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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On Optimizing Transactional Memory: Transaction Splitting, Scheduling, Fine-grained Fallback, and NUMA Optimization

Mohamedin, Mohamed Ahmed Mahmoud 01 September 2015 (has links)
The industrial shift from single core processors to multi-core ones introduced many challenges. Among them, a program cannot get a free performance boost by just upgrading to a new hardware because new chips include more processing units but at the same (or comparable) clock speed as the previous generation. In order to effectively exploit the new available hardware and thus gain performance, a program should maximize parallelism. Unfortunately, parallel programming poses several challenges, especially when synchronization is involved because parallel threads need to access the same shared data. Locks are the standard synchronization mechanism but gaining performance using locks is difficult for a non-expert programmers and without deeply knowing the application logic. A new, easier, synchronization abstraction is therefore required and Transactional Memory (TM) is the concrete candidate. TM is a new programming paradigm that simplifies the implementation of synchronization. The programmer just defines atomic parts of the code and the underlying TM system handles the required synchronization, optimistically. In the past decade, TM researchers worked extensively to improve TM-based systems. Most of the work has been dedicated to Software TM (or STM) as it does not requires special transactional hardware supports. Very recently (in the past two years), those hardware supports have become commercially available as commodity processors, thus a large number of customers can finally take advantage of them. Hardware TM (or HTM) provides the potential to obtain the best performance of any TM-based systems, but current HTM systems are best-effort, thus transactions are not guaranteed to commit in any case. In fact, HTM transactions are limited in size and time as well as prone to livelock at high contention levels. Another challenge posed by the current multi-core hardware platforms is their internal architecture used for interfacing with the main memory. Specifically, when the common computer deployment changed from having a single processor to having multiple multi-core processors, the architects redesigned also the hardware subsystem that manages the memory access from the one providing a Uniform Memory Access (UMA), where the latency needed to fetch a memory location is the same independently from the specific core where the thread executes on, to the current one with a Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA), where such a latency differs according to the core used and the memory socket accessed. This switch in technology has an implication on the performance of concurrent applications. In fact, the building blocks commonly used for designing concurrent algorithms under the assumptions of UMA (e.g., relying on centralized meta-data) may not provide the same high performance and scalability when deployed on NUMA-based architectures. In this dissertation, we tackle the performance and scalability challenges of multi-core architectures by providing three solutions for increasing performance using HTM (i.e., Part-HTM, Octonauts, and Precise-TM), and one solution for solving the scalability issues provided by NUMA-architectures (i.e., Nemo). • Part-HTM is the first hybrid transactional memory protocol that solves the problem of transactions aborted due to the resource limitations (space/time) of current best-effort HTM. The basic idea of Part-HTM is to partition those transactions into multiple sub-transactions, which can likely be committed in hardware. Due to the eager nature of HTM, we designed a low-overhead software framework to preserve transaction's correctness (with and without opacity) and isolation. Part-HTM is efficient: our evaluation study confirms that its performance is the best in all tested cases, except for those where HTM cannot be outperformed. However, in such a workload, Part-HTM still performs better than all other software and hybrid competitors. • Octonauts tackles the live-lock problem of HTM at high contention level. HTM lacks of advanced contention management (CM) policies. Octonauts is an HTM-aware scheduler that orchestrates conflicting transactions. It uses a priori knowledge of transactions' working-set to prevent the activation of conflicting transactions, simultaneously. Octonauts also accommodates both HTM and STM with minimal overhead by exploiting adaptivity. Based on the transaction's size, time, and irrevocable calls (e.g., system call) Octonauts selects the best path among HTM, STM, or global locking. Results show a performance improvement up to 60% when Octonauts is deployed in comparison with pure HTM with falling back to global locking. • Precise-TM is a unique approach to solve the granularity of the software fallback path of best-efforts HTM. It provide an efficient and precise technique for HTM-STM communication such that HTM is not interfered by concurrent STM transactions. In addition, the added overhead is marginal in terms of space or execution time. Precise-TM uses address-embedded locks (pointers bit-stealing) for a precise communication between STM and HTM. Results show that our precise fine-grained locking pays off as it allows more concurrency between hardware and software transactions. Specifically, it gains up to 5x over the default HTM implementation with a single global lock as fallback path. • Nemo is a new STM algorithm that ensures high and scalable performance when an application workload with a data locality property is deployed. Existing STM algorithms rely on centralized shared meta-data (e.g., a global timestamp) to synchronize concurrent accesses, but in such a workload, this scheme may hamper the achievement of scalable performance given the high latency introduced by NUMA architectures for updating those centralized meta-data. Nemo overcomes these limitations by allowing only those transactions that actually conflict with each other to perform inter-socket communication. As a result, if two transactions are non-conflicting, they cannot interact with each other through any meta-data. Such a policy does not apply for application threads running in the same socket. In fact, they are allowed to share any meta-data even if they execute non-conflicting operations because, supported by our evaluation study, we found that the local processing happening inside one socket does not interfere with the work done by parallel threads executing on other sockets. Nemo's evaluation study shows improvement over state-of-the-art TM algorithms by as much as 65%. / Ph. D.

