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A National Study of Retention Efforts at Institutions of Higher Education with Baccalaureate Degree Nursing ProgramsCatalano, Joseph T. 12 1900 (has links)
This study is concerned with the problem of determining the status of.specific student retention efforts at the departmental and institutional levels in institutions of higher education offering baccalaureate degrees in nursing. The purposes of the study include (1) the determination of the percentages of those institutions which have specific programs to increase student retention in place and functioning at the various administrative levels, (2) the determination of those aspects of the many possible retention efforts that are being utilized, (3) identification of those retention efforts which may be most effective, and (4) comparison of retention rates between those institutions with organized retention programs and those without these programs. The population of the study is composed of all 430 of the National League for Nursing (NLN) accredited, Registered Nurse Baccalaureate Degree programs in the United States. The specially designed survey instrument produced a 62 percent response return. Response frequencies and percentages were calculated to show the relative success rates of various retention efforts. In addition, the data were subjected to several statistical procedures to determine if there were statistically significant differences between the various types and levels of retention efforts. The findings indicate that the presence of an organized and functioning program to increase student retention does produce a statistically significant increase in the mean retention rate for those institutions with such programs as compared with those institutions without organized retention programs. This significant increase was constant across the three types or levels of retention programs surveyed (departmental level only, university level only, both university and departmental levels). The majority of the respondents (55.5 percent) do have retention programs in place and functioning at some level in their institutions. Of the six major areas of retention efforts listed on the questionnaire, the area dealing the "Administrative Activities" to increase student retention was present most often among that group of respondents with the highest retention rates.
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Logopediskt arbete i svenska skolor : Förutsättningar, arbetssätt, metoder och upplevelser / Speech and Language Therapy in Swedish Schools : Preconditions, Ways of Working, and ExperiencesFredriksson, Emma, Järnvall, Ebba January 2021 (has links)
School education puts great demands on children’s linguistic abilities, and children with language difficulties might therefore have problems reaching educational goals. Speech and language pathologists (SLP) can help these students achieve the school's goals through different language and communication efforts. However, there is a lack of knowledge about how SLPs work in Sweden in general. The purpose of this study is thus to contribute with knowledge about how SLPs work in Swedish schools. The goal is to identify which methods service deliveries they use and to analyze the service deliveries based on prevailing evidence, as well as to contribute with experiences and reflections of the SLPs regarding their work. The study was conducted using two methods to collect data from the SLPs working in schools; a nationally distributed electronic survey, and semi-structured interviews with a smaller number of SLPs who mainly worked in school settings. The results show that the organizational work conditions vary for SLPs in Swedish schools. The workload is perceived as high by a majority, while most tend to enjoy their profession. The collaboration with other professions is described as partially functional. Consultation is the service delivery method that is most often used, followed by individual intervention outside the classroom. Working in the classroom is less common. There is evidence regarding the different service delivery methods used, but the conditions do not always seem to offer the opportunity to implement them in the way that has been shown to have the best effect in earlier studies. The SLPs believe that there are several advantages of working in a school environment. Despite this, feelings of inadequacy and loneliness are sometimes experienced. Learning the school's governing documents was considered a challenge. Employers and schools having an understanding of what speech therapists can contribute to the school setting is considered a success factor. The SLPs hope that the forthcoming guidelines from Svenska logopedförbundet (SLOF) regarding SLP work in schools will clarify their role and working methods. A statutory provision of the profession in the student health team is also considered to be an opportunity of development that could lead to more SLPs working in schools.
