possibility. Through a shared language, a learning community can create a dialogic environment through which intentions, beliefs and interventions can be shared among the professional community. This research accentuates the importance of a shared language as a means of articulating a change in perspective. The study identified three main agents of change. The Let Me Learn team, as promoters and experts of this particular learning process; the teachers, who internalised the process and applied it to their practice; and the school’s senior management team, who internalised the Process, positioned it into the larger vision of the school and created a conducive environment through which the whole school community was empowered to take responsibility to bring about change in practice. A number of implications emerge from this study that could inform policy on teacher professional learning. A major implication concerns the importance of a shared language – a language that reflects the shared values and ideological position of the community. Such language frames the learning process, makes learning visible for teachers to be able to respond effectively with strategies that respect each learner’s learning preference and makes learning visible to the learner himself. Another implication from this study arises from the finding that the transformative learning process of any individual educator and effectively of the whole school community, goes beyond the effectiveness and limitations of any one professional development programme. True and deep-seated transformative learning comes from within the individual educator. This statement has serious repercussions on any professional development programme that aims to aid participants in their quest to transform their practice. This study also emphasised the importance that any professional development needs to be seated in the local experience and needs of the school community. Any attempts at developing comprehensive, nation-wide projects with pre-packaged approaches, are doomed to fail. What this research has shown is that for effective professional development, the identified outcomes need to correspond to the local needs of the school, rather than the national guidelines, detached from the realities of the particular school. Finally, this study accentuated the importance of incorporating mentoring support in any professional development proposal. Delivery of information and skills without follow-up tend to lead to superficial application. Transformative learning presupposes a period of shared reflection on practice and collegial mediation of ideas through contact between teachers and their leaders and on-the-job support from their professional development mentors.

Caractérisation de l'aérosol industriel et quantification de sa contribution aux PM2.5 atmosphériques / Characterization of industrial aerosol and quantifying its contribution to atmospheric PM2.5

Sylvestre, Alexandre 19 July 2016 (has links)
La connaissance des principales sources de l’aérosol permet d’améliorer, d’adapter et de cibler les mesures prises pour réduire les concentrations de particules fines. Ainsi, l’identification et la hiérarchisation des sources de particules fines sont des étapes essentielles à la mise en place d'une politique efficace d'amélioration de la qualité de l'air. Le travail mené durant cette thèse s’inscrit dans cette démarche puisqu'il avait pour objectif de quantifier les sources de PM2.5 en milieu industriel. Afin de répondre à cet objectif, deux campagnes de prélèvements ont été réalisés dont une sous les vents des principales activités industrielles afin de caractériser leurs émissions (profils) et une en zones urbaines caractéristiques de l’exposition de la population aux particules fines. Les résultats ont permis d'obtenir des empreintes représentatives des principales activités industrielles de la zone d'étude. L’analyse ME-2 menée a permis, avec la combinaison d’analyses radiocarbones, de déterminer que la source de combustion de biomasse est la source majoritaire pendant l’automne et l’hiver où les épisodes de PM2.5 ont été observés. La source industrielle est la source majoritaire des PM2.5 au printemps et en été mais ne constitue pas un driver fort de la concentration des PM2.5. Toutefois, cette étude a montré que les sources industrielles impactent significativement la population de particules (taille, composition, etc.) dans la zone d’étude. / In order to limit the impact of air quality on human health, public authorities need reliable and accurate information on the sources contribution. So, the identification of the main sources of PM2.5 is the first step to adopt efficient mitigation policies. This work carry out in this thesis take place in this issue and was to determine the main sources of PM2.5 inside an industrial area. To determinate the main sources of PM2.5, two campaigns were lead to collect daily PM2.5 to: 1/ determine the enrichment of atmospheric pollutants downwind from the main industrial activities and 2/ collect PM2.5 in urban areas characteristic of the population exposition. Results allowed to obtain very representative profiles for the main industrial activities implanted inside the studied area. ME-2 analysis, combined to radiocarbon measurements, allowed to highlight the very high impact of Biomass Burning sources for all the PM2.5 pollution events recorded from early autumn to March. This study showed that industrial sources, even if they are the major sources during spring and summer, are not the major PM2.5 driver. However, this study highlights that industrial sources impact significantly the aerosol population (size, composition, etc.) in the studied area.