Canting the cradle : the destruction of an ancient Mesopotamian civilization

Marston, Jane Elizabeth 02 1900 (has links)
Iraq is a country of great cultural significance as it is where civilization first began. As a result of its lengthy occupation, it is virtually one large archaeological site. In spite of numerous warnings to the governments of both the United States and the United Kingdom, no efforts were made to protect the Iraqi National Museum in Baghdad when the American-led coalition unlawfully invaded Iraq. Indeed, orders were given not to interfere with the looting. During the occupation that followed, the United States failed to take steps to protect Iraqi cultural property. In terms of international law, it was obliged to protect Iraq’s cultural property. The United States also chose to exacerbate its unlawful conduct by occupying archaeological sites and damaging them further by illegal construction. As a result many significant sites have been irreparably damaged or destroyed. Their conduct was the result of complete indifference to the Iraqi cultural heritage. Although their actions render them iin breach of international law, it is unlikely that the United States will ever be prosecuted for its actions. / Old Testament & Ancient Near Eastern Studies / M.A. (Ancient Near Eastern Studies)

Canting the cradle : the destruction of an ancient Mesopotamian civilization

Marston, Jane Elizabeth 02 1900 (has links)
Iraq is a country of great cultural significance as it is where civilization first began. As a result of its lengthy occupation, it is virtually one large archaeological site. In spite of numerous warnings to the governments of both the United States and the United Kingdom, no efforts were made to protect the Iraqi National Museum in Baghdad when the American-led coalition unlawfully invaded Iraq. Indeed, orders were given not to interfere with the looting. During the occupation that followed, the United States failed to take steps to protect Iraqi cultural property. In terms of international law, it was obliged to protect Iraq’s cultural property. The United States also chose to exacerbate its unlawful conduct by occupying archaeological sites and damaging them further by illegal construction. As a result many significant sites have been irreparably damaged or destroyed. Their conduct was the result of complete indifference to the Iraqi cultural heritage. Although their actions render them iin breach of international law, it is unlikely that the United States will ever be prosecuted for its actions. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M.A. (Ancient Near Eastern Studies)

Analyse expérimentale et numérique du comportement de véhicules terrestres en présence d'un vent latéral instationnaire / Experimental and numerical analysis about ground vehicles behaviour when subjected to an unsteady side wind

