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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh výrobního procesu pro přístroje pro rentgenovou defektoskopii / Design of the Production Process for Devices of X-ray Defectoscopy

Čejka, Petr January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses in production business and its management. Theses propose and describe a manufacturing process for particular product. Production process is based on an analysis of final product. Production is scheduled in process form, so it includes process maps of production stages. Simultaneously with the planning, it also determines human needs for production, and calculation of its economics. Thesis also deals with the issue of product quality and suggests way to ensure quality in production.

Commissioning new applications on processing machines: Part I - process modelling

Troll, Clemens, Schebitz, Benno, Majschak, Jens-Peter, Döring, Michael, Holowenko, Olaf, Ihlenfeldt, Steffen 08 June 2018 (has links)
The subject of this splitted article is the commissioning of a new application that may be part of a processing machine. Considering the example of the intermittent transport of small-sized goods, for example, chocolate bars, ideas for increasing the maximum performance are discussed. Starting from an analysis, disadvantages of a conventional motion approach are discussed, and thus, a new motion approach is presented. For realising this new motion approach, a virtual process model has to be built, which is the subject of this article. Therefore, the real process has to be abstracted, so only the main elements take attention in the modelling process. Following, important model parameters are determined and verified using virtual experiments. This finally leads to the possibility to calculate useful operating speed–dependent trajectories using the process model.

Erarbeitung eines Workshopdesigns zur weiteren Ausarbeitung der Ergebnisse einer virtuellen Ideencommunity

Ebel, Philipp, Bretschneider, Ulrich, Leimeister, Jan Marco January 2012 (has links)
Obwohl virtuelle Ideencommunities (VIC) ein erfolgreiches Mittel zur Externalisierung von Kundenwissen darstellen, ist der Ausarbeitungsgrad der erzeugten Ideen oftmals zu gering, was zu einer verschlechterten Adaptierbarkeit der Ideen führt. Aus diesem Grund wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit ein Workshopdesign theoretisch entwickelt, welches zur gemeinschaftlichen Ausarbeitung und Strukturierung von Ideen, die in VICs erzeugt wurden, verwendet werden kann. Zur Erarbeitung des neuen Designs wird auf die Prinzipien des Collaboration Engineering zurückgegriffen, mit Hilfe dessen sich kollaborative Aufgaben systematisch analysieren und Gestaltungsempfehlungen für deren Design ableiten lassen. Als Resultat entsteht ein neues Workshopdesign, welches mit Hilfe einer detaillierten Agenda dargestellt wird. Damit liegt ein Konzept zur nahtlosen Erweiterung der, aus einer VIC resultierenden, Zusammenarbeit zwischen Kunden und Unternehmen im Rahmen des Open Innovation vor.