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Familjesplittring och behovet av det sociala arbetet : En kvalitativ studie och försörjningskravet och dess konsekvenser / Family separation and the need for social work : A qualitative study about the maintenance requirement and its consequencesModig, Jennica January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilken inverkan försörjningskravet har på familjers möjlighet gällande att återförenas i Sverige och vilka konsekvenserna blir av att tvingas leva ofrivlligt splittrad från sin familj på grund av en restriktiv migrationspolitik. Vidare undersöker studien hur ett teoretiskt perspektiv på familjesplittring kan bidra till att till att identifiera behovet av stöd under separationen och i förlängning utveckla det sociala arbetet avseende gruppen splittrade. Det empiriska materialet utgår ifrån en kvalitativ ansats och består av fem intervjuer med civilsamhälleliga aktörer som jobbat med personer som lever splittrade från sina familjer på grund av den rådande migrationspolitiken och empirin har analyserats ur ett intersektionellt och transnationellt perspektiv. Resultatet har visat att försörjningskravet präglas av samhällets exkluderande och inkluderande mekanismer vilket gör det svårt för personer med flyktingbakgrund att nå upp till kravet och därmed få återförenas med sin familj. Att tvingas leva ofrivilligt splittrad från sin familj har visat sig en negativ inverkan på den psykiska hälsan, integrationen samt relationerna inom familjen. Studien visar hur oron för familjen genomsyrar individernas liv och hur stressen av att nå upp till kravet är påtaglig vilket även hämmar den integration regeringen menar försörjningskravet ska resultera i. Analysen av empirin har utifrån de valda teoretiska ansatserna visat på ett behov av stöd bland gruppen splittrade som inte identifierats av välfärdsstatens organisationer och det sociala arbetet. / The purpose of the study is to investigate what impact the maintenance requirement has on refugee families' ability to reunite in Sweden and what the consequences of being forced to live involuntarily separated from their family due to a restrictive migration policy are. Furthermore, the study examines how a theoretical perspective on family separation can contribute to identifying the need for support during the separation and in the long run develop the social work regarding the affected members of the family. The empirical material is based on a qualitative approach and consists of five interviews with civil society actors who have worked with people living involuntarily separated from their families due to the current migration policy and the empirical data have been analyzed from an intersectional and transnational perspective. The results have shown that the maintenance requirement is characterized by society's exclusive and inclusive mechanisms, which makes it difficult for people with a refugee background to reach the requirement and thus be reunited with their family. Being forced to live involuntarily separated from one's family has been shown to have a negative impact on mental health, integration and family relationships. The study shows how concern for the family permeates the lives of individuals and how the stress of reaching the requirement is palpable, which also hampers the integration the government believes the maintenance requirement should result in. Based on the chosen theoretical approaches, the analysis of the empirical data has shown a need for support among the group of people having been separated which has not been identified by organizations and civil society actors in the welfare state.
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Qualification de la prédiction du comportement vibratoire d'un sous-système sur véhicule / Qualification of the prediction of the vibratory behaviour of a subsystem installed on a vehicleMapagha, Saül 05 March 2010 (has links)
Le présent travail de thèse porte sur la prédiction des efforts vibratoires transmis à l'interface entre deux structures mécaniques. L'étude relève de la dynamique des structures en basses fréquences et concerne des aspects relatifs à la modélisation de couplages structuraux, notamment en présence de paramètres incertains et d'aspects expérimentaux. Les équipements automobiles actifs sont des sources vibratoires qui agissent sur la structure d'accueil (souvent le châssis) sur laquelle ils sont montés. La maîtrise, a priori, du champ vibratoire (et donc acoustique) de l'assemblage, suppose la prédiction des efforts vibratoires à l'interface équipement/structure d'accueil. Le formalisme utilisé pour décrire le couplage entre sous-systèmes permet d'établir que la recherche, dans des situations pratiques, des efforts appliqués à l'accueil est un problème inverse. Une méthode prédictive des efforts est construite et validée par une mise en œuvre expérimentale. Pour que les efforts vibratoires transmis respectent un gabarit imposé a priori, un problème d'optimisation numérique de l'interface est proposé et résolu. Il sera montré que pour l'interface ainsi optimisée, la dispersion de la norme des efforts transmis est systématiquement plus faible que pour l'interface nominale. / The present doctoral thesis aims to predict vibratory forces transmitted at the interface between two mechanical structures. The study concerns structural dynamics in low frequency range and consists in modelling structural coupling in presence of uncertain parameters and experiments. Active automotive equipments are vibratory sources that cause vibrations on receiving structures (e.g a chassis) to which they are mounted. The control a priori of the vibratory field, and therefore acoustic field, of the assembled system supposes the prediction of vibratory forces at the interface. Practical situations show that the coupling strategy, used to predict forces acting on the receiver, leads to an inverse problem. In order to validate the predictions, they are compared with measurements. To comply with specifications regarding force magnitude, the interface between the two structures is optimized. It will be shown that in presence of the optimized interface, the dispersion of force magnitude is systematically lower than the dispersion in presence of the nominal interface.