Volpe, Raffaele 11 March 2013 (has links)
L’aérodynamique latérale des véhicules automobiles suscite de nos jours de plus en plus d’intérêt de la part des constructeurs. L’automobiliste est en effet soumis quotidiennement à de forts courants d’air latéraux, que ce soit lors du dépassement d’un autre véhicule, ou alorsen passant dans un couloir de vent du à la topographie du terrain (passage devant un espace entre deux immeubles par exemple). Les efforts aérodynamiques mis en jeu dans ces situations peuvent provoquer des mouvements non désirés du véhicule, pouvant avoir des conséquences dramatiques si le conducteur se laisse surprendre. Des études expérimentales reproduisant les effets d’un dérapage dynamique ont mis en évidence des phénomènes transitoires importants mettant à défaut les modèles stationnaires généralement pratiqués par les constructeurs pour qualifier le comportement de leurs véhicules en présence de dérapage. Les mécanismes responsables de ces phénomènes transitoires sont encore mal connus de la communauté scientifique. Ce travail propose d’approfondir ce sujet au travers de l’étude de l’aérodynamique d’un véhicule terrestre fixe soumis à un vent longitudinal et à une rafale de vent latéral. Le but principal est d’identifier les structures tourbillonnaires au moyen de mesures PIV et de calculs numériques des champs de vitesse autour d’une maquette automobile et de les corréler aux efforts aérodynamiques. Un accord entre l’ISAT, composante de l’Université de Bourgogne, et l’Institut Supérieurde l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace (ISAE) de Toulouse a permis de mener l’étude avec les ressources de cet établissement. Le moyen d’essai principal, créé par l’ISAE, est le banc« rafale latérale », constitué d’une soufflerie principale et d’une soufflerie secondaire, dont la sortie à volet déferlants (« Mexican Wave ») est inspirée de l’approche proposée par Ryan et Dominy (2000). L’analyse expérimentale a été effectuée à l’aide de la PIV résolue en temps et stéréoscopique, et d’une balance dard instationnaire à cinq composantes. Un banc« numérique » identique a été constitué à l’aide du logiciel FLUENT©, pour des calculs 3D. De plus, un modèle 2D annexe, basé sur la méthode « meshless », a été développé pour de futures investigations, en raison de sa robustesse pour des problèmes à fortes discontinuités et sa bonne adaptabilité aux problèmes avec frontières mobiles.Une première phase de ce travail a consisté en la mise au point des bancs expérimental et numérique, avec génération d’un champ de dérapage homogène, de 21° dans la zone de mesure. L’évolution du dérapage en chaque point respecte bien la forme d’un créneau imposé par la rafale. Pour l’analyse des efforts, deux géométries de maquette ont été étudiées, à savoir un corps de Windsor à culot droit générant, pour un écoulement longitudinal, des structures de sillage bidimensionnelles, et son homologue à culot incliné de 25°, générant des tourbillons « cigare ». Des pics d’efforts ont été observés à l’arrivée de la rafale, tout comme la littérature le prédit. Pour ce qui est du coefficient du moment de lacet, les sursauts sont de 29 % et 19 % respectivement pour la maquette à culot droit et celle à culot incliné, par rapport aux valeurs stationnaires. Concernant le coefficient de force de dérive, ils sont de 10 % et 14 %, respectivement. Lors de nos essais, ces efforts se sont établis après 5.5 longueurs de maquette. Afin d’expliquer la différence de comportement entre les deux maquettes en termes d’efforts, l’évolution temporelle des tourbillons nommés, dans ce mémoire, ΓA, ΓB, ΓC et Γ1 à été discutée. Il en est ressorti une forte corrélation entre la circulation du tourbillon ΓA, le plusénergétique, naissant à l’avant du flanc sous le vent de la maquette, et les efforts latéraux, de sorte que ce tourbillon serait le meilleur témoin des phénomènes instationnaires mis en jeu dans l’étude de l’effet du vent latéral. [...] / The automotive manufacturers are nowadays more and more interested in crosswind aerodynamics. Indeed, the driver is subjected every day to strong side air flows, for example when overtaking another vehicle or when passing through a lateral wind wall, generated by terrain topography (as in the case of the passage near the empty space between two buildings).The aerodynamic efforts generated in these situations can lead to undesired lateral deviations,which can be dramatic if the driver is surprised. Different experimental studies, reproducing the effects of a dynamic yaw angle, pointed out the issues of the steady methods, commonly used to qualify the vehicle crosswind behaviour. Little is still known about the physics behind these unsteady phenomena. This is the main topic of this work, by studying the aerodynamics of a fixed vehicle subjected to both a longitudinal flow and a side wind gust. The goal is the identification of the near-vehicle vortex structures, by means of PIV measurements and CFD calculations, and their correlation with the evolution of the efforts. An agreement between the ISAT, a department of the University of Burgundy, and the ISAE of Toulouse, permitted to carry out this research with the resources of the latter laboratory. The work focuses on the use of the “rafale latérale” (side gust) test bench, made up with a main wind tunnel connected with an auxiliary one by means of a shutter system,whose opening is held by a “Mexican Wave” law. This approach is inspired by the work of Dominy and Ryan (2000). The experimental analysis was carried out by means of Time-Resolved and stereoscopic PIV, and by a five components unsteady balance as well. Anidentical test bench was numerically reproduced with the 3D CFD software FLUENT©.Moreover, an additional 2D CFD model, based on the meshless method, has been developed for future studies. This kind of approximation method has been chosen for its robustness innon-continuous problems and because of its adaptability when moving boundaries are needed.The first phase of this work consisted on wind tunnels set-up, both for the real test bench and for the CFD model. The yaw angle field is homogeneous, 21° in the measurement region. The yaw angle evolution, at given point, respects the step wise behaviour, imposed by the gust passage. As far as the efforts are concerned, two versions of the Windsor body car model were studied, that is a squareback geometry, generating, for longitudinal flows, 2D wakestructures, and a fastback geometry (rear window inclined by 25°), producing cone-liketrailing vortices. Force overshoots were seen after the gust arrival, as seen in literature. In particular, the yaw moment coefficient overshoots are 29% and 19% higher than the steady yaw angle tests, for the squareback and the fastback geometries, respectively. If the side forceis concerned, the entities of these overshoots are 10% and 14%, respectively. Our testspointed out that efforts establish after the vehicle has driven 5.5 times its length in thecrosswind. In order to explain the different behaviour of the two geometries, it is discussed about the unsteady evolution of the vortices called, in this report, ΓA, ΓB, ΓC et Γ1. A strong correlation between the side efforts and the circulation of the most energetic vortex, ΓA,having its origin in the front leeward side of the vehicle. The ΓA vortex is so the best index for the study of the crosswind unsteady phenomena. The coupled analysis between vortex structures and efforts confirmed the presence of a higher side force for the squareback geometry. The inverted effect has been observed for the yaw moment

