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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A nutrition education program for promoting healthy beverage consumption in high school students

Lo, Elisabeth 06 September 2005 (has links)
The rise of unhealthy beverage consumption, such as soft drinks, in children and youth for the last 25 years has increased the risk of low bone mass density by replacing milk (a major source of calcium intake), compromised dental health, and possibly contributed obesity. A school-based nutrition education intervention was developed to promote a change in this behavior. This study examined the effectiveness of this nutrition education program, called FUEL (Fluids Used Effectively in Living), in promoting healthy beverage consumption among high school students. The FUEL nutrition education manual consisted of six classroom sessions; it was delivered in four classes of grade nine students using different approaches, either multiple or single strategies. The nutrition intervention used multiple teaching methods which included six lessons delivered as visual, group interaction, tactile, individual, and auditory teaching styles. The multiple strategies approach was delivered through peer educators (led by a dietitian) in one class and dietitian-only in another class. In the single strategy approach, also called self-taught, two classes received only the handouts in the FUEL manual. This latter approach was considered the control to the nutrition intervention. The two classes that received either peer education or self-taught approach were in two high schools in Saskatoon. The two classes with either dietitian-taught or self-taught approaches were in a high school in Prince Albert. The beverage intake, knowledge, and attitude of students were assessed by a self-administered questionnaire before the intervention, a week after the intervention, and three months after the intervention. In Saskatoon only, a one year follow-up beverage intake assessment was performed. None of the schools in the FUEL study provided healthy beverage choices for the students. Generally, students in our study consumed an adequate amount of milk, but they drank sugary beverages daily. There was a tendency to replace milk and 100% fruit juices with sugary drinks. After the intervention, students in multiple teaching strategies decreased their sugary beverage intake significantly. The findings indicated that a school-based nutrition education with multiple teaching strategies may lead to positive knowledge, attitude and behavioural change which will have beneficial effect on long-term health.

Matematik i förskolan : Men vad och hur? / Mathematics in preschool : but what and how?

Hellberg, Petra, Hallin, Lisa, Brandin, Frida January 2009 (has links)
Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka pedagogers syn på matematik i förskolan medfokus på barns lärande. Studien innehåller intervjuer med pedagoger i förskolan samtobservationer av barn i förskolan. Dessa metodval har använts för att kunna svara påstudiens syfte samt frågeställningar. Barnen blev observerade för att undersöka hurderas matematiska kunskaper kom till uttryck. Intervjuerna syftade till att synliggöravad pedagogerna anser om matematiken i förskolan. Denna studie visar att det finns tvåskilda förhållningssätt bland pedagoger om hur barn tillägnar sig matematiskakunskaper i förskolan. Ett av förhållningssätten innebär att pedagogerna anser att barnenlär sig matematik i vardagliga situationer. Ingen undervisning behövs eftersom lärandetsker per automatik i naturliga sammanhang. Det andra förhållningssättet som framkom idenna studie innebär att pedagoger kan genom att observera och lyssna på barnenuppfatta vad deras matematiska förkunskaper är. Pedagogerna utgår sedan från dessa föratt få barnen att utveckla sin matematiska begreppsförståelse. Pedagogerna i förskolankan pendla mellan dessa förhållningssätt i olika situationer. Vi har även kommit framtill att pedagoger kan tydligt se i leken vilka matematiska kunskaper barnen har tillägnatsig. I studien diskuteras och betonar även att pedagogerna i förskolan bör tala om förbarnen när de ägnar sig åt matematik i olika former. / The purpose of this study is to find out how teachers view mathematics in preschool inSweden and how they focus on children’s learning. This study contains interviews withteachers who work in preschools and observations of children in preschools. Thesechoices of methods helpful when the authors was described the purpose and answeredquestions. We observed the children because we wanted to find out how they expressedtheir mathematical knowledge. The educators were interviewed about their view onmathematics in preschool. The result of this study is that there are two separateapproaches among the educators on how the children can learn about mathematics inpreschool. One of these approaches was that the educators thought that the childrenlearned about mathematic in everyday situations. There is no education needed becausethe learning is done automatically. The other approaches this study revealed suggeststhat educators can learn about the children’s previous mathematical knowledge byobserving and listening to the children. The educators can use these approaches to helpthe children develop their mathematical conceptual understanding. The educators canhold both of these approaches if they are in different situations. The educators canobserve the children when they play, then they can see which mathematical knowledgethe children have acquired. In the study it is discussed and emphasised that theeducators should tell the children when they are engaged in mathematics in differentforms.