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”Vi är bara ute och släcker bränder hela tiden” : En kvalitativ studie om verksamheters arbete mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryckAndtbacka, Frida, Grimborg, Anna January 2021 (has links)
People living with honor-related violence and oppression has in many cases a limited room for maneuver. Even though it exists several organizations today that work to support vulnerable people in Sweden, the problems remain. The present study aims to examine Swedish located and thereby obtain an increased knowledge and a deeper understanding of the organizations work and their crime prevention efforts against honor-related violence and oppression. The study conducted qualitative semi-structured interviews with five different organizations, all of which worked with support and protection efforts for people who are exposed to honor-related violence and oppression. The results showed that the context of honor is governed by patriarchal societal that are reproduced for generations. As, according to the context of honor, it is of great importance that women follow the group’s norms, it leads to women being most exposed to the problem. Therefore, should more organizations develop preventive measures towards changing attitudes of the perpetrator. At last, the results showed that more knowledge is required to be able to create more long-term efforts that prevent the emergence of honor-related violence and oppression. / Personer som lever med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck har i många fall ett begränsat handlingsutrymme. Trots att det idag finns flera verksamheter som arbetar med att stödja personer som är utsatta i Sverige, kvarstår problematiken. Den föreliggande studien syftar till att undersöka svenskbelägna verksamheter och därigenom erhålla en ökad kunskap och en djupare förståelse om verksamheternas arbete och deras brottspreventiva insatser mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Studien genomförde kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem olika verksamheter som alla arbetade med stöd- och skyddsinsatser till personer som är utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Resultatet visade att hederskontexten styrs utifrån patriarkala samhällsstrukturer som reproduceras i generationer. Då det enligt hederskontexten är av stor vikt att kvinnor efterföljer gruppens normer leder det till att kvinnor blir mest utsatta för problematiken. Därför bör fler verksamheter utveckla förebyggande insatser mot att förändra attityderna hos gärningspersonen. Slutligen krävs mer kunskap för att kunna skapa långsiktiga insatser som förhindrar uppkomsten av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck.
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Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens förutsättningar och villkor i arbetet med unga kvinnor som är utsatta för våld och förtryck med hedersmotiv. / Honor-related violence and oppression : A qualitative study of the social service's conditions and conditions in the work of young women who are subjected to violence and oppression with honorary motives.Faraj-Falie, Dilan January 2020 (has links)
The honor killing of Fadime Sahindal in 2002 sparked a debate in Swedish media about honor-related violence and oppression. As a professional social worker, it is important to have knowledge in the field to help young women who are exposed to honor-related violence and oppression. The aim of this study is to analyze the working methods and attitudes of social workers and their discretion in the work of honor-oppressed young women. The study is based on six qualitative interviews conducted with professional social workers. Through the interviews, the social workers' experiences, thoughts and opinions about the social service's way of working with honored young women were highlighted. The interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis and interpreted by the theory of honor and discretion. The results show that social workers do not have the right knowledge about honor problems and that they do not have the right tools to meet these young women who are exposed to violence and oppression. / <p>I samband med rådande situation (Covid-19) hölls presentationen via Zoom. </p>
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Método de estabilidad para el dimensionamiento de tajeos obtenido mediante el algoritmo Gradient Boosting Machine considerando la incorporación de los esfuerzos activos en minería subterránea / Stability method for the dimensioning of stopes obtained through the gradient boosting machine algorithm considering the incorporation of active stresses in underground miningCamacho Cosio, Hernán 23 May 2020 (has links)
En las últimas cuatro décadas, el método gráfico de estabilidad de Mathews ha constituido el abanico de herramientas indispensables para el dimensionamiento de tajeos; caracterizándose por su eficiencia en costos, ahorro de tiempo y esfuerzo. Asimismo, el aporte de diversos autores por optimizar su rendimiento ha permitido desplegar una serie de criterios que han permitido abordar cada vez más escenarios. No obstante, con la diversificación de la minería en diferentes contextos geológicos y la necesidad trabajar a profundidades más altas se ha mostrado que el método gráfico de estabilidad ha desestimado escenarios con presencia de agua y distintos regímenes de confinamiento. Es por este motivo, que la presente investigación busca incorporar dichos escenarios por medio del algoritmo Gradient Boosting Machine. Para dicho fin, se simuló escenarios con diversos niveles de presión de agua y se consideró el grado de confinamiento alrededor de las excavaciones. El modelo generado se basó en el