Promoting and enhancing the graduate student transition experience : an exploratory study of Kansas State University

Lopez, Kathryn T. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Journalism and Mass Communications / William Adams / This is an exploratory study on the existing transition efforts of the Kansas State University Graduate School for master’s degree students. There are a variety of graduate students at Kansas State University with many different graduate program experiences. This study identifies the current status of incoming master’s degree students outreach and details experiences of transitioning graduate students to make suggestions on future strategies. It is vital to identify if, and which, programs are catering to the different needs of these students during their socialization into their graduate program. The study has three main objectives: (1) determine the level of personal contact and emphasis on relationship-building during a master’s degree student’s transition, (2) identify the general efforts and practices of specific master’s degree programs and the Kansas State University Graduate School, and (3) to document the needs of students as they transition into graduate school at Kansas State University. The research was conducted through use of confidential one-on-one in-depth interviews with nine Kansas State University graduate program directors and two Graduate School administrators. Ten newly admitted to the Kansas State University graduate program in the spring of 2013 were interviewed. The qualitative approach to this study enabled the researcher to get detailed testimonials and experience-based knowledge from all of these key stakeholders. Overall, the study revealed that graduate students value face-to-face and personal interaction and showed that student-to-student contact is a preferred component to a successful socialization of graduate students. The needs of transitioning graduate students included assistance with course scheduling, assistantship responsibilities, advisor selection, and an overall understanding that graduate school is different from undergraduate school. Future graduate program strategies that would assist in the successful socialization of graduate students include: orientations, meeting with graduate program directors, social and networking opportunities, and workshops. Involvement in student organizations and utilization of on-campus resources are also a part of most of the graduate programs, and graduate school transition outreach. Based on the findings of this study, the researcher offers suggestions to the Graduate School, graduate programs, and incoming students in order to help enhance the transition experience of master’s degree students into graduate school at Kansas State University.

