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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adoção de IFRS e gerenciamento de resultado nas empresas brasileiras de capital aberto / Adoption of IFRS e earnings management in Brazilian public companies.

Joia, Roberto Midoguti 04 October 2012 (has links)
A contabilidade brasileira passou por mudanças normativas que deixaram suas demonstrações de acordo com o padrão internacional. Pesquisas realizadas com empresas de capital aberto em vários países do mundo indicam que essa nova norma tende a melhorar a qualidade da informação e deixá-la mais comparável e transparente. Diante disso, o estudo tem como objetivo analisar o impacto da adoção do International Financial Reporting Standard sobre os níveis de gerenciamento de resultados das companhias brasileiras de capital aberto (com exceção das instituições financeiras). A hipótese desenvolvida é de que a nova norma reduz o gerenciamento de resultados nas empresas brasileiras. Os dados foram extraídos das demonstrações contábeis trimestrais dos bancos de dados do Economática e da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários referentes ao período de 2006 a 2011. Para alcançar o objetivo da pesquisa, foi examinada por meio de um modelo proposto a relação entre as variáveis accruals discrionários e a aderência do International Financial Reporting Standard. Na equação, além dessas, foram inseridas as variáveis de controle como o nível de endividamento, o fluxo de caixa operacional, o retorno sobre o ativo e o tamanho da empresa. Para o cálculo dos accruals discricionários foi empregado o Modelo de Jones Modificado. Com base no modelo proposto, foram utilizadas várias técnicas estatísticas e aplicou-se o teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov para analisar se a amostra possui dados distribuídos normalmente. Em seguida, foi analisada a correlação de Spearman entre as variáveis do modelo proposto e analisada as médias dos accruals, por meio do teste U de Mann-Whitney. Por fim, foi elaborada a análise de regressão com dados dispostos em painel com correção de Newey- West. A correlação e o teste de médias corroboraram a hipótese desenvolvida, porém aregressão não confirmou a hipótese, com significância estatística, de que o novo padrão contábil reduziu o nível de gerenciamento de resultados nas divulgações das demonstrações elaboradas com a adoção das normas IFRS pelas empresas brasileiras de capital aberto. / The Brazilian accounting has undergone regulatory changes that have left their statements according to international standard. Research conducted with publicly traded companies in various countries around the world indicate that this new standard tends to improve the quality of information and make it more comparable and transparent. Thus, the study aims to analyze the impact of adopting International Financial Reporting Standard on the levels of earnings management of Brazilian companies traded (excluding financial institutions). The hypothesis is that the new standard reduces the earnings management in Brazilian companies. Data were extracted from the quarterly financial statements of databases Economática and Comissão de Valores Mobiliários for the period 2006 to 2011. To achieve the objectives of the study was examined by means of a model the relationship between the variables discretionary accruals and International Financial Reporting Standard. In the equation, beyond these, the control variables were entered as the level of debt, the operating cash flow, return on assets and firm size. For the calculation of discretionary accruals, we employed the Modified Jones Model. Based on the proposed model, several statistical techniques were used and applied the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to examine whether the sample has normally distributed data. Next, we analyzed the Spearman correlation between the variables of the model and analyzed the average, by means of the U of Mann-Whitney. Finally, we elaborate regression analysis with data arranged in a panel with Newey-West correction. The correlation and mean test corroborated the hypothesis developed, but the regression did not confirm the hypothesis with statistical significance that the new accounting standard reduced the level of earnings management disclosures in the financial statements prepared with the adoption of IFRS for publicly traded Brazilian companies.