Märkbara renar : En digitaliserad och effektiv renmärkning

Eliasson, Lisa, Silawiang, Hatharat January 2021 (has links)
Idag utförs renmärkningen för att hålla koll på vilka renar som hör till vilken renägare. För att identifiera och särskilja renarna, räknas dem manuellt, alltså genom att personer går in i inhägnaden och prickar av renarna i en bok. Processen för att märka kalvarna kan ta upp mot två dagar beroende på om alla renarna har kommit in i inhägnaden, processen blir då lång och utdragen. Detta kommer vara utgångspunkterna i projektet, att identifiera renarna på ett mer effektivt och hållbart sätt. Detta är ett examensarbete för Högskoleingenjör Teknisk design vid Luleå tekniska universitet, som ska utveckla ett hållbart koncept genom att underlätta för renskötarna och effektivisera identifiering och dokumentering av renar. Genom att förena traditionell renmärkning med modern teknik tas ett hållbart koncept fram, som även minskar påfrestningen på renarna. Att kunna koppla ihop rätt kalv med rätt vaja och samla informationen på ett gemensamt ställe som är enkelt att hantera är ett krav på lösningen. Arbetet har följt IDEO:s trefasprocess för användarcentrerad design. Under faserna inspiration, ideation och implementation har olika metoder använts för att nå slutresultatet. Dessa metoder är exempelvis semistrukturerad intervju, benchmark, persona, workshops, Wireframes och simulering. Dessa metoder utgör en bra grund till arbetet och slutresultatet. Genom att ha återkommande kontakt med användaren har projektet genererat en lösning som är baserad på användarens behov. Resultatet blev en ny digitaliserad arbetsprocess innehållande RFID-chip som möjliggör automatisk hopparning och digital dokumentering. Denna arbetsprocess förenar den traditionella renmärkningen men effektiviserar de aktiviteter som idag tröttar ut renskötarna och renarna. Genom att ha bättre koll på renarna och deras avelsträd, gör att rätt ren i slutändan blir slaktad. Alltså renarna som är äldst eller har sämst förutsättningar. Det kan också bidra till att ekonomin blir stabilare då samma mängder renar slaktas varje år. Ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv gynnar detta ekonomisk hållbarhet. Social hållbarhet gynnas genom att skapa transparens inom samebyn och möjliggör att fler kan vara delaktiga under processen. Genom att hopparningen sker automatisk behöver inte renen stressas upp av människor som går omkring i hagen. Eftersom renens välbefinnande är en del i naturens ekologi bidrar det till ekologisk hållbarhet. / Today, reindeer marking is performed to keep track of which reindeer belong to which reindeer owner. To identify and distinguish the reindeer, they are counted manually, i.e., by people entering the enclosure and dotting the reindeer in a book. The process for marking the calves can take up to two days depending on whether all the reindeer have entered the enclosure, the process then becomes long and drawn out. This will be the starting points in the project, to identify the reindeer in a more efficient and sustainable way.  This work is for a bachelor’s thesis in industrial design engineering at Luleå University of Technology, which will develop a sustainable concept by making it easier for reindeer herders and make the identification and documentation of reindeer more effective. By combining traditional reindeer marking with modern technology, a sustainable solution is developed that also reduces the strain on the reindeer. Being able to connect the right calf with the right sway and gather the information in a common place that is easy to handle is a requirement for the solution.  The work has been followed by IDEO's three-phase process for user-centered design. During the phases inspiration, ideation and implementation, different methods have been used to achieve the end result. These methods are, for example, semi-structured interview, benchmark, persona, workshops, Wireframes and simulation. These methods form a good basis for the work and the end result. By having regular contact with the user, the project has generated a solution that is based on the user's needs.  The result was a new digitized work process containing RFID chips that enables automatic pairing and digital documentation. This work process unites the traditional reindeer marking but make the activities that today tire out the reindeer herders and reindeer more effective. By having a better look at the reindeer and their breeding trees, the right reindeer will eventually be slaughtered. That is, the reindeer that are the oldest or have the worst conditions. It can also contribute to a more stable economy as the same quantities of reindeer are slaughtered every year. From a sustainability perspective, this benefits economic sustainability. Social sustainability is benefited by creating transparency within the Sami village and enabling more people to be involved during the process. Because the connection takes place automatically, the reindeer do not have to be stressed by people walking around in the enclosure. Since the reindeer's well-being is part of nature's ecology, it contributes to ecological sustainability.

Entwicklung eines neuen digitalen Menschmodells für den Einsatz in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen

Spitzhirn, Michael, Bullinger, Angelika C. January 2013 (has links)
Der Einsatz von digitalen Menschmodellen erlaubt neben einer frühzeitigen ergonomischen Analyse die Gestaltung von Arbeitsprozessen und stellt ein hilfreiches Werkzeug in der Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung dar. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrages soll auf ausgewählte Schwerpunkte der Entwicklung des digitalen Menschmodells „The Smart Virtual Worker“ eingegangen werden. Das Forschungsprojekt soll einen Beitrag zur Lösung, der mit dem demografischen Wandel der Gesellschaft einhergehenden Herausforderungen leisten. Die daraus resultierenden Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen insbesondere in der Einbeziehung von Alterungs- und psychischen Faktoren in die Bewegungsgenerierung des Menschmodells und der Modellierung von Umweltbedingungen. In Umsetzung des Projektes wurde ein erstes Arbeitsszenario erarbeitet, auf dessen Basis die vorgenannten Forschungsaufgaben interdisziplinär gelöst werden sollen.

