Spelling suggestions: "subject:"decstore"" "subject:"4store""
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Tecnologia da informação na competitividade e gestão de lojas de departamentos de vestuário e moda. / Information technology in the competitiveness and management of clothing and fashion department stores.Santos, Sergio Luiz dos 08 June 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa descrever, em termos de eficiência e de eficácia, a aplicação da Tecnologia da Informação (TI) em um segmento específico do varejo, as lojas de departamentos de vestuário e moda, com o objetivo de entender como e porque a TI tem contribuído para a competitividade neste segmento, sem abordar o aspecto financeiro. A metodologia de pesquisa utilizada envolveu um levantamento teórico seguido de dois estudos de caso, que envolveram uma rede de lojas de departamento de vestuário e moda e uma empresa implantadora de sistemas de informação neste segmento. A análise dos resultados envolveu o uso de um modelo de análise dos impactos da TI nas organizações, uma comparação ou ajustamento entre a teoria e as informações coletadas e o desenho de um quadro de referência das tecnologias utilizadas no setor. Como conclusão, temos que a TI contribui para a competitividade destas empresas por meio de absorção rápida do comportamento do cliente e das tendências da moda, de maneira a transformá-las em produtos atualizados e em sincronia com a demanda do mercado. / The present work aims to describe, in effectiveness and efficiency terms, the Information Technology (IT) application in a specific segment of the retail, the clothing and fashion department stores. The objective is to understand the reasons and ways IT has contributed for the competitiveness in this segment, without a financial approach. The methodology involved a theoretical revision followed by two case studies, that had involved a clothing and fashion department stores company and a information systems company that operates in the same segment. The analysis involved the use of a analysis model of the IT impacts in the organizations called MAN/TI, a comparison between theory and the collected information and the constructing of a framework of the technologies used in this sector. As a conclusion, it was found that Information Technology contributes for the competitiveness of these companies not only by fast absorption of the customers behavior but also by the fashion trends informations, aiming to transform this collected information into up to date products.
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En studie om köpbeteende och säljteknik : berörande outletbutik respektive concept store / An examination about shopping behavior and selling techniques : regarding a factory outlet store versus a concept store.GUSTAVSSON, RIKARD January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att försöka förstå vilka betydelsefulla delar som Acne bör fokusera på isamband med försäljning via outletbutik respektive concept store. Frågeställningarna syftartill att undersöka om varumärkets profil förändras genom att fler konsumenter har tillgång tillvarumärket genom en outletbutik. Ett annat delproblem inriktar sig på köpbeteende och hurdet förändras liksom säljtekniken i en outletbutik i jämförelse med en concept store. Vårstudie har genomförts med både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder i egenskap av intervjuer,marknadsundersökningar samt observationer. Problemformuleringen har besvarats utifrån tvåempiriska perspektiv, företagets och konsuments perspektiv. Vår avgränsning har gjorts tillvarumärket Acne, deras concept store i Göteborg och deras outletbutik på Freeport DesignerOutlet Village i Kungsbacka. De två olika perspektiven har använts för att beskriva ochanalysera de olika synvinklar samt teorin som använts för att utifrån det kunna dra slutsatser.Vi anser att de betydelsefulla delar Acne bör fokusera på i samband med försäljning viaoutletbutik respektive concept store är säljteknik och visual merchandising. Vi grundarslutsatsen på den analys vi genomfört och anser att aspekterna bör tillhandahållas på de bådaförsäljningsplatserna. En rad olika steg innefattas i en kunds köpprocess där inga markantaskillnader utmärktes av köpbeteendet i jämförelse mellan en concept store och en outletbutik.Utgången av vår analys har resulterat i att trovärdheten av varumärket genom outlet-konceptetkan ta skada på lång sikt utifall det missbrukas. / Program: Butikschefsutbildningen
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Att kommunicera och utforma ett erbjudande : en studie av företaget GANTTRULSSON, MICHAELA, KARLSSON, JENNY January 2011 (has links)