Medidas e determinantes da mobilidade dos rendimentos do trabalho no Brasil / Measures and drivers of the earnings mobility in Brazil

Nascimento, Marcos Aurelio do 08 July 2005 (has links)
Este estudo realiza uma análise da evolução da mobilidade dos rendimentos reais do trabalho no Brasil para o período de 1984 a 2001. A partir dos dados da PME, Pesquisa Mensal de Emprego, calcula-se a evolução temporal de cinco indicadores de mobilidade dos rendimentos reais do trabalho, destacando suas principais diferenças entre subgrupos da amostra (gênero, faixa etária, faixa de educação e região metropolitana). Através do Método de Efeitos Fixos, aplicado a indicadores de mobilidade calculados para células da amostra, compostas por indivíduos de características semelhantes, estima-se os determinantes econômicos e demográficos da mobilidade dos rendimentos reais do trabalho no Brasil. Dentre as variáveis econômicas, o rendimento médio real, a taxa básica de juros real e o salário mínimo real afetam positivamente a mobilidade dos rendimentos; a taxa inflação, quando controlada pelos outros fatores econômicos, apresenta apenas efeitos distributivos sobre os rendimentos, fato corroborado pelo efeito negativo do Plano Real sobre os indicadores de mobilidade baseados nas trocas entre os indivíduos; a taxa de desemprego também desempenha um papel importante na determinação da mobilidade, apresentando impactos diferentes, dependendo do conceito de mobilidade adotado. A importância das variáveis demográficas fica evidenciada tanto pelas diferenças nos níveis de mobilidade entre os diversos subgrupos da amostra como pelos resultados da análise econométrica. Os homens apresentam, em geral, mobilidade superior às mulheres, exceto para variação direcional per capita nos rendimentos reais. Grupos mais jovens também descrevem mobilidade direcional maior nos rendimentos quando comparados com indivíduos das faixas etárias superiores, mas apresentam menor mobilidade ocasionada por trocas relativas entre os mesmos. A educação parece contribuir para diminuir a mobilidade dos rendimentos daqueles que concluíram o nível superior. / This paper makes an analysis of the evolution of real earnings mobility for Brazilian workers from 1984 to 2001. The evolution of five real earnings mobility indicators is calculated using the PME, Pesquisa Mensal de Emprego, data set, and it is done by emphasizing their main differences among sample subgroups (gender, age groups, education groups and geographical areas). The economic and demographic determinants of real earnings mobility in Brazil are estimated using the Fixed Effect Method to the mobility indicators calculated for sample cells, composed by individuals of identical characteristics. Among the economic variables, the real average earning, the real interest rate and the real minimum wage have a positive effect in earnings mobility; the inflation rate, when controlled by the other variables, has only distributive effects on earnings, which is corroborated by the Real Plan negative effect on mobility indicators based in trades among individuals; the unemployment rate also plays an important role in mobility determination, presenting different impacts, depending on the concept of mobility adopted. The importance of demographic variables becomes clear when we look at the differences among the various subgroups mobility levels and the econometric results. Men, usually, have more mobility than women, except for per capita directional changes in real earnings. Younger groups also have more directional mobility compared to older individuals, but have lower mobility caused by relative trades among them. Education level seems to contribute to diminish the earnings mobility for those that have more than fourteen years of education.

The cross-sectional relationship between the fundamental variables and returns of Hang Seng Index constituent stocks of Hong Kong stock market.

January 1996 (has links)
by Ho Man Shing, William. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1996. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 41-42). / ABSTRACT --- p.i / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.iii / LIST OF FIGURE --- p.v / LIST OF TABLES --- p.v / Chapter / Chapter I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Objectives of Research Project --- p.2 / Chapter II. --- LITERATURE REVIEW --- p.4 / Research work in the U. S --- p.4 / Research work in Japan and H. K --- p.5 / Chapter III. --- METHODOLOGY --- p.7 / Research design --- p.9 / Formation of portfolios --- p.10 / Univariate Analysis --- p.11 / Regression Analysis --- p.11 / Data collection --- p.12 / Chapter IV. --- RESULTS --- p.13 / Univariate analysis of returns and fundamental variables --- p.13 / Regression analysis of returns and fimdamental variables --- p.17 / Security level regression analysis of returns and fimdamental variables --- p.17 / Portfolio level regression analysis of returns and fundamental variables (ranked by different fundamental variables) --- p.21 / Portfolio level regression analysis of returns and fundamental variables (ranked by two different fundamental variables) --- p.27 / Effects of order of agglomeration and different combinations --- p.30 / Chapter V. --- SUMMARY AND CONCLUDING REMARKS --- p.37 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.41 / APPENDICES / Chapter A --- List of Hang Seng Index Constituent Stocks during 1989 to1994 / Chapter B --- Print-out of the Regression Results at Security Level / Chapter C --- Print-out of the Regression Results at Portfolio Level (E/P then LS) / Chapter D --- Print-out of the Regression Results at Portfolio Level (LS then E/P)

