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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A educação ambiental no ecoturismo: um estudo de caso no Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Núcleo Santa Virgínia, São Paulo - SP / Environmental education in ecotourism: a case study at the \"Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Núcleo Santa Virgínia, São Paulo-SP\"

Bacchi, Renato 19 March 2013 (has links)
O ecoturismo surgiu no Brasil como uma proposta de contemplação e conservação da natureza, sendo atualmente uma atividade econômica em grande expansão. Para que o ecoturismo traga os benefícios esperados é necessário que sejam seguidas suas premissas, entre elas a educação ambiental. No entanto, o avanço da atividade não vem sendo acompanhado pelo desenvolvimento da prática educativa, mostrando-se necessários mais estudos que analisem situações locais da educação ambiental no ecoturismo. Assim, o presente trabalho foi realizado no Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Núcleo Santa Virgínia - SP, local de grandes atrativos ecoturísticos, sendo sua visitação voltada para as trilhas e o rafting, prática que ocorre no Rio Paraibuna com o uso de botes. Todos os visitantes são acompanhados por monitores, mostrando assim um ambiente propício para a realização de um estudo de caso que busca analisar quanti-qualitativamente a educação ambiental no ecoturismo. O estudo baseou-se em questionários aplicados aos turistas, entrevistas semiestruturadas com os monitores ambientais, com a operadora de rafting que atua no local e com o gestor da unidade de conservação, além de observação participante nas trilhas e na descida de bote. Verificou-se que a grande maioria dos visitantes está aberta à educação ambiental nos passeios realizados, bem como são motivados a praticar o ecoturismo para ter contato com a natureza e aprender algo novo. Percebeuse que existe um esforço da gestão do Núcleo Santa Virgínia, e dos monitores para realizar a prática educativa durante os passeios, porém ainda não há uma definição clara por parte destes do que seria a educação ambiental. A falta de discussão sobre o tema e a não percepção dos potenciais e limitações da educação ambiental no ecoturismo local pode levar a esforços que não gerem as transformações desejadas, apesar do potencial intrínseco do ambiente natural em proporcionar mudanças de visão e atitudes individuais. / Ecotourism in Brazil emerged as a proposal for contemplation and nature conservation, being an economic activity in currently expansion. For ecotourism to bring the expected benefits it is necessary that its assumptions are followed, including environmental education. The advance of the activity, however, has not been accompanied by the development of educational practice, showing up more studies that analyze local situations of environmental education in ecotourism. Thus, this study was conducted in Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Núcleo Santa Virgínia - SP, site of major ecotourism attractions, being the visitation oriented for trekking and rafting, a practice that occurs in Rio Paraibuna, using boats. All visitors are accompanied by monitors, showing a favorable environment for the conduct of a case study that seeks to analyze quantitative and qualitative the environmental education in ecotourism. The study was based on questionnaires to tourists, semistructured interviews with environmental monitors, with rafting operator that operates on site and with the manager of the conservation unit and also participant observations on the trails and rafting. It was found that the vast majority of visitors is open for environmental education during the tours and is motivated to practice ecotourism to have contact with nature and learn something new. It was noticed that there is an effort of the management of Santa Virgínia, and monitors to conduct educational practice during the tours, but there is still no clear definition on the part of those about what would be environmental education. The lack of discussion on the subject and the no perception of the potential and the limitations of environmental education in local ecotourism can lead to efforts that do not generate the desired transformations, despite the intrinsic potential of the natural environment to provide changes in view and in individual attitudes.

Analyzing the potential for tourism to promote sustainable economic development on the Lower North Shore of Quebec

Hull, John Sterling. January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Decolonizing Architecture: Vieques as a Symbol for a Post-Colonized Puerto Rico