I dag blir det allt mer viktigt för modeföretagen att sticka ut och komma med annorlunda erbjudanden för att kunna konkurrera med de andra modeföretagen som finns på marknaden. Konsumtionen har blivit en livsstil och vi skapar vår identitet och personlighet genom den. För människan är det viktigt att tillhöra en grupp, vilket bidrar till att det skapas en märkeshets, där till exempel skjortmärket talar om för andra vilka vi är och vad vi står för.Då konkurrensen har ökat är det viktigare för företagen att jobba med långsiktiga kundrelationeroch aktivt jobba med att locka till sig nya kunder, samt behålla dem. I dag är det större konkurrens om kunderna, därför blir erbjudande företagen förmedlar allt viktigare. Lägger företaget ner tid på att få fram ett bra erbjudande och differentierar sig blir kommunikationen till kunden tydligare vilket i sin tur leder till att företaget får tillfredsställda kunder och högre omsättning. Ett företag måste kunna erbjuda något mer än enbart den fysiska produkten för att höja värdet hos kunden.Vårt huvudproblem och delproblem i uppsatsen är:- Vilka betydelsefulla delar bör ingå i GANT´s erbjudande till konsumenten för att åstadkomma positiva attityder och beteenden?- På vilket sätt kommunicerar GANT sitt erbjudande för att nå fram till konsumenten?Syftet med vår uppsats är att undersöka, diskutera och analysera vilka beståndsdelar som ska ingå i erbjudandet som riktar sig till GANT konsumenten. Syftet är även att ta reda på hur GANT kommunicerar sitt erbjudande till konsumenterna.Under uppsatsens gång kommer vi att tillämpa teorierna; kundnärhetens nycklar, marknadsmixenoch kommunikationsprocessen. Vi kommer även använda oss av storytelling samt begreppenattityder och beteenden. För att kunna ge svar på vår problemformulering har vi utfört enwebbenkätundersökning, en påstana intervju samt två personliga intervjuer med personer inomföretaget GANT.Vi kommer att avgränsa oss till klädkedjan GANT och till deras dam och herrsortiment. I vår webbenkätundersökning och påstana kommer vi att avgränsa oss till kvinnor och män som någon gång har handlat på GANT.Vi har fått fram att de viktigaste delarna i GANT´s erbjudande som genererar positiva attityder och beteenden är; kvalitet, design och service samt att kunderna är villiga att betala lite mer för att få en bra produkt. Genom våra personliga intervjuer har vi förstått att GANT jobbar med en hög kundnärhet och service samt att de använder sig av traditionell marknadsföring. / Program: Butikschef, textil och mode
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Étude de Faisabilité d'Études Consommateurs d'Achat de Fruits et Légumes « Moches » dans un Supermarché Virtuel / Feasibility Study of Consumer Behavior Studies when Buying “Ugly” Fruits and Vegetables in a Virtual SupermarketVerhulst, Adrien 02 July 2018 (has links)
La grande distribution affiche une politique anti-gaspillage et a ainsi proposé dès 2014des Fruits et Légumes (F&Ls) « moches » [109] à la vente. Mais ces ventes sont temporaires et locales,et ont des effets peu étudiés sur le comportement des consommateurs. Nous proposons ici d'étudier si un magasin virtuel immersif (dans lequel nous contrôlons les F&Ls) peut être utilisé pour étudier le comportement des consommateurs confronté à des F&Ls « moches ». Afin d'avoir assez de F&Ls pour remplir le magasin virtuel, nous avons généré des F&Ls d'apparences variables de manière semi-procédurale comme suit :(1) nous générons le maillage avec des Cylindres Généralisés (CGs) [6] ; puis (2) gêneront les couleurs avec un système de particule.Nous avons réalisé 2 études comparatives (resp.N=142 et N=196). L'une portant sur le comportement consommateur lorsque les F&Ls sont plus ou moins anormaux (8F&Ls séparés en 4 groupes : sans déformation,légèrement déformés, déformés et fortement déformés). Ces différences n'avaient pas d'incidences sur le comportement. L'autre portait sur le comportement consommateur lorsque l'environnement est plus ou moins immersif (8 F&Ls sans déformation et 8 F&Ls déformés, séparés en 3groupes : magasin laboratoire, magasin virtuel non immersif et magasin virtuel immersif). Il existe des différences entre ces environnements sur le comportement. Enfin, nous avons étudié si la représentation virtuelle du consommateur avait un effet lors de l'achat des produits (incluant, mais ne se limitant pas aux F&Ls) nous avons donc réalisé une étude (N=29) avec 2 groupes : avatar obèse et avatar non-obèse. Il existe des différences localisées entre ces représentations sur le comportement consommateur. / The retail sector has an anti-waste policyand has therefore offered “ugly” FaVs (Fruits and Vegetables) for sale as early as 2014 [109]. But these sales remain temporary and local and have little studied effects on consumer behavior. We propose here to study if an immersive virtual store (in which we control the FaVs) can be used to study consumer behavior confronted to “ugly” FaVs To have enough “ugly” FaVs to fill the virtual store, we developed a method capable of generatings emiprocedural FaVs. To do so we: (1) generate the mesh with Generalized Cylinders (GCs) [6]; then (2) generate the colors with a particle system.We conducted 2 comparative studies (N=142 andN=196 respectively). The first study focused on consumer behavior when the FaVs are abnormal (8 FaVs separated into 4groups: no deformation, slightly deformed, deformed and strongly deformed). These differences had no impact on consumer behavior. The other study focused on consumer behavior when the environment is more or less immersive (8 FaVs without deformation and 8 FaVs with deformation, separated into 3 groups: laboratory store, non immersive virtual store and immersive virtual store).There are differences between these environments on consumer behavior. Finally, we studied if the virtual representation of the consumer had an impact during the purchase of products (including, but not limited to, FaVs). To do so we carried out a third consumer study (N=29) (2groups: obese avatar and non-obese avatar). There are very localized differences between these representations on consumer behavior.
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Butikskommunikationens viktiga roll / The Importance Of Visual MerchandisingPaavola, Stina, Wimby, Fanny January 2012 (has links)
Studien är främst till för att bringa klarhet i hur en butik bör arbeta med visuell marknadsföring för att nå konsumenten och skapa en positiv reaktion hos denne. Vi har dessutom undersökt vikten av relationen till kunden, och hur företaget arbetar med det genom relationsmarknadsföring. Vi har fått fram vårt resultat genom marknadsundersökningar och observationer inne i och i anslutning till en butik, samt genom en intervju med den ansvarige för butikskommunikationen i samma butik. Till vår hjälp har vi arbetat med Peak Performens Borås, det är kring denna butik hela studien kretsar.Den personliga intervjun med den person som är ansvarig för butikskommunikationen på Peak Performens Borås gav oss information om problem och utmaningar ur deras synvinkel. Materialet gav oss även bra bakgrundsinformation att jämföra resultaten från marknadsundersökningarna och observationerna med. De två marknadsundersökningar vi genomförde innehöll frågor relaterade till varuexponeringen baserat på reaktioner och respons från konsumenterna i och utanför butiken. Båda undersökningarna redovisas genom diagram under kapitel 4, där det kan utläsas att konsumentens spontana reaktion på både exponeringen inne i och utanför butiken är något sval. Responsen ligger till stor del till grund för senare diskussion samt förslag till framtida förbättringar. De två observationerna av konsumentbeteende ägde den ene rum inne i, och den andra utanför butiken. Resultatet från inne i butiken redovisas med planritning under kapitel 4, där en viktig del är att se var kunden stannat till för att titta närmare på något. Vi separerade män från kvinnor för att se skillnaderna mellan deras rörelsemönster. I observationen kunde vi bland annat utläsa att männens rörelseschema höll ett bättre flöde samt att junioravdelningens placering är något generös. Den andra observationen genomfördes utanför butiken, och visar på hur mycket skyltfönstrets innehåll påverkar beslutsfattandet över valet att besöka en butik samt vad som drog till sig uppmärksamhet i skyltningen. Genom vår studie kom vi fram till att den visuella marknadsföringen har en stor påverkan på konsumenten, men även andra faktorer som ex. ljud och trängsel har stor påverkan. För att stå ut från mängden och nå kunderna genom bruset (konkurrenters och allmänhetens påverkan) måste företaget ha en bra plan för marknadsföringen. Mindre butiker bör speciellt använda sig av kundklubbar och sociala medier för att synas mer samt skapa en bra relation till sina kunder. The study is mainly to clarify how a store should work with visual merchandising to reach consumers and create a positive reaction from them. We have also investigated the importance of the relationship with the customer, and how the company works with it through relationship marketing. We have presented our results through a market research, observations and through an interview with the head of the visual merchandising at the same store. To our help we had the Peak Performens Store in Borås, it's in this store the study has been taken place.The personal interview with the person responsible for in-store communication at Peak Performens Borås gave us information about problems and challenges from their perspective. The material also gave us good background information to compare the results of market research and observations with.The two market research we conducted included questions related to product presentation, based on reactions and feedback from consumers in and outside the store. Both studies are reported by diagrams in Chapter 4, where you can see that the consumer's immediate reaction on exposure both inside and outside the store is a bit neutral. The response is largely the basis for later discussion and