Förskollärares syn på barns inflytande och delaktighet i förskolan : En studie om förskollärares tankar och erfarenheter / Preschool teachers look at the children´s influence and participation in preschool. : A study about preschool teachers thoughts and experiences

Wennlund, Maria January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur förskollärarna ser på barnens inflytande och delaktighet i förskolan. I studien har fokus lagts på två frågeställningar: • Hur ser förskollärarna på inflytande och delaktighet?  • I vilka situationer tycker förskollärarna att barnen ges bäst möjligheter till inflytande och delaktighet? Den metod som valts i studien är semistrukturerade intervjuer för att ta reda på förskollärarnas tankar och deras erfarenheter om arbete med inflytande och delaktighet i förskolan.  I studien gjordes valet att intervjua fem förskollärare på två olika förskole-områden i samma kommun i mellan Sverige för att kunna se skillnader och likheter mellan olika områden i samma kommun. Resultatet visar att förskollärarna ser på inflytande och delaktighet som en vardaglig sak, alla förskollärare har samma tankar kring inflytande och delaktighet samt med arbetet med både inflytande och delaktighet. Skillnaden mellan hur mycket inflytande förskollärarna gav barnen var beroende av behovet i barngruppen man hade för tillfället, vad den barngruppen behövde. / The purpose of the study is to find out how the preschool teachers look at the children´s influence and participation in preschool. Two questions are chosen to focus on in this study:• What are the preschool teachers´ views of influence and participation? • In what situations do the preschool teachers think that they give children the best opportunity to influence and participation? The method chosen in this study is semi-structured interviews in purpose to find out the preschool teachers´ thoughts and experiences about their work with influence and participation in preschool. Five preschool teachers in two different areas in the same municipality in central Sweden was chosen to be interviewed in the study in purpose to see the differences and similarities between different areas in the same municipality. The results show that preschool teachers’ see the influence and participation as an everyday thing; all preschool teachers’ have the same thoughts about the influence and participation and how they work with influence and participation. What differed between preschool teachers’ about how much influence and participation they gave the children was due to the need in the group of children they have at the moment. What need has the group for the moment.

Survey of Educator Attitude Regarding Inclusive Education Within a Southern Arizona School District

Harkins, Bradford J. January 2013 (has links)
Inclusive Education for students with special educational needs is a global phenomenon, a major event of momentous proportions affecting directly and indirectly a significant percentage of the world's population. In response to international and national mandates requiring its implementation, educators everywhere are engaged in the daily task of providing educational services within inclusive general education classroom settings. It is expected that inclusion in the United States will become more prevalent in American classrooms over the next ten years due to progressively more stringent federal and state mandates. In order for inclusion to result in adequate yearly progress for all student subgroups, it is imperative that it be properly implemented. Research has established that a critical component for proper implementation is an understanding of baseline attitudes in regard to inclusive education held by educators. The purpose of this study is to explore the attitudes of pre-K-12 general and special education teachers, school site administrators, school psychologists, paraprofessionals, physical and occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, certified non-teaching, school office staff and special education office staff in a medium-sized school district in southern Arizona. This study examines attitudes held by educators, their foundations of knowledge, attitudes, perceptions and opinions that shape their attitudes; and potential recommendations for implementation strategies that are predicted to be successful by these educators.

Teaching Methods and Pedagogical Ideas of Pavel Petrovich Chistyakov - A Talented Russian Artist and Exceptional Art Educator

Pivniouk, Oksana January 2013 (has links)
The following paper is an opportunity for me to introduce Pavel Petrovich Chistyakov and his pedagogical ideas to English-speaking educators. His life's accomplishments seem even more remarkable when considering the fact that he was born into a family of serfs and later became a professor at the Russian Academy of Fine Arts. Among his students were well-known Russian artists such as Valentin Serov, Mikhail Vrubel, Vasily Surikov, Victor Vasnetcov, and Vasily Polenov. In this paper, I present you with a brief analytical summary of his methodology on teaching drawing and painting, his pedagogical approaches, as well as his ideas on the development of art education in the public school setting. Chistyakov's pedagogical system still seems relevant today and, with slight adjustments, can be adapted to various teaching situations depending on the educational environment and students' abilities.