Skräddarsy ditt bokningssystem för bättre användarvänlighet : Från en förenings perspektiv

Stegler, Albin January 2024 (has links)
This work was conducted with the intention of designing and developing a purpose-built booking system for the non-profit organization E-town Gaming. The purpose of the project is to develop a user friendly and purpose-made system to fulfill the associations specific needs and demands, to manage and administer bookings to a LAN event. Further on the goal was to answer the research questions about what disadvantages there is with premade booking systems and how you can improve the user experience with the principles from the book “Don’t Make Me Think.” To answer the questions a literature review, interview study and user tests was conducted. The results from the literature study identified important design principles to achieve user friendliness. The interview study with a person that had used the old booking system highlighted problems with the premade system and the user test decided if the implementation of the design principles from the book improved the user experience of the tool. From the collected data the system got designed and developed to book seats for a LAN event. The system provides functionality to manage user registration, choice of seat, form with personal information and confirmation of booking. The work showed that the implementation of design principles from the book improved the user experience. The users experienced the system as more clear, easier to use and more intuitive. From the interview problems such as support, cost and functionality were highlighted. / Detta arbete är utfört med avsikt att designa och utveckla ett anpassat bokningssystem för den ideella föreningen E-town Gaming. Syftet med arbetet var att utveckla ett användarvänligt och skräddarsytt system som uppfyller föreningens specifika krav och behov för att hantera bokningar till ett LAN evenemang. För att sedan besvara forskningsfrågorna om vilka nackdelar som finns med färdiga bokningssystem och hur man kan öka användarvänligheten med designprinciper från boken ”Don’t Make Me Think”. För att besvara frågorna utfördes en litteraturstudie, intervjustudie och användartester. Resultaten från litteraturstudien identifierade viktiga designprinciper för att uppnå användarvänlighet. Intervjustudien med en användare av det tidigare bokningsverktyget lyfte fram nackdelar med befintliga färdigutvecklade system och användartesterna bidrog till att hitta förbättringsområden i den egna prototypen och avgjorde om implementering av designprinciperna från boken förbättrade användarvänligheten av verktyget. Utifrån insamlade data designades och utvecklades ett nytt bokningssystem för bokning av platser till ett LAN event. Systemet tillhandahåller funktionalitet för användarregistrering, val av plats, formulär för personlig information och bekräftelse av bokning. Arbetet visade att implementeringen av designprinciper från boken förbättrade användarupplevelsen. Användarna upplevde systemet som tydligare, enklare att navigera och mer intuitivt. Från Intervjun lyftes många problemområden med ett färdigt bokningsverktyg som support, kostnad och funktionalitet.

Två vampyrer, två filmklippare : En undersökning i hur karaktärer framställs genom klippning i filmerna Låt den rätte komma in och Let me in

Löfquist, Mathias January 2015 (has links)
Kan klippningen i en film påverka hur en karaktär framställs och uppfattas av tittaren? Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att analysera och jämföra två utvalda scener från filmen Låt den rätte komma in och de två motsvarande scenerna i remaken Let me in. Detta för att se huruvida klippningen kan påverka hur karaktärerna upplevs och vilka skillnader det finns när det gäller vilken klippteknik som använts i de båda filmerna. Med hjälp av Jens Eders analysmodell Karaktärsklockan som används vid analys av karaktärer och Roger Crittendens teorier om filmklippning, undersöker uppsatsen hur karaktärerna framställs och upplevs genom användandet av olika klipptekniker. Resultatet visar på att det går att fastställa att klippningen har haft stor påverkan hur karaktärerna i Låt den rätte komma in och Let me in uppfattas av tittaren. Det är även väldigt tydligt att klippningen och valet av olika klipptekniker skiljer sig åt mellan de två scenerna och karaktärerna har således framställts på olika sätt.

Approche combinée théorie-expérience pour la catalyse d'hydrogénation asymétrique