suggestions for future improvements for the store.The two observations of consumer behavior was one place inside, and the other one outside the store. Profit from the inside of the store is reported in a plan in Chapter 4, where an important part is to see where the customer stopped and look at something. We separated men from women to see the differences between their movements. In the observation we could see that the men's movements were in a better flow and that the junior division had a generous place in the store. The second observation was outside the store, and it shows how much the contents of the display windows affects decision-making about the choice to visit a store and what has attracted the attention from the display windows.Through our study we found that the visual merchandising has a major impact on the consumer, but also other factors, noise and crowding people has also a major impact. To stand out from the crowd and reach the customers through the noise (competitors and the public's influence) the company must have a good marketing plan. Small retailers should especially make use of clubs for the consumer and social networks to be more visible and create a good relationship with their customers. / Program: Butikschefsutbildningen
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Design of an off-grid renewable-energy hybrid system for a grocery store: a case study in Malmö, SwedenGhadirinejad, Nickyar January 2018 (has links)
On planet Earth, fossil fuels are the most important sources of energy. However, these resources are limited and being depleted dramatically throughout last decades. Finding feasible substitutes of these resources is an essential duty for humanity. Fortunately, Mother Nature is providing us a number of good solutions for this crucial threat against our planet. Solar irradiance, wind blowing, oceanic and maritime waves are natural resources of energy that are capable of completely covering the annual consumption of all inhabitants on the Earth. In this research a set of components including “Northern Power NPS 100-24” wind generators, “Kyocera KD 145 SX-UFU” PV arrays, “Gildemeister 10kW-40kWh Cellcube” battery bank and HOMER bi-directional converter system were considered and successfully applied on HOMER tool and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method. The main design goals of the presented hybrid system are to use 100% renewable energy resources in the commercial sector, where all power is produced in the immediate vicinity of the business place, adding strong advertising values to the setup. In order to supply hourly required load for a grocery store (1000 ) in Malmö city with 115 kW peak load and 2002 kWh/d with maximum 0.1% unmet, the system was optimized to achieve minimum Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) and the lowest Net Present Cost (NPC). The HOMER simulation for quantitative analysis, along with a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) solution method is proposed and the results are compared. The results show that an optimized hybrid system with 3.12 LCOE, and power production of 28.5% by PV arrays and 71.5% by wind generators, is the best practice for this case study. / De fossila bränslena är idag de viktigaste energikällorna på jorden. Dessa resurser är dock begränsade och har utarmats i en allt högre takt under de senaste decennierna. Att hitta möjliga ersättare för dessa resurser är därför viktigt. Lyckligtvis tillhandahåller naturen ett antal bra lösningar för detta avgörande hot mot vår planet. Solstrålning, vind, havsströmmar och -vågor är naturliga resurser av energi som kan täcka hela den årliga globala förbrukningen. I den här rapporten studeras ett hybridsystem bestående av Northern Power NPS 100-24 vindkraftverk, Kyocera KD 145 SX-UFU solcellerspaneler, Gildemeister 10kW-40kWh Cellcube batteribank och HOMER dubbelriktad växelriktare. Detta modellerades och optimerades dels i mjukvaran HOMER, dels via optimeringsmetoden Particle Swarm Optimaization (PSO). Det övergripande designkravet för det presenterade hybridsystemet är att använda 100% förnyelsebar energi i en kommersiell verksamhet, där all elektricitet produceras i närhet av verksamheten, vilket kan ge tydliga marknadsföringsvärden till installationen. För att kunna möta energibehovet varje timme för en livsmedelsbutik (1000 ) i Malmö med 115 kW toppförbrukning och 2002 kWh/dag, med maximalt 0,1% ej mött behov, optimerades systemet för att uppnå minimal energikostnad (Levelized Cost of Energy, LCOE) och lägsta nettonuvärde (Net Present Cost, NPC). En HOMER-simulering för kvantitativ analys, tillsammans med en PSO-optimering, har genomförts och resultaten har jämförts. Resultaten visar att ett optimerat hybridsystem med LCOE på 3,12 SEK/kWh, där solceller står för 28,5% av kraftproduktionen och vindkraftverk för 71,5%, är den bästa lösningen för denna fallstudie.