Aponte, Tiara 15 February 2013 (has links)
Puerto Rico has been a United States territory since 1898. Since then, our identity and culture has been threatened by the impositions of the colonizer. The so-called “identity crisis” caused by the relationship with the U.S. government, is felt not only at a personal level, but also in our economy, politics and sociability. With the theme Decolonizing Architecture I explore our condition of colony, the struggles of the Puerto Rican people in favor of our emancipation and the role of architecture and memory to transcend our insular circumstance. My thesis focuses on the island of Vieques, a Puerto Rican Municipality that was invaded in 1941 by the U.S. Navy. The navy expropriated 2/3 of the island. The East was used as a weapons training facility and the West for ammunition storage. The Viequense community, of approximately 10,000 inhabitants, was left in the middle of training zones for war. In 2003, after more than five decades of relentless bombings and the many protests and civil disobedience acts against it from the local community, Puerto Ricans from the main island and in the diaspora, the navy withdrew from Vieques. Currently the previous Live Impact Area on the East side of Vieques is inaccessible due to cleanup from contamination but the land can be used to provide a renewable source of energy that would benefit the municipality. The intervention in the West is located on the former Naval Ammunition Storage Detachment where hundreds of abandoned bunkers are located. These bunkers will be rehabilitated to promote eco-tourism, to provide a space in memory of those who have died at the hands of the navy, and to commemorate Vieques’ triumph. The design proposal is my approach on how to return the land to the community. With this thesis I intend to recognize the collective memory of a people who are still struggling to control their destiny. We should never forget how the Viequenses got together and fought to defend their land and their dignity against the most powerful military in the world; in hopes that the rest of Puerto Ricans can someday understand Vieques as the beggining of the end of colonization.


唐嘉才 Unknown Date (has links)
休閒農業區係具備了豐富的農業生產與農村文化特色,以及在地獨特農業自然環境資源,開啟其自然、生態與景觀美學潛力,並帶動居民自我認同的理想型農業園區。然各地休閒農業區與鄰近都會型城市相距不遠,加上休憩機會密集下,勢必衝擊休閒農業區環境資源的保育。農業型生態旅遊之推動,亦兼顧農業生態保育及休閒觀光發展等雙重效益,惟如何在休閒農業區內提供更佳的旅遊方式,其先決條件在於地方居民對「生態旅遊」的認知與接受程度。因此,本研究擬針對此一問題加以探討。   本研究從居民面向切入,依據生態旅遊及認知與態度等理論之相關文獻探討,建立本研究居民之基本特性與生態旅遊認知與態度等變項間之架構,並以中壢市設籍居民為受訪對象,桃園縣中壢市大崙自然生態休閒農業區計劃案為研究範圍,探討地方居民對休閒農業區推動農業型生態旅遊之認知與態度,並分析不同屬性之居民對生態旅遊之認知與評價,以及其認知與態度間之差異與相關性,俾供政府於休閒農業區規劃政策中,注入生態旅遊活動模式之參考。本研究係採問卷調查方式進行,已回收有效問卷計300份。   經本研究實證分析結果發現:   休閒農業區亦適合發展成為農耕生態體驗與地方農業人文類之生態旅遊重地,並依受訪居民之問卷後瞭解,中壢居民對農業型生態旅遊之意涵與特性已有相當程度之認知,在接受態度上亦呈現正面與認同,故值得吾等儘早推廣與執行規劃。   基於不同基本資料與屬性之居民,對本研究生態旅遊意涵及特性之認知與反應態度間均有些許差異,經營與管理者實應針對不同屬性之中壢居民進行個別教育,並增加相關活動及資訊傳輸,籲請大眾於區內確實負起環境保育之重責大任來。   另外,中壢居民對於本研究之休閒農業區內推動生態旅遊之認知與接受態度各界面間是具有顯著相關性的,當認知面之效能愈高時,其反應評價之態度面亦呈現愈高,故印證兩者間具有正向預測作用,即居民透過宣導與教育亦愈能認同農業型生態旅遊涵義,必然能產生更積極與負責任之態度參與生態旅遊相關工作,進而共同努力提昇區內旅遊品質,朝永續性土地利用與精緻旅遊發展策略前進。 / Based on the trend of promoting ecotourism as well as the exploitation of an otherwise agricultural area, a study of the effects of converting an agricultural area into a recreational one and its conservation of environmental resources, along with the recognition and attitude of diversified residents in the area.   The subjects in this study were on those household-registered residents in Chung-li City of Tao-yung County. Residents in this area were involved in a questionnaire, being questioned about setting a recreational agricultural area in Da-lung Natural Ecosystem Resort Center of Chung-li City as a research field. This study collected opinions from diversified residents examines the recognition and attitude of local residents, analyzes their identification and evaluation about the ecotourism, and illustrates the correlation between recognition and attitude. From the findings, local residents recognize and identify with the ecosystem, accept the idea of pulling out the potential of the recreational arbitral area, and indicate positive attitude toward the utilization of the agricultural land as well. Nevertheless, the instillation of the significance of the ecotourism into the residents is necessary. By doing so, the significance of the conservation of environmental resources and the recognition of the exploitation of agricultural land will be highly accepted.   This study shows the value and feasibility of promoting and carrying out the ecotourism in Chung-li City. It also serves as a reference for the government to refine an ecotourism plan in transformational agricultural land and resources.

