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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relation between Accounting Choices, Book Values and Stock Prices

Buryla, Eliza January 2008 (has links)
This study examines the relationship between stock prices and accounting figures, primarily the book value of equity and earnings, as well as the market perception of accounting choices implemented by companies. Market event studies from late sixties have initiated numerous of researches, and the majority of contemporary results were consistent with strong belief in the market efficiency theory. The book value of equity and earnings have been proved to have the highest explanatory power of future stock prices. Other accounting-related issues, like inventory methods or accounting for business combination, were proven to have reliable impact on the stock prices. Moreover, the cash flow implications triggered by the accounting change are not an indispensable condition to influence the stock price level. Although a great body of research has treated the relationship between accounting choices and stock prices, a clear-cut mechanism is not well specified. The evidence is inconsistent, and the consequences of accounting change are difficult to measure. However, the accounting figures included in financial statements remain the most important measure of the companies’ performance. Due to the economic and technical progress, which considerably modified the structure of companies and the environment in which they operate, further studies are advisable in order to maintain the reliability of accounting figures on significant level.

The Consequences of Mental Illness on Labor Market Decisions

Lanuza, Vanessa 01 January 2013 (has links)
The existing literature finds negative associations between mental illness and labor market outcomes. Using data from the 2007 to 2011 National Health Interview Survey, this study examines the consequences of emotional (depression, anxiety, or other emotional problems) and psychological (ADD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or other mental problems) problems on four aspects of labor market decisions: the probability of participating in the labor force, the likelihood of working full time, the average number of hours worked per week and annual earnings. In addition to analyzing the effects of either having or not having a mental illness, I also test if there is a relationship between the duration of having a mental illness and labor market behaviors. I find evidence to show that having an emotional or psychological problem has an adverse impacts on all four aspects of labor market outcomes. Additionally, the results suggest that unconditional on having a mental illness, duration has statistically significant effects on labor market behaviors, while conditional on having a mental illness, statistical significance is not as prevalent.

Diskonteringsräntan vid nedskrivning av goodwill : Agerar företagen på Stockholm OMX Large Cap opportunistiskt vid nedskrivningsprövningen av goodwill?

Karavelatzis, Adam, Hanouch, Afram January 2013 (has links)
Diskussioner förs ofta huruvida ett företags redovisning ger en rättvisande bild eller inte. Sedan år 2005 värderas goodwill efter en redovisningsmetod som grundar sig på att tillgångar ska redovisas till verkligt värde, vilket är en förändring från den tidigare metoden där tillgångar skulle värderas efter försiktighetsprincipen. Detta har medfört att företagen ska göra årliga nedskrivningsprövningar istället för planenliga avskrivningar, en förändring som ger företagen ett spelutrymme till att agera utefter egna preferenser. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva huruvida svenska företag noterade på OMX Stockholm Large Cap år 2013 använder en diskonteringsränta, vid nedskrivningsprövning av goodwill, som skiljer sig från en extern uppskattning. Vidare åsyftas att förklara huruvida företagens känslighet för en goodwillnedskrivning har ett samband med eventuella skillnader. Om denna studie påvisar att skillnader finns, är syftet att förklara huruvida företagen agerar opportunistiskt vid användandet av diskonteringsräntan. Utifrån dessa delsyften är det huvudsakliga syftet att beskriva och förklara huruvida företagen använder det spelutrymme som nedskrivningsprövningarna tillåter och hur detta kan påverka företagens intressenter. Studien har genomförts utifrån en kvantitativ metod, där empirin grundar sig på numeriska siffror. Vidare har beräkningar gjorts för att sedan sammanställa data i tabeller och diagram. Studien tar även ansats från positive accounting research, vilket är en metod som avser att klargöra och förutse aktuell redovisningspraxis. Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM) har använts som verktyg för att uppskatta de teoretiska diskonteringsräntorna, som sedan har jämförts mot företagens redovisade diskonteringsräntor. Vidare har goodwillintensitet använts för att studera om det finns ett samband mellan räntor utanför ett intervall om +/- 150 räntepunkter och en ökad känslighet för en nedskrivning. Studiens resultat antyder att en stor majoritet av företagen listade på OMX Stockholm Large Cap år 2013, under åren 2005-2012 haft en diskonteringsränta som skiljer sig från en teoretisk diskonteringsränta. Studien visar vidare på att dessa skillnader har ett samband med en ökad känslighet för en goodwillnedskrivning och att en del av företagen visar tendenser till att agera opportunistiskt. Studien har således uppmärksammat de problem som subjektiviteten i redovisningsstandarderna tillåter vid nedskrivningsprövningarna. Vilket har medfört ett resultat som antyder att företagsledningar använder det spelutrymme som standarderna ger. Då denna studie endast berört OMX Stockholm Large Cap skulle det vara intressant att se hur resultatet från denna studie skiljer sig mot exempelvis Mid Cap och Small Cap. Det skulle vara intressant att se om företagens storlek har någon inverkan på vilken diskonteringsränta dessa väljer. Vidare är det intressant att undersöka om en beräkning av diskonteringsräntor med användande av WACC som modell, skulle föranleda ett annat resultat. Till sist skulle det vara intressant att fortsätta på denna studie. En fortsättning skulle kunna vara att studera andra antaganden företagen ska göra vid en nedskrivningsprövning, t e x tillväxttakten och kassaflödet.