Aloui, Asma 02 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Plusieurs études ont rapporté l'influence de la pression d'hydrogène, plus précisément la concentration réelle en hydrogène dissous dans le milieu réactionnel, sur l'énantiosélectivité des réactions d'hydrogénations catalytiques intervenant des catalyseurs à base de rhodium. Cependant, l'identification de l'étape ou les étapes enantiodéterminantes ou limitantes ainsi que l'explication de l'effet de la pression d'hydrogène sur cet étape, exigent la détermination des constantes cinétiques de chaque étape élémentaire. Ce projet de recherche vise une telle détermination en combinant deux études expérimentale et théorique. Dans un premier temps, un système catalytique présentant deux effets opposés de la pression de l'hydrogène en fonction de la nature du substrat, a été identifié : un effet néfaste avec le M-acrylate (MAA) et un effet bénéfique avec l'E-emap. Ensuite, deux études ont été menées sur les réactions d'hydrogénation de ces deux substrats par le Rh(I) /(R,R)-Me-BPE. L'étude cinétique expérimentale est basée sur le modèle cinétique proposé par Halpern dans le but d'estimer les paramètres cinétiques des différentes étapes élémentaires, alors que celle théorique consiste à étudier les différents chemins réactionnels possibles par calcul DFT en utilisant le logiciel de modélisation Gaussian 03. L'exploitation des résultats obtenus a permis de revisiter les concepts clés de la catalyse d'hydrogénation asymétrique et de mener une discussion par rapport à la fiabilité des méthodes théoriques à prévoir l'expérience.

The nature and function of dogma in the 'Symbolo-Fideisme' of the Paris School

Moscherosch, Gérard January 1952 (has links)
Symbolo-Fidéisme is a theological method resulting from the combination of two complementary teachings : "Symbolisme", an epistemology professed by Auguste Sabatier (1839-1901) and a soteriology, "Fidéisme", taught by Eugène Ménégoz (1838-1921). Symbolo-Fidéisme cannot be identified apart from these two men, it is therefore necessary, if we wish to grasp to a full extent its genesis and development, to gather some information concerning their life and work.

Färg och ljus i Låt den rätte komma in och Let Me In : En jämförande analys

Schönbeck, Lex, Symeonidis, Athanasios January 2017 (has links)
This thesis analyses and compares colour and light in the movies Låt den rätte komma in (2008) and Let Me In (2010). Under the analysis have earlier texts about colour and light been used to distinguish and interpret the material. The result of the analysis shows that there is a big difference between the movies. Why there is such a big difference between two adaptation of the same book have been discussed from a neoformalist perspective and through a cognitive approach. The difference between the colour and the lighting in the movies may be because they are made in two different countries for spectators that interpret the content in movies differently.

Making Leaders: Examining How Elementary School Students Develop an Understanding of Leadership and Show Emerging Leadership Tendencies

Evans, Sarah E. 01 January 2014 (has links)
Abstract MAKING LEADERS: EXAMINING HOW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS DEVELOP AN UNDERSTANDING OF LEADERSHIP AND SHOW EMERGING LEADERSHIP TENDENCIES By Sarah E. Evans, Ph.D. A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Virginia Commonwealth University. Virginia Commonwealth University, 2014 Director: Whitney Sherman Newcomb, Ph.D. Professor, Educational Leadership The purpose of this study was to understand how young children develop skills and concepts of leadership, when nurtured in a developmentally appropriate manner. Leadership was defined as a process that people use to bring out the best in themselves and others, while working towards a common purpose. This study examined a leadership curriculum, The Leader in Me, as it was being taught in an elementary school, grades K-5. The researcher used a qualitative lens to understand parents’ and teachers’ perceptions of the program, and the study findings indicated that The Leader in Me was used as both a way to teach leadership and for behavior modification. Teachers reported teaching leadership through direct instruction, informal instruction, curriculum materials, and practice. In addition, the children’s leadership behaviors were analyzed through the transformational leadership model to find The Leader in Me resulted in attempting to make transformational leaders. The children showed signs of transformational leadership through the behaviors of the 4 I’s: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. The data further showed positive gains in school culture, leadership development, and personal growth. Standardized testing pass rates were examined, but the researcher found the leadership program had no discernable impact on student achievement. This study found that there is merit in looking to our nation’s educational system to support the intentional process of developing leaders in schools. Keywords: leaders, leadership, leadership development in children, The Leader in Me, 7 Habits, transformational leadership

One Script, Two Perspectives: Generation Me and The Staging of Really Really

Bermudez, Jorge A. 01 January 2015 (has links)
One Script, Two Perspectives: Generation Me and The Staging of Really Really is a reflection on the approach, pre-production, rehearsal and post-production phases of the play, Really Really by Paul Downs Colaizzo, which debuted in the Shafer Street Playhouse on February 20, 2015 on the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University. The cast included Kaelie Ukrop, Adam Valentine, Ethan Malamud, Telos Fuller, Solomon Dixon, Molly Kaufman, and Katie Stoddard. This paper looks at the processes involved with the creation of that piece. Focus is given to the problems and challenges involved with casting, production, rehearsals, post-production and effective directing methods.

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