Η διαχείριση των παλαιών μονοπατιών προς την κατεύθυνση του οικοτουρισμού και της περιβαλλοντικής εκπαίδευσης. Το μονοπάτι Κάτω Χρυσοβίτσας Θέρμου Αιτ/νιας-γέφυρας Αρτοτίβας / The management of old trails to the direction of ecotourism and environmental education. The trail Hrysovitsa Thermo Aitoloacarnanias – Artotiva bridge

Χαρακίδα, Ελένη 28 June 2007 (has links)
Θέμα της εργασίας αυτής είναι η ανάδειξη των παλαιών μονοπατιών με στόχο την οικοτουριστική ανάπτυξη των ορεινών περιοχών από όπου αυτά διέρχονται και την ευαισθητοποίηση των επισκεπτών και κυρίως των μαθητών σε θέματα περιβάλλοντος. Τα παλαιά μονοπάτια μπορούν να συμβάλλουν προς τη κατεύθυνση αυτή, γιατί αποτελούν πολιτιστικά στοιχεία διαρκούς ανθρώπινης παρουσίας και δράσης, διέρχονται από περιοχές και τοπία μεγάλης αισθητικής αξίας και βιοποικιλότητας και κατά μήκος τους συναντάμε πλήθος πολιτιστικών στοιχείων (αλώνια, αναβαθμίδες, γεφύρια, νερόμυλους, εκκλησιές, μοναστήρια κ.λπ). Στην παρούσα εργασία το μονοπάτι Χρυσοβίτσας Θέρμου Αιτ/νιας–Γέφυρας Αρτοτίβας αποτέλεσε μελέτη περίπτωσης. Το μονοπάτι αυτό ανήκει σε ένα δίκτυο παλαιών μονοπατιών που συνέδεαν, από αρχαιοτάτων χρόνων, τους οικισμούς της περιοχής μεταξύ τους, αλλά και με την κεντρική Ελλάδα (Ευρυτανία, Θεσσαλία), συνδέεται με μυθολογικές αναφορές, ιστορικά γεγονότα, αναφορές ξένων περιηγητών και διαθέτει μεγάλη βιοποικιλότητα σε όλα τα επίπεδα Επιπροσθέτως στην περιοχή υπάρχει το Κέντρο Περιβαλλοντικής Εκπαίδευσης Θέρμου, το οποίο μπορεί να προσφέρει την απαιτούμενη υποστήριξη στον τομέα της ενημέρωσης και της ευαισθητοποίησης . Στα πλαίσια του παραπάνω στόχου έγιναν : 1. Εντοπισμός, χαρτογράφηση και σήμανση του μονοπατιού 2. Μελέτη του αβιοτικού (γεωλογία, υδρογραφία, κλίμα κ.λπ) και του βιοτικού περιβάλλοντος (τύποι οικοτόπων , βλάστηση, χλωρίδα, πανίδα κ.λπ) 3. Ανάδειξη στοιχείων της μυθολογίας, της ιστορίας, της λαογραφίας της περιοχής καθώς και στοιχείων που σχετίζονται με την διαχείριση των φυσικών πόρων από τον άνθρωπο 4. Ανάλυση SWOT για την ex ante αξιολόγηση της οικοτουριστικής ανάπτυξης της περιοχής 5. Προτάθηκαν δείκτες αξιολόγησης των οικοτουριστικών δραστηριοτήτων και καθορίστηκαν τα όρια των αποδεκτών αλλαγών (LAC) στα όρια της φέρουσας ικανότητας του οικοσυστήματος 6. Προτάθηκαν θέσεις που πρέπει να δημιουργηθούν οι απαιτούμενες υποδομές, απαραίτητες για την αξιοποίηση του εν λόγω μονοπατιού και δράσεις που μπορούν να πραγματοποιηθούν σε αυτό 7. Προτάθηκαν ενδεικτικά θέματα και δράσεις στα πλαίσια της Περιβαλλοντικής Εκπαίδευσης που μπορούν να αναπτυχθούν στην συγκεκριμένη περιοχή. / The subject of this work is to show off old trails, targeting to the growth of ecotourism of mountainous regions, where these trails go through and sensitize visitors, especially students, on environmental issues. The old trails can contribute to this purpose, because constitute cultural elements of continuous human presence and action, go through from regions and landscapes of great aesthetic value and biodiversity and along them we meet a lot of cultural elements (threshing floors, bridges, watermills, churches, monasteries etc). In this project the trail Hrysovitsa Thermo Aitoloacarnanias – Artotiva Bridge is the case study. This trail belongs to a network of old paths which, from ancient times, connected the residential regions, but also with central Greece (Evrytania, Thessalia). It is linked to mythological references, historical events, reports of foreign sightseers and has great biodiversity. In addition in the region exists the Centre of Environmental Education of Thermo, which can offer the required information and sensitization. As far as the above are concerned: 1. Localization, mapping and flagging of trail 2. Study of abiotic (geology, hydrography, climate conditions etc) and the biotic environment (types of habitats, vegetation, flora, fauna etc) 3. Showing off mythological elements, history and folklore of the region as well as issues related to the human management of natural resources. 4. SWOT analysis for «ex ante» evaluation of ecotouristic growth of the region. 5. Assessment Indicators of ecotouristic activities were proposed and the Limits of Acceptable Changes (LAC) were determined on the basis of carrying capacity of the ecosystem. 6. Creation of Rest and Learning stations, required structures for the exploitation of the trail and actions that can be developed in the particular region were proposed. 7. Indicative projects and actions were recommended as far as Environmental Education is concerned.