Earnings Management in times of CEO turnover : A quantitative study with the attributes – Industry, Company Size, CEO Origin, and CEO Age on the Swedish market

Andersson, Fredrik, Lilja, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
This thesis researches to which extent companies use earnings management in times of CEO turnover, which is a continuing, complex and rather complicated issue. Earnings management was tested on different attribute such as: firm industry, firm size, CEO’s age, and the CEO’s origin (internal or external). The data was gathered through a quantitative study based on public companies’ financial reports. The sample includes 252 firms listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm and have been subject of a CEO change at some occasion during 2005-2011. The statistical result from the mixed-model ANOVA tests showed in general significant result of upward earnings management the year of CEO change, but not the following year. While there are many explanations to the findings of how earnings management is used on the Swedish market, the analysis and conclusion elaborate the reason that ought to be the blueprint of reality.

Essays on the value relevance of earnings measures

Mbagwu, Chima I 11 September 2007
This dissertation presents two studies on the value relevance and perceived credibility of pro forma earnings. In the first study, I investigate the value relevance of pro forma earnings relative to two alternative earnings measures GAAP earnings and analysts actual earnings. Value relevance is assessed using two approaches. The first approach examines whether the markets expectations (contemporaneous returns or price) is best reflected in future pro forma earnings, future GAAP earnings, or future analysts actual earnings. The second approach is to determine through pair-wise comparisons of the three earnings measures (e.g., pro forma earnings versus GAAP earnings), which has the greatest explanatory power (comparing adjusted R2s) in explaining price and returns. Across approaches and models, each of the three earnings measures tends to be value relevant. However, Pro forma is consistently the most value relevant, followed by analysts actuals, with GAAP earnings having the least value relevance. That is, pro forma earnings have the greatest information content. This finding is consistent with managers, in aggregate, using pro forma to inform rather than to manage expectations or to mislead. <p>In the second study, I examine the impact of credibility attributes board characteristics, auditor quality and overall information quality on the value relevance of pro forma earnings. It is hypothesized that the credibility attributes will have a statistically significant impact on investors reaction to pro forma earnings. Consistent with the predictions, I find that stronger board characteristics, higher auditor quality and higher overall information quality are positively associated with higher market reaction to the pro forma announcement. That is, credibility attributes increase the value relevance of pro forma earnings. This finding is consistent with some firms providing pro forma earnings that are perceived to be credible and others providing pro formas that are perceived as less credible and possibly provided to manage expectations or to mislead.

Idiosyncratic risk, information flow, and earnings informativeness for family businesses

2013 February 1900 (has links)
Many previous studies find that family firms are prevalent among the U.S. firms. In particular, more than 35 percent of the S&P 500 firms consist of family firms in which families control about 18 percent of their firms’ shares. According to agency theory, the characteristics of a firm’s ownership, governance, and control play a critical role in the firm’s risk-taking activities and information flow to the market. Our study aims to investigate two controversies in the family business literature: whether family firms undertake fewer or more risks than non-family firms do, and whether family firms exhibit higher or lower information flow, reflected in their stock price informativeness and earnings informativeness, to the market. Using a sample of the S&P 500 companies as of 2003 for the period 2003-2007, we find that compared with non-family firms, the stock prices of family firms have more firm specific information impounded and the accounting earnings of family firms are more informative and thereby have more explanatory power for stock returns. These results are robust to different model specifications and variable proxies. In terms of risk-taking levels in corporate investment, our results indicate that family firms, on average, undertake fewer risks than non-family firms do. In particular, we find that although G-index is negatively associated with corporate risk-taking in non-family firms as previous studies (e.g. John et al., 2008) find for general firms, governance provisions do not have any influence on corporate risk-taking decisions in family firms. Numerous additional sensitivity tests using different corporate risk-taking proxies confirm the robustness of the findings.

Examining the Effect of Psychological Traits on Earnings and the Gender Wage Gap within a Young Sample of U.S. Employees

May, Marika 01 January 2011 (has links)
This paper examines the effect of psychological traits on earnings and furthermore whether it helps explain the gender wage gap. Public-use data collected from The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health is used to evaluate the impact on earnings on seven psychological factors: masculine traits, self esteem, analytical problem solving approach, willingness to work hard, impulsiveness, problem avoidance, and self-assessed intelligence. Findings show that gender differences in psychological traits are significant and returns to observable characteristics differ somewhat by gender as well. Among the young sample of U.S. employees evaluated in this study, I find that up to 21 percent of the gender wage gap can be explained, with psychological factors specifically explaining up to 1.5 percent of this gap.