criterio de la clasificación binaria, siento las clases predichas, “estable” e “inestable”; con lo que se obtuvo un valor AUC de 0.88, lo que demostró una excelente capacidad predictiva del modelo GBM. Asimismo, se demostró las ventajas frente al método tradicional, puesto que se añade una componente de rigurosidad y de generalización. Finalmente, se evidencia el logro de un método de estabilidad que incorpora los esfuerzos activos y que ostenta un adecuado rendimiento predictivo. / In the last four decades, the Mathews' graphical stability method has constituted the range of indispensable tools for the dimensioning of stopes; characterized by its cost efficiency, time and effort savings. Likewise, the contribution of several authors to optimize its performance has made it possible to deploy a series of criteria that have made it possible to address more and more scenarios. However, with the diversification of mining in different geological contexts and the need to work at higher depths, it has been shown that the graphical stability method has neglected scenarios with the presence of water and different confinement regimes. For this reason, the present research sought to incorporate such scenarios by means of the Gradient Boosting Machine algorithm. For this purpose, scenarios with different levels of water pressure were simulated and the degree of confinement around the excavations was considered. The model generated was based on the binary classification criterion, feeling the predicted classes, "stable" and "unstable"; with which an AUC value of 0.88 was obtained, which demonstrated an excellent predictive capacity of the GBM model. Likewise, the advantages over the traditional method were demonstrated since a component of rigor and generalization is added. Finally, the achievement of a stability method that incorporates the active stresses and has an adequate predictive performance is evidenced. / Trabajo de investigación
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How nudging can be used as a tool in order to include the employees in a company’s sustainability efforts : A case study of SkiStar AB, ÅreUlander, Maja January 2021 (has links)
Background: This thesis is a collaboration between the researcher and the company of SkiStar AB, located on the destination of Åre, Sweden. The study builds upon previous internal quantitative research conducted by the company, where the areas of waste management, recycling, and coworker inclusion showed potential for improvement. The behavioral economic concept of nudging is used as the theoretical standpoint, to discover if changes in the staff accommodation can facilitate sustainable decisions and behaviors. Five interviews are conducted, in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the employee's behavior regarding source sorting and waste management as well as a more detailed and personal view of the current situation. Purpose: By exploring the current situation of the employees and their behavior around waste management and combining this information with the theoretical foundation of nudging, this study aims to investigate and examine how nudging can be used as a tool in order to include the employees in a company's sustainability efforts. Methodology: The research is a qualitative study with an exploratory nature, where five in-depth interviews builds knowledge and creates understanding for the current situation. Thematic analysis is used to find patterns and relationships to analyze and validate the raw data, which later is developed into a first-order analysis, close to the raw material. Later a final analysis and application to the theoretical framework are conducted to fully explore the research questions and create suggestions for the company. Conclusion: The research presents suggestions and appropriate nudging techniques to concretize and guide how nudging can be used as a tool when providing staff accommodation. The research proposes nudging techniques such as change of default option, simplifications and usage of social norms can be implemented to steer the waste management behavior in a sustainable direction, and by that, include the coworkers in the company's sustainability efforts, as well as contribute to a more sustainable destination and planet.
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Synen på ett hälsofrämjande ledarskap under pandemin 2020-erfarenheter från kommunal vård- och omsorgspersonal / The view on health-promoting leadership during the pandemic in 2020: Experiences from municipal care and nursing staffHögfeldt, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Sammanfattning Ett hälsofrämjande ledarskap bidrar till att främja hälsan hos sina medarbetare. Året 2020 blev ett speciellt år på många sätt, men speciellt inom vård och omsorg. Syftet med denna studie var att öka kunskapen om olika synsätt som finns på ett hälsofrämjande ledarskap hos vård och omsorgspersonal. En kvalitativ metod valdes och datainsamlingsmetod var semistrukturerade intervjuer. Fem informanter deltog i studien varav alla jobbar inom kommunal vård och omsorg i Göteborgs Stad. Informanterna intervjuades med hjälp av en intervjuguide och materialet analyserades enligt en innehållsanalys. De framkom tre teman ur materialet ledarskap, hälsofrämjande insatser och arbetsplatsen. Resultatet visar centrala delar inom ledarskap var närvarande, information, kommunikation och återhämtning. Hälsofrämjande insatserbeskrevs som friskvård och planeringsdagar. Under arbetsplats framkom sjukfrånvaro och vikarier samt skyddsutrustning. Slutsatsen är att ledarskapet varit positivt om än literörigt under pandemin. Under året 2020 har störst skillnader varit skyddsutrustningen och frånvaro eller anpassningar kring planeringsdagar.