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The influence of perceived social risk and buying behaviour on apparel store choice decision among generation Y female students within the Sedibeng districtMaziriri, Eugine Tafadzwa 04 1900 (has links)
M.. Tech. (Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences), Vaal University of Technology / Store choice has become an area of concern for a retailer, with no clear verdict as to what drives customers in the selection of a store. Shopping at the right store with the right social reputation may be essential for many customers. Therefore, the dynamic store choice decision can be conceptualised as a problem of deciding where and when to shop. The primary objective of this study was to determine the influence of perceived social risk and buying behaviour on apparel retail store choice among Generation Y female students within the Sedibeng district. This study focused on perceived social risk, as the literature shows that publically consumed products are the ones with a high level of social risk and the consumer’s need for social acceptance with regards to brand and store choices. This study also looked at the buying behaviour of apparel by Generation Y female students within the Sedibeng district because in today’s increasingly complex retail environment, an understanding of consumers’ buying behaviour and their knowledge of products and services is critical for high quality business decisions. In addition, an understanding of consumers’ buying behaviour will assist retailers to segment their client base and target specific customer groups with strategies designed to meet their retail needs. A quantitative research approach was used for this study and a non-probability convenience sampling procedure was adopted in this study. A structured questionnaire was utilised to survey 400 students from the two universities in the Sedibeng district. The target population for this study was restricted to Generation Y female students within the two universities, namely Vaal University of Technology (VUT) and North West University (NWU). Pre-testing and a pilot study preceded the main survey and reliabilities were measured using the Cronbach alpha coefficients. Out of 400 questionnaires sent to the participants, a total of 370 responses were received and this resulted in a return rate of 92.5 percent for the main study. The statistical analysis of the collected data included descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling to test the posited hypothesis.
The analysis results of the factor analysis showed that based on the Kaiser-Guttman rule, for each of the constructs (perceived social risk, buying behaviour and retail store choice) only two factors that have intrinsic value greater than one were extracted. For the perceived social risk construct, two factors, which were labelled anxiousness and significant others were extracted and for the buying behaviour construct two factors, which were labelled acceptance and reaction were extracted. Lastly, for the retail store choice construct, two factors, which were labelled word of mouth as well as
convenience and physical characteristics of the store were extracted through the exploratory factor analysis technique.
According to the results of the structural equation modelling analysis, the tested relationships produced satisfactory results consistent with how they were hypothesised. Specifically, it appeared that there is a direct relationship between perceived social risk and buying behaviour. Buying behaviour also has a positive effect on retail store choice and finally, perceived social risk has a good impact, but there is no significant influence on retail store choice as indicated by the findings.
Insights gained from this study will assist marketers of apparel products to increase the patronage levels in their stores by expediting the factors identified in this study. Moreover, these findings may enable apparel retail store managers to comprehensively understand how perceived social risk influences a consumer’s retail store choice and to predict as well as develop a current view of the buying behaviour of female Generation Y consumers, thereby facilitating the evelopment and implementation of more effective marketing strategies in their stores. Implications of the findings are discussed and limitations and future research directions are alluded to.
