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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O direito à educação básica para jovens e adultos da modalidade EJA no Brasil : um resgate histórico e legal / The right to basic education for young people and adults of modality EJA in Brazil : a historical and legal review

Leite, Sandra Fernandes, 1968- 06 April 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Sonia Giubilei / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T00:28:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leite_SandraFernandes_D.pdf: 3849874 bytes, checksum: 448e1f48c83c59ec1599bdb77206f35d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa faz uma reconstrução do percurso histórico do direito ao acesso e da terminalidade da educação básica nas políticas públicas de atendimento à educação para jovens e adultos, buscando compreender as raízes do analfabetismo e o surgimento da demanda por educação para a modalidade EJA. Pela análise das reformas, legislações e programas implementados no decorrer da história do Brasil, busca verificar a concretização do direito básico à educação, tendo como referencial o público da educação de jovens e adultos. Também aborda os documentos nacionais e internacionais que defendem o direito à educação e que influenciaram mudanças na implementação de políticas públicas para a modalidade EJA. / Abstract: This research is a reconstruction of the historic route of the access and the basic education terminality in public policy to education for youth and adults. It seeks to understand the roots of illiteracy and the rise in demand for education EJA. By analyzing reforms, laws and programs implemented throughout the history of Brazil, aims to verify the achievement of the basic right to education, taking as reference the public education of youth and adults. It also addresses the national and international documents that defend the right to education and that influenced changes in the implementation of public policies for the EJA. / Doutorado / Politicas, Administração e Sistemas Educacionais / Doutora em Educação

"Aula de religião, pra quê?": papel do ensino religioso em duas escolas de Boa Vista - RR : um estudo de caso

Viana, Maria Lúcia Silva 28 September 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:12:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 maria_lucia_silva_viana.pdf: 1804539 bytes, checksum: 29825d9e7af4876e01d4eb5b56fe4569 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-28 / This paper consists on a case study as taught, between 2014 and 2015, in two schools from the city of Boa Vista, Roraima - one from the state education system, and the other from the private one - seeking to offer enough data for formulating a balanced response to a question from students, parents and teachers: "religion education, what for?". The starting point was the observation that including Religious Education in the official curriculum does not always bring the expected results. But since that inclusion was allowed by the Brazilian Constitution and the Law of Directives and Bases of National Education, how can the state guarantee that the curricula ensures the respect for diversity of creeds and how to restrain proselytizing? Given the risks, does it make sense to offer the discipline in the state education system? We aimed then to understand the methodological procedures and teaching resources used by teachers of religious education in the studied groups, analyzing the different proposals of religious education, identifying similarities and differences between the teaching approaches of the public and private systems of education and trying to offer elements for an improvement of the Religious Education and the implementation of mechanisms to minimize the risks of prejudice and proselytizing. / Este trabalho consiste em um estudo de caso sobre a realidade da disciplina Ensino Religioso , tal como foi ministrada, entre 2014 e 2015, em duas escolas de Boa Vista, Roraima uma da rede pública e outra do sistema particular de ensino buscando oferecer subsídios para formulação de uma resposta equilibrada à pergunta feita por alunos, pais, professores: aula de religião, pra quê? . Partiu-se da constatação que a inclusão, na grade escolar, da disciplina Ensino Religiosa, nem sempre traz os resultados esperados. Sendo essa inclusão permitida pela Constituição brasileira e pela Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, como garantir que os currículos assegurem o respeito à diversidade de credos e coíbam o proselitismo? Diante dos riscos, faz sentido oferecer a disciplina na rede pública? Buscou-se, então a compreensão dos procedimentos metodológicos e recursos didáticos utilizados pelos docentes da disciplina de Ensino Religioso nas turmas estudadas, analisando as diferentes propostas para o seu ensino, além de identificar semelhanças e diferenças entre a abordagem docente dos sistemas público e particular das escolas estudadas, procurando oferecer elementos para uma melhora do Ensino Religioso e para a implementação de mecanismos que possam minimizar os riscos do preconceito e do proselitismo.