Efeito da suplementação de creatina sobre o desempenho físico de adultos jovens treinados submetidos a esforços intermitentes máximos no cicloergômetro\" / Title not available

Altimari, Leandro Ricardo 06 October 2004 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o efeito da suplementação de creatina sobre o desempenho físico de adultos jovens treinados submetidos a esforços intermitentes máximos no cicloergômetro. A amostra foi composta por 26 indivíduos saudáveis, do sexo masculino, que foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos, suplementado com creatina (CR, n = 13; 22,5 &#177; 2,7 anos; 74,9 &#177; 6,8 kg; 178,5 &#177; 4,8 cm) e placebo (PL, n = 13; 22,9 &#177; 3,2 anos; 71,9 &#177; 11,3 kg; 178,6 &#177; 4,0 cm). A suplementação de creatina ou placebo (maltodextrina) foi consumida por meio de delineamento duplo cego, em quatro doses de 5 g/dia durante os cinco primeiros dias (20 g/dia). A partir daí, uma única dose de 3 g/dia foi ingerida nos 51 dias subsequentes. Foi realizado um controle prévio dos hábitos alimentares e dos níveis de aptidão física dos indivíduos. Para avaliação do desempenho físico em esforços intermitentes foram realizados três Testes de Wingate (TW), separados por 2 minutos de intervalo, pré e pós-suplementação de CR ou PL. Os índices de desempenho físico analisados foram: potência de pico relativa (PPR); potência relativa a cada período de 5 s (PR); potência média relativa (PMR); trabalho total relativo (TTR) e índice de fadiga (IF). Foram coletados 25 &#181;l de sangue no lóbulo da orelha um minuto após a realização de cada TW para a dosagem de lactato sanguíneo (LAC). Coletas de urina de 24 horas foram utilizadas para a determinar as concentrações de creatinina (CRT) antes e após o período de suplementação. Os dados foram tratados por ANOVA e ANCOVA para medidas repetidas, seguidas pelo teste post hoc de Scheffé. A PPR no TW2 foi significativamente maior (6%) para o grupo CR comparado ao grupo PL após a suplementação (p<0,01). PR no período de 0-5 s no TW2 foi significante maior para o grupo CR (11%) comparado ao PL após a suplementação (p<0,02). A PMR e o IF não apresentaram diferenças significativas nos TW, entre os grupos CR e PL após a suplementação (p>0,05). O TTR foi significativamente maior no grupo CR (3%) comparado ao PL após a suplementação (p<0,02). O LAC não apresentou diferenças significantes nos TW, entre os grupos CR e PL, após suplementação (p>0,05). Interação significante entre grupo e tempo foi encontrada para a CRT, indicando que o grupo CR teve sua taxa de excreção aumentada (22%) após a suplementação de creatina (p<0,03). Os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que a suplementação de creatina melhora o desempenho físico em esforços intermitentes de alta intensidade e curta duração, e que esta melhora parece ser determinada nos 5 s iniciais de esforço. / The objective of present study was to analyze the effect of creatine supplementation on performance of trained young adults submitted the intermittent maximal efforts in cycle ergometer. The sample was composed by 26 individuals healthy, male, that were randomly divided in two groups, supplemented with creatine (CR, n = 13; 22.5 &#177; 2.7 years; 74.9 &#177; 6.8 kg; 178.5 &#177; 4.8 cm) and placebo (PL, n = 13; 22.9 &#177; 3.2 years; 71.9 &#177; 11.3 kg;178.6 &#177; 4.0 cm). The creatine supplementation or placebo (maltodextrin) was consumed through a blind double manner, in four doses 5 g/day during the first five days (20 g/day). Therefore, a single dose 3 g/day was ingested in the following 51 days. Previous control of the alimentary habits was accomplished and levels of physical fitness of the individuals. For evaluation of the performance in intermittent maximal efforts three Wingate Test (WT) were accomplished separate for 2 minutes of interval, pre and pos supplementation of CR or PL. The analysis performance indexes were: relative peak power (RPP), relative power to each period of 5 s (RP), relative mean power (RMP), relative total work (RTW) and index of fatigue (IF). The 25 &#181;l blood were collected in the earlobe one minute after the accomplishment of each TW for the dosage of lactate blood (LAC). Collections of urine of 24 hours were used for the determination of creatinine concentration (CRT) before and after the supplementation period. ANOVA and ANCOVA with repeated measures, followed by the test post hoc from Scheffé. RPP in WT2 was significantly larger (6%) for the group CR compared to the group PL after the supplementation (p<0.01). The PR in period of 0-5 s in TVV2 was significant larger for the group CR (11%) compared to PL after the supplementation (p <0.02). RMP and IF didn\'t present significant differences in WT, among the groups CR and PL after the supplementation (p>0.05). RTW was significantly larger in the group CR (3%) compared to PL after the supplementation (p<0.02). The LAC didn\'t present significant differences in WT, among the groups CR and PL, after supplementation (p>0.05). Significant interaction between group and time was found for CRT, indicating that the group CR had his tax of increased excretion (22%) after the supplemented with creatine (p<0,03). The results of the present study suggest that creatine supplementation improve the performance in intermittent efforts of high intensity and short duration, and this improvement seems to be certain in 5 s initial of effort.