Operational performance driven production system design process

Islam, Md Hasibul January 2022 (has links)
The design process of a production system referred to as the production system design process (PSDP) impacts on the operational performancethroughout the lifecycle of the production system, especially on the rampupand operation phases. Despite the impact of activities of PSDP on the operational performance, how to manage the PSDP is still a challenge for manufacturing companies. Earlier research urged to develop a systematic PSDP concerning its impact on the operational performance. This thesis aims to contribute with knowledge of how manufacturingcompanies can manage the PSDP by investigating 1) the enablers in thePSDP that impact on operational performance in ramp-up and operation phases, and 2) how the lean production concept could be adopted tomanage the activities during the PSDP. A case study was conducted in aprocess type manufacturing company, where empirical data were collectedfrom three new production line launching projects by qualitative means. This thesis identifies a set of enablers in the PSDP that potentiallyimpact the operational performance after launching the productionsystem. Empirical findings demonstrate that ensuring proper actions onthe identified enablers in the PSDP could lead to higher operationalperformance of the designed production system. These enablers rangefrom the company´s internal boundary to external vendors, requiring asystematic way to manage these diverse aspects. Adopting the lean production concept in the PSDP context, this thesis proposes a model of Lean Production System Design Process, containing 13 principles andrelevant practices. The proposed model of lean PSDP could be used as a systematic processto manage the activities in the PSDP that would ensure proper actions related to the identified enablers. Empirical findings indicate that adoptionof lean in the PSDP could result in reducing lead time of launching a new production system, and achieving fast ramp-up and desired operational performance considering sustainability aspects. Finally, this thesis demonstrates how the lean PSDP could be a means to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage based on the resource based view theoretical perspective. / Utformningsprocessen av ett produktionssystem, i denna avhandlingkallad produktionssystemets utformningsprocess (PSUP), påverkar denoperativa prestandan under hela produktionssystemets livscykel, särskilt iupprampnings- och driftsfasen. Traditionellt sett ligger fokus underutformningsprocessen på att lansera det nya produktionssystemet vidplanerad tidpunkt och enligt budget. Trots att de aktiviteter somgenomförs i utformningsprocessen påverkar den operativa prestandan idriftsfasen, ägnas ofta mindre uppmärksamhet åt designfasen än vad somvore önskvärt. Tidigare forskning har argumenterat för att utveckla ensystematisk designprocess för framtagning av produktionssystem medsyfte att nå en positiv påverkan på den operativa prestandan. Forskningen i denna avhandling bidrar till att öka kunskapen om hurPSUP kan hanteras och förbättras genom att identifiera: 1) möjliggörare i PSUP som påverkar den operativa prestandan i upprampnings- ochdriftfasen, och 2) hur lean konceptet skulle kunna användas för att hanteraaktiviteterna under PSUP. Resultatet är identifieringen av ett antal faktorer/möjliggörare iproduktionssystemets utformningsprocess (PSUP) som potentiellt kanpåverka den operativa prestandan efter lansering av produktionssystemetoch produktionsstart. Dessa möjliggörare handlar om alltifrån frånföretagets interna gränser till externa leverantörer och kräver ensystematisk procedur för att dra nytta av faktorernas potential. Genom attanvända lean även i PSUP-sammanhanget, föreslås här konceptet Lean PSUP (produktionssystemsutformningsprocess), som innehåller 13 principer och relevanta praxis. Den föreslagna modellen för lean PSUP skulle kunna användas och gestruktur till hanteringen av aktiviteterna i utformningsprocessen.Forskningen indikerar att lean inte bara kan användas i driftsfasen utanäven i utformningen av ett produktionssystem, vilket skulle kunnaresultera i bättre integration mellan olika funktioner, minska ledtiden förutformning och lansering av ett nytt produktionssystem, och uppnå snabbupprampning och önskad operativ prestanda, både avseende produktionoch hållbarhet. Slutligen visar denna avhandling hur lean PSUP kan varaett sätt att uppnå konkurrensfördelar ur ett resursbaserat teoretiskt perspektiv.

Проектирование технологического процесса обработки корпусной детали «Корпус адаптера» с элементами исследования средств технологического обеспечения операций в условиях автоматизированного производства : магистерская диссертация / Designing the process of processing the body parts "Adapter housing" with elements of research of technological support tools for operations in automated production conditions