The biosphere as an instrument of sustainable tourism and community development.

January 1998 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.T.R.P.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1998.

Incazelo yomlando wemvelo wempilo yehlathi Intimbankulu elisemkhadlwini was-Ogwini : kuphonswa inselele emasikweni esiZulu nakwezokungcebeleka = An exploration of the natural and socio-cultural history of Ntimbankulu Forest in the Ugu region : a contribution to Zulu culture and rural eco-tourism.

Cele-Khuboni, Gloria Nondumiso. 28 February 2014 (has links)
The study investigates ecotourism potential at Ntimbankulu forest, a remote area which is found at Ugu District Municipality. The essential elements of true ecotourism according to Ceballos-Lascurain, Drake, Boo, Brandon, are: " the participation and involvement of the local communities and residents in close proximity to the site". It is for this reason that the researcher adopted the stakeholder theory which involves local community, NGO and the Government. The main aim of the research is: to improve the standard of living of people near Ntimbankulu forest, (b) to conserve and preserve the natural resources of the forest, (c) to promote and sustain development in the area,( d) to make local community realize the need to protect their natural heritage site which is a huge "rock ship" with a lion crest on one of its side, that is found in the deepest part of the jungle. Lastly, to make the local people benefit from the natural resources found in this Forest. The study also looks at the history and culture of the area. It is hoped that the development of Ntimbankulu Forest will bring many benefits to the local community involving better education, job opportunities, and environmental awareness. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2010.

Stakeholder perceptions of ecotourism impacts and management issues in relation to private game parks : case studies of the Ezulwini Private Park and Tala Private Park in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