Analyses expérimentales et modélisation de la formation de bavures dans l’alliage AlSi7Mg0,3+0,5Cu – Application en coupe orthogonale et en fraisage / Experimental analysis and burr formation modeling in the AlSi7Mg0.3+0.5Cu alloy –Application to orthogonal cutting and milling

Regnier, Tristan 14 December 2018 (has links)
Dans un contexte d’optimisation des lignes de production, la maîtrise de la qualité des pièces et des capacités machines est primordiale. Plusieurs études se sont intéressées à la formation des bavures en usinage mais les mécanismes sont encore peu connus, bien qu’un lien fort avec les efforts de coupe soit établi par divers auteurs. Ainsi, la maîtrise des efforts de coupe a un intérêt double : optimiser les lignes de production et servir de donnée d’entrée pour la prédiction de la taille des bavures. Cette étude propose donc de renforcer les connaissances concernant les mécanismes de formation des bavures générées par un outil en sortie matière, et de prédire les efforts de coupe en fraisage grande vitesse, dans l’alliage d’aluminium AlSi7Mg0,3+0,5Cu. Divers mécanismes de formation de bavures sont étudiés en coupe élémentaire. Une nouvelle méthode de mesure in situ permet d’identifier l’influence des conditions opératoires sur l’évolution statistique de critères géométriques caractérisant les bavures générées de façon hétérogène dans le cas de l’alliage étudié, dont le comportement est fortement dépendant de son état de contrainte local ainsi que de sa microstructure. Une analyse des champs de déplacement et déformation par corrélation d’images couplée ainsi qu’un modèle de simulation par éléments finis permettent d’identifier plus finement les mécanismes de formation des bavures. Le surfaçage est étudié pour modéliser les efforts de coupe puis comparer les efforts produits lors de la sortie des dents avec les caractéristiques des bavures obtenues. Enfin, une stratégie de minimisation de la hauteur des bavures en surfaçage à la fraise grande avance est étudiée. / In a context of production lines optimization, parts quality and machine capabilities control is essential. Several studies have been carried out on machining burr formation but the mechanisms are not fully understood, although a strong link between burrs formation and cutting forces is established by several authors. Hence, controlling the cutting forces has two advantages: optimize the production lines and be used as input data for a burr height model. This study proposes to consolidate the knowledge on burr formation mechanisms during the exit of a tooth, and to predict cutting forces during high speed milling of the AlSi7Mg0.7+0.5Cu alloy. Various burr formation mechanisms are studied in orthogonal cutting. A new in situ measurement method allows to identify the statistical influence of some operational conditions on the evolution of some newly introduced geometrical parameters defining the burrs heterogeneously formed in the case of the studied alloy, whose behavior strongly depends on its local stress state as well as its microstructure. A displacement and strain field analysis using Digital Image Correlation, as well as a finite element model provide a better understanding of the burr formation mechanisms. Face milling is studied to model cutting forces and compare the forces produced during the exit of a tooth to the obtained burr morphologies. Finally, a burr height reduction strategy is proposed using a high feed mill.