Пупырева, А. С., Pupyreva, A. S. January 2019 (has links)
Работа выполнена на основании данных АО «НПО автоматики». Дипломный проект состоит из трех частей: Технологической, которая включает: описание конструкции детали; определение типа производства; разработку концепции механической обработки детали; выбор вида заготовки и метода её получения; конструирование заготовки и определение общих припусков на обработку; составление планов обработки каждой поверхности в соответствии с этапами обработки; разработку маршрута, включающего назначение базовых поверхностей, выбор станочного оборудования и технологической оснастки; моделирование эскизов на каждую операцию; определение операционных допусков и припусков на обрабатываемые поверхности; определение операционных размеров на обрабатываемые поверхности; выбор режимов обработки; определение норм времени на каждую операцию; оформление рабочей технологической документации. Конструкторской, которая включает: определение потребной силы закрепления (силовой расчёт); выбор и расчёт механизированного привода; точностной анализ приспособления; эскизное конструирование общего вида приспособления; проектирование контрольного приспособления; оформление рабочей конструкторской документации. Научно-исследовательской, которая включает экспериментальное исследование влияния режима резания на качество обрабатываемой поверхности из алюминиевого сплава АМг6 с последующим выводом уравнения регрессии. Графическая часть – 15 листов формата А1; Таблиц – 89; Рисунков – 44; Количество используемых источников – 19. / The work was performed on the basis of the data of JSC "NPO Automation". The graduation project consists of three parts: 1. Technological, which includes: description of the construction details; determining the type of production; development of the concept of machining parts; selection of the type of workpiece and the method of its receipt; design of the workpiece and the definition of total allowances for processing; drawing up plans for the treatment of each surface in accordance with the processing steps; development of the route, including the assignment of base surfaces, the choice of machine equipment and tooling; modeling sketches for each operation; Determination of operating tolerances and allowances for machined surfaces; determination of the operating dimensions of the treated surface; selection of processing modes; determination of time norms for each operation; registration of working technological documentation. Design, which includes: determination of the required strength of fastening (force calculation); selection and calculation of a mechanized drive; accuracy analysis of the device; conceptual design of the general form of the device; design of the control device; design of working design documentation. 3. Research, which includes an experimental study of the influence of the cutting mode on the quality of the processed surface of aluminum alloy AMg6 with the subsequent derivation of the regression equation. - Graphic part - 15 sheets of A1 format; - Tables - 89; Figures -40; The number of sources used - 18.

<b>Development of a Sustainability-Oriented Decision-Making Framework and Computational Tool for Energetic and Critical Material Evaluations</b>

Anusha Sivakumar (18777499) 06 June 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The modern world faces many challenges related to sustainability, including the ability to make high-level decisions using a sustainability-oriented framework, a matter of increasing importance to the United States military with respect to energetic materials (EMs). Although a few pieces - process flowsheet optimization, life cycle assessment (LCA) studies, and the use of optimization tools to identify an option - have been studied and utilized, there exists no systematic approach that combines all these pieces to create a framework that allows for holistic decision making. This is especially true with EMs, other key critical materials, and new methods of manufacture. An interconnected framework for LCA-based decision making is developed and a tool based on this framework created for use with novel materials. The interconnected framework and tool are utilized in two case studies related to the manufacture of RDX- a lab-scale, batch-mode configuration and a simplified continuous-mode configuration, to determine the optimal reaction temperature.</p>

A novel approach for the development of policies for socio-technical systems

Taeihagh, Araz January 2011 (has links)
The growth in the interdependence and complexity of socio-technical systems requires the development of tools and techniques to aid in the formulation of better policies. The efforts of this research focus towards developing methodologies and support tools for better policy design and formulation. In this thesis, a new framework and a systematic approach for the formulation of policies are proposed. Focus has been directed to the interactions between policy measures, inspired by concepts in process design and network analysis. Furthermore, we have developed an agent-based approach to create a virtual environment for the exploration and analysis of different configurations of policy measures in order to build policy packages and test the effects of changes and uncertainties while formulating policies. By developing systematic approaches for the formulation and analysis of policies it is possible to analyse different configuration alternatives in greater depth, examine more alternatives and decrease the time required for the overall analysis. Moreover, it is possible to provide real-time assessment and feedback to the domain experts on the effect of changes in the configurations. These efforts ultimately help in forming more effective policies with synergistic and reinforcing attributes while avoiding internal contradictions. This research constitutes the first step towards the development of a general family of computer-based systems that support the design of policies. The results from this research also demonstrate the usefulness of computational approaches in addressing the complexity inherent in the formulation of policies. As a proof of concept, the proposed framework and methodologies have been applied to the formulation of policies that deal with transportation issues and emission reduction, but can be extended to other domains.