Två-Och flerspråkighet som "språkpolicy" i förskolan

Yazidi Svedlund, Miriam January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of the essay was to investigate the way four different educators, at a pre-school with a bilingual profile, work towards strengthening the children’s bilingualism as well as their identity. The research questions concern which guidelines are being used, the educators perceptions concerning children’s bi- and multilingualism and in what way they believe that their pre-school distinguishes itself from others. Qualitative individual interviews and observations were conducted and the empirical data was analyzed using a theoretical framework, constructed of theories concerning language development, ethnicity and identity. The result presented in the study shows that the pre-school not only follows the national curriculum but also their own guideline. The guideline states that there should be both Spanish- and Swedish speaking personnel and that they are “responsible” for the education in their own language. The educators had predominantly two views concerning bi- and multilingual learning, the first one was that translation and repeating enhances the children’s language capability, whilst some pointed on the importance of communication and being attentive to the children’s needs, to enable a good learning environment. The main part of the educators stated, somewhat surprisingly, that the main criteria that distinguishes them from other pre-schools were of a cultural nature. Their opinion was that the “Latin culture” of the pre-school leads to a more loving and lively working climate.

Demokratiškumo ugdymo programų taikymas socialinių pedagogų rengime / The application of democracy education programs in social educators' training

Balkutė, Asta 04 July 2006 (has links)
By the analyze the training programs of child welfare professionals (Vilnius Pedagogical University), it was remarked that democracy education is integrated into different study modules. Both in Lithuania and United States of America civic and democracy education is integrated by main documents, data, and texts, which is civic and democracy education theory and practice based on projects for active citizenship. One of the most improved project for democracy education could be Project Citizen, which is accredited as alternative democracy education program by Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Science and Education Department of United States of America. According to this program Foundations of Democracy could be both theoretical and practical example for democracy education. It is used in all educational levels in United States of America, and in elementary level in Lithuania. This program is based on active and critical educational methods which stand on four democracy dimensions: Authority, Privacy, Responsibility and Justice. This program is developed in Center for Civic Education in Indiana (USA), as the Project Citizen. The hypothesis of the research - Tyrimo hipotezė – taikant demokratinio ugdymo programą, būsimieji vaiko gerovės profesionalai įgis demokratinio ugdymo teorinės ir praktinės patirties, ir efektyviai taikys dirbdami su ugdymo institucijų bendruomene. The object of the research – programs for democracy education – Foundations of Democracy and Project... [to full text]

Rengimosi sporto pedagogo karjerai Baltijos šalyse lyginamoji analizė / A comparable analysis of Baltic states among preservice physical education teachers preparation for their future career

Kočius, Audrius 18 June 2008 (has links)
Trims Pabaltijo valstybėms ištrūkus iš Sovietų Sąjungos ir Įstojus į ES, švietimo sistema buvo reformuota, artinant ją prie vakarų šalių švietimo sistemų. Didelis dėmesys kreipiamas mokinių ir studentų karjeros planavimui, nes atsivėrus sienoms ir išaugus kvalifikuotos darbo jėgos paklausai, vis jaunesnio amžiaus asmenys turi nuspręsti savo tolimesnės karjeros žingsnius. Tuo tarpu racionalus profesijos pasirinkimas ir darbo rinkos poreikius atitinkantis karjeros planas yra sėkmingos profesinės karjeros pagrindas. Tyrimo tikslas: Atlikti Baltijos valstybėse (Lietuvoje, Latvijoje, Estijoje bei Suomijoje) studijuojančių studentų rengimosi sporto pedagogo karjerai lyginamąją analizę. Problema – Ar skiriasi Lietuvos, Latvijos, Estijos ir Suomijos sporto pedagogų rengimas, aukštojoje mokykloje, jų tolimesnei karjerai? Hipotezės: 1. Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijos būsimųjų sporto pedagogų rengimas nesiskiria; 2. Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijos sporto pedagogų rengimas karjerai skiriasi nuo Suomijos sporto pedagogų rengimo karjerai. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Aptarti karjeros suvokimo ir ugdymo skirtumus Baltijos valstybėse. 2. Išanalizuoti asmenybės savybes bei aplinkos veiksnius, turinčius įtaką sporto pedagogo karjerai. 3. Ištirti būsimų sporto pedagogų Baltijos šalyse rengimosi sporto pedagogo karjerai edukacines prielaidas. 4. Ištirti būsimų sporto pedagogų Baltijos šalyse profesines vertybines nuostatas. Išvados: 1. Lietuva, Latvija ir Estija atsilieka nuo Suomijos (Estija... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / After three Baltic countries escaped from Soviet Union and enter EU they reformed education system proximate for western countries. After walls had braked all attention set for schoolchildren’s and students career planning, because of growing needs of professional labor. All young people must make decisions for further career. Meanwhile rationale choices for profession and need’s for job market are mane ground for successful career. Research goal: Comparative analysis in Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland) of students which planning physical educator career. Problem – Is it different preparation in high schools of physical educator’s for future career in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland? Hypothesis: 1. It is no deferent in preparation of sport educator’s in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. 2. It there any differences between preparation for sport educator’s career in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia from Finland’s preservice physical education students development for their future career. The tasks of research: 1. Discuss career perception and education differences in Baltic countries. 2. Analyze internal personal characteristics and environmental factors, which have influence for preparation of physical educator’s career. 3. Test preservice physical education students in Baltic countries, for preparation their career, education presumptions. 4. Test future physical educators in Baltic countries for vocational value-related attitudes. CONCLUSION ... [to full text]

Socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų bendradarbiavimo galimybės / Opportunities of communication between social educators and social workers

Reinikovienė, Aurelija 13 January 2009 (has links)
Šis darbas skirtas apžvelgti socialinio pedagogo ir socialinio darbuotojo profesijų raidą bendradarbiavimo aspektu, aptarti socialinio pedagogo ir socialinio darbuotojo vaidmenis, veiklos ypatumus, bendradarbiavimo ir komandinio darbo esmę. Nors socialinio ugdymo praktika glaudžiai siejasi su socialiniu darbu, tačiau teoriniu lygmeniu socialinės pedagogikos ir socialinio darbo teorijos objektai priklauso skirtingoms socialinių mokslų kryptims. Tiek socialinio darbuotojo, tiek ir socialinio pedagogo pagrindinis veiklos tikslas – vaiko ir jo aplinkos gerovė. Šiuo darbu tikimasi išanalizuoti, kokios yra socialinio pedagogo ir socialinio darbuotojo bendradarbiavimo galimybės ugdymo įstaigose, kokius vaidmenis atlieka šie specialistai ir kuo jų veikla gali papildyti viena kitą. Darbo objektas - socialinio pedagogo ir socialinio darbuotojo bendradarbiavimas. Darbo tikslas - atskleisti socialinio pedagogo ir socialinio darbuotojo bendradarbiavimo galimybes. Tikslui pasiekti naudotas kiekybinio tipo tyrimas. 2008 metų spalio-lapkričio mėnesiais Kauno miesto vidurinėse mokyklose atlikta anketinė socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų apklausa, kuria siekta išsiaiškinti respondentų nuomonę apie socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų bendradarbiavimo galimybes. Tyrimo rezultatai: socialinis darbuotojas savo veikloje dažniausiai atlieka socialiniam pedagogui būdingesnius vaidmenis – konsultanto, mokytojo, informatoriaus, kt. Pastarieji, remiantis tyrimo rezultatais, nurodė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This paper is to review trade evolution of social educator and social worker in communication aspect, to discuss the roles of social educator and social worker, work singularity, communication and team work point. Even social training practice is close related with social work, but in theoretical level social education and social work theory objects belongs to different social study directions. Both social worker and social educator the main work goal is child and his social welfare. By this paper I hope to analyze, what opportunities are to communicate between social educator and social worker in training office, what roles are taken by these specialists and how their activity can complement each other. The object of the study is communication between social educator and social worker. The goal of the study is to show opportunities of communication between social educator and social worker. To reach this goal I did quantitative analysis. In October- November of the year 2008, the survey of the social workers and social educators was done in Kaunas secondary schools, in case to get the respondent‘s opinion about the opportunities of communication between social workers and social educators. The results of the analysis showed that social worker plays the roles more similar to social educators roles, like : advisor‘s, teacher‘s, informator‘s etc. Last-mentioned, on the ground of the stydy‘s results, showed that, on the contrary, do not play teacher‘s role so often, and... [to full text]


GIANOTTI, FABIO 07 April 2014 (has links)
La ricerca si occupa dei processi formativi degli educatori che lavorano con adolescenti. Nello specifico, l’oggetto delle ricerca intende mettere a fuoco come matura l’orientamento esistenziale degli operatori che si occupano di adolescenti e quale declinazione metodologica corrisponda, nella pratica lavorativa, a tale orientamento. Muovendo da un’istanza teoretica di tipo fenomenologico, la prima parte dell’elaborato affronta le questioni relative all’impostazione metodologica. Nella seconda parte la ricerca avvicina il lavoro di alcuni educatori e psichiatri di rilievo per ricostruirne, attraverso le loro opere, gli orizzonti di senso. Nella seconda parte la ricerca si avvarrà di un’indagine sul campo per sondare i passaggi significativi circa la crescita esistenziale di un campione di educatori. / The research deals with educators’ formative processes. In specific, how youth workers’ existential orientation takes shape and which consistent methodological declination these actors find in educational practice. Moving from a phenomenological approach, in the first part, the study focuses on methodological problems. In the second part, the research investigates some authors (important educationalists and psychiatrists) to reconstruct, through their writings, their meaning horizons. At least the study detects professional and personal experiences of an educators’ sample to identify revealing passages about their existential processes.

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