Educação em direitos humanos através do cinema: experiência docente no Sertão Central de Pernambuco

Araújo, Synara Veras de 19 October 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:18:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 synara_veras_araujo.pdf: 2665063 bytes, checksum: 4f712b390478ddc0238ff103ab5d27f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-19 / The purpose of this study is to make an approach on the human rights education from the cinema, for it seeks support in research tripod, education and extension, prioritizing qualitative approach to review academic papers on Cinema and law, but also to present records conducted from 2013 to 2015 from observations and interactions present reports (attached) using the technique of ethnographic observation participant, since the researcher was inserted into the research object observed as educator in human rights from films. Also presents a brief study of the relevant legislation to Human Rights Education, the incorporation of human rights treaties, the targets for the Decade of Education for Human Rights, the National Plan of Education for Human Rights, to thereafter address the problem Education in Human Rights in Brazil, present the projects and practical experience involving the theme Cinema and Human Rights: Legal Cine; Cine Prison; Exhibition of Cinema and Human Rights; Democratizing: invent with a difference; Cinema for Truth, the 9394 Law of Directives and Bases of National Education on the inclusion of film screenings as a mandatory activity in schools. / O objetivo deste estudo é fazer uma abordagem sobre a educação em direitos humanos a partir do cinema. Para isto, busca apoio no tripé pesquisa, ensino e extensão , priorizando a abordagem qualitativa ao revisar trabalhos acadêmicos sobre Cinema e Direito, mas também ao apresentar registros realizados de 2013 a 2015, a partir de observações e interações presentes relatórios (anexos) usando a técnica de cunho etnográfico da observação-participante, já que a pesquisadora estava inserida no objeto de pesquisa observado como educadora em Direitos Humanos a partir de obras cinematográficas. Ainda apresenta um breve estudo sobre a Legislação pertinente à Educação em Direitos Humanos, a incorporação dos Tratados de Direitos Humanos, as metas para a Década da Educação para os Direitos Humanos, os Planos Nacionais de Educação para os Direitos Humanos, para, então, partir a abordar a problemática educação em Direitos Humanos no Brasil, apresentar os projetos e experiências práticas que envolvem o tema Direitos Humanos e Cinema: Cine Jurídico; Cine Cárcere; Mostra de Cinema e Direitos Humanos; Democratizando: inventar com a diferença; Cinema pela Verdade; a Lei 9.394 de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional sobre a inclusão da exibição de filmes como atividade obrigatória nas Escolas.

Klavírní školství ve Španělsku / Piano Education in Spain

Kocáková, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The Master's Thesis Piano Education in Spain focuses on the development of the Spanish piano education from the beginning of the 19th century until present. It describes and characterizes general and music education from the pre-school age till adulthood. In the second part, the thesis analyzes historical piano schools and methods of P. Albéniz, E. Compta, P. Tintorer and R. Montalbán which influenced piano pedagogy the most. It also deals with current Spanish piano schools of C. Pérez and M. Carra and with foreign mainly American piano schools and methods of J. Thompson, J. Bastien and F. Clark. In the final part, the thesis draws attention to the current situation of music schools and conservatories and the reaction of the teachers to this situation. Since there is no publication in the Czech language concerning this topic, the aim of the thesis is to introduce to the Czech professional public the topic of Spanish piano education development, the current situation and to introduce piano books for beginners which are not known in the Czech Republic.

Política i legislació educativa a l'entorn de l'escola unitària i cíclica. Evolució i situació actual a les comarques gironines (1970-1998)