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Komparace dvou systémů prodeje společnosti adidas ČR s.r.o. / Comparison of Two Sales Systems at adidas ČR s.r.o.Dolejší, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
The primary aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate the pros and cons of two types of sales systems at adidas ČR, i.e. the franchise stores and own adidas Concept Stores. On the basis of an analysis of the compared sales systems, the thesis suggests improvement measures for both systems and provides recommendations for similar types of retail formats. The thesis should make clear the issue of running a franchised business as compared to running an own retail shop of adidas ČR s.r.o. by introducing both sales systems. The theoretical part is based on a search of both Czech and world professional literature, it deals with the basic retailing and franchising terms, the forms of cooperation in retailing, and an assessment of the current market development. The practical part studies the two aforesaid sales systems at adidas ČR s.r.o.
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Design de lojas de moda: um estudo dos padrões utilizados nas lojas fast fashion / Fashion store design: a study of patterns used in fast fashion storesFrança, Marcia Machado 18 September 2017 (has links)
Este estudo analisa os aspectos do design de lojas de varejo de moda por meio de variáveis tangíveis presentes nos espaços da rede de varejo do vestuário do modelo fast fashion. O modelo fast fashion vem consolidando sua presença no mercado de vestuário de moda por meio de um modelo inovador no ciclo de desenvolvimento de produtos, no abastecimento das lojas e na própria distribuição por meio de lojas próprias que atendem o modelo. A questão do estudo investigou se as características do modelo se refletem no design das lojas fast fashion contribuindo para a comunicação e o modelo de oferecimento dos produtos. Na pesquisa de campo em lojas fast fashion buscou-se por meio do modelo de investigação qualitativa utilizar o método de observação direta em quatro cadeias de lojas em shopping centers e lojas em rua e sua correspondência com as características da literatura relacionada ao modelo fast fashion. Alguns resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa propõem, por exemplo, a comunicação da vitrina em conjunto com os manequins de acesso a loja comunicam lançamentos de produtos de moda para os consumidores e deste modo demonstram correspondência com fast fashion. Neste sentido, as variáveis do design presentes nas lojas de varejo, importantes elementos do ambiente que atuam individualmente ou em conjunto e assim oferecem funcionalidade para este modelo fast fashion. Este estudo aponta para abertura de novas oportunidades de investigação do design de lojas nos segmentos de varejo de moda, por meio dos levantamentos obtidos nesta pesquisa / This study analyzes the design aspects of fashion retail stores through tangible variables present in the garment retail chain of fast fashion model. The fast fashion model has consolidated its presence in the fashion apparel market through an innovative model in the product development cycle, in the supply of stores and own distribution through stores that meet the model. The study question investigated whether the characteristics of the model are reflected in the design of fast fashion stores contributing to communication and the model of offering the products. In field research in fast fashion stores sought by means of qualitative research model using the method of direct observation in four chain stores in shopping malls and stores in the street and your correspondence with the characteristics of the literature related to the fast fashion model. Some results obtained in this research, propose, for example, the communication from the showcase in conjunction with the dummies store, access communicate product sets to consumers and thus demonstrate correspondence with fast fashion. In this sense, the design variables present in retail stores, important elements of the environment that act individually or together and thus offer functionality for this fast fashion model. This study points to the opening of new opportunities for research on store design in fashion retail segments by means of surveys obtained in this research
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Approximately half of all wasted food is fruits and vegetables. One major cause of food waste is abnormal aesthetics; even if it is just as delicious as its normal counterpart. Food with a non-standard appearance (hereafter called ugly food) can be expelled by the markets. To reduce such waste, ugly food campaigns, which were developed in Europe and spread throughout the world, advocate for the consumption of ugly food. To study the problem of ugly food waste, this thesis examines ugly apples, since apples are the most common, representative, and readily accessible fruit. The objective of this thesis is to suggest marketing strategies and actions to facilitate the consumption and sales of ugly apples that can be expanded to other ugly fruits and vegetables. The data used for analysis are obtained from the Rural Development Administration in Korea. The findings of the thesis indicate that younger people and lower-income households are more likely to purchase ugly apples from online markets, non-stores such as food trucks and traditional markets compared with mega-scale discount stores. When advertising ugly apples, food quality should be emphasized rather than price.
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