Resultatmanipulation - En kvalitativ studie om hur revisorer arbetar för att upptäcka och stävja resultatmanipulation

Hansson, Johan, Hultman, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för revisorns arbete med att upptäcka och stävjaeventuell resultatmanipulation. Metod: Vår studie antar en hermeneutisk forskningstradition som är ett tolkande perspektiv.Eftersom studien söker öka förståelsen för ett fenomen har vi använt oss av en kvalitativforskningsansats. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom tio semistrukturerade intervjuersom utförts på verksamma revisorer. Dessa intervjuer har sedan tematiskt analyserats ochpresenteras under kapitlet resultat och analys. Resultat & slutsats: Studien identifierar att revisorerna generellt anser att resultatmanipulationupptäcks och stävjas genom en väl utförd revision. För att skapa goda förutsättningar att finnaresultatmanipulation anser revisorerna att en genomtänkt planeringsfas är viktig, i vilken eventuellaincitament och rutiner utvärderas. Trots att revisorerna bedömer att deras revisionsprocess ärtillräcklig för att upptäcka resultatmanipulation är det väldigt ovanligt att det upptäcks. Branschenär dock under ständig effektivisering och digitala verktyg har kommit att spela en betydande roll irevisorernas granskning. Examensarbetets bidrag: Revisorerna anser att deras revisionsprocess omfattar kontroll aveventuell resultatmanipulation, men att det inte är deras huvudsakliga uppgift. Vår uppfattning är attdet finns en risk att revisorerna inte har ett tillräckligt stort intresse av att stävjaresultatmanipulation, alternativt att de inte besitter tillräckligt stor förståelse för vad som ingår ibegreppet. Detta skulle kunna bero på att revisorerna har en arbetsgång som baseras på väsentlighet,snarare än detaljgranskning. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Vår studie har grundat sig på revisorers kunskaper och för att ökaförståelsen om resultatmanipulation anser vi att det skulle vara av intresse att intervjuaredovisningskonsulter samt företagare som ansvarar för redovisningsval.

The effect of voluntary disclosure on uncertainty around earnings announcements

Neururer, Thaddeus Andrew 22 June 2016 (has links)
Recent research documents that voluntary disclosure—in particular, managerial forecast guidance—lowers uncertainty levels, as proxied by option implied variances. In this study I explore the effect of such voluntary disclosure on other dimensions of uncertainty. In particular, I investigate the effect of managerial guidance on the variance risk premium (VRP). Prior research predicts and provides empirical evidence of the VRP, which reflects that implied variances (on average) exceed actual variances, and exists to compensate traders, who sell variance protection for equity options. First, I confirm previous findings that implied variances are lower when firms issue management guidance. Second and more importantly, I document that the VRP is higher when firms provide guidance. I reconcile these seemingly contradictory results by (i) confirming that a significant portion of the increase in VRP is attributable to uncertainty specific to the impending earnings announcement, consistent with the primary role played by the voluntary management disclosure; and (ii) documenting that a higher moment of uncertainty—implied kurtosis levels (i.e., price jump risk)—is higher with managerial guidance. Additional tests examining characteristics of managerial guidance reveal these findings are strongest for firms issuing sporadic guidance, guidance issued close to earnings announcements, and those exhibiting the largest surprise. Overall, the evidence suggests that voluntary disclosure such as management guidance can reduce expected variance, but simultaneously increase higher order moments of uncertainty such as expected price jumps.