Feu, Jordi 10 June 1999 (has links)
Aquesta tesi doctoral té quatre objectius fonamentals: 1) analitzar la legislació espanyola i catalana referent a l'escola unitària i cíclica -altrament dita escola rural, escola incompleta o escola petita- des de final del segle XIX fins avui; 2) analitzar la política educativa teòrica i real que s'ha aplicat a aquest tipus d'escola des del final del segle XIX fins avui; 3) analitzar l'evolució del mapa escolar de les comarques gironines -i més concretament l'evolució de l'escola unitària i cíclica- durant el període 1970-1998; i 4) copsar les característiques bàsiques de les escoles unitàries i cícliques de les comarques gironines que impartien docència durant el curs 1997-98. L'aconseguiment d'aquest objectius han estat precedits i condicionats a la vegada per l'emmarcament teòric que hem elaborat i per la metodologia que hem aplicat. Pel que fa als aspectes pròpiament teòrics hem establert a grosso modo dues reflexions bàsiques: a) l'escola unitària i cíclica ha experimentat un procés de transformació notable des del final de la dècada dels 70 fins avui dia, i b) l'escola unitària i cíclica té un gran potencial pedagògic, relacional i humà arran dels "límits" objectius que té. En l'emmarcament teòric afirmem que l'escola "petita" ha evolucionat -sempre en termes generals- d'una manera positiva gràcies a la confluència de diversos factors. D'una banda cal parlar del paper assumit per bona part dels "mestres rurals", els pares i mares, els moviments de renovació pedagògica, el Secretariat d'Escola Rural de Catalunya, els sindicats i alguns partits politics, l'administració educativa i darrerament, el Grup Interuniversitari d'Escola Rural. D'altra banda, no podem oblidar que la millora de l''escola unitària i cíclica també es deu, segons el nostre parer, a l'emergència d'un discurs positivitzador així com a la revalorització social dels pobles "petits" (amb pocs habitants) i especialment dels que tenen una estructura rural. En l'emmarcament teòric també afirmem que l'escola unitària i cíclica compta amb un escenari educatiu privilegiat per impartir una educació més flexible i més oberta. Això es deu, entre altres aspectes, a allò que durant molt de temps s'ha considerat límits estructurals o dèficits: nombre reduït d'alumnes, nombre reduït d'unitats o aules, pocs mestres, espai escolar escàs i a més, molt poc fragmentat, etc. Tots aquests elements, que constitueixen els trets bàsics i més essencials de les escoles unitàries i no tant de les cícliques més grans, propicien allò que B. Bemstein anomena: un text pedagògic integrador, una classificació feble del currículum, un emmarcament dèbil de les relacions socials i una pedagogia invisible. La metodologia que s'ha utilitzat per aconseguir els objectius que hem esmentat es caracteritza per ser plural i per combinar els mètodes quantitatius i els qualitatius. L'objectiu nº1 s'ha aconseguit a través del buidatge i de la interpretació de la normativa referida al nostre objecte d'estudi. L'objectiu nº2 s'ha aconseguit mitjançant l'anàlisi global de la normativa anteriorment comentada i a través de dades estadístiques que provenen de diversos censos escolars. L'objectiu nº3 s'ha acomplert mitjançant el buidatge de les Fulls d'Estadística i dels Fulls d'organització pedagògica (elaborats pel MEC pel Departament d'Ensenyament respectivament). I el darrer objectiu s'ha aconseguit mitjançant l'elaboració d'un qüestionari adreçat a tots els directors i als mestres en plantilla de les escoles unitàries i cícliques. També s'ha elaborat una entrevista semiestructurada que s'ha passat a vuit persones relacionades amb l'escola que aquí ens ocupa. I per últim, també s'ha practicat l'observació participant en una dotzena de centres. Les principals conclusions que hem obtingut -seguint l'orde dels objectius i considerant el que hem exposat en parlar de l'emmarcament teòric són les següents: 1) La política educativa teòrica sobre l'escola unitària i cíclica s'estructura, pel que fa a l'àmbit de