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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Remittances and Development in Ecuador

Ljungqvist, Emma January 2011 (has links)
The remittances transferred from Ecuadorian emigrants to Ecuador represent the second largest source of foreign device for the country. It is clear that such large amount of money makes an important impact on the economy. This study aims at evaluating the sustainability of the remittance generated development in the receiving households and also to find evidence if the organizations, authorities and other actors who work in relation to migration, remittances and development are able to increase this level of sustainability by implementing projects. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used in order to approach these issues. Questionnaires are carried out with remittance receivers and the results are compared to the results from previous studies in order to identify the usage of remittances. Now, as before it shows that the large majority of the remittances are used in order to cover the household’s daily expenses. The rate of investments and savings is on the other hand low, a situation that creates a fragile development that is heavily dependent on the continued inflows of remittances. This is not a new discovery and several actors including governmental authorities, NGO’s as well as migrant’s associations and international institutions have therefore contributed with development strategies in order to intent increase the sustainability. In order to identify these actors and learn about their objectives and development ideas are semi-structured interviews carried out. One main concern among these actors is to increase the level of investments in productive activities such as micro businesses. Such investments are for example incentivized by providing training for micro entrepreneurs, issuing seed money, promoting local financial structures and facilitating access to micro credits.

Maintaining the empire: diplomacy and education in U.S.-Ecuadorian relations, 1933-1963

Epps, William Thayer 26 August 2010 (has links)
Historians today continue to explore the maintenance of the U.S. Empire in the Third World. Some argue that coercion was the driving force. Others suggest that consent played a role. Settling this debate is difficult given the unbalanced state of the historiography, which is overloaded with analyses of interventions. Analyzing U.S.-Ecuadorian relations offers an instructive addition to the literature. Negotiation and compromise, not coercion, were central to these interactions. The Ecuadorians who shaped these relations the most typically shared some core assumptions with their U.S. counterparts. Policymakers in Washington therefore developed educational exchange programs to expand this pool of pro-U.S. Latin Americans. Using documents from archives in the United States and Ecuador, this study explores how policymakers used diplomacy and education to maintain the U.S. Empire in the Third World from 1933 to 1963. This process began with the Roosevelt Administration’s Good Neighbor Policy. Ecuadorian threats to nationalize U.S. businesses operating in Ecuador, however, challenged the rhetoric of cooperation championed by Roosevelt. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor halted these challenges. Two days after the attack, policymakers in Washington accepted Ecuadorian offers to establish bases in Ecuador. This marked the solidification of hemispheric solidarity, and a more robust U.S. hegemony in Latin America. A growing number of Ecuadorian students and intellectuals studying in the United States under scholarships awarded by their government strengthened this solidarity. The U.S. government soon began funding both these exchanges as well as American Schools throughout Latin America in the hopes of maintaining this unity in the future. Beginning in 1950, disputes over fisheries threatened the wartime cohesion. Ecuador attempted to force Washington to accept a 200-mile limit on territorial waters. Negotiations failed to resolve the issue. The discontent evident throughout Latin America continued to build, until, in 1962, President John F. Kennedy discovered that the government of Ecuador would not support his administration’s plan to exclude Cuba from the Organization of American States. Despite these setbacks, policymakers continued to promote educational exchange through the Foreign Leader Program and the Fulbright Program. They hoped above all else to expand consent to U.S. hegemony. / text

El Ecoturismo como instrumento para desarrollo sostenible : Un estudio comparativo de campo entre Suecia y Ecuador

Sundström, Sara January 2003 (has links)
No description available.