Podnikatelský plán / Business Plan

Šuhájková, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to elaborate a business plan in order to verify the feasibility of the business aim called 'Foundation of a family guesthouse and restaurant Belle vue, Ltd. ". Prepared business plan will serve as a basic document for enterpreneur to implement the business aim. This plan will be one of the most important documents to be forwarded to the bank together with applications for business credit. According to the results of analyses it is evident that the business plan is feasible, despite the negative values of the indicators of financial analysis in the first two years. Breakthrough year is the third year of plan implementation, when the company's earnings, liquidity and rentability increase, and at the same time the share of liabilities to the total capital decreases. The biggest weakness of the business plan realization is a high proportion of liabilities. The site where the restaurant is located can be considered as the strongest feature of our plan.

Do Financial Expert Directors Affect the Incidence of Accruals Management to Meet or Beat Analyst Forecasts?

Hsu, Pei Hui 03 October 2013 (has links)
Evidence that firms adjust accruals to just meet or beat analyst forecasts is pervasive. However, the implications for earnings quality are not clear. Managers can use this practice either to mislead investors, resulting in lower quality earnings, or to signal future earnings growth and thereby improve the decision usefulness of earnings. Assuming that boards are concerned about providing higher quality financial information and that they can discern the proper earnings signal, they should discourage managers from adjusting earnings to beat the analyst forecast target if such adjustment diminishes earnings quality. Consistent with this prediction, I find a significantly negative relation between the probability that a firm beats the target by adjusting accruals and the presence of at least one independent audit committee financial expert for firms with poor future performance. I also find that the negative impact of an independent financial expert on the odds of beating the target by adjusting accruals is significantly stronger for firms with poor future performance than for firms with strong future performance. These findings are consistent with financial expertise on the audit committees improving corporate governance by protecting shareholders from accruals management that reduces the decision usefulness of earnings.


January 2019 (has links)
abstract: 当前,上市公司的盈余管理问题已是我国资本市场中普遍存在的突出问题。一般来说,一些企业为了满足资本市场对于上市、增发等条件的要求,以及为有效推动企业的并购、重组等行为的顺利实现,甚至为了谋求公司管理层的个别利益,往往运用盈余管理等举措实施公司财报及关键指标的粉饰修正,让不知情的股民蒙受一定的损失。普遍分析显示,我国股市中民营企业比其他企业遭遇的问题和压力更多、更大、更突出,因此民营企业从客观上来说拥有更强的盈余管理动机。而从当前我国资本市场的实际情况来看,我国相关专家学者对盈余管理的系统性深入研究,一般都瞄准了上市企业群体或持续亏损企业,对盈余管理的研究不系统、不全面、不深入,这将对我国进一步提升盈余管理监管水平构成一定不利影响。当前,由于我国民企在自身管理及发展动力方面的特殊性,我国民企的管理、盈余管理特点和国外上市公司还存在着很大的不同,进一步深入研究我国民企上市公司自身管理方面的突出特点,以及其对企业盈余管理等方面的深层次影响,有助于监管层对症下药,更有针对性地研究出台全新的监管措施,进一步提升管理水平。这还可以为公司发展的决策层及相关会计信息使用人员提供一定的决策参考, 因此其拥有十分重要的意义。 本文首先认真总结分析了有关上市企业治理结构和盈余管理等方面的历史文献资料,依托当前资本市场上普遍运用的委托代理、内部人控制和契约等理论,系统研究了我国民企上市公司在自身治理结构方面的突出特征以及其对盈余管理方面所构成影响的深层次原理。在此基础上,本文通过2015-2017年我国上市企业数据,基于截面Jones模型对民营企业和非民营企业盈余管理程度进行测算和比较分析,发现民营企业盈余管理程度更高;从四个层面系统研究民企公司自身的治理结构突出特点,设立回归模型论证了民营企业独特的公司治理结构特征对盈余管理程度确实会产生影响;最后,本文进一步利用修正的费尔萨姆一奥尔森估价模型对民营上市公司盈余管理有公司价值的关系进行了验证,发现两者具有显著相关性。 / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2019