l'Estat Espanyol, a l'entorn de set períodes: i) 1838-1910. Des de les instancies governamentals s'accepta aquest tipus d'escola per bé que s'estableixen diferències notables entre les escoles "petites" del món rural i les del món urbà. ii) 1910-1931. S'inicia una política educativa poc favorable perquè s'insta a la graduació de les escoles unitàries i cícliques, malgrat ho facin d'una manera poc ortodoxa. iii) 1931-1939. La política de construccions escolars de la República contempla i fins i tot discrimina d'una manera positiva les escoles incompletes. iv) 1939-1955. EI franquisme de la postguerra tolera, almenys de manera oficial, la presencia i la construcció de noves escoles "petites" per bé que a mesura que s'avança només preveu que es construeixin en el medi rural. v) 1955-1970. S'inicia un procés d'asfíxia que acaba prohibint la construcció d'escoles incompletes. vi) 1971-1982. S'aguditza la política del període anterior. vii) 1982-1995. S'enceta . una política educativa sensible amb l'escola unitària I cíclica. Pel que fa a Catalunya, la política educativa teòrica s'estructura en dos períodes: a) 1981-1987. Es projecta una política més aviat grisa i poc ambiciosa, i b) 1987 fins als nostres dies. Desenvolupament d'una política que, en alguns aspectes, es mostra a favor de l'escola "petita". 2) Malgrat que durant molt temps l'escola unitària cíclica, tant en l'àmbit espanyol com en el català, no hagi tingut una política teòrica favorable ha perdurat fins el dia d'avui. Per fer-nos una idea del que ha representat aquest tipus de centres pensem que són significatives les afirmacions següents: i) L'escola unitària i cíclica és l'única escola pública que existeix a l'Estat espanyol fins al final del segle XIX, ii) L'escola unitària i cíclica augmenta de manera progressivament dades absolutes- fins el 1935, iii) L'escola unitària i cíclica és el tipus de centre més representat -considerant la resta de centres- fins al final de la dècada dels 60. 3) Durant el període 1970-1998 constatem que el mapa escolar de les comarques gironines s'ha transformat notablement arran, tal com succeeix en el conjunt de l'Estat espanyol, de l'expansió progressiva de l'escola graduada o completa. Al curs 1970-71 les comarques gironines tenien 34 escoles graduades (que representaven el 10,9% dels centres públics gironins) i 279 escoles incompletes (149 escoles cícliques 1130 d'unitàries que representaven el 89,1% del total). Al curs 1997-98, en canvi, hem comptabilitzat 111 escoles completes (54,7% dels centres públics) i 92 d'incompletes (72 escoles cícliques i 20 d'unitàries que representen el 45,3%). Malgrat aquesta davallada cal fer pal·lès que avui dia l'escola unitària i cíclica és majoritària (representa el 50% o més dels centres públics) en quatre de les comarques gironines: l'Alt Empordà, el Baix Empordà, la Garrotxa i el Pla de l'Estany. 4) Pel que fa al darrer objectiu, així com els dos aspectes principals que hem plantejat en el marc teòric arribem a les conclusions següents: L'escola unitària i cíclica de les comarques gironines si bé és cert que en termes generals ha millorat notablement -ha millorat la infraestructura, ha incrementat el material didàctic, ha incorporat mestres especialistes, etc.- no ha assolit encara la plena normalització. Avui dia encara trobem escoles que per deixadesa de l'ajuntament no tenen telèfon, l'edifici no es troba en bones condicions, el pati no reuneix les condicions mínimes, etc. D'altra banda, més del 90% d'aquests centres no disposen de mestre d'educació especial. També considerem important remarcar el fet que una part considerable dels centres estudiants no tenen serveis paraescolars de primera necessitat: el 50% no té menjador, el 72,7% no té llar d'infants i el 76,2% no té transport escolar.Per acabar, només cal dir que si bé l'escola incompleta de les comarques gironines imparteix una educació de qualitat i renovadora, no totes les escoles exploten al màxim les potencialitats educatives i relacionals que els atribuïm en l'emmarcament