Uma abordagem sobre as doenças ocupacionais.

Sicoli, Elyseu 18 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T12:51:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 elyseusicoli_tese.pdf: 2441826 bytes, checksum: 674fd5e0ef6362d6b45b1ebf11e5cfd9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-18 / The Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTD) hás been common in various professions that require repeating the same movement several times thoughout the day. The professionals more affected by this problem, are: workers in production lines, cash drawers operators, homemakers, dentists, and others. Also called by work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMD) or Musculoskeletal Disorders Related to Working (MDRW), these lesions are caused by the repetitive or forced use of the muscles groups or inadequate posture. The most common symptoms are ache, tingling feelings, mysterious numbness, muscle fatigue and peripheral nerves. Several factors have been making that the personal and Professional life is much affected: intense and chronic sumptoms, lack of prevention and rehabilitation policies by the companies, late diagnosis and treatment, among other. Objective: The purpose of this work was to asses the knowledge degree of the professionals ins São José do Rio Preto among the occupational diseases and improve education in the graduation about these occupational illnesses so that students in future can prevent the same problem. Methods: The learners participating in this project went to the dental clinics of São José do Rio Preto, and explained the objectives as well as the Term of Free and Informed Consent. They made the interview with the professional using a questionnaire, avoiding the interference or reading of the data by others. The listing of clinics was obtained through the Regional Council of Dentistry Station of São José do Rio Preto. The questionnaire addressed questions since the knowledge of the diseases through what the professionals do to avoid them. The questionnaire also had the objective of selecting samples. Interesting results were obtained through research, such that 42.85% of participants already had some joint pain manifestation, which may be signs of repetitive strain injury and that nearly 99% of workers had some basic ergonomics in your graduation, but only 63.63% implemented in your office. The project was submitted by the Ethical Committee, and the volunteers that agreed in participating on the study signed a free and informed consent, as resolution 196/96 of the National Council of Ethics and the search of the Health Ministry. / As L.E.R. (Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos) têm se mostrado comuns em diversas profissões que exigem a repetição do mesmo movimento diversas vezes ao longo do dia. Os profissionais mais afetados por esse mal são: operários em linhas de produção, operadores de caixas, donas de casa, Cirurgiões-Dentistas, entre outros. Também chamadas de DORT (Doenças Osteomusculares Relacionadas ao Trabalho) ou AMERT (Afecções Musculo-Esqueléticas Relacionadas ao Trabalho), estas lesões são causadas pelo uso repetitivo ou forçado de grupos musculares, ou postura inadequada. Os sintomas mais comuns são dores, sensação de formigamento, dormência, fadiga muscular, perda da força muscular em conseqüência de alteraçãoes nos tendões, musculaturas e nervos periféricos. Vários fatores acabam fazendo com que a vida pessoal e profissional seja muito afetada: sintomas intensos e crônicos, falta de uma política de prevenção e reabilitação por parte das empresas, diagnóstico tardio e tratamento inadequado, entre outros. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o grau de conhecimento dos Cirurgiões Dentistas de São José do Rio Preto acerca das doenças ocupacionais e melhorar o ensino na Graduação sobre enfermidades, de forma que os alunos futuramente previnam as mesmas. Casuística e Metodos: Os pesquisadores participantes do projeto foram aos consultórios odontológicos de São José do Rio Preto, e explicaram os objetivos da pesquisa, bem como o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Fizeram a entrevista com o Cirurgião Dentista, através de um questionário, evitando assim que houvesse interferências ou leitura dos dados coletados por outras pessoas. A listagem dos consultórios foi obtida através do Conselho Regional de Odontologia Delegacia de São José do Rio Preto. O questionário abordou questões desde o conhecimento das enfermidades até o que o profissional faz para evitá-las. O questionário também teve por objetivo selecionar a amostra, identificando os dados necessários para a pesquisa. Resultados interessantes foram obtidos através da pesquisa, 42,85% dos participantes já tiveram alguma manifestação dolorosa nas articulações, o que pode ser indícios de lesão por esforço repetitivo e que quase 99% desses profissionais tiveram noções básicas de ergonomia na sua graduação, mas apenas 63,63% aplicaram em seu consultório. O projeto foi submetido ao Comitê de Ética, e os voluntários que concordaram em participar do estudo assinaram um termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido, conforme a resolução 196/96 do Conselho Nacional em Ética e Pesquisa do Ministério da Saúde.