Essays on inequality and human capital

Kwon, Dohyoung 01 May 2015 (has links)
This dissertation contributes to the current understanding of human capital and its importance for earnings inequality and taxation. Human capital is typically defined as the stock of knowledge or skills acquired through education and working experience. The first chapter analyzes student borrowing behaviors in postsecondary education in the United States, the second chapter studies cross-country differences in earnings inequality within an endogenous growth model of human capital accumulation, and the third chapter examines the impact of endogenous human capital formations over a life-cycle on optimal fiscal policy. In Chapter 1, I document that new federal student loans for higher education in the United States have risen more than 5 times over the past 20 years. What caused this dramatic increase? I develop a heterogeneous life-cycle model of human capital accumulation to analyze individual college and borrowing decisions. Using this framework, I assess the quantitative contributions of changes in the college wage premium, college costs, maximum borrowing limits, and loan interest rates to explain the significant rise of federal student loans. I find that the calibrated model accounts for 57 percent of the actual increase in loans from 1990 to 2011. Increases in the college wage premium and college costs are important factors in generating the sharp rise in loans and, particularly, the increase in the fraction of borrowers and borrowing amounts. The expansion of credit availability and decreased loan interest rates have a relatively minimal impact on individual college and borrowing decisions. Chapter 2 explores why earnings inequality has been substantially higher in the US than in European countries over the last 30 years. I focus on the role of differences in tax progressivity, intergenerational earnings persistence, returns to education investments, and public education spending. I develop a growth model of human capital accumulation, and show analytically how those factors affect the dynamics of earnings inequality. The calibrated model accounts for 31 percent of the observed differences in earnings inequality between European countries and the US for 2003-07. Differences in returns to education investments and intergenerational earnings persistence are quantitatively important, suggesting the potential role of educational policy in ameliorating rising earnings inequality. Chapter 3, written jointly with Martin Gervais, analyzes the role of endogenous human capital accumulation in shaping optimal fiscal policy within a life-cycle growth model. We show that when investment in human capital is not verifiable---making the tax code incomplete---a non-zero capital income tax becomes optimal in order to alleviate the distortionary effects of the labor income tax on investment in human capital. This is true even if the government has access to a full set of age-dependent labor and capital income taxes. The main result is in sharp contrast to the finding in Jones et al. (1997) that all interest taxes are zero in infinitely-lived agent models with endogenous human capital formation.

The cost of refraining from managing earnings when an industry-leading peer is reporting fraudulently

Wood, Justin Paul 15 December 2017 (has links)
In this study, I explore whether managers and firms are penalized when they face pressures to manage earnings, but chose not to do so. I use periods in which an industry-leading firm inflates earnings fraudulently, and in which the public is unaware of the fraud, as a setting where managers at industry peer firms face pressures to manage earnings. Using the Dechow et al. (2011) F-score, I identify two groups of industry peer firms: one group where firms show no evidence of having managed earnings in response to the industry leader’s fraud, and another group where firms do show evidence of having managed earnings in response to the industry leader’s fraud. I hypothesize that managers of firms in the first group face a penalty in terms of personal compensation, and that the firms they lead face an increase in the cost of equity, but not in the cost of debt. I find evidence of a negative association between the decision to refrain from managing earnings and managerial compensation. However, I also observe declining compensation for managers who do manage earnings over the same period. This latter result precludes me from being able to entirely attribute the drop in compensation for the managers of the first group to the decision to refrain from managing earnings. I find that the cost of equity increases in the period of industry-leader fraud for firms that refrain from managing earnings, but the increase is statistically insignificant. The difference in the change in the cost of equity capital for these firms and for those who manage earnings is insignificant. The latter two results preclude me from being able to entirely attribute the increase in the cost of equity for firms in the first group to the decision to refrain from managing earnings. I find no evidence of changes in the cost of debt for firms in either group.

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