teòric. Conseqüentment no totes apliquen una pedagogia invisible en el sentit Bemstenià del terme. Si bé el 75% dels centres utilitzen, de manera parcial, una modalitat de transmissió difusa perquè utilitzen una pedagogia activa, no podem oblidar que només una minoria -que no arriba al 3%- s'atreveix a prescindir -i només en determinades circumstàncies- dels llibres de text. Les relacions de poder, de jerarquia, i control només són difuses en unes poques escoles ja que l'elaboració de les normes i l'aplicació de les sancions corre a càrrec del mestre en el 75,7% i en el 58% dels centres respectivament. Les regles de seqüència són flexibles en el 68% dels centres perquè adapten el ritme d'aprenentatge a l'especificitat de cada alumne, però molt poques escoles, el 12,4%, són les que alteren amb certa assiduïtat l'ordre del currículum. / Title of the dissertation: Educational policies and legislation on the unitary and cyclic school1.Development and present situation within the region of Girona (1970-1998). This dissertation has four main challenges: 1) to analyze the Spanish and the Catalan legislations on the unitary and cyclic school -also very well-known as rural school, incomplete school or small school- from the end of the 19th Century until today; 2) to analyze the theories and the reality of the educational policies that apply to this type school since the end of the 19th Century until the present time; 3) an in depth analysis of the development of the school districts within Girona, specially the unitary and cyclic school, in the1970-1998 period; 4) to define the main characteristics of the unitary and cyclic schools within Girona running in the academic year 1997-98. All those challenges have been accomplished by means of a theoretical framework and a concise methodology. There are also two main theoretical aspects: 1) The unitary and cyclic school has been notably transformed since the 1970's up until today; 2) The unitary and cyclic school has a very powerful pedagogical, relational and human potential due to its "lacks" and "limits". The small school has been positively developed through: 1) the roles adopted by "rural teachers", parents, pedagogical renovation movements, EI Secretariat d'Escola Rural de Catalunya2, the labor unions and some political parties, the Department of Education, and the Grup Interuniversitari d'Escola Ruraf. A favorable discourse and a social revaluation in small villages also contributed to the improvement of the rural school. The unitary and cyclic school has a much more privileged scene to provide a more flexible and open education to their alumni. The cause of this "privilege" is what has been long considered to be lacking or also known as "structural limit": a small number of alumni, small number of classrooms, few teachers, and a small district. All those elements are the basic characteristics of the unitary schools and not so much of the cyclic schools, and provide what B. Bernstein called an "integrative pedagogical text, a weak framework of the social relationships and an invisible pedagogy'. They all act in favor of the democratic educative culture. Our methodology is plural and combines quantitative and qualitative methods. We accomplished our goals by means of filtering and interpreting the laws regarding our research, as well as a global analysis of such laws and the statistics provided by several school censuses. We filtered Els Fulls d'Estadística i els Fulls d'organifzació pedagògica4, published by the Department of Education and the Education Office (MEC). We also provided a survey to the directors and teachers of all the unitary and cyclic schools, interviewed eight specialists of the Rural School and we did field work and observation in a few schools. 1 A school with single classroom and teacher for all grade levels2 Organization that manages the various rural schools of Catalunya. 3 Interuniversity group for rural schools. 4 Statistics reports of the Department of Education and the Education Office.