Development of virtual and augmented reality environment for manufacturing / Ανάπτυξη περιβάλλοντος εικονικής και επαυξημένης πραγματικότητας για την παραγωγή

Ρέντζος, Λουκάς 07 July 2015 (has links)
Σκοπός της εργασίας είναι η μελέτη της ανάπτυξης περιβάλλοντος εικονικής και επαυξημένης πραγματικότητας για την υποστήριξη ανθρωποκεντρικών διεργασιών στον τομέα της παραγωγής. Οι τεχνολογίες εικονικής και επαυξημένης πραγματικότητας μπορούν να μειώσουν σημαντικά το χρόνο και το κόστος ανάπτυξης προϊόντων και διεργασιών στην παραγωγή. Αυτή τη στιγμή υπάρχει ένα μεγάλο χάσμα μεταξύ των συμβατικών CAD-βασιζόμενων μεθόδων και των μεθόδων προηγμένης προτυποποίησης και επικύρωσης που προσφέρει η χρήση της εικονικής και επαυξημένης πραγματικότητας. Συνεπώς, υπάρχει ανάγκη εμπλουτισμού των εικονικών περιβαλλόντων με νοημοσύνη, μέσω ενσωμάτωσης της γνώσης, επιτρέποντας την πραγματοποίηση πολύπλοκων εργασιών, μειώνοντας την ανάγκη για ανάπτυξη φυσικών πρωτοτύπων και αυξάνοντας τη δυνατότητα επαναχρησιμοποίησης. Αφενός, περιβάλλοντα επαυξημένης πραγματικότητας που βασίζονται σε σημασιολογική γνώση καθώς και νέες μέθοδοι αλληλεπίδρασης με τον χρήστη μπορούν να παρέχουν τα μέσα για την επανατοποθέτηση του ανθρώπου στην παραγωγική διαδικασία. Αφετέρου, περιβάλλοντα εικονικής πραγματικότητας σε συνδυασμό με τη σημασιολογική γνώση μπορούν να παρέχουν μεθόδους και εργαλεία που ενσωματώνουν τις 3D γεωμετρίες με τις πληροφορίες και τη γνώση, έτσι ώστε οι μηχανικοί να μπορούν αποτελεσματικά να αξιολογήσουν και να διαχειρίζονται εικονικά πρωτότυπα σε ένα εμβυθισμένο και διαδραστικό περιβάλλον. Εντός της παρούσας διατριβής, αναπτύχθηκε μια γενική VR και AR προσέγγιση βασισμένη στην ανάλυση της ανθρώπινης εργασίας και των μεθόδων χαρτογράφησης της γνώσης που υλοποιούνται σε ένα πλαίσιο εικονικής και επαυξημένης πραγματικότητας. Το πλαίσιο VR/AR έχει αναπτυχθεί για να χρησιμοποιηθεί με την προσέγγιση μεθόδου δύο σταδίων χρησιμοποιώντας προηγμένες τεχνικές αλληλεπίδρασης. Η μέθοδος και το πλαίσιο που αναπτύχθηκαν επιβεβαιώνονται μέσα από μια σειρά πραγματικών δοκιμών στην παραγωγή, τόσο της αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίας όσο και της αεροδιαστημικής βιομηχανίας. Τέλος, η αξιολόγηση των προτεινόμενων μεθόδων και του πλαισίου βασίζεται σε πραγματικές δοκιμές στη βιομηχανία με χρήση ποσοτικών δεικτών, επιβεβαιώνοντας τη βελτίωση της ροής εργασιών σε σύγκριση με τη συμβατική. / The aim of this work is to study the development of virtual and augmented reality environment for the support of human-based processes in manufacturing. Virtual and augmented reality technologies can significantly reduce the development time and cost of products and processes in manufacturing. However there is currently a big gap between the conventional CAD-based processes and the advanced prototyping and validation methods offered with the use of VR and AR technology. There is a need for the virtual environments to be enriched with intelligence through the incorporation of knowledge. This will allow for complex tasks to be carried out, thus reducing the need for an ad hoc development, while the reusability of such an environment will be increased. On the one hand, augmented reality environments based on semantic knowledge and new user interaction methods can provide the means for putting the human back in the process loop at manufacturing level. On the other hand, virtual reality environments coupled with semantic knowledge can provide methods and tools that integrate 3D geometries with information/knowledge so that engineers can effectively evaluate and manipulate virtual prototypes in an immersive and interactive environment. Within the current dissertation, a generic VR and AR approach is developed based on human task analysis and knowledge mapping methods that are implemented in a Virtual and Augmented Reality Framework. The VR/AR framework is developed to be used with the two-step method approach using advanced interaction techniques. The developed method and framework are validated through a series of real life manufacturing test cases derived from both the automotive and aerospace industrial practices. Finally, an evaluation of the proposed methods and framework is carried out, based on one of the industrial test cases using quantitative metrics, giving insight on to the improvement of the engineering workflow using the proposed work compared with the conventional physical workflow.

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