DAVIS, ROGER PAUL. January 1983 (has links)
This study of Ecuador under Gran Colombia comprises more than a catalogue of the obstacles underlying the failure of Simon Bolívar's experiment in statecraft. While the distinct nature of the regional and local problems of the southern departments add to that diagnosis, they also stand apart as factors in the formation of the Republic of Ecuador. The Liberator's determination to maintain the territorial integrity of the audiencia of Quito as a part of the viceroyalty of New Granada prevented the potential partitioning of that region between Peru and Colombia. Colombian military assistance enabled the fleeting Republic of Guayaquil to play a crucial role in the liberation of the audiencia. This ensured a patriotic legacy for Guayaquil compatible with that of Quito in the formation of Ecuadorian national identity. The special treatment accorded the Southern Departments by Bolívar's use of his extraordinary faculties and his later authority as dictator maintained the regional identity of Ecuador. The inability of the Colombian government to effectively respond to the local problems of the Southern Departments undermined the legitimacy of that regime. In contrast, the efficiency of the military administration imposed upon the departments by Bolívar enhanced his personal authority. Also, at the expense of Gran Colombia, the Liberator fostered an embryonic administrative centralism around the leadership of one of his most loyal officers, General Juan José Flores. The era of Ecuador under Gran Colombia witnessed the continuation of the colonial economic system beneath the superstructure of republican politics. In recognition of the distinct nature of southern society, Bolívar formally sanctioned that continuity, ultimately replacing the few liberal reforms attempted in the south with a return to colonial institutions. Within this framework the local elites of Quito, Guayaquil, and Cuenca remained secure in their society. Within the decade of its existence as part of Gran Columbia, Ecuador demonstrated its own dynamic elements, both local and regional in nature, that gradually coalesced to form an embryonic national identity. The emergence of the Republic of Ecuador in May 1830 was an affirmation of that historical development.

La Violencia Adentro (Violence in the Interior): Gender Violence, Human Rights, and State-Community-NGO Relations in Coastal Ecuador

Friederic, Karin January 2011 (has links)
Building on research conducted over the last ten years, this dissertation explores how local understandings and manifestations of gender violence are changing as women and men learn about human rights and gain access to state-based forms of justice. Wife abuse in coastal Ecuador is often explained as a result of machismo and an enduring culture of violence. I challenge this conception by demonstrating how political, economic and social processes normalize gender violence, and by showing how transnational human rights discourses are reshaping gender relations, structures of impunity, and the visibility of particular forms of violence. Inhabitants in this historically marginalized region are using alliances with transnational NGOs to negotiate their relationship to the state. Human rights, transnational alliances, and improved access to justice offer powerful openings for local women and families, but their empowering potential is delimited by growing social and economic vulnerability and the discrepancies between rights-based subjectivities and preexisting understandings of the self. Ultimately, I argue that human rights - as concept, as practice, and as discourse - reorganize power in ways that warrant both optimism and critique.

Aplicación del modelo pedagógico transdisciplinar para el aprendizaje de mecánica de sólidos en los estudiantes del semestre I de la carrera de Físico Matemáticas - Universidad Nacional de Loja, 2016

Tusa Tusa, Manuel Lizardo January 2017 (has links)
Establece en qué medida la aplicación del modelo pedagógico transdisciplinar influye en el aprendizaje de física como ciencia, aprendizaje de sólidos no deformables y el aprendizaje de sólidos deformables en los estudiantes de la carrera de Físico Matemáticas de la Universidad Nacional de Loja. / Tesis

LA VOZ DETRÁS DEL SILENCIO Interpelación al discurso oficial del siglo XIX desde Páginas del Ecuador de Marietta de Veintemilla

Falconí Piedra, Gabriela January 2013 (has links)
El interés por la estrecha relación que han mantenido Ecuador y Perú, más allá de los distanciamientos políticos y diplomáticos que no afectaron la comunicación entre ambos países, nació durante mis estudios de maestría y me acompañó en los años posteriores. En el ámbito literario, me incliné por los temas que podrían dar cuenta de aquellas conexiones binacionales y, quizá por ello, cuando ahondé en la vida de Marietta de Veintemilla y supe que ella habría de vivir en Lima alrededor de veinte años de los 51 años de toda su existencia, la consideré un símbolo de los vínculos que han mantenido ambos países. Si bien en Ecuador conseguí una biografía sobre ella escrita por Enrique Garcés, fue en la Biblioteca Central de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos donde pude acceder a Páginas del Ecuador, que es el libro alrededor del cual gira esta investigación.