Ask for It: The Impact of Self-Esteem, Situational Characterization, and Gender on the Propensity to Initiate Negotiation

Beninger, Anna 01 January 2009 (has links)
This study analyzes the impact of self-esteem (high vs. low), situational characterization ("negotiate" vs. "ask"), and gender (men vs. women) on the likelihood an individual initiates negotiation (n = 140). Self-esteem was primed with a prompt and the participants were told they could either "negotiate" or "ask" for more money after completing two tasks. A main effect of situational characterization was found such that negotiation was more likely in the "negotiate" condition than in the "ask" condition. Neither self-esteem nor gender produced significant results. A significant interaction showed that men were more likely to negotiate in the "ask" condition, but there were no gender differences in the "negotiate" condition. Finally, gender differences in anticipated future earnings were found. Men held considerably higher expectations for average salary 5 years after graduating from college than women. These results have important implications for training students to negotiate for the salaries they deserve and moving closer to closing the gender wage gap.

Förväntad avkastning på förvaltningstillgångarna : används pensionsantagandet för earnings management?

Ågren, Erika, Johansson, Frida January 2011 (has links)
Idag erbjuder de flesta företag sina anställda en förmånsbestämd tjänstepension. Tjänstepensionen innebär för vissa företag stora kostnader och ska redovisas av företagen. IAS 19 - Ersättning till Anställda är den standard som börsnoterade koncerner i Sverige ska följa. Problematiken med redovisningen uppstår i och med att många antaganden ska göras om pensionsförpliktelsen. Ett antagande som ska göras är en förväntad avkastning på de förvaltningstillgångar som fonderar den förmånsbestämda pensionsplanen. Företagsledningen har en viss frihet i att göra det antagandet, men det ska på längre sikt spegla den faktiska avkastningen. Friheten i antagandet kan bidra till att företagen använder den förväntade avkastningen för earnings management. Uppsatsens syfte är att förklara om företagen använder det utrymme som finns i antaganden om förväntad avkastning på förvaltningstillgångarna för earnings management. Utifrån kännetecken på earnings management, som konstaterats i tidigare forskning, undersöker vi hur företag listade på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm använder den förväntade avkastningen. Vi antog en positivistisk kunskapssyn och studien genomfördes med en kvantitativ metod där vi utgick från informationen i företagens årsredovisningar. De 227 observationerna analyserades utifrån uppställda forskningsfrågor som utvecklats ifrån begrepp hämtade ur teorin. Empirin testades genom olika tillvägagångssätt. Utgångspunkten var uppsatsens undersökningsmodell, men andra undersökningsmetoder användes för att ge djup till analys och slutsats. Efter genomförd analys kan vi konstatera att inga samband hittades mellan de olika kännetecknen för earnings management och antaganden om förväntad avkastning. Trots att volatilitet rådde för den verkliga avkastningen så överensstämde den förväntade och faktiska avkastningen på längre sikt. Det tyder på att företagen följer de punkter som finns i IAS 19.

Essays on the value relevance of earnings measures

Mbagwu, Chima I 11 September 2007 (has links)
This dissertation presents two studies on the value relevance and perceived credibility of pro forma earnings. In the first study, I investigate the value relevance of pro forma earnings relative to two alternative earnings measures GAAP earnings and analysts actual earnings. Value relevance is assessed using two approaches. The first approach examines whether the markets expectations (contemporaneous returns or price) is best reflected in future pro forma earnings, future GAAP earnings, or future analysts actual earnings. The second approach is to determine through pair-wise comparisons of the three earnings measures (e.g., pro forma earnings versus GAAP earnings), which has the greatest explanatory power (comparing adjusted R2s) in explaining price and returns. Across approaches and models, each of the three earnings measures tends to be value relevant. However, Pro forma is consistently the most value relevant, followed by analysts actuals, with GAAP earnings having the least value relevance. That is, pro forma earnings have the greatest information content. This finding is consistent with managers, in aggregate, using pro forma to inform rather than to manage expectations or to mislead. <p>In the second study, I examine the impact of credibility attributes board characteristics, auditor quality and overall information quality on the value relevance of pro forma earnings. It is hypothesized that the credibility attributes will have a statistically significant impact on investors reaction to pro forma earnings. Consistent with the predictions, I find that stronger board characteristics, higher auditor quality and higher overall information quality are positively associated with higher market reaction to the pro forma announcement. That is, credibility attributes increase the value relevance of pro forma earnings. This finding is consistent with some firms providing pro forma earnings that are perceived to be credible and others providing pro formas that are perceived as less credible and possibly provided to manage expectations or to mislead.

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