Middle School Transition: How It Affects The Achievement of Hispanic Students Relative to ELL Status, Socioeconomic Status, Gender, and Previous Test Scores

Gordon, Kevin D. 01 January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the phenomena of middle school transition and achievement as it relates to Hispanic students. According to the 2000 U.S. census, there are more than 35 million registered Hispanic citizens. Of those, 3.6 million are public school students. The literature indicated that there was a marked regression in student achievement during the transition to middle school. Through the use of descriptive statistics and regression analysis, sixth grade Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) reading and math developmental scale scores (DSS) were analyzed to determine if the mean achievement improved or declined after the transition to middle school. A purposeful sampling procedure was used to select 615 Hispanic students from more than 6,000 students that were enrolled in sixth grade during the 2008-2009 school year. The major findings of this study did not support the literature that indicated that students experienced a decline in achievement when they transitioned to middle school. Analysis of the descriptive statistics indicated that sixth grade Hispanic students experienced a substantial increase in their mean FCAT reading DSS and a smaller increase in the mean math DSS only increasing by 30 points or 2% after they transitioned to middle school.

'n Onderwysregtelike perspektief op regsaanspreeklikheid van onderwyser-afrigters in skolerugby / Roché Marx.

Marx, Roché January 2013 (has links)
School rugby is one of the most popular sports within numerous South-African public schools. Each year competition gets tougher as a result of the increase in tournaments during school holidays and the nationwide promotion of interschool tournaments. Educators as coaches of school teams carry the responsibility to not only pursue competitiveness, but also care for the safety of the school rugby players. Between 2001 and 2010, 13 of 36 players that obtained spinal related injuries ended up as quadriplegic, according to data from the Chris Burger/Petro Jackson Players’ Fund. Statistics show that serious rugby related injuries amongst school rugby players have increased, thus compromising the safety of the rugby player. These statistics add to the central theme of this study, namely educator security. Educator-coaches’ security is greatly influenced by the safety of the school rugby player. The South African Rugby Union (SARU) proceeded to follow the example of other rugby playing countries by implementing a rugby safety program. BOKSMART was launched in 2009 in conjunction with the Chris Burger/Petro Jackson Players Fund. The rugby safety program is implemented for coaches to guide them with the latest methods regarding skills and techniques for the enhancement of safer rugby. During this study similar rugby programs will be analysed and discussed to determine the effect these programs has on educator-coach safety. To understand the effect more clearly, delictual liability is discussed which is connected to an introduction of the South African legal system. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, education legislation and other legislation with regards to the security of the educator-coaches’ and the safety of the school rugby player is discussed. A discussion regarding the application of the law of delict is also included. During the empirical research a qualitative research method is used to determine and interpret the perceptions of educator-coaches regarding their security. If an educator- coach is confronted with legal actions, it can have a negative effect on his worklife and career. Focus is placed on educator-coaches of high school teams, while principals and sport organisers also gave their input on the subject. Findings are presented based on an analysis of the data gathered. Two important findings stood out, namely that all educator-coaches are not well acquainted with the legal aspects regarding player safety and educator-coach’s security and secondly, that there is a need to gain more knowledge regarding delictual liability, as applied to rugby coaching. / Thesis (MEd (Education Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

'n Onderwysregtelike perspektief op regsaanspreeklikheid van onderwyser-afrigters in skolerugby / Roché Marx.

Marx, Roché January 2013 (has links)
School rugby is one of the most popular sports within numerous South-African public schools. Each year competition gets tougher as a result of the increase in tournaments during school holidays and the nationwide promotion of interschool tournaments. Educators as coaches of school teams carry the responsibility to not only pursue competitiveness, but also care for the safety of the school rugby players. Between 2001 and 2010, 13 of 36 players that obtained spinal related injuries ended up as quadriplegic, according to data from the Chris Burger/Petro Jackson Players’ Fund. Statistics show that serious rugby related injuries amongst school rugby players have increased, thus compromising the safety of the rugby player. These statistics add to the central theme of this study, namely educator security. Educator-coaches’ security is greatly influenced by the safety of the school rugby player. The South African Rugby Union (SARU) proceeded to follow the example of other rugby playing countries by implementing a rugby safety program. BOKSMART was launched in 2009 in conjunction with the Chris Burger/Petro Jackson Players Fund. The rugby safety program is implemented for coaches to guide them with the latest methods regarding skills and techniques for the enhancement of safer rugby. During this study similar rugby programs will be analysed and discussed to determine the effect these programs has on educator-coach safety. To understand the effect more clearly, delictual liability is discussed which is connected to an introduction of the South African legal system. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, education legislation and other legislation with regards to the security of the educator-coaches’ and the safety of the school rugby player is discussed. A discussion regarding the application of the law of delict is also included. During the empirical research a qualitative research method is used to determine and interpret the perceptions of educator-coaches regarding their security. If an educator- coach is confronted with legal actions, it can have a negative effect on his worklife and career. Focus is placed on educator-coaches of high school teams, while principals and sport organisers also gave their input on the subject. Findings are presented based on an analysis of the data gathered. Two important findings stood out, namely that all educator-coaches are not well acquainted with the legal aspects regarding player safety and educator-coach’s security and secondly, that there is a need to gain more knowledge regarding delictual liability, as applied to rugby coaching. / Thesis (MEd (Education Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

The Perceptions of Texas Elementary Principals and Special Education Administrators Toward Their Expected and Actual Role Responsibilities in Implementing Specific Provisions of Public Law 94-142

Idiong, Ime J. (Ime Jacob) 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to determine if there are differences in the perceptions of elementary principals and special education administrators across selected variables toward their expected and actual, role responsibilities in implementing specific provisions of P.L. 94-142. Data were collected from elementary principals and special education administrators in Texas. As a measure of perceptions, the Special Education Responsibilities Questionnaire (SERQ) was completed by all elementary principals as it applied to their schools, and special education administrators as applied to their school districts. Data were analyzed using Chi-square test of independence, t-test for correlated samples, and one-way analysis of variance.


Huff-Franklin, Clairie Louisa 17 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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