Action and value : community, livelihoods and indigenous struggle in Highland Ecuador

Partridge, Tristan Henry January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is an ethnographic study of collaborative action and notions of value in San Isidro, an indigenous community of c.90 families in Ecuador’s central highlands. Drawing on Arendt’s theory of action as a mode of human togetherness, it focuses on forms of activity that are both affective (appealing to particular values, principles and practices) and productive (engaging in struggles to reorder social and economic relations). These include communal gatherings, shared work-parties, assemblies, meetings, campaigns and celebrations. Developing work by Lambek and Graeber, the thesis explores how such actions are used to generate different kinds of ethical and material value, the criteria people use to evaluate competing visions of hope and possibility, and the related dynamics of division and cooperation. I argue that such a focus on action and value allows us to build on insights from existing regional literature which tends to interpret indigenous collective action as either predominantly expressive (through cultural revival) or instrumental (in terms of economic and political practice). A core theme that emerges is how localised expressions of what people hold to be vital or desirable interact with coordinated efforts to defend and secure livelihoods. In San Isidro, such efforts contend with a limited land base, ongoing conflicts rooted in histories of dispossession, and widespread patterns of migratory labour (mainly for shift-work in the Amazon-based oil industry). At the same time, many residents participate in collective work to maintain shared infrastructure, protest against land inequalities, and manage areas of the communally-held páramo hills (registering as a ‘comunidad’ as recently as 2009). Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork conducted over fifteen months, I analyse how such collaborative actions are combined with everyday forms of paid and unpaid work, memories of conflict, and a sense of duty toward future generations. Through chapters that focus on shared labour, coordinated campaigns, the legacies of land reform and accounts of labour migration, the thesis also examines how cooperation is fostered within a community that is increasingly diverse in access to resources, income and outlook, and how those involved negotiate the ruptures and tensions that intentional actions entail.

¿Qué factores explican la brecha de resultados educativos entre el Ecuador y los países de Colombia y Perú

Velasteguí Martínez, Luis 08 1900 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Políticas Públicas / Autor no autoriza el acceso a texto completo de su documneto / El presente documento tiene como objetivo identificar los factores asociados que explican la brecha de resultados educativos en la prueba SERCE de matemáticas entre Ecuador y sus países vecinos: Colombia y Perú; además, de dar cuenta de cómo el uso y la disposición de recursos con los que cuentan las escuelas inciden en la brecha del desempeño académico entre los estudiantes ecuatorianos respecto de pares colombianos y peruanos. Para cumplir con el objetivo, se utilizó la descomposición propuesta por Oaxaca- Blinder (1973), la misma que descompone los resultados educativos a nivel de promedios y de cada variable asociado al desempeño educativo; por otro lado, se utilizó la metodología de Juhn, Murphy y Pierce (1993) con el objetivo de identificar el comportamiento de la brecha de resultados educativo a nivel de deciles. Los resultados dan cuenta de que la brecha de resultados educativos hacia mediados del 2000 entre Ecuador y Colombia, como entre Ecuador y Perú, se debe en gran manera a la menor efectividad del sistema educativo ecuatoriano, y particularmente del sistema público. Finalmente, Ecuador puede aprender mucho de Colombia ya que su sistema educativo es mucho más equitativo al premiar con un mayor retorno a los estudiantes de los deciles más pobres; no sucede lo mismo en el sistema educativo peruano, en donde el mayor premio se da entre los deciles de mejor contexto socio económico.

La responsabilidad social corporativa de las empresas exportadoras de pescado, y su influencia en el desarrollo urbano de la ciudad de Manta - Ecuador

Chancay Cedeño, Antonio Bonifacio January 2018 (has links)
Establecer el nivel de influencia de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa de las empresas exportadoras de pescado en el desarrollo urbano de la ciudad de Manta – Ecuador, para ello se tomó como muestra a 252 empleados, 84 proveedores, 105 clientes, 19 representantes barriales, 5 concejales de la ciudad de Manta y 6 gerentes de empresas exportadoras de pescado, por la naturaleza de la investigación esta fue básica, con diseño no experimental, el marco teórico permitió luego en derivar las hipótesis que posteriormente fueron probadas con los datos obtenidos aleatoriamente en un periodo de tiempo determinado, siendo por lo tanto transeccional. Los resultados principales a los que se arribó el estudio, según las personas vinculadas a las empresas exportadoras de pescado, a nivel interno y externo, alcanzaron un alto nivel de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa. Sin embargo, en lo que se refiere al desarrollo urbano de la ciudad de Manta – Ecuador, este alcanzó un mediano nivel de desarrollo, según las personas vinculadas a las empresas exportadoras de pescado. En consecuencia, el estudio concluyó que el buen nivel de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa de las empresas exportadoras de pescado, influye de manera favorable en el desarrollo urbano de la ciudad de Manta – Ecuador. / Tesis

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