Skola och medier : Aktiviteter och styrning i en kommuns utvecklingssträvanden / Education and Media : Activities and Governance in a Municipality's Development Efforts

Hansson, Kristina January 2014 (has links)
Over time, the state has undertaken various reforms to govern the development of education. The issue of using new media may be seen as such an example. A change in the use of media in education imposes great challenges on both municipalities and teachers. This thesis aims to visualise and discuss governance in the contradictions that arise in practical activities aimed at integrating new media in school teaching, based on three actors’ perspectives, namely the dilemmas of the teacher, the media pedagogue and the media developer. The study is based on systemic thinking about governance and I employ both activity theory and the concept of governmentality to visualise and discuss the governance. The study is conducted in the form of a case study. The case consists of a municipality where, based on the curriculum’s mission, teachers have tried to find ways to integrate new media into their teaching. My own connection to the case consists of having been a driving and governing force in the work as a teacher, media pedagogue and media developer. The case was chosen because the municipality’s work on the national level and via the media has been held up as a good example. The empirical part consists of both my own life narrative and studies of different documents, texts, images, films and sound recordings that show how govern­mentalities are formed and take shape on the micro, macro and meso levels. I use a methodological prism, a combination of different analytical perspectives, discourse, activity, narratives and governmentality. The results reveal that the driving actors are innovatively handling the systemic contradictions that arise in the work of carrying out the curriculum’s mission. The governance of the activities is based on a trust rationality. The more the use of new media is spread in the municipality’s schools, the more contradictory it becomes for the middle level’s actors. The trust rationality has been superseded by a distrust rationality, creating a growing gap between the administration and the activities.

Affärsmodellsutveckling : Hur företag hanterar utmaningar på en förändrad marknad

Andersson, Joakim January 2018 (has links)
En marknadsförändring innebär utmaningar för de företag som verkar på marknaden, eftersom de då måste anpassa sig till nya marknadsförhållanden, ny konkurrenssituation och liknande. Denna studie har haft som syfte att undersöka vilka utmaningar företag upplever när de utvecklar sina affärsmodeller. Detta har undersökts genom att läsa på om teori kring ämnet och intervjuer med representanter från elmarknaden i Sverige. Teorin visade att flera olika koncept kan kopplas samman till en övergripande bild där en förändring är katalysatorn. Fyra aspekter kring utmaningar kunde tas fram baserat på tidigare forskning, dessa är: (1) organisationen är inte van vid förändringsledning; (2) organisation är van vid förändringsledning; (3) ledningen vet inte hur de ska påbörja arbetet med BMI; och (4) ledningen vet hur de ska påbörja arbetet med BMI. Resultatet från intervjuerna visade att litteraturen återspeglas i verkligheten, då informanterna beskrev flera koncept från litteraturen. Informanternas organisationer kunde placeras i de aspekter som tagits fram, och baserat på tidigare forskning kunde hanteringsförslag på dessa utmaningar tas fram, några av dessa som informanterna redan applicerat (men ännu inte fullt ut). / A market change comes with challenges for the organisations which operate on that market, since they must adjust to the new market conditions, a new competitive situation and such. The purpose of this study was to examine which challenges organisations experience when they develop their business models. This was performed by doing a literature review as well as interviews with representatives from the electric market in Sweden. The result from the literature review showed that multiple concepts can be connected to form an encompassing view with the change as the catalyst. Four aspects regarding challenges could be developed based on previous research: (1) he organisation is not used to change management; (2) the organisation is used to change management; (3) management does not know how to start working with BMI; and (4) management knows how to start working with BMI. The result from the interviews showed that the literature was reflected in reality, since the informants described several concepts from the literature. The informants’ organisations could be placed in the aspects which had been developed and based on previous research suggestions of how to handle these challenges could be developed, some of which the informants had already applied (but not fully, yet).

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