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Analyse des variables physiques, métaboliques et contextuelles de la performance sportive : Le cas du Rugby à 7, nouvelle discipline olympique / Analysis of the physical, metabolic and contextual variables of the sports performance : the case of the Rugby Sevens, new Olympic sportCouderc, Anthony 25 November 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre de travaux menés en sciences du sport. Basé sur l’exploration des caractéristiques physiques et physiologiques, les performances techniques et physiques des joueurs de l’équipe de France de Rugby à 7, ont été étudiées au travers de l’analyse de tournois internationaux.Dans une première étude, nous avons observé l’impact de variables contextuelles sur les performances physiques et techniques des joueurs en match. Les résultats démontrent que le niveau de l'adversaire ainsi que le résultat du match influencent l’activité des joueurs.Ces derniers sont susceptibles de réaliser de meilleures performances physiques au cours de match dont l’issue est favorable. En effet, les joueurs augmentent la distance totale parcourue dans un match contre un adversaire plus faible. Pour la première fois en Rugby à 7, nous avons montré que les performances techniques sont elles aussi influencées lorsque les joueurs de l’équipe de France jouaient contre une équipe plus forte. En effet, nous avons observé des diminutions du nombre de passes et de situations où les joueurs sont porteurs de balle.Au travers d’une approche physiologique, une deuxième étude a appréhendé les réponses métaboliques individuelles des joueurs de l’équipe de France durant un tournoi international. Les résultats ont montré des relations significatives entre les concentrations de lactate et les pics d’activité enregistrés dans les trois dernières minutes de jeu, ce qui suggère que la capacité à fournir de l'énergie via la voie de la glycolyse est une exigence fondamentale dans cette discipline. L'équilibre acido-basique modifié de façon significative en fin de match, indique que les joueurs doivent être capables de tolérer un niveau important d'acidose due à une forte sollicitation énergétique lors des matchs internationaux.Enfin, notre dernière étude s’est centrée sur les actions de haute intensité effectuées en match. Ces derniers résultats de recherche ont permis de démontrer qu’un joueur réalise en moyenne ~26 actions de haute intensité par match. De plus et pour la première fois dans cette discipline, nous avons montré qu’environ 4 séquences de répétitions d’actions de haute intensité sont comptabilisées en match, dont la durée moyenne est d’environ 40 secondes et comprennent des temps de récupérations inférieurs à 9 secondes. Ainsi, le Rugby à 7 peut être considéré comme un sport collectif de répétitions d’efforts intenses.Pour conclure alors, ces travaux de thèse vont permettre aux entraîneurs et préparateurs physiques de Rugby à 7, de pouvoir s’inspirer de nos résultats pour planifier et mettre en œuvre des entraînements spécifiques aux exigences du Rugby à 7. / Our thesis research fits within the framework of sport science. Based on the exploration of physical and physiological characteristics, technical and physical performance achieved by the French Rugby 7’s team, were studied through the analysis of international tournaments.In the first study, we observe the impact of contextual variables on the physical and technical performance of players during a Rugby 7’s game. The results demonstrate that the level of the opponent and the match result influence the activity of players. Players are likely to perform better physically during a game for which the outcome is favorable. They increase the total distance run in a game against a weaker opponent. For the first time in Rugby 7’s, we were able to show that technical performance is also affected whilst playing against a stronger opponent as there is a decrease in the number of passes and the number of situations where players are ball carriers.Through a physiological approach, the second study focuses on the individual metabolic responses of players during an international Rugby 7’s tournament. The results show a significant relationship between lactate concentrations and peaks activity recorded in the last three minutes of play, suggesting the ability to provide energy via the glycolytic pathway as a fundamental requirement in this sport. Also, the acid-base balance significantly changes towards the end of a game showing that Rugby 7’s players must be able to tolerate a high level of acidosis because the high amount of energy needed for games at an international level.Finally, our last study focuses on high intensity actions done during a Rugby 7’s game. The results show that a player does on average ~26 high intensity actions per game. In addition and for the first time in this sport, we show that approximately 4 sequences of repeated high intensity actions are recorded in a game, the average duration is 40 seconds and includes a time of recovery of under 9 seconds. Thus, Rugby 7’s may be considered as a team sport of repeated high intensity actions.To conclude, this thesis will allow Rugby 7’s coaches and fitness coaches, to better plan and prepare specific trainings that would be adapted to Rugby 7’s.
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