Desai, Sumaiya Amod. January 2010 (has links)
Ecotourism has generated great interest from governments, tourism enterprises, tourists, conservation groups, the private sector and other stakeholders in the industry. A reason for this interest is the availability of pristine natural environments, especially in Africa. The need for more rigorous data on economic, environmental and social impacts of ecotourism development from different perspectives and stakeholders is central to unpacking key issues related to sustaining ecotourism in Africa that is both responsive to environmental as well as social and economic needs. There seems to be a need for a better understanding of ecotourism’s impacts, and how those impacts are affected by various developmental needs and management strategies. South Africa is a country which is closely linked with disputes resulting from land claims as a result of apartheid. Thus, this thesis attempts to unpack issues relating to the historical legacy, the proliferation of Private Game Parks in South Africa and related issues of privatised concentration of natural resources, access and affordability as well as potential social, economic and environmental impacts. Research was undertaken in two Private Parks in KwaZulu-Natal: Ezulwini Private Park and Tala Private Park. A fundamental ingredient for stakeholder involvement is collaboration among key players. The specific stakeholders identified for this study were: visitors, local communities, tour operators, Park personnel, Park managers and the Private owner of both the private Parks. The research employed both qualitative (participatory approaches) and quantitative (questionnaires) techniques when collecting data. The study revealed that visitors to Ezulwini Private Park and Tala Private Park listed important factors regarding their own efforts to promote ecotourism such as: conserving nature, limiting the over-utilisation of resources, being environmentally conscious, reducing water consumption, being litter conscious, spreading the conservation message via word of mouth and visiting more ecotourism destinations. There is a good level of interaction between the tour operating company (that carries out tours to Ezulwini Private Park and Tala Private Park) and the community. This is attributed to visitors purchasing from cultural villages and the use of local tour guides. The local communities living near the private Parks indicated that no relationship exists between the community, management and staff of the respective private Parks. Participatory exercises (venn diagrams, mental mapping and problem ranking exercises) were conducted with focus groups. These focus group discussions established heterogeneity within the respective communities and emphasised the need for the involvement of all community members who best understand and have the greatest stake in social, economic and political issues linked to the Parks. According to the Park personnel at Ezulwini Private Park and Tala Private Park local communities were somewhat involved in the activities and decision-making of the private Parks. However, the Park owner of both the private Parks stated that the local communities were not involved in the activities and decision-making of the private Parks. To mitigate social, environmental and economic impacts it is imperative that all stakeholders are consulted as this will reduce conflict and enhance consensus. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2010.

Entre conservation et développement local : étude des projets écotouristiques dans deux groupes quechua au Pérou

Rochat, Lauren 12 1900 (has links)
Depuis les années 1980, les projets intégrés de conservation et de développement (PICD) sont des modèles fonctionnels de développement durable. L’écotourisme est une de ces stratégies, combinant les objectifs sociaux et économiques de développement pour les populations locales dans un contexte de conservation des ressources naturelles. Cette maîtrise étudie un projet écotouristique réalisé dans la zone de transition du parc national Huascarán (Pérou) dans deux communautés quechuaphones, Vicos et Humachucco. Un PICD « réussi » combine la participation et la satisfaction des besoins de la population tout en contribuant à la conservation des écosystèmes. Cette étude a donc deux objectifs principaux : 1) une analyse de la participation pour mieux comprendre si et comment ce projet a su impliquer les populations et pour connaitre les facteurs favorisant un partenariat entre différents acteurs du projet; 2) une analyse des impacts environnementaux, économiques et socioculturels de l’écotourisme pour déterminer si les besoins des populations et les objectifs du projet ont été atteints, apportant ainsi une nouvelle dynamique à la communauté. La méthodologie combine les approches de l’écologie culturelle, de l’approche exploratoire et de l’étude de cas. Les données sont issues du terrain de recherche, soit des données écrites, de l’observation participante et des entretiens semi-dirigés. Elles ont été traitées en utilisant différentes grilles d’analyse. Les résultats démontrent que, malgré un manque de clarté et de transparence, de nombreux efforts ont permis de favoriser la participation et d’impliquer la population locale, créant des impacts économiques favorables. / Since the beginning of the 1980s, Integrated Conservation and Development Projects (ICDP) have offered a functional model of sustainable development, and have become an attractive option for international donors. Ecotourism is one of the strategies that can be used to combine social and economic development of local communities with natural resources conservation. A successful ICDP combines community participation while meeting local peoples’ needs and sustaining ecosystems. This research analysed an ecotourism project which had been developed with two indigenous Quechua communities within the buffer zone of the Huascarán National Park in Peru. The research aimed at two main objectives: 1) an analysis of community participation in order to investigate levels and type of community involvement in the various stages of the project, and in order to find out whether or not a successful collaborative partnership has been created among the different stakeholders; 2) an analysis of the environmental, economic and socio-cultural impacts of this ecotourism initiative to determine whether communities’ needs have been addressed and to find out whether the project gave rise to innovative dynamics within the villages. The methodology employed in this study combines different approaches, such as cultural ecology, an exploratory approach and case study analysis. Field research was carried out and data were collected using semi-structured interviews, participant observation and literature analysis. Different analytical frameworks were employed for data analysis. The results of this study showed that the initiative has encouraged local participation and enhanced community involvement. However, results also revealed a lack of clarity and transparency.

Tourism, conservation and local livelihoods at Mount Kilimanjaro National Park.

Loibooki, Betrita M. January 2003 